Newspaper Page Text
ft fOL. XVIII, BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1896. NO 15 Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. Transacts a general banking business. We solicit the accounts of far " merchants and the public generally, promising a safe depository for liquids committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal ac mniodation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand rkD on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all jj,ny time and stop interest. Or T. C Bo ul ware .k. nerweterl Booker Powell II II K(?Ott C K BaJford TJ Wrleht jgjeaklnt Geo L Smith iBtrUett trgiret Bryner lalu Brown Hl7 tumber Co gBCheW j Courtney lobert Clk crAStColeman nBiDeerweiter T A DeArmond John Evana Dr J Everingham Edith EverinKham CAE Freeman G B Hickman D B Heath Semnel Levy C H Morrison Vircinii Items. "In writing news for the Times this year, , It will be things we see or hear, And it we get them wrong or mixed, Kind friends forgive us for this is John Shacklford of Amsterdam, us in VirginiaThursday on business. John Foster has plenty of corn for Bert Orear of Kansas City, is visit tor bis parents this week. Uncle Peter Crooks is on the sick "ciifton Jackson has bought the f m Widders farm and moved there last week. . rv T T Mirnhell is nuttine III) a - A't V v . , ' . , 'woven wire fence on the east side of his lot. The Christian church at Miami Center held a meeting last week and appointed a building board and they committee to solicit money to build i new church. Jefferson l'ark is up and around Miss Melvia Gardner after going to bed Sunday night, commenced gap and her lower jaw came un hinged; Dr Brooks was called and put it iu place. John Jackson repaired the old ilerrlt Zinn barn last week. 8 (i Adams, the tax collector, is taking in the farmers' cash of late. Rev Mill of Neb., will preach at Virginia Friday night March Gth, UatnrHnv ultrht ami SuildaV. Wm Simpson's house burned down last Thursday night. Caught tire from a flue: most of the things were red. T L Pettys and wife of Butler pass k thrnutrh liuro lfttit Sabbath. Albert Pilgrim has clover, timothy and prairie nay lor sale. Mrs Amos Hricrht is on the sick list Herman Mauser and Miss Annie Kelley were married Feb. loth. Rev Reid will commence a protract ed meeting at Miami Center Tuesday niirhr. anrt ormtinuw over Sabbath. T 8 Harper closed his school last Friday and will have exhibition and box supper in the near future. P M Famuliner is on the sick list. Lewis Garner is on the sick list. Mrs Robinson of near Rich Hill, is visiting Mrs Uarner. Chas Cope was in K C last week. CW Wolfe went to Burlington, Kansas, Mondav. Deputy sheriff Dalton was in Vir ginia Mondav. Prof Whistler is visiting old friends around Virginia. Misses Daisy and Lillie Walker and May Bard Saturday at home. MrsC Kelley died Thursday night of last wc?k and was buried at Mul berry Friday. The ladies of the M E church will have a box supper at the church Monday night March Mh. The party at Isaac Lockride's last Friday night was a success. Jake Oowgill has moved to Butler. , tyiite a number commenced plow ing Monday. Quite a number of friends gathered t tthe hom of Goo Thompson Tues day night. Feb. 18th. it being their flfteeuth wedding anniversary, and U enioved an old fashioned tally Polling. At ten o'clock a lap supper m served. At a late nour an went noiue savimr thev had a irood time. v Changes last week: W T Cownn o "is farm known as the Lee Browning Stephen Cook from Geo Ruble's to farm bought of lleckadon. . Fred lleckadon to the Beckett 'arm. DUVALL & BUTLER, FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farms at reduced rates of interest. Your Notes are Payable at our Office .and you find them here when "'.ue. We give jou privilege to pay at any time. Money ready as soon as papers are signed. - 33-tf. 4 State lank $110,000. Frank M Vorle H C Wyatt B G West "Wm E Walton DrWD Hannah Dr W E Tucker W B Tyler E Turner Wm W Trlgp Wm Walls G P Wyatt Dr N L Whipple Max Weiuer K G West Robert McCracken A McCracken John Pharia