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has returned from eastern markets and the goods are arriving daily. There are a
good many plums in the various lines.
Fine Black Goods, Mohair, Serges and Silks, Craventtes. Sicilians, Mohair Brocades, Summer
Silks, Wash Silks.Dimitys, India Linen.Challies, Batistes, Percales and Cheviots, also a fine line of
Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads and Window
which were bought at a special low figure and will be sold accordingly. Don't forget we sell you a
WOMKN are not the
only ones who are
sensitive about their
apres. A man uoesn l
like to be told thai
he i getting old.
Health keeps a man
young. It doesn't
make any difference
if he has lived eigh
ty years. If they
have been neaitny
"years, he will be
fhale and hearty and
won't look within
twenty years as old
as he is. Good di
gestion and rich, red blood make people
look youthful. Dr. Tierce's Golden Med
ieal Discovery makes rich, red blood. It
makes health in the right way. It works
according to the right theory, and in 30
years of practice, it has proved that the
theory is absolutely correct. It begins at
the beginning begins by putting the stom
ach, liver and bowels into perfect order,
but it begins its good work on the blood
before it finishes with the digestive system.
It searches out disease germs wherever
they may be and forces them out of the
body. All druggists keep the "Discovery."
1 1
2nd Hand Feed Mill, nearly new.
for sale. Enquire of Bennett-Wheel
Pleasant Hill has
of email pox. Two
seventeen cases
deaths have oc-
Ljsander Doteon and MiBS Mary
Cadwell, of Coffee county, Kansas,
were married by Probate Judge Dal
ton, Thursday evening of last week.
The couple were barely of ape and I
had eloped to Bates to get hitched
as the old folks objected. Just as
the Judge had tied the knot m the
rnoet approved style of the art, sher
iff Colyer entered the office and
placed the two under arrest, having
been bo requested by telegraph. He
held them an hour or so when the
old folks learning they were too late
to check the wedding ordered then
release and they were set free. From
general appearances neither of the
two looked like they were worth
making a fuss about or the cost of a
The merchants are receiving their
spring stocks of goods.
Gov. Greenhalge, of Massachu
setts, is reported to be on his death
John Nagley and Miss Emma
Peters were united in marriage by J
uev. catkins, on toe 1Mb.
Cures, absolute, permanent cures
have given Hood's Sarsaparilla the
largest sales in the world and the
first place among medicines.
Our old friend J. W. Ashbaugh,
called to see ua Tuesday. He says
he has been a constant subscriber to
the Times for seventeen years and in
all that time only missed two issues,
which he considered a great loss.
The Times regrets to learn
er Mer. Co.
13 lm.
Want a farm? Write A. Saxey,
Kossuth.Linn county, Kansas, about
his SO. Cheap. 14 1m.
"All signs fail" except pimples.
These never fail to indicate an im
pure condition of the blood, which
may be thoroughly cleansed and re
newed by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. The most efficacious aud eco
nomical of blood purifiers.
its esteemed friend J. H. Showalter,
living near Lone Oak, has sold his
farm and taken his departure for the
southeast part of the state, for the
purpose of looking up a new loca
tion. Mr. Showalter was one of the
stalwart and progressive democrats
of his township, and always took an
active part iu politics and could be
counted on to cast a straight ballot.
The Times commends him to the
people with whom he may cast his
Ed. S. Austin of Jefferson City
spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday
in town,taking a rest from his news-
that .paper labors. He has not been well
for some time and the vacation was
taken to recouperate.
If the cadaverous looking pictures
in the St. Louis papers are correct
likenesses of the personages from
the country who attended the sound
money conference in St. Louis Sat
urday, then the free silver crowd has
nothing to fear unless they are afraid
of ghosts.
W. W. Graves and J. S Francisco
J. M. Hogan. of Adrian neighbor j
hood favor ua with a renewal of his '
subscription for '97.
Frank Allison a former well
known citizen of this eounty,now re
siding on a farm near Walker, Yer
uon county, spent Saturday in this
city ou business, having come up
to look after some corn he owned.
