Newspaper Page Text
.F8T AND ORIGINAL DOGTOR c Stier, MARKET REPORTS. Kansas city Live stork. TCansas City, Feb. 21. -Cattle Ileceipts, 4.6.VJ; calves. 78: shipped yesterday, 2,25 cat tle; no calves The market was steady on lipht stuff, but uneven on heavier cattle The fol lowing are representative sal-s: SHIPPING AND HRKSSKO IlEfcF STKEftA. No. Ave. Price. 'Vo. Ave. Price. Ltfest 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. -.aduate-cuthorlied by t!ie state, -Arfdd to be tiie lacdina: cud raos; 6pclaliot In BLOOD, NERY -yBINARy DISEASES. a iWlf ..rifli IlL'MAfiiiUlnirilA . 1US DCDlLI I I Mo!il nr:y, irritubla ,ivelmtini.i:t. iiuiikijchf, chzzl- fefww before eyes and other gloomy symp lv cured. .viflTl! ITV milUv urine, incontinence, I AST lllALlI I prosUtorrhaca.anUa.Ukln Cjuooble absolutely cured. Piiiii IP any stare, eauslr.r? sore throat, kVDHII faillni? hair, pain in bones and rjjottor symptoms, cured itrmaieiUtj with- RllABY DISEASES . alAAf I T IU I.IIl.rLL ciiusinif KrK:rmr(torrlHi!ri,sf'X- aiiiwww - -. ,. . . .... i jHML TIminP AIIDCn without the use of knife J? Unt UUnLU or trua Lm riOTIII A etc.. cured by new and on above diseases irce ior stamp.; . . nn T7 r inirrTlpn v. II I Hoar Specialist of the West, cither In lLLLnnr bv letter, will receive tbo can- ... -ininn of a physician wen Known, ior skill and Integrity. 3i proalses made that cannot to fulfilled. i grtjicine furnished at small cost and shipped to Consultation and Urinary Analysis. Mice hours,6 to 4 and 7 to & Sunday, 10 to 12. .HM of Merest to men, young tint old, Dy fjB or address in strict commence DR. H. J. VH8TTIER, lOWest Ninth Street, Setr Junction) Kansas City, Mo. Pick Your Toast. Woman, the tyrant we love, the friend we trust. Woman, God bless ber, the boss 3 ill creation! Woman, the sweetest creature the Lard eTer made. Woman, ebe needs no eulogy; she peaks for herself. Woman, the source of belp, hap piness and heaven. Woman once there was a woman, kind here she it! rj.. it.. 14.. 14.. I.. I.. 1.. 41.. 103.. 4J.. ft... 5... 1... l,5t 1.4H 3.H. 1,317 3.75 1.23d Hfii Tl.ffl l.i no ;i.-::- l.ouo :ii !i0 54 1 H 1J I .1 . l.a . i.:t') . i.ii't mi :i.j 1 1 3 Hi a to 3. v 3.5 ( 3. -J3 3.i' 1 i.:tw 1 1.17D TEXAS AlfD INDIAN KTEEKS. ...1.17 nr. I 4! 1,07.3 13.30 .. .1,175 3.3i) J WESTI'.ltaJ STEEUS. ...I.r.l ?37H! u I, Ml 13.55 ...I, .'71 3.35 , ROlT I! WESTERN PTEKR1 1,114 j3.7U I 1U...: . .... s;4 :iio I rows AND HEIKEKS. ....1.131 t.3U quickly relieved and thoroughly cured. 6... 4... 8. . . .. 1H... I... 6... .I.OID . . !:) . . 75 ..l.l'3i .. M ..1,017 .. WIM .. 7 0 .. H- 3ii 3 iuo a. fin .'. 2 4') 2. ID 2.0) I... 1 I 4 1 1 3i8 jaio 1.200 ?3 31 .1.040 3.25 ;5 7i 5 WIS 750 h'H) H7J sw wo 3 if) 2.9") 2 2.65 2.4) 2.40 2.) 1.85 S I M M REGULATOR OFF FOR THE RING. The Pugilists and Their Friends Leave El Paso, Tex. FIGHT MAY BE POSTPONED. The Train Keported One Hour ljto at Sanderson Darkness Likrly to Set iu Kefore the llattle liround an lie Kenrhed. 8TOCKERS AND EEEDEHS 4R yrl :itl j3.M 10 72 3.8) 20 3 2.tf5 1 8)0 2.8i Hops-Kecefpts, 9.973: 10 741 3.81 2 HV) 3 H') 2 44) 25 ! 675 2.40 shipped yesterday. 2.6 .3. The market was 5aiGc hiirher. lowing are representative sales: The fol- 3H5 3H a.', RJ...223 S3.H7V4 93...174 3.M5 75... 231 3...181 S...253 M)...158 S...181 (W...292 6... .151 25. ..334 28... 378 ). ..2U8 .101 10... 141! 8...1C0 2...2" ..310 88... 156 6...226 3.87'4 .u....'l 3.8S 70... 208 W...251 72... 232 3.82V4; 8H...2I9 3 Hi) 3.80 3. HO a ho 3 77H 177H 3 75 a 70 3 65 a.M) 3.25 2.7.i 83... 23(1 55... 3.7 53... 31 1 4...3a 37... 207 61. ..181 102... 168 1 ..440 1 . . . 4 11...1M I... 460 1...26J 3.85 3.85 3.85 2.824 3.80 3.80 3 8) 3 80 3. 77 '4 3.77H 3.75 3.65 3.60 3.25 3 00 2.50 80... 218 J3.87V4 f"F. ..IH 3.8 6...273 :9...2V) 4i)...24 75.. .237 55... 240 93. ..151 66.. .261 45... 38", 58. ..287 51. ..330 32... 