Newspaper Page Text
3 IBeiiit 1 la- jo the tree will grow. The leave a lasting impression. sphere of woman, she cannot the art of taking care of it lessons she cau learn is that is not only the most efficient means of keeping things clean, but the most economical as well. Whether used for washing clothes or cleaning house it proves its worth beyond question. It's never too late for a woman to learn the Clairette lesson. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. St. Louis. MoFARALND BROS. harness tr'sLeather Treo Saddle s 1 all per. wi the for nts . and V fcf ft ftfXrMSl &FAKL.AND BROS. Order of Publication. FATE OF MISSOURI, r . , . . ' as. vouikv 01 nates. ) It the Circuit rnvirf of U.ntpa rotintv. wouri, in vacation, April 4th, lSob Ute of Missouri at the relation and "KuseotSlt Fisher ex-officio col Worof the revenue ot Bates county in JfiUte of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. An- ued oui -in. f mchards, defendant. vtvil action tor delinquent taxes, 'owttthis dav conies the nlaintitf r"ln by her attornev, betore the un signed clerk ot the circuit court ot tet county in the state ot Missouri, tion and files her petition and kvit, statit.g among other things the above named defendant, Andrew Wrds is a non-resident of the state of "wourl. Whereunon it is ordered bv Clerk in vacatinn. K.niH r!,- pJntbe nptifd by publication that fniifi has commenced a 6uit against I- mi court oy petition and atnaa e object and" general nature of "jth U to enforce the lien ot the state 'Niteouri tor the delinquent taxes ot to the sum of $5.05 together with costs, commission and tees, n the following described tracts of situated in Bates countv, Missouri, wit: " frock twenty in the west side fion to 'he citv of Butler and that un rHtnetaiH 1 .... v... .. j . w.x. . t. "v. hum nij' i V rext term , ui . k.. raoolan in the citv ot Butler, Bates .r""'! Missouri, on the first Tues f,T liter the m.mhJ NT On Or bt'tort th thiri. Hnv tot. if th. t.,. ... . . 1 V "nun sy coil- rind it not then before the end ot Lj5rm nd plead to said petition ac- fome to law. tt.t vl 11 Kill r- rilan titK8 rnvtr ot said petition :. bove described real estate sold d U is further ordered bv the clerk t. that a tl,PV hereof be publish the Butte- Weeklv Times, a veek spacer printed and published in er, Bates countv, Missouri, tor lour UCCessiflv . tin. l i vt i 1. . . .. , . "ea-t htteen i.ivs h.trr th first 'otthe next term ot this court. m-tm . "na as cletk aforesaid with tin- 1 ui mu court nereunio affixed. r"ltOlSr in t.iis the 4 th 'W April, IS). Stewart Atchesox, Circuit t.'ierk. 4t- early lessons of childhood As the home is the true begin too young to acquire One of the most helpful t South Side Square Butler Mo. Read and See What we Keep in Stock We.keep everything that horse owners need. Double wagon harness from $10 to 30. single harness, S7.50 to 825; second hand harness from $3 to $15. Saddles of all styles and prices, from the cheapest to the steel fork cow boy and sole leather spring seat saddles. Lap robes, horse blankets, dusters and fly nets. Harness oil and soaps full line of mens and boys gloves. Trim buggy tops new and repair old ones. Bring your old harness and saddles and trade for new ones. We have the largest retail har ness store in the Southwest and our har ness are all made at home. Butler SViissouri. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI County of Bates. ss. In the circuit court of Bates countv, Missouri, in vacation, March 27th, 1S96, the state ot Missouri at the relation and to the use of S II Fisher ex-oflicio col lector ot the levenue of Bates countY in the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs J J Edwards, defendant. Civil action tor delinquent taxes. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, betore the un dersigned clerk ot the circuit court of Bates countv in the state ot Mis souri, in vacation and file her petition and ainjavit, stating among other things that the above named defendant, J. J. Edwards is a non resident ot the state ot Missouri. Where upon it is ordered by the clerk in vaca tion, that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenc ed a suit against him in this court by pe'.ition and affidavit the object and gen eral nature ot which is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri tor the de linquent tares ot the year 1S94 amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $3.?4 together with interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following described tracts of land situ ated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lots live and six block twenty-eisiht in the city ot Rich Hill and that unless the said defendant be ana appear at the next term of this court to be bejrun and holden in the citv of Butler. Bates county, Missouri, on" the tii st Tuesday atter the second Monday in June, ii)6, and on or pefore tiie third day thereof, if the term shall so long continue, and if not then before the end ot the term, and plead to s iid petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment ren dered according to the prayer of said petition, and the above described real estate sold so satisfy the same aforesaid that a copy hereot be publish- ed in the Butter Weekly Times a weeklv newspaper printed and published ia 1 . ' . . ' , Bates county, Missouri, foi tour weeks, successivclv, ttie last insertion to h- at least fifteen das betore the first dav ot i .1 . i tne next term ot said court. A true copv from the record. itness j . mv hand as clerk aloresaid with ! skat- - the seal ot said court hereunto atnxed. Dore at office in But- ! ler on.this the J7th dav of March, tSqt. i Stewart Atchesox. 