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A GREAT BOOK FREE When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. Jf. V.. published the Lrst edition of his great work, The People's Common I Sense Medical Adviser, he announced that after Xo,rJO copies bad bteit m!1 at the regular price, $1.50 per copy, the profit on which would repay him for the great amount of labor and money e pended in producing it, he would distribute the next half million frte As this number of copies has already been sold, he is now giving away, abwiutely Jree, 500,000 copies of this most complete, interesting and valuable rommon sense medical work ever published the recipient only being required to mail to him, at above address, twenty-one (71) one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing onv, and the book will be sent post-paid. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. Contains 100H paces, profusely illustrated. The I rre Edition is precise ly the Mine as that sold at $1 50 except only that the books are in strong m.inilki paper covers instead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. FRESH BULK GARDEN SEEDS Io yon raise a garden Nothing pavs you better, and nothing Is of more important than to boy seeds that are Fresh and True to Name Having had fifteen years practical experl- ence in market gardening ana having tried a great many varieties of vegetables, lean ad vise yon ss to what will do best in thiscllmate. I have a large assortment of -:- Reliable Bulk Garden Seeds -:- which I can sell you about one half the price you would have to pay for packet men. It will pay jou to sea me before buying. J. B. PAGET. North Side Square, with Fisk Bros l'i-2m J. M. Catterlin is very anxious for Home good farm lands for this month. Loans closed at once, money ready. 1-tf. The last 6pan of the steel bridge across the Missouri river at Jeffer son City was completed Monday. The bridge complete will cost $250, 000 and is owned exclusively by Jefferson City people. V. 6. Atkeson is rejoicing on the arrival of a boy at his home Friday night last. It missed George Wash ington day by a few minutes, but much nearer than hia father can ever hope to be. J. . Shutt's horse took fright Friday evening as he was going home, at some boys playing with paper ribbons in the street, made a sudden turn threw Mr. Shutt out of the buggy aud made a total wreck of the vehicle. That the blood should perform its vital functions, it is absolutely nec essary it should not only be pure but rich in life giving elements. These results are beat effected by the use of that well known standard blood-purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Grandpa Abell has taken advan tage of the pretty weather and be gun to make garden. Notwithstand ing bis advanced age, he is the most scientific gardner in this section and as a general rule his table is supplied with vegetables from one to two weeks ahead of the city gardners. Ur. .rung, oi Kansas City, says there is no need of fear from other towns in regard to the small-pox at Pleasant Hill, that the disease will be stamped out in that town in ten or eleven days. The patients are under strict quarantine and there is no danger whatever of the disease spreading. The Times is clad to know that Mr. Ellinger, the north side dry goods merchant, has decided to re main in Butler. His large adver tisement in this issue will explain to our readers that he will increase his large stock of goods, and be ready for the spring trade with all the leading novelties and perfect styles Call and see him. -'A small house in west Butler, the rirouertv of Jas. Powell, burned Thursday night. About half th household effects were saved. The fire orginated from the explosion o a lamp. Mr. Powell was at Rich Hill at the time and his wife alone Insurance $200. The fire depart ment.owing to the hour of night an long distance made good time, but it required one thousand and fifty feet of hose to reach the burmn building, and the house was about destroyed before water was turned on. A Reliable Fire Insurance. I an the agent for the -Etna, the Hartford aad the Home Insurance Compauies three cf the oldest largest and strongest Fire Insurance companies. The aggregate capita and surplus of the three compame is nearly nfteiu minion dollars. am prepared to issue policies on merchandise aud on buildings in town aud country at usual rates and pav losses promptly. Feask Ai.lex. 1-tf With the Mo. State Bank r I II fcJh 2nd Hand Feed Mill, nearly new, for sale. Enquire of Bennett Wheel er Mer. Co. 13 lm. Frank