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JN paint the best is the A cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said tc be "just as good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brands of White Lead offered you ; any of the fol lowing are sure : "Southern,1 "Red Seal," "Collier." For Colors. National Lead Co. '9 Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. Thw colors re oll in one-puun'i cans, each ran '"-msi sufficient to tint 25 pounds ( strictly Pure While l.cud hedrsircf shade; they are in 110 sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly F-ure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have heen saved property-owner by having our book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card and get both free. NATIONAL LEAD CO. St. Louis Hranrh, Clark Avenue and Tenth Street, St. Louis. WASHINCiTO.V.S CALL TO ARMS. An liitereMing .Mh 11 11 script in the Pox xieiuii of h New Jersey .Man. William II. Weeks of Newark, X. J., Iiuh an original document from the pen of George Washington that is of far greater interent than the usual old manuscripts of the Father of his Country discovered from time to time. This letter never appeared iu print until it appeared iu the col .loins of a local newspaper a few days ago. The document is a call to Jersey men to take up arms in the defense of the country. It was written in Trenton Gve days after the celebrat ed capture of the town by the American forces, in commemoration of which the Trenton battle mouu inent was raised a little over a year ago. It was written on a sheet of paper eight inches wide and ten long, aud an accurate copy of it is us follows: 4To the Frieuds in tbe State of New Jersey. 'The Army of tbe Americau States under my command being lately greatly reinforced, aud having enter e)d the State of New Jersey, I most warmly request the militia of said Statu at this Important Crisis to Evince their live to their Couutry by boldly Stepping forth and de fending the Cause of Freedom. The Inhabitants may be assured that by manly aud spirited Conduct they may now relieve their Distressed State from the Depredations of our Euemiea I have therefore dispatch hi Coll. Neilson, Majors Taylor, Van Kiuburgb, aud Freliughuyeen, together with some other Gentle :ueu of your State, to call to gether and Embody your Militia, not doubt iug but Success will attend their endeavors. GroitcJE Washington. "Trenton, Ml Dec 177fJ." The coutineutal army wan ll ashed with it? success at Trenton, but the master inia 1 of the commander was alert and as watchful in ever. He was lookiug iuto the future, and knew full well that the battle ground was to shift to places further up the Slate. If Jerseymeii were lukewarm the American arms would bo very seriously iu jeopardy. It was the crisis, as he called it, aud he tried to make the people of the State ap preciate it, appealing to their best and highest sentiments of patriot ism. The Major Frelinghuysen whom the document alludes to had taken charge of a battery of artillery at Trenton five days before, and was a tried and trusted officer of the mili tia. He afterwards became a colonel of militia, aud at the close of the war wa sent to tbe I'uithd States Senate from that State. He was a professor at Rutgers during the greater part of the Revolution, and his direct descendents are well known aud highly esteemed in that city to day. Washington's call to Jerseymeu was gallantly responded to, iud recruits rlockcd to his stand ard from all over the State T i- nrohlem what became of . .1 l.ll.. .llni. if m-i, n-nllnx i IUB ICllCl ail" Ik . n where it has been through all these years since'. Mr. Weeks got the document from a friend in the South, and it seemed to have been found among 'Washington s papers after his leatb. It was originally folded through the center in both directions, or, in other words, folded , twice, so that it made a small aud ) compact parcel. Oue corner, the j upper left hand, is soiled, as if it had , been opened from the corner very j frequently. The way it was folded j leads one to suspect