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VTHE G mm a RE AT RE MED CURES PAINS of MAN & beast; Stop Thief! i Any one whose Watch has a OLDEST and OR.CINAL Dr.WHITTl 10 WEST NINTH STREET, (NEAR JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. ! i Regular graduate authorized by the state, and conced ed to be the lead Ins and moat suc cessful Specialist in BLOOD, NERV OUS and UWIMAWV DISEASES. Nervous Debility With IU Many Gloomy Symptom Cured. Lost Vitality Perfectly and Permanently Restored. Syphilis Cured tor Lite Without Mercury. Urinary Diseases Quickly Relieved and Thoroughly Cured. l.rt) A i ! i t bur. j J ftVrH. n C-.ts M., Jun 2 The j audit iiig court, '" sitiii.; of Senator , , , . ii. . . ' J M li.n-ktl. ami rjut n am ex St irt and Swaogt-r, to day completed the tnt-k i f c muting the cash in tLe Stat- treasury Tie task was a big otif and tb- court worked lard all i)mv yt-st'fdiy until thin morning. Tlere is a little over 700.000 iu tie treasury and it ws found correct to a cent. Tie department is in fine shape and tie court will likely give Mr. Steplei.M a merited compliment m i pre i in its report to the General Assembly. I Ladies K?nieiuber that disease becomes in- curable lir Sawyer's Pastilles will positively -nr juiiii Biamiing cages u neais ana cures Sold by II L Tucker bow ( ring),will never have oc casion to use this t ime- honored" cry. It is the only bow thjt cannot be twisted oil the case, and is found only on Jis. Boss Filled and other watch a . ... cases siampea witn this trade mark. Ask your jeweler for : pamphlet, or send to the maucf3--turers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA M i -IBS Why Is Dr. IL J. Whittler invar iably successful? Because tie makes no promises that be cannot fulfill. Avoid cheap cure-alls and unskilled physicians, and consult Dr. Whittler In person or by letter (giving symptoms) and receive the candid opinion of a physician of Ions; experience, unquestioned skill and sterling Integrity. MEDICINES from our own laboratory fur nished at small cost and shipped anywhere secure from observation. TREATMENT never sent C. O. D. OlEE CONSULTATION. lllCk URINARY ANALYSIS. Office hours to 4 and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12. if-"J (To Health and Emergencies A U I Q 6 I 'or cts-stanips to prepay. Call or address In strict confidence DR. H. J. WHITTIER, 0 West Ninth Street, Kansas City, MO. Four h eal tally limned. Milan, Mo., Jan. 2 A man named Crooks, who Las lived in thia city for tie past two years, left with bis family yesterday for Southern Mis Bouri.tiaveliug will team aud wagon They camped last night uear lteger, about eight miles west of this place, What Nerve Berries have done for others they will do for you. mm 1ST DAY. VIGOR Of 15TH DAY. MEN Quickly .tlisuiiri fucilic lime Table. Arrival and departure ot passenger trains at Butler Station. North Bound Passenger, - - 4:47 a. rn. Passenger, - 2:41 p. m. Passenge-, - - 0:15 p. m. Local r .-eight - 1 1 : 20 a. m. South Bound Passenger, - - 7:1(1 a. m. rasscnger, 1:5s P ni. Passenger, - - 9:55 p. m. Local Freight - 1 155 p. m. and while his wife was getting sup and Permanently Restored, both day per her clotuiug aecideutlv cauehi A positive cure for all Weaknesses, . nd hnriieH her im,1Mt i,,vnn,i Nervousness, Debility, and all their I f riin nf pvile rpiilrinor f rrim P3rlv prrrr 'recognition. Two of the little eiils. 1 . . , ,? ,, who caught hold of h-r wtile hI. workj sjcknesSf w0rry,etc. Develops was hurtling, were also hornb and givestone and strength to the sex burned. The husband was badly ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or burue.i about the face and hnud nightly emissions caused Dy youtntul uhitr..i,.f,rfi.....,;0h n.....Q en ors or excessive use of tobacco,opium ' and liquor, which lead to consumption Ameru'Hii institute ramie's (inn. and insanity. Their use shows immedi A Committee from this club re- ate improvement. Insist upon having (oit the wines of Alfred Sp-er, ot the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Passaic, N J, the ii.ont reliable to Convenient to carry in vest pocket be obtained, and that hia Oporto Price, $1.00 per box, six boxes, one full Grape mukes a P01 1 Wine superiot treatment, S5.00. Guaranteed to cure o any m the world Hi-Claret aud any case. If not kept by your drug Brandy have no superiors. gist we will send them by mail, upon rpcfmt rf nrire in nlain wrnnner. Th snow storms ever pamphiet f ree. Address mail orders to Known in aiaoama ragea Sunday I AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, O and Monday. Mexican Mustane Liniment Ladies l)r Sawyer's I'aslillussre ell'ectual for On, ale weakness pain on top of the head and tower part of the back It strengthens anil cares oia ny 11 1. lacker. Fr Tuck' n.. dr iggist. 