Regular graduate
authorized by the
stato, and conced
ed to bo the lead
ing and most suc
cessful Specialist
l nils ..rf naiulRV
. s f ' w vww w ........ . -
7 AJ
Nervous Debility
WMl Its Many Oloony Sympioa Cured.
Lost Vitality
Perfectly and Permanently Restored.
Cured for Life Without Mercery.
Urinary Diseases
Quickly Relieved an J Thoroughly Curtd.
is Dr. II. J. Whlttlcr invar
iably successful? Because ho
makes no promliws that he
cannot fulfill. Avoid cheap
cure-alls and unskilled physicians, and consult
Dr. Whlttlcr in person or by letter (giving
Hymptomu) and receive the candid opinion of a
physician ot long experience, unquestioned
kill and sterling Integrity.
MEDICINES from our own laboratory fur
nished at small cost and shipped anywhere
secure from observation. .
TKKATMEJfT never seat C. O. D.
Office hours- to 4 and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12.
-f ,,! JJTo Health and Emergencies
U I Q 6 I 'or O clfc-stamps to prepay.
Call or address In strict confidence
10 West Hi nth Street. Kanaaa City,
Itlisotirl Pacific Time Table
Arrival and departure ot passenger
trains at Hutler Station.
North Bouxii
Passenger. - - 4:7 rn.
Passenger, - ' - 2:41 p. m.
Passengc, - - 0:15 p. m.
Local f reight 11:20 a.m.
South Bovxo
Local Freight
7:1(1 a. m.
1 :5s p
9:5s P- m.
1:55 p. m.
'$ Fail Views
The St. Louis Republic
FAIR VIEWS, each portfolio con
taining 1G views and each view ac
curately described. Views of the
Mail Buildiugs, State Buildings, the
Midway, Views of Statuary, etc.
These ten portfolios will be given
without cost to anyone who will
send fivo new yearly subscribers to
The Twice a Week Republic, with
$5.00 the regular subscription price.
St. Louis, Mo.
E&.ansas (City
Q5 cents.
; In order that no one mav have an ex
cuse for not being potted on the deyel
oDmer.ts of the political campaign of
iSoa. The Times ha made these rates.
which scarcely cover the cost of publi
cation. Its news facilities ar unsur
passed, and handles polinYrl new fully
and xairiT.
Subscribe Now.
JKannt City, po.
The daie of the first observance o
tbiB distinctively American iDBtitu j
tion ha been a matter of some dis !
pute. A writer in an exchange has
beeu to hhuh troubl" to aeceitain
tin facts and states t h m as follow?:
The lirst obsTvancn f a day of
thanksgiving, fonnully recommended J
by the civil authorities, oivurrr-d in j
Leyden, lloU-md, October 3, 1575. it ,
being the In at anniversary 01 tuu
deliverance of thit oity from siege.
In July, W2', a dty of fasting
an! j raer whs aj poiute 1 on ac
count of drought. Rtin 0 1 in- abun
dantly while they were j ruling, and
the governor appointed a
il.iv nfi
u t't ,
thanksgiving which was ob.-eived
with religion-, eX' rcic-n Tlx' Cnarles
town ltcoid fclnnv a hitintar change
of fast day into Thanksgiving in
1031, on account ot the urrival of
supplies from Ireland
Dr. Fiauklin tells us that in a time
of great despondency among the
settlers of New England it was pro
posed in one of their public meetings
to proclaim a fast An aged farmer
rose and spoke of their provoking
heaven with their complaints, and of
the cause they had for thanksgiving
He then made a motion that instead
of appointing a day of fasting, they
should appointa day of thanksgiving.
The assembly readily agreed
Massachusetts Bay was the first
of the colonies to appoint au annual
thanksgiving by the proclamation of
the English governor During the
revolution Thanksgiving day was a
national institution, being annually
recommended by congress, but after
the geueral Thanksgiving for peace
in 1784 there was no national ap
pointment until 1789, when Wash
ington, by request of congress,
recommended a day of Thanksgiving
for the adoption of the constitution.
