Newspaper Page Text
CLARQY & BRUNER, Real Estate and Loans. Do you want to sell your farm, if bo list it at once with us. We are now preparing a large amount of advertising matter for distribution in Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska. Mr. J. U. Bruner, who Las just associated himself with us has large acquaintance iu Iowa and Illinois in the real estate business. Have been engaged in running excursion trains from these states to Southwest Mo., for the past year. Our extensive connection gives us the advant age over any firm in Southwest Mo. Come and see us if you wish to buy or sell. Yours for business, Mallard Items We had a big rain and wind storm here Friday night. MibS Ella Hayes of Archie was visiting the family of J. 13. Hayes last week. Miss Lena Griggs, of California, is at home visiting her parents. J. 13. Hayes and Jim Woods mark tt?! their hogs at A'lrain Monday. W. B. Cole and family spent Sat urday night with Lis uncle Billy Griggs family. Mr. George Dennis and Miss Stella McMillan were married at Walnut Grove, church, Sunday night I?ev. Walkup officiating. Mrs. Eniina Johnson visited at W. B. Coles Sunday. Sam Griffith and wife visited rela tives in Urich one day last week. Dr. Wolf visited relatives and friends near Shawnee Mound, Henry county Sunday. Misses Auna Griggs and Julia Douglass went to Butler Saturday. Our miller was grinding Monday as it was too wet to work in the fields. George Chandler wants to buy a good milk cow. E. L. McCleuny aud Chihs Greer has sweet potatoo plants. Miss Jennie Johnson was visiting W. B. Coles family last week. Several was breaking young horses Saturda',as it was a good day while the ground was soft. Tom Evans and brother passed through town en route for Butler. Mirt Anderson visited relatives southwest, Sunday. Hick Kay and family was in town Monday. Misses Ida and Cora Crow enter tained a few of their friends at their home Thursday eight, a nice time was had. C. R. Cole has got him a big straw hat and has commenced to farming. There was an ice cream supper at John Bowdens, one night las week. Mis Ti.ktok. Diseases unfrlemlly to women are positively cured by Dr Sawyer's Pa-tillcs. Ask, your IrtiKKlit for a free sample package. It heals nml cures. Sold by H L Tucker. Culver Items. John Leytz, of Adrian, visited the home folks, Sunday. Andy Hay shipped his cattle Monday of last week. Thos. llendrix talks of shipping out one hundred cattle this week, and they are fine ones tco. J. H. Gardner's wife is conva lescent. Allen Price, of Butler, was out visiting his son aud old friends in ; Spruce. i Call at Geo. Huff's aud get your pipe, as he found it. The children of Tom Stover and N. Davis visited their grandparents, southeast of Butler. W. S. Ray drilled his corn. Sam and Geo. McCandless, two old neighbor boys, called, Sunday. They are farming near Butler, where we hope they may do well. Mr. C. D. George, of the Warrens burg Normal, visited at his brother in law, J. D. Allen's, a day. Carl Decker was out in style, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willey, of Maple Grove, were on Central ave., Sunday. John Sealinger and family "visited at J. P. Herrman's, Sunday. Dee delivered our school teacher to his mother, Friday after school. C. J. Greer ia p with the times on cheap goods and higher prices for your produce. Our smith is a full dged black smith. - - -"' Jas. Bradley goes north to sell the Graham cUprjers. .V Sam O'Banion is .wiirking for Gee Wells. T. P. Stover and son are farming this season. Y. C. Comb was over a few eyeniDgs ago. Johnny Herrman is helping his brother, P. J. Herrman, this week. W. H. Elliott was in Butler, Saturday. Stillwell planted corn, Monday Jack. Colored Sam Jones. Baltimore, May '.). Bishop Wes loy J. Gaines, of Georgia, who haB been presiding over the conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church here