Newspaper Page Text
if I- i i ! A durin.' and distinctive attack on prices decisively establishing a new record for cheapness underselling without a paralell a master, stroke in merchandising that can leave no doubt mat tne great auuuiuy miuul iu,jv,ohv, m .,,0 ... Co mm atur clay oecemi .ber, It We will inaugurate the greatest eaeriflce eale ever know in Bates Co. Naturally we expect tLis sale to raise the devl among the other Clothing dealer,, but little enrobe We are honest in our intentions, earnest our r8e!fraTin our announcement. We Lav'nt got to raise cash, because we don't owe aolita,y cent, we are not going out of business, because we have 10 other, not going to build nor tear down, we simply want every mi in 15ates Co., to call to our Store and see how THE GREAT and only MODEL is doing business . . . 158 OF THE FINEST OVERCOATS, ever brought to Buttler, Bearers, Kerseys, Friezes, in all colors and styles. So!d $13 $18 20 $22.50. Your choice of entire lot for $000 aDL notino higher. I fQ Meltons, Kerseys, Chinchillas, Beavers, some half silk lined sold every where for $10 $12.30 and 15. I Q Your choice S750 A great many to numerous to mentiou at about one half prica. MENS PINE BLACK SUITS 11 " fas Grey. Brown, Dark and Light, made to sell for 57.u0, your choice 4.50. Mens Scotch Cassimere, Cheviot! round and square eut.frock in all styles,ordere d to move for $12 and a crying shame to sell them tufa We say to you, COME, such opportunities are rare. Enjoy this whila you may. iors suits Worth 4.50 Model price & 00 Worth $5.00 Model price $3.30 Worth $G and $7 Model price $5.00 Pi liJ QUI MR 111 CHILDHENS SUITS Worth $1.50 Model price S .75 Worth $2.50 Model price 1-25 Worth $3.00 Model price l-65 Worth $4.00 Model price 25 Worth $5.00 Model price S2.75 CHILDS CAPE OVERCOATS $2.25 JERSEY SUITS. In all the latest styles sold for $3.00, $3.50 and 84 00, your choice for $1 85 You shall always remember this sale it will pay you to come many miles to attend this sale you can not af ford to miss it or buy anywhere else. Rockf ord sex - .....Hi T : 1 J I .v,,v r., Xjllieu uaiiuktriiuicia Ot.i Turkey red or blue Urge siz9 handkerchiefs Mens suspenders 1 I Mens silk suspenders 22e Mens shirts and drawers ,23t Mens Hygenic underwear 39e Mens all wool 6hirts 38 15 different styles of mens shirts and drawers, would be at (ac your choice 4 Best overalls made A real good and heavy one 4Jt-. 45 dozen fine silk and satin ties sold everywhere from 50c to 10c your choice lj IMYS fl)VIEMC(OAT Worth $6.50 Model price S4.00 Worth $5.00 Model price $3.00 Worth $7.50 Model price $4.50 Worth $5.50 Model price : .' $3.50 Boon ADD 0 Shoes sold for 1.50 Model price Shoes sold for $1.50 Model price fl.Mj Good plain shoes for $2.00 $1,501 Boys boots $1.25? Will these wonderful values move lively? Well we guess so. "We must give u word of vvarning and that is, come early there'll 11 A J MOTEL FOR CHRISTMAS What more useful or could be better appreciated than a comfortable pair of slip pers or a pair of fine dress shoes. We have a large selection at extremly low prices. MAX WEINER. Warm felt shoes for cold winter weather. The many friends of Mrs. Dr. Christy, who has been sojourning at Hot Springs for the past month for her health, will be glad to learn that she is feeling much better and will be home iu a day or so. Miss Mary White, teacher ia our public schools spent Thanksgiving at her home ia Llarrisonville. Suu day the followingyoung people from Butler took dinner with Miss White and were delightfully entertained: Harry McCants. William Hartwell, Jesse Taylor, Robert Hollenbeck, Joe Kendall; Misses Lou Cheatham, Margaret Arnold and Ammie Davis. C N. Teeter, of Spruce township, a number one farmer, a most excel lent neighbor and citizen, a good re publican, and one of the fathers ot our subscription books, having taken the paper from the yery first issue, which means for the past eighteen