Washington issued a second procla
mation of Thanksgiving in 1795 on
account of the suppression of iusur
rectiou. President Madison, by the
request of congress, recommended a
Thanksgiving for peace in 1815. But
the official recommendation of a day
for the giviug of thanks was mainly
confined to New England until the
year 1817, after which date it was
regularly appointed by the governor
of New York. In 1855 Gov. Johnson,
of Virginia, recommended a day of
thanksgiving; but iu 1857 Gov. Wise,
when requested to do so, publicly
declined, on the ground that he was
not authorized to interfere iu relig
ious tv.atters. During the civil war,
in 1803 and 1864, President Lincoln
issued proclamations recommending
annual Thauksgivings. Since theu
a proclamation has beeu issued au
uually by the president as well as
by the governors of the states and
the mayors of the principal cities
Custom fixes the time as the last
Thursday in November.
It is well for us all to pause a little
in the mad whirl of business or
work or pleasure, and think of the
blessings which have crowned the
year, and lift up our hearts in special
VTbca Baby was siok, wc gave her Castorla.
When sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Disastrous Texa Cyclone.
Navasota, Tex., Nov. 4 A cyclone
struck Wallace Prairie, near here,
causing the death of Mrs. Flippen
and dangerously wounding her hus
band, both of whom were in their
house, which was blown down.
Sparks from the demolished house
set fire to their barn destroying it.
with out) bushels of corn
A number of other houses were
blown down and many people were
left homeless.
Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 5
Richard Dorf, a milkman, was held
up by two masked white highway.
men at 5 o'clock this morning and
relieved of $65. The robbery occur-
red three miles west of this city.
Dorf hesitated about giving up
his money, and one of the robbers
hot at him and the ballet passed
through his right arm, inflicting a
flesh wound.
The robbers are believed to be
two worthless young men who live
in tbia city.
Meaty sad txpuiwee eaaaet prodace bet
tar family assdidas taaa Dr. Sawyer's Family
Cars. It evrss UaealUss f Us stomach sa4
Origin of Thanksgiving
Here's the Idea
Of the N on -pull -out Bow
"rise great watch saver. Saves thu- wa;c!
fi um thieves and falls cannot be pu'.led on
the case costs nothing extra.
The bow has a Z' ''
on each end. A c--.ii -i
runs down inriiv.c
pendant ?vtcn.:
fits into the e,t:-- i
firmly lock i.-.y ' .
bow to the r : '
so that it cr-t.rvM a
X pu'.led cr v.- :
Can only be had with c:uci rSi,;
stamped with this trade niar!. . -;
Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cif.es
now lilted with this great bow (rii.g . i - v
look and wear like solid gold esse.-. 1
ot!y about half as much, and are guar::!.
kr twenty years, bold onlv through wav.b
dealers Krmemtar tltf name
u.ii.i h-imwi.s inLtyrr. .. !
ystone Watcli C?.?c Cc,
What Nerve Berries
have done for others
.they w ill do
for you.
MEN tajiy, Quickly
and fermananty Restored, -ca day
A positive cure for all Weaknesses,
Nervousness, Debility, and all their
train of evils resulting from early errors
and later excesses; the result of over
work, sickness, worry, etc. De elopj
and gives tone and strength to the sex
ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or
nightly emissions caused by youthful
errorsorexcessive useoftobacco.opiiim
and liquor, which lead to consuivptic"
and insanity. Their use shows Immedi
ate improvement. Insist upon having
the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other.
Convenient to carry in vest pocket.
Price, 1.00 per box, six boxes, one lull
treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure
any case. If not kept by your drug
gist we will send them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet tree. Address mail orde rs to
For sale in Butler, Mo., bv II. I..
Tucker, druggist.
S Stirs. Prrmut. Fonltlrs
Curt for Impotence, Loss
of Manhood. Seminal
Emissions. Spermitorrhea,
Nervousness, belf Distrust,
Loss of Memory, Ac. rVill
make you a STFtOfiQ. Vigor
ous Man Price $1.00, 8
Boxes. $i 00.
Sntfkil Directions Wnllrd
with each Box. Aadrest
Siliarl Saw L!aia:st Zi-,
89(9 LUCA3 Av.