has attracted much at tention by his quaint and effective Oratory. One of hia ways of calling conference together was this: "Get together, boys! Get togeth er! And some of you fellows had better drop those long faces you're carrying around here. "Why isn't it just as easy to smile as to weep? One of the incidents of the general election was that a large number of persons received one vote each. To a laugh which greeted one of these lonesome votes the Bishop said: "Never mind, boye: I've known many a horse that was away behind in the back stretch to come out first under the wire. The advice of the bishop to hia ministers to be alive iu the pulpit created a profound impression. "Ginger up, boye! Get lively aim at the moon, even if you can't hit it- Never go into the pulpit unless you are prepared to preach. It is said that if you open your mouth wide God will fill it. He will with wind. The Bishop iu one of his short sermons paid his respects to the preachers helpmeets the wives. "You women,"' he said cut cunning capers before you catch the man of your choice. You crimp up and gimp up and manage to look too just too sweet for anything, and no wonder a man thinks to himself, 'Why that's the only woman a man can love.' Then when you get you a man do you keep on looking sweet? Not by a good deal. Many of you allow yourself to get slipshod and slouchy, and I dare eay a man begins to wonder after a while what he ever saw in you iu the first place." Invest Your Change. A silver quarter is about as much as some people care to invest in medicine for immediate use. Spend this sum for a package of Simmons Liver Regulator, powder. It's the woman's friend --cures sick headache in the right way, aud quickly, too; jast as good for biliousness. All Armed. O. T.,-May 0 From As- Terry, : sistaut United States j Hoffman, who has just Attorney returned from Washington County, O. T., where court is being held, The j Chronicle correspondent learns of a terrible state of affairs. It seems that Jeff Williams killed Bob Moore some time ago and that Williams was put on trial Monday. Everybody has taken sides in "the killing and the Court-house is filled with armed men-, and a riot is feared every hour. George East rs a prominent leader in the county and he declares that Williams shall suffer for the murder, while Williams' friends are deter mined that he shall not be punished. Old People. Old people who require medicine to jeju'ate the bowels an J kidne vs wih find the true remedy in Electrict Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels adding strength and giving tone to the organs thereby aiding nature in the per foimancejoi the junctions. Etectrict Bitters is an excellent appetizer arid aids digestion. Old people find it iust exact ly what they need. Price 50c at our drug store. Bland is Modest. Denver, CoL, May 9. Ex-Congressman Richard P Bland of Mis sour, who will lecture in Denver next Saturday nignt on "The Twen ty Years' Battle for Silver, and the Eight Yet to Come," is resting quiet ly in thi3 city, as he is suffering from the effects !of the grip. He said today: "I have not heard of the efforts of my friends in St. Louis in the way of securing for me the nomination for President by the free silver Democrats in 1S9G. In fact, 1 do not think that I am the proper man to select. In my public life I have never made a fight to get personal advantage for myself Especially is this true in the silver cause. I have fought for the cause itself. Iu do ing so I have made too many enemies among my Democratic friends for me to be an available candidate. Rather than try to make friends and build up for myself a political future I tried to advance the cause I advo cated. This has made me less avail able as a candidate than many others. There are plenty of good men in the ranks who would have exeater strenth than I. I have tried to keep the Democrats