J. M. Catterlin is very anxious for
some good farm lands for this month
Loans closed at ODce, money ready.
1 tf.
Three thoroughbred Poland China
male hogs for Bale. Also one year
ling Jersey bull. A. H. Wilson,
32 2to 2 miles east of liutler.
The Bates county democracy muBt
be well organized for the fall cam
An iron gray horse was stolen
from Mrs. SIvra Yates, of Panama,
Sunday night.
The corn crop is looking fine and
the farmers are wearing a broad
smile over the prospects
Mrs. F. II. Mount aud children,
of Sedalia, are in the city this week
visitiDg relatives and friends.
Mayor G. W. Clardy, who is pres
ident of the Butler Bland club, left
Sunday afternoon for Chicago to
shout for Bland.
Insist on having just what you
call for when you go to buy Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood
Purifier and nerve tonic.
The hay crop in this county
this season has never been bet
ter for a dozen years. The crop will
be enormous and if the right kind
of prices prevail the crop will bring
into this county a lot of money,
The Prohibitionists of Butler and
lit. Pleasant township will meet in
the court house to night at 8 p. m.,
ior toe purpose oi organizing a
Levering club, and other business.
"Cranks" come out.
J. M. Vaughn,
A. H. Culver.
J. D. Black, of Lompoc, California,
renews for the booming Times to
1898. Dug is in the harness busi
ness and his many friends in this
city will be glad to learn he is enjoy
ing good health and making money
Mose Jenning rented a team from
Joe Graves yesterday to drive to
Adrain, says the Rich Hill Review of
Friday. The heat was intense, and
Joe claims the team was not watered
until Adrain was reached.where they
were given their fill. On their way
back neither animal showed distress,
according to the driver.until at Corn
laud one of them dropped in his
trackB, stone dead.
A member of the Ohio State Sen
ate who was in town Tuesday.etated
to an acquaintance ihat, although
living in a county which gives,u&ual-
ly, 2,000 republican majority, it is a
question whether the republicans
will be able to carry the county this
fall, so excited is the popular mind
over the silver question and reports
from several sources indicate that
the state is not sure for McKinley,
Pleasant Hill Local.
The Times esteemed friend and
good subscriber A. A. Miller, who
has been spending several months
" jJCBVivuio buu viippie ureet, re
turned home Friday. He reports
both places very dull in a mining
point. At Leadville, said Mr. Miller
nothing is being done on account of
the strike of the miners. In a politi
cal way he sajs everything from the
smallest boy to the oldest man is for
1G to 1.
Joshua Whitesides, of Moundville
ernon county, shipped a car load
of fat hogs for the city of Mexico.
When asked by a Nevada newspaper
man why he shipped to Mexico
when Kansas City was so close. Mr.
i hitesides replied, "for the money
there is m it. "In Kansas City,
said he, "I get $3.30 and in Mexico
a nunareu. it cost $130 a
car to ship to Mexico. Mexico is a
free silver country and they
ey pay
bC.40 per hundred for bos
The old man who looks ont
hi me woria with clear and
healthy eyes cannot help feel
ipET great gratification at the
Ill VHV r"" ;"? " cnuaren nave
) mnented from him noweak-
- I V' ncis nor tendency to disease
lif pt his digestin good
oioou pure, xvot one
m a thousand does do it.
Germs go through the healthy
body without effect. Let them
once find lodgment or let them
find a weak spot, they will de
velop Ov the million r,A .-
i blood will be fnll f t,.
Inste?d of giving strength to
Kitae tissues, it will force upon
fr?t;.. """uuicwaie ana in mi
xtions matter, and the man wiU lose flesh
and toe more susceptible he is to disease.
