Newspaper Page Text
mxtkt C1J tinted. VOL. XVII BUTLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22. 1894. NO I : m 1 i 1: F 1 noun OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL, Transacts a general banking business. We solicit the accounts of far mers merchants and the public generally, promising a i-afe depository for nil funds committed to our charge. We ure prepared to extend liberal ac commodation in the way of loans to our customers. Fund always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part ..r all at any time and stop interest. DIRECTORS. r. T. C. Boulware 'J II Da'cher lolin Deerweder J R Jenkins Booker Powell H H Pirgott C R Raiford TJ Wright Geo L Smith o riiEU I'S'rotKiioi.Di-iCf. K Hsrtlett Mamam ISrinvrJ I.ula Itrown Hurler I, amber Co i A Caruthera II B Chelf I M Conrlnej' Robert Clark Frank Dperwedter l t IpArmonil John Evana ir J Everlngham CAE Freeman O ft Hickman ! It Heath Sf mael tvy C II Morrison I)r W U Uannab OFi8 I. Coleman J H Davli New Home Hems. The Rich Hill Tribune correspond ent writes II Robb has ten thousand feet of lumber on hand. It's a mitt take, he only has 4 hundred feet on hand for he Kays he sells it as fast as he ran saw it. Oh, what makes Sy Robb jump so high? Iterative it's a girl and weighs S pounds. Chas Hishop&nd Jim Helm, of Cass county, visited Kobbs' last of the week. Jno Miller made a business trip to Butler one day last week. The livery firm at .New Home did a thriving business last week. Conard Bonp signs for the Times Township board met in the hall Monday and decided to pay the 1. 'it tax. Laura Cope joins the Time.' list at New Home. The school commenced here Mon day. We have had no school since election. I am paying lfi;j cents for eggs, 20 for butter; turkeys, ducks and chick ens 4 cts a pound in Merchandise. Pat Maloney has north of the river 201 acres of red and black land that has the finest natural shelter and un derlaid with a heavy vein of coal, for ale on easy terms.- Give him a call or address him at Virginia. 1 lost a black shawl onthe road be tween here and Breshear's mill. George Crooks w as in this town one day last week. He visited his sister Mrs. Laura Cope and called on his old friend JN'els. Come again George you are always welcome. Oscar and Willey llt-unley were over from Virginia. Mr. Dick Allen is buying several lino young mules. Aunt Mag Welch visited her sister in Foster Monday ami Tuesday. Scyler Robb butchered a hog Mon day evening. Nels, Lonis.Iones, Hen Caidwell and Cope boys kept their eyes on the hanging hog as did R'obbs. N. M.Nkstskkodk Circuit Court IVoctciliiig. L C Haggard va L II Lambert et al: plaintiff dismisses. State of Mo ex rel Chas Yoght vs Martin ltopp; judgment for relator. Lnu A Carney vs Chas G Carney; klecreo of divorce. Wm 11 and Angus Sutherland na tive of England uatuialized. Uliifu nf lj-fc Hurt linvo- Kit 'l-S v i.vili,.., l,.,..-.. aud plead not guilty State of Mo vs Jno McDauiel: burglary and larceuy plead not guilty. E L Howard Ins vs W A Duval); dismissed for want of prosecution E Blaukenbaker vs G W Blanken baker; divorce denied and bill dia ; missed. Ben Phillips vs Jas Burrows; Yer diet for plaintiff $2 50 Mary A Robinson vs Thos C Rob iusoti; divorce denied and bill dis misled. I 4 1 1 v ;Lj decree as prayed by plaintift'. j State t x rel Alburtus Fry et al vs i l) A Colyer et al; plaintiff dismisses. Ana E Ridge vs Samuel J Ridge; decree of divorce. , AE Beatty va Jno Cbauey; judg ment for plaintiff. , G V Clardy et al ts C W Wolfe; i .? plaintiff dismissed. ' State of Mo vs Jas Ken ; grand V larceny plead not guilty. Sttte of Mo va Jno McDauiel: I breaking jail, plead not guilty V State ol . - j - - m State of Mo