While here he called on the Times
and renewed. He is favorably iia
pressed with his new home, aud re
ports corn selling at IS and 20 cents.
He said therewas considerable of a
howl about low prices, but he pre
ferred well filled granaries at 18 to
20c than empty ones at (50 and 75
cents per bushel, and as long as the
bins were full he would not abuse
the administration for over produc
tion and low prices. That is com
mon sense talk.
The blue bird ii hailed as a har
binger of Spring. It is also a re
minder that a blood-purifier is Deeded
to prepare the system for the debili-!
tating weather to come. Listen and
you will hear the birds singing:
"Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla in March,
April, May."
Cur esteemed friend F. F. Burch,
with his estimable wife and baby,
left the first part of the week for
Perry, Oklahoma, their future home.
The Times cau commend Mr. Burch
to the people of that community as
au honorable upright citizen "and
clever gentlemaD.
I L 1 l . ...
1UIJKS uu uonesi ana upngni citizen j attended the meeting of sound mon
and a kind and good neighbor, and ey democrats held in St. Louis. Satur-
day. AmoDg the proceedings we see
j Mr. Gravea was honored with a poii
Ition on the organization committea.
wishes him success
Sweetly at Rest
Maxwell Riley, the beautiful little I 2" " tt ugh democrat,
boy of Mr. and Mrs C. E. Dimmett. 1 at tb.e ame tim h
ri, 00n 'iuear 01 me aaministration ou tL
ii IT " f 1 1
tenderly laid to rest Sunday after-! llJb"ou- however, "the
nnnn , rw- w;n - !PartJ ln national convention wills
linn.1 r a Bimu fitt;:!erwise, he will gracefully fall mto
e,- 1 uu ubiiiii
jline and as heretofore lend his sup-
Cumberland Presbyterian church i
" u luc .iiiua ui uesus and
dence conducted by Rev. Blair of the ! ' UCKel Eamea-
The '-Battle of Roses'' at the
Some Day borne Time were se wa9 the 2nd exhibition of the eon
lections revered by a quartette and j test for supremacy between the
lira I inra TrimMa k , 1
r" "-u.vwuij.j ug!tiou8e of lorfc and the House ,f
rival Bailer Academy
The oratorv. music, bn?
bleep Liittle : T
xue iaii iuue lorm
tne sacreii i.n !U hv
t r - - - -
lie. tine ui our irnnii i . -;cui.ca.
8 changed to Belton. Cass conrTT V,u nya ; a delightful evenina entertainment i
. He has been bavin- creat t ."rl"U ; for our citizens, and o nearly equally '
trouble with his eyes. losing the nrmn;oa ;.i ri: ; iV:: ,T imaietiea were tne contesting soeie-
sight of them entirely, and he leaves i rTZiYSX" T" i"i 1,1 u a8 I ties at five judges, checking
his farm and goes to Belton for the ! -,artiafa " r ou jthe merits of each participant, after
purpose of consulting Dr Moad. an !
oculist of that place The Times hopes j rttjYpg, r stricken parents and
ucwiu luttmuu success ana mat i . ..
t, . t, , , , , . , . i "I cD!Jot ty ndl will cot t
the doctor may ba able to give him I Ththeidii-He; jBwV.
permanent relief. ! Democrat.
summing np the result, found only
a few points difference end it was
tacitly agreed to call it a "draw"
and let them try it over again at
future date.
a i
Dr. J. IT. Watts, druggist and physi
cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with
heart disease for four years, trying every
remedy and all treatments known to him
self and fellow-practitioners; believes that
heart disease is curable. He writes:
"I wish to tell what your valuable medi
cine has done for me. For four years I had
heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev
eral physicians I consulted, said it was
Rheumatism of the Heart.
It was almost un
endurable; with
shortness of
breath, palpita
tions, severe
pains, unable to
sleep, especially
on the left side-
No pen can de
sc-noe my suncr-
vings, particularly j
Idurin? the last !
months of those 1
lour weary years.