305 31... 210 1...370 1 . . . 150 18... 43 1.. .100 3 8 3.8. a 824 3. 824 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.774 a774 3.75 3.65 3.50 3.25 3.00 3.00 Sheep Ieceipts,3.116: shipped yesterday, 313. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons Liver regulator don't forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes -choke J up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be tree from Doison and the who e bodv invieorated. You getXIlK IS EST lL.JOI when your system is in At condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. Iry a Liver Kemedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS Liver regulator it is Simmons Liver Regulator which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but takeSl.WMONS LIVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every package. Look tor it. o J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, ?a. Uotheied hy the Dam. Washington Star. "You must be on your good be- Ei. I'aso, Tex, Feb. 2i. Fitzsimmons am! Malier, their backers, trainers arid seconds and the crowd bound for the tight left this citj- at 11:05 o'clock Thursday nijrht in a special eastbound train over the Southern Pacific rail way. 1 lie immediate members of the Maher and Fitzsimmons parties were provided with railroad tickets to Lanjr- trv, lex., and sleeping' car berths to Del Rio, Tex., the second station east of Lanjjtry. The Southern Pacific tracks run close to the ttio Grand river near Lantry, and it is said to be Stuart's intention to cross the river into the Mexican state of Coahuila, and that the ring1 will be pitched at the foot of Mosquito moun tain. 1 he region is very inaccessible to Mexican troops, the mountains dropping close to the edge of the river, and it is expected that the fisrht will take place in one of the valleys on the river bank. Soon after ten o'clock last nijrht Fitzsimmons started for the train, ac companied by Martin Julian, Jack Stelzner and William McCoy, all of whom will probably be in his corner. Fitzsimmons went to a sleeping car which was lying on a sidetrack. A state room had been set aside for the party. During the lontr wait for the train following are havior this everjing, George, for the the rangers seated themselves in a row minister is to take dinner with us,' The market was steady. The renresentative sales: I bull 1.40.1 2.75 1202 Pal. ew 11-! -, miniaier in to fnl-fl ilinner roUb ,1 a " alon? the Station With their Indies -o4eweS... 78 3.10 2) 1.50 I ...... U.rc wctinr, nn thoir UnK ThfinMVS- Horses-Receipts, 318; shipped vesterdav. said a Hvattsviue lady to her worser " r a -98. very little business was transacted Th I . . . . . . . . I t""Kv r market ,.,! ... ., hall. D6 OtjOU)0 ironi hlB ornce erable cortion of the crowd, iheraii day, with prices about steady with the early decline of the week. The receipts continue quite heavy. Yesterday's auction salon were: Draft, J9 head 55.ot)-6!7.50 Drivers. 75 head 37.505$ 57.50 Southern, 82 head 1 7. 50 & 37.50 Chleaco I.lve Stork. - Chicago, Feb. 21. Cattle Receipts, 4.0K); market for heavy weak, li,-ht cattle stronger: lair to best beeves, sa40Vj4.40: stockers and feeders, 2.7ofiSL75; mixed cows and bulls, J1.50 (ft 3. 6 ), Texas, a00?23.8". Hogs Kecelpts, 18.0U0; marketSto 10c hiirher: lijfht, 13.851274: roiiBh packin?. $3.80 r3.0; mixed and butchers, $a95v(,4.224; heavy pack inland shipping. $3.9.")4.20; pitfs, 3.20i4.2 1. Sheep Heccipts, 10,000; market steady; west ern, $3.2aa60; lambs, ia.Zi&LW. the bitter half of man For the UEe Of a fiOUr Old bachelor.) W.fiO4.30: Texas steers. 