stirred up during my terms of office, and I feared I suc ceeded a little too well to expect success in a Presidential canvass.' If Mrs. Lease is to be believed Ex-Governor Lewelling, of Kansas, is a thrifty fellow. He is worthy specimen of your good, honest,every day Populist. The Governor took a contract to furnish butter to the Topeka asylum. The Ex-Governor billed it to the asylum as "star creamery butter, and Mrs. Lease says that 298 pounds of it was "rot ten as soap grease." The record shows that Gov. Lewelling charged the State 23 cents per pound for these 29S pounds. At the time first clasB creamery butter was on an average worth 20 ceuts a pound, while country butter such as the Governor furnished, in good condi tion, was worth from 10 to 12 cents. Clinton Democrat. Vlmt She Wanted. The Suda Hardware Co., of Louis iana, offered a complete cooking out fit free to auy couple who would get married in their window, and the only answer thus far received is from a Hannibal girl who said that if the firm would offer a whole outfit of parlor, bed room, dining room and sleepiug room furniture, curtains, carpets aud a piano, and kitchen pots, pans, kettles, refrigerators, gridiorns, flour chest and ash buck ets, she and her fellow would con sider the offer, but otherwise times were too hard to marry. Ex. Hot in Torieka. Topeka, Kan., 3Jay 9. People in Topeka suffered to-day because of the heat. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the reliable thermometer registered 90 degrees above zero. The '-oldest inhabitants" say that this has been the hottest first week in May since 18S7 when it was 97 degrees above on the 8th, inst. The reason for the extreme heat, Sergeant Jeunings of the weather bureau says, is the low barometer extending from Colo rado to the great lakes, causing a warm wind from the south across Kansas When Bab? was sick, e give her Castorta. When she was a OhW, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wken she tn J Children, she gave theia Castoria. Newark, O , May 9. Rev. P.G. Meath, a Baptist minister, and for a long time an enthusiastic worker in the A. P. A., publicly made the an nouncement to day that he will shortly abandon the ministry in order to unite with the Roman Catholic Church, of which his moth er is a member. In explanation he says: j 'I have grown weary of religious controversy. It has brought to me i a Stumbjing OlOCK. Protestantism 1 is never at a loss to devise some j scheme to divide the brethren." Is Ypur Tongue Coated, your throat dry, vour eyes dull and inflamed and do you tee I mean generally when you get up in the morn ing. Your liver and Kidney are not doing their work. Why don't you tane Parks Sure cure. If it does not make vou feel better it costs ? ou Bothing . Sold by H. L.Tuckeu Swallowed by the River. Jefferson City Tribune. The old town of Gyoso, Pemiscot county, has tumbled into the Missis sippi river and a new town of the same name is being built further away from the river. This is not the first Missouri town to be swallowed up by a river. The S:e Genevieve of to-day is cot the original historic town which marked the first settle ment in Missouri. The old town disappeared years ago. Old Frank lin, in Howard county, was a most flourishing place but net a vestige of it remains now. Brotherton, iu St. Louis county, on the biLk of the Missouri river opposite Sc. Charles, disappereJ a dozen years ago and there is not a 6tick of timber to mark where it stood as the ground has gone into the channel of the 'Big Muddy. ARE YOU BANKRUPTinheakh. constitution undermined by ex tra vacrance i:i eating, by disre-yarding- the laws efnature, or physical capita! ail ircne, if so. NEVER DESPAIR's Liycr Pills will cure you. For sick hcadach e, dyspepsia. sour stomacii malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred disease.". Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. His Rooms Crowded Everybody Satisfied, Many Praising Him. DR REA &CO., Specialist in the treatment of Servoua, Chron ic. Eye. Kar, Noee and Throat Diseases will be at His branch office at PALACE HOTEJj Butler, Mo, TUESDAY, MAY 28, One Day. Returning every four weeks. onsuitatioo. Examination Bint an operation in every cage given 1- REE. Has been connected ith the largest Hospi tals in the country and treating diseases and deformities. He will give Si for any case that he cannot tell the disease and where located in Ave minutes. He treats Acute and Chrouic Catarrh, Noises in Ear, Catarrhal Ieafness. Chronic disease of eye, ear, throat, stomach, liver, kid neys, bladder and urinary organs, hemora hoids (piles) treated without the knife. .o pain ainl no detention. Young ai:d Middle Aged Men, Suffering from Su.-rroatoi-rSiOi-i and impo- tency, as the result of scii-abuse in youth or excesses In Mature years anil other causes producing the follow iriir effects such as emis sions, blotches, liebiiity, nersousness, Uizzi ti confusion of ideas, aversion in society 'infective memory and sexual exhaustion which nntits the victim for business or mar riage, should call on Itr lies and get his opin- J ion. Diseases of Women j Treated by our new home treatment, t'uere- by savin? the patient the annoyance and em i barrassment of local treatment. Blood and Skin Diseases, The doctor carries all hi3 portable instruments and comes prepared t examine the most ob scure medical and snraical csea lr. Uea can refer you to hundreds r.t persons whom he has treate'd and cured. He treats all who call upon him pentiemanly, honorably and courte ously and Irankly tells them whether or not he considers the case curable. Consultation private and free Prices reasonable an within reach of all. Correspondence solicited and confidential; Address Dr. Rea, Kansas Citv, Mr. RlSr- EISTATK. I am now located in ms new office over John Catterlin's. west s: le s-jaare. Ifyoa want to BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE -:- von should tee me at once, as mr faciiitiea aeect in Bates Co Good rig alwajs ready- no trouble to show property. Ee--p'y, A. S. MILLHORN. Notice of Final Settlement. - Notice 5s hereby given to all creditors and all other interested in the estate of C. F. Uaton, deceased, that I, Sylvia Caton, administratrix of said estate, intend -to make final settlement thereof, at the next term of tbe Bates county probate cerart, in Bate eowcty, aute of M foaoart, to "be' held at Butler becutciiss on to 13th dayoMIar, lsg. SYXVIA CATOS, 22-4 ;AdBMaistrtrtx llj 250 Poes tbe Question of Proper Bicycling Dress BSk Botber You E desire to help every American woman to ride w a Hcvde. Therefore COLUMBIA BICY CLES are MOO this year, and are lighter and better adapted to women's needs than ever. There are also light and attractive patterns for women's use in Hartford Bicycles at $80 and $60. Here's &u Meat To help solve the problem of proper cycling costume, we have had prepared a set of six handsomely lithographed pa per dolls, showing designs by some of the world's most noted makers of women's gowns. The set is beauti ful and instructive. 3 3BSI aei 2301 3j 3 3 2301 23! 2S0I 2301 23! 2301 2301 2301 2301 2801 Mailed to any address, with a dainty little book on BICYCLING FOR WOMEN, for five a-cent stamps. Address Publishing Department. Pope rf. Qo.f Hartford, Conn. DEACON BROS Butler. Missouri. & CO, agent for HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH Cs A O fl-ELY'S CaEAM BALWI Pas.iKt:s, Alleys fain aud mo cures, xvestores xaste SHE A .ivos Itciiet at urire Apt. :t ,.if- t!,f .,,rr.r. 50c imipgisttorbyiiiaa. ELY W.L. V3 $3 SHOErl? S THE BEST. FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH AtCNAMELLED CALF. 4.s3.o Fine Caif&Kancarci J.y POLICE, 3 SOLES. -extra fine- '5. s2.H7-5BQYS"SCHC0lSH3E& LADIES' Over One Million People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. Thty equal custom ehoes in style and fit. Jh-ir wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From $i to S.j saved over ether makes. If your dealer cannot supply you v. a can. told Dealer, whose name will shortly ap- ' 1 1 A , 1 k 1 pear neie. .lgeni waniecr. Apply at once. bat Vr- re ur l.