vs Grant Goodwin; cavening Power. ' II Irrif rf ill in 1 it lulf'swwa 11 I AUSOJLVVEJLV PURE State Bank $110,000. Frank M V'orla H C Wyatt K G Went Wm E Walton Robert McCracken A McCracken! M V Owen John Pharia Charles Pharia J K Koalnr J V Kelnner 1. B Starke Clem Slayback John II Salient. lr"V K Tui:kr W'RTykr M K Turner Wm W Trigg Wm Walla ti P Wyatt lr N I. Whipi.le Max Weiner plajring cards on Sunday, defendant plead guilty and lined $1. D A Colyer's official bond filed and approved. Clara J Highley vs Thos B High ley; plaintiff grauted divorce with custody of children aud $20 per mouth alimony. J II Beckham et al vs E II Hosier, et al, plaintiff takes non suit. R J Hurley Lumber Co. va H Deitzman et al, judgment for pi ft, to enforce mechanic's lieu. Jno R Parker vs II Deitzman et I 1, judgment for plff, to enforce me chanic s hen. W O Jackson vs L J Rosier, judg ment for plaintiffs. Cbas Wilder vs J M Hook, leave to file cost bond during term. P S Lvnn vs J 0 Ratts, dismissed at cost of defendant. Thos McComb vs Milton Irviu, judgment for plff. W F Duuall et al vs J K P Burch et al. plff dismissed. M J O'Reiley native of Ireland naturalized. Frankie C Young vs Edward C Young, plff granted divorce and $50 alimony. A Rrutal Murder. W. S. Brown, residing fcix miles south of Fairfield, came to Warsaw late last Saturday night and gave himself up to Sheriff Laird, saying that he had shot and killed his brother about noon that d;ty, says tbe Warsaw Times. Further in quiry revealed the fact that a most bloody murder had been committed and that the victim, Thomas Brown, was dead with three bullets in his body any one of which would Lave caused instaut death, as one was in his head and the others in his stoir." ach and breast. It seems that tbe brother had not been friends for some time on account of :t family quaritl of loug standing, but tie tragedy oi Saturday was Drought on Dy a mule getting into lorn s corn field, who set his dog on it. lie ports say that the owner cf the mule came up just theu and shot the dog aud when Tom came out of the lield where he was " gathering corn, he met his death almost instautly. The murderer will have a hearing next Saturday in Fairfield. It Is i- The plurality of Congressman De Armond ha1 been increased by the correct official returns from Cedar county giving Lewis only 332 in stead of 370. This makes the plu ralities as follows: Lewis DeArmond Dade 713 Cedar 332 St. Clair 7fi Henry . 1 Johnson 21 Cass Batts 462 1,121 DeArmoud's plurality. 1.213 Latest U. S. Gov't Report IN 1896. Judgp Norton, a ofe'rau Missouri Ucnioeuti. Suvs .1. IT", rsoniitn Ii iuciptes Will Pre vail . Mexico. M chahaiii'i ni iuitte. lin E jun ti N ciatic lead, i ' .N'-v. 15 - S li Cook, i-t.ite dt-moctHtic cotit- .t !ei It i f t ( in Jildvje l I iie eti i aij d mo ' or .i:-s in i. Jii.liie! Norton sa : "This is tint i be fust t. me I have felt the mortification of the defeat of the democratic patty in Missouri, but in eVfiy def-at I said then, as I say now, "ibut u utL ci usLed to eai tb will ise agaii-; tbe eternal ytaisof God are hers.'' Tbe principles (.f our party are immutable as tiuth itself aud the democratic party will live as loug as constitution lasts, and when it dies the constitution will die with it. In 1840 a tidal wave swept over tbe country (as great as the one of 1S4U), which ov-rubi-lm ed the democracy and put the Whigs iu control of the go. eminent But, notwithstanding the disastrous de feat the democratic party was not dismayed, but buckled ou its armor and in 1844 regained control and routed the Whigs, horse, foot aud dragoon. Iu 1848 the Whigs sue ceeded in electing Gen. Taylor because of his military prestige ac quired in the