2l-t Circuit Clerk t Order of Publication STATE OF MISSOURI, County ot Bates, f In the circuit court of Dates county, Missouri, in vacation, March iMh, iS(, the state ot Missouri at the relation and to the use of S II Fisher ex-urticio col lector ot the revenue or Bates countr in the state of Missouri, plaintiff. s. C K Hull, defendant. Civil action for delinquent taxes. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, betore the un dersigned clerk ot the circuit court of Bates count v in the state of Missouri, in vacation and fles her petition and alti- vit stating among other things that the above named defendant, C E Hull is a non-resident ot the state of Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered bv the said clerk in vacation that said defendant be notified bv publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature ot which is to en force the lien of the state of Missouri for the delinqueut taxes ot the year 1S94 amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $s0.qS, together with interest, costs, commxssion and fees, upon the follow ing described tracts of land situated in Bates countv, Missouri, to-wit: Beginning twentv five feet south ot the northeast correr ot block six, of Montgomery's first addition to the city of Butler, Missouri, running south seventy-seven feet; west seventy-five feet; north fortv-hve feet; west seventy five feet; north thirty-two feet, and east ore hundred and fifty feet, and that unless the said defendant be and appear at the next term of this court, to be begun and holden in the city ot Butler, Bates coun ty, Missouii, on the Qth day of June, ibiit, and on or betore the third day thereof, if the term shall so long con tinue, and if not then before the end ot the term, and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer ot said petition, ana the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered bv the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereof be publish ed in the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in But ler. Bates countv, Missouii, for four weeks successi velv, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day ot the next term of said couit. A true copv from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal Seal, ot said court hereunto affixed Hone at office in Butler on this the iSth day of Match, 1S9G. STEWART ATCHKSON. 20 4t Circuit Clerk Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI ) t . ... . . t... ; - " VOUIll) Ol UtllCS, ) In the circuit couit of Bates county, Mis souri, in vacation, April 2nd, 1S96, the state ot Missouri at the relation and to the use of S II Fisher, ex-officio collector ot the revenue of Bates coun ty, in the state of Missouii, plaintiff, vs. S Lydia Richards, defendant. Civil action tor delinquent taes Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein bv her attorney, before the un dersigned clerk ot the ciicuit court ot Bates county in the state ot Missouri In vacation and having heretofore filed herein her petition and affidavit stating among other things that the above named defendant S Lvdia Richards, is a non resident ot the state of Missouri. Where upon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation that said defendant be notified ty publica tion that plaintiff has commenced a suit against her in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature ot which is to enforce the lien of the state ot Missouri tor the delinquent taxes ot the years 1890, 1S91, 1S92 and 1S93 amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $13 99 together with interest, costs, commission and fees upon the following described tracts ot land situated in Bates countv, Missouri, to-wit: Lot one, block one hundred and eighty nine town Co.'s fifth addition t the city ot Rich Hill, and that unless the said de fendant be and appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates county, Mis souri, on the first i uesdav aftei the sec ond Monday in June. 1S96. and on or before the third day thereof (if the term shall so long ontinue,. and if not then betore the end ot the term,) and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accorJing to the prayer ot said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is furttier ordered by the clerk aforesaid that a copv hereot be published in the Butler Weekly Times, a weeklv newspaper