Newspaper Page Text
V k VOL. XVII. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY JUNE 27, 1895. NO 32 I)tttlt Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. Trannar-.ts a general banking busings. We folicit tlie accounts of far mers, inerchants and the public generally, pro safe depository for all funds committed to our charge. We "are prepared to extend libera! ac commodation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pav part or all at any time and stop interest. jniitEt Tons. Or. T. C. Koulware C H Datcher John Deerwester; J 11 Jenkins Booker Powell II II PlfTKOtt C KRa.iford TJ Wright Geo L Smith OTIIKlt K Hartlett argaret Bryner Lata Brown Hurley Lumber Co II ItChelf J Courtney Robert Clark C PAS L Coleman J K Davis frank Deerwester I) A DeArmond John Evans Dr J Kverlngham Edith KverinKbani C.tE freeman G It Hickman I) B Heath Srmnel Levy C 11 Morrition Summit Items. Corn plowing is progressing nieely again since the late rains. Oat harvest will soon be here, which will be the best for years. The llax crop in made and nothing but continued wet or hail storms will likely rob u of its proceeds. The yield will also be good. Yes, and corn promises an abundant crop, and with fruit and everything, won't we be "in the Hwiiu" Hilver or no silver. What a near-sighted old farmer, who thought he taw Prof. li. E. Par ker mowing weed out of a fence corner one day last week. Get you a pair of leather spectacles. Wm Hubbard and other buyers of xtock were around to see J T Moore early last week. Mr M has the stock but nave not learned whether they made a trade or not. Mr M has an application for one of his farms to rent, we would advise him, if he will not think us presumptuous, to never let a good chance go by. Itev Webb was on hand, as usual, at his regular appointment and let us have the benelit of some good ad vice in his sermons which we all would do well to heed, but so long as we have drones in the church and protracted meeting christians the w ork will lie hindered and held back to a certain sxtent. MrO W Picklin is making a plow boy of himself this season. He is good for a number of years yet. Mellie Parker has been on the sick list the past week, but by the skill of Dr Christy is able to lie around again. Overheat by too much hedge cutting during the hot weather was trouble. Mr Editor, items are very hard to catch this week. We caught ight of a good one which grew out of a cer tain report by well, we decided we would not give the parties away and will not so long as the track is smoothly adhered to, but can't make any promises further. Nix. (Jrandview Items. A large crowd attended the supper at Hot Water school house Fiklay night. The Foster band discoursed sweet music for them. We all wel come them back again. Mr Charley Kinney, w ho was bap tized a w eek ago, preached to a large indience Sunday eening. Next Sun lay at 3 o'clock at Fred Nest lerode's; everybody invited to attend. Miss Hertha Short, who has been visiting friends at Virginia, returned home Saturday. The Free Methodists are holding a successful protracted meeting on the river. Mr Dave Nestlerode and wife, who have been visitimr in tlie south, re turned home Sunday. They report crops looking tine. Mrs Aonie Coniiford is quite sick. Hone the vomur folks enjoyed the surnrise nartv at Mr Chiton's Mon day niirht: was sorry 1 could not bv vthere. Ask Morton Jenkins it tlie heuge ' is a good place for a post ollice, as he , seems to think it was tin ne got caught in a rain and had to tell be had been to get a letter ; from his Venia. Watch out, Morton, if Hen is deaf he can see and catch n to the letter writing. Miss Mabel Skillnian attended the supper at Hot Water Friday night V. Mabel, how about the cake. Grandma will irive you all the rest I lof the news this week, and 1 will try sand do better next week. Grandma i indies are rine. come and see me anil I will give you some. ! Mr Thad Harper has the mumps, I I smmose von all know where ('raiulview is. so I won't tell you. i Sherman Uav and mother of Salt :; fjike Citv visited G W Scybert's one I lav last week. Nels Ci.khk no. v. Virginia Items. We heard 'em tuv it and noted it i iiown. The things that happened about the r town. So don't blame us if true or not, V always irive vou the best we ve got." I Uirthdav supper at Amanda Durst iMondav niirht in honor of Willie's 124th birthday. A good time reported. ' Thev were there from the town and r oniit v. A deputy oi one oi tne ieaa biff oountv officers was there. It is f fullv believed that at his next birth 7- mother and sister will not h. v to do the cooking. The ice cream festival at Hotwater lank Mate $110,000. Frank M Voris H C Wyatt K (i West Wm E Walton MTOCIillOLDER?. Dr V D Hannah Robert McCrarken Ir V K Tucker W I! Tyler E Turner Wm W Trigs Wm Walis G P Wyatt Hr X L Whipple Max Weiner R ii West A McCraektn John Pilaris J K Rosier J W Reianer L B Starke Clem Slayback John II Sallens Peter Swartzendruber was largely attended last Friday. Grandma Holloway returned from Cass county last week, where she had been visiting for some time. Nels Ne.