6T. LO JI3, MO.
v t-r " -3 v o o
Q, 09 3 - S. - JS-O
J2 E
IB"' - v i 5 -a
a H 2 . ns- r"
3 5 crt .- e. r 2 r
a t
CD-sir - eM.-:oj :S
OS j
2 eS -J Mil 5 j: - u r- H:
cO ' tea 2-"ji - i. r-
52i8 .. -
OS r u
s a
0 v.
- Z - - 5
S. OB S"o "3 i u
SsS-Ji o 2 i.
The Great Eoailth Reraar.
Promptly and permanently
cores all forms of A'ercOKa
WeakneM, Emissions, Sperm-
otorrhea, Impotency and alt
effects cf Abuse or Excesses,
Been prescribed orer S3
ears In thousand of cassat
i 'fort end After. theoai1rBeKol.Jeaflm.
drDgst tot Waod's Phosshodlaet If he offers
Mine worthless medicine In place of this, Issts his
dishonest store. Inclose pries In letter, and
we will sead by return mall. Price, one psckafa,
SI; six. S3. One will please, six uriil cure. Psama
let In plsla scaled enrelope, S cents postage.
Address Ti Wa4 Chsmlesl Cs.,
131 Woodward STenue, Detroit, Xlca.
Sold in Butler and everywhere, by
all druggists.
nmcox compound
afk axd avms.
Shield. scrrDt BOWorthwws nontrum. Ihiisii
I rpsistered trada m&r k of
the genuine, at all Itnucgtets. 6eo44ceafor
Wmbbs ava Umsmr sod rerelTetbem
by ciail. V Ucsx Qclo. rhUawTsw
Trust w'm Sdp.
Whereas Jsmes Wentwnrtb snd Ells Went
wotth his wifs.bT thsir deed of trust dated De
cember an. l97,and recorded la the recorder's
offlee wttBia aad for Bates eoaan .Mlssoarl. ia
book Ne.44, psxeyc. conveve.! to the nader
sirnedtrnstse. the fotiowiaa resl estste ItIbs
and beins: sitaate ia the county of Bates and
stale oi Missouri, sewii:
The aorta half of the sovthesat aaarter and
the east half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion four (4) ia township thirtv-Lins (X) nan
thirty-three (33) aad the northeast aaarter af
the aorthwsst q uarter of section aise (9) of
same township aad ran re aforesaid which cob
Teysscs was mads ia trust to secara the par
meat of eas promissory Bote f any described ia
said dead of trust aad whereas dorsal t has beaa
made ia tha payment af the principal aad in
terest aaw past das aad an paid. Now there
fore, at tha resjaeat of the lexal bolder uT said
asts aad pnisasat ta tha ooadidaaa of said
dead af trust. I will proceed ta sail the abova
deseribed promt see at pablie vaadas to the
highest bidder far cash at the east treat door
af tha eaatt heass si tasted ia tha sit; at Bat
ter, coast j of Bates aad atato of atlasoari, aa
Saturdav, December 8, 1894,
batarsaaUM hoars of aiaaa'daetia taM fara
aooa aad Sra a'esacst ia ths afterasaai af that
day. tar tasparposo af saUsrylai- aatd aaat,
laser sat aad coats. F. C SMITH.
itv ' .
1 vnsmpnkiaa persons ars eoan-.W
terawna Wlses C sss i s e
Tsstr rlUaw the aeaoloe are pat BP
m m
nrlll boxes 111
s. i
a joke on ;ori.i.
) How He Was Outdone Bv it Fanu j
'"). j
George- Gould and party jester j
dry returned to th Lebanon branch, j
where they are hunting quail. The j
following is ftom the Kuva? C;fy !
