Newspaper Page Text
lie mtm VX)L. XVII. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY MAY 23, 1895. NO 27 r LVjiv III 11 J Missouri Male iairc OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. Transacts a general banking business. We solicit the accounts of far mers, merchants and the public generally, promising a safe depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal ac commodation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all at any time and stop interest. 1DIIIEITORS. )r. T. C. Bool ware U II Dutctif r John Deerweiter i U Jenkins Bartlett citaret Bryner Irown ' Lumber Co iielf lartney iCUrk ' A S L Coleman , DavU 'KrankrDeerweater Booker Powell 11 II 1'iKKOtt : 11 Kalfor.l TJ Wrinht Geo I. Smith oTiii;ir I A DeArmoml John Evans Iir J KverlnKham Edith Everingham CAE Kreeman G It Hickman I) II Heath Stmnel Levy C II Morrison Frank M Vorli II C Wyatt K G West Whi E Walton HTOtKHOLDritS'. Dr W I) Hannah Robert McCracken A McCracken John I'haria J K KobI.t J W ReUner L B Starke Clem Slay back John II Salleng Peter Swartzenijrnber rr W E Tucker W B Tyler M E Turner Wm W Triflg Wm Walls G P Wyatt Dr N L Whipple Max Weiner R Q Wegt New Home Items. Weather cool enough for winter clothing. We are not suffering for rain, but could stand more. Mr Loss Kimes is here from Ver non county. lie reports farmers all discouraged it has not rained enough to wet a man coatless this spring. Most of the farmers are plowing up the wheat and pasturing the oats; ths corn, he nays, is at a stand-still and has a yellow cast. - Mirtle Pine, of Walker, Mo., has a small interest in a sheep ranch. One day while Mr Pine was passing his best girl was in the midst of the flock with a cow bell. She succeeded in stampeding the sheep. Mirtle give the ladies of Vernon county lessons on handling sheep. Mrs liiraiu Dudley, of Virginia, ac companied by her two little children, was In our town over Saturday night. ' Friend Khuer Garner, of Virginia, was with us Sunday. Mr Boyer, an Amsterdam officer, was here on a bicycle, in pursuit of Texas Harry Hicks to secure a riHe he had borrowed and had never re turned. Mr B. followed him to Pres cott, Kansas, thence to New Home, and finally caught hiiu at Ladue, Henry county, where he delivered up the gun with but little resistance. Mr Burnett of Foster, spent the day at Mr L W Jones, Saturday. My news of Mew Home will here after be sent off on Monday instead of Tuesday; those helping me will tease send them in to me before tne goes out Monday morning. CBoppsayshe has 110 acres of in ami NO acres of wheat, 50 of oats, all are looking line. Allen has a turkey gobbler on the allotted number of lis time to come oil will be Thursday. Wonder why Jim Coontz laid uiii' der Jim McKethen's thorn trees all afternoon Sunday, in front of P y's. J T Taylor, for convenience he is . known as chicken Taylor, has quit the chicken business and is now go ing into the pumpkin business and will hereafter be known as pumpkin Taylor. (; Bopp sold 500 bushels of w heat at Mc per bu. I nave 5 white ducks strayed away. A M Smith's sister returned to her home at Ft. Scott, Tuesday morning. Frank Kobb has a new buggy jorse; he ana miss r.n.a ;uei.einen (d Frank were trying it s driving alities Sunday afternoon. X. M. N'eSTLKUODK. wn 3 r-rfext est market price for butter, eggs and chickens, corner Broadway and irand ave, Nyhart, Mo. Clark says he is getting lots of work to do. Boys, patronize a good man when you know it. 1 was in Butler a few days ago, called on our circuit clerk, found out Calamity Atkeson was going to have one case in first term of court. He is Hying. Shally is able to be about again; buy a threshing machine of Shally & Hoagland and save money. Gk Grady. Nyliait Items. Warren Avers has out about 100 acres of corn. t!0 acres of flax and 50 acres of oats, a large crop for two teams. Anybody wanting a driving horse or irood road wagon, call on or ad dress Wm Smith, Nyhart, office over nostofliee. W II liemiein, in company wiui Harry Pugh was in our village Tues du; on business. I wonder whr,i'made Charlie Shu-lenberg-r's trse scare just as he passed OowgiU'a Sunday evening. Mann Daniels is thinking of buying a threshlntf machine this year. picture ot tne reat estare agent tne run-away a snort nine ran ie seen ai an v Time nanjins on left of liostoftiee window Ka r coin if to Will