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fir VOL. XVI. BUTLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8. 1894. NO oL Missouri State lank OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. Commercial clniius the electiou of 'votes- The maioritv for tbe Demo ! udge Deuut, Republican, over W. cratio State ticket averages 1,200. C. Oweus, Democrat, in the Seventh ! For Congress, John T. Heard Las a I Ashland! district, by 1,00.) majority. tnajoiiSy 0f 1.200. The entire Dem- Gaieeburg, III, Nov. Ij Philip j cratic ticket 13 elected. Dr. Gray; Sydney KepubhVa'i. is elected j for State Senator ruus slightly ahead TraiihactH a general banking business. We solicit the accounts of far mers merchants and tbe public generally, promising a safe depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal ac commodation in the -way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all at ny time and stop interest. DIRECTOR. of or. T. C. Boulware U II Uutcher .I0I111 Deerwester 1 K Jenkins K IJartlett Margaret BrvnerJ Lulu Brown Hurley Lumber Co ti A Cie ruthers II BChelf .1 M Courtney Itobert Clark DP8 I. Coleman J It Davis Bonder Powell II II Figgott O It Radford T J Wright Geo L Smith Frank M Vorts II C Wyatt 11 G Wprt Wm K Walton oxiiKit I roc kiioi. m:u. Frank Peerwester 1 x IieArmond John fcvana l)r J K-eringham CAE Freeman i li Hickman l B Heath Sf nioel Levy C 11 Morrison Dr W 1 Hannah Robert McCracken A ilcCrackenj M V Owen John Pilaris Charles Pilaris J K Koslitr J W Keisner Ij II Starke Clem Slayback John II Sullens. Dr;W" K Tucker W IJ Tyler M E Tnrner Wm W Trigg Wm Walla (i P Wyatt Ir N I. Whipple Max Weiner REPORTS INDICATE UEL'UB LI CAN LANDSLIDE. Democrats Lose Cougress. Wil son in All Probability Defeat ed in West Virginia. Hill Defeated in New York Ohio Congressional Districts NtveptbjKepnblicans. Kansas City Times. Returns receired at this office at 3 o'clock indicate that the country was overtaken by a republican land slide yesterday. New York has gone overwhelmingly republican and the Tammany ticket iu New York City is defeated. Iu Ohio there was a crushing democratic defeat, giving the republicans by the largest plu rality in its history. The indications are that the democrats lost ten con gressmen iu that state. In Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia, Kansas and Illinois republican gains are re ported indicating that the republi cans will have- a clear majority ia the next house and that Tom Reed will agaiu be Speaker. Wilson's district iu West Virginia in is doubt, but he is prebably de feated. Tom Johnson, tho Ohio free trader, has been turned down aud bo has Springer in Illinois. The returns from the south indicate that in that section of the country the democrats have held their own. Iu the Ashland, Kentucky, district Oweus, who defeated W. C. P. Breckinridge for the democratic nomination, has in all probability, been defeated by Denny, republican, although the district is so close that the orlicial count may be required to decide the result. Disagreement among the demo cratic leaders upon the tarift bill and tho usual disposition to hold the ndministratiou responsible for all the ills to which human flesh is heir accomplished the defeat of the party in power. ALABAMA. Alabama elected liiue Congress men. The Staio officers were chosen August G. Birmingham, Ala, Nov. 6. The ? Democrats bare carried every Con gressional district in the State except the Seventh, which is iu doubt by majorities ranging from 1,000 to G,000. In the Seventh iloward. Populisms pressing Denny, Democrat, close and may defeat him. Wilmington, Del, Nov. G- Re turns are slow from lowsr Delaware. Newcastle county is Republican by 300 and Sussex by 300 to 400. Re publican State ticket probably elect ed but Democrats will probably save the Legislature. Jersy City, N. J-, Nov. G The vote iu this State was light The polls closed at 7:20. The returns of the total tote polled show the heav iest Totiug in Republican districts. The greatest falling off has been in Democratic claims. Republicans claim eight Congressmen.