4'A go-d btoiy ii told 011 G-'orge I
0:;e dav last wetk Gould.
jG-!!ial Ma?:-iger Doddridge. G't:r
ai SupeiinttH'lent Clark and othu
Missouri Pacific mugnutes were
hunting on the ranch of Judge Win
A. Miller, near Ocsage City. Gould
claims to be a crack shot, and, in
j jiee to the distinguished taihoa 1
er, it might berematked incidentally
thtit he seldom inis?es a bird. On
this occasion, however, his usual
good luck deserted Lim. The patty
Lad just entered Judge Miller's fav
orite hunting field when a lone
Prailie chicken llew up. 'Tbafs my
bird,' said Gould, and he blazed
away. The bird kept on flying
Gould cuptied the second barrel,
but the charge went wide of the
murk. By this time tie bird was
fhiug over an adjoining field, and a
boy who wus busking corn threw an
ear at it The missile struck tat
bird on the wing, bringing it to the
ground. The crowd roared and the
incident rattled Gould so that even
Mr. Doddridge, who is ackuowledg-
tit t i - - i
ea to oe a worse snoi man liiiiv
Wagencr, the Missouri Pacific's
good-natured and good lucking gen
eral attorney, beat him fchcotiug that
day. Gould gave the boy 81 vot to
say anything about it, but Le was uu
able to gf;t a coILE? on his friiuda
lr Sawyer's Pastilles used iii time Will cure
any case of female weakness. Get a free tam
plei aokaxe irom the tollowinir named drug
gist. Sold by 11 1, Tucker.
Woman Lushed With a Rawhide.
Dayton, O , Nov. 5. Mrs. Harvey
Campbell, wife of a prominent mer
chant of West Alexandria, Preble
county, lashed the wife of Dr. Gregg
with a tawhide while her three sous
beat their father into insensibility
and held off any assistance with re
volvers. Mrs. Gregg is a party to a
divorce suit brought by Mrs. Camp
bell against her husband. Dr. Gregc
has also brought suit against Camp
bell for the alieuation of his wife's
In cider to become Empress of
Kussia it was necessary for Princess
Alix to give up not only her religion
and her liberty, comparatively speak
iug, but also her very name. Hence
forth she will be known only as Her
Imperial Highness the Orthodox
Grand Duchess Alexandra Fevorov
na. Royalty, like everything else,
has its drawbacks, but the disad
vantages of becoming the firsi lady
in the Russian Empire must have
beeu almost unbearable to a high
spirited English girl. Kansas City
aii, The Smallpox in Washington.
Washington,D. C, November 5
There was another smallpox scare in
the Interior Department to day. It
was announced that Ballard Morris,
principal examiner iu the Patent
Office, had the disease. Morris was
on duty Friday. He bad bees vac
cinated, and the virus had taken
effect, yet he was quite sick to-day.
Commissioner Seymour ordered the
division in which Morris worked
closed and sent the employes home.
Paris, Tex., Nov. 5 On Friday
night a band of armed men went to
the hocse of Silas Washington, near
Antlerf, I. T., and riddled it with
Winchester bullets. Washington
and bis wife and mother were all
Ladies can be posiUTely relieved from all
t nose irTegaianues, distressing svmptoms
and disesses by nsing Dr Sawyer's PastiUes.
Sold by H L Tacaer.
Charles Williams is lying in a crit
ical condition at the Swartzel Hotel,
in Monett. the result of injories sus
tained while attempting to steal a
ride from Monett to Rolls. He w&a
compelled to jump from a moving
freight train that wis running twe n
ty miles an hour.
Ballard's Snow Liniment. 1
This invaluable remedy is one that
ought to be in every household; . It will
cure your Rheumatism, yeuraljia,
sprains, cuts, bruises, bu V fronted
teet and ears, tore throatafxhet.
It you have a lame back it wilfcare it.
It penetrates to the seat of the disease.
It will care stiff joints, aud contracted
muscles after all other remedies have
tailed. Those who have been crippled
for year have used Ballard Snow Lini
ment and thrown away their cratches
and been able to walk as well aa ever.
It wilt cure too. Price 50c. Sold by II
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's presiriptioa for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Onium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
It i Pleasant. Its gunrtuitco is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrishncss. Castoria -prevents vomiting- Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and llatulcncy.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulate s the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's panacea the Mother's Friend,
" Castoria Is an cswl'.eat medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeattsily told tau of its
good effect upoa their cUiidrun."
Px Q. C. Oooon,
Lov.-ell, Mara,
' Castorut ts the best remedy for duldivsn cf
hicli I am acfj-iaiated. I hope the day Li i:ot
far distant when mothers will consider the it-al
interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead ot the yarious quack nostrums which ore
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby svmiiiij
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KcrcHaxoa,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, 77
rpof her wanted m
I ClUillCl special work,
month r. W. eigler
each cnunty for
Will paysiooa
Co. box 1707.
