TO AMKXD TI1K TAIMFF- th matter plaiulj, tbey liii?e "In-
junH on tbe lower road nnl certain
Movement liKiin In The Senate to j l--atb o.. the upper "
CIimii" I'reierit Law. Tke neiiou questou outhUle of all
..,., T . ,, T .1 political consideration is as to what
W mLinrrton. D. C, Jan. A. A.1 ...
ut': emr-iit whs begun in the Seriate
t'i'hiy looking to the ametiJineut of
lh" urgency deficiency Will, which
lim not yet been reported from t la
C"!;i!inttee, by a iding several amend
m-!.U looking to the inipproveiuent
cf the present law. Amoug the
amendments proposed is one for the
abolition of the one tenth additional
chfTeiential duty placed oa suar iui
orted from countries paying a
twumty, and for the correction of
tli'.' error made in regard to the tax j
on nlcohol used in the arts, and a
third relieving corporations of the
provisions of iucoroe tax law requir
ing that they shall furnish lists of
tlieir employes to whom salaries of
leKH than $4,000 are paid.
Democratic leaders are especially
anxious that the two amendments
Grrt mentioned should be enacted in
Co law during the present session It
as the purpose of the Democratic
cnombers of the finance committee to
liavc dropped the one-tenth addition
al discriminating duty on sugar
from the tariff bill in conference, but
Che acceptance of that measure by
Che House prevented thiB. The
action of the Europeau countries to
which the duty applies in excluding
American meats has bad the effect of
CauMng this change to appear still
nuiru important than it did before
it became a law, and the Democratic
i a.lers would feel especially gratili
cd if it could be accomplished.
The duty of preparing these
araeudments has devolved upon Sen
ator. Jones of Akansaw, but it is uu
tlestood that they will not be pre
fen ted unless there appears little
d'V.tbt of their acceptance by the Sen
Pte Consequently Mr. Jones and
ether Democratic Seuators are can
yussing both sides of the chamber
for the purpose of getting at the
Sentiment If they become couviuc
cd that the amendments can be
greed to they will be introduced
within the next two or three daye.
They say.however.that if it becomes
evident that the Republicans will
make a light on them, tbey will not
present them at all, as with only two
months of the Congress left their
passage could be prevented and the
Appropriation bills would be imperil
led to no purpose.
Honesty, perseverance and skill cannot lru
TAveir sawyer's Cure, because it folly
ires tmliKeHtiun, biliousness and kidney dif
". -'.lty. Isold by II I. Tncker.
Vest on the Situation.
. 'r.iet from letter to St. Louis friend-
No one lias ever seen such disor
gnnization as can be found now in
(his city among Democrats. It pain
ally reminds you of a shipwreck
where the officers have lost all con
trol ami every man is looking out
fr himself. . This is the inevitable
result of the overwhelming defeat
ie suffered in November, and I do
cot see any hope in the future ex
cept from the inevitable trend of
events. I do cot believe that the
i-eople of the United States have
repudiated the principles of the
democratic party, but tbey simply
resented the business derangeitent
Knd depression and struck at the
f-r.rty in power just as they did at
(bo Republicans in 1890 and 1892.
Our friends, the enemy, are in no
Letter condition really than we are
and their ablest leaders know it.
They, are fully aware of the fact that
(Lo people expect relief from their
election, and they are also aware that
(be Republican party can give no
relief. It will not do for them to
inke the excuse that the President
T9 a Democrat and will veto any laws
passed by the two House of Con
gress. It is well known that Mr.
Cleveland sympathises with the
iarge majority of the Republicans as
Iq financial matters, and this ques
(Ion is at the bottom of all others in
(be near future. The Eastern peo
i le, without regard to party, favor
tbe single gold standard and the
Te6t and South favor bimetallism.
A large majority of tbe Eastern peo
ple, without regard to party, favor
i tariff-for protection and the West
and South oppose this doctrine.
If the Republicans in Congress at
tempt to remain passive for the next
two years they will be overwhelm
ingly defeated in 1896- I do not
see how thej can do anything in the
way of legislation which will give
relief to the oountry.land, to state
we ctn do iu the wy of reforming
our liiiauciul hi, stem Under pres
ent conditions tbe Government is a
great, bunk without tLe ability to
protect Its oid r-M rve T he Ti ettS
ury i ut th infic" f tLe bunks and
i peculator, and it M-ems" iuip'Nibl
to have a majority agreement im to
anv by .-tern of finance v. bile the bat
tle is trtgin between gold and silver.
