Newspaper Page Text
CLARDY & CANTERBURY, ;The Hustlers are Doing the Real Estate Business OF BATES COUNTY. If you want to Buy or Sell see them. All business promptly attended to; First door South of Post Office West Side Square, Butler, Mo. DRAGGED FROM THE COURT. Japan lluw l'iU Later. New York World. A favorite diah amoDg the epicur ts of Japau in composed of raw fish eaten alive. Tbe ditdi is prepared as follows: Upon a bed of treen Not Drunk I'.iit Drmi. New York, Nov 1. Somebody told policeman Hawkins in Exchange Place, Jersey City, about 5:30 a. in. yU-rday that a drunken iuaii bad just falleu dowu at Montgomery aljae.a very common sea weed i" streets one blockabove. TbJpolice Japau, iu laid tLe lisb, which i then carefully carved into slices. Tbi carving is a dthcato operation, for tb carving must not injure the heart, lirer, stomach or gills of the fieb. The rital parts being intact ( tlif fifcb laid urjpn the cool damp uiuu went to the corner and fouud a man stretched out at full length on the sidewalk. WLeu the man was tak on to the Gregory street sUtiou in a patrol wagon 'and laid en the floor, Sergeant Duffy 'noticed sunethiug peculiar about him, and coining from ATT KM I I AT SUICIDE. A Woman Trips to Kill Herself With Chloroform Fort Scott, Kau , Nov. S A haiidsomf ou woman about 20 years c t-iif t thi city from Eld.'rKiio a rw dtvs ao hu- Rtoped at H-.N-i liOtkweo i. She refused to give her l,:i!t:e List l.tLt fche dis appeared and to-day was found lock ed in Hti im oocupid room at the hotel hitii. !it conscious the lud. IJ-w.dt i.t r v.-as an empty chloro form bo!tl i.nd uMijo !u','rpbin. sauced it will iin' Uitil tllfl teiTRin- bebind the desk lo maU a closer ation of the meal. As the guests re L'ire them, slices nre trqrjsferrod (fda the body of the uufurlS"18 fish, which thus can see portions of itself disapeariug down the throats of the diners. A guest of a Japanese said he could not eat his slice of fish while the former owner of tho mor sel was regarding him with seeming reproachful eyee, and commented upou the cruelty of the custom. His host replied that it was no worse than eating an oyster alive, and did examination dend " said; I think le'a Summary Wngratiu ,f n Gt-nrzi Mob Upu a Negro Asjaitant. ' Atlanta, Ua.. ov. 8. Three weeks ago Lee Lawrence a negro, criminally assaulted a respectable white woman near Jlouticcll He fled and tduded the pursuing poase. The Governor offered a u-ward f r the apprehension of the negro, and the citizens implemented it. He was caught near Joneobjio. Judge Jenkins conventd u special term of com i, auu ioiiy tue ea$- was tried The identification was complete and the evidence establishing Li- .unit' She wu r-ton-d bv two l b.:M.i! s overwhelming. The juty promptly ! wu; wtl? called, bat refused to give found a verdict of guilty, and the Judge sentenced him to bang en No vember 30. All during the day the excitement was intense, and increased after the couvictiou. It was not long before there was a mob of 500 meu, and the Sheriff and his deputies were over powered and the prisoner taken away from them.' They made a splendid resistance, but the n;ob was too large The prisoner was taken beyond the city limits where he wa hanged and his body tilled with bul lets. Tha mob was determined but orderly iu its movements. nnd no ef forts wore iuido by the parties, ca gaged to coLCeal themselves nuy ren-o:i i.r her aci":i fuses ali to tell wl.ev sh- SL-e relives. CuiiJJU We Pay for d eas Try a bottle of Dr Sawer' Family Curf and von will be eon incJ that it will enre all to:na-h lir, kMuey and Dowel difficulty. H. L. Toeker. ' prisoner was taken from the Court House iu the presence of tha Judge. Lawrence is now hanging to a limb to which is attached a paper which 'Yes," answered the police, laugh I c fc' fats if you perpetrate such crimes. Vt- will protect our women." ljg, "deau uruult. Dr. WolfsoE, who waj afcbt for pronouueed the mau