-if lutU, Of K AUlKftf hK4KM lISFPtRfcl. Whv t Bc-cjne HE H Hit O KW H YL Lit WITH Kt MMjiS, l;.-ieviii t.-t ne t-iGu. Ui aivrfift'Qg and demote everr tuvrgy o filling th orir th which vc nets t. fjtTi. iii :AR"l'r' reat- T!fr-: rj fun t a Bi"t iiriprw'.t'fiii-i yar s biri". UH I M.K(iH UTttKJI'.H, IV KLSF.I Kit MM IF.-S ami itn hiioiii itot tkox Hitti i in-. IKIPt IK OIU t.OOtis K k XlH (ARE UHl ALL WHO rrmp;iieri m njroe way 1 limit thtiaMzA tt Armotfl- exfdt, & dniAcl which we Coui-i not Laie wu th hrtwt parthawet of stel ac-l mittntl f.utt in Ssurt rf tifi dealer which thin to mk orifiwcei-fite4 -. full tocfc ut ao4 repair. w are itbot cotnetiU.ri. In f:rp&ii tf aIvffrt.;n Ut y"r, jr--ti to tr&iu m tt-e4. cutter Kcdrcrtui caU'mt to Vt. fa rejoc ituH afcre wt did not efaj ti;e 4rrri-iZtr , ax;i t?; ff-1 ctt tr ri p -t p.t out. Ti-t yr-y s to K4e mtn iu t f--i!yrin bueiwt: K w fl riivrinre in thi oir cur ftEW AL.L-STF tL SI KLUIOU fJ.U CI t Itk, UK1H $40a$10 csh with ortr. f o b.chiTr. cr to e f-ertt, h tt th ' n r iB r Cot, 'lexcnfUua tnU icirssiKA t tar ir-rtczr J it Uri. CaOM eta pari of h prir 4a citr i dfOicr, 7 be tvm profit Ui th IMS hgtt mrymT fuzed uml mm fV. irrti U4 of r. and ajtrivi tutr bn bckt of th trtwiK- V; . fT im V-W pra-JTS. are ecs'J to hae r!:i the n3Ti svi Ujir It ris-e tit larsnt defers in rrtetu has i&s Wcojs-- t tS fTfHt cf ocr goi m ui THIJK TOKtti 0 14 THIS 1E4ft HfFT K IT M. TH 4 TMEf CS ftf IUe EM I -r AL'r. r f-f:i-FtK t TO 64LTAfZE t-.K1TH!3 ATFK IT I t - isr-, vis th tx-x t-f wtee, & mheti mni bn ttr t, -poet. 5-2l t- jTar vrd 4rw. auid ti- e5ctJor K aaj sasb.rz is cr s."s crl-r tvi &saiZici oitT,-r-.'.jr i hx. a tes- La s3Dreecd& rtwertwat wei be caaaM mod iar t l ism ahcb ri mttxv h ku 4 H dooe fcj a ftmff'i boy. A earsi f-sikrTtg vf thn Aarmotor Co, wi ? Bicycle CosturrK Dolls Columbia and Hartford Bicycles OLIO - CleanBoatheNaBall Inflammation, KetUs I ana Smell, aud Uurea II lor old ill Ji-iil. I It , tmtVt.V Ab,rl,?4. I IJKOS.. M Warren K..N.Y.I C.y I OHTAIN A V. TKT f For a K'i"iPl. J"" u'ni an honest opinion. WTile to Jl I N fc t'O., who have bai nearlv tifiy venrn' Tpeni-nce tn tiie patent buitiricxs. Omituuiilcn tiniisMrictly cmiirteiuial. A Handbook of In. formation cuiM-eraimr I'ntemo anl bow to ol tain tUem sent free. Also a catalogue of mecbao leal and scientific l,o.ks sient fr. Patent taken throiiKb Mun'n & Co. recetv special notice inihe frientllic Amri irnn. ana ttius are brouubt widely belorethe pnlillc wuh cut cntt tt, the Inventor. 'I bis, splendid rwr. issued weekly, eletant iy illrat rated, ban by far ibe. lHri;et rirt-ulatioQ of any scientific work in tbe WIS J"1". -x'ie cot-ies sent free. Buildlnif Mitlon. montlilr. i)a vear. pinirle towes. cent. Rvery number cohums beaa titnl plates, in colrirs, and bhototrranbs of new bouses, with plana, enablme builders to show lb a latent dicn and secure contracts, Addres Ml N & CO New Vouk, 361 BuoAtiwAr. Nature's Remedy FOR JteT LlVER Complaint ScHENCK S Mandrake ( L'verPills It3 curability establishe'l by the nte of th ce remedy (Soiaauui Caroiiiieuseji as pre pared by Dr. Bel man. Endorsed by tbe medi cal profession getitraHy. Hesui for paiahiet. Alpres all communications to THZ I ESTHER ATEC fJrect Lines ft Fast Time ti elegant Pullman Servhj 1 Rociinlnrj Chair Cars G7) to n ST. LOUI88 KANSAS CITY CHICAGO 3TH S WORLD'S FA! Q aarst jrst for prtuart iiijf uj IV ut last iter tiittt :tUt via Itt V iaa r r-. s T" H. C. TOWNSSND, Cera Pitsenjer and Ticket Asett, ST. L0U::.K COPYRIGHTS, SY FITS!