2. tu , , , J Hogs-Kecelpts, 7,000-, r Woman, a creature "nooiy plan. to warm, to comfort and coni- Woman, the fairest work of the bit Author. The edition is large ltd no man should be without a fW- in this city last Thursday. "What have yon for dinnei?" queried the husband. "Well, I know he is fond of fish, so I bought quite a string of small fish, and several larger ones from the dam." "I'm not much at doing the honers when we have a minister at the table," said George, but I I guess we can get through with it alright." Half an hour later they were seat ed at the table and a blessing had been asked by the minister. A lit- way tickets read to Langtry, Tex., and this verified the story that the specta tors would have to ride over 3L0 miles to see the fisrht- A dispatch from Sanderson, Tex., said that the fight party reached that place shortly after noon on its waj to the fighting ground. They were over an hour late and would not reach Langtry until after three o'clock in the afternoon. From Langtry they are to cross the Rio Grande into the state of Coahuila. in Mexico, where the fight was to take place. Dan Stuart said that the ring had already been put up within a mile from the station at Lang try. The only thing likely to prevent a fight was dark weather, which would knock out the plans of the kinetoscope Sheep Receipts, 200; market strong. Chicago (Jraln anl Provision. 21 21 May.... July.... Lard Feb Mav.... July.... Ribs Feb.... Mftv.... July.... 10 10 5 574 5 724 6 25 5 35 Tou hear it almost everywhere, oats Feb. triA vaajt il in Ilia navanAiurfl that. I . .y AH IVMU 1 V L. " 1, wJMf w' , 1 JUly Smrnoni Liver liegulator is the best rorn-Feb. fpnog medicine, and the best blood kdioine. "The only medicine of kj consequence that I use is Sim omi Liver Regulator. So wrote fir. R.A. Cobb, of Morganton, N L And W. F. Park, M. D., of 'racy City, Tenn., writes: "Sim pons Liver Regulator is the best." There is no excuse for young men afiug about the streets and stores. ps young man cannot find employ Mnt he can at least read. Good L Nks are a man's best friend and fuwho spends his time reading such till certainly not have wasted it. A bung man who is seen continually otSog is soon looked upon as an Her and finds himself thought of jmd spoken of in tho same manner as is lowest class of degraded men tw thought and spoken of. Don't Iff. If you cau't find work don't fitud out on the sidewalks or hang found a store and make a public cn-5-; 010 bushels. 214c r I Receipts of corn here t Busance and eyesore out of your W-Ex. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, Feb. 21. Cattle Receipts, 1,000; market active, shade higher; native steers. 60(37 J. 1 . market 5c hiirher: Ha nervnnt v (U hcoil of ihn hnnoe I people. heavy, 13.9034.10; mixed, $3.754.00. light, $3.9J . .... . . . . Fitz and Maher were in excellent a '5- began dishing out the vegetables, ! n.i -nnndent of vie-", tory. Maher's eyes were nearly well and he will be able to enter the ring and' put up a good fight. LATER. Kansas City. Mo.. Feb. 01. Word has just reached here from the battle ground near Langtry, Tex, that Fitz simmons knocked Maher out in the first round, the contest lasting only 20 seconds. Feb. 21. Wh t-Fcb. .. May.. July.. Corn Feb... May.. Sept.. Opened 624 64 v, 64 H HiRh'st 62 i 29 3i 3 32 214 214 10 10 5 CO 5 724 274 5 3 Lowest 62 H 614 29 32 20 21 10 05 6 574 S 724 ft 35 5 3 and turning to the guest said: 'Will you have some of the little closing river fish or would you prefer some of the dam big fish?" The warning kick under the table from his wife was unnecessary. He knew he had blundered, and cold beads of presperation started from his forehead. I mean" trying to repair the er ror "will you try some or the dam river fish or some of the big fish?' Worse,and more of it! Hisdaugh- 64 i 64 ?i 28 '4 304 32 194 2H. 214 9 874 10 95 10 224 a 4 5 60 5 724 n 10 5 25 5 35 KEEI'INU TAB. Renresentat ves of the Vnrlons Presidential undUlatcs I'ostlnr Themselves on Dele- Kates Klerted. Washington, Feb. 21. Representa tives of the various candidates are keeping a tally on the delegates elect- Kansas City Uraln. Kansas Citt, Feb. 21. Prices of wheat here to-day were about the same as yesterday. There was a fair demand for hard wheat, but spring sold very slowly, and the feeling was weak all around at the close. Offerings were fair. Wheat for next July delivery was offered at 60c, with 554c bid. Receipts or wneat here to-day. 43 cars: a year ago, 7 cars. Sales were as follows on track: Hard. No. 2, 1 car, special. 