J K Rosier J W Relsner L B Starke Clem Slayback John II Sullene. Peter Swartzendruber Dick Holliway from Dr Mitchell to the Amos Lockridge. W K Klllott to Jew nome. H C Wilson of llenrv county to Dr tru. i.n.. Charlev Tonev moved on C II Mor rison place. Free Methodist preactier on 1 a Harper's place. Cruth Wright to near Merwin. Warren Ayers to Butler, Sam Dray'to Butler. Tlirum Mnu tn Rntlpr. Andrew Stauntz to the Dock Pat terson farm, New Home. John Foster in Grant Garner's house. Oscar Henslev to the Thos Stephe- son farm. AAItOX. Cornland Items. Mavnr W K Smith of Nvhart. was in our village monuay. Geo K Brooks is visiting at uricn, Henry county. Mrs Marshall Calloway, of Corn land, has her husband, Bill, locked up In the smoke nouse unuer a iu days' sentence for misdemeanor. Miss Bertha Caswell ot men 11111, was the guest of Mrs Thos Vaughn Sunday. Mr Chas Irvin and wife will locate at Ovid March 1st, to make that their future home. Chief of detectective H H Maggart is out in Kansas on business this week. Hon John Stucky has gone to Kan sas to reside permanently. Tlins Vaiichri. the victim of high- way robbers is not getting along very well at last report. Geo Johnson of Butler, and Miss Hattie Talley, of Ovid were married at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday Feb. ltfth at 7 o'clock p. m. Among the guests were Misses Karmie Warren, Fraty Irvin, Mr and Mrs John Irvin, all of Cornland. Many beautiful presents were receiv ed. Rev Allen filled his regular ap pointment at this place Sunday. l'reacning x nursuay aim r i ma night at this place. Cornland debate on last i riuay night was a failure. W I Cooper has returned home with friends at nftor short visit lWn nml rpnorts a pleasant time. V - rr. '. . , m , ;n Mr I'Ptpr Harrison oi .Lanorwuf, buH fion Marvin of this place, left Sunday for the sunny south, Ark., to make that their iuture nome. A wedding to take place at War ren's next Sunday;Mr Bob Smith and Miss Erne Warren are me comma ins parties; so savs Bob. Cyci.oxk. Johnstown Items. Everybody busy getting ready to move. Our merchants are kept pretty busy, not so much talk about hard times as was some time since; guess times are getting better. Mr Mat Beusie is teaching us a goou school. Miss Dora Crabtree closed her win ter term of school at Enterprise March 18. Some 35 or 40 friends and patrons of the school came with well tilled baskets, and at noon two long tables were tilled with the best the country affords to eat, to which all did ample justice, for it was a nice dinner; after which the company was entertained by Miss Dora and pupils by carrying out a nice pro gramme" of recitations, declamations, dialogues, and music, alldid well: last but not least came the treat of candy, nuts and raisins; to scholars and vis itors by the teacher. Miss Dora is a very successful and eneigetie teach- PERCIVAL MISSOURI- er she will teacher the spring term at the same place. Mr Spears will not move his family back to the farm. Mr AVells from near Butler has rented it and will take possesion the first of March. ir Howdeu reports some sickness in the surrounding country. Preaching at Oak Iliil every fourth Sabbath. Col. S'iiarp. uuniiit Items. An unexpected change in the weather from Saturdav's gloomy I ir !-; i t tisuk place Sunday, which was very agreeable to those anxious about oat sowing. A very large attendance at the lit erary Friday night. G W Claridy is down with an at tack of pneumonia. Thursday night Dr Christy, on his way to Mr Clari dy's, called ye scribe out at midnight in the cold and piercing northeast in1 tn nssist him on his wav. as one of his horses had taken suddenly sick, and could not go any further. We furnished him another animal and have since had a patient on our hands. The Dr is liberal, however. Frank Chambers has rented his farm to Wilburn Gibson, and will follow other business than farming. Will Seelinger says some of his cat tle wftitrhs 1.800 pounds, and are not fat yet. Will will break the market1 when he strikes it. What's the matter with the lick skillet correspondent in