The Huf tiers are Doing the
Real Estate Business,
If you want to Buy or Sell see them. All business
promptly attended to.i Firtt door South of Post Office
West Side Square, Butler, Mo.
Two Mnhkt-fl Mrn Hold up a Hurling
ton ExprcHM Cur.
Burlington Io., Jan. 12 Just as
the Chicago, Burlington & Qumcy
passenger train was leaving Cbilo
On penalty of death. She memB to
be charged with all the electrical
bolts of a live wire. The personal
atmosphere that aurrounda her at
such timet repels, aud thua has sav
ed many trout electrocution A cat
was picked up bj the girl while
charged and was inbtantly killed In
fact, she is admitted to be an actual
cothe, IV, nine miles west of Ot
tuuiwa, at 9:30 o'clock to night, two living human dynamo
men with heavy black niafrks on,
climbed in the side door of the ex
preus car. One held up the three
occupauts of the car with a revolvet
while the other tied their bands, then
rotbed the eafe which bad just been
opened by the messenger to put in
some money packages
Baggageman E. L. Wright first
knew of the robbery from the cry:
"Hold up your hands!-' He was
busy with the baggage, and turning
saw a fellow poiuting a revolver at
'Hold up your hands!" again
cried the robber.
Go to thunder' said Wright.
'This is no joke'" cried the rob
ber, 'Til kill you if you don't bold
up your hands."
Wright saw that it was business
and threw up his hands. The rob
ber then tied him to the side of the
The bandit then tied the exprens
man's helper, and while the other
robber covered Expressnjan J. S
Page, he emptied the contents of
the pafe iuto a sack aud tied up the
By this time the train wasneariug
Ottumwa, aud just a9 it was slowing
up at the Milwaukee crossing, west
of town, Mail Agent John Umphrey
entered the car. He was instantly
When the train stopped both rob
bers sprang from the car and disap
peared in the darkness. Umphrey
then untied the men in the car
and when the train pulled , in to
Ottumwa the robbery was reported
and a posse at once started in pur
The amount secured is said to be
Terriffc Ram Storm.
Prescott, Ariz., Jau 17. Tba
most terrible rainstorm which has.
visited this section in vears eDder5
today, after twenty teven hours dur
ation. Granite creek which is usual
ly ajdrv stream, broke over its banks
Tuesday, since which tiiue the de
struction to property has been tre
mendous, a dozen dwellings going
down and as many families rendered
homeless The entire portion of
North Prescott has bnen submerged
for twenty four hours and had the
rain not turned into snow the dam-i
age would have been incalculable.
The loss will foot up iu real estate
and personal property at least 1 20,
000. The new North and South
railroad is likewise damaged into
the thousands aud traffic both ways
from this city has been suspended.
From near localities many reports
are sent in of the wholesale destruc
tion of property that is ruined or
washed away. The atmospheric con
ditions have changed for the better,
but a cold wave is coming.
Honesty, perseverance and skill cannot im
prove lr Sawyer's Care, becanse It folly
cares indigestion, biliousness and kidney dif
liculty. Sold by II L Tucker .
Fnel in a Car.
Piy, Ok., Jau. 17. News of a
sellout ah x'tt real-Led here this
eveu'i-ft. Will H. Classen, one of
the iuoot 1'ioiiiine iueu of Edwoud,
Ok., t-hot G. W Wallace, one of tha
ricbei-t Hiwt ijict t jon'iitei t men of
Oklnli. .ma, on tne cuuth-huui d Santa
re p sei ,'ei nau' . v. mug near
l'li-i-ii and Wai ac tei tinners
in itism- : i n lo y tiii.e, aud
trilt! are !tli"iit hii alleged lntl-
mac httween auace h'.j.I tlasK-n s
wife Cise .i -u-d Wuhaex for a
bi$; sum of money us dhiiiaeji, and
some a- ;e tu-d his vMfe for
divorce, nrnm Va Kce as th man
who i id'se 1 j l - d iin'.-.'ie le!:tli it o.
Thi9 eveuHj: i he mei! boarded the
pafBeiiyei limn t.-i tni;tuouia Litv,
ai.i .. f. r tt.'V leufled the town a
sh o'i! t s-cii.iie -i-ui'ied, in which
Wal ace l- said to Kav.- bt-ei! fataiiy
The sense of touch is dullest on
the back.
Even during ordinary times, when
she it as near the uormal as she ever
gets, terrific Bhocks are experienced
by those who take hold of her hands.