An the 1st of J A Wei passed th eveninir.i Lasrsribn savs he is eroing to reap Xhe ffjv&in this year w ith a new chaiu- Vti burner, lie savs tney are me est on earth Summit Items Did we hear some one say that we are having cool weather? Yes, and with a little more mositure with it, and the prospective crop of chinch bugs are beyound harm. Some few farmers are not quite through planting, but we think broom corn is about all there is to plant now, and any time in June is a good season for planting that crop, It is most excellent weather for cultivating the young corn and all are availing themselves of the oppor tunity. Wonder what the attraction at Butler, Sunday evenings, for Mellie Parker and Bert Stanton? We hope the gates about the north part of town have strong hinges as it's the time of year farmer boys parents can't stand an accident. Wonder what Bert meant when we heard him saying "I'm so lonely now, but bye and bye,etc.,? The S. S. at the Chapel is moving along nicely as usual in the absence of the superintendent, with our as sistant superintendent, Mrs. Lvdia Potts. Elder G. W. Webb's day at the Chanel is the 3rd Sunday of each month. He is an enthusiastic worker and old snoozers ;don't find much tfsie for sleep when the Elder is around. He's no compromiser with sin and it s train. W. H. Caldwell has been, the past week, looking through Vernon and St. Clair counties with a view to locating some time in the future. He found nothing to suit, and on his wav home left a bid on a farm in Bates, which he concluded was better than leaving the best countv in the State. Mr. John Law son is hard to catch on fanning. He has broke, pulveriz ed and planted 100 acres of tough sod this season, and put in his other crops, oats, llax, etc., with only the help of his two little boys. Who savs they've done better or even as well? The natives along Deepwater creek are very much alarmed about strange sounds heard recently, and it seems they hav failed to tell from whence it comes or what it sounds like, but it more resembles the shock of an earthquake with it's accompanying noise. Now if they will call around at the residence on the south end of Mr. Henley's farm, some day at noon or late in the evening, they can solve the mystery. Bert knows, but he won't tell. Nix Ed Goble's family have measles. Chinch bugs are the talk and will leave but a few lields to harvest. MUs Lola Owen, of Butler, was in Virginia, Tuesday. She i teaching music to some of the young ladies. Luther Judy is hauling corn to his feed lot, one mile west of our city, where he is feeding a line lot of cattle for the high price in June. The fanners for miles around our city came in Saturday afternoon for their mail and to trade. It looks like businers wa on the boom. A group of fine pictures are to be seen in Oiner Drysdale's show case. ieo. Jt-i.kins is blasting the rock our ot ok well. J. II. Mc Kirov shipped a carload I hog. to K. '., la.t week. Mrs I -nai Park and daughters nade a living trip to Butler, last Thursday. '.lat liinson was in our citv last week, hunting sweet potato and cab bage plants and tellingthe boys some f m big jokes. He said he was a traight Democrat. W. W. Park's buggy team is wear- ng a new set of harness. Ihe Times should have said last week that H. H. Flesher could tell yon about hardware, sugar and tea and not Hupp. Mr. and Mrs. William Widders, of Eldorado, are visiting relatives and old neighbors. The pound and pie partv at Mr. Graves', on the Widders' place, last week, was grand. Ihe young men furnish each a pound of candy or any other eatable, and the young ladies each furnish a pie. The names of the young ladies were written on slips of paper and placed in a box to be drawn by the boys, who were each to eat with the young ladv whose name they drew. A number ot the lrgima young folks attended the supper at Amoret, Saturday night. .lonn iNance, the v lrginia carpen ter, repaired the church last week. A here will bean object lecture at the Christian church Tuesday night. mav 28th bv Kev. Keed. His httl 8-vear-old son will recite several pieces. The lecture is free, but there will be a hat collection at the close. There will be an ice cream and strawberry festival at the Christian church, Friday night, May 24th. Milburn Jackson, of Denver, Colo.. came home to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jackson. W. T. Cowan