Mexican war, but iu 1852 the democrats were again put in power by tbe election of Pearce, and retained control of the govern ment till 1860. "Iu 1856 the Whigs came within less than 300 votes of electing Rol hns governor of Missouri. Th s close call was tin: cause of dis-en sions in tbe rauks of our party. Immediately after the disastrous defeats referred to the command was passed all along the democratic liiiee: Gird ou your armor, close up the tanks and charge upon the ene my with the determination to win, relying upon the second sober thought of the people to vindicate the correctness of democratic prin ciples. Such ought to be the order now, and thorough aud complete or ganization ought to be perfected at once for the great battle to be fought in 1890. While the campaign just closed has been oue of the misrepre9euta tions on the part of republicans, by which the people were deceived into the belief that the depression of 1893 and 1894 was the result of the democratic policy, the second sober thought of the people will relieve them from this deceit and restore the democratic party to power in all departments of the government. There is no truer saying than that which says: You may fool feorue of the people all tbe time and you may fool all of tbe people some of the time, but you cauuot fool all the peo ple all the time." We must accept defeat without enminatiou aud rtciimination. It is : far more important to solidify and organize the party thau to inquire into the cause of defeat further than I have before indicated the causes. Relying upon the unconquerable courage of our party and the sound ness of its principles I have no doubt that our success in lS'Jti will be as brilliant aud overwhelming as our present defeat has been disas trous." When the '"slumpinff" 'character of the Democialic vote throughout the state is taken into consideration. Congressman DeArmond can con gratulate himself that he wasaruon" the fortunate number who weie elected; aud not only that, but it P"'g raeU8' lu,fcM! i will hU him n .u.nmai-shal with a . detachmeut of Nt- i . - -kwv. u w . u V4a. t a Ciuvi bUB the plurality by which he was re 1 turned to Lis old seat was not duel ! the .defeat f the Democratic, party I throughout the entire state. Osce I ola Advance. ,to anv dissatisfaction with hia indi of , the iea.i , . . --t. . i Ihc aiinifi , .1,1 flf A.r.4.p;K.,fl i n i an OClliVVSIi' . !,f WWW LANE &: jJDJ.I3FZ- Is chuck full from Hour to ceiling with nice, new and fresh bargains. Our buyer has just returned from the market with our second invoice of roods for the FALI Wo can now show some of the uick Sales ai kail Profits Now they must move out at a price, so come right aloug and get jour choice while the stock is full. Some of the best bargains in Blankets ever sold in Butler In Ginghams, Cotton Flannel, Dress Goods, Muslins, Sheeting, Prin's we defy competition. We have at a price, Full 20 PER CENT SAVED BY BUYING YOUR Give us a trial is all we ask and save their 20 per cent on every Checked liy The Storm. Boulder. Col., Nov. 16. The tele i phone Hues to Gold Hill, Ward and i the other mining towns west of this j city are davn to day and there is no j communication with those places People who have ridden iu from Gold Hill, however, report that the j forest lire 'vas checked by last night's j storm and tbis enabled the fire fight ers to exUnguish the dames just j west of Gold Hill. So far as report i ed no lives have been lost. The j property damage is estimated at $1,000,000. Several hundred people ? have been made homeless. i AlthougU ail the larger miniug j camps were saved, the fite did great ; damaae to the forests, ranches and s mines in its line of travel. The