Harness and Saddles
For the nsxt ninety daj in the rtgular course of trade we will offer
of lower prices than usually asked at other stores. Our regular
$2.50 wool faced Horse collar at $2 25, the 12-25 grade at S2 and
others in proportion these goods we have reason to believe are
the best
In the line of vehicles I can save
Hest spring wtk'on on earth $00,
grade goods fulI' guaranteed for
not equaled in
bv hit one Pure oak. taned leather, hand made-all made here at
home-and to be convinced they are the best in the city, call and
...u. sari. Some unscrupulous dealers will tell yau my
uooU are all factory made and that
dlery goods I sell out of my store.
We ar in it
Hae been in it
Are in It
Join the rank-, if not already, and buy all saddlery supplies, bug
gies and vehicles for 16 of
Blood and nerves are closely re
lated. Keep the blood pure with
ilood'i Sareaparilla and you will not
be nervous.
Frank Allen, at the Missouri State
Bank, writes fire insurance. Best of
companies represented. 42-tf
J. M. Catterlin is very anxious for
some good farm lands for this month.
Loans closed at once, money ready.
1 tf.
Andy Uackett has changed the
name of his paper at Rich Hill from
the Bates County Populist to the
Bates County Appeal. He has also
transformed it into a four-page pat
ent outside. For the present he is
printing his paper at the Tribune
office. Andy hopes to get a new
press of his own soon. Andy, your
grit is worthy a better calling.
Chicago, 111., January 13. Feter
Hougaard, who is thought by the
police to have been insane, killed
himself, wife and five children last
night. The discovery was made by
the police to-day. Upon forcing
open the door of Hougaard's resi
dence to day the police found the
whole family asphjxiated. Hou
gaard had evidently waited till all
were asleep, and then turned on all
the gas jets, and had calmly laid
down and awaited his own death.
Two tramps entered a saloon in a
neighboring town with a gallon jug,
ordered it filled with whisky and
tendered a dollar iu payment, which
the saloonist refused, Baying it was
$1 whisky. They refused to pay
and he poured it into the barrel.
The tramps left with the jug and
stopped a short distance away and
broke it. It contained two sponges
well soaked with whisky, which fur
nished them several drinks. Ex.
The world-wide reputation of
Ayer's Hair Vigor, is due to its
healthy action on the hair and seal p.
This incomparable preparation re
stores the original color to gray and
faded hair, and imparts the gloss
and freshness so much desired by
all classes of people.
Many of our readers will doubt
less recall Col. Lud Peyton, a lawyer
at Uarrisonville, who became famous
as t fiddler, but few, however, will
recall the fact that he was elected to
the coufederate senate along with
Geo. Vest, when Gov. Jackson and
his legislature were at Neosho
the first year of the war. Payton
was an eccentric character, but had
a strong hold upou the people of
Harrisouvilla for the last five years
preceding the war. He died at
Richmond, Va , Christmas, 1S64,
while a member of the confederate
senate. Warrensbnrg Journal Dem
ocrat. The following friends and good
patrons of tie Times have handed
in reuewals of their subscription for
all of which we return thanks: P. S.
Ferguson, J. E. Nash, Mrs. Sarah
Ogle, J. W. Porter, Emanuel Nestle
rode, Mrs. Eila Kennett, H. A. Har
nsou. T. L. Fisk, H. H. Miller, J. J.
Cameron. J. B. Pagttt, M. A. Cass.
II. O. Maxey has his address
changed from Johnstown to Amster.
dam, and A. C. Brooks comes from
Lone Oak to Butler. Mrs. David
McClure. G. W. Bowling, F. H.
Crowell and Ben Melton are new
names added to our subscription
you money by buying from ine.
full leather top buggy ?,, high
one year. Our team harness are
i do not make any of the sad
Its false.
itay in it
Yon will be in it.
Butler Missouri
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adair are
spending a couple of weeks at Tip
ton, Mo , visiting Mr. Adair's parents.
Something went wrong at the
electric light power house Tuesday
night and the incandescent lights in
the stores went out.
A panel of forty jurymen has
been selected at Union, Mo., from
which a jury will be chosen to try the
millionaire Duestrow, the St. Louis
murderer of his wife and child The
trial will be begun this week.