and John Durrett re turned home Saturday night, after an absence of about two weeks in Jackson. Kav, Caldwell, Carroll. Johnson and Henry counties. Ihev stopped at Kingston, Caldwell Co., but did not like that section. Cliff Jackson and Dmer Drvsdale each bought a new buggy, last week Dave Miller and wife, of Butler visited Uncle Johnny Summers, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bean, of Burlington, Kan., are visiting the family of C. W. Wolf, also James I. Wolf and Miss Inkiphee, of the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jackson gave a dinner in honor of their son Cliff's 21st birthday, last Sunday. About thirty people were present. Ihe voung folks sav thev enjoved the social at Winfield Steel's, latt Friday night. Humors of a wedding in this town ship thiweek, are afloat. NEI.S Clkrk. .A. PICNIC AT LAME & ABAIE 9 The Season Has Now Come For Us To Open Fire On High Prices. Ml M WllVlp 1 m m m in lull While it is a fact that goods are advancing rapidly in the market, we had this in view and bought large quantities of Spring Goods before the advance, which we will coDtinue'to sell at hard time prices. We dont want the earth, We .Only Want Such Portions Of Your Trade lis We Merit Every day people come into our house who tell us that they have paid more for this or that atticle than we sell them for; then if we can save you money. why not buy your goods of us. YOU BELONG TO NO ONE, BUY WHERE YOU CAN DO THE BEST Look at a few, only, of many low prices we are making, see if they have advanced NOT ONE CENT Good Dress Ginghams Solid colored Turkey red calicoes Indigo blue calico solid colored Lawrence L L muslin 1 yd wide bleached muslin Hope bleached muslin, soft finish Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom Best a. c. a feather tickings Best colored tickings Fine zephyr ginghams The best best drees ginghams Fine bleached table linen oc . j Solid colored red table linen 25c 5c Good all linen towel crash SJc 5c OVERALL, SHIRTS AND SHOES. 5c See our overall at 50e 5c i See our extra heavy at ("5c "c And the Very Best at 75c 8s See our custom made shirt 35c 15c See our heavy work shirts 50c 15c See our white Bhirt at 75c 10c See our $1.50 white shirt at $1.00 S$c Ask to see our undewear at 25c 3oc And the Very Best at 50c On this line of goods we can and will save you money if you will only give us a chance. SHOES! We will save you 20 per cent On every Pair vou buy of us, Try it and see for yourself. You can sell your produce to any of the many reliable grocery houses in the town and they will give you an order to Lane & Adair's Store, which we will take in exchange for goods same as cash. Come and see us. rick is thinking some of ansas for his health. old was in, our little village he week. r and wife, of near Butler, ough our village Tuesday Virginia Items. "We heard 'em sav it and noted it ! for last Monday. down, The things that happened about the town, So don't blame us if true or not, We alwavsgive vou the best we've got." Miss Baldwin, of Kansas, is visiting her cousin Miss Ella Durst. Miss Ixttie Rarnham, of Mulberry, visited Miss lev Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Pettys, of Butler, visited W. F. Cowans, Sabbath of last week. lev Jenkins spent a few davs at Foster Items. Foster is booming, lots of trade in town to-dav. Forty wagons ha tiling corn to our new elevator, which is Just completed. Ihe busines men of loster have run the "joint" out of town, so the boys got drunk Saturday for the lat time, we hope. H Robb s saw and grist mill is run ning in full blast. Chas Spencer is in Burdett this week. Mr Abe Shetrone has a very sick child. Our merchants were all busy Sat urday, so many farmers in town. Jude Henry is spending a few weeks at Eldorado for the benefit of his health. Mr and Mrs Gray visited their grandson, Sunday. Mr Scribner arrived home from Texas this morning. Grandpa Lindsey says he will hve new potatoes next week. We hear there is to be a wedding m Foster soon. Look out, section boss, for the circle saw will be there Wonder what Miss Bertha Short and Barton Bricoe went to Butler . ........ ,o.. v.;H. Mr. cowan s in itomer xownsnin sast week. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report JLANE & ABDAUDB. Mrs James Wilds, of Clinton, is vis iting relatives and friends here. Criss Greer and family visited Ira Fowler's Sunday. Bob Beattv and Kennie Maxev, of Johnstown, were in our burg Sunday Miss Hattie Bell visited in Ballard one evening last week. Mrs W B Cole visited her parents in Clinton last week. Childrens dav at Fairview 2d Sun day in June. W B Cole and family visited Dr Warford's Sunday. Misses Lutsinger and Ludwick of Spruce, was visiting the Misfs Doug lass last week. Christian Endeavor meets at Wal nut Grove Sunday evening. Earl Corwine has a horse with the glanders. Ihe show is gone so is Jim woods lantern. Dr Wolfe attended court at Clinton last week. Jim Cole spent a day or two in Bal lard last week, while his wife visited in Cass county. Isaac Anderson and wife visited relatives in Ballard Sunday. Mrs E Warford and mother are vis iting relatives in Clinton. See Monta Hunt Sunday eve, as he passed through town. Mis Tletoe. FAIffiMlBM'S UBANIK. OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 COUiMTY DEPOSTORY OF BATES CO.; OSCAE BEEDER President R. J. HURLEY . .Vice-President E. A. BENNETT id Vice-Preldent E. D. K1PP Csehicr Receives Deposits subject to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage respectfully Solicited. BII1KCTORS. D. S. Thompson, John Steele Oscar Reeder, Geo W Kierser, M. (J. Wilcox, J. .1. McKee. K. 1. Kipp. John E. Shutt, Clark Wlr. .las. M. McKtbben, J. EVERINGHAM. R. J. Hnr.'ey E. A. Bennett J H. M. Galley. Secretary Preaching at the Baptist church next Sunday bv Kev Clark of Rich Hill. Our booming town has a base ball club. ! Foster can well be proud of her churches and schools. The strawberry and ice cream fes tival at the Christian church was well attended. Mrs Bodkins is improving slowly. Arthur Henry made a living trip to Kansas City last w eek on business for the band boys. Dr. Langsford went to Butler Mon day. Mr Hull and daughter, who have been visiting in Appleton City, re turned home Sunday evening. Wonder who got left Sunday night at Mrs Wills? Sample. IN ARKANSAW, A MAN i j Said that he suppos ed" Lis house needed a new roof, but that he could no: put one on while it was rainiDg and when it didn't raiD, he iidu"t need it. Dr. Tucker, the North Side Drug, gist, is not exactly putting on a new roof, but is re modeling his store room Lew front, higher cailing and other improvements It's a big job, but haJ to be done, as his trade de MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of money to loan at low rates of interest. Notes are payable at our office. Privilege given to pay at any time and money is ready as soon as papers are signed. 22 4t. Dcvall & Pebcival Shannon County Mo. Democrats. Birch Tree, Mo., May 17. In re sponse to petitions, Chairman Nor ton, of the Democratic County Cen tral Committee, has issued a call fcr a Delegate Convention, to meet at Eminence, June 8, for the purpcee fit fi aPrf aininrr tl-A itsma nf l Democrats of Shannon County ot,' the money question. Delegates will World's Columbian Exposition. Was of value to the world by illus-1 be elected June 1. tratmg the improvements in the ; mechanical arts and eminent pbvsi- j cians will tell you that the progress j in medicinal agents, has been ot equal importance, and as a strength ening laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all others. mm Absolutely pure manded it. Ballard Items. j jn ajou t0 carrying a gtneral Everybody is done planting corn, L. . . r,.. rA lKinB now making a specialty of and some are plowing Miss Linnie Young of Montrose was visiting her brother, Ed Young, last week. Ned Cole and sister, Mrs W B Mor lan went to Urich. Sunday. Aaron Hart and -wife of Butler, visited Judge Cole's Sunday. Awarded Highest Honors World's Faifv Da Ladies' Toilet Articles and Fine Stationery. . L- TUCKER. ! t'nt Them Down Slill Lower ; than ever. I have made a very large reduction on groceries, tinware. gUss ! and queensware, table knives, pocket j knives, table and tea spoons, willow and wooden ware, can goods, in fact j everything in my line except sugar and flour which are advancing everv week but will sell them as low If not ! lower trn tb lowest It will par i " ! you to trad wtH I v -ri'r h T lieve that you wiL save from tea. to . twenty per cent on yoar purchase. ( TTomack's Cash Grocerr. " j i CC1EAT.3 mam V. North side square, 1 door est Mo. State Bank, Batler, Mo. t of t Cxra .inn:om,AIusi cr tr.y tt-"';cr iZr,z: THE 5TAKDAJUX