-tlerode and family were in Virginia. It takes Nels to make our town look natural. Uollo Flesher and William Smith of Hutler, were at preaching at Virgin ia Sunday night. Arthur Hill and sister, Miss Lillie, of Mt. Carmel, were at Virginia Sun day. Miss Jessie Hensley returned home from Fair Haven, Vernon county, last Thursday, where she has been visiting her cousin, Miss Davis. Miss Helle Wilson, of east of Butler, is visiting Miss Ella Durst. Virgil Jenkins is on the sick list. Edgar Dalton and Gentry Walton were in Virginia Monday night. Rev Iteid and It T J udy were in Hutler Sunday afternoon to hear the speech at the Christian church at 4 o'clock p. m. John Neel, of Charlotte township, added his name to the booming Times. John is a young man of good habits and industrious; he rent ed the Blaine farm last spring. John is worthy of a good cook of his own. Hig meeting near Mrs Asher's south of Virginia carried on by the Free Methodist. James Davis, of Walker, Vernon county, is visiting Parish Nickell's Key Held, K.T Judv, James Cuzick anil wife, Misses Annie and uertv Judv took dinner with Mat Hinson last Sunday. Will Powers has the mumps. Geo Ruble put up a new wind pump. Isaac Park and wife went to Hut ler Sunday to see his sister, Mrs H H I lesher, who was quite sick. Morton Jenkins is now ready to paint your buggy in first class style. 1 lav, tlax ami oats harvest is about here. Coin's folks are much rejoiced Over the Memphis meeting. Anold Jeffer son democrat does not know: it is. he thinks, one sided. They attribute the panic of '73and '93 to the demon etization of silver, and say nothing about the good times between and the present revival of trade the coun try over, and forget to say anything about the 1( new buggies and car riages bought in Charlotte township this summer; the old Jefferson demo crat said he did not like the idea of taking fifty-four cents worth of silver that belonged to the capitalist and stamping it one dollar, almost dou bling their amount without anv co to them. He thought it would do to stamp 50 cent wheat one dollar and make the capitalists take it or starve 1 he poor ought to be favored and not the rich; the old democrat thinks the manv things that were claimed at the silver convention is more for somebody to get into office than any thing else. Mrs Willie Comifort. who was quite sick last week with the mumps, is getting better. V Ai tamuiiner is building a new kitchen. Grandma Hhoebaknr is quite sick. There will not be anything on the 4th at Virginia as announced; most of the folks want to hear Sobieski, the prohibitionist. J H Etter, of Butler, was employed last Saturday to teach the Virginia school at per month. Mrs Charlev Gardner, who met with an accident, is getting along very well. John Durrett made a trip to Lee's Summit last week to his farm. Mrs Geo Thompson, we learn, quite sick w ith rheumatism. Nels' Clkrk. Culver It puis. Hay MeFarland was disappointed Saturday night as he started for the Summit band picnic, and the rain stopped him at home. Cora Pow ell spoilt several days vis iting hr grand parents and other relatives near here, last week. Several children sick the past week. Miss Alice McCandles visited home folks near Passaic. Lay Fuller, it seems from his state ment, was somewhat "in it" Sunday evening. We are awaiting the coming 4th as patiently as a boy awaiting a coming circus. Fred Bush and family visited home folks a few days. Mr Wiley trimmed his trees. We bespeak for Prof Thurman and the Datis county teachers a success ful institute, us Prof Deerwester is Olif of our best teachers. Harry Lent.' baby ha the "Sum mit nit-asles" and dys-nTary. Frank iret-r mad th- round trip to ( Hilton one day Geo Price and V were buying hogs la-t week. ' li Coie, of Ualiard near Culver last wek. Sain Kiersey brought out a hay rake from Hutler Friday. He had symptoms f sea sickness when be sa w hi.- big .-.