dead. It was 7 o'clock when the doctor reached the station and he said the mun had been dead about two hours. The body was removed to Spiers morgue- The dead man had not bceu idecli tied up to a late hour last nighi. No evidence of violence was found not pppr?ach ia barbarity tho prac- nd it wa? t-keu fev gi anted that he i: . i: 1 . r i fi I J. s . . i.. . i iicu oi uoiiing live loosiers. xuis ulu or ueun nistcse dihh is only met with iu the houses of the rich. Wbeu the slices of fish are dipped iu soy, Europeans say that they (ie very rala'aVle. Thousands Upou Thousands of people in both Europe aud Amer ica are being restored to health and strenght lv the use of Speer'e Vort WiLe. This wino is a little higher in price but worth five times as much as others for invalids on account of the irou derivtd fram the soil of the extensive vineyards in which the Oporto grape vines from Poitugal are grown in New Jersey, h'peer'a Port Wine has been adopted by the most scientific aud experienced pby si- ; ciaus 1. not sader w ith ain on top of the head an ) In the back when lr Sawyer's I'nstilli's wilt absolutely antj nocitively cure vou. SoM by II L Tucker. There was a. full grown iaulhcr 6hot from a tree in Stoddard county ! last week. A native w:is out hunting with a nabob fiom th- t-,,l woo hii a hunting suit and a new f ingled English breech I i.tder. Fiudly the two C;i ue upoi the a iiui tl uti 1 the eastern mau bogau t look for a sap Hog to climb, while tbu o'd hunter leveled his long nr.izz'; smooth bore and brought tlu anini; dowu kerflumix the first pop ft depends a great deal who's behind n gun when you're shooting wild cats Marteh.tH DiVcov, i ie. I.adipR For diseases of women. Dr Sawyer's Pastilles will reach the difficulty ra'iic'allv. positively and fffeetuallv. It in uitUt birt v..l.;.,i r n Vav 7 Tha i fncrtnal. Sold by H L Tu-jktr. 1 5 1 1 1 r: i ; t (Upp-i Ii-mJ. Dallas, Tex . Nov 1. Charles Slat lock will Lever charm any more snakes; at least, not any more Tesas copperheads He nceived a la:ge spt-cimeu cf iLcse reptiles ficm thu muuT.tains cf We-t Tt xas jester day mor; i-g, Ltfet fight he per formed with tLtm before a .'urge crowd in a vacant l.t on ilaiu etreet letting theia twme aiound his per 'm-c'.hiiig th.i'- bj lus -.ith hia Tho . Lat.d -, etc. Siiddrlii ullt- uf 11. -J COppt'l heads buiied its fa!gs m the left thumb of Matlock. Tu sh w came to n end right then aud there. MalLck's hand and arm beynu to swell, and soon the limb was nearly as 1 trge as a man's thigh, clou to hi shoulder. His nufi. iing br-rami. iidc-usr-, Lnd he was put under th ii,tluence of opiates. He is iu the Cdy Hospital uu-ler the caie surgeon. Dr Armstrong, physician in charge of i he hospital. Bins Matlock in a critical c :i Jitun. He wi'l lose his in a hundred for his lif j Matlock ' Tlitue!iitkt'' Jim's paitnrr The 'atter is th man who l.ut uinttt av.uke and found a negro butglar in h:s 10. in ou Lamar street and uttimpte l to eajture the intru der, who idled a knife a;id e.-uved U: a s thai liO W.l COUli'uid to his 1- oiii for ix ni -ntha. W Md TWENTY r MODB orirlnaJ mr,A striking; delfnt for Newnrper Advertla. menu of CLAIRETTE 50AP. Tho maco factarera, Th N. K. Kalrltank OomnsnT.ic thortM ua to pay TEN DOLLARS EACH lor approved drawloca wlUt appro priau rd tng; or$5.ooc)i for designs or reading mat ter only. Thtaoffar tsopeu to all. Tho com peUUoa will c1vm lHweraber 1. As aoon aa possible after that date we will pajr for accept e4 design and return the others. Ilemember, for eouiplete, acceptable advertisement we pay $10 Each Directions. Make drawings with bUu-k Ink oo heavy white paper, or card board. lHlhe work In outline. Liaborate shading will not print well. Space in papers will be four inches square. Draw to larger scole if you prefer, but have design square. The Idea Is most Impor tant. If that Is good we cau havo It redrawn and still give you credit. Avoid poetry. tJet upan ad. that would make you buy theartlcle. PolnU. CLAIKLTTB la a pure, hlcU-srude Soap made for laundry and general house hold use a favorite wherever known. Merit generous praUe. Sold by all grocers, whole sale and retail. IV your best, and send results promptly. Addres(only) N. W. AVER & SON, Newspaper Advertising Agents, PHILADELPHIA. iroooooctmocxaDoooooooooo R. J. HURLEY, P.ELIDEST. Bates So. E G. B. HICKMAN, Vice Puts levator Oo. INCORPORATED.) Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a they cannot reach the scat ot the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitution al disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interaIU', and acts directlv on the blood and mucous surlaees. nail s waturrit v-ure is not a ,., : i ,,, ,.i ... , , ., ;l ii I ana ana nus not one chance IJUUlh IlltUIVIIIt, II "49 '1V91IVWU one ot the best physicians in th.U COUr. try ior Years and is a rcjru'ar prescrip tion. It is composed ot the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purlflm, acting tMrcctly upon the mu cous surface. The pertect combination ot the two Ingredients is what produrce R'.ich Wonderful results in ciir'n:? Catarrh Send lor testimonials tree. K. J. Che ney & Co., l'aops., Tuledo, O Sold bv druggiists, price 75c. BUTLER, Missouri. DEALERS IX Grain,Seeds,Flour, Feed and Farm Implements. Branch House at FOSTER and SPRAGUE. fcaTFlax Seed to Loan to Farmers. A HANDFUL. CF 7 f MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH APOLIO MANHOOD RESTORED! V,,"?';,'; uanaived to cur a.i nroudiMia.ooh as Weak Memory, Luaa of brain 'ower. Headache, Wakeiulnens, Lost Manhood, Niictilly KmliMiua, Narvou. new.alldrainsandluMxif iMiwerlnOenratiTet)rnaii of eilbvr miosiim by otrexerUon. rMithrl errra, eseeaatT nm of tobacco, opium orsUm ulants. which It-adto InHmiity. CiKiaumptton or limanltr. Can l carried In tv piicaev. mi prruox.v ior., vj mail preiwiil. Wltnaa)a order we ajtreav wrlttea msrinkalo rare or rcfuad tha Hnnr,. Sold tyaH (lruevl.ta. Jtk fur n.. Iiaka no of hrr. Wrim for f rM VMilu-nl lliuik um mIi In uiutn wrapper. Aadrass It EltVE Ht:k.U CO.. Masuulc Tuuiula.Ciii4.Auu. 1 or sole in BuUer, Mo., by J. 11. FUIZKIO., lruuuU human race ia neatly ten ctntunca otdsr than science had knowledge of before, as a result of the extensive explorations of the ruins of Biffer, Milan. Mo . Nov. (I. A voting precinct in this county, twelv? miles northwest of this city, opened with a free for all this mot nit!':, a'j l D. near Ancient Baljyon, as described j Harria was Wauu-d with an ax in in a report to tho State department j tbe liauJs of a n;a:1 1)liraeJ Mather. by Minister Terrell at Couetantiu- j the U.Q 1JQeu Wt.e hwu,u lihd lI0 1 M-iVs . Jennie Duty ople These explorations are being !c.,uso ia aasilT,ieii for the raftl not i Frieudly inn. and made at the expense of Philadelph ians as Mr. Peters and Prof Hil pricht of the University of Pennsyl vania have supeivised the work. Many ton of tables, vases, inscribed brick and the like havo been ex humed, the revolting worship of an idol ia nioro clearly known, his col losal temple with its 130 rooms has been explored and the religion, gov ernment and customs of men who lived 4,000 years before Christ have been revealed by the translated in scriptions. Minister Terrell says that it will reouire sixtv volumes to ih " .Wrinti. of these Lexington, Ky.. Nov. .). The offi r.