Here is the great difficulty before
both pm ties. G. G Vlst.
Washington. D, C, U.
liUeates unfriendly to women are positively
cured by I)r Sawyer's t'a tille Aok your
drnggiitl Tor a tree sample package. It heals
and cures. Sold by II I. Tucker
Ailirnpri4iiii tithe i'eiiietei.
Jefleisou City, Mo , Jan. 1 The
boaid of curators of the State uni
veittity huve decided to ask for an
appropriation of 5500.000. It will
be necessary to introduce two or
more bills, as the constitution limits
any single appropriation to $250,
000. Following are among the pur
poheB for which the uuiversity will
ank for appropriations-; Medical
building, rfSo.OOO; gymnasium, $50,
000; club bouse, $40,000: laboratory
of Holla school $37,000; maintenance
of same $12,000. One of the new
appendages suggested is a chair of
There is universal complaint in
regard to the non enforcement of
the fish and game laws. From the
number of complaints it seems no
one has auy respect for su?h laws
Several bills have been piepaied and
will be introduced in a few days.
One provides for the registration
and hc-using of professional hurttt rs
and fishermen. Another prohibit,
the Fide of deer, and still another
provides for the appointment of a
game warden in each count' of
the state. When these aud other
measures Luvw been introduced aud
sent to a committee, an effort will
be made to formulate a general law
Iu the past the difficulty ubout
such legislation has be a wide dif
ference of opinion among the advo
cates of the preservation of game
and fish.
Members of the Ex Confederate
association are having a bill prepar
ed for the final ownership of the ex
Confederate Loiue by the State. The
farm is a valuable piece of property
situated near Higginsville. Tue bill
provides that if the State will appro
priate $24,000 every two years for
twenty years tbe home shall become
the property of the State.
Backlen'i Arnica Salve,
The Best Salve in the world for Cut
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum Fever
Sores, Tetter.Chapped Hands, Chlblain
Corns, ind all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures files, or no pay required. I
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 35 cts per boxt
For sale dy H. L,. I ticker, druggist
It has been the policy of the
Democrat whenever possible to
throw cold water on the various
creamery aud cannery schemes that
spring up like mushrooms over the
country. While we do not wish to
decry legitimate business enterpris
es, we see notning 111 these enter
prises for local capital, but regard
them as simply promoted for the
benefit of plausible aud glib-tongued
ageuts who profit by the sale of
machinery. Recent dispatches from
Indiana confirm our views of tbe
matter. That State is now simply
overrun with cannery promoters at.d
canning factories are springing up
like mushrooms. No thought of
securing a market apparently enters
the heads of those who are investing
their hard earned mouey in these
enterprises It is the old East India
bubble or tulip craze over again on
a smaller scale. One or at utmost
two seasons finds the factory strand
ed for want of a market. In Indiana
it is a significant fact that the same
men who sold creamery machinery
five years ago are now selling these
cannery outfits. Cliuton Democrat
Two Lives Saved. 5
Mrs Pnoebe Thomas, of Junction City
Illinois, was told bv her doctors she had
consumption and thaf there was no hope
tor her, but two bottle of Dr. King's
New Discover; completely cured her
and she says it saved her lite. MrThos
Eggers i39,Florida street, San Francisco
suffered Irom a dreadful cold, approach
ing consumption, tried without result
everything else then bonght one bottle
ot Dr. King's New Discov ery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally
thankful. It is such results, ol which
these are samples, that prove tne won
dettul efficacy of this medicine in coughs
or colds. Free trial bottles at H. L.
Tucker's drugstore. Regular size 50c
and i.
Shortage of Cattle and Hogs. j
Buffalo, X. Y, Jan. 3. Erick j
Bros., commission dealers of this !
city, have issued their annual stock j
report, covering the states of Ohio, !
Indiana Illinois and Michigan. The
table given shows the visible supply
of stock iu comparison with last
year. The percentage on b..gs is
based ou the supplies of lat veur
at tLL-i time. On sheep aud lambs
the percentage is based ou the steck
on bind December 31, 1S04: !