11. 1 for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, scaias, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. 'A recent discovery by an old physician. Suceetsfulln Httii monthly by thousand of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi tute, or Inclose tl and 6 cents In postage la letter UOOga, Term , which Cost $100,000, and we will seno. sealed, by return nUFuUsealed stamps. Address Pond Lllr Company. I jio. Sllsber Block. Detroit, jucn. zano inviporate.. stimulates and bniids up Sod in Butler and everywhere, by le broken down cystem ano cures mental I ,, , . ' ' J The Missouri legislature convened yesseid'ty. The house is Republican by a majority of 10. You will never knor nositvelv what a won derful remedy Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure is until you try it . it will cure you of a soar stniiiiich. Cold II L Tucker A 1 r The first Uaptist church of Clatta th ami nervous leliilily ol men tucker Sold by 11. L. all druggists. Five lorses are under iuoculatiou at Washington City for the purpose of producing blood eerum for the cure of diphtheria. The St. Louis Republic Free. Dr. Sawyer's family Cure enres stomach trouble lr Sawyer s Family Cure cures liv er complaints, cures kidney difUcnlty. Sold by II. t. Tucker. . 15.000. Special oiler to Headers of This Paper. A Great Metropolitan Pa per Is Indispensable .Now The "Twice-A Week'' St. Louis Republic will be sent Free For One eports from a poiut near the t 1J . . '. . r .laniiflrv .11. lS't;i h. eluh of rhroa seat of the recent outrages iu East- New yeariv 8Ubact iin-rs, with 3 to eru luikey place the number ol pay for the same. slaughtered Armeuians at fulh Already the elms are gathering for tbe tray in lhlK. aud lSUo w-ill b lull .of interestiiisj t-vntK. The skirmisli Imihh will ie thrown out the maiifiivfricg do .e nn l the plmi of cmiiiwii'ii irang-ii (or 1 li yrea COIlteM in '0i". l tin rem titling suort session o the Demoeroic C msress. to le fol 10 we-1 iit.riiv iy a it, ptioucaii 111 gresa. wi'tt DemnxM' t in the Pie-i dential chair will be productive of events of mca culable interest. In fact, more political history will be constructel during 18!. iIhh i Zsno invigorates mental power and tones broken down nervous svsteiu resulting from lost manhood. Zano enres nervous and sexual debility of men. Mold by II h. Tucker. The board of mauagers of the ex Confederate home at Higgiusville, Mo., will meet in this city next week for the purpose of considering a bill for the transfer of the institution to the State. Dr Sawyer's Pastilles nsed in time will enre any case 01 temsie weakness, uri a iree bbiu iliMuULiuckn!,ag nme1 drUS y year since the foundation of th s I r . a - 1 1 1 V-Tovernmeui. bdu a a 1 wnuoui A ew Oceans dispatcn says tnat I)ew8paptr wiH be Ike a useless six inches of snow fell Sunday at lump in the moveiu nt- of public Columbus: four inches at Starkville. opinion v.ti uii.. You can get three new subscribers iisici nor-, iiuuj uvim. i ,. , , . , ... . ... , , for The Republic by a few inmuUi wreuaua, xiss.; anu v tu ,UVu eff t Remember in The R-publ.c at Arkansas uy, aik. subscribers get a paper twice-a wee for the price of a weefclv onlv 1 Musuns: Liniment conquera in the back when or sawyer's Pastilles will j veHr. Xrv it. At Once, and see how ausoimeiv ami posuivei v cure you. j ... . , . , 11 L Tucker. easily it cau be done. If you wish , . ... ,.1 a package of sample copies, write J 0 r for them Cut out this advertise- . t Tit -V I ' uer m,t 9ena with your order, 10d ca9es are reported. It is said Address The St Louis Republic, that the horses are affrcted first! St Louis. Mo TRADITION OF THE HORSESHOE. I Dow It fame to ll a Protection Against Evlt Spirits. Ia Morocco iron is coiiMlcrel a great otection against uomnns. wno are the lineal representatives, after all, of the hostile spirits. Hence it is usttal to place a knife or dacger un-ler a sick man's pillow, his illness, of course. leinr attributed to demoniacal pos session. In India, records a writer in ornhill Magazine, the mourner who performs the necessary li:t somewhat angerous dii y ot pnttintr J:re into tiie cad nian" mouth carries a key or a knife in his hand, to keep :' the evil j nirits. In short, a bit of iron is a very 1 useful thing- to have about you at any ime if you desire to escape the un- .ivorable attention of the phosts the rolls, the fairies and the demons gen- rally. This is a pood reason for buy- nT a piK'iieTKnu.