--;- cial count gives . C. Owens, dem luarveloua discovne. j ' I ocrat, ivi t.'iuiiiiiij over tjreorge Ladies The tlrupstst named below will xe yeu a free sample nackaKe of lr Sawyer's l"as titles, which cur diseases j eculiar to toot. Sol'l hy It J. lacker. Augusta, Ga., Nov. t. Thero were several tights here to day. John Gos9er, Populist, challenged a uegro vote. Iu the difficulty Gosser drew his gun, and a general melee aud fusillade of shots followed. Gosser was killed instantly a;:d a uuuiber wounded. ya'.i'J ii'.Ui-jiiites me'ital power an.l tones broken down nervous ystun resnitiniC Ironi Inst uidnlioo'l. ano nires nervous and euai delnhty of men. -vnM by 1J. K. Tucker. ,tilVr.s.,M c,;, M. Nov. -Tho official i ttut iih will b- ip"n-l and cat up ou the 1G:L. Telegraphic information leet-rtd here jestr rday indicate thn defe it of Bland by a pluiality A 104. S-jrueor tL rOioia's about the caj ila! a c sajiug bar-1 things about Ci- t la I'd. Th loss ot the loA't-r hotiee of the slate- Ifrfc-ial ttut c is r-girdd uite ; st-fiotily h ., as tr.any Jt fl'erson ; City peoi'le have d'-pcVidtd for yearn : upou the inTifp fat jobs. The s thought of h'.rjfr crowded out by republicn; "is vri y Kd to then:. F:r"T, ;)rst infonuation i c-cived up t l ist mht tbe m xt logishitui e wil! st in 1 as folio wf: Setiste 17 detu ! ocrnt 1 i r--!i!):i:-;iiis: house. (2 I.ailies Dr Sawyer's Pastilles are effectual for female weakness, pain on top of the heaj and lower part or the back. It strengthens and cores. Sold bv II L Tucker. Cicve'and, O, Nov. U Today an altar was t-rtcted iu Sheriff Ryan') private oilica at tho Coualy j til, and a prisoner indicted for embtral?- ment was married to a fair ynvtrtg girl from Houston. Tex. The prisoner is Jawr N. Bray, the 21-yeur-old son of an English army officer of M'b rank. He came to this coatilty several years ago, lo cating tit a thus iu Texas. Some time ago h" came to Cleve htud and fitted up luxurious bache lor apartments, purchasing an t'e gant piano on the installment plan. After paying a small amc'iint ou the instrument he sold it and was an est ed aud iudic-e l for tmbezzlemt ut. lhc romantic cn..l i tii; storv cim? to the surface t-hortlv aftrN vvlun of tho Contrul otbr-t Chvistiau workers here, received Citamuiiiort tions from Miss Grace Hogo i" t i ..... l t i . - : I . . . f rxouMon, i. oueMKi luc etjtn.ociat-. 7J . epr.blira-,. and two of Bray spoiled their maniage, but J prtt;ullsrB. if ,.Mi.Hte is not theev.i t must occur, aud l,,,, th. ,pubHc;u.s will bite a Cleveland ladies furnished (he trans- m.&,thv f 1(; -. b;jot Jh(. portatiou he would walk t-. Clevo- ,iMlU, ...(t .IOV4.rilr heiu a (3fclno. land. List Friday she airm-d h- cl.Ht lttltv wiiJ CO(;(lol ,he scn- the city. She did not walk, and it j , is pi esti mod the ladies cif the Y. C. T- U fiirtjijhed kcr railroad fare. The wedding day was s on set The bride is vtrv haudaome. x v ' w i ai aj ii r - - ai. -ELY'S CREAM BALM -Clean vhe Nasal aaawea, AUaya iin and Inflammation, Heals wo owe, wcBtorea xaste ana smell, and Cure) 4ivea Relief at onra fnr .,i.i in 1 1.. ... Aim1 tnm th? tntrilt. It w..i.! II...I..J SOu J-Uitsorl.ymail. KLY HKOS.. 60 Warren ft., N.Y. Nature's Remedy ICHENCKS FOR 1 Mandrake Liver . C-Oaacsi sisit H w viiiruiii I C. I. LEWIS 4 CO. Proprietor of Elk Horn Stables i ; t ffipfc jJ .sno inviporatfs. t;(uuiate and bail is up tbe broten down -system. Zano cures mental and nervoss debility of men. Sold by H. I.. Tucker Five Men Mint. . a .a r -i . . 7 . 1 MIa r- mm BW B I -!.- i i a rannnrtn from H&rnersville. Shel- tK v - by County, in the Fourth District of a riot at the polls there this after -oou, in which five men were hot, - tt-ir?Wived here this evening The it ;' "SIiO riot started over the . juegro'a vote, A uegt, " it3Lnot be as- certaiue, ""r w F. AUricb, Itew. f.ea againt a challenw 't drawn and shooting bejre.. Bates, Dem , aud Deputy Sav .. the first to to shot, and be as rnr: tally wounded- The negro was fa tally grounded. John FJwrnej, proniioenl Democrat,: waa seriously "hot, and James Pitts, a Populist, was ahpt in the hand. V""-other Denir ocxat, whose name was unobtainable was shot in the leg. Bates and the negro will die. Dencey, republican, in the Ashland district. Judge Denny alleges that hundreds of Republicans were denied the right to register iu Lexington and that frauds were committed at at the election in the interests of his opponent and says he will catty tbe contest to the house of