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ISAAC FOWLER&CO. DEALERS IN- Hardware, Groceries, Stoves and Tinware. Highest prict a paid for country produce. We invite everybody to call and examine our stock and prices. We expect to meet all competition. ISAAC FOWLER. 4 RE YOU BANKRUPTinheahh, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding t!ic laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. IUSIIED 11A1H TL'KXKD WHITE- Sexton Uerudon Scared bran Upheaval In a Crave. Wolcott, N. Y., April 15. Rela tives of those who have died in and near the little hamlet of North Wol cott, six miles north of here, recently have had great difficulty in securing anyone to dig graves, in some in stances haviDg to do the work them selves. Timothy Uerndon, a local charac ter, has for many years officiated as sexton aud grave digger. Late in March he was engaged to dig the grave of a young girl named Walters. He set about his task about night fall, and early in the evening was observed still at work. An hour later loud cries were heard in the neighborhood, and Herndon was observed running ruadly for home and screaming wild, ly. Arrived there,' he said that he had encountered spirits near the bottom of the grave, who had heaved open the ground, thrown him down and sought to bury him. A party went to the graveyard, but could see nothing. In the morning, however, the ground at the bottom was found broken, and an investigation disclos ed the fact that the digger had come upon the winter home of a family of woodchucks, whose struggles had terrified him. llerndou and some of his ignorant neighbors, however, refused to believe this simple expla nation, and will not go near the cem etery under any circumstances. The former's hair has changed from a bright red to white from the scare he underwent. It May Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe paius in his back an.1 also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kulcey cures but without auy good result. About a year ago he begau use of Electric Bitters and found relief at ouce. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price 50c and $1 At H. L. Tucker's drug store. -21 it. " llarrisbur. Ark . April 1G. Dep uty Sheriff P. V. I'erkins was called to his door, threo miles south of town last night find shot by un known parties with adouble-barrelad sjhotguTj. He is thought to be mor tally wounded. No clew has yet been discovered. SETTLEMENT IMICKET. Pro but e Settlement Docket May Term, 1 (. 1st Day May 11. Estates. Elsie I Calvin, John A Ford G C" Annie K Manjuardt. Theo marqnaiMt Guard. James V Nance, W S Hutchison G & C. Josia P Stanley, r J Tygard and J U Clark Curators. J W Masking, J C Lane Adm'r. 2D DAYfc Mary G Presler. R C Mudd Adm'r. Weaver Miller, J F 1? rooks guard. Kmina Chambers, C K Morton G k C. T Lisle Standisb, C E Morton Adm'r. C M lSutts, Kaney & Washburn Adm'r. So DAY. Clinton Kalston, James Dudley Adm'r. Kore6t Caldwell, John Mornback Gnard. Kay Holloway et al. Freelin Holloway G & C. Joseph Baum. J K I? a urn Adm'r. Tominie Chambers et al, Mary Chambers Guard. 3d day. Rosa Roof. I. Orear Adm'r. H rooks A Mains, Isaac N Mains Adm'r. Uan'l Laubenstine, alentine Laubenstlne Adm'r. I.nla Hanfman et al. Wm Minnick G & ('. Win r Kazey et al, Gilbert Ka.ey G & V. 4TII DAT. James N Smith, Anneta V Smith Adm'r. Aneee Smith et al, Anneta V .Smith Curator. N V Majors, Susan Majors, Adm'rx. Mark Lutsenhizer, M Steele Kxec. Wm Worrell, J K Williams Curator. ,lrii DAY. I.yda Hulse et al, John K Maine G & C. Maud K Sheperd, Georee M Sheperd Guard. DeloB Coppatie et al, C B Davis G & C. .1 l Anderson, W B Holey Adm'r. Mary K weaden, J U Weaden Guard. fiTII DAY. Olive Jones, II P Jones G 4 C. Bunr Price. George Price G & C. Nathan Hart et al, Aaron Hart Curator. Hosa Bell Deck, Geo Templeton Adm'r. Fred Kelsnrr, Wm E Walton Curator. itn DAY. Chas L Radford, Jno B Newberry Curator. Win J Crow, Martha Crow Adm'rx. R P Sheppard, Anna Sheppard Adm'rx. Mary 5heppard, II B Chelf Gnard. Mary J Field, John II Sullens Kxec'r. STll DAY. Adam Kriper, Katherine Kriper Guard. Abraham Krigeret al. katherine KrifjerGuar. Carver, Sainantha Carver Adm'ri.. John E Tnttle, L B Allison G C. Mary m Cheatham, W F Jackson Adm'r. tii