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iHvii ii ill Outlet 1 i -sj VOL. XVII. BUTLER. MISSOURI. THURSDAY JANUARY 31, 1895. NO 11 .1 Hi nn it M ISSOIlt I State Bank OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. not go over. 1 n two rear cars caught tire, but were extinguished whtii the work of rescue begun. 4 f ..... I,... . t..lcn ) n iuau uiru nuuu anci uciuj; ibhu j fnm thecal. In his pockets wre found l-tteis indicating that his uauie was Jobu W. Norton, uianayer . i of the Grand Opua Huuf at St. Transacts a general banking biiMiiess. We solicit the accounts of far- L U,H H was eairied to a school . . i.iii- n , , ' b-u-e unci scii. u and lived only a merf mercliantH and the public generally, promising a safe depository for; . .. , . . J Mrs W. S. Towers. Oaitbage, 1 , w hi. carried from the car, and lied while being takeu totbenchool iioune The injured wen carried up the embmkment to bou-es on be north si e of the track, and soon the townspeople and physicians gathered together to give assistance. fore the train could be stopped, j titled to a sleeping place upoo the The smoker left the track, but did j floor The usual method of sleeping till funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal ac commodation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all at any time and stop interest. DIRECTORS. r T C. Roulware '1 II Ou'dier John Oer wetter I K Jenkins Booker Powell ii ii riggott ; K KaJfort TJ WrtRht Geo L Smith Frank M Voris H C Wyatt It O WrBt Wm E Walton OTIIKIt HTOLKIIOI.DCII?. K Ttartlnltl Margaret HrynerJ I.ulu Brown llurlry Lumber Co ii A I Brothers ii ncheir .1 M Courtney Robert Clark iJFftfi I. Coleman! J K Uavli Krank Deerwenter l A PeArmonil Jhn Kvana Dr. I KverinKham CAE freeman i II Hickman I B lleaili Srmnel Levy C 11 Morrison Dr W D Hannah Robert McCracken A MrCrackeni M V Owen John I'barla Charles I'hsris J K Rosier J W ICelaner I, It Starke Clem si ay back John II Sullen. Dr W K Tucker w It Tyler M E Turner Wm W Trigg Wm Walla ii V Wyatt lr N I. Whipple Max WelniT New Home Items hVkyler llobb has some shoats or "tock hogs for sale. J T Smith made a trip to Sprague Holiday, on business. J N Bodkins is buying cattle of all izes. There is talk of Rev Reese of K. C giving a lecture the flrttt of February at the school house. An 8-ineh snow fell here Friday. Sleighing is tine, Should Vote. Leaders, affirmative Jefferson Park, negative, C. II. Mor rison. Music by Miss Ella Durist. C. H. Morrison will be at Virginia every Tuesday afternoon to reeeiv taxes. Rev. (ialbreath is holding a pro tracted meeting at Mt. Carmel. Bert Orear, of St. Louis, is visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Orear of Virginia. He in look ing well. W. I . ( (man in not vet located. HARD O.N THK HOBOS H. Robb's baby in quite sick; Dr , aml talks of going south this week Warren of Hnrague. was called in, J T Smith has a corn planter for -ale. Uncle Beit Caldwell got the gentle man Sunday that has been killing his pigeons. He had the Kobb boys bring out their Winchesters and kill a big house cat. H Kobb found a quilt on the road between his house and the saw mill. The owner can have same by calling at his house in New Home. W W Woods has quit work at th mill; guess he got a better job. The Rich Hill Milling Co. is put ting tip a large elevator at Foster. II Kobb secured the contract for the lumber, and is busy sawing it. Tom Wright, of irginia, was down buying calves and hogs. John II Cope sold his hogs for 33.75 per hundred. Jas ii McKetheu runs the engine at the saw mill. I have live tons of hay for sale here. The Christian church at Foster is having a grand revival, (!0 persons have been added, and the meeting is till in progress. 1 V Morse went sleigh riding to the Mill Tuesday. N. M. Nksti.kkodk. to look for a farm Morton Jenkins and Karl Holaway have made arrangements to have a social at t. W. Park's, the first week in February. It is to be called the New Departure. Clate Wolfe shipped a car load of cattle and hogs to Kansas City Mon day. The north and south roads were almost impassable for a few days after the snow storm on account of the drifts. Miss Icy Jenkins is visiting Miss McConnell, of Austin, Mo. Nkls' Clkkk. Virginia Items. Mis.