vepresenta-! tives. St. Joseph, Mo., It is stated that A. V. Brewster, republican, who beat Senator Cochrau is ineligible because of not being a tax payer. Snafer Bochrau says he will not coatest or would not accept the seat if tendered him. See the World's Fair for lo Cts. 4 Upon receipt ot your .ilres ami tit- Tn cents In postasre stamro, we will TSIU prepaid our Souviner Portfolio Yorld's Columbian hxpoMtton, t (irtar price is Fifty cents, but as it you to have one, we make the fnfWe Bomtnal. You will find it a work ofc art and a thiug to be prized. It con tains full page views ot the great build ings, with description of same, a nd is esetuted in the highest styleot art. If not satisfied with it, arter vou get it, we will refund the stamps and let vou keep the book. Adlrcss H. E. Buek'.en, Chi cago, IU. r HE best investment in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold for want of painf. The rule should be, though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to e ehraf Springfield, III., Nov. 3. Adju- paints. To be ure of getting Strict tant General Orendorff has paid Pre White Lead, look at tbe $12,500 balance due the members of ,rand ! anX of th arc tho Illinois National gtwrd for wr-i "Southern, "Red Seal' vices tturirjjr tLe strikes oi last sum-' l i-. " vumci. .Militia Ort f the Strike. WANTED CHICKENS ii LtiG. Do drop ia and bir N. M. Nestle roleat New Home. Mo. He will i:ive you the highest matket price for chickens, egfjs and hidef. Also takes subscription to the Butler Weekly Times, at $1.00 per year and as agent is authorized to collect and receipt for the pnt-er. NnuiM M NtsTirroD. i Having purchased the EIk Horn barn j and Livery outfit ot J. V .Smith, and, ; having added to the fame a number of ! first-class Buggies, and hors, I can ij I to the public that I now have the i In southwest Mu. and nnulf bought and sold, or stock handled dt commission, Stock bearded b the dy week or month, With i years eipr ience Mr Lewis tecln ah'e to comptte with anv Liverv bar in this nection.' Call ar.d tee him C LEWIS ii CO i i 8FFDR &m. JG: J jiF . LOWEST oE RATES Bier. The total amount paid daring the trouble was 241000. Is Your Touinie Coated, vour throat drv, voar eves dull and inflamed and do vou feel mean generally when vouuret tip in tlte morn ing. ; Your It t ' -d Kidney are not doinS their wo don't you Ukc Parks Sure cut ir it coes not make 1 and e both frev- -" you feel better it costs vou nothing Sold by II. L. Tucket For Colors. National I.eid Co's Pure White Lead Tiuiin- ' These colors are sold in onf-poarl car -ach 2n betmr scltKietit to tint 2 Im.imV; ofSirtc.iv Pone While Lead be itvrtsd . thf are in no sense readv-snixed poa hot a cocsSmatKm of rxrect'ypnre colors in tbs baodiest f ,rrr to tint Strict! v Ptire White Lead. A rood many (bocnand dollar hare htea saved property-wTuei ty hartisg m&bwik. wi swim ana coior-cara. ses 1 WT posti cara and get both fnrsWT' " rvikTLEAD CO. St. Loat Bramcn, "V- 3axk Avenue od Trntti Street, Stiw. 9 ' v.iui Dirsct Lines Fast Time Elegant Pullman Service Reclining Chair Cars ( W. L. P3iiCLAS 1 CUnr ISTHC BIST. Vlf 9llWaallOSOUCAKIN& 5. CORDOVAN, 3.yP0LlCE,3Sous. 'LADIES- - itYJ f C CAT i3&lic j Wt-'OOUCLAS, I BROCKTON, MASS. ! Vss eaa aave waaey br irrhais M . tm lcla Hicn, I Because. -we are lhc larrst rancfac'.orcr o 1 I .'.venised shoe ia tie -world . acd guarantee lie bottom, whtch protects yon sjasost high 1 prioea acd the nuddlcsaaa proata. Oar shoes f equal cost&m work ia s'.yle, taty Cttise; ar.d ! tresiios; o-talilirs. We have tiesa aeld every- ' - r., far 1 hr v. !nf sritren tiuift 1 dealer caaact sapp'.y you, -c can. Sold by Y -J,r 'srm Ir prt Z:t ' i n..'-, n r K" itii.uuri raciiic ry. TO ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY CHICAGO ATKr 'i WORLD'S FAIRi Dealer, whose nar&e will shortly ap pear br. Agent wasted. Apply at nee. I H.C.TOWNSEND, iCenerai Pauerv t-A Ticket Agent, ST. LCCiS j