DR. J. H. WATTS. 1 finally tried
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and was surprised at the result. It put new
life Into and made a new man of me. I
have cot had a symptom of trouble since
and 1 am satisfied your medicine has cured
xno for I have now enjoyed, since taking it
Three Years cf Splendid Health.
1 might add that I am a druggist and have
sold and recommended your Heart Cure, for
1 know what it has done for me and only
wish I could state more clearly my suffer
ing then and the pood health I now enjoy.
Vonr Nc-rr:r.e ar.d other remedies also
give excel!: ut satisfaction." J. H. Watts.
Humboldt, Neb., May 9, 94.
Dr. Miles Heart Care is sold on a positive
Fuarantt-e that the rst bottle will benefit.
All crusrits sell it at (L 6 bottles for 85. or
it wiil tie sent, prepaid, ca receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Led.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
,-im r-r
Summit Items.
Fanning begins this vjek and
items may be scarce for a while.
Frank Chambers ays he is going
into the hog business and bust the
That wedding took place on time,
if not a little ahead.
Some patches of oats were sown
last week.
H W Cinridy, who has been down
with a spell of pneumonia fever, is
W H Tyler is so industrious that he
sows his grass seed bv moonshine.
Roads are getting in good shape
again which make all more at ease,
especially those w ho have to change
Geo Lawsori reiiortshisfntiiprlnml-
ing so heavy with wood as to mire
down on dry roads. Six horses were
sufficient to take it out, however, but
his wagon was broken.
J. Phillips bought corn at lyi cents
per bushel, and thinks that is more
than the cattle market will justify
him in paying.
The road overseers of our township
should have observed, during the
spell of bad roads, where it is neces
sarv and what is tippilrl in nvniii
those impassable places on the roads
again, llie people of this township
will call you blessed if your duty is
performed in the ricrht direction.
Joe Stearns has been confined to
his bed with a severe case of la rrir
A little child of Wm Warner's, who
is living on Jas Reynold's farm, died
Saturday night.
John Moore has some ripe cattle
for market, bat thinks the market
not omte rine enoucrh for th- i.ttu
The Populists have a broad and
pleasant smile on their faces over the
apparent rent in the J)eiuocratie and
Republican parties, which rh
wiil bring thousands of vots to their
party. .ow. Mr Potw von ..hr,.!,i
not build too high in hopes on what
jou win ger iroiu these parties. The
truth is the rent is not so bad when
you come to examine some past his
tory of parties, as it might first to-1
pear. There has always been monl
or less division in the great partis!
on certain lines, which are generaByl
setiiea in tue national conventiow, I
and when the Chieacro conventual
meets, whatever dillerences may
ist will be settled, and in a waythK
all will acquiesce. The part? villi
come tnrongn the campaign S
merited in numbers and should a f
occur in the Republican convents!
at St Louis, the Democratic naitr I
will reap the benefit and not the Pep-
ulist. The Republicans do not likeil
i-opuiist and 'twould be hardfortM
Populists to draw that vote in lair I
numbers unless the good things weR
in sight and this would onlyoccuri
certain localities. Jno, it don't kx4
so gioomy mat we are ready to
out. A lively old party willbetbj
Democratic in the next camnaienwdl
the next, and when it is dead andfo
principles laid aside which wetmot
will never be sad will be the eoniM
tion of this fair and noble land.
W. R. C.
Thanks are herebv tendered tie
teachers and pupils of the Batler
schools for the loyal and patriotk
or of our hero's birthday, but to tb
d A R and WRC as well. The warn
bracing atmosphere, the conrtw
fchown by the G A R, andthemilitarf
music by the band made an epteofc
in the W R C long to be remembered
By order of the Corps.
Alice Spkecb Lybargkh,
Press Correspondent
Nevada baa one case of small jxs
brought to town by a negro 9
from Kaneaa City, named Lioa?-
In the Louse where the patieot j
quarantined is a family of eight H
men nd children.
I - X THOMPSON, President,
fc. A. BENNETT, Vice Pre.
K. D. KIPP, Cashier.
J". EVERIXfiHAM, Secre tarv.