- Sarah Oldham, Miss Alice Crook and Miss Leona Jenkins had a taffy pulling at (1. W. Park's last Thursday night. The young ladies had a good time entertaining their quests. ' Miss Kate McClements commenced her school in the Crook district. Mm- i day. She dismissed two weeks on Account of her sister getting her leg f oroKen. I here will be a debate at Miami Oenter Saturday night, February Mb. Sabject, Resolved That Women THK CARS ROLLKf) OVER. Two Persons Killed and Tliitlv-two R.ully Injured. Indianapolis, Iud., January 28 A terrible wreck, causing loss of life and maimed limbs, occurred at Coatesville at 2 o'clock this after noon. Vaudalia tram No. 20, due in this city at 2:35, was wrecked by the spreading of the rails Two persons were killed almost iustautly and from fifteen to twenty were seriously injured. The train was tunning at full speed and was about ten minutes late It had just passed the town of Coatesville, and was rounding a curve, when the track spread. The private car of Presi dent W. It McKeen, which was in the rear, jumped the track. This was followed by the parlor car. and then the ladies' car. All went off the track, the two rear cars going down the embankment, ten feet, be North End Saloons and the Helping Hand Simply Packed Wan The following from fcmtuday's Kansas City Times will give the reader a bird's eye view of how tht saloon bums and unfortunate of Kansas City spend their ev-ningB during a blizzard like that of Fn day night. The picture drawn is one calculated to make the poor of this and other towns, who have a sbiugle to cover their heads, thank God their condition i? as well with them as it is: "The weather was especially severe upon the hundreds of men who are inhabitants of the North end, who spend the majority of their time and all of their money in the saloons iu that district. As l. usual thing they loaf around the street corners UBtii long after midnight and then 6leep upon the floor of some saloon, or in the Helping Hand institute But last night they went in early, and the streets were deserted save for the ever-present policemen. In the Helping Hand institute men were packed like sardines in a box. The top floor is free to all, but the accommodations are limited. The men are allowed to stretch out upon the floor, and a hot fire drives away thoughts of the chill cold wind and snow drifts outside. In this free room 120 men slept last night They were of all ages, but their con dition in life varied but little The majority of them would work if they could At least, they express a will mgness to do so. Un the second und third floors the men slept in cots and were charged 5 and 10 cents per cot, accordiug to the loca tion and general superiority of the bed Beds uearest the stove were the most in demand and brought the best price. On these two floors eighty men slept. On the first floor, which is the meeting hall, about twenty men were stretched upon cots around the fire, making the grand total in the institute 220 men. Tha Helping Hand was not the only place that bad boarders last night The saloons were full to overflowing A man would wander iu, pay 5 cents for a plass of beer and he was en m this way i to seiect a soft board ! as, near the move as possible. The; ocigi-r then spieads a newspaper upon the floor. This serves as mat ress, springs and sheets. Then the man removed bis shoes and coat and of the two made a piiiow. Theu, with one last liu-jenn" look at the oaiuiug glasses standing on the br be lodger wrapped the draperies of the couch aoout him and laid him down to pleasant dreams. Iu mlh saloons withiu a stone's throw of police headquarters there were over 500 of lhee lodgers by the actual couut of the policemen on the beats AT THE PEOVIDEXT ASSOCIATION. There were 280 applicants for assistance at the Provident associa tion's headquarter at Fourteenth and Locust streets yesterday. Over $60 iu orders and a large amount of lothing, gloves and caps were given awav. lne omcials anticipate the heaviest day of the year to day." JErTEKSOX CITY. ri Accept None of the Pretended Substitutes fo ft EC M FOR 5 Baking Powder I n V7L! iu pi ivj OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 COUNTY DEPOSTORY OF BATES CO. OSCAR REEDKK President R. J. HURLEY 1st Vleo-Presldent E. A BENNETT 2d. Vice-President E. D. Kli'P Cashier Receives Deposits subject to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage respectfully Solicited. PIRKCTOIIS. D