DAT. Margaret Komine, J B Chowninjr, Adrn'r. Maggie Newel, S F Warnock Adm'r. Geo A Heath, S F Warnock Adm'r. Thos S Hudson. Wm F Hudson Adm'r. J as VV Whinnery, Theo Lackey A W C Brown llTll DAT. Albrt DuffF, GeoTfte F Alsbach Curator. Travine S Payne et al, wary Payne G ft C. Quintns Silvers. Charles A Denton Curator, iiararet A Davis et al . II G Davis Curator. Harry Hill, Mamie Hill Adm'rx. Utii DAY. JasLCassity, Lafayette Cassity Adm'r. C lyases G Welch. Almyrie Welch G ft C Joel Zinn, John Zinn Adm'r. Koaa BigKS et al, 11 W Tuttle Curator. Hiram Johnson, Oakley C Johnson Adm'r. STATE OF MISSOURI. County of Bates, ) I hereby certify the above and forezoinj to be a true and correct copy of the settlement uocKei iorme lerm oi the probate court com mencing on the Ilth dav of Mav. ISHi . Witness my hand and seal this the l &KALJ t,m uay or April, lstti. WM. m. DALTOS. 21- Judge of Probate REGULATOR THE BEST spring wmmm Simmons Liver Regulator uor.'c r.Tct to take it. The Liver gets si...-; : h "ir-Z the Winter, just like ail r.aiure, e iem ixvomes cnoKea up rv unrelated waste, which brir.r rh LiLi Fever and Ague an J Rheur. s:::. You want tj wake up vour Liw. : v. be sure vou take "SlM.v.ON$ ?vlr Regulator to do it. it zu n: L r: v.- lates t:ie Liver keers it : -r-vr!v r-t urier. your system wiii b t:'.e frcni -iscn and the whole bedv invigcrated. Vou set THE lSHST 1?L001 when rur system is in Al condition, and that :.i only he when the Liver is kept active, rv a Liver Remedy .in J r-.-!t.- th P y w T j c;rierer.ce. But Take eniv SIMMONS I L: l-.r Regulator it is Simmons j LiVER REGULATOR xvhich rr.a'ies the i ;Kcre-Ke. Take it in powder cr in liquid 1 c.eaiv prepared, cr make a tea cf the ! py-vder: rut take SIMMONS LlVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z cn every pucKage. Look for it. -: J. H. ZeiUn & Co., PLiiadelphlr.. Pa. United Confederate Veterans- New Orleans, La., April 11. The following general orders were issued from headquarters of the United Confederate Veterans by Gen. J. B. Gordon this afternoon: -'With pride the gereral com manding congratulates the United Confederate Veterans that the cum ber of camps iu our historical and benevolent association has reached S00. lie fttla assured that the num ber will easily reach 1,000 by the date of the Richmond ieucior, on June 30 aud July 1 and 2 next, if the division commanders will from this moment actively push the or ganization of caaips in their respec tive divisions. He urgts them to immediate action; so that the old veterans can all be united and thus preserve and perpetuate a irue and impartial history of their glory, and aid the disabled, the needy and the widows and orphans, and keep alive the memory and transmit to posteri ty the grand deeds of their deceased comrades. Veterans in every locali ty are ured to send at once to these headquarters for necessary papers and organize camps." OLDEST AMD QRBCEKAL I KB io West 9th St., Kansas City, TAo, Regular graduate-authorized by the state, and conceded to be the leading aud moat successful Specialist in BLOOD, MERtf OUS and URINARY DISEASES. NERVOUS CEBILITYSSS&ffi1 temper, lack of development, backache, dizzi ness, spots before eves and other gloomy symp toms perfectly cured. I flQTVITAI iTYTnilkvurine'lncontien('e LUC I VIIMLII I pro.stiitorrb.03ti and all kin dred troubles absolutely cured. SYPHILIS ?S any stape. causing sore throat, fallinif hair, puin in bones and many other symptoms, cured iermancntltj tcitk out Mercury. IIDIUADY niCACCQ quickly relieved and uiiiiinui uiounuuu thoroughly cured. UADIPflPCI C orenlarped veins of scrotum, inillUUULLL causing spermatorrhoea, sex ual weakness, etc., cured without surgical op eration. RUPTURE CURED without the use of knife or truss. Dll CICTUI A etc. .cured tw new and rlLLOj riOlULHf painless methods. (Book on above diseases free for stamp.) II I who consult DIt. B. J. WHITTIF.R, the fli I I'ioneer Specialist of the West, cither in person or by letter, will receive the can did opinion of a physician well known for experience, skill and Integrity. No premises rnsds that cannot be fulfilled. Medicines furnished atsmall cost and shipped anywhere secure from observation. 