burnt j district reaches from Left Hand, at j the mouth of Alamakee gulch ou the j north, to Sunset on the south, a j territory about live miles long aud j four aud a half wide. Fred Ehler, a ranchman, was severelv burned while fighting the flames. Ths terror-stricken ichabi'auts of Gold Hill are returning to day from Big Horn mountain and Horafal shaft, wbiire they sought shelter, and are moving their household fur niture from the mining tunnels, where they stored it, back to their homes. Tw'i Tliuusand Armenian! are S;ii ti llav ISeen Massacred Ljudoo. Nov. 1S A dispatch ., .,. , .. the Times from ienn savs a letter ; been received from Smyrna le zaois find w field baUrrr. massacred 2.0i.t0 Arienions nt Sassun. The were left uu nee has caused Many Chris - Uans are "rjr?la,to have fled by secret paths across the ItassW fron- tie, SEAS0M newest etylts and cheapest goods know our style of doing bueiuess a few Ladies Cloaks Jeft some extra new line of Misses School Cloaks, We go right along with our motto. you will fall into the large procession dollar left in our house for Boots and LANE & FARC n OF BATES Cash Capital. COUNTY DEPOSTORY OF BATES CO.! OSCAR REED KB li. J. Hl'ttl-EY ... K. A BENNETT.. E. D. KIPP Receives Deposits subject to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts an3 transacts a general Baukmg business. Your patronage rehppctfullT Solicited. I. X. Thompson, .John Steele Oscar ReeJer, Outlaw Cave Located. lVrry, Ok., No". 20. A po-se of ; uepuiy marsnais lound a cave with :1. ..a . ...1 a gang of outlaws in it several miles east of Pawnee yesterday. Tom Daff, Long Tom and Jirn Cracken were there The cave was very large, acd dug into a big bluff. In it were thirteen head of horse?, an arsenal and yarious articles From appeir- anee., and from wnat could te lLe learned from the captured men cave was the old home of th Dalton gang, aud the Cook gang on several occasions had occupied it for weeks to ; at a time. A qua-ititv of supposed !. , . . , t ; to l stoieu goois were found in ; the cave l' F re- Tbe Triuary . t ' YashiDgtOD, D. C-, Nov. 21 secretary caritsue i .labsoiutelv in accesttb:- - cms and w work Wng Lara 1. - , :. . ..rr- ! tary folly - - uude. the present ytm tr tb Treat 1'ot poking bi 7jct:au tie iu nry is laigely Ut 'th"fe meicy of thej? h t '.to, talt J banker, To present a plan that pt h' ever seen in Bulkr. Yoi all Is Our Motto. 6u? o lea which we will Boots and Shoes. BOOTS & SHOES which now buy of u Shoes. Come and se iud ADAIR COUNTY, $50,000.00 PreoUfflt -1; .Vlc-President .2.1 Viee-PrBi.ient Casfciei urn JMRKCTOKm. M. S. Klfrsy, John E. Shutt, R J Horw M. i - Wilcox, A. & I. .1. McKec, f. K Roir. M . 51 Uailey E. I. K)Pp. j. EVEJUNGIIA5I. Secretary will take it entitelv out jf their of his fot tb- power is the subject coming report. lte BaJtnm re baiik - ! ers' plan will likely form the 8k!to of the Secretary s recororuendatioi Mr. Carlisle does not believo that the Treasury ihonld b a banking institntioti. He wants to brmj jj, don to tbe proper function of col lecting taxes and distributing expen diture He will lecommend Stur. I backs of isue under projer relatitnr to be imposed by Congress that will : I 11 . . M . keep me currency or the counfrv uniform. He recommends tb rrwi ! th 10 per cett . tax under these' I cond!ona; It is probable that thfc 1 r resiueni s iuesaee will contn'm j .1:1, , . f, vui&iu, ; -fiiui itieirute iu ijie currency fuj Uher than an emphatic " indorseaect of Secretary Carlisle viewg. r The Denver Luad ' choaking worsen to who ha beer death in thai . " : t ' 0 . -fc - ent exciter- ---t 4.-,rfo; 0f .ft.tiv..yi : .-t,.i c,,,i ; nigU by it? i i c- n m- iu tl art- i if - i i ! 5 41 V 1 J