Dr. Pierce s Golden iledical Discovery is
?5W?T meSn: at absolutely and infal
libly cures all blood diseases, and almost all
1, foTrome one particular so-called dis
ease it is a medicine for the tchole body
H? ?ut X the germs of diseased
xcpccs pipunues with rich, rejbiood.
as L
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. GraAes spent
the last of the week in Deep Water
township visiting relatives and
Our popular circuit clerk, Stewart
Atcheson spent the fourth at Apple
ton City, among his old friends and
neighbors. Stewart is making an
efficient officer.
The farmers of this county are
through harvesting their wheat and
other crops and in another week the
flax crop will be in the shock. The
threshing machines are being put in
order and many farmers will soon
begin threshing their grain for the
Judge Theodore Brace, of the su
preme court was in our city Satur
day. The Judge is out in a modest
way making a little tour of the state
in the interests of his candidacy for
are nomination. As a member of
our state supreme court Judge
Brace has performed his duties as
satisfactorily as could be desired.
Aaron, our valuable Virginia cor
respondent, will accept thanks for a
bountiful supply of choice wild
goose plums. Aaron is a faithful
friend of the booming Times and
never misses an opportunity to di
vide the good thiDgs of this world
with his friend. Thanks, Aaron,
and long may you live and prosper.
As Eoon as the Chicago conven
tion is over the work of organizing
the democratic and silver forces of
this county 6hould begin. We have
no doubt the committea will have
everything in readiness for the fall
campaign and that he will, leave no
stone unturned to get the party in I
line for a grand victory in Novem
ber. A lawn party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. O. D. Austin was a very
enjoyable occasion on the evening
of the fourth. The lawn was lighted
by Chinese lanterns and transparen
cins, an abundance of swings, ham
mocks and settles had been provided
and games were indulged in. Ele
gant refreshments, prepared by the
young ladies, were served at 10
Mr. Charles T. Thornton sr., an
old and much respected resident of
this section died near Pleasant Hill
yesterday morning. He was one of
the best citizens of the county, as
every one informs us, and was also
an old timer, having come here in
1856 from Montgomery county, Ky.
He was in his 87th year, The fun
eral will be be held at 10 o'clock
this morning, and the wornout body
laid to rest in Pleasant Hill Ceme
teryPleasant Hill Gazette.
The Rich Hill Review is responsi
ble for the following: "The report
was current on the streets today
that our townsman, J. L. Lacey, has
unearthed a gigantic silver mine in
the vicinity of Halley's bluffs. It
is further reported that the mineral
has been assayed and reveals silver
bullion to the amount of 250 to the
ton. We have been unable to see
Mr. Lacey and hence cannot vouch
for the truth of the rumor- Mr.
Lacey is a prospector of many years'
Filley and Kerens are having it
up and down in St. Louis. They
are acusing each other of all kinds of
rascality. The fight will divide the
Republican vote of St. Louis
Columbus Hayes, convicted of the
murder of Wm. Sneed, near St.
Joseph, in 1893, was tried, convict
ed and sentenced to be hung at
Savannah. A few days before the
time for the elocution he broke jail.
For two years the officers have been
on the lookout for Hayes, and a few
days ago he was arreeted at Colum
bus, EanBas, where he was working
in a coal mine. He is now in jail
at Savannah, and the Governor will
be required to appoint a day for his
execution. Hayes was convicted of
the murder on circumstantial evi
dence. The following is clipped from the
Columbia Statesman: "We com
mend to weak kneed Democrats
everywhere these ringing words from
Hon. D. R. Francis,a true blue Dem
ocrat: 'I have gone over the whole
situation very carefully with men
who know the entire field, and I tell
you that it is my firm belief that the
1G to 1 men will control the Chicago j The republicans of this county
convention and do with it what they announced by printed hand bills
please. And I nay now that, no mat-1 that they will have a grand rally in
ter who is nominated at Chicago, or j this city Saturday, July 11th.
what sort of a platform is adopted, Among the speakers are Hon.