St, l.onls, Mo.
to ell our well known nurserv ftock.
Steady employment. (iood pay.
Complete outfit free. No previous ex
perience necessary.
COO acres. 13 tireouhouses. Address
IMiokmx NmsKKY Company.
. box 1215, liloomington Illinois.
Clflhut and bemntifir, the bair.
Proiitute a luxuriant ffrowth.
Never Falls to Beatore Gray
uair to its loutniui voior.
Cure ar.ip di? a hair taitutg.
fOc, and 1 1 a DruyRi!
I' at Parker's Ginger Temio. It cure, th wor( CV.uph.
W rk l.unr.. Drbiiiiv. Indention, Pais, Take in time. AO cu.
tilNDERCORNS. The orlr rur. cor. f-rr Com,.
loot aTJliaia. Jjc l Umnitts, ot UlSCOX a CO., N. V.
(From I". S. Journal of Medicine.)
Prof. W. E. Peeke,
Who mikes a specialty of
has without doubt treated and cured
more enses than any living phyeician
his success is astonishing. We have
heard of cases of 20 years' standing
cured by him. He published a valu
able work on this disease which he
sends with a large botlle of his abso
lute cure, free to any sufferer who
may send their p. o. and express ad
dress. We advise any one wishing
a cure to address, Prof. W. H. Peeke
F. D., 1S8 Pearl St., New York.
Have just opened up an office in the
Badgely building, south side square.
Will do a general
business, have a number of choice
farms, also city property for sale.
Now we are no prophets neither did
we say that we were, but we can fore
see the coming of one hundred pur
chasers (more or less) for farms in
Bates Co. in the near future so if you
want to sell your property be wise
and place it with us, we will treat you
right. No trade, no pay. Our com
mission is reasonable. To pur
chasers: Come and see w hat we have
and what we can do for you before
you buy. It costs you nothing to see
what we have for sale. We don't
want all the earth nor all the pro
ducts thereof but we do want oar
fchare of the trade and are going to
have it if it creates a war in Russia.
Now you have it.
Notice of Final Settlement-
Notice i hereby given that all creditors
and a'! others interested in the eotate of
Mary A Oneal deceased, that I. W
I Yeates, administrator of said es
tate, intend to make final settlement
thereof, at the next term of the Bates
countv probate court, in Bate county,
state ot Missouri, to be held at Butler on
the ih dav ot November, 1894.
W I Ykatbs,
474 Administrator.
80M a-rtriafct. awe3K. aw iwraltr Sikmta
SaCitr.VUlaawerCcsartrr. Null I tanvarr
aaa, MT. aaoaw M ass re. Uraaiatcaiu.
if amS faaat ataai at aarlX.
nasssaaa saaaata afsssss Sb a wamwstwawtw
Oaa ia a js:.ean aaaasa a antetoati rha
miiaaan. iTai'ar -
I t fatatfwsMKiav n Hiilct
aaiisat. CsitiHtailtaatai.
"si Jiriawts ail ar tss-m. met
" Castoria is so we! 1 ad n pted to clit' J ren that
I n-comiiR-nJ i assuj-eriur toauy preijCTiptiOD
luow a to me."
II. A. Alien sit, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, rirooklya, N. Y,
" Our phjsioians in the children's denart
racr.t tve spoken highly of their t peri
eace in their outside practice wtth Ccstoria,
and although wo ouly have ainoug oi:r
medical surplica what is known u regular
pnxiuets, yet we are free to confess that ths
mems of Castoria baa won us to look with
favor upon it."
VnxD Hosrrrai. akd Dispkksast,
Boston, aea.
Allsx C. Smith, JVc.,
Murray S treat, Now York City.
Ordfr of Publication.
Cosnty of Kates,
In the circuit conrt or llatss county, Missouri,
in arstion October 30, l.i, John H liurk.
and V C Hen&ley plainliflT, vs. William M
Wilson, Joseph K. Wilson. I-slie Uiilett, K.