-. n is aiso :t reason for nailinjj up a horseshoe. '"I!ut why horseshi.K' in particular?" you ask. 'more than tny otlier tuld piece of iron. en. primarily, tne ltixki iuck lenends more uinn the irn as iron than on the special shape or function f the horse shot as a horseshoe. Kut there are also many reason why the superstition should happen to fix tself more particularly upon horse shoes. Vt? must remember that in Ku rope, at least, it is the cattle, the horses and the domestic leasts in general that are specially liable to the hostile at tacks of '-the little people." There fore the elves and trolls are most likely to be dreaded on farms or in the coun try, where horses and cattle most do congTefrate. Now, if you want to nail up a bit of iron as a protection ag-ainst the fiery darts of the evil ones on your stables or cowhouses (which is the place where one oftenest sees them), nothing is more likely to come handv to your purpose than a cast horseshoe. Uesides, it has obvious congruitv for the place and object, and it can be readily picked up in the roads almost anj-where. Furthermore, it is pro vided beforehand with convenient holes, by means of which vuii can readily ham it up. either over your own house door or over your sheds and stables. The various advantages of cheapness, ease ami readiness for tix- in? would have sriven the horseshoe a fair start in life, it is believed, as a charm against miries. trolls and evil spirits generally, even without any other more special advantages. STORED HIS GAME. A Maine Hunter Wh Hint a first-t las Colil-Storace Vault. A gentleman who was at work at the Howard slate quarry in Willimantie or "o. S' as it was then called. iwenty-tive years ago. says deer were as plenty then in the woods north of Sebee lake as anyone could ask for. The slate company had a large mimWr of men employed and boarded them in camps, the same as lumbermen board their crews in the wixls. To keep the camp supplied with tish and meat they kept a hunter employed every day. The supply never ran short, but some of his methods were peculiar. ue evidently kept hsh on call in the winter season. On several occasions, the gentleman savs, com panycame in from llangor unexpected ly late in the evening. I.ut they only had to say trout to Stone, the hunter. and he would start off in the woods to return in fifteen minutes with a hand some string of fish, apparently just taken from the water. He would bring in deer in winter in much the same way. His manner of doing this, saj-s the Chicago Times, the gentleman ex plains, for he went with him once and learned the secret. He took the deer sled out to bring in the game, and the workman went along to help haul it. They did not go very far into the forest when they came to a lot of ever green boughs heaped upon the snow. Here Stone stopped. Lifting the boughs he tipped the pile over, and the looker on, who wondered what he was up to, was scared nearly out of his senses when a big buck bounded up out of the hole aud fell flat on his side. His feet were tethered so he could not stand. Stone had caught him, tethered him and buried him alive under the brush and snow against future emer gencies. This was his system of cold storage. EXPERT DRIVING. Pain. Makes flan or Beast well again. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby giveu,.that letters of administration on the estate of Chas E Sevier, were granted to the under signed on the 3d day of November 1894, by the probate court of Bates countv, Missouri. All persons haviirg claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administra tor within one year after the date of eaid letters, or they may be precludea benefit of said estate; ana If such claims be not exhibited within two rears from the date of this pub- w..?n hw shall be forever barred. This 3d day of November, 1894. V. 1 . oKVlKR. Administrator. with distemper. The glands of tb el neck then swell to an enormous size. Ladies can be positively relieved front all those Irregularities, distressing STmptoms and diseases bv using Pr Sawyer's Pastilles, Sold bv It L Tacfcer. Dr. Parkhuit of New York, in a sermon last Sunday said that the newspapers that daily nerve up a mass of undigested matter without discrimination to their reader were rapidly becoming a public nuisance. tidies-For diseases of women, Dr Sawyer's Pastille will reach, the aiatealty radically, positively and efeetaatly. It is mild bat efectaal. Soli by U L Tacker. "OK - - 