N. Thompson, John Steele Oscsr Keeder, M. S. Kiersey, M. G Wilcox, J. ! . McKee, E. I. Klpp. John E Shutt. R. J. Hurley t'lrk Wlx. E. A. Bennett, J.K Kotier. H. M. lisiley. J. KV EKING II AM. SecreUrr TT Koy BKCA-USE inferior and cheaper made baking preparations are p sold at wholesale at a price so much loner than Royal, some grocers are urging consumers to buy them in place ol the Royal g at the same retail price. If you desire to try any of the pretended substitutes for Royal Baking Powder, bear in mind that thev are all made from cheaper j5 and inferior ingredients, and arc not so great in leavening strength nor of equal money value. Pay the price of ;.c Royal Baking Powder for the Royal onlv. ..." ik It is still more important, however, that Royal Baking Powder ct - w is purer ami more wholesome and makes better, finer, and more healthful food than an v other baking powder or preparation. &k ROYAL BAKING POWOEa CO.. 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. ProtwUinK of the Legislature. Special to the TiMts. Tuesday bad been set apart to eulogize the late Senator James C McGiunis. The widow and sons of the late Senator were present and due, probably, to this being the first opportunity to air their oratory and in part to the character of the man eulogized, the addresses were un usually fine- War reminescenses are Senator Bledsoe's forte aud at the "Cauip Firs" last week he made the speech of the evening. He says he was much more at home iu battle than be is in legislative halla, but he is popular iu the Senate and it is whis pered that the near future may bring greater honor to the venerable sol dier. 15ates has been without a repre sentative in either house during this week. Seuator Ballard returned Monday after a protracted attack of 1 grip but after a half day's service was taken sick again and up to Fri day was not able to get home, but is now at his home with no immediate prospect of return. The fire at Johnstown took Dr. Choate home, but will probably return the early part of the week. There is a great desire on the part of this assembly, not limited to party to increase the revenue of the state by reuuciucr all omeers now receiv ing fees to a salary basis and having all fees returned to the State Treas ury. The first Junket of the sessicn was provided for Friday when a res olution to investigate the office of Excise Commissioner located in St. Louis was introduced by tbe mem ber from Sullivan and after being amended by the member from Mar rion to include the office of City Ccl lector in St. Louis, was adopted Of the eleven members of the committee- on agriculture sis iigaed a majority report on the bill provid ing for the removal of the college from Columbia and appropriating 8100,0C0 or as much thereof as may be required to establish it at some other place within this State There has been introduced into the Uouse a bill providing that real estate ehall be assessed for taxation only to the amount of valuation in excess 01 mortgage indebtedness. f Tilt a canmo via F-i - - ln n . . , 4. equitable measure for under present conditions th e owner of a mortijafed farm or other real estates is practi- i i s . caiiy paying on wtiat he does not j possess. I In his message to the assemblv the Governor recommended an Irn- I migration Bureau and Mr. Porter ; field of Green has prepared an ex i l cellent measure providing for the ; appointment of a commissioner of j immigration to be appointed by the ! Governor, and his office to be lccat jed in the State Capitol. The bill i carefully defines the duties of the commissioner and provides for an I appropriation of only $7,500 for the b:-ciiial period. The extremely unpleasant weather Gf the past week has given new life to the talk for Capitol removal, the members seeming to think that the ! sun shone in parts of the State. SON EST sed'Valere I'taT "Life is not mere existence, But the enjoyment of health." Many times this enjoyment of health depends upon the Druggist. The best medical atteution, the most careful nursing, will be of little avail, if the medicines be of a poor quality or combined in an unskillful way. We point with pardonable pride to our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. We have made it so that we can justly do this, by care ful attention to all details. Promp, reliable