- The Dem- ocrats concede five Congressmen to the other three. No estimate a Assembly can be made as yet. The new system of voting for Assembly men, by counties instead of districts renders this impossible. Republi eans claim a two-thirds majority in the Assembly and election of a Re publican to succeed McPherson. califokxia. At 7 p. m , D. M. Burns, secretary of the State Republican central com mittee,made the following statement: "We claim the State by at least 20, 000 majority. Estee is elected be youd all doubt, as well as the rest of the State ticket. Estee will carry San Francisco by 5,000 and the Republicans will elect most of the municipal ticket. The Legislature will be Republican by a comfortable majority." COLORADO. Denver, Col., Nov. G. The indica tions at 8:30 o'clock are that Mc Intyre, Republican, for Governor, will have 15,000 to 20,000 majority over Waite, Populist. The Times Sun claims that the Republican maioritv of 5,000. Waite baa run behind his ticket many thousaud? but has undoubtedly carried the entire ticket down to defeat with him. if the Republicans Lave 20,000 majority on the head of their State ticket they will undoubtedly contro tbe Legislature and re elect Senator Wolcott. WEST VIRGINIA. Martinsburg, W. Va , Nov. G. Wilson's county, Jfferson. gives him 1,-140 majority, which was less than was anticipated. The election in th Second district will be close and i will require the orlicial count to de teraiine the result. The Republicans are jubilant and claim Wilson's de feat, but the returns from the back counties can not be gotten for a day or two. The Democrats are very uneasy. Mississirri. FA R sa MM Jackson, Miss., Nov. (. Returns from all districts of the State show that the seven Congressmen have been elected by good majorities. The Populists had a nominee in every district except the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth, and made a vigorous tight. Hawthorne, Populist, iu the Sixth, made large gains over the last election. In the other districts the Populist appear to have lost strength. The four Prohibition can didates cut practically no figure. A very heavy vote was polled. KENTUCKY. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 6. At 11 o'clock the indications are that the Democrats have elected the follow iug Congressmen: lien rick, in First, Clardy.Secocd; Montgomery,Fourth; Terry, Sixth; McCreary, Eighth; Hart, Tenth; Stone, Eleventh. The Republicans have elected Hunter in Third, Evans in Fifth, Denny in Seventh and Pugh in Ninth. As the returns come in Evans' majority in to couresa from th itiict. Rock-ford. II! , Nov. G. Robert H 1 Hitt, republican re elected in the inth district bv estimated vlnralitv 7,000 Chicago, III, Nov. Congress rmn William M. Sr'uger wiis the Associated Press U follows: The "u at 11 p iu. ai lictte my de- N. w Huven, Con , Nov. 15. Ks urns from three election districts in this city show a Republican majority and lurge gains on the whole ticket veturus from forty three towns iu Secnd and Fourth Congressional districts give the vote far Governor as follows: Coffin, republican, 9,622 Cady Democrat, 6,740. A RetmbU can majority of 3.400. MISSOURI Missouri elected a supreme court jdje, railroad commissioner, for terms of six yeare; superintendent of public instruction, for a term of four years; fifteen congressman, half the members of the state senate aud all membars of the assembly. Paris, Mo , Nov. G. Entire county Democratic ticket of Monroe is elect ed also the legislative candidates. The vote, compared with 1892, has fallen off about 500. Hull's majority for congress in this Dist. iu about 2,400. The democratic state ticket has a majority of 2,500. St. Louis, Mo , Nov. 7. At this hour, 9 o'clock is generally conceded that the entire state democratic tick et is elect ?d by safe pluralities. S. B. Cook, secretary of the state .lem ocratic executive committee savs everv democratic congressman is elected. Cobb will be returned and Espenschied defeats Joy. The en tire city ticket ia elected by majori ties ranging from 2,000 to 8000 with the exception of Withrow and Klein for circuit judges. They led the re publican ticket and will safely go in The democrats are wild with excite ment. Nevada, Mo., Nov. 6 Iu the xuteentu Congressional district re turns this city gives Morgan esti mated pluralitv. The tame ratio 01 Kepablicau gam will give Morgan about SOO plurality over Burton iu Verucn county. The Dem ocratic county ticket is elected by a good safe majority. The whole fight was made against Morgan. Indica tions are that Hendricksou.for State Senator, has run well up with the county ticket. Centralis, Mo , Nov. G. The elect ion here today