6040, 5cars6c. 3 cars 614c, cars 61c, 1 car C34c. 1 car 63c: No 3, 1 car 6)c, 1 car f 94c, 1 car 52c, 1 car 464c. 1 car 44c: No. 4, 1 car 46c, 1 car 43c rejected, nominally 3."&40c: no ijrrade, nominally 3.V$40c. Soft, No. 2 red cars 744c. 1 car poor7i)c: No. 3 red, nominally 6772c, 1 car choice 74e; No. 4 red. nominally 58 (62c: rejected, nominally i4tV8c. Spring, No. 2. 2 cars poor at 6.'c, choice offered at 634V& 6le; No. 3, 1 car 59c, 2 cars 6lc: rejected, nomi nally ;0i' 5c; white soring, nominally. r5'6:c. Corn met with fair demand at a slight de cline 4 fr mixed and He for w hite. The re ceipts were large, but tho offerings by sample on the Moor were light, most of the receipts go ing 011 contracts. There was not much trade in futures. They were quoted as follows: February. 5.00) bushels 225c: March, SO.O0J bushels '.'.c: May, nominally 2ic May white tr slvlv nulled taia coat tail to brino- ed. According to the reports received I , . , . here there have been chosen up to yes Dim to DiB senses. terday 43 delegates to the St. Louis convention. An Illinois congressman is auihoritv for the statement that of th ax nnlv four are pledged to McKin- The deepcarnation spreading oyer iev an,i two of the four will have con- "That is, would you like some of the other dam fish?" the good ladies face did'nt mend matters a bit. "Ahem! Which of the dam fish do you prefer anyway?" Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. tests on their hands. Most of the dele gates so far chosen are in Texas, Louisi ana and Georsria. The managers of Mr. Reed's campaign have made a care ful revision bince the latest announce ments of candidates, and say that Mr. McKinley will go into the convention with not over --'.-0 votes. It will take 200 more to nominate. C.VTTLK Jir.sriUCTIOSS. Baby was sick, wo cave her Castorla. 3 "Wo the waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, abe became Miss, she chine to Castorla. lb bad Children, ahe gave them Castorla. Don t you dare to refuse a silver sin, no matter how badly it is worn Iff long circulation. If you do you 7 get into trouble. The United rtot Supreme Court, by a decision Receipts of corn here to-day. 4:13 cars: a year ago. 3 cars. Sales by sample on track: No. 2 mixed, 6 cars 223iC, 14 cars 221,c; No. 3 mixed, 2 cars 2le; No. 4 mixed, nominally 21o: white, S-i. 14 cars 23c; No. 3 white, t cars 214c. Oats were steady. Poor samples sold slowly. Offerings by sample were not large, though re ceipts were liberal. Receipts of cats to-day, 2 cars; a year ago, 1 car. Sales by sample on track: No. 2 mixed. I car 18c: No. 3. 2 cars I64c; No. 4. nominally 16c: no grade, nominally 144c: No. 2 white. 4 cars 21c, I car2 4e: No. 3 white. 1 car 194e. Hay Receipts. 55 cars: market very duiland weak. Timothy, choice, 1I.0J 11.50 No. 1, I10.0S1-W No. 2. 7.Wa9.03 No. 3. 5.00 6.50. choice prairie, t6.35ft7.00: No. 1. J5.50TV 6.00; No. 2, i4.a033.00; packing hay, t3.0)i.0X John F. Potter's Plight. Mukawanago, Wis, Feb. 19. John F. Potter, who was Congress man from Wisconsin from 1857 to 1SG0, injured himself seriously yes terday while exercising in his room. A Member of Common ants to naiit ino Present Restriction Permanent. London. Feb. 21. In the house of commons yesterday Rt. Hon. . II. Loner, conservative member lor Liver pool, introduced a bill to amend the diseases of animals act of 1894, with the obiect cf abolishing the discretion now enioved bv the minister of agri culture to admit foreign cattle, and to make the present restrictions perma nent. He said that the government did not desire to interfere unfairly in any way with foreign countries, and he showed that the restrictions at feeble. survive. Sr. lrful ;rln. St. Loris. Feb. 21 Receipts, wheat, 10.918 bu : last year closed: corn. &.1V5 bu.: oats, 25,- Jr) bu.: shipments, wheat. 