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H i: THE SECRET OF BEAUTY 18 The most effective skin inirifying ami beau tifying soap in the world. It u the only jireventive of pimples, blackheads, red, rniijrh, and oily skin, red, rough hands with eliaix less nails, dry, thin, arid falling hair, and h I m pie baby blemishes. It Is so because, it strikes at the cauis of most complex ional diHfi(nration.s,viz.,TMEf'i.M;(;f:t, Irkitaiku, Inflamed, Overwork tr, on Sli-ggiii I'obe. FOR FACIAL BLEMISHES raiihes, freckles, bites and stints of insects, irritations, yellow, oily, and mothy ckin, chafings, and undue perspiration. CI II CL'UA. SOAP, iHicause of its delicate medi cation, is the niost soothing, cooling, purify ing, and healing application, as well as being beyond all comparison the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of toilet, bath, and nursery soaps. Sale greater than combined tales of all other skin and coinplc xiou soaps. Sold thronahontthe world. Price, 2.'e. Potter Dki'O and C'hem. ( our., iole Prop., I'.uft'.n. "All about the Skiu, Hevlp, and Hair," free. HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED By J, A. Prescription Druggist West Side Square. Hides and Furs Booming. I have the largest orders on file that was ever placed in Butler. I want your hides) and fur, and will nay you the highest prices in cash for the same. FkirxdCarprxteti, The Game Dealer, East Side the Square, Butler, Mo. 3-lin Get your window glass at D. W. DliUMMONDS. Pure blood is absolutely necessary in order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and strengthens the pystern. Smith and Potter liverymen of this city will be iu Osceola, Satur day to buy horses, mares and mules. Doth are reliable gentlemen and those having stock for sale can de pt-ud upon getting the best prices. That Blight cold, of which you think so little, may lead to eerious trouble with the lungs. Avoid this result by taking Aycr's Chury Pec toral, the best knowu remedy for colds, coughs, catarrh, bronchitis, incipient consumption, and all other cbrout aud lung diseases. An Osceola merchaut advertises to give $100 in gold to the church in that town recording the most votes in his store. For every fifty ceuts worth of goods bought he allows the purchaser to vote fiar the church of his or her choice. That seems to be working the Lord as an advertising dodge. K. C. Star. S. W. S. CbiMs has sold his im plement store to J. H. Rost, of Belleville, Kausas. While the Times' regrets to lose Mr. Childs from the business circles of this city, we ex tend to Mr. Rost a hearty welcome and best wishes for success. Mr. Childs has offers from three firms to travel and it is quite likely he will accept a position from one of them. Michael Fermand has just com pleted Lis six years of sleep at Elniira, N. Y., and is still sleeping. He wau a watchman when he fell asleep at Factoryville After he had slept a week, means were devised by which nourishment could be given him. In all of this time he has awakened only to open his eyes and then fall asleep again. His wife, who bad watched over him all of these years, died a few day9 ago. Nevada Mail. Id Olden Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently euro habitual constipation, well in formed people will ' not buy other laxatives, which, act for a time, but finally injure the system. Tit TRIMBLE Get your pictures framed atD. W j Dbcmmonds. j A XI Fritz, oae of ourvalued sub t ... i. . -or- No charges for examination of eyes by Dr. Haydeo; at Dr. Reuick'tj office Jan. 14, 15 and 1G. e The ladies of Excelsior Springs will petition the legislature to pass a law prohibiting the sale of cigar ettes to small boys. It would be a wise act. H. M. Haydeu. Doctor of Optics; Graduate of the Chicago College aud hospital, will consult patients and fit glasses at Dr Renick's ofiice, Jan. 14, 15 and 1G. Ben Deering, temperance crank of St. Louis, will have auother high license bill to present to the legis lature. B-n is getting to be a pub lic nuisance at the meetings of the legislature and he needs a good hard setting down. Da. is' three car '"Uncle Tom's Cabin" is the largest Toiu shuw on tha road. They carry 45 people with donkevs, oxen, clogs, &c., com plete to produce the show Two bands; see the big parade Wednes day morning. Vernon county's bonded debt is now $158,000 aud it is drawing five per cent interest. The sinking fund is made up of a levy of 20 ceuts on the $100. That realizes about $1G, 000 each year. One half of that amount is used for the payment of the interest and the