I will do all in my power to help the j Eobt E. Lewis, candidate for con
party win in November. If Bland j gres-?, A Haynie, of Clinton, candi
is nominated I will go into the fight j date for attorney genera', Hon. W.
with especial good will.' " j P. Freeman, of Miller County, can-
I didate for secretary of etate. The Mc-
leaehers' Institute. 1 T-- , at., .,,
Ivmley double quartette will render
lue teacners institute of Bates
county commenced at the West
School Building in Batler Monday,
aud by Tuesday were hard at work.
Up to Wednesday evening there had
been enrolled one hundred and sixty
teachers. In Profs. Welch, Deer
wester, Kearbv and AIIIsod, Corn-
mist-ioner Thurman has an excellent
corps of assistants. The Institute
promises to be one of the largest
attended and most interesting
held in the countv, as all the teach
ers are taking a deep interest in the
work. The Times wishes the teach
ers all a profitable and pleasant
The new steel plant of the Ohio j
Steel Co., at Youugstown ha3 been j
closed by the Steel Billet Pool, thus i
turowing 2.000 men out of work for
at least seven weeks. Youngstown U
close enough to Canton to suggest a
rattling paragraph in the letter of
acceptance on the deplorable effects
of trusts in crushing the life out of
industrial activity.
Just What's Needed.
Exclaims thousands of people j
who have takeu Hood's Sarsapaulla j
at this season of the year, and who
have noted the success of the medi !
cine in giving them relief from tbt j
tired feeliug, waning appetite and j
state of extreme exhaustion after i
the close coiifinemeut of a long ujt,. j
ter season, the busy time attendant i
upon a Urge and pressing business '
during tie spring tuotitbe aiid with S
vacation time yet r-.hu weks ais !
tant. It ii then tfcat th building j
up powers of Hood's SirsaparilTa j
are fully appreciated. It seems per-
fectly adapted to overcome that!
prostration caused by change of
season, climate or life, and while it
tones .and sustains the system, it
pur.nes ana vitalizes the blood.
Having decided to quit the hard
ware and stove business I will sell
the same at cost for cash, also gro
ceries cheaper than anybody on
earth. Yours Respectfully,
33 2t. Isaac Fowixr
Lexington, Ky , July 2. John
Johnson, a prominent citizen of
Harrodsburg, while at work in his
garden at 11 o'clock this morning
was instantly killed by lightning.
His two sons who were working
with him were badly stunned.
Why Buffer with Coughs, Colds
and LaGrippe when Laxative Bromo
Quinine will cure you in one day.
Does not produce the ringing in the
head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put
up in tablets convenient for taking.
Guaranteed to cure, or money re
funded. Price, 25 Cents. For sale
by W. H. McClement. 33 6m
High tariff will raise the price on
what the farmers buy machinery
and clothing and the gold standard
will lower the price on what he has
to sell pork, beef, mules, corn,
wheat, oats. If the farmers want
that kind of a deal they cau get it
by voting the republican ticket.
Centralia Couiier.
some new campaign sonf s As this
will be the first ralJy of the republi
can party in this district during the
present campaign, the boys ought to
turn out in force and make the woods
ring with music and ehout?. The
opera house will be thrown open for
the use of the gaihering and no
doubt a bitr crowd of reDubiieana
and spectators will be present. As
I a rBllv be about all the glory the
I republicans win gel out ot tue cam
paign in this state, the Times hopes
to see them have a good time on this
Weil Satisfied witfc
'-w;;riy forty
yfars aftei
of sickiH-ys, my Jmir
I begun Usui'' Aver's
ami v. us so weil satis-
i'.r-: - i : ; the results that I have
lus t r;ri: any other kind of iress-
if.,- -: ... i .
K ?r- It requiresonly
an occasional avpli-
! cation of
Hair Vigor to kfe;
my Lair of guu
V color,
to rernov.
liM 'dandruff, to In-.;
inj; humors, ::i:d prevent t;;.
fro:n falling ci:t. 1 never l. : :
to rK;;!.::::en! Aver's medieis -
yiru-: ." Mrs. II. M. IIak.::v.