One geutleman, Henry J Ashcroft,
who was investigating the case, en
deavored to undergo the torments of
the girl's powers, but at the end of a
few seconds was unconscious After
recovering be found that bis gold
watch had turned black. The other
day the girl was brought to this city
and examined privately by several
scientific gentlemen. On approach
ing electric lights sparks of fire flew
from her hair, shooting out toward
the lights.
The Bubject was considered too
angerous to experiment with, and
as the girl was disinclined to expose
her superhuman endowments to
curious people or for scientific pur
poses she was allowed to retire in
peace to her home on the farm,
where she lives a very secluded life.
Chicago Times.
Wine Making.
Intelligent knowledge of the sci
ence of wine making, or rather of
ciutful handling of the Juice of
grape during its natural process of
fermentation is as important to
get a good, fine, rich wine, as it is
for a railroad manager to know how
to handle a hundred trains aud with
.T . has lfnnivloficrfi nnd a lifo iinia'c
experience with the European grape
is the reason his wines are the best
ones known.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure cures stomach
trouble I)r Sawver s Family Cure cures Ht-
er complaints, cures kidney difficulty. Sold
by II. L Tucker
The normal weight of the liver is
between three and four pouuds.
Zano Invigorate, stimulates and builds up
the broken down system Zano cures mental
and nervous debility of men Sold by H. L.
U"d-r ti rm-ii t-ircumstat'.ces a
mad thro- .it two iiounds everv
da i -eii-i;.ie a d iiisersible per
si oat . ii
The human skeletou, exclusive of
the teeth, consists of 208 boues.
Ladies The druggist named below will give
yen a tree sample package of Ir Sawyer's fas
tilles, which cure diseases peculiar to women.
Sold by II L Tucker.
Strange Phenomenon in the Form of a
Country Girl in Missouri.
A sensation of a rather peculiar va
riety has been occasioned in Sedalia,
Mo., by the discovery of an illiterate
country girl, Jennie Moran, who
jives with her father and mother on
x iittlo farm some eight miles north
east of that city, and who possesses
strange electrical powers. Some six
months ago the first symptoms of
the wonderful capacities made them
selves apparent, but were given no
attention Her parents are ignor
ant people, and, not understanding
the phenomena,at last became alarm
ed at their daughter's revelations,
and, thinking that she possessed in
fernally, directed the attentions of
the minister and the good people of
little Bethel Church, the place where
the family has worshiped for years,
to their daughter's case, and appeal
ed for their assistance toward get
ting some divine interpositions.
One of the girl's many wonderful
powers is that of illuminating a
room by her presence. This she can
do or not do, just as she chooses.
The most marvelous thing, however
about the feat if that human eyes
have not'jet beeu able to see where
the lightx:omes from.
On entering' a'' dark room it, is at
once' as iight as day, if she wills, but
when she goes out the light is ex
tinguished. When producing the
phenomena nobody dares touch her
Lost His Home.
Mexico, Mo., Jan. 1G. The fail
ure of Elliott & McNama, the stock
raisiug and shipping firm, will prove
a serious loss for many creditors in
Audrain couuty, St Louis aud Chi
cago. The appraisers have listed
the assest and find less than .S,000
worth The liabilities will likely ex
ceed 30,000 Oue colored man lost
his farm entirely. He sold to the
assignors aud gave a deed, taking
only their note. The assignors then
borrowed money ou the deed and
consequently tuo colored man is !
without home or property and with
out resource.
Hair is very strong. A single
hair will bear the weight of 1,150
Diseases unfriendly to women are positively
cured by Dr Sawyer's Pa titles Ask your
druggist lor a iree sample package, it heals
11 Lt '1
and cures. Sold by .
Tarring and feathering was once a
legal punishment for theft. It ia to
be found in the statutes of both
England and France at the time of
the Crusades.
Zano invigorates mfltital power and tones
broken down nervous bystem resulting Irom
lost manhood. Zano cures nervous and sexual
debility of men Sold by II L. Tucker.
A Saco, Me., man won a turkey at
a raffle. His wife, a pious woman,
positively refused to cook it for him.
Then he sent it to the Old Ladies'
not be deceived.
The followine brands of
White Lead are still made by the
"Old Dutch" process of slow cor
rosion. They are standard, and
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The recommendation of
"Southern," "Red Seal,"
to you by your merchant is an
evidence of his reliability, as he can
sell you cheap ready-mixed paints
and bogus White Lead and make a
larger profit. Many short-sighted
dealers do so.