The national democratic commit,
tee will meet in Washington to day
to select a place for holding the
national convention. The cities bid
ding are St. Louis, San Francisco,
New York, Chicago, and Cincinnati.
It is said the main fight will be
between St. Louis and New York.
R. L. Graves, Butler's popular
harness, saddle, trunk and buggy
dealer on the east side, is offering
those wanting harness some extra
inducements to buy them at his
store. He has a large stock of first
class woods, and by reference to his
advertisement in tuis paper you
will find the prices. Call and see
him before you buy.
Nevada Mail 9. Miss Sallie I3rug
ler, daughter of J. K. Brugler, the
well known lawyer, formerly of But
ler but now engaged in mining at
I Webb City, is to day the guest of
! Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Birdseye. She
I resides in New York state and is on
her way to Ft. Worth to visit a
brother. She will take the steamer
at Galveston and return to New
York by ocean voyage.
The Times extends congratulations
to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker, over
the arrival of a 11 pound boy at
their home Tuesday night. The
happy parents have our best wishes
that the little darling who has arriv
ed to gladden and brighten their
home may grow to perfect manhood,
be an ornament to society and a
good and useful citizens.
W.' E. Aldrich, treasurer of Gos
per county, Nebraska, is Bhort in his
account $10,000 and has taken to
the woods. November 14 the state
examiner called on him and checked
him up. That night the curt house
burned with all the records and the
county treasurer's bond. He claim
ed his cash was in the office vaults
but refused to give the combination.
After ho disappeared the vault doors
were forced but no monev was
William Wright, the negro tried
and convicted at Nevada last week
for the murder of his wife. wa3 sen
tenced by Judge Stratton Saturday
to tang Friday, Feby. 2Sth. The
case will be taken to the supreme
court. This murder was one of the
most cruel aad revolting that has
taken place ia this section of the
state ia many years. The day before
the murder the negro went home
and gave his wife an unmerciful
K.t ! :- i , .
wmu, ne uecoming tired ot
his ill treatment had him arrested,
and being released from the cala
boose the next day on bond, pro
ceeded home to settle with h.r fAP
J arrest.
emgtim come in the
gate the poor woman started to run
to a neighbor's for protection, and as
she passed him he picked np an ax
and overtaking her in the street
chopped her to death.
The Rich Hill Review says Jim
McClure got on a roaring drank
Monday night, Tuesday morning
to balance accounts with his wife,
with whom he has been haying trou
bles innumerable, took a big dose
of morphine, and at last accounts
Dr. Allen was wrsatling with the
drujr, with the chances in favor Oi
the poison,
view neither
According to the Re
Jim nor his desolate
wife are charming citizens and that
to all appearances their marriage
was the worst sort of a misfit. The
wife has attempted suicide seveu or
eight times.
Wichita, Kan , Jan 8. A courier
arrived at Turon, Kan., at uoou to
day from Iuka and the burned dis
trict, who says that nothing was
burned but weeds and some person
al property. The town of Iuka was
saved by firing against it. Sj far no
fatalities have been reported. Fire
is all out and no further apprehen
sions are felt.
Can't (et a Pension.
A Washington telegram says:
"Recently Congressman Buitc, of
the Fifteenth District, received a
letter from a constituent asking him
to take up his application for a pen
sion. The application stated that
he was a soldier in the Union army;
he was on the records as a deserter
but that was incorrect. He had
been surrounded and captured by
guerrillas and his right hand shot
off. He inclosed a petition from
members of his church asking that a
pension be granted.
"Judge Burton thus armed visited
the War Department. He found
that his constituent deserted twice
and had been court martialed for
stealing a horse. He had made 24
applications for a pension and Con
gressman Burton was the 24th Con
gressman who had asked to see the
man's military record. He will not
be pensioned.
Jmle Gibson's Candidacy.
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 14. In
a letter to a friend in this city J udge
James Gibson of Kansas City to-day
formally announced his candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for
Governor. This announcement was
of course not unexpected, but it has
set all the political gossips about the
State capitol to talkiug. Other Gub
ernatorial announcements are ex
pected to follow shortly and au early
campaign is expected.