2 reatment never sent C. O. D. Free Consultation and Urinary Analysis. Office hours, 9 to 4 and 7 to 8. Sunday, 10 to 12. ! A PTC f 'nterest men young an-t old, by INV 5 mail sealed for 6 cents stamps. Call or address in strict confldence DR. K. J. WHITTIER, IO West Ninth Street, (Near Junction) Kansas City, Mo. Order of Publication. STATK OF MISSOURI, . county ot Bates, S -i In the circuit court of Bates countv, Miesonri, in vacation, April ind lW, the state of Mis souri at the relation and to the use or $ II Fisher, ex-omcio collector of the revenue of Bates county in the state of Missouri, plain tiff vs. Louisa Stewart and the unknown heirs of Michael Stewart, deceased, defend ants.' Civil action for delinquent taxes. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attornev, before the undersigned clerk of the circuit court of Bates county in the state of Missouri, in vacation and having heretofore on the th day of December, 1895, filed herein her petition and affidavit, stating among other things that the above named defendant, Michael Stewart is dead and during his lifetime Bnd at the time of his death was the owner of the land in plaintiff's petition described. That the defendant Louisa Stewart is his widow. that plaintin is nnable to set out the names of tne nttirs or said Michael Stewart for the rea son that they are unknown to this plaintiff and and its officers and agents, but such heirs are made parties defendants herein as the un known heirs of Michael Stewart, deceased. That defendant, Louisa Stewart, ia a non resident of the state of Missouri. Whereupon It is ordered bv the clerk in vacation that said defendants be notined by publication that plaintiff has commenced asait against them in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of he state of Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the year 1mi, amounting in the aggre gate to the sum of$e:; 4ti, together with inter est, costs, commission, fees, upon the follow ing uescnoeu tracts oi land situated in Bates connty, Missouri, to-wit: 1 ne west half of the southeast quarter of section inree. township thtrtv-eight of range twenty-nine, and that unless'the said delend- ant De ana appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates countv. Missouri, on the first Tuesday after the second Monday In June. iw. and on or before the third dav thereof it the term shall so long continne, and if not then before the end or the term.l and plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer of said petition, and the above desc: ibed real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it ia farther ordered by the clerk afore said that a copy hereof be published in the Butler weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates countv. Mis souri, for four weeks successive, the"last in sertion to be at least lilteen davs before the first day of the next term of said conrt. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal isKAL of said court hereunto affixed. Bone at office in Bntier on this the 2nd day of April, !-.,. STEWART ATCHEOX. Circuit CleTk. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given, that letter of administration on the estate of J hn O" J ea,deef ased, were granted to the tinderrijrned on the Kth dav of March 1 .:, by the probate court o' Bates county, Mi.-souri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the execu tor within one year after the date of said letters, ortheyiuavbe preclude! from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be ot exhibited "within tTro years from the date of this pub lication, they shall be forever barred. This 16th dav of March, 1S6. Johx H. O'Dea, l--it Administrator. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, ? ea Connty of Batea. i 88 In the circuit court of Bates countv, Missouri, in vacation, March 19th' lys;. The state of miseouri at the relation and to the use of S II Fisher ex-omcio collector of the revenue ot Bates connty in the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. tdward Morgan, defendant. Ciil action tor delinquent taxes. Now at this day comes the plaintin' herein by her attorney, before the undersigned clerk of tne circuit court ol oates county in ttie state of Missouri in vacation and Hies "her affidavit, ttatir.n anions otherthing that the above nam ed defendant, Edward" Mors&n, is a non residents of the state of Missouri Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation, that said defendants be notined by publication that plaintiff has commenced a"e nit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the ob ject and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri lor the delin quent taxes of the year IsC. amountinir in the asrepate to the sum of $t..vj, together with Interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the fotlowinj; described tracts of land situated in Bates county. Missouri, to-xvit: lle:inning :o-i links east of the nonhead cor ner block T welve, Cogswell's addition to the city of Butler, east loo links , south 27v links west Kto links, north -.'To links to be (linnin in section twenty-three, township iorty of range thirty-one and that unless the said defendants be and appear at the nex term of this coart to be begun aud holden in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, on the first Tuesday after the second Monday In dune, 1C96, and on or bjfore the third day thereof, ifthe term shall so Ion? continne, if not then before the end of the term, and plead to said petition according to iaw, th same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered ac cording to the prayer of said petition, and the above described reai estate sold to satisly the earns. And it is further ordered by the clerk afore said that a copy hereof be published in the Butler t eekly limes, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, Mis souri, lor lour weeks successively, the last in sertion to be at least fifteen days beiore the nrst dav of the next term of said court A true copy from the record. Witnes.-s my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal sealI ofsaldconrt hereunto affixed Done at office in Butler on this the 19th dav of March, 1,!W. STEWART ATCHESON . 'l-4t Circuit Clerk. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, ) c County ot Bates. i ' In tne circuit court ot Hates county, Missouri, in vacation, March itli, iiy6, the state ot Missouri at the relation and to the use ot S II Fisher ex-otllcio col lector ot the revenue of Uates countv in the state of Missomi, plaintiff, s. C W llollenhack, defendant. Civil action tor delinquent taxes. Now at this Jay comes the plaintin heiein by her attornev tetore the un dersigned clerk ot the circuit" court of Bates countv in the state of Mis souri, in vacation ana nies ner amaavu, statin" anions; other things that the above named defendant, C W 1 lollenback is a non-resident ot the state ot Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation, that said uetenuants be notined by publication that plaintitt har com menced a suit agams-t htm in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature ot which is to entorce the lien ot state ot Missouri for the de linquent taxes ot the vear iSp amounting in the aggregate to the sum of S3.S4 to gether with interest, costs, commission and tees, upon the following described tracts of land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to wit: Lot thirteen and fifteen, block eleven in the village ot Sprague, and that un less the said defendant be anf appear at 'he next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city ot Butler, Bates countv, Missouri, on the tirst Tuesday after the second Monday in June, iS, and on or beiore the third day thereof, it the term shall so long continue, and it not then retore the end ot the term, and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer ot said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered by the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereof be publish ed in the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, Missouri, for four weeks successively the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day of the next term of said court. A true copy from the record. Witness , my hand as clerk aforesaid wii seal J- the seal ot said court hereunto "". affixed. Done at office in But ler on tliis the 19th dav of March, 1S96. Stewart Atchesov, 21 4t Circuit Clerk. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, County ot Bates, j In the circuit court ef Bates county, Missouri, in vacation, April 4th, 1S96, the state of Missouri at the relation and to the use ot S H Fisher ex-otncio col lector of the revenue ot Bates countv in the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Chris Schmit, O II Hoss, trustee; Farm 6: Home Savings k. Loan Association of Missouri, Thos M Orr, tnstee; and Geo E Bayle, deiendants. Civil action tor delinquent taxes. Now at tliis day comes the plain till herein bv her attorney, before the un dersigned clerk ot the circuit court of Bates count) in the state of Missouri, in vacation and files her petition and affidavit, stating among other things that the above named defendant Chris Schmit, is a non-resident of the state ot Missouri. Whereupon it is or dered by the c'.crK in vacation that said defendants be notified bv publication that plaintitt has commenced a suit against them in this court b petition and affidavit the object and general na ture ct which is to entorce the lien oi state of Missouri tor the delinquent taxes of the year iSt amounting in the aggregate to the sum ot 511.21 together with interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following described tracts of land situated in Bate- countv, Mis souri, to-wit: West half of lot three and all ot lots loui, live and six in block one hundred and one in the city of Rich Hill, and that unless the said defendants be and appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the citv ot But ler, Hates county, Missouri, on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in June, IN6, and on or beiore the third day thereot it the term shall so lon continue, and it not then before the end ot the term and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and ludgrrsent ren dered according to the praier ot said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satistv the same. And it is further ord-reJ bv the clerk atcresaid that a c py hereof be publish ed in the But'er Weekly Times, a week ly newspaper printed and, published in Bates county, Missouri, for lour weeks successively the last Insertion to be at leaat fifteen davs Deiore the first da oi the next term of said court. A true copy from the record. Witness mv hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal seelJ of said court hereunto affixed. Done at office in Butler on this tlie 4th day ot April, iSi. "Stewart Atchesox,' 2f-4t Circuit Cierfc. As go o'd ascan! Re made regardless of price for other Brands Onl for DohT take for it, but and see 1 ST "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAP A Quarter of a Year T Twiee-a-Week Time ALMOST GIVEN AWAY 11 v Beginning January 1, The Kansas City Twice a-Week Times will ba sent to any address in the United States Four Months for 25 CMf! The Presidential Campaign will soon be here. Already the signs B point to a most exciting time. You can't afford to be with outapape that prints all the news of all the parties. The Times has fully prepared itself to print more campaign newi than any paper west of New York. Special correspondents will tell tb truth and keep you fully posted from day to day. Exclusive writers at Washington have been especially engaged fa the work. Can you afford to be without this information when 25 cenil will keep you fully and faithfully advised for four long months' Don't delay. This offer will not last long. REMEMBER THE CAMPAIGN RATE 23 CENTS FOR FOUR MONTHS THE TRAINED NURSE touches thg Spot rV -ktiiisr, with I'D ii t ni 4- '-e- EVER ? E!C SOLD FOR . 1 FOR SALE BY 3 L. 7. -C-TV DEALERS EVERYWHERE onnoes DD cents D (D) cents our word buy a piece; for yourself. OLIO for a Quarter of aDolar. u IBICES , ie tat Try a can of Hopkins Steamed thei Hominy(hulied corn.) It is delicioui store Fult quart, 10c. 6-S-B- ieat few R Popular Magazikb FDR THE KOBE. I 6fl x. m fin And i K3 - J LESLIE'S OPULAR MON T L i Fronttepiece; !2 Quart-. I'uxct Matter; ! New end Hic;h-ciE34 i-'"'' ti.n- More Ijttrarv y.attt-r tr i I " tion than any other Ma-.-ozins U AC? 25 s.; 3 a i ear. Frank Leslie's Fieasa;!! FOR BOYS AND C'LC. Fully Sliastraf tfi. Th" writ-rj frww, jple c.ritrlbut-j t.j it. 10 ' : SI T i HI. ..S3 50 RCTLER W ilKLV Times and Plcasatt Hours Undoubtedly the Best Oluli (Has for Hew lUuxtratrd T'rem .utn if . r 9 1 so te sp th le SS5S iwoui I CM