printed and publish ed in Bates county, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day of the next term of this court. A true copv from the record. Witness my hand as clerk atoresaid with the Tseal seal of said court hereunto af fixed. Done at office in Butler on this the 2nd dav ot April, i?6. STEWART ATCUESOX, iy-4t Circuit Clerk. O -iit r of Publication. STATE OF MISSOUtti. ( e. County of Bates. In the Circuit Court of Bates county, Missouri In vacation March 17th. !:", Daniel Dexott plaintiil. vs Uebecca Deuolt, defendant. Now at this dav comes the plaintiff, herein by his attorney, VV. O. Tackton before the undersigned clerk of tne circnit court of Hates countv. Mo., in vacation and tiles his petition and aihdavit alleging Biltong oltier things that defendant, Rebecca Deiiott is not a resident of the state of Missouri : w hereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation mat said ceiendant be notified by publication tiit plaintiff hug commenced a suit i.atnst nor in this court by petition and affidavit the oh iect and general na urt ot which is to obtain a decree ot divorce iroru tha defendant on account ot indiirmties offered to p'.aiiititl by defendant, and that defendant bus boen guilty of adultery and that unless the said Keberca Deuolt. be and appear at thit court, at the next terra lut-reof, to be begun and holden a; tn court house in the city of Butler, in sai 1 county on the itih day of J une, ls next, ana on or before the third day of said term, if tne term shall so tUe last day of said term answer or plead to tae petition i" said cause, tne same wi;l be isten as confessed au i judgment will be rcn- uered accordingly. An.ue it furtner ordered that a coiy hereof b published, according to law. in the Bitlh wkkkly Timks, a weekly newspir print! nnd published ia Laves coaniv. Mo., fur four t8 9UCCesiiVf.iT. lhe ast insertion t- be at least Ufteen davs before tne first day of the next term of the circtut court A tralcopv tuhrecordf ' CirCn" w'itness my hand and the seal of the (skal) Circuit court of Bate County, this ISthdav of March. ISW. STF.WAET ATCUESOX. eircait Clerk. -4t Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI. County el Bates. 6S- In the circuit court of Bates county Missouri, in vacation April 14th. I.-.t.. tne state of niifisourl at the relation ami to the nse of S H risher. ev-oitieio collector or the revenue of FatfJ county in th state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Oeorze M t'auterburv. E 1 Kii.p, Myrtlw m Kipp, James T Wails, Marv J Wilson. Ilattie A Lov.laii l W W Graves, ' ilefenilauta. iivii action lor tp!imiaent taxes. " Sow Ht this dav comes the nlxintiir herein by her attorney before the undersigned clerk of the circuit court ot liatea countv in the elate of Missouri in vacation, and files her petition and affidavit statin amonjr oth er things that the above named tle- eniani, 'ames i. n ia non resident of the state of Missouri. Whereupon it is orderen i.y the clerk in vacation, that said defendant be notified bv publication that plaintiil lias commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of n hich is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri for the delinquent taxes ot the years of lxii, lsus and lswl. amounting in the afrsrepate to the sum of :.'. M, together with interot. costs, commis sion and fees, upon the following described tracts of land sitnated in Bates County. Mis souri, to-wit: The north half of soothwast onarter of section twenty (20) in township thirty-nine (:,!) of range thirty-threa and that unless me said defendant be and appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates countv, Missouri, on the first Tuesday after the sec ond Monday in June, ls:;, and on or before the third day thereof (if the term shall so long continue, and if not then before the end of the term) and plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken as confessed nd judgment rendered according to the prayer of said pennon, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered bv the clerk afore said that a copy hereof be published in the Butler weekly limes, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, Mis souri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least nfteen days before the first day of the next term of said court . A true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk afoiesaid with the seal seal of said court hereunto affixed. Done at office in Butler on this the 14th dav Of April, STEWART ATCHESON, J--4t Circuit Clerk. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, t County of Bates $ In the circuit court of Bates county. Mis souri, in vacation, April 14th. 196. the State of Missouri at the relation and to the use of S 11 Usher, ex-otficio collector of the reve nue of Bates county, in the state of Missouri plaintiff, vs John F Son, Daniel McKinzie and i Keeny, defendants. Civil action for delinqent taxes. Now at this day conies the plaintiff herein by her attorney, before the undersigned clerk ot tne circuit court or Hates county in the state of Missouri, in vacation and files her petition and affidavit stating among other things that the above named defend ants, jonn J bon anil Daniel McKinie are non-residents of the stale of Missouri. Where upon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against harein this court by petition and affidavit th object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the year ls!i4. amonnting in the aggregate to the sura of $3 .Of together with interest, costs, commission and tees.npon the following described tractsofland situated in Bates county, Missouri, t-wit: The north half of the northeast quarter fractional, of section twenty-five (-25) township thirty-eight or range thirty and that unless the said defendant be and ap pear at the next term of this court to be begun and noiaen in tn city or Kutier. isates county Missouri, on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in June, 1K'., and on or before the third day thereof (if the term shall so long continue, and If not then before tne end of the term,) and plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken as confessed and Judgment rendered accoiding to the prayar of aali petition, and tne above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And It is further ordered by the clerk afore' said that a copy hereof be published in the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Kales connty. Mis souri, for four weeks successively, the last in sertion to be at least fifteen days befora the ftrst day of the next term of said court. A true copy from the record . Witness my hand as clerk aroresaid witn tne seal or aaid court fSKAll hereunto affixed. Done at office in Butler on this the 14th day of April, 1WW. STEWART ATCHESON. 2-2-it Circuit Clerk. TruBtee's Sale Whereas Charles F I'haris and Min nie t, rharis, his wife, by their deed ot trust dated Octobei 2ist, 1S03, and recorded in the recorder's of rice within and for Bates county, Mis souri, in book No. 1 10 page 452 conveyed to the undersigned trusteehe following described real estate l.virg and being situate in the countv ot Bates and state ot Missouri, to-wit: The west half ot the southwest quarter of section fourteen a and twelve acies off the east side of the northeast quaiter ot the southeast quarter and the south east quarter ot the northeast quarter of section htteen 1 15 and that part ot the north halt ot the northeast quarter ot section 'lO Ivine south of river, and twentv-three 23J acres south part ot the northeast quarter ot northwest quarter of section titteen (iO and three acres, part ot the northwest quarter ot the noith west quarter ot section fourteen (14), all m township forty-two (42) ot ranije thirty 13 containing in all 214 acres more or less, which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note tully describ ed in said deed ot trust: and whereas default has been made in the payment ot said note and accrued inteiest thereon, now pat due and unpaid Now therefore, at the request of the legal hnlder of said note and pursuant to the condttonsot said deed of trust, I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue tj the highest bidder tor cash, at the east tront door 01 the court house, in the city ot I'-utler, county of Bates and state ot Missouri, on TuescUv May 5th, 189G. between the hours ot nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the alter noon of that dav-, for the o urpoe ot sat isfying said debt, interest and costs. THOS. W, ARNOLD, Trjstee This sale made to perfect title. Trustef s Sale. Whereas Anna Hensley and J V Hens 'ey, her husband, by tneir deed ot trust dated anuarv Stn, i ji, an a recoraea the recorder's office within and for Bate countr, Misouri, in book No. iSf pasje 45.1, conveyed to the undersigned tru tee the following detrlbed real estat Iving and being situate in the count- ot Bates and state ot .Missouri, to-wit: The west half of the southwest qusrte of section six (6) in township forfv f-; of range thirtv-two 32 except two aces used ur school house, which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one certain 1 ote Sally described in said deed ot trust; and whereas, default has been nade ia the payment of said note and more than one years's interest thereon, now past due and unpaid. Sow therefore, at the request or the legai holder 01 said note an-l pursuant to the co-dit'Ons of said deed ot trust, I will proceed to eM the above described premises at public vendue to the highest bidder tor csh, at the east front door cf the -ourt house, in the tity ot Butler, county ot Batesand stated Missouri, on Sttiuttiay May S)th, IbOC. between the hours ot nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the artcr ncon ot that day, lor the purpose ot sat UlTinsr said debt, interest slnd costs. J. D. ALLEN, g -4t f Trustee. for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know Bateman's Props, Oodfrvy" Cordial, many fo-ci'.W Svv: hi y; M tnot rcnietlivs f r children are composed of opium or m