the Demo crat? We thought that last commu nication was certainly enough to bust you; we mean that in which vou made some suggestion or some thing of that kind. Come on, but don't make such a break again. We understand Mr Peeler is a candidate for sheriff, and you will be safe, thus far, in pushing his claims. Our tax collector, J W Beaman, is vnrv Viiisv trvinir to round up all the tax of the township preparatory to turning over his books March 1st. We understand another wedding is the tapis for this week. Bates and Johnson counties will furnish, this time, the contracting parties. Right, Mr. Editor, J udge DeArmond will be nominated and also elected because the people of this congres- Kinun distrifT, nppn. ana want mm in congress. As the years have passed thev ve become better aequaintea with his abilities, and while we may have a number of good men in this district, whmiiifirht do creditable serv ice in congress vet it is always at a riik- to inn L t a. r''ft while satistac tion is being rendered, as in the case of the present incumoent. io suc nucfnl I'uFiMur or liusintiss mail would think of changing an employee, who enjoyed his tavor, ior one umrieu or inATnprienc.ed. It's a safe plan in politics as well as the ordinary busi nps of lifp Yes. we are for De Armond in this neck o' the woods, and don't you doubt it. Gkovee. Married. EaFollktt Deckkk: The mar riage of Miss Sadie LaFollett to At r or ripp.kpr was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs J A LaFollette, seven nines east oi Butler, on last Wednesday at high noon in the presence of near relatives an.i a fw fripnris. Rev W T Morris. Th attendants were Miss Christine ToPnllH ami Afr Tarl Decker. The bride was attired in a beautiful white henrietta and satin. The bridesmaids wore white silk. The groom wore the nonvpntinnal black. At 12 o'clock the bridal partv marched into the parlor, and stand th n. bpautifnl mistletoe arch, Rev Morris pronounced them man and wife. Alter congratulations alt rt rifl irod to the dininar room. where the tables were handsomely oWnratpd and laden with all the del icacies of the season. The presents wor nimifiroiis and handsome. The happy couple will remove to the farm of his lather, ine young peopie arc null known and hichlv respected by all, who wish tham a happy voyage through life. A Gckst. Elkhart Items. Copper cents are decreasing in value at Elkhart seventy-five being sold for seventy cents. The party at Lon Prindle's was largely attended and enjoyed by all. John Cox, the Elkhart blacksmith will move to Adrian soon. Gen Shelby came down from Kan sas Citv to see his son, Orville, who lost his hand at Adrian. Orville had a verv narrow escape, as part of his hat was cut off by the car wheels. Jim Vourisr is coins to work for Mr Lowen this vear. Mioses Stella Robards and Maud Marshall spent Sunday with Miss Grace Compton. Mr Tedford will move to Elkhart soon, having rented Mrs Cox's farm. Anv .me wautine seed oats call on j P S f erguson, he will either sell or t-fo.).i fur .crri Lawrence White, the foot racer of this citv, has laid aside his weights and quit the business. Al Wvatt killed a wild goose one dav last week after shooting at them thirteen times. Al is a 'bad' boy with a Winchester. . Meeting still in progress at Fair View church, and Rev May is making the sinners trtnble. Owen Couchman will resiae on we?t mam street this summer. Several parties have been planting potatoes the past week. George llackler has purchased a bicycle but has not learned to ride it yet. George seems to think it is a poor wav of committing suicide. Molue Gazoo. i Will i a id s CASH ROGERT Aa we are now having the largest trade, since we have been in Butler. and aa coffee and sorno nth fir nrfinlns that iiave declined in price, we deem it our duty, aa we have always done, to lower the price, at every chance we nave, we wm Ben you dow, 1 pkg Arbuckle coffee $0 18 1 " Lion " 1 " Aukoria ' 1 " Breakfast " 1 " XXXX 1 ft) broken Java, the best 18 18 18 i rr iu 20 1 ft good Rio (some calls Java blend) ft) pure Java Blend coffee 25 25c ia as cheap as wo can sell you pure Java Blend, all others charge vou 30a for the genuine. 