that it was j given into the care of a hmetim:i. ' who tucked it away hi pocket in i the smallest possible compass. It may have been carried through the towu by Hume messenger, who read it to the people as he went along. His inixsiou over, he may l aw ie turned with it to his chief. What ever was done with it. theie can h no question as to its geniiiiiein-s. Mr Weeks has r-hown ibe ilm-uui-, t to one or two of the leading graph experts iu the- counii n il they agree to its authenticity Woman hood has its owu special medicine in 1). Pierce'B Favorite l'resci ipu.n. An,. every woman "run down ..r ov 1 worked, every woman who nollr-ir-from any "female complaint" .i weakness, needs jut that. iemedy With it, every ditui banee. lriegu larity, aud derangement can be per rnanently cured. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengtheum. nervine, and the only meiiicme for women t-o safe, and 6ure that it can be guaranteed. In periodical pains, displacements, w ak back, bearing down sensations, aud every kindred ailment, if it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Is any thing that isu't sold in this way likely to be "just as good?" Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure coustipa tion, liver ills, indigestiou.dyspepsia, piles and headaches. Overrun Willi Itahliils. Excelsior Spriugs, Mo., Jan. '.i The rabbits have about taken pos session of this section of the State and are doing no little damage to fruit tfees in young orchards. They seem to have arrived before their proper time. Farmers say that usually they do not come aud begin their depredatious on fruit trees un til the winter is well nigh ov r, or at least not until a heavy suow has fallen. The small boy as a remedy against the too great a prevalence of "cotton-tails"' does not Beem to be suflicient this season, aud farmers are wondering uow how they may be equal to the rabbit pest, which seems to be prevailing hereabouts. Zano cures all diseases resulting from men tal and, nervous debility . Zano rextorcs the broken down nervous system and lost man hood. Sold by II L. Tucker A Chance to Make Money In the past week I have made 123 and attend to my household duties. I think I will do better next week. It seems the more dish washers I sell, the more demand I have for them. I thiuk auy lady or gentle man, anywhere, can make money in this business. Jt is something every family wants, aud when they can be bought so cheap, they buy them, and the persou who has enterprise enough to take an agency is bound to make money. I wish auy of your readers that wish to make from S5 to rV2 a day, would try this business aud report their success. Any one can get full particulars by address ing the Iron City Dish Washer Co., E. E. Pittsburg, Pa. Such a chance is rare at least I have never struck oue. Martha F. B. ruojsit) oj Sunp .jt;-! Svttt, jiut:.")."! oi;s Reports show that the slaughter of the Armeuinans was brutal, beast ly and sickening Just to think of the opeu bauded, cold-blooded murder of 15,000 people, men, women and children, iu broad daylight, because they refused to pay tribute to two beastly savage governments. Think of the hacking to death of pleading women and innocent children, the murder of priests and the firing of churches aud vou have the outrages before your eyes mat were perpe- trated upon tbe Armenians b the bloodthirsty savage Turks and ! Kurds. No wonder the Sultan ol lects to having tuese outrage in ves - . - . i . . I . . , , -1 , : T . , HK't" 7 " .x. , - x lines. What's the Use ot Talking "About colds and coughs in the sum mer time. You may,have a tickliug cough or a little cold or baby may have the croup and when it comes you rSught to know that Parks cough Syruy it the best cure tor it. Soli by H. I... Tucker. A. O Welt on Stapled Fancy Groceres Feed and Provisions of all Kinds. HUEEMSWARF AND GLASSWARE n?CRS AWO TOBACCO, Via-1- -.