Apropos of the announcement
of Judge Gibson, it is said that
State Treasurer Lon V. Stephens
will soon yield to the pressure of his
friends and will announce himself as
a candidate. Other prospective can
didates who names are frequently
mentioned are: John A. Hockaday
of t ulton, ex Attorney Gen. B. G.
Boone, Clinton, Henry county: Hon.
Nat M. Shelton of Schuyler county.
Congressman A. L. Dockery and
Judge F. M. Black of Kansas City.
Ex-Congressman Fyan of Webster
county is also being urged to make
the race.
A Reliable Fire Insurance.
I an the agent for the JEtna,
Hartford and the Home Insurance
Companies three cf the oldest,
largest and strongest Fire Insurance
companies. The aggregate capital
and surplus of the three companies
is nearly fifteen million dollars. I
am prepared to issue policies on
merchandise and on buildings in
town and country at usual rates and !
pay losses promptlv. Fbask Allex.
1-tf With the Mo. State Bank
Xoi ir.al Bible Clas Werk.
A young man once asked a noted
instructor what books to read to help
in his education. Read the Bible
was the answer.
No one's education is complete
who has not a fair knowledge of the
There will be a Normal Bible class
organized Tuesday night Jan. 21st.
The character of the study is such
that members of ull churches or
persons not members can meet t-j
gether in one class. No doctrine or
disputed question touched; the
subjects studied are taken from the
Bible How many people wrote the
Bible, when were the different books
written, how much time covered,
what facts recorded, how many
books in the Bible, how are they
divided, c. The class is for young
men, young ladies, middle acred
r r""" '.ir,ri, citizen
I of Butler is asked to be
a member
who ould like to
improve their
! knowledge of the Bible
I AH the e'Peniie he the cost of i
1 ,e uuo,V' ceD 5" UDe book
j oe used ov several members of th
j family. Piease niva ihl k;
vour careful thonht Cr,,1
your mind to join the class. Ccme
the first night and hear the plan ex
plained more fully Tuesday niht,
January 21st, east wing Christian
church. T. W. Lego, Com.
a mm
our prices have demoralized the
Praise on Every Side
the result. We do as we have advertised and our prices are
the winners, the crowds came, saw, and low prices conquer
ed. Remember our latest instruction are
or any winter goods over. These goods must be sold cost
positively not considered must be cleared away at once to
make room for our
Don't delay. Come at once to the Great and only
Model Clothing Co.
Interest Rates Reduced.
The Missouri State Bank has a
large amount of money to be loaned
on farms in Bates county at rates
lower than usual. Those wishing to
borrow or renew old loans are in
vited to call at Bank. Loans made
without commission. 40 tf.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons knowing thameelves indebted
to W. G. Womack to settle bv the
1st day of February, 1S96. If not
paid by the above date all accounts
will be put in the hands of the con
stable for collection.
J. E. Shctt,
9 2t Assigaee.
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance
of permanently beneficial effects and
were satisfied with transient action;
but now that it is generally known
that Syrup of Figs will permanently
cure habitual constipation, well-informed
people will not buy other
laxatives, which act for a time, but
finally injure tho system.
Tit New Church.
The church house south of Butler,
five miles, known as The Lone Star
Church of God, is completed and
finished up in good style, well seated
and well lighted. It was built by a
donation of the country around.
The first meeting was held in the i
church ou New Year's eve; it was a
watch meeting and the spirit of God
was made manifest. The house will
be dedicated to the worship of God
only, but any other orthodox denom
inatiou can preach in it when not
occupied by the Church of God. At
a called conference a motion was
moved aud carried that the churoh
retura their most sincere thanks to
Dr. Boulware for the donation of the
most beautiful acre of ground there
in Lone Oak township for the church
building to stand upon. The church
requests all of the county papers to
publish this if they please. This
done by order of the church this
the 4th day of Jan. 189G. T. W. M.
S ..- 7'
7 v -.
Cuticura Beauty
To preserve, purify, and beautify
The Skin, Scalp, and Hair,
And restore them to a condition
cf health when
Diseased, nothing is so pure,
So agreeable, so speedily effective 15
Assisted in the severer
Forms by gentle applications of
CUTICURA (ointment), the
Great Skin Cure, and mild doses of
(the new blood purifier).