3i lb best African Java $1 00 3 " fancy Peaberv coffee 1 00 4 ' extra fancy Mexican coffee 1 00 : boxes Greenock Lye 4 boxes Greenwich lye 1 1 hi 00 05 lb eoaa 6 " " 25 25 1 bars Silk soap " Old Country soap " Fairbanks brown soap " Clairette soap " Fairbanks Copco " Sea Moss bath soan 25 25 25 25 05 25 3 pkg's Scotch Oat flakes 3 pkg s Nudavene flakes 25 25 25 9 ID9 Scotch Oats 10 lb Pearl hominy lb Hominy flakas box Kirks Rainwater maker lb shot pepper " finest tea siftines 25 18 18 25 Dry ealt meat per pound 07 25 i lb imperial tea " fancy sun cured Japan worth fiOc for 35 1 ft) fancy Moyune Gunpow der tea ft) fine twist basket fired Japan worth 90c for pail best iellv in Butler 30 G5 45 3 ft3 fancy Cal. evap peaches 3 " " " prunes 6 ' " dried apptes !5! 25 25 J. " best powder 100 lbs Royal Crown flour ' 201 20 1 bbl No 1 fine salt J 1 set Meakins best cups and saucers 1 set Meakins best plates 1 10-in. meat dish 1 set large flint tumblers 1 set pretty sauce dishes 1 large fruit bowl i- " " with stem Finest tubular laterns worth 70c for Western square washing ma chines Economy clothes wringers Loaded paper shells per box Empty " " Per 100 No 8 cop bottom wash boilers No 8 solid copper 1 qt covered bucket 20 35! 35 25 1 25 15 20! 35 85 85 30 50 85 15 20 25 Nails per pound W am ill fit: o-Attinff in a car 01 hicken netting, noes, rakes, hedge knives, plow single ana uaiu ? -v . . . . nnn-a 1rVo VlinCfiS. uouoie trees, aico, oa-c,.v.-..-, o--' files,clevices,table and pocket cutlery ura,l,c ,7-; v ho ts.bracea ana Dii8,uuuiuici ets, copper rivets.nog nuKs, Co-o .ta ranees, enndetones ana rnnc, O ' o hangers, open rings and links, trace .Kdn.. r,nh mauls, screen doore, vilit' uc ' . enrin.T hinees, screen wire, gimp tacks, carpet tacks, shoe nails and rope fastners; in iact we .r..j thino-, in the hardware line, that the farmers use, and we are prepared to figure, with any one that is minnug of building this spring, you iu lose money if you don't figure with We hiye a large stock of bulk oardeu fieed,they are not raised here, but in the north, and we guarantee hom n h the finest quality, at about half what we sold them at Ust year. We have jast gotten m a car oi the Washburn Crosby Gold Medal Hih Patent Flour, that we have all heard of. for the la&t 25 years, made at Minneapolis, Minnesota. We will sell this nour, while this car lasts at 1 X0 and less in 500 103 lots, what IK F ARMERS' CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $55,000.00 D. N. THOMPSON, President. E. A. BENNETT, Vice-Pres. E. D. K1PP, Cashier. J. EVERINGHAM, Seeretarv. I do' you think of that price, for that hieh patent flour? We have two lSI(Ara nf .TftrsAtr f!rwm flour on.l while we had some trouble with the ?i. :n i lasi car id wm never nappeu again. We have now the best Jersey Cream flour we ever had in our store and will warrant every sack to be first class. We have iust gotten in today, a car of extra fine salt, new barrels and no broken staves, will not cet hard. We also cot in CO boxes of Clairette soaD. the people will re 1 k. . member, that ia the best laundry soap made, washea as well in hard water, aa in soft water, the sea moss bath soap is worth 10c a cake, but nil sell a few boxes at 5c a cake. Remember we are eellins our barb wire, hardware, garden tools etc., at prices you cannot get,at other places, come in and see lor yourself. j Don t let a few cheap prices, uia played in front of some business house draw you into a trap, remem ber a few cheap things don't mean everything cheap, we have several thousand dmerent articles in our store, and we ask our customers t: notice the price on eyerythiDg we carry, another thing, we ask you to notice,and that is, the quality of our goods, you know, good goods cost no mora than th nommnn nr infer- ior goods. V e will eive vou some eood reas ons. Why you should bring all your butter, eggs and chickens to us, 11 you want cash, we will pay yon as much as any man in Butler. We agree to pay you as much tor your