remainder is devoted to the reduction of the principal. Mail. Heath & Hurt, proprietors of the the Goose saloon, have purchased the brick building sd joining Jno. Pilaris' grccery store on the south side of the square, and moved their saloon into the same Friday. Their new quarters is one door east of their old stand. They have a nice room now and the finest bar fixtures west of Kansas City. They run an orderly house aud sell the best of liquors. Our old friend, John Classen, for merly of Charlotte township, now of Miami, I. T , was up the first of the week and purchased a fine farm iu the west part of the county. He then ordered the booming Times re newed to his address. John says that while he has made some money where he is, that there is no place like old Bates to live in. City S. S Union meet next Sun day at 3 p. m at the Baptist church. Subject A Normal drill, question ing by Rev. Win. Stephens. This subject was assigned Rev. Stephens last month, but owing to the fact that many of the teachers were en gasred in getting ready for Christ mas, he was asked to give it at this time. No teacher cau afford to mi9s this lesson Remember the hour is '3 p. iu. not 4 Everybody invited. O. A. Heim.inv, Sec y. Revival meetiugs are in progress at the Chio M. E. church and will coutiLue indefinitely. There is a crowded house taeh night and already much interest is manifested. The pastor is assisted by Rev. M. Bell of Adrain, Rev. I. M. Galbraith of the circuit aud Rev. Harry White, lately from N. J. now located at Senica, Ma Rev. White is a natural evangelist, specially qualified for re vival work. Iu addition to his abilty to preach he is a most excelleut singer. Rev. Galbraith is also a singer and with Mr. Legg and a most excellent choir the music is quite a feature and alone is worth the trouble of a visit to the church. Reader, if jou have not been there yet, go, you will be interested and instructed. You will be welcome. AFTER THE GRIP, pneumonia, fevers, or other debilitating dis eases, your quickest way to get flesh and strength is with Dr. Pierces Uolden Medical Discovery. That gives purity to Your Wood, and rapidly builds up lot nWb and strength. Mrs. Xeau of IV rtl Mill, Teuu had an attack of measles, followed by bron chitis and pntumo id. Her husband writes: "I f(T prati hod with the eCcct of your wonderful medi cine. I can recommend it to anvbodv. and fel ,r-c oVV am doina- "them jus- f . AWsai'tice. My wife was not -. household duties for MRS.NEAL. . iiont.03. She has . . tw, bottles ot Golden Medical Discovery.' and is bow ble to do ail her work.' I think it the finest medicine in tho worlds ad t am. ".gratefully, your life-long friend, . j. JLIXEAk." PIERCE GORE or woxey RETritsrn. Bunk- Election. The stockholder of th t; aentiri ! Bi"k tbeir regular annual H - ction luetiay. The following i.ffieeis weie elected to serve tLe -n suing veai: ui. L. Walton, president; Book fowill. vic president; J R Jeuk in h; c-bi-r; Frank Allen, st-crettiry: Walton Steele and Harry H Pigott. bookkeepers; Brt Allen, abstractor. DIRECTORS Dr. T C B .uiwaie, Dr. J M. Christy, John Deerwester, C H. Dutcher, J R Jenkins H H Pig, BooUr P.vli, Chs. R Rad-f-rd. Ge rg L. Sn.ith, Frank M V t-s. Win E Walton, H. C Wvatt, T J. Wright A -livid, ti l was declared and the surplus fund increased to uiue thousand dollars The stockholders expressed them 8"lv9 as wll pleased with the busi ness don bv the Built during tb pat. year. FOR SALE ON ESY TERMS 160 acres of land in West Boone Township, Price, $2,000. And other smaller farms, cash pay ments of 8100 to .500 will get t;ood homes. LoX(iTiME, Low Ixtkkkst. It Bkats Paying Ubxt. Come and see us. CLAItDY & CANTERBURY, West Hide Square, Butler, Mo. T T Wetuott of Kansas City re news for '96 Th city clerk approximates the indebtedness of the town to Jan. 1st to be $9,220 G7 The total receipts of the citv for the six mouths eud ing Dec. 31st, 1894, were $2,000 7G leaving a balance in the treasury of Jau. 1st of $293.09. The bodies of Thomas Davis and Thomas Ward, the two coal miners crushed to death, Monday while at woik iu the Wise Bros ' mine near Shobe, were recovered Tuesday. The men were at work removing props when caught by the cave iu Their bodies, says the Review, was horribly crushed The Lamar Democrat, iu speaking of the work of pupils of the different schools ou exhibition at the South west Teachers' Association, held iu that towu during the holidays, pays this compliment to the Rich Hill schools aud Prof. Thurmau: "Iu this connection we desire to speak of other work ou exhibit. Rich