--ck land under about ft iur feet i if w atf". Harry Lohl- ha- quite a tdvr and eoiivciiiei.t j,la-- -ince his late im provements. John Cunningham and wife visited home folks it tew evenings ago. Dee is rMing under an advertise ment from the Globe Clothing House of Kansas 'jty. F Ray and wife spent a day at llil ley Powell's of Summit. No wonder Raburn could not teach our school it's a boy.' Hick Ray Wits not very hot at the road boss when he broke the tongue out of his hack. Mrs W H Bradley i- visiting her aged father and mother in Johnson county. John Greer and Jim Crow passed from Butler with a new buggv. Mrs Ida McGhee and children, of arthage, are visiting the home folks this week. T N Hendrix and brother shipped ten car loads of cattle from Montrose to Chicago Saturday. Thev are our most extensive feeders, have a num ber of cattle and hors on hand vet. Alva Deerwester was up trying arlisle again. lJolin Bros, and lloskins Bros. spent a day with Charley and Car lisle last week. JACK. Nvhart Items. Unite a large crowd at church Sun day evening. Wm Smith of Ark., was in Nvhart Monday talking to his many friends. lAigston passed through town en route to Butler I uesdav, loaded down with line fish. Charles Crigler was down. He talks some of going to Denver, Col. Sam Winston s binder works to perfection. We are glad to see our old friend, Ira Eckerman, back again. He savs old Bates is haul to beat. That mower expert don't come any more. I wonder what is the matter.' y, w wnetstone ami r-u wnnanis are cutting bottom grass. It xis fine grass and about lh feet tall. Sam Drake was m our midst Sun day, lie is riding in a new buggv. Jiee Culver, ol liutler, was in our burg last week, buying butter, eg; and chickens. Clark is whole-saleing and retailing old iron and bolts; highest price paid for old plow shares and moleboards. Hie new hotel is enjoving a pros perous business. Y e are sorrv to hear ot the tleatli of James Long, of Merw in. Our sym pathies are with the bereaved family. 1- lshmg on the river every uay. The Dickenson bovs have in some of the finest corn 1 ever saw in all my travels over the county. It is be ginning to tassle out. There will be a picnic on fishing branch Tuesday, July 2nd. Every body is invited to attend. Harry Sheppard is working on the river now. Charles Hoagland is thinking of going to Arkansas soon to visit rela tives and friends. Wonder w here all of the pops are; you never see one in this part of the country anv more. A number of Nvhart people are go ing to celebrate in Cornland this vear. Ed Holt is putting up hay. Ed Corlet w as out rather late Sun day night; did it hail any, Ed? Kd 1- rederiek and Sweeter are go ing into the real estate business soon. Guess it was a mistake about that young man getting married Sunday evening. John Hoagland took a f'ying trip to Butler Tuesday. Harley Kine is getting up an ice cream supper. Tom McElroy has a new buggy. A good many young people of Nv hart are taking music lessons. Uncle Dave has a croquet set; the boys and girls can have a good time now rolling the balls. Jim Crow. New Home Items. Mrs Addie Bennett signs for the Timk.s this week. JasH Becket, of near Virginia, also is a new- subscriber. Rev Tabler, of Foster, in hiving a swarm of bees, put on an overcoat, mittens and tied an apron over his head and with a pail of water suc- Awarded Highest Honors Wcs DR nr. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADIT. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder." frcr: Ammonia, Alinn cr any ether ad:!l:: 4C YEARS THE STANDARD. Fret m'JML eeeded in capturing the bees. After he had taken off his apron he took a drink of water and swallowed a bee, which stung him as it went down. Robt Alien in digging a cave found a tomahawk that had been used as a hammer before the Indians were al lowed possessionof this county in 112 Sam Deaton on the river north of here, has a fat cow for sale and can site a buyer to others. L W Jones returned Saturday from near Creighton, Cas county, "where he was summoned to the sick bed of his niece, Chas Jasper hauled his fat hogs to 31 r Bodkins' Friday. J li Weadon and niece. Miss Nettie Berry, spent Saturday in Butler. Misses Helen Smith and Lia Mc- Kethen attended the last day of school at Virginia school house Sat urday. Miss Lou Smith has the Hill Side school for this winter. The supper at Foster Saturday night was grand. Lots to eat and all enjoyed themselves. Mrs Blair is no better. W V Miller and family visited in Foster Sunday. Mr Jim Thomas and Miss Minda