'H3'IX.1S 'SXX30V 'K )H3K H3133HA1 X13&X38 '7ft ITOIH ." .. .. iuana;oddsrp pom tuosx sias&Mdnqi)oaii am -aatpiv Jhoa 04 anovH irv M noevai wuot!pp ni t 1 4.1. Vm -iUTooo er sop 111 astisq inoi rsiooo qui him os 11 HIM 8 llA JnoA Skillful Handling of a Fire Knglne In Uaplil Motion. "Among other exhibitions of their skill given by the detachment of Hritish soldiers that visited this coun try last year." said an uptown resident to a New York Sun man, '"was the driving of a piece of light artillery with the horses going at a gallop be tween obstructions that were scarcely farther apart than the wheel tracks without touching them, and very beautifully they did it. too. I am liv ing now in the neigborhood of a fire engine that lies in a cross street just off an avenue in which the elevated railroad runs. Well, you ought to see the engine turn into the avenue from the street between the pillars going to a fire. Of course the pillars are very much farther apart than the artillery obstructions were, but they are taken on a curve instead of going straight, and then, too. they are rigid and Im movable; to hit one with the horses on the jump would mean to wreck the engine, or at least to disable it. and there must not be any mistake, and there isn't. They go down the avenue on the gallop and they turn out be tween the pillars with the same swift certainty. Good driving? Why, it makes you laugh to look at it. and just the same kink of driving is done by all the men in the department every time they go to a fire," What is 1 sw AT ssmmm. aT 52 r r in 11 no rjm f 11 1 a" r 1 11 if t Castoria is Dr. Sanmel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, aud Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles cures constipation and llatulcncy. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorii Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon Uieir children." Di. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, ilas. " Castoria is the best remedy f ir children of which 1 am acquainted. I hope the day is rot far distant when mothers will ooasije.r the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums whii-k are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ajjents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kixchelos, Oooay, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I rwommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." IT. A. ARcuca, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T " Our physicians in tha children's depart ment have spoken highly of their e .peri ence in their outside practice with Castoria. a:,d although we only have among our mediml supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Umtsd Hospital aud DisrcNaaar Boston,. Aixxx C. Smith, Pre., The Centanr Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. THREE HH ABSOLUTELY FREE St. Louis tt-Bent Eight pages each Tuesday and Friday, xteen Pages Every Week. Beyond all comparison the biggest, best snd brightest news aud fatn ilv Journal published iu America. Ii-i?, On5 DOHm it Year. Will be sent FIFTEEN MONTHS FOIt ONE DOLLAR to any reader of this paper not now a subscriber to The Globe-Democbat. This blank must be used to secure benefit of this extraordinary offer. CUT IT OUT l isworth three months free subscription. Fillinyour 1 '. name, Post Office and State, and mail with one dollar (Bank D.aft, Post Office or Express Money Order, or Registered Letter,) direct to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, IYlo. Sample copies of The Gloee-Democbat will be sent free on application. ORDER BLANK. To Globe Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Herewith 6nd $1.00, for which send to address given below, THE GLOBE -DEMOCRAT, twice every week, for fifteen months, as per your special offer to readers o. The published at Name ol Paper " Town Name of suscriber Post office State State Be sure to use this blrnk. It is worth three months tree subscription The Baby Castle I Ire. Here is an instance of a fire that has been burning' for centuries. According to the testimony of the duchess of Cleveland, the great hearth fire in the hall of Eaby castle has never been suf fered to expire. This castle is perhaps the noblest and most perfect apecimec of. feudal architecture in England. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI? .. County of Bates, s " In the Circuit Court of Bates county. Missouri in vacation, December lMh, Isul K Wilds plaintiff, vs. The German Insurance Compa ny, of Freejiort. Illinois a corporation under the laws or the state of Illinois, defendant Now at this dav com the plaintiff herein by his attorneys. Graves A Clark, before the un dersigned clerk of the circuit court In vacation and files his petition and affidavit, allejrlnj among other thing-, that defendant. The tier man Insurance Company.or rreeport, Illinois a corporation nnder the laws of the state of Illinois, is not a resident of the state of Mis souri. Whereupon it Is ordered by the clerk in vacation that said defendant be notified by pub lication that plasntlff has commenced a suit azainst it in this eonrt the object and peneral nature of which is to have s certain deed of trnst made by plaintiff. E r Wilds snd wife, to J I) Allen, trostee for the Misonri Mate Bank conveying the northeast quarter of the north west quarter of section twenty-two it') in towosbi forty-two of range thirty-one '31 j in Bates county, Missonri. which said deed of trnst is ef record in the recorder's office of Bates county. Missouri, in book 1(17 at page 24 1 thereof, to secure the payment of a cert sis note and debt therein fully described .declared cancelled and for naught held, snd the debt therein secured declared folly paid sad satis fied, sad thst unless the said German Insur ance Company or Freeport. Illinois, a corpo ration as aforesaid, be and appear at this coort. at the next term thereof, to be begun and holdea at the court bonse in tbe city of Rutler, in said countv. on the eleventh day or February next, snd on or before the third dsy of said term, if tbe term sbsll so lose continue and if not. then on or Before tbe last day of said term answer or tlesi to tbe oetitinn in said esnse, tbe same will be tssen as confess ed and judgment will be rendered accordingly And be it farther orderei that a copy hereof be published according to law. in the Bntler Weekly Time-, a weekly newspaper priated and published la Bates couaty. Missouri, for fear week eaccessiveiv the last insertion to b at least ffteea days befere the irst day ef i be aest term ot the drcait court JOHSC. H4.TES. Circuit Clerk A true copy of tbe record . Witaeas mr hand aad tbe aeal r tbe circuit ee;r; Istat, ef Bates ceunty, this l'th day of De cember. 1894. 4! JOHS C. MATES, Cireait Clerk. Notice of Trustee'a Sale. (First publication December 13. lot.) .y.h.en'.0,, March 1st. is. Thomas W Childs and Sarah Childs, husband and wife, made, executed and delivered their deed ot trust lor tbe purpose of securing- tbe payment of three bonds, one for the sum of SHM due March 1, 1x7. one for the sum of t300 da? March lat. hm, and one for tbe ssra or 1, dne March 1st, in said deed of trust de scribed, wherein they conveyed U tbe under signed, Itsvid U tttlen. trustee, tbe following described reel estate situated ia tbe couaty or Bates and state ol Missouri, to-wit: Twenty-live () feet off tbe east end oflot snmber one (1) block No. nine aad twenty five (S5 leet ia the northeast corner of lot So. two ) block No nine (9) la tbe town (bow city) of Bntler. Mo., described as follows to wn : commencing at the northeast corner or block 'o nine () thence west twenty-five feet, thence south one hundred (10U) feet thence esat twenty-five SS) feet, thence north one hundred riwi feet to tbe place of begin ning according to tbe recorded plat thereof together with all the improvements and ap purtenances thereunto belonging; and whereat on tbe tivi dsy of March. I, at 2:t o'clock p. ro. said deed of trust was duly recorded in book t st page lue of trust deeds of the rec ords of ssid Bates county, Missonri; snd. wher-as said deed of trust provides tbst apn non-psymetit of the debt secured by said deed of trust by tbe makers thereof, tbe property therein described mav be sold by tbe trustee' for the purpose of raising the money to pav the debt thereby seenred: aad whereas, ssid bond for si 300 dne March 1st. 11, Is bow psst due sad onpal.l. New therefore, pobli. ot'f I hereby jlvea that I, tbe undersigns.! David H Jhttiea, tbe trustee nsraed la said de4 of trust, under aad by virtoe of tbe authority vested in me by ssld deed of trust at tbe request of tbe owners of aaid boad will proceed to sell tbe above described real estate at public vendue to tbe klgbeat bidder for cash at tbe front do-? of tbo eoaaty court boss or Bates eoaaty. Missouri, at Butler the countv sest of sai l couaty, oa Tuesday, January 15, I893, heteea tke hosrs of else o'clock la tbe fore noon aad as o'clock ia tbe afternoon of aaid day for tbe parposeetrsleiBg the nosey totes tbe s mount of said iadebtodasea. with titer -est aad cost or exeeattac this trust. DAVID h! JtrciiN. Trustee -E4wtri C Wriffct, altorser. ' J