18.000 bu.: corn. 13.598 bu.: oats. 11,345 bu. Closing prices: A,, I wheat Cash. 714C: February, 604c: May, MWHiea down recently. Settled a Ca8e 4c: July, 624e. Corn Cash. KHc: Februarv. February, 13c; May, "JOSc; July, ftlftli. J u courts by deciding that a man l90 ""O Was put nfT a. train rtAcanna ft r - - --- oductor refused a silver dime that W'ery much worn wes entitled to 11315 and costs which had been ttded him by the New Jersey Mta, Chief Justice Fuller in dis of the case eaid that silver W were a legal tender as long as J bore the semblance of the coiD fttte that in vnnr hut. . What's theUse ofTalking About colds and rnmrhsln the "sum m l1" time Vv , .t .. h -... o ,;vi;,,rr : aw. . " ' "-"s Vv11 or a little cold or baby may hav. J '!lnup and when it comes you ough f Ww mu 1 arks cough syruv L-wetorit. Sold by H Kansas City Prod nee. Kansas City, Feb. 21. Butter Creamery, jxtra separator. 174918c; firsts. 16c: dairy. fancy. 15c; fair. 13o: store packed, fresh. 10 A 12c: off grades. 74c; country roll, fancy. 1240: ?hoice. lie. Kggs Strictly fresh, 94c per doz. Poultry Hens. 64c; springs. 74Sc: roost- ;rs. 15c: young, 174c: turkeys, hens. 10c; gob blers. 9c; ducks. 84c: geese. fat54g64c; pigeons. 900 l.0J per ooz. Fruits -Apples, fancy. $2,015 2-V per bbl. ihoice. tl.6i.0. common to good. tl. 031. 50 aer bbl. t She Won a Congressman. New York, Feb. 21. Congressman Henry Clay Miner announced his en gagement to Miss Annie O'Xeill, the ictress, last night at the Fifth Avenue :heater, where Miss O'Neill is now olaying. He said he would marry Miss 19 the J'Xeill immediately after her contract L..T uckere a-ith Crane terminated m AnriL debate in Congress over the assassl nation of Elijah P. Lovejoy, Mr. Potter was challenged to a duel by Roger A. Pryor of Virginia. Mr. Potter promptly accepted, and chose bowie knivts as the weapon. Mr. Pryor's seconds objected to this as barbarous, and th matter was drop ped. Mr. Potter eeived us Consul- General to British America in Mon treal from 1S63 to 1S6G. He baa since lived in Wisconsin for infants and Children. Tari' ol'prratlon c? Castoria ritli 'tltPpn'trritaR: of gIHs c.fjjrsrias. rrmit Tts io speolc of it w-itfcont Rncssinc;. 1 1 Is nnocstioablT tho best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever knnuTi. It is harmlesa. Children lit it. It gives them health. It will av their Iive.s. In it Mothers have. so me th trig which is absolutely savfe. and practically perfect as ft child'a medicino. Castoria destroy TTcvrrns. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Cnrd. Castoria cores Diarrho?a and Wind Colic Castoria relieve Teething Troubles. Castoria enrea Constipation and flatulency. Caatoria nentraligea the effects of carbonic acid ga or poisonous air. Castoria doea not contain morphine, oplnm.or other narcotic property. Caatoria assimilates the food, regnlatea the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caatoria is pnt np in one-size bottles only. It la not sold in bnlk. Don't allow any one to aell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "jnst as good" and "will answer every parpose." Sco that yon ret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A . The fac -simile signature of is on every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 3d This Famous Kemedy ceres quickly, permanently c!l nervous OiM ac'D. Weak Sioamr. Iais of. HrtUu power, licadache. Wakefulness, lxt VluUity. Nighily h'.u-.i.. sions, evil areams, Impotency ana wasting uiseasea coujcil ty youthtulc TTvTt vrexuas. Cutaius no opiates. Is a nerve tunl 1 and blood balliliT. Easily en rrled in vest pocket. SI prrbox; U forSS. By mull, pre paid. wiihauTittenwirafttetornnnriircfiivied. Write tis.fre medical boots, sealed plain wrapper, with testimonials and Hnnn,.i-I .tninir. 