Gentry were in Butler Saturday, so look out. Grandma Millwr was summoned to tlie bed side of her sister, Mrs Emily Woodfin, who is dangerously ill with typhoid fever. Misses Clara and Grace Briscoe and Jeter Briscoe and Ed Shelton, all of Foster, spent Sunday with Miss Net tie Berrv. Jake Henlev and Joe Hornback of Sprague, took dinner with E Swaren Sunday. loin aughan and wife spent Sun day with his aunt. Grandma Miller. Mr Charley Kinnev will preach next Sunday at Fred Nestlerode's house; it being Charley's first at tempt the neighborhood ought to give him a good hearing. li Kobb went to the Hill Monday aner nis new separator. Mr u is a rustler, he gets there, and gets away in haste. That s the kind of a man you want to do vour threshing. D H Nestlerode and family, who have been visiting in McDonald county, returned home Sunday. Mr. N brought home w ith luni 12 gallons of buckle berries, something that manv of us never seen. He takes pride in exhibiting them. Mr Loss Kinnev passed through town Thursday' morning en route for V alker, ernon county, accompanied by his daughter, hthel. It vou can buy binder twine at home as cheap as you can elsewhere whv not buv at home? 1 have it at .V.ets per lb, the best. ' Threshing has commenced in this vicinity. aiost all the corn is plowed over the last time. Welches and Huffs visited Aunt Mag Welch Saturday. The Democrat solicitor of Butler, was in our midst one day last week His horse showed he was rnstlinf and doing some good work. 1'nele Bud Tilson has returned from Dallas county, where he ha been visiting friends. N. M. NeSTI.KKODK. Piairie City Items. A good rain would be beneficial to corn and grass. The diseased bugs that are being distributed in the fields are having the desired enect where direction are fullv carried out. Kvervbodv is invited to meet with the people of this place and join in grand old time celebration .July 4th Miss Minnie Kemper returned home from the Nevada asvlum Fri dav, where for the past two months she had been filling a vacancy of at tendant. u v rMiiHiirwirtn Handsomely en tertained many of his friends Sunday evening with ice cream and cake. Quite a number of this vicinity are down with the measles. Wheat stacking, oats cutting and corn plowing will be done with if the weather continues fair, by the 4th. Such is not often the case in this county. Messrs. Lynn, Culver and Yates were down from Butler Sunday and talked to a large audience, according to previous arrangements, on the duties and importance of S S workers. We are pleased to have such gentle men with us and we cordially say, gentlemen, come again. Harry. Ballard Items. The little child of Frank I Sanies js quite sick with the flux. Dr Wolf's brother and sister, of Shawnee Mound, Henry county, are visiting him. Miss Josie Ballard, of Montrose, visited the family of Bud Stark, last week. Cole and Price sold T M Stark tK) head of hogs and have about 100 more on hand. ieo Price and family- visited Mrs Price's father Sunday, who had his leg broke a week ago, and is getting along nicely. Nearly everybody has their wheat cut. We hear of an ice cream supper at G I) Mosher's next Friday night. Wonder if Milt Beattv "made that fellow-believe that Cole and Price! i j - i - i i uau quit uuying nogs. Mrs Bradley has returned from her visit to Johnson county. Mrs Virgie Lester, of Clinton, is visiting her sister, Mrs i Lawson. C I) Cole went np on Peter creek and bought him a Jersey from Jess Shaw. Ira Fowler is buying steer calves. Misg Carrie Fowler is vieitiDg her sister, Mrs Tom Board. Mis Tletoe. FAKMEJR'S UBAim OF BATES Cash Capital. $50,000.00 COUNTY DEPOSTORY OF BATES CO.! OSCAR KEEPER li. J. HURLEY... E. A. P.ENSETT. E. L. KIPP Receives Deposits subject to cLeck, Lones Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage respectfully Solicited. DIRECTORS, D. S. Thompson, John Steele Oscar Keeder, ieo W Kierser, M. i. Wilcox, J. I. McKee, E. l. K;pi.