-.s i he highet market price for Countv Hast Sifle Square. Butler, Mo r -Mm-CO O CD C 0) C D 0 b m ()4ljjfiQ Q) ? r Is -a - CD Co bo"3 as -a c -C rn CD l c b UjzS as H o CO is o. double diamond frangc cxccptiorjal' graceful ir deii- It b ligbt tougb to tbe b'Sbe-St degree &t)d liy guArotced tt&de ut)der oar owry 3upervbior , In. oar ou)o factory, of oar otCr) fir)zst cold draafo 5can)!c55 steel tubirjg, witb every JtQt arjd pajt cierjtiflc&lly tcstccf, it b cDorthy backbone for a famous wheel v v 3.. (5 sr s sin ste xi xi si. sIll aboat-, n our illaitratcd cat- cbto';r fi-ee iT car--Ajcncics or !?&U .1 cC.t ta W HA br CHURCH & CO.. :;er ".. nro ir Arm end Jlaxitxcr Absolutely Free. Any reader of this paper can get Tl-,t T om ih sohstely free for three months. Read the offer in this issue aud take ad vantage of it at once. The weekly Globt -Democrat is issued in Semi Weekly eectious, eight pafes each. j ' ! T.,.3.i- o,,. Vrl . ; i . j making it prftCticd:iY a ,v t- ! ; , r .. T t V. ! I'lit uuuai a r?ti . j. u n i i l rs. il ! . ..... ,, ; . " ..-1. iji .. .... . f.u . k. ' t - mi i jaw mi ! iiiv.-iKi; I is the whole, stnrv kV s ii packages 33 M.;:; ::lv tne news, aud is aosolutely indtspen- ; remedies in general, a-e arford but tem s sablfe to the farmer, ' merchant, of ! porarv reu'ei. A cure certaintY cannot maji whc li.ia not. tho time to read a large daily pompUy and keep tbovocghly posted. Sample Copies -will be "sent free cn" applica - tion to Globe Printinn- Co . St.Xouis Mic!0uri r t m en 5 J '? ZS 3 2 - 0 r 3 tfl x td r x'r - -5 , ? j is X ? ; 3 Z. x "Z w ? f. OS O L M 2 - x r- 0 CD 0 C5 m-s m 1 f o f 1 A a c y o cj O a S o o gH a 2 J -H 5 U v, ?' - Q S S s- 1- i . a CD C. .E l 1 g co y 5 c S O r- ! i- -m CO JC PoPE rtFfl-, e m 9 m WER SOPA I Costs no more than other package soda never sjroi!.: m flour universally acknowledge j purest in the world. York. Soli by Grocers evervwhere. Hook fit valuable Reeipcs - FREE. j !ve Drove Him To It. . Breckinridge, Mo , Dec 31. C. Bealeof Si. Joseph, Mo., aged 25 i Tears, and a student of the Sr. .In ) seph Commercial college was found ! desd thi morning in bis room at Hotel Caldwell in this place. ' Beale came here to settle a love I affair, and failing to adjust matters ftft ticaf rkriW h tnolr o n nrf.r.:nci nf i morphine with suicidal intent. tk. ,..k ..... . ,t 3 ,trv a r,-i-u r-.n t,Mr - - r - - - - : Proper t.ocat treatment is necessary to i i3?ci:es -.a.,d washes. . htv s Cream i so htehLv commended is a remedy which combines the import, i ant requisite of quick action, specific ! curative powe with fperfect safety and i pt-easantness to the patient. The drv7- fsistsaLL fill, it CHANGED HIS ELECTRIC PIANO. A Saloonkerprr I"lnU That cnr It Not Suited for a Btrraom. A certain saloon, wishing" to piease its patrons without the txrx."nc of hir ing" a. lonc-hairvtl piaii:.t. bought an electric piano, says tho Indianapolis ScutiiieL Those pianos arc verv fuanv to watch, for they tart v.p a tune and jro straight ahead and play ;t to the bitter end without anyone near them. ' To a person who Joes not understand the motive power, the thing appears uncaimv; and the bovs prepared t- : have lots of fun. The saloon was full : cf patrons when somebxly slyly turned ; on the current and the piano started, j Out came the solemn, luaiestie strains ' f "Tuunhauser." A u;.m who was j drinking at the bar set down his glass i and shivered. Three men playing j curds began to get nervous and. finally, j with a cuss word or two, gave up the j game. Still the piano thundered out j the audience, not Wing familiar with Wagner, got bluer and bluer. The owner saw that the piano had made a mistake and hastened to assure his patrons that he hud either pieces and would put a new t no in. This he did, and the men brightened up a little while waiting to hear the new piece. Many expressions of dNgust at hearing a funeral dirge on such an eeasjon were hurled at the owner. Everyone had aKiut resumed his original atti tude when the piano -a given another trial. This time it was "Lohengrin." and while the piece was a little bright er, it was not festive. One man de clared it had leen played at his grand father's funeral or sister's wedding, he forgot which. This piece was taken out and a third tried, but it was an