Cattle Ohio, 32 per cent de- i
crease; Indiana, 30 per cent de
crease; Illinois,35 per cent decrease; '
Michigan, 35 per cent decrease. I
Hogs Ohio, 10 per cent decrease; ;
Iudiana, uuchaBged; Iliinois, 20 per
cent decrease; Michigan, 5 per cent
Sheep and Lambs Ohio, 52 per
cent decrease; Indiana, 42 per cent
decrease; Ills., 45 per cent deereae e:
Michigan, 40 per cent decrease.
There seems to be a decided short
age in cattle iu Illinois, but two
counties reporting more feeding this
year thau at this time last year.
Hogs are reported generally un
healty in Southern Ohio, aud iu a
good uiauy parts of Illinois. Some
sickneps prevails in Indiana but very
little iu Michigan.
Wheat is being fed quite liberally
In some localities the percentage
runs as high as 75. In Michigan,
particularly, it is fed to a large ex
tent aud the best of results are re
How's This!
We otter One Hundred Dollars lie
ward tor anv case ot Catarrh that can
not l c cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F. J . Cheney & Co., Props. Toledo, O
We the undersigned, have known V.
J Chcnev for the last 15 years, and te
lieve 1 1 1 tn perfectly honorable in his
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by that firm.
West Sc Truax, Wholesale l)ru'4;its,
Tolet'o, Ohio. VValding, Kinnan & Mar
vin, W liolesale Urusfgists, Toledo, (.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75c per bottle. Suld by all druggists.
Testimonials free. 12-im
Generation after geueration have
felt us we do now that their lives
were as active as our own The
heaveus will bw as bright over our
graves as they are arouud our paths.
Yet a little while aud all this will
have happened. The throbbing
heart will be stilled, aud we will be
at rest. Our funeral will wend its
way aud tl.e prayers shall be said
and we shall be left iu the darkness
aud silence of the tomb. Aud it may
be for a short time we will be spok
eu of, but as the things of life creep
on, our names shall be forgotten.
Days shall coutiuue to move on, and
laughter and sonjj will be beard in
the room where we died; and the
eyes that mourned for us be dried
and animated with joy and even our
child will cease to think of us, and
will remember to lisp our names no
more. Geo. D. Prentice.
Zano reetoifg nervoun energy and restores
lost inaiihood. Zano cures mental ami ervnal
ilebility of men Sold by II. L. Tucker, drag
By Dr. Price Ciernn Bakinir Powile.
Two signal triumphs have been
achieved by Dr. Price's Cream Bak
ing Powder. First it received High
est Award and Diploma at tbe
World's Columbian Exposition of
1893.Next it secured Highest Award
and Gold Medal at tbe California
Midwinter Fair of 1894. At both
Fairs it surpassed all competitors in
every respect. Tbe award, in each
instance, was for strongest leavening
power, perfect purity and general
excellence. It was sustained bv tbe
unanimous vote of tbe judges.
The victory at Chicago establishes
the supremacy of Dr. Price's as"The
Foremost Baking Powder in the
World." The triumph at San Fran
cisco confirms and emphasizes it.
In Cherokee county, Alabama last
Tuesday Fred Loag was passing a
school house, and the boys pelted
him with snow balls. He tried to
get them to quit, but when they
would not be opened fire on them
with his pistol, killing one and fatal
ly wounding another.
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
jegulate the bowels and kidneys will find
the true remedy in Electrict Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisk v nor other intoxicant
but acts as a tonic and alterative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and bowels
adding strength and giving tone to the
oreanc thereby aiding nature in the per
foimance ai "the tnnctions. Etectrict
Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids
digestion. Old peopt-e find it just exact
lt what they need. Price 50c at jour
drug store.
An lmiian:i I'up That loullil
a s.x-Ymr-
11 t old Trail
Se oral er.:huia -tu- coon hntert'.ic
other !ay wire di.-vvi.-.-hi;,' the rin
taileii' eh:i-o, says the Wabah Times,
whvri 'llinie" V'flhn:;:;. cf I'rban.v,
cu!:..' in 11 Tie. i:
iny more o mui U
of the cruwu p.'