- Exit Strevel and Wife. Ft. Seott, Kaa , June 21. Noah Strevel, who was recently acquitted of the charge of murderitig bis fath er, Charles Stewart Strevel, the ranchman, and whose wife testified in the trial that he confessed the crime to her, to day effected a recon ciliation with bis wife, and tbey left tbe country in a wagon. Mrs. Stie- Tel withdrew tbe divorce suit recent ly brought by her, and made a state ment in which she said tbe confes sion signed by herself and afterward testified to on the stand was dictated by a well known farmer living near the Strevel ranch, who offered to di vide the reward for the capture of the murder in case Noah was con victed. They both left their home at tbe game time to-day and met at a given point sixteen miles not th west of this city where she joined him. They started for Oklahoma, taking their two children. Strevel had spent tbe entire estate of bi3 father in defend ing himself against the accusation. Public sentiment in the neighbor hood was verv threatening him. against AN AKT SXUDIO. Butler Has the Finest Artist Hint Pic ture Gallery in tli Country. Rich Hill Enterpme J'. While in Butler recently called on Mr. Hagedorn, in bis new 6tudio, second floor of the Williams building- To Bay that we were surprised would have been putting it raildly, we were charmed with tbe capacity and perfect appointments be has erected at Euch care and thorough knowledge of his wants. The parlor itself is superb, invit ing, showing specimens of work which are real products of genius. Tbe fine dressing rooms, work rooms, are so convenient. His im pression parlor has a ground glass covering where all of tbe delicate shades and tints are brought out in a perfect manner. Mr. Hagedorn is an artist of loug experience, wide repu tation and progressive thought. His new process 'Plainotype' is a fine thing, well worth anybody's atten tion. He takes especial pride in babies and children's pictures. En larges, life siza crayon work, keeps fine picture frames and his work is fully equal to tbe best done in tbe large cities. Mr. Hagedon is a pleas ant and responsible gentleman and works on his reputation, takes a pride in doing the best work and fully sustaining his well earned rep utation. Take 8 ounce?, resin, melt and add 4 ounces castor oil, and wben cool spread on any kind of paper. Keep the mixture in a can with brush ready for use and have fresh fly paper every day Try it and save the subscription price of this paper every month besides always having ready a better quality of fly paper than you can buv. Highest of ail in Leavening ABSOLUTTEILV PURE COUNTY, President . .Aft iVice-President Vlce-Pref.i.Ient Oruhier .Tohr E. Sbntt, tiars Wix, J.s. M. McKibben, J. EVEUINOHAM. R. J. Hurler E. A. Hrnnett.l H. M. iler. Secretury Money to Loan. The Missouri State Bank has on baud a large amount of surplus mon ey that we are anxious to loan on good security. Parties wishing to borrow either on Personal or Real Estate Security in small or large amounts or on short time or for long time can be accomodated at once by calling. Will loan on Real Estate on time from one to five years and allow borrowers to pay part or all at any time and stop interest Money in Bank; no delay. 50-tf. Interest Reduced. On Farm Loans of $2,000 and up wards, the Missouri State Bank will funish money at seven per cent in terest. Making no charge for Com mission, drawing papers, making abstracts or recording. 24 tf. AT O. 2. Barber Shop, Tlntlis hot or coM, clean linen ami tihi treat ment. Live ns cull Went title sijuuro, fire (loore eoiith of poet office. 2Jtf BROOKS & EHA11T Administrator's Notice. Notice i hereby givt-n, Tlist letters of ad ministration on the estate ot J L McConnell, decease.! were granted to the undersigned or: the J7th day of June, lwc. by the probate court of Bates county Missouri. All persons having claims against said es tate, are required to txliiblt them tor allow, ance to the administrator within one year after the date cf said letters, or they may b precluded from any benefit of said estate, and it such claims by not exhibited witlu two years from the date of this publication, tbey sbsll be forever barred. This day June. 1. J. F. l.t'DWICK. M-tt Administrator. A New Depature. THE New York Weekly World Has Been Changed to TWO PAPERS EVERY WEEK INSTEAD OF (M And at the tame price as 1 he Weekly. Only One Dollar a Year Send in youi order at once, and re ceive two papers every week. Why read the new alter it is old. Get it while it is iresh in the TWICE-A-WEEK WORLD. Tell vour friends and neigh bors about the change ;nd induce therri to subscribe. WHY TAKE A WEEKLY When you can get THE WORLD TWICE A WEEK For The Same Money. Remember, all otfers made rej;dir.g the Weekly are ifood tor this semi-weekly. The price, premiums, ob:riptio offer all are I he same a lor The Weekly. We simply giye you two pa pers a week instead of one. No won't you help by sending in your own ub scription arid your neighbor' it' you can? Address, THE WORLD, 32 tf. NEW YORK CITY. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report il n T IS