To Ton Know th: np-ur.i aiv! morphine a:e stupefying nauv! Io You Know thai in most countries druggists are :U't pem;:ttev! tosell nurooties without IateHnjj them poisons ? To You Know that y ou should not permit anv medicine t.i Ve j;:veu yourehi'd unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Wo Voil Know that Castoria is a ptire'.y vegetable prcjviratuvi, ami that a "ist of its ingredients is published with every Swti'.e ? Do You Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Ir Samuel THtchrr. That it has been in use for uear'y thirty years, and that more Castotia is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined ? I0 Yon Know that the Tatent Office iK-partment of the Vaited States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to lr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense ? Io Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless TOo You Know that J5 average doses of Castoria are furnished for $ cents, or one cent a dose ? TOo You Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, jour children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, these tilings are worth knowing. They arc facts. The fae-slm signature Children Cry for sions, evil For sale in BuUer.Mo by ASTHffi.f3-rPjaW address, we willUJilLu AITS ASTHMALENB neverf ails: send usvour mailtrialbottleCDCC The 0R.TAFT BROS. U. Co. Rochester, N.V. rnts. HINDERCORNS Tj only w Cnm fittt Corns. Stop U ptin. Makwi wiiking eair. 16c at Drurvtiti. I PARIR'S m HAIR BALSAW . a J Cleanan and txautiflw ths sy Promot a lazurmnt growth. -J J Never Talis to Beator Orary . V- Hair to Its Youthful Color. fcTS; Fl5- vurea aealp dimuea a hair fmiui Jaiai c at Pruggiita RyoaaraCONSUMPTIVE or have Indlptlon. Painful Ills or leblhty of any kind urn PARKER'S OINOER TOKTC. Many who were hop, leaa and discouraged bave regained health by it unv MB rklrkMtrr'a EaclUk Diamond nraad. Pennyroyal pills -4TfV Orlctaal mm Only KMalae. J.&. aarc. alvaja rllall. caaica ait . Uruilrt for CkUkttUr t Entlimk Dia J mond Brand ia VtrA aal Ovid mrullieV. IhoxM. mla wiih bia ribbon. Taka mm ather. tttu dmnntnms mhittfw twna and imitatUmt. At Dragirisrs, or Maa4. la .tump for mrtlutara, lftlMOQL&l, and "KeUer far LailN,-MMicr. bj retant Mall. l.O0 Trslinwnlali. Jt'iai toir. I lrhMterChaalalt-aidbMaNmre SaMkyaULMialbriiMUU. falladav. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, County ot Bates, . I In the circuit court ot Bates county, Missouri, in vacation, March 19th, 1S96, the state of Missouri at the relation and to the use ot S II Fisher ex-othcio col- 1 ctor of the revenue of Bates countv in the state mt Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Isaac Crissman, defendant. Civil action for delinquent texes. Now at this dav comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, before the un dersigned clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates co.mtv in the state of Missouri, in vacation and files her affidavit, stating among other things that the above named defendant, Isaac Crissman is a non-resident of the state of Missouri. Wheieupon it is order ed by the clerk in vacation, that said defendant be notified by publica tion that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the object general nature of which is to enfoice the lien of the state of Missouri tor the delinquent taxes ot the years 1S92 and 1S93 amounting in the aggregate to the sjm of S4.35 together with interest, costs, commission and tees, upon the tallow ing described tracts of lar.d situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lots five and six, bloek seven in the city of Rich Hill, and that unless the said defendant be and appenr at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates coun ty, mo, on the first Tuesday atter the sec ond Monday in June, iS, and on or before the third day thereof, if the term shall so long continue, and it not then betore the end of the term, and plead to said petition acco;uing to law, the same w ii! be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer of said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satisty the same. And it is further ordered by the cierk aforesaid that a copy hereot be published in the Butler Weeklv Tunes, a weekly newsDaoer printed and published in llates cuuntv, Missouri, lor tour weeKs successive! v, the last insertion to bet least titteen days before the first day of the next term of said cf-urt. A true copy from the record. Witness - - mv hand as clerk aroresaid with -' seat. the seal ot said court hereunto ' , ' affixed. Done at tf.ce in But ler on thi U.e 19th dy of March, iSo. bTEW AKT ATCUESOX, 2j.4t Circuit Clerk. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to alt creditors i rd ail others interested in the estate t arv G i'resiv, .iccea-ed, that I, C. E. v.udd. administrator f said estate, in tend to make- final settlement thereof, at the next term of the Bates countv pro bate court, in Bates countv, state or Missouri, to be neid at Uutic. or: the iith dav of Mat, tS . C. E. Mihd, Administrator. 