-I ll tell Vol:.-
: i.-v.' i;.l!!t:;es v,aili
II; th-ia alitiu- balance
I t ' Vti. it.
i Hiine," "I"
O Lrl 't
; that
uni y
". 1 out
the U-t eolii Irul'rrcn ai't.n tr;is
ever anybody .:;..-.!, and he i
t iht mr rith , .. t 1 t5; the r
the other !: y hi-t t if !: e-uhl run
x track ami t ;;Ivc Kiui a little ixi r
ciso, Jiihlhe hadn't been in the wimkIn
ten minutes entil I heard hitu ark.
and he kept l-arking1 in suvii a way as
to make tin- K-lievo ho had "trved" his
frame. a:i I tin n I came ti the conclu
sion that he was a "still hunter.' I
found him ut the mouth of a six-inch
tile ditih audi Lc Ld pulled out one ol"
the tiles with his teeth and was chew
ing the end of it to pieces. As he was
a young dog 1 did not want to ruin his
teeth and I pulled him away from the
tile, but as soon as I let go of hii: lie
would jump hack and tackle the thing
again with renewed vigor. I led him
to the mouth of the ditch and stuck his
nose in the end of the tile, but he ;a:d
no attention to that but ran back to
the other one.
'"That sort of carrying on lathered
me and I at last led the dog away, re
marking that he was no good on earth.
After awhile I turned him hxse once
more and in less than three minutes he
was back at that tile biting pieces out
of it and barking like an old-timer. As
I saw the pup was bound to ruiu him
self by breaking oil his teeth I picked
up the tile, determined to earry it to
the house, so as to keep it out of his
reach. As I walked along looking at
the marks of the pup's teeth I ir.a.k- a
startling discovery, and what do you
think it was?"
The t-pell-bound listeners of the
strange story held their breath for a
moment and in a chorus asked: "What?"'
"Well, right on the inside of that
tile 1 saw plainly the impriut of a
'coon's foot, which had lx'en made
there when the tile had been first
molded and the clay was soft and
yielding. The tile had evidently been
made late in the evening and set away
to dry and the '00. ,n bad run through
it the very .'ame night and made the
track. The tile, of course, was after
ward dried and burned in the kiln, and
it has been in that ditch for more than
six years, and I say a:i eight-montlis-edd
pup that can smell as cold a trail
as that is certainly the champion 'coon
dog of the world."
Their I'.rra I-1;:."Th Seem Sail. Sob-la.,, S.
tlrtl r'.nrl l".l;i:U!i.
A member of the Knglish parliament,
rioreiiee '1 h iscoll. in a lively paper
in Century, describes life and street
scenes iu I'anton. Mr. O'Driscoll says:
The food purveyors made a most
striking display; the fruiterers exposed
on Hat trays bananas, pineapples, mel
ons, iigs, pears, (the latter beautiful to
the sight but hard and tasteless), to
gether with many Chinese fruits whose
shapes and tastes wore familiar to me,
but whose names I knew not. Some
of these fruits were most artistically
peeled, pineapple-peeling being ;uite
an art. A pn at variety of vegetables
was offered for sale. Among them
were the white shoots of the ba:iib.H,
which seemed to be a favorite ar: iele
of diet. P.nt to what use, indeed, may
not this wonderful grass be put? From it
Chinamen make almost everything con
ceivable hats, cloaks, sheets, carpets,
roofs, rurildings. baskets, chairs, carrying-poles,
fishing-tools the list might
be prolonged ad infinitum. And then
they eat it as well.
Preserving ginger in many forms
was a noticeable trade. The roots
were washed and left in water, us an
Knglish cook treats potatoes before
lKiling them. A number of men and
w omen holding a two-pronged fork in
each hand sat around a table with the
tubs of peeled ginger lcside them:
they picked ginger roots out of the
water, and, laying them on the tabic,
pierced them all over very rapidly with
ln,th forks until quite soft. The pierced
roots were then put into another tub,
where they were boiled in sirup. The
ginger went through various other mi
nor processes, until eventually it was
packed in the earthenware jars in
which it is told in European shops.
The whole process was certainly a clean
one, and the smell of the aromatic
root in preparation was lntth grateful
and pleasant.