For CoLOks National Lead Co.'s Pure
Wiuie Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to
it 2.vpound keg ol Ltad and m;x your own
paims. Saves time and annoyance in matching
shades, and insures the best paint that it is
;xs;ible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, lice; a will probably
Ave you a Rood ir.any dollars.
St. Louis P.ratich,
Clark Avenue feud Tenth Street, St. Louis
- r i COOS
fla . y O r-
o .
M-p 3
- S. a.
a 3 i r. t3
J3 O ? fl
.2 rfd
rr, y
Dr Sawyer's Pastilles used In time will cure
any case of female weakness. Oct a free sam
ple package Irom the following named drutr
gist. Sold by II L Tucker
A Do Jge county, Ga , negro has a
razor, which, he says, has carved six
men and broken up a hundred 'so
cial'' gatherings
Io not suffer with pain on top of the head and
in the back when I r Sawyer's Pastilles will
absolutely and positively "cure von. Sold by
11 L Tucker.
'Say," said the office boy, "I thiuk
the boss ought to gimme a bit extra
this week, but I guess he won't."
"What for?" asked the baokkteper.
'For over time. I wuz drtamtn'
about me work all las nisht."
Ladies For diseases of women. Dr sawyer's
Parti lies will reach the airllcnlty radicallv.
positively and effectually. It is mild but
eDectual. Sold by II I. Tucker.
Ladies Remember that disease becomes in
curable. Dr Sawyer's Pastilles will positively
cure lone standing cases It heals and cures.
Sold by II L Tucker.
The heart ordinarily beats about
seventy five times a minute, and
throws about two ounces of blood at
each contraction.
Mother You are at the of
the spelling class again, are you.'
Boy Yes'm.
"How did that happen?"
"I get too many z's iu scissors."
Is Your Tongue
Coated, your throat dry, your eyes
dull and inflamed and do voa teel mean
generally when you set up in the morn
ing. Your liver and Kianey are not
doing their work. Why don't you taKe
Parks Sure cure. If it does not make
vou feel better it costs vou nothing
Sold bv 11. L. Tucket
Old Boarder What's for break
fast Hope not ham aud eggs again.
Waiter Girl No, sir, uot ham &u
e?gs this mornini. "Thank the
stars'. What is it?" "Only ha:u."
Ladies can be "positively relieved from all
those irregularities, dietressinif symptoms
and diseases by using Lr Sawvet 's Pastilles,
Sold by 11 L Tnclier.
Teacher Can any of you tell me
why llanuels are comfortable in the
Bright Boy (iu new uuderwear)
It makes jeh hitch about and wrig
gle around, and the exercise keeps
yeh warm.
"3 .Z. - 5 3 Z. S W
3. -c: 6
z S s u - So Ul " z
CI I5c
J): -j u
W.L. Douglas
S3 S H O ti't for a "ng.
.s3.s? Fine Calf iKANGWOi
5 3.5? POLICE, 3 SOLES.
Over One Mt'.l'.cz, People wear ths
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
Th;y give the best value for the monev.
Thtjr equal custom shoes in style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices ore uniform. stampedon sole.
From $i to S3 s-jvsl over ether makes,
if your dt-iJer cannot suoplv vou e can. bold by
the Best. Purest
sr f tAcrrrnvjAiufril
Q) MADE TnrV17FIinDint7 rAimilllf friflrrf
! AVOID BulK Soda!
2 Bad soda spoils good flour.
I Pure soda the best soda, comes -lA.
only in packages.
bearing this trade mark
It costs no more than inferior package soda
never spoils the flour always keeps soft.
?; Beware of imitation trade marks and labels,
mi insist on packages
bearing these words
only by CHURCH & CO., New York. Soli by grocers everywhere
Write for Arm and Hammer Book of valuable Recipe FREE.
ftiaranteed to c an a. I nrvou aiitee.uch Wek Memorr. Ixwi of Uimla
'ower. Uekdacbe. WkkeiolneM. Uotl Manhood, Nlnblly KmlMtoD. Nerrou.
neu.all Oralna rul Ioi-k or pxwerin uurauT .irnns 111 vhut csvbuiwv
by overexertion, vnathfal rrron, exceHlv aw of tobacco, optam oretlm
utanu. which Ivkd to InBrmtty. t'onaumptlon or lnnUy. 'un h carried to
Tt pocket, mi per box. lor SO. by mall prepaid. With order wo
a-tvp m wrllten auaruntre a rarr nr rrfmrnd (h iney. Hold by all
,r..i.t ak for il laU no nthrr. Write for free Medial HiHk lent aenlfd
In Dlaln wrmooer. Aiidress M EKVE BEtiU DO.. HaaoiiloTeuple.ClUCAUU,
t'oraale in BuUer.Mo.. by J. U. KK1ZE1X, lruiUt.