years, called Monday and renewed. Mr.Teeter said, ''although a republi can, we couldn't keep house without the Times, it has been in the familv long it has become a part and eel of the household.'' Miss Mary Baker, of Jacksonville, Ills., is in the city visiting her broth er, J. H. Baker. Friday eveuiug Miss Baker was delightfully enter tained by Miss Ida Endrea and a party of friends. DO YOU KNOW III CULVER k CO.? If You Do You know that Ithere is nothing small about them but their feet and Bftlfirv. it. rrrainlv ia nrf ilifiir cfiltta ( j ! As they are simply immense, and the reason they are so ia because they sell, 20 lbs granulated sugar par J. M. Catterlin is very anxious for some good farm lands for this month. Loans closed at once, money ready. ltf. Frank Allen, at the Missouri State Bank, writes fire insurance. Best of companies represented- 4'2 tf Dr. Murphy preached an able ser mon at the Baptist church Monday night. For every varity and phase of the many diseases which attack the air passages of the head, throat, and lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will be found a specific. This prepara tion allays inflammation, controls the disposition to cough, and prevents consumption. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are improved by the pleasant laxative, Syurp of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a centle remedy than any ither, and that is more ac ! ceptable to them. Children enjoy it ana it Detents them. The true rem edy. Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. $1 1 00 00 25 crocervmen, are i business this week to all persons The miners and operators in the j wanting groceries and queensware. l?inli Hill 1 fields havA mio,ihlv S There is no foohsness in their adver- eettled their differences. Catarrh can be successfully treat ed only by purifying the blood, and the one true blod purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Frederick Heckadon, cne of the substantial farmers living near Vir ginia, i3 a new subscriber to the buominfT Timi this week. Sad Accident. t n i s n .u n. - ! Eler Butcber, a lad U vears of Lee Culver A. Co , the south sue .' x.aioui. talking straight "s ' uue QU3"g. lcantsgiving, in New Home township, met with a distressing accident. In getting through a hedge fence on the farm of Seth Cope, his gun was accident ally discharged and th load of shot passed through the muscular part ' of the arm terriblv laceratinc the i v-...i, i " .1.. . iiu Bates U7CU llil tisement. They mean business and the figures tell the balance. At the prices it looks like their store would I be carried off in one day. Read their j price list and see if this is not the ; truth. The jury ia the Ben Fee case was tearing The doctors f bon away the rom rosier uree 22 " light brown 10 ' pearl hominy 8 ' flke 25 8 oven baked oats 25 1 ' best baking powder 15 7 bars soap 25 4 cans he 25 4 " fine corn 25 3 thre -pound cans tomatoes 25 1 lb tea siftings 10 1 " fa dust 10 Some of our eompeiitoia advertise cups and t-mcerq for 35c, we will sell th;ra next week for 25c per set, and we wont be out of them when you call. 1 lb dead ebot gun powder 2g " shot, any size 1 ta:rei of fine salt galvanized coal ho Js the be6t oak well bucket Now, dear peoi j nese, and the farmers j that Le Culver Ac Co as much in ctsn or trade as any firm eo'JGfy. We are aluiost II. W. Smith, J. C. Swallow and F. A. Phiilip3, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, stalwatt young men, spent several days in Bates on the hunt of farnjf. To a Timks man they ex pressed themselves as well pleased with the county so far as they had investigated. Ben Fee, the slayer of Al Heath, is a free man. The case went to the jury Friday night and Saturday forenoon a verdict of acquittal was returned. It will be remembered that Fee killed Heath in his saloon on the south eide of the square last February, the cause of the killing being the