'fictlTOf. f nr fitll ,f ft at OT HrWHT Clf mifrt For sale In BuUer.Ilo by J. A. viUSiBUS. uracgisu ASTHMA BR. TAFTS ASTHMAIETfB flllDCrVieverfailsiisend usyour address, we will UUlll.Umailtrialbott)ernPP ine uk. 1 Ai-1 bhus. 1.1. coKocnesier, N.i.i iikt pARionpar" HAIR BALSAM Cieansri and besutiues th hi Promote a luxuriant ffrowth. Never Fails to Bestore Oray iiair to its xouwrui voior. Curu sralp diswies & hs:r laiiina, fflc.t!l 1.U at Dniqrtm BENEFICENT AND WISE. HINDERCORNS, purr Curt? tot Conn, btofx ail paio. n The otJt furr Cure tor Corns, btofx ail paio. EnftrrMi com BREAKFAST SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. tkaa ChtrheMer'a EulU Dtaiaonl lit-mad. PENNYROYAL PILLS E Oi-lcfanimBdOMiyvcinniiie. W jJl5 T Src, altvara reliable. aaOics ail monU mrana id Kea ua tvoMineuiiic1 5roxM, MdUt with blae rlhboa. Tk3 'lion and imitations. A t T)najrart9t, or arad 4. in stamps for particular, teitinonials and KeUr Tor LAtflr," in utter, by rrtarm I' .van, w.rvv ipvibiw!ui. namm I'aper. 80U ttj tul Local lrusisu. JPhU4av, i 1 m Read what iMaj. Waddill, Superin tendent of Insurance,says about the disability contract of the Bankers Life Asso ciation of Kansas City. Jag. R. Waddill. Superintendent" ;a. r. C. I LEWIS k CO. Proprietor of Elk Horn Stables Having purchased the E1k Horn barn and Livery outfit otj.W Smith, and having added to the same a number of first-class Buggies, and horses, I can say to the public that I now have the Ha in rtAir v .9 vptra nl.i and rather I nresent existio? had not prevented a o j 1 1 1 lartre increase in me nuraoer 01 came I lmnnrTPii ir iiu luc uuiicu wmiva uuv In 1860, daring an angry Argentina, but that they had almost abolished disease in imported cattle. t elt a Desire to Commit M order. Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 21. While playing with his children yesterday evenintr Otto Ilauch said to nis wile: "Laura, get me my shoes. It 1 stay in the house. I will kill the children. Something ia driving me to murder. Asking two men living in the bouse to follow him for fear he would do something he went to a saloon where he shot himself. He died instantly. Three years ago he was a fireman and was hurt in a falling building. This affected his mind. Best Livery Barn In southwest Mo. Horses and mules bought and sold, or stock handled on commission, Stock bearded by the day week or month. With 16 years exper ience Mr Lewis reels able to compete with anv Livery barn in this section. Call and see him C B LEWIS Bl LU Win. I. Murray, t Deputy 8upt. Harvey, Actuary. . I SS U RANCH 1 EPA HTM KNT, ISTATE OP MISSOURI, ST. LOUIS. May 25th, 1895. Judge C. W. Clarke, V. P. Bankers Life Asw'n., 205 Sheidley Bldg, K. C. Mo. Dear Judge: I am in receipt of yours of May 2:$ and the proposition you make then is very wide of the proposition I un derstood you to be contending for. What I understood you to want wa a clause in your policv providing for the payment of half the policy in the event of total disability,butthe prop osition vou make now is in the event of total disability, at the request of the policy-holder, to pay half in ab solute discharge of the policy. Such a condition as that in your policy is beneficent and wise. "Beneficent in that it gives to the policy holder aid m his extreiuest need, and wise in that it enables the company to settle an approaching total loss at fifty per cent. 1 think such a condition as that in your policy is a wie provision and as quoted by you in your letter, 1 