Hill had the largest exhibit made, and much credit is due Sup't Thurmau for his management iu getting up this display It is the first time iu the history of the Rich Hill schools that a display of this kind was ever made. Iudeed, it was a creditable thing for the Rich Hill schools. Sup't Thurmau is a mau who under stands the school work, and as long as he stauds at the head of the schools they wil' rank among the best in the state. " Found Dead in Her Home, Adrian, Mo . Jau. G. A farmer by the name of L. C. Welis, living six miles northeast of this pUce, vveut to a near neighbor's ou some busi ness, staying several hours. Upou his return he was met by his little G.year old gul exchiiruiuy: "Mother is dead."' Upon entering the house he found his wife lying ou the rloor o:i her face, cold in death, the fires had all pone out, aud no one was at the house but the two little children, aged respectively (! and 2 vears. A coroner's jury decided that heart failure was the cause cf the death. Telephone System for Ktcli Hill. At the last meeting of the council a franchise was granted to W F. Tygard, grauting him permission to operate a telephone system in Rieu Hill, in connection with the Butler line Mr. Tygard was seen last evening by a Tribune representative and asked regarding ths latest develop nif-nts. He replied that J. Huunel & Ct., St. Louis, had agreed to put in the telephone system iu accord ance with the provisions cf the ordinance, and that work would commence in thirty or forty days This will give Rich Hill connection with Butler. Harrisouville, Pleasant Hill and other towns in Missouri Rich Hill Tribune. Crnshed in a Mine Rich Hill. Mo., Jan. 7 Thomas Davis and Thomas Ward, two men employed in Wise Bros.' coal mines north of this city, were crushed to death by a cave in this afternoon. The unfortunate men were engaged in pulling props or "shooting pillars5 at the time of the accideut and their dead bodies have not yet been re covered. The top of one whole room is said to have faileu in and various exaggerated rumors crew out of the accident, one being to the effect that a number of other miners were en tombed. Ward was a single man whose mother resides m Tiosedale, Kan. News of his death , was wired her to night. Davis is . a man of family residing dn this, city, and leaTea a wife who ia in a precarioas condition, i " - Hi-nnsni .f a Boy. Sedtiha. Mo.. .Tun 3 A Christ mas tre caught tire at the Lou-e of Harry Fib-i Int uigtit aud kou the Louse- vs m a blaze. Kenrv Steffens. aged 15 yeai s, lent niug thai two chil lrr-n, ag-d 5 aud G vears. were asleep in th house, dashed through the flames and rescued them, carrying tb-m from the build ing wrapped in cmfort-, but m go doing he was badly burned about his hands, arms and far-e. Cut Hi-. Tin. mi in Jail- Mexico, Mo, Jan 5 This a'Ur noon news came from Bow'n. Green to the effect that Thomas Qan.lau, the former section buss at Lurtabee, who killed G ttfried Kioppensteiu of 1007 West Tweuty-secuud street, Chicago, Mini who was only s-ut-i.e-ed to two years in the penitentiary, bad attempted to kill himself oy cut ting his throat with a razr in the jail at Bowling Green The razor had b-eu given to Quintan with which to shave himself. The wuund will prove fatal. His attorneys hud made a motion for a new trial. The New Year Finds Hood's Sarsaparilla leading everything in the way of medicines in three important pa ticu'ai uame ly: Hood's Sart-aparilla has 1st. The largest sale in the world It aceomplir-hes 2nd The greatest cures in the world. It has 3id The larg est Laboratory in the woild. What luore cau be said? flood's Sarsaparilla has merif; is peculiar to itself, and most of aU, Hood's Sar saparilla cures you. If you are sick, it is the medicine for you to take. JiUmher! Lumber! ! To the people of Bates Co , I have bought out the interest of my partner John Lotspeich, iu lumber business at Passaic. I have bought a large stock of lumber in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Southeast, Mo., for spot cash, and at free lum ber prices I have ordered the largist stock of shingles ever placed iu a yard in Bates Co. They c me from Seattle Washington, and Louisiana. This material will begin to arrive Feby., 1st, aud will all reach Passaic by Feby. 25th. This lumber will be soi l cheap -r than ever before and on a small mar gin for cash M L Wolfe. A Temple of Art. Not for a Day but for all Time. Memories of the White City are fading all but one. Majestic in its beauty the Palace of Art survives to remind mankind of wonders departed. Triumphant over