Allen, secretary of the Mo. State Bank, is down with the "grip." A. L GraveB and Francisco Bros, won an important attachment suit the last of the week. J. S. Pierce has embarked iu the fire insurance business and has sev eral good companies. Impoverished blood causes that tired feeling Hood's Sareaparilla purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood and gives vigor and vitality. Jesse Nave and his son in-law, W. M Sethman, are settling their differ ences in regard to the rent of a farm iu the court. So far the honors are evenly divided, Mr. Nave wining in in the attachment case and Sethman that of an injunction. We wish to call the attention of the readers of the Times to the ad vertisement of Williams Bros., in this issue. As figures tell the prices, read what they have to say. The Williams Bros., carry one of the nicest stocks of groceries in this city and are up to A ate merchants. They have built up a large trade. They have done so by selling the best goods at reasonable prices. See Williams Bros, before you buy. Small pox has broken out in Pleasant Hill, and thirty-five cases are reported to exist in the town. The public schools have been closed, also the Planters hotel, where the disease broke out, and the town has been quarantined by the state board of health. The disease was intro duced in the town by a stock man named Pratt, from Texas, stopping at the Planters hotel. Two farmers, Will Thomas and Bunk McGinnis, over the river north east of town, became involved in an altercation Saturday over a email sum of money. McGinnis felled Thomas with a neck yoke and then drew a pistol and was in the act of shooting him when Mrs. Thomas and her daughter unarmed the fren zied man, so it is reported. He then broke and ran and has not been seen siuce. liicu um iveview. Frank Harris and Foster Pollard are sentenced to be hanged in Kan sas City on March 16. It will be the first double hanging in the State since the Talbott boys were hung in Maryville, Nodaway county, for the murder of their father, Dr. P. H Talbott. In loo.J two men wer hung on the same scaffold in Pattee Town, St. Joseph, who had whipped Auctioneer Willard to death, a mile from that city. Ex. Smith & Potter, horse and mule buyers of this city, inform us that hey havp, on an average, shipped a carload of horses and mules to the Kansas City market each week since September last. Mr. Smith says Butler is kown to be the best mar ket for the above animals iu this sec tion of the state, and is so recogniz ed at Kansas City. You can always sell a good animal to the Butler buyerB who have headquarters in this city the year round. Congressman Burton will require the application of all his oily arts to explain to his constituents, satisfac torily, eorae of his votes in Congress ror instance, ne win undertake a very difficult task to explain why he jumped to the crack of the party T - l -It , and voted against the Senate's free coinage substitute for the bond bill Had Charlie Morgan been there, his voice would have been heard and his vote recorded on the side of his con stitueuts. Carthage Democrat. The Pleasanton, (Kans.,) Herald says the Jas. Staton, in jail in this city charged with stealing a span of horses from J. B. Small, north of this city, is no other person than Joe White, and that he has relatives in Pleasanton. About seventeen years agohe was seat to the peniten tiary for five years. The prosecuting attorney will no doubt look up the pedigree of Mr. Staton and also his penitentiary record which can be easily had, as well as parties from Pleasanton for indentification. There's a good solid working cou fort in a pair of Bccksrix Breeches. They're loose where looseness is ne cessary to comfcrt snug where snugness means good looks We don't stint cloth, cutting of stitches to make the pants the best in every way. Best wear, best looks they don't require any mending. Mend ing is done when the seams are Eew ed and the buttons are first put on. Likes the Times. Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 22, J. D. Alles. Deae Editor: I herewith inclose check for 200. Pleabe credit me on the Times book for the same. My paper comes to Jefferson City regular once a week; is perused with care and is a welcome visitor, indeed I could not do without the booming Times. Long may it wave Success to its noble editor and the democra cy of grand old Missouri. Respectfully, S. C. Alexander. Wm. M and John T. Gailey in company with our esteemed friend Sam Walls, who recently purchased farms in this county, gave the Times a pleasant call Tuesday. They come from Battle Creek, Iowa, and both are staunch democrats. The people of this sixth congres sional district were never prouder of their member of congress than at the present time. The course of Mr. DeArmond has not only won additional admiration from his dem ocratic constituency, but from the rank and fil of all other "r'es. Of course the jealousies of opposing politicians crop out but the more conspicuoucly by reason of his gen eral approval from the people. Dade Co. Advocate. For the first time in fifty years England has made the discovery that the United States has a government and has a president who means what he says and says what he means. The discussion in Parliament show that the English people didn't Bup- Pose President Cleveland would show his teeth in discussing the Monroe doctrine, but he did show them very plainly, and England thinks he has pretty good teeth after all. Clinton Democrat. Mayor Webster Davis, of Kansas City, is losing ground as a candi date for governor on account of re cent developments. A Times report er discovered that Davis' father had a job at $2 a day as watchman for a shanty and lumber pile worth about $4, where his sole duties seemed to be carrying beer and consuming it in company with a street inspector, who getB S3 a day and a horse hire for helping old mau Davis drink the bear. The reporter printed his dis coveries, and then a brother of the mayor showed up as clerk in the city hall, where he punched the pa per man's nose for talking about the old man. Such things have a ten dency to make a Statesman ridicu lous and to sour on his boom. Pleasant Hill Gazette. Big Deal in Minius Property, Deadwood, S. D , Feb. 19. The biggest deal in mining nroperty in the history of the Black Hills was concluded yesterday. For several mouths past a New York syndicate has had a bond on a large block of producing mines and after paying Messrs. Hague and Dagget t $30,000 to expert it werb satisfied with the property, but could not raise the amount of the bond, which was S3, 000,000- A compromise was made to day whereby the New York par ties paid over $1,100,000 for one- third of the capital 6tock of the com pany. No change in the management cf thecompany affairs will be made A Scandal Mongrel Exhibits Himself, Washington Correspondence, Chicsjfo Time Herald. One of the incidents of to-day session of the House would ordina- ray oe paeea in silence Dy press correspondents. One of the tradi tioas of newspaper work at this cap ital is that the personal habits of members of congrtes do not form proper subject for dispatches. If exceptions are now and then made they are for a good purpose, and the incident of to-day appears to form a fitting pretext for a departure from the rule. Three years 8go an Ala baina man named Howard gained a little brief notoriety by writing a book called "If Christ Came to Con gress." It was filled with scanda lous attacks upon the reputations of men and women whobe identity was concealed behind the thmest ve neering of paraphrased names. S.mfi of these attacks were based ou a little truth, many more were of a reckless, mendacious or purely im agu.ary character. Tee author .f this retched book whs elected a member of the present congress as a populist from Alabama. To dav he entered the house in a beastlv state of intoxicatiou, and a few ruin utes before the roll call on the silver question, was carried out by two of the employees of the house in full view of his fellow members and of hundreds of ladies in the galleries. G. XX A REMAIN IN BTJTLEffi Uook 1" LADIES AND it WHe has just oods are arriving daily. We will carry a com plete line of N-xW-f? 7'&iP$y&'!&& risArtSWSSasaasfc sae-s' Ladies Spring Wraps, Ladies Shirt Waists, fine line of Dry Goods, Embroideries and Laces. In.Boots eLXndL iSlnoes STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU HAVE Regulator of prices in Bates County. Want a Shine? If so, call at th O- K. barber 6hop, west 6ide, and L. W. Speed, the champion boot black of the city will fix you up in the latest style of the art. tf. WANTED A reliable lady or gen tleman to distribute samples and niake a house-to-house canvass for our Vegetable Toilet Soaps. $40 to 73 a month easilv made. Address Reed, 842 to 850 Austin Avenue, Chi cago, 111. WOMACK'S Cash Grocery Eve Openers ON PRICES. NO BAD DEBTS TO PAY. Nothing but CASH and produce will get my goods. Look here. 500 ft dry salt meat per tt Gc 10 cases fine sweet corn per can, 5 10 ' Cal peaches " 10 4i ' apricots 10 Greenock Lye " 10 ' powdered Eagle lye, 12 6 H I 25 Best