eggs and poultry aa any one will of fer you, if you want goods, we have anything you can call for, of the very finest quality, kverthing irean and new, at the lowest possible price. If you want a few groceries, hardware etc , some dry goods, bal ance in cash, we will divide it up to unit vou. and bv takiner an order on dry goods store, we give you the trade price, which saves you consia- j niderable. We know when the peo 1 pie thourghly understand our mode ! of handling produce for our cuBtom jl 1 1 7 1 1 - 1 ers. mey win au come 10 us. Promising vou. the beat treatment D in our power to extend to you when in our store. We are Yours Truly, WILLIAMS BROS. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and all others interested in the estate or N. F. Major deceased, tnat I, busan Major, administratrix, of s.aid es- intend to make final teuicmem I tharanf o tha nfvt tprm fit the Bate i.tww.if ...... - uutr Z?TleT:r state or Missouri, to lui , th- uh dav oi May Sisav Major. ' AdministiatrU. 1S96 I.V4t .. . ,, , j The Fee yMem Mn.t t,. Washincton, D. C, leb. 21. 1 he house committee on judiciary to-day . .... . nerrf.(l to renort favorably a bill to fc abolish the fee svstem as applicable to United States district attorneys. United States marshals' and their assistants aod depu?iF, and to sub stitute salaries. hest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 5. Gov't Report X! Bank X THEY SEE SPOOKS. Col. Wm. H. Phelps Take a Shot at His Enemies. St. Louis Star, Feb. 19. In Tuesday's Po6t Dispatch ther appeared a dispatch, presumably from Jefferson City, charging Col. Wm. H. Phelps, attorney for the Missouri Pacific Railroad, with be ing the chief conspirator in a plot to control the Missouri delegation to the National Republican Conven tion. Col. Phelps, when seen Wed nesday, said: "The rumor is too silly to talk about. The Jefferson City corres pondent of the Post Dispatch is & myth. The senational specials are inspired by a gentleman who has been lying so long with his ear upon the ground, anxiously listening for the delayed sound of voices calling him to lead the host of Missouri Democracy to victory iu November on a 1G to 1 or bust platform, thai he sees spooks. It is doing me too much honor to suggest that I can in the least influence the election of delegates to the Republican Nation al Convention, or that I can hv any influence with them after they shall have been elected. I hav written no letters asking an 'inter view' with any one upon the subject have eent no annual passes to an one whom I think will be a delegate and my opinion as to who are likely to be delegates ia not worth publish ing I hope I may have one friend in the delegation, through whom I can secure a ticket to the convention as seats will be at a premium, and the convention will be the most in teresting National Convention ever held" PASSIXU OF ' BILL" NYE- Surrounded by His Family, the Great Humorist Calmly Breathes His Last. Asheville, N. O, Feb. 22 Edgar W. Nye died this afternoon at nii home at Buck Shoals. He remained unconscious throughout all last night, and during the day it wae seen that he was gradually sinking, and his death was hourly expected. All the members of his family end most of his intimate relatives, in cluding his grandmother, were with him as he breathed bis last Hie j death was peaceful. He lay pal aad wan in tfce bed, oesiae wmca sat his faithful wife, and loving chil dren. He breathed calmly, but ver slower and slower, until his heart i 1 1 t 1 t U a r.seiul trr-.rr' s cease'-i to uea.i, uuu uc jjmku life .to death like a sleeping child j Hi3 wife, mother ana two uauuieii, j are prostrated with grief. ; M x- firt became Known as a ) huaiorifct of great promise about eis- teen vears ngo, when it was disco-' : - & wrfter of certain car.ital sketches published iti H : " , . . : Western paper, which was w'tu. r.l tiAnT, tt,i(.nt. for liis wor. that tini" he has --r oee of tie foremost humorist- in American journalism He was born in Main. It is contended that be is the man whom Bret Hart- mentions in the "Heathen Chinee."