could urge no objection to it what ever. I do not regard this as an ac cident provision at all; it may arfs from sickness, may come from old age.may come from sudden stroke of paralysis, a confirmed case of rheu matism, cr it may arise from an acci dent, and it is not paying an accident claim to make such a settlement. It is an adjustment or compromise of the whole amount of the policy by paying half at the time when the policy-holder most needs it. This, as I have before stated I regard both wise and beneficent. Very respectfnllv, Jas. R. Waddill, Superintendent. F. C SMITH. Agt 45-tf BUTLER Mk Trustee's Sale. THE New York World, THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. All Free. loose who hvc usedjjur, King s New Discoveiy know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free 011 on tut? aavei nseu u. :'uant ana tret, a Trial Bottle, Fre. Send your name laud addies to H. E. Bucklen it Co . Chieiijo, and tret sample box of Dr. Kind's New Life Pills Fr, as w-li as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do tou good and cost you nothing at drug store. A Verdif Clinton, i.i gainst . Feb. Mrs. lienrv Jackson i Saloonheep-r. In the case of vs. liildebrandt. for Si 1.510 daraa-res, the jury vester dav returned a verdict 'r SI, 400 for the plaint::!- Hildebrandt, a saloon keeper, had been '.varned to sell no liquor to Jackson, but did sell to him. ami the latter, while under-tf.e influ ence. stTeiiictea to cross the river in a skitT. JeU in. and was drowned, leav ing l.i nife and children destitute. Whereas 4. E. Forbes and 8. E. Fcrbes, his wile by their deed of trust dated Kb ruary II. ls!3 and recorded In the recorder's office within and ror Bates county. Miaaoari, in book No, Hrt,pF(rei4ticonveyedtothenndeT- 16 TACiES A WEEK. I56 PAPERS A YEAR, j Is larger than an weekly or temi I weekly paper published and is the onlv signed trustee the following described real t important Oemocratic weekly published Hi r.ce verdict ir .J-Ii3 Vl'lais Chosen. Lonixix. Feb. C-i. Sir John E. Mil lais. baronet, was elected president of the Royl aczdetny yesterday, in suc cession to the late Lord Leigh ton. estate lvin and betntr situate in the county of Bates and state of Misonn. to-wif All of the west half of southwest quarter and ! the southeast qnanerof the southwest quarter of section ten lo; in township forty-two ii of ranee thirtv 00 which conveyance was made in trust to Bcnre the payment of one certain note fuliy described, in said deed of trust: and whereas, default has been made in the payment of sai l note and accrued in terest thereon, now past due and nn- tpaid. Sow therefore, at the n-quee; of the ! leeal bolder of aid note and pnrsnant to the conditions of esid deed of trust, I will pro I ceed to sell the above described premises at j public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door t the court honse, in the city of Bntler, county of Bates and s'.ate of I Missouri, on j Monday March 23, 1896, ! between the hours of nine o'clock ir- the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that dav for the purposes of sitisfyin? said debt, interest and costs. WSI. M. TD'tER. 14-tt Trustee. in .New lorlc City. 1 hree time a large as the leading Republican weekly ot New York City. It will be of espe cial advantage to vou duriug the presi dential campaign as it i published cverv other dav, except Sunday and ha all thetrehnts and timeliness of a daily and it combines all the news with a long list of interesting department, unique feature, cartoons and gramme 1. lustra tions the latter being a new specialty. Ail these improvements have been made without any increase in the cot. which remtins a one dollar per year. We otter this unequaled newspaper and the lii'TLKR Weekly Times togeth er one vear tor Si .50 The regular subscription price of th two papers is $1 00. r