service; crude drugs, pure; and chemicals obtained from reliable sources and all preparation carefully made. In mid winter one is apt to have sudden calls for me iicine. OurPrescriptToiTBe be found equal to the occasion, I H. L. Tucker. ANOTHER BIG HAUL. Bobbers Hold Up a Cotton Belt Train. The Booty .Supposed to be About $2.", 0U0 A Neat Job Made of It. Pine Bluff, Ark, Jan. 25. The south bound Cotton Beit traiu ws held up aud robbed by two masked ment near McNeil at 7:05 p. m. lasl night The robbers were riding ou tbe blind baggage, and as the train was going through a deep cut Engi neer Crowly saw them crawling over the tender of thtj engine. Bs fore he realized what was up he was looking into the muzzles of a pair of revolvers. The robbers commanded him to stop the train aud marched him to the express car, in charge of Messenger J W Massey. Ma-ssy was covered by the bandits, as was also Conductor IIarri, who bad come out in the meantime. They took the money Harris had on his person. The amouut of money taken j from the express car could not be ; ascertained ' After an ineffectual attempt to i open the safe in the express car, the bandits compelled the messenger to assist them -The amount taken j from the safe is estimated at 23, j 000. The watch aDd chain taken j from Conductor Harris was return- j ed to him upon the assurance that J they belonged to hiu individually. It is thought that membeis of the j Cook gang No 2, who were iaiplica ted in the recent train robbery near j Ogamaw, Ark., and released for want I of proof are the men who did the j job. They remarked whn leaving I the officers: 'You have tbe laugh on us this time, but we will come again," BrinjR comfort and improvement arj3 and it seems they made good their tends to personal enjoyment when nations, and recognize to the fullest extent tbe right of every people to adopt and maintain their own ford of government unawe l and uninflu enced by foreign dictation; that t!C administration of President Cleve land in maintaining this policy as tt our foreigu relations deserves t!ta approval aud support of the Ameri can people The vote was on party lines, with the exception of Mr Pettigrew (Be- publican), of South Dakota, whp voted with the Democrats. By 1 singular coincidence this one vcta carried the resolution, as it woull have failed on a tie had the votb been ou strict party lines. The ae tion to day practically disposes qI the Hawaiian question in the Senate, , although it is expected to reeeiTp attention from time to time on thu various pending resolutions criticis ing the administration. The popu list senators voted with the republi cans against the adoption of tlo resolution. KNOWLEDGE tnreat. lue passengers the bandits STANDS HV CI.KVF.L Wfi. . I i J Tl , i i; i were uot I riuuJ u J uiiuijr, uve dvv- molested, nor w. any one hurt Iv i "ianotc naaaenjoy memore,wi u , 3 le3 expenditure, by more promptly J adapting tbe world's beat product tg I the neeis of physical being, will attet t . the value to health of tbe pure liquid ' i laxative principle embraced ia ti& S-!if $atain th Atroitiitratitn' i remedy, Syrup i.t Fig. Hawaiian Polif y. Vt W 1 It excellence w dae to it prwnti&g v. Sn, f n frtn t"'"- acceptable and pica- i aru io me ia$ie, me rcirtfensng ana uuiy Jan '2d, bc-ncficiat prorrrtie of a t-rfect lax- Washington, D. C , lo 2'1 The ' 2 permanently curing constipaUoo roval ci tiie medical 20 ' bcn fil ial properties of a perfed i resiuent Cleveland policy toward ive; enettaaiij cieanving the yt!n, Hawaii was sustained in the Senate ! Spelling cold.-', headaches and fevf-rs to-day by a vote of 24 resolution was offered bv , . . J . ciet wnn me appi as an amendment to a prenoa rr-so j profession, Ix-caa- it act on the'' KH- 4 lotion on the subject by Mr. Allen, s?t. Linr and Bowel-t witlwot wesk and is as follows: eclng them rsA it U perfectly free from Besr'fel Tf' w),iU the i 1 i-very object t.mstble ibfetaice. " of the Vfi--;V - .tih" 1 .SyrURof izziioteie by alUrog, f pathize fti tbrffort u. .-faih , ufactnrul br tht-. CJlfomia Hg vTiS repabheaa mstitnticcs wherever Caonlvvwhosento is printed mJeverj that effort is made, we reaffirm the package aha the name, Syrup of Fir, policy of ton interference unless by aId being well informed, yon rill L-t agreement with the affairs of other ?t any substitute ii o&rei,