C W Kochnle aad K Angelina Scully d.
Now at this day come the plaintiffs herein by
their attorneys. Smith & Thurman, and file
their petition alleging among other things that
the above named sre not residents or the state
of Missouri defendnnts
Wherenpon It Is ordered by ths
clerk in vacation, that said defendants be no
tilled by puhllestion that plaintiffs have com
menced a suit against ths in in this court tha
object and genersl nsture of which is to obtain
h decree of the coart enforcing against Section
No 2.1, In towonshlp So 41, ol range No 31 in
Kates county, Missouri, and reaching -In tbs
hands of the defendants. Kochnle, Cillett and
(Scully the proceeds or the sale of ssld resl
estate by Joseph E Wilson, amounting tci the
sum of ten thousand dollars, and directing
and decreeing that same be equitably seized
and garnesheed in the hands of defendants,
Kochule, Uiilett snd Scully snd said defend
snts Kochnle, Uiilett and Scully be directed
to pay the same to the plaintiffs herein, and
that plaintiBs lisve judgment sgamst defend
ants directing the payment hy the defendants
Islie Uiilett. F.C. W. Kochnle snd K. Ange
lina Scully to plsintiffs of the sum of ten
thousand dollars out of the proceeds of the
sale of said real estBte oy defendant Joseph JJ
VUlson to the said defendants, Kochnle, Gil-
lett and Scully, and that unless the said de
fendant be snd appear at tbiscourt. at the next
term hereof to be began and holden at the
court house in the city cf Kutler, in ssid coun
ty, on the 11th dsy or Febrnsry, next. lm1.
and on or before the third day of ssid terra, it
the term shall so long rontlnae snd If not
then on or before the last day of said term, an
swer or plead to the petition in said cause, the
same will be taken as confess-d and judgment
will be rendered accordingly
And belt furtner ordered that a copy hereof
be published aocordang to law, in the Ilatler
Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed
and published in Bates connty, Missouri, for
four weeks successively, the last insertion ta
be at least fifteen dsys before the Urst day ot
the next term of the circuit court.
JOHN J 11AYKS. circuit Clerk.
A true copy from the record. Wlt-
eALl ness ray band and the sesl of the
circuit court of Bates county, this
30lh day of October, 1S4.
' Circuit Clerk.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas John Fry Jr., aeingle man
by his deed of trust dated Octo
ber 15th. 1891, and recorded in
the recorder's office within and
for Bates county, Missouri, in
book No. 107 at page 232, conveved
to the undersigned trustee the follow
ing described real estate lying and
being situate in the county of Bates
and state of Missouri, to-w'it:
The north half of southwest quar
ter of section twenty-six (26), th
northeast quarter of section twenty
seven (27), and the north half of the
southeast quarter of section twenty
seven (27), all in township forty (40
of range thirty (30) containing three
hundred and twenty (320) acres
more or less, which, conveyance
was made in trust to secure the pay
nient of two certain notes folly de
scribed in said deed of trust, and
whereas, default has been made in
the payment of both of said
notes which are now pavst due
and unpaid. Now therefore at the'
request of the legal holder of said
notes and pursuant to the conditions
of said deed of trust, I will proceed to
sell the above described premises at
public vendue to the highest bidder
for cash, at the east front door of the
court houe, in the city of Butler
county of Bates and state of Missouri
Friday November 1C, 1894,
between the hours of nine o'clock iu
the forenoon and five o'clock in th
afternoon of that day, for the par
poses of satisfying said debt, interest
an;l costs. J. D. ALLEN,
- Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that letters of
administration on the estate of Chas F
Sevier, were granted to the under-
1.0,heMudy of Member
1894, by the probate eourt of Bate
county, Missouri.
All persons having claims against
said estate are required to exhibit
them for allowance to the administra
tor within one year after the date of
said letters, or they may be precluded
from any benefit of said estate; and
If such claims be not exhibited within
two years from the date of this imh
Uoktion, they shall be foreverwSSd
This 3d day of November, 14'
w.P. txnmm.
istst. ossa y at. a iacaex.
I-S '. . ' .
I ocr. 7.cs5tst.
w.r.sjSKssiara 1 ais u-a "