4- x ,0 txyNous ? ery wrappt pper. Pitcher's Castoria. This Faraoua Tiemeily cures quickly, permanently Bit nervous Ui-si'scs, Weak lUc.uory. Lin 9 ot liiuin timer, UocuUujuO, Wakefulness, lt YliuliCy, Nightly K mis drctras, lm potency ami wastinit diseases caused by youuiTuiimrrs tr excess s. tuuuuis imuiiiiies. isn nerve lanie and blood bnllder. ftlakesthepaloand punyprrnnsand plump, kaslly carried in vest pocket. t 1 per box s f or US. By mull, pro paid, trlffcatwttenfTranrrf OTtii'mrrirfiinled. Yrlti us.fre medlenl boot;., sen led plain wrapper, wita tet1mon!ni and nnanetnl stanrilnif. JVoclwTK'srr.mfif,vn. Huno mfn J. A. THIMBLE. Drucslst. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, f County of Bates. ( In the circnit court of Hates county. Missouri, in vacation, March lth, ism,. The Slata of mlssonrl at tha relation ami to tha use of 8 II Fisher, ax-orurio collector of the revenue of Hates county In the state of Missouri, jilslntlff. vs. William S Ilinnisn, Common wealth Loan & Trust Company of Boston. Massacusetts, Geo A Wsshburne, Robert K Kaymond, Trs, defendants. Civil action for dolimiuent taxes. Now at this usy comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, before the nniierslfcned clerk of the circuit court or Kates county In the state of Missouri, in vacation and llles her affidavit stating among other things that the abeve named defendants. are all non-residents oftbe state of Missouri, whersnpon It Is ordered by the clerk In vacation.that said defendants be noti fied by publication that plaintiff has com menced a salt against them In this eourt by petition and affidavit the object and general nature or which Is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the year 18Ki amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Sll.ttC, together with interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following de scribed tracts of land situated in Bates coun ty. Missouri, to-wit: Worth three-fourths of block ten 'in Wsl ley's ad lition to the city of Bolter and that unless the said defendants be and appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden In the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, on the first Tnesday after the second Monday In June, 1st", and on or before the third day thereof (if the term shall so long continue, and if not then before the end of the term.) and plead to said peti tion according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and jndgment rendered according to the prayer ef said petition, and the above de scribed real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered by the clerk afore said thnt a copy hereof be published In the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county. Mis souri , for fonr weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day of the next term of said court. a. true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal seal of said court hereunto affixed. Done at oflice In Butler on this the 19th day of March, M. STEWART ATCHESON, -Jl-4t Circuit Clerk. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, sg Countv ot Bates. ) In the circuit court of Bates county, Missouri, i.i vacation, April 4th, 1S96. Adele Francois, plaintiff, vs. Leon Fran cois, defendant. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein bv her attorney, before the un dersigned clerk of the circuit court of Bates -ountv, Missouri, in vacation and files petition and affidavit, alleging among other things that defendant, I.eon Fiancwis is not a resident ot the state of Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation, that said defend ant be notified b publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree ot divorce from the defendant upon the erounds of ruch in dignities offered to plaintiff by defend ant as to render her condition intolera ble and enamger her lite, and that the defendant without any rereas?nab!e cause abandoned the plaintitt and has re mained absent from her for morethan the space ot one whole year, next before the filing of her petition and that unles the said defendant, Leon Francois be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the court house i.i the city of Butler, in said county, on the .h day of -lune next, and on or betore the third day at said teim, (if the term shall r-o long continuT; aud it not t hen tefore the !t day ot said tenr,,) answer or plead to the peti tion in said cause the s;me wtil be taken as confessed and judgment vvi,; oe ren dered accordit a'v. And be it further ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law, in the But'.er Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in bates, Missouri, for tour weeks successively, the l-st insertion to be at least titteen dav? before the first day of the next term ot the circuit court. Stewart- Atchsson, Circuit C'.erk. A true copy of the record. "Witness my hand and the seai sLAL of the circuit '-ourt of Hill county, this 4th tiay ot April. STWAT ATCHKSOS, Circuit Clerk. 2l-4t