was uuusually quiet, ouly about GO per cent of tbe full vote being cast, and the Republicans showed decided gains. J. C Hitt, Populist candiate for county judge, has a majority of 80 votes over Ben j M. Anderson, the regular Democratic nominee. The Democratic nominee for Representative Las a plurality of 51 votes. The entire Democratic ticket in Boone county is elected. Platte City, Mo., Nov. G Ellison carries this county over Crowther by a majority of 1,539. Versailles. Mo.. Nov. G. In Mor gan coucty the result is a Republi can gain as compared with the vote of 1S92. Populist lost to the Re publicans. Returns are too meagre to give figures to night, but indica tions are that Bland has carried the county by a slight plurality. The vote on the county ticket is very close with indications that the Re publicans will elect a majoiity of the! county officers. j St. Louis. Mo., Nov. G. In the) Ninth Missouri Congressional dis-j trict Champ Clark, Democrat, is! tenth Illinois ! of tbe Democratic ticket. The Dem ocratic loss is 300 and the Republi cans the same. Liberty, Mo., Nov. 6. The vote was light iu Clay county. The vote of the Democrats aud Republicans j show a decrease. As a result the Populists make a Blight gaiu here, j Also show decrease in other parts of the county. Dockery's majority will t be about 1,500 in Clay county. The State Democratic ticket may have ; ,700 majority. j Hamilton, Mo., Nov. G. The in-' dications are that the entire Repub icau county ticket is elected in this (Caldwell) county, and that the ma jority for the same ticket for State will be 500. Orton, Republican, for Congress will have probably GOO ma onty Cairolltou, Mo , Nov. G. Cairoll county has gone Republican by over 00. The entire Republican county ticket is elected. Democratic State ticket beat by over 100. Excelsior Springs, Mo., Nov. G This precinct gives Dockerty 160, a 083 of 43 of 1892: Orton 143; a gain of 30 over Borch in 1892; Populist, Penny, 36 a loss of 7. Both amend ments cat vied. Webb City, Mo. Nov. 6, Tbe j atest reports, while not complete, indicate the re-election of Charles H. Morgan (.democrat) by a greatly reduced plurality over that of two years ago. Indications are that tbe Legislature aud county ticket iu this county are defeated by small plural ities. save possibly Clark Craycroft for prosecuting attorney and Annie Baxter for county clerk whose plur ality will be small. Tbe result is a great surprise to democrats Odessa, Mo., Nov 6 Tbe election here to day was very quiet. The vote for Congressman was: Tarsney, 322; Vau Horn, 114; Crosby, 70 Supreme court judge: Black, 344; Robinson, 38; Jones, 60. Superin tendent of schools: Carrington, 344; Flory 111; Hendrickson, GO. Fergu son (Democrat) for Representative got 351 out of 523 votes. A message just received from Greenton says the vote was: Tars ney, 31; Van Horn, 22; Crosby, 2. The vote at Centerview, a precinct near town, was: Tarsney, 64; Van Horn, 98; Crosby. 27. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. G. Mag- Cash Capital OF BATES JjOUNTY, $50,000.00 COUNTY DEPOSTORY OF BATES CO.! OSCAR RZEDKK President B. J. HI ELKY 1st Vice-President K. A BESSKTT id Vice-President E. V. KIPP Cashiet Receives Deposits subj?ct to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage ret-peetfully Solicited. D Js . Thompaon, John SteelH Oscar Reeder, 1I RKi'TORS. M. S. Kirrsey, John E Shut'.. li. J Horley M. G. Wilcox, Clark Wi, E. A. Ilennett, J. .1. McKtf , .1. K Rosier. H. Si. Uailej, E. I. Kipp. J. EVEK1NUIIAM. Secretary nificent weather today had much to J Despotic. do with the getting of an unpreee St. Petersburg, Nov. 5 The dented vote iu the central counties Czar to day ,eplieii to the seuak,8 01 .Missouri, iurormation nere 10- . expressions of loyalty as follows: "I nigut is to tne enect tuat tue largest vote in years Iihs been polled and the indications show that the heav iest per centage of the increase is Democratic. The news received from different 6ectiou8 of the State is most encouraging aud it is believed that the Democratic plurality' in Missouri will not fall belaw 40,000. The majority of the State adminis tration is absent to night, owing to the fact that most of the officers, in cluding the Governor, voted at Lom and not at the State capital, aud the news avenues are therefore some what limited, but a number of dis patches have come in trout various