alleged alienating the affections of his wife by Heath. He was indicted by the February grand jury for murder in the second de gree. The case camo to trial at the June term of circuit court and re sulted in a hung jury. This was a bitterly contested case from start to finish, and Mr. Fee can congratulate himself and thank his lawyers for their able and untiring efforts in his behalf. The defense was conducted by W O Jackson assisted by Boxley & Horn. Graves &. Clark aesieted prosecutor Holcomb. The case was well conducted on both sides and favorable comment ia made on the able speeches made by all the at-torr:eyf 25 25 il 22 30 30 we mean busi- wives know always pay "In Old Madrid." A good oomedy is an exception thing. The management promiMf that in the production ot "In 014 Madrid on next Saturday eTeniir Doc. 7, the theatre goers will witB5 one of the best comedies that ar age or literature has produced, rtl ia mouern, rjrignt, eparKling witty. Its plot is one of the mi ingenious and original that has been thought out. Its fun bubble up spontaneously out of the siting tions. These are never strained m, grow naturally out of the story m are always vivid and life like. Ir tone, it is absolutely clean as wbolesome, and its production d1 onetrates that literary merit doni not prevent a play from being cruciatingly funny. During November there were tw murdsrs and five suicides in KanW City. q ; compelled to Lave 500 .turkeys by S Cohtr Thaaksjiivin'r day, and thev i desire us to return thanks to the If you are anxious to find the most ; hos,t and hostess for the magnificent reliable blood-purifier .read in Aver s urke dinner. The members of the Almanac the testimonials of ihose ! l"r-Tuw"e:TI J h DaTrne; R who have been cured of such terrible 1 J"11' ' H" Gatldswei1' Hemline, diseases as catarrh, rbeumatism,and j c; Be& fdal' R A- Batch oian, . u. Xyler, K. delightfully entertained by Sheriff j tte ound and removed three inches j C'ii istmus scrofula, by the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla. Then govern yourself accordingly. elor, W. Fulton, F. bnckle. Fanchaser, T. F. Horn- - t . 1 1 1 . . ui iraciurea oone, ana tne opinion prevailed that the arm would have to come off The thought that young boy will h&ra to go through life with an empty coat sleeve is terrible and 6houId be a warning to other boys to let fire armalone until they are large enough to know how to handle them. Lee CrLVEE & Cc. P. S We nearly forgot the flour, that is what we lead cn. 50 pounds of XXXX fiour, 75e: 50 lbs. King of Kansas, 85c. The best flour ever sold in Butler for 1, and one pound of soda to raise it with only 5c. LEE CULVER & CO. SOUTH SIDE SQUARE. ThGun Was Loaded. Emry Ddncan was badly hurt by j the accidt-ntal discharge of a shot j sun in the hands of Elmf-r Norris, ; whil out hunting near the Miami bridge southwest of town Thanks giving dy. When the accident occurred the boys were walkinc along looking for rabbits Duncan ! beiDg a few fteps in advance of Nor-1 ris,who was carrying his gun cocked, j The charce of shot entered the calf 1 of Duncan's ripht leg plowing a hole j through the fieh large enough to pass a hn'f egg. The wounded boy was carried by his comrades Norris and Ed. Kelley, to the home of Mr. Boyles, when his father was notified and brought him liAmn 1 J .... u . M-f I . AJJ Ul' j ware wis oiinu m and dressed the wound which Le pronounced to be dangerous and may cause the boy the loss of his leg. COTICOBB SI On Saturdays Nov 30 and Dec. 7, we will have special1 sales on trim med hats and baby caps. Wonder ful bargains ia 1. S1.25, 41.50. 1 ana nats. uaby (Japs, 10c 15c and 20c. TWO DAYS ONLY. Come early and get the best. Haj&peb &, Vakcamp, "West Side Millinery Store. MAKES SOFT WHITE HHIi LJ CiKXiED, Infirm ed. Ikeitatjsi, or OVEBWOK&ZD VOEXi. ? I Bold throat hoot &t Poms teT C . Cotr Safe Proprietor!, Butao. 17. a i - All tttt Hudj tai Bkia," mill