ar rangement of the national hymns with variations, anil was just as solemn. The piano was closed for the night and in the morning the proprietor rushed to find some more suitable pieces. Now the piano plays "The Uogie Man," "With Danny by My Side" and the "Washington Tost March.' and the crowd is delighted. Hut the piano came near wrecking the saloon the first night. If it lmd been Me-erleer instead of Wagner perhaps the name would have carried the music through. A WELL AS A BAROMETER. It It on a dtttaraiiKus Comity Farm, and Infallibly Foretells Weather. There is a curious well on the Flint farm, in the town of Creat Valley, Cat taraugus county, N. Y. It is a natural barometer. Nolxxly ever passes that farm, winterer summer, if the weather is settled, without asking something like this: "Does the well threaten a change'.'" For everyone knows that if there is bad weather coming the well will let them know it. sure as sure can be, says the New York Sun. They call the well v.p there the "whi-tling well," although it doesn't whistle now. lint that isn't any fault of the well. This well was dug about fifty years ago by the father of Col. Flint, who now occupies the farm, lie put it down forty-live feet, but found no water, and dug no further. Instead of water, a strong current of air came from the well at times. The opening was covered with a big Hat stone, and for amusement a hole was drilled in the stone and a big tin whistle fitted into it. This whistle had two tones one when the air rushed up from the well, and a different one when the counter current sucked the air back into the mysterious depths. It wasn't long before the discovery was made that within forty-eight hours after the outrushing current from the well started the whistle to shrieking a storm invariably followed. When the tone of the whistle was changed by the reversing f the current, it was f'iscovc red that the change meant a change find the coming of fair weather. Thee weather signals never failed. When the weather v.a settled the whistle was silent. The whistle got nut of order some y ears ago, and, for some reason, v.-as never repaired, but the coming and going currents of air still prophesy the coming of their re spective "spells of weather" with un varying infallibility. Our I.arly Diplomat. Congress had some difficulty in regu lating the expenses f its foreign min isters m as to give them ::n T)p,rtuni- ty to ajper:r with lignity in foreign courts and at. the :mi!' to the economical ideas in the mailer of pr.bli lime conform that prevailed j. expenditure. At the time rrankl::i : as v. -riling h"ine that he could nt make a respectable apt p.ranee at the court of France, the president of congress was receiving letters alleging a wasteful expenditure of money by Franklin and his nephew, Jonathan Williams. Njiw; of these stricttt res may have l- n warranted, for John Adams was found incluuinjr a charge for the education of his son in an account ;f his c.pcn-es abroad. The item was disallowed on the ground that the invent igniting enrnttee did not lind - "any lok or proceeding of -origress. nor an- they informed of any general or received custom, on which the charge of moneys for the education of the accompiarit's son can le ad mitted, and, though the same K la considerable, they are f the opinion that a precedent 1 not established." Why Hall Hat a. fd Hafr. In the first place, says an Lnglish writer, red is a color to which cattle are unaccustomed, so that they may naturally be supposed to le startled Viy its very novelty. Scientists show the sensation o: rel to Ijc t;e eompk-ment of that of green. K ing induced by es-. t act !v OTirsit afT-f-t iAri .f th. rtiria the eyes of cattle are constructed on i Vr principle to our own the eon- ! tmtial contemplation r f rn. ns in . , mQ aaa ncroa-e, ptmxKe a state of retinal fati lent ene'.t r ately a r-"- view. J to The albatro&s hzs Itcrx linown to fol low 3 s-hip for two months without ever Ixin? seen to jjig-ht in' the water or take a moments rc-t. It L. believed t sleep on the winjj- youngWives Who are for the first time to undergo woman's severest trfal we offer 41 Mothers Friend" A remedy which, if used as directed a few tseks bcl'oie cutilincnient, robs it e! itj PAIN. HORROR AND RUSK TO L1FK cf both mother and child, as thousands who ha.o used it testtr.. "I t!pd two trtl ef MertiTRS FRimnVvith marvelous results, aacl w;sh tvwv w.