-ELY'S CREaM BALM-CleatuMacbaKaMa
rHMHuxnH, ivuaya I'gun ana Xanammatton, ileala
the Sores, Restore Taate and Smell, ana Cures
X. y I Ivp8 KoHef Btoix o rorCkildin Hrml
I Avvlv into thr Sotfrilt. It it intirklv Abtmrbrit.
JrujiKists or hy mail. ELY ItlJOS.. 06 Warren t
m ' vat -PSi-
?s r- jip cSP ,
lM &I!P2 I
- 2 O !
-A 2 i ; S -
. V"v s z. s s ' - -.'
t -w
pear h-i-
i-t.-oi tly np
.1 Apply
My Tnbuiu Cuius hciont-n 1.1
persheara. Jop:n. Iiako. w . Ituwox. H53 b way
'tw York, fok Us rjct. itexki for uoos. acd ruots FREE.
Men have been known to lose by
perspiration 5.000 to 0,000 grains an
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Zar.o cures all diseases rt?nltin,e irom men
tal and nervous debility . Zano restores the
broken down nervous system and lost man
hood. Sold by II L.Tucker.
"JoLd,' whispered Mrs. Billus at
the play, "somebody behind me is
makirg ill natured remarks about
my high bonnet. Shall I take it off?
"Not on your lifo, Maria," answered
Mr. Iiillug, with 11 ferocious giin.
'That bonnet rot icf 2S.50 and I
want you f get the f till worth of
tie nior.ev.
0tVn ami txut.::i the h!j.
Never Fai'ia to Bestcre Gray
Hair to it youuirui to.or.
I'm Parker'a Ginger Temo. It cure, tut worn Ca?a,
Weak Lirs. IVt : :M . . rejtim. Pa at. Take in i cu.
HINDERCORNS. The miy nir rare tat Cm.
w 1 r m v v
Prrtcpt, ?3rt!7 !
far Impotence. Lot
Manhood, btminal
C mission t. Spermatorrhea, i
Lot cf Mtimtirif, ft, 11
make you a STRONG, Vigor-
out Hat Pnc f 7.0O, 6
Boies. $5 CO. j
B-; gar.1) Bum. Alarm 1
1 ... ;
919 LuOa AvT.
2T.COU!3. MO.
v" Z?2oi Lines
Fcst Time
tiegant runman borvtco 'ft
Reclininn Chair Cars
SMature s
MB MK Mm m
n . ., i
ltlH""Hrt . its curability est&biiaited by tie nsa at the
SSSTZESHZI 1 ne.r remedy (Solanora Carolicense) is pre-
I O 1 pared by Dr. Selmaa. Endorsed by therceiii-
rRf I e cal profession freneraTly. feend for pamphlet.
. Aiiress all commsnicat ions to
prornpe anuwer aol an hott optnton. write to
.'1 1. at 1 wno nsTe oaa wsaij rny year .
experieaee In the parrot bnstnee. t otanjanie. i
Hon trictl er.nfj!ritiai. A Handbook of In- j
iMniiKiun nwmnibi riir aj: i bw w .-
tain tbn erjt fns. Also a catakjgue ut ftttiiaa
kal and scientific books et Iree.
Patents taken tbroceh Maun k Co. reeerre
soeciil notice m tbe !-ii?Btlfir American, ana
tbtta are bnoatrht wiijy btT'T the pobHcrhb
oot cost to toe invMrtor. Tb) p!fijlil per.
iaetl weekly, eieeant'y ill ast rated. ba by fiu- the)
tanzest e-irctiiatwn cf acy eeiectiSc work ra'ttiS
world. 3 a ear. t-Atrif! croiea aeot fw.
Boildiss Edition, monthly. 2 Ul a year, gicsle
ffipies. 'H eecta. Erery naasber eontaros beso.
tuul platea, rn mion, and pbotoarrapba of eew
botea. with piano, enabiuur builders to show tie
latt 4iBit aod itecore contract. Address
A T'T'weamt Iseit far artinsisn wt h
nwlV aat jtr titfen rtate tta Ut f.yir
Missouri Pacific Ry."
GeRera'. Passenger and Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS.
A, i. SEL.V.Ui, n.i-
inatanapous, inu.