Sc'4 rreryxrh'r?. Price, Cmttu, 60c;
Geur. CSc.; Essoi.tT:yr, $1. Potter JBr
axd Chex. Corp . ifo;e Props., Logton- a
About 4e Ssia," Ci pages, iLut free.
1 ' V
expecting public. We hear
M 0?
Our man DeArmond is somewhat
of a deceiver in his appearance. He
looks very innocent and inoffensive,
and no stranger would suspect him
of being a buzz-saw with ten thous
and cutting edges iu rapid motion
Donover, of West Virginia, tackled
DeArmond in the house the other
day. An older congressman would
not have done it, butDonever didn't
know any better. fle knows more
now than he did, but still that is not
very much. Pleasant Hill Gazette
r rom anu auer mis date your
Uncle Levi P. Morton of New York,
j j it i.
must be regarded as au important
presidential possibility. He not only
goes into the field with 22 votes.
which is 10 per cent of the conven
tion, but with the good will of every
republican in the United States and
sjme of the shrewdest politicians in
tho country in charge of his canvass
Count these facts with a big- barrel
with a willing buughole, aud Gov
Morton will make tho other fellows
pay freight along with him. Apple-
ton City Herald.
Prof. Green, a senior graduate of
the normal school at Watrensburg,
and ttt the present lime a teacher in
the Stdalia public schools, a thort
Baruf tt's boy for disobedience, to
which the father of the boy took ex
ceptions. A few days later the boy
was suspended from school by Prof
Green for smoking cigarettes on the
school grounds. This enraged Bar
nett, who immediately wt-nt to the
school house and sought the teach
er and angry words followed, which
resulted in Prof. Green drawing his
knife and cutting Barnett in several
Kentucky's Senatorial Contest.
Frankfort, Ky , Jan. 12 Since
the nomination of Senator Blackburn
by the Democratic caucus and o
Congressman Godfrey Hunter by
the Republican caucus, there is
bitter political fight for election as
Senator. Blackburn and his friends
are attending the burial of Piepre
sentative Wilson. Hunter has had
au all-day reception and reeeived
hundreds of congratulatory tele
The lav provides for balloting the
second Tuesday after the assembling
ot tfce legislature. Blackburn
1 menus say mere will be no joint
j bal.ot luesday, January 21, anU fili-
bufcterir g will prevent it. The specia
ekction lor Wilsons successor wi
be Januaay 2a. The Blackbuj n men
will have the new Democratic mem
ber here Tuesday, January 21. They
must i o ballot will be taken tih h
qualifies. Meantime all interest cen
ters m the committee considering
tn contests for the teats of Kauf
man and Tompkins, both Democrat?.
The attitude of the two Populists is
aIo still watched. Without the
jl'opulifets ard with Wilson'ii place
filled there is a tie between the Be
! pubheans and the Democrats. The
committee on elections was f elected
j by lot. Whatever may be the fiod
j irg of the committee the fight will
I be on te adoption cf the commit
' tee's report. If two Democrats are
j unseated. Hunter will Lave nofurth
Jer trouble, but the indications are
I that there will be a long struggle,
j Blackburn men decided, and an
j nounced that they will filibuster on
! any attempt to consider the report
on contested seats previous to Wil
eon's successor being seated. There
ia no doubt about a free silver Dem
ocrat being elected in Wileon'a place
from Nelson county.
me meeting oi county J
ast week the following namtit
drawn to serve as grand audW
urors for the February term oi
cuit court:
v W Uilh
J 1
irand Kiver,
Deer Creek,
lay lor Ti
Mt Pleasant,
N Thorn,
1 H L . JW
eft Boone,
West Point,
1 1 r -i
1 V-llt
PKTl T Jl'HO!!
J M Coiupi
leep water
H udson
Pleasant (iap
(iruiul Kiver
Eugene B:
all f
J J K&uttjj
Deer Creek
Mt Pleasant
Lone Oak
Jto lo
A I, McBni
l liornton KSi
Joe (jr,
or. T.