sections of the State and these bring good tidings of a grand victory and a geueial rout of tho enemy, Repub hcaus, Populists, Socialistti ud Pro uibitionists is reported Bland is certainly re elected to Congress iu this district, and by a majority not much less than that of two years ago. The Lower House of the General Assembly is all light by a&fe majori ty, but it will be less than two years when it was over 60 on joint. Con eervative estimates place the majori ty on joint ballot at not less than 45 and it may go as high as 50. Locally the returns received indicate the election of Short, Democrat, to the Legislature over Enloe, Republican, and the election of the ettire Demo cratic ticket iu Cole county, and if the figures keep up he will have several hundred majority in the county. am assured by the ftelings of dev ticn for me ex pref sd by your body and have no doubt that the senate will co operate with me iu the serv ice of my dear country and aid me to follow the path m irked out by my ever lamented father." Order of Publication. STATE OK MISSOURI Coanty or UaUa, tB In tbe circuit court of Rates county, Jllasotiri. in vacation Mciooer ao. isJ4, joim H. nur and W C Henaley plaintiff, v. William St Wilson. Joaeph K. Wilson .;i.elie Gillelt. F. CWKochnUand E Angelina Scully, de fendant. Now at thU day come the plaintiffs herein ty their attorneys. Smith A Thurnian, and a to tlieir petition alleicing among other things that the above named are not residents of the stati? of Missouri defendants Whereupon it Is ordered by tho clerk In vacation, that said defendants be no tified by publication that plaintiffs have com menced a anit steal nut them In this coon u.n object and general nature of which ia to obtain n decree of the court enlorcinK against Section No IS, In towonnhlp No. 41, ol rang No. i. in Kates county, atissouri, ami reacning in m hands of the defendants, Eochnle, illHtt ftuif Scully the proceeds of the sale of aald rl estate by Joepb E Wilson, amounting to the sum of ten thousand dollars, and directing and decreeing that same be equitably aeiztd and garnsolieed In the nands of defendants. Kochnle, Gillett and Scully and aald delend ants Kocbnle, Uiltett and Scully be directed to pay the same to th pi ai miffs herein, ami -that fdsintifls have jndgment against defend ants, airecting the payment by me ueieromnt Leslie liillett. F. V. W. Kochnle and K. Ange lina Scullv to plaintiffs of the sum of ten thousand dollars out of the proceeds of tl sale of said real estate ny defendant Joseph K Wilson to the said defendants, Kochnle, tiil lett and Scullv. and that unless the eald de fendant be and appear at this court, at the next term hereof to be begun and holden at th court house In the city uf Rutlcr, in eaid coun ty, on the llth day of February, next, lV"i. and on or before the third day of said term, it the term shall so long oontlnne and If not then on or before the last day of said term, an swer or plead to the petition in raid cause. Win tame will betaken as conlesspd and judgment will be rendered acordingly. And be It furtner ordered that a copy hereof be published accordeog to law, in the Butler Weekly Tiur.s, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, Missouri, for tour weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first dsy of the next term of the circuit court. JOHN C. HAYES, Circnit Clerk. A truecopy irom the record. Wit IsralI ness my hand and the seal of ttin circuit court of Kates county, thin th day of October, 18P4. JOHX C HAYES. 51-U Circuit Clerk The Off ecords, elected. Fayette, Mo, Nov. J. A light vote was polled in Howard county. The Democratic and Republican creases and it may reach 2.300. The j parties both fell short about 300 j Showing the Best Baking Powder. The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder a pure cream of tartar powder of greater leavening strength than any other. Bulletin ij, C S. Ag. Dep., p. jpp. The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leavening strength. Bulletin 10. p. 6, Inland Rez: Dep. I find the Royal Baking Powder superior to all the others in every respect. It is purest and strongest. Walter S. Ifaine, jlf. D., Consulting Chemist, Chicago Board of Health. Hence, in practical use, The Royal Baking Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect food than any other. ROYAL EAKiSa POffCER CO., t06 WALL ST., SEW-YOH'iG