fire am' tempest the stately structure stands beside the lake dedicatee! forever to the service of the people. As a gallery of paint ing and sculpture it surprised and delighted the nations. Ac the Field's Columbian Museum it will entertain and instruct multitudes in the ages to come. A World's Fair in miniature is the museum to-tfay. While it lasts the public will have before them a vivid re minder of the greater exposition of 1893. It will bring the vast panorama of splendid exhibits including the f.r.c showing made by . Dr, Price's Cream Baking Powde .Tie analysis of Dr. Price's by government experts dqionstrated ..its. --immeasurable superiority :ri. !eaver.;ng strerjgtVprity &hd general excellence and gained for it the . - - Highest Award at the Fair. Boonville Advertiser 4 CUud Clark has made the record of beiug the best stenographer at the state capital; Arthur Willis the best third assistant private secretary of the governor; Mrs M. E Rayburn the best deputy matrou of the prison; "Bud"Suske, the beot manger of the prison slaughter h use, and the various cuards at the vuison from Bates have th record of being the! bravest men aud best Democrats j that can be found anywhere. Old! Bates is ad l ight, U'i 1 ha reason to j be eougratuUtd upon i les. 1 A FRIEND Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) RtgUUr, til the beneficial results lie has received from a regular use of Ayer's Pills. He says: I was feeling siok and tired and my stomach seemed ii'l out of order. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until 1 was induced to try the old relia ble Ayer's Fills. I have taken only one box. but I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take of anything I ever used, being so finely sugar coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are in need of a laxative to try Ayer's Fills. They will do good." For all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and Uowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Or. J. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, Mau. Every Dose Effective Money to Loan. The Missouri State Bank has on hand a large amount of surplus mon ey that we are anxious to loan on good security. Parties wishing to borrow either ou Persoual or Real Estate Security iu small or large amounts or on short time or for long time can be accomodated at once by calling. Will loan on Real Estate ou time from one to five years and allow borrowers to pay part or all at any time and stop interest .Money in Bank; no delay. 50 tf. Hundreds are Going To See Him. TMiiill3t k Hea & Co., Specialists. In the Treatment of Nervous, Chron ic, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. Will be at His Branch Office -AT Palace Hotel, BUTLER, MO. Monday, Feb. II, One Iy, KeturniDg every four weeks Cousultation, Examination and an opinion in every case given free, DR. REA I a graduate of one of the leading Medical Colleges of the south. He has made a hpecial btudy of EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT & CHRON IC DISEASES in the great Chanty Hospitals, New York City, and has several years' experience in special practice. His bucccss has been ex ceedingly good, and numerous are the cures recorded. He treats Acute. ,y- Chronic Catarrh Noises in Ear, Catarrhal Deafness, Chronic Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat Stomach, Liver, Kidneys-, Bladder and Urinary Organs Hemorrhoids (Piles) treated without the knife. No pain and no detention from business Youw? a n (I Midd !e-Ate I Men Sufietiug from Spermatorrhoea and impotency as the result of self abuse iu youth or mature years aud other causes producing some of the fol lowing effects, such as Emissions. Blotches, Debility, Nervousness, Dizziness, Confution of Ideas, Aver sion to Society, Defective Memory and Sexual Exhaustion, which unfit the victim for business or marriage, 6hould call and see Dr. Rea and get his opinion. Diseases of M'otuen Treated oy our new home treatment thereby saving the patient the an noyance and embarrassment of local treatment. Jilood and Skin Hse'fses- Treated. The doctor carrie all .. portable instruments and come! rr-. ! pared to examine the most obscure j medical and surgical cases, j Dr. Ilea can refer you to hundred of persons whom he has treated and cured. He treats a;I who call upon ;him gentlemanly, hou-rablv and ; courteously and frankly tells tbtfn' : wbether or cot he considers the cane. ; curable. .-etrm Consultation' Pt'ivate ausl Free," Prices, are reaaonabW and "within reach of alL At Office One Dar OnW Each Month.-. : ' y '