New Home
Kobtert Foe
Frank Lanjfsfa;,
S W Ucbuie
Eat Boone
West Boone
West Point
Joe Gron
J ohn Morwixi
Summit Items.
Half the people in Summit townshi
and part of those of Butler attends! t Bl
the Literarv last Fridav evenine. n
Coming down to olT-hand oratonl
J L Shubert and C Holland stand d
the head in this locality. WhileHd
lands does not soar so high in b!
imagination as Col Shubert. he mis
and raises a blinding cloud of diuannr
.1. . : . . - it: .. . . .
mat is leiiing in us eueci.
Misses Cora Uutndge, Alice Btoir.
and Messrs Kd Wilson and Guynn.
of Montrose, also Ed Child 8 aud Ml
(iracie Stearns were visiting in 8b&
mix huiinav.
An unknown man and womsa
Wus part make a practice of vigil
socials and literaries and abrupt
entering, make hidous faces, wits
strange actions for a time, whentW
take their departure and leave all
T L risk is progressing nlceh.
nusKins ins uc corn. t;an teeB
Mr Fisk talked him down tr to
he made him think it would b
possible to get in the lields again
If Germany should engage in a
wit h England, wouldn't our meat
other farm products climb up whi
it would make many a farmer i
others smile, notwithstanding
would be the price of blood.
If any one thinks the price of ltai!
lias declined in tins county, let
start out to buy a piece of land UK
report afterwards. 'Tis true therV
a lull in that line just at presentee
people do not seem so aiuioutti
year ago to sell, ax thev have
time to think of how they weregoll
to tind a better place to live
in Bates. (JROVEB,
The eleirant home of Mr and 1W l-Ia'
('ravens was the scene of pleasurseai'h
Wednesday evening, Jan. 8,
The many friends and relative! 1
sembled to witness the marriagefut
their daughter. Miss Addie, to Ha I
Jesse Keihle. of Argentine. KanrtsfcJa
At the early hour of lamp-helm
the bridal party entered the rwAsA
s tht soft fctmina tf tho wjtrirfifir
march, played by Miss Connie Mai l
phy, fell on the ears of the asseinbW'
guests. Tha bride looked lovely hi
inn iienrieiia, irimmea in purpie sa,
and tan ribbon, and the goooin
Handsome in a suit of black
ceremony was performed by Rl11
Stevens, of this citv. After coneni-Bh
ulations, the bridal party ledthewsj
to the dining room, where an elegaSjlar
supper was served. All were uiadetoill"
realize a welcome by the hostaJ
hostess, and with music and merit
ment the evening hooii passed. .
A (i L'KsT.
Sirs. J. I. Belt, 0Hatcatomie,St'
irife of the editor of Tbe CraMc, thls
local paper cf Mistral county, trriJ
"I trtm troubled with heart 11
tor six years, severe pa'pitatioca, snfl
bcs-s of breath, together virh each "
trtme Dtrvoti-siifias, that, at times I
walk the floor nearly all night. v.W
consul'-! the Ixfst ct'lioal talent. -They
ai& t lie re, tram no help for
that I had organic ciw;asc cf tha heartW
v.hich thero was ito THmaij. I ta4
your &3v-rtisfcmerit ia Tiis Graphic
a year ao, as a. last resort, tried one boUfe
Jir. 2Me' Aeu Cure for the JtBKIh
which convincc-d ce that there was
merit in it. I Uxk thnse lxtties each rf
Eeart Ctire .nd IUvratiye Nervine
It cmnpletely eured tnc. I
well at tzht, mj heart 1cats resaiarij
I have do core smothering epfciis. I
to hzy to nil who arc suSTftrin? a I
there's reiief untold for them If they J
only give yocr r!rafjdje3 just oaatiw
Dr. Miles n?art Cure !? nld on Pj2?
frnaraattaatthc Ilrst bottle wia '"zr
AilorazgistssellitatrU 6 fortius forji
It will besent. pm-paid, on rvceip Jj2
by tha Ur. Miiea A&aical Co Elihart1
Dr. Miles' Heart Curt
Restores Hesp
H 1
lohu I
E Jt'
the (
a fai