In the bakers shop saw nothing
corresponding to our European loaf;
solid-looking little yellow patties, slabs
of flabby brown cakes, emblematic of
concentrated dyspepsia; scones, or an
equivalent, apparently of fried batter:
and great llakes of milk-white, slippery-looking
paste not abore an eighth
of an inch thick to le rolled up and
deftly sliced with a cleaver-shaped tool
into h"ng strings like macaroni. These
foods were to be seen everywhere in
the city, but nothing light and open.
To my eyes the breadstuffs seemed
sad, solemn, sodden, and bilious.
Gentlemanly Burglars in Japan.
Even the most gentlemanly of our
burglars have much to learn from
Japan in the way of politeness, if one
may judge by a description of the man
ners of robbers in that country given
in the Atlantic. Three men broke into
a dyer's house while he was away and
gently asked his wife how much monev
there was in the house. She ans.ver;!l
that there were just twenty-seven yen
and eighty-four sen. The robber
laughed and said: "You are a g-ood old
woman and we believe you. If you
were poor we would not rob you at all.
Now we only want a couple of kimono
and this,"' laying his hand on a fine
silk overdress. The old woman re
plied: "All my son's kimono I can
give you, but I beg yon will not take
that, for it docs not belong to ray son
and was confided to us only for dyeiny.
What is ours I can give, bnt I cannot
give what belongs to another. '"Tht
is quite rigrht." approved th robber,
'and we shall not take it.""
is Essential
You cm not y
hi to be w-'"
it vtsr J;
IMll'RE. . t:oub'ed withS-
I! yoa .
!- u' k 1 i : ...!. a :-.v : ? " -" ;
.. ... ... ;- t t
purit:; Lu..U you tp. A- tuasacr cl Lr:a-
Junes j' . V
$tv tt use. is Ve jet Uixh! remedy on eirt
n it my f
yjit.: h a st ;hhn avis, lurtua. ot.i- vft
'Tw-t'10 o? ttocj .ir.it fci 1 cr'i! nwite.'' t:s.v,
S VV IvT MH'II K' ei 1., Atlanta. Via.
"eit-riiiined .i lo
Macon, Mo.. ,T.n. 'J Woid reneli-
d hereof h d-spuntH Httempt at
uieide by a piomiu-nt citizen of
In by. Amos D ekt-rson had a great
r-r load of business troubl-s thin
Mm con! 1 carry, lie thought, and he
t hl a friend h whs giug; to drown
himself The friend Unshed at what
e thought a jok-. Diekerson went to
Biuok Creek and cut a large hole in
tin- ice, and thmi slid iu. Some
parties uhi saw him ran and cut the
c- and pulled him out. more dead
ti at alive He had previously made
in attempt upon his life with a re
volver and ha 1 hardly recovered
ft otn that injury at the time of his
n'ouJ attempt
Money ami experience cannot viroiluoe a Uet
t laiiiilv medicine than Ir Sawyer' Kuaiilv
Cure It cures ilittioulties or the etomacu anil
liver, soi l by II. b. Tucker
E.C; -V-
3 SS.
3 -0 a-.- Krro :
z' - "5
. X 5 V ' jr I
- , o-S o 5 :
--? T5. :
5 2
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3C 5T n 5
s 5 li
2 y' s a
2 2 g-
S r P
3 s-'x S
m pa n
z ca '0
- L-g-
se. - n 3
2.-S-5 a" 3 R-"ioa-fg-g'S
; r.
S2. a 9
S" s
55 t
ii c ti
a 5 r
D.rr-i - e
' V C V
3 t C ft . " w
W. L. Douclas
43.5? FN Calf &Kangaroi
3.50 P0LICE.3 SOLES.
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal custom shoes in stvle and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, --.stamped on sole.
From Si to S3 saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Oea er, wliose imme will shortly ap
pear h re Ayent wanted. Apply
clat folia, as elaMea belo fr. Wbls-
utrul&I Cuhiona ImId wttni alt
mnhard. op!ti. biWM. f llisrax,8B3 B wy
pevr Yurk, sole depot. Send for boss sail proofs FREE.
ClMturs and braotifies th hair.
Promote a Inwitnt rrnwth.