bbl salt Just received a large crate of J. fc G Meakin"s pcjcelaiu plain white di&hes from factory, a very beautiful design, which I paid spot cash for, receiving discounts, kc. Can sell then lower than common white goods is bein sold for i;i this city. I want jour chickei s, turkeys, ducks, i geese, pigeons, ejjga and butter. ! Will nay the CASH all the time for eggs asd poultry. GOOD butter is ! scarce, bring i in at once. You will ifird rr.y good first-class, Kotbinw but the best. If tLey are not satis factory, kindly return them and get ycur mcaey back. Respectfully W. G. WOMAGK. ELMGER S DECIDED TO -AND REGULATE PRICES IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS.. returned from eastern markets, and : WE WILL SURPRISE YOU IN: The Democratic Central Commit tee of Rmdolph county at a meeting the other day resolved in favor of the free coinage of silver at the pres. ent ratio, but every member express ed himself as determined to stand by his party nominees from Presi dent down to constable, regardless of the silver question. That's the sort of talk we like to hear. Ex. Emile David was bung at Linn, Missouri, ou last Saturday morning at 8:43. His mother and sister call ed to see him the evening before the hanging. The mother and sister told the Sheriff they never saw any one hung and would like to witness it, and the Sheriff permitted them to stand within ten feet of the scaf fold where David was swung off. David had poisoned a young man named Henderson to keep him from marrying his ister. The family re fused to take the body after the hanging, saying "the county hnd started in with him and they might see him through." The family are reported to be a very ignorant out fit CliLton Democrat. Culver Items. Harmony school closed Friday with a dinner by the school and can dy by the teacher. Walter Decker, is no longer a mem ber in good standing of the batchelor club, as he violated its most sacred rule on the lttb, by marrying one of Summit's most worthy young ladies, Miss LaFollett. They will reside in the new house on the" hill, one mile west of Culver, where a host of friends wish them well. Rorn, on the 21st, to the wife of Tod Peters, a 11-pound girl. Tod was so disappointed that he at once bought a riding plow, his "boys all jfirls." Oscar Douglass is building a new house near the Drummond farm. Everything sold very well at Schauntz's sale. Havden Rav and wife, of Urich. are up on business. ! C J Greer was in Henry county, a day last week on business. j Newt Davis moved his house J mile south of Huffs. Little Homer Randall has been i quite sick with catarrhal fever. j W II Ellison and sons are fixing the 1 Culver farm up in good shape. S Mr and Mrs Peters made a trirj to ! Butler Friday. Leslie Billings has a bad arm, re sult of having been poisoned. T N Hendrix is away down in Ark. Jas Cannany bought the Scbauntz hack. Sun, SEEN OUE, LUST. Wolfe & Son bought our suiithtf loan or coal from the bank east soap creek. Doc RotrerH is still at work onhi house near "Bull run." Born, to the wife of I J HermWE. on the 2:)d a 10-pound boy. Rev Register tilled his regular if pointment the 4th Sunday. Billy Powell and family visitedW McFarland's family Sunday. HS begin farming in earnest this ire JACK. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well infors ed, to do pleasantly and effectuiiy what wa8 formerly done in W crudest manner and disagreeable well. To cleanse the system u3 break up colds, headaches, and h vers without unpleasant aftereffect! use the delightful liquid lautfrt j remedy, Syrup of Figs. Minnfr tured by California Fig Syrop Cos pany. - From LaGrippe. How Dr. Miles' Nervine Restored One of Kentucky's BiuAks tt.iV'i Men to fieri rTo DISEASE has ever presented peculiarities a3 LiGr!pDe. Nod Wtcs its victims &o debilitated, a1- s!eeoIes. nrve!e.s, as LaGrippe. Mr. I). W. IVAUizt. state asent of tb B2l Life Insurance Co.. of Kentucky, JsSO and 'V I had two sever SO?l fit LiGr:pp?, t.'s5 l.'i'-t one attacking B7T was systoia with mfn severity that"?? was impaired of. I hud not siep th-ta two mont:.5 c scent tyttenseM! cotics that EtapeSed rats, bat gV15 rc it. I was only eomcUiw of intent wtakrio;, o.-;.r.:7.i- bI:!y paia M" ia-t that I was hourly erowin? wetW When Sn thi s condition, I commence Tr. iUics' Kfcstorativ Xeriae. IJ"S I bf :ia to ; a; prove ar.d In one rnooth I s as cured, ranch to the surprise & knew of tny condition. I have beefl ; celient health since and have reWjfJj year remedies to many of my frieiw- TyvnlKVlMo Jan IMC n. W. Bfl"' i Dr. Mies' Kerrae Eestoro tT j.