-m..?i who h to pM through tttordtalcf chikt-bnih t know it thev will u. MoTitkK FiimI.4 a tiw wwkxit will rvbconanementnl ?mm ao4iA" and :n.'urr satttttshtt mi.-ranJ :'...'." iSKs. Sam 11 a, Motitstawry City, M. fs-r.t hv rpre, charges rwaid. cn retrirt of phc. ft. JO perboitlf sikiby all draygUtv. so.W i c M. thcr rruiiksi f rw. 1ALHELU KsawLATOK Co , AtUnti. C; 1 liinush Steel IIhis. Jt. Joseph, Mo , Jan. 1. $e;u time between luidnioht atul daylight this morning live desperate criuiibala escaped from the primitive old rook ery known as the Buchanan County jail. They were: Patrick Crowo, traiu robber; Joe Dusty, under seic teuce of death for rape; James Owe us, murderer, sentenced to bo hanged iu Atchison county; Harry Curtis forger, and William Fullmer, house breaker. The escape of the prisoners was not discovered until , o'clock this morning, wheu Jailer Audy Car am entered the building to rekaso the prisoners from tbe cells for tho dav. Sheiili Andre, who bujeeded Shrill Charley Carson thia morning, wa9 present at the time, for the purpose of receiving the prisoners from LIB predecessor. The officers found four saws, a steel file and a new monkey wrench iu the jail building. The saws wero iu Crowe's cell, to gether with a'lo.l of cartridges for 38 caliber and i l caliber pistols. One of the saws waS a double bladed, bowed implement and was highly tempered. Tho others were strong steel blades, and were capable of cuting through jroto or steel. Crowe left a note for Sheriff Cup sou wishing him a happy New Yfur as he said he would eujoy himself today- He said that it would bt useless to search for Lim, as thuvtlrsi train would find him on bin way to l'aris France. Try a bottle of lr. :swyer'n Family C'up ami von will be eniulncei! that It will rar nil oloinarli, Iivt, kidney ntil ovwel !i;ticultv. If. L..Turkr. Senator Yed, hi h letter to u friend in St Louis, s-jys the Demo cratic party at Washington is disor ganized like a lot of wrecked mari ne! n. The republicans ase equally nt sta, for they know the result of , tho last election means the people ex pect something from them. Faslerri republicans watt the single o!l standard, Western und Southern ru publicans want free silver So tho republicans are hhipwrecked upon the money question, and in the language of Senator Vest s ,let tet: "There are Injuns cn the low er road and certain death on the-up- i i-r"' for the republicans ia 1S'.0. K. C Times. Ladies The druggist ria-.ii-il b:ow wilt give ymi a tree t ample package of Ur Sawj.-i ' m tilles, which cure Jieeasc-a r-ecnliar to women. Sold hy II L l acker Perry, Ok., Jan. 2 John Milligan j wuo is penteuceu to hang JatMiary j 11, escaped from Oklahoma Cit jail last night and thus it ?eera that Oklahoma Territory is to be cheated out of Ler firPt len! hanging. ' Milli gan killed Oabe and Hannah Clark in lS03,and after hU sentence escap ed jail a mouth ago, awl again last, nigbt. He is bare Lea led, baroot ed and in hi shirt sleeves and ear b? tracked in a 2 ir.' i. stjow ' IJrj en caped by knocking he jailer 1 1 ti and juaijii)g throi:gh a g!as door. Kenoii,. j We taKe pleasure in ar,T;ouncin, thai aier this date lark -Sure cure -)!! re move ali trace ot rfjeurrmKrrs,' kf Iney troubles and liver eompiaint tro ti.e ufcer. It in the only :sedlicin' tht i g-jaranteed to cure in-ea'ie or no pay. Parks ure cute i -ol'J by i I, Tnckcr, , Very diseouragii.i; lejortu mn tiijue to couiw iu tooorniog the freezing of the orarg crop. Acor J mg to late reports fraui Jack-jorjAine. Fla., the orange and vegtabl9jropi are practically rolnd. Tbe Ix-t, e- ; timate p!ac th- -n jraber of oranges tir-aeoi .... St x Pt f.-li't the Florida Fruit Es, :u ack sonTiUe thick thai . f ully 2ah,900 boxes have been frczr. eitbts whol ly or ia part.