Hever rails to Kestor Gray
aaair vo sis ioat&rui voior.
Cure ecaip 4mi a bur l.uirjj.
Sfie, and 1 1 ') at DraryiM
!'e Parker's Ginger Tanis. It rum the wri Coufti.
Weak lisnxa. Debility. Imlgestion. Pain, Take in time. At cts.
HINDERCORNS. Th on! mr nm for Cor.
Stotia aZ baaa. Lie. at LruuM. or UlSCoX k CO.. M. V.
e reakYa s ts UPPER
franpi ssiwer ana an Boner opunoo, write to
Vt l R a sk CO.. wao haTe had smtIt aft
czoerienoe la the patent business. Commanlca.
'ions strtctlr eonfWratlsl. A HaasItMMk of In.
jonoBu toneeminf rairaia son bow to Ob
tain them sent free. Also a cataJome ot Trrtisn
leal aad scientMe bonks sent fre.
Patents taken tfaronch Mann k. Co. reesrre
pectai notieetntbe MeleBtiae Amrrirmm, arxl
thna are brought wMeiy befnretbe peMiewttli
oat eoat to the iirrentor. This srMeixlHS paper.
;soed weekly, eterant 17 ilhurtrated. has by far tbe
larreet errcuiatHn ot any argentine work In Mtm
3 a year. Mmpie ooptes sent free,
Boiklins Ediuoo, snombly. flat) a year. 8lan
copies, -ii cents. Erery number contains bean
tilnl piatea, in eoiors. and pkocosrrapbs of new
booses, witk pisna, eublinc Wider to abow tbw
latest desiaros and seeare cootrmrts. ArMms
MLSS CO, Stw Yobk, 31 BOabAT.
. 3
Its curability establishes bv . e te ot tb
remetlj- (Solaaom Caroliueusr',) aa r
PVd by Dr. gelman. Eadorsed by the raeOi
eainf eioa teserail y . Keod for paraphlet.
Aatsuesa all cxvtnaauni cations to
. : ... " 1 .. - .r. .i 1 wry
.. o
Bates County Bank,
acc-tr to-
Eates Co. National Bank.
Established in 1ST0.
Paid up capital
A jeneral banking business trans
acted. F.J. TYGARO, - - - President.
HON. J. I?. NEWBEUm , Vice-Pres.
f. C.CLARK - - Csshler
Southeast i 'orner Square, over Deft
eon liors. & t'o.'s Store.
T.'.J Svnrn.
Ollkc over Bates Countv Natn'l Bank.
Butler, Missouri.
Office over the Missouri State Bank
North side square.
Silvers & Denton
OlTice over the Farmers Bank.
1" C. BOULWARE, Physician and
. Surgeon. Office north side square,
Butler, Mo. Diseasesof women and chll
en a specialty.
Office, tront room over McKiuhens
store. All call answered at olTice davor
Special attention given to tcniale di
The Old Iteliable
North Sitle Stiuare.
Has ,the heit equipped gallery in
soutnvert Missouri. All
Styles of Photogrphing
exeeuttl ii.'the hijjlieht ht vie of the
art, arm at reasonable prieet.
Cryon Work A Speciity.
All work in my line is guaranteed to
give satisfaction. Call and see
samples of work.
means so much more than
you imagine senous and
fatal diseases result from
trifling ailments neglected.
Don't play with Nature's l
r greatest gilt health.
If yo arc feeling
out of sorts, weak
and ireneraily ea
hassted, nervous ,
have no appetite
and can't work,
bee in at once tak
ing the most relis J
merltcine, which ts
Brown's Iron fctt
ters. A few bot
tles core benefit
comes from the
very firt dose it
ron t ttam jour
Urth, a n 4 it's
pleasant tu Ukc. J
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralfla, ..Troubles.
Coostipatlon, Bad Blood
f Malaria, Nervooa ailments A
Women's comptalnU.
Ct OSilv the rrTinin. 1 f,e rrrLA mI
r lines on the wrapper. Ail otbers are sau- 4
1 stitates. On receipt of two ac. stamps e 1
' wiH scad set ot TM tWaMrtlM WseM'a 4
Fair vssrws and hwok free.
a (town chemical co. sUltiuore. ue.
1 r- 1
: Browns
: Bitters
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