. ::. Xel.r.
: i- j?
nrer. it. i-
?ar?aiy Dr. J.C. AyerSi Co., Lowell, Mass.
Tafcs Ajsrs Saruparifla for th; Caaplexiso.
Br. v
The Glorious Fourth.
The big celebration held in this
city last Saturday was a grand suc
cess in every particular. The day
could uot have beeu more propitious
for the occassion, and the rain of
Friday settled the dust and put the
track in perfect order for the oeca
sion. The bovs in town began cele
brating early Friday night and the
booming of canuoa ciackeis and all
kinds cf unearthly noises was kept
up all night Saturday morning the
suia'l boy was turned loose and as
the hundreds cf oelebrators begau
to arrive from the country they were
greeted with the u-mal noise of the
tin horn and era keis, and three
brass bands of muc;o.
Messrs. C. B. Lewis and Frank
Potter, to whom the credit for get
ting up the celebration and at ranging
the program is due, were kept busy
carrying out the details and when
night came it transpired that the
progam was a little too lengthy for
one day's fun. It was a grand day
for Butler and the crowd that attend
ed the picnic was estimate to be be
tween five and six thousand people.
The racing was ot;e cf the special
features of the day pnd the lovers
of this sport were highly entertain
ed and they got to see some thor
oughbreds go on the tack as well
as the ULContrcUble mule.
The picnic grounds in the beauti
ful grove were also well patronized
and those who did not care to wit
ness the races took pleasure in meet
ing old acquaintances, eating good
dinners and enjoying themselves
in witnessing the many amusements
on the ground.
The fireworks from the roof of the
restaurant building on the south
side was very pretty and a large
crowd was on the streets to eee the
rockets shoot upwards and the spid
er wheels throw thbir many different
Messrs. Lewis and Potter are to
be congratulated over the big suc
cess of the affair and also that no
accidents of a serious nature hap
United in marriage on July Cth
1896, Mr. Wm. M. Tucker, of Cap
Co., Nebraska to Miss Addie Gillard
of Rich Hill Mo., Judare Wm. M.
Dalton officiating.
Ail vert iM'it I.Hfer Lint.
Butler P. O., July 7tb, 1896.
J W Alleu P Banstin
W Perolo J D DelTeubaugn
L Harrison W Harris
W Norris W Powell
W H Sinclair J W Warring.
M E Allison A Kraut
F Robertson C A Tomioa
M Williams M Whi-Hi-r.
J D Alllx, P M
l-y V. L. Johnson, AfcsY P. M.
Deep water Item.-.
Making hay and cutting flax i the
order of the day among the farmers.
Quite a number of Johnstown peo
ple spent the 4th at Clinton.
Grandma Wilker is visiting her
son-in-law, Jesse Blizzard, near Plea
sant Hill.
Walt Payne and wife were guests
of W L Kash and family last Sunday.
Senator Ballard, of Montrose, left
Monday for Chicago, where he will
attend the democratic convention.
Jim Oflill has purchased a new
mower and has commenced makinjr
Ben Wayne made a living trip to
Montroe Monday.
Miss Millie Carter, of Johnstown,
will teach the Elm (irove school this
Lee Simpson and wife have return
ed from a visit at Eldorado Springs.
Will Ziiumer, who had his anklf
sprained m the runaway the other
day, is some better.
Tom Alexander and familv were
guests of C C Cliser last Saturday.
Miss Eva Butler, who has been vis
iting friends near Johnstown for the
past few weeks, left Mondav for her
home in Eldorado Springs.
Miss Dellie OfTill returned Monday
eveninar from a visit to her uncle
near Butler.
John Bassett's mother, of Apple
ton City, is visiting him this week.
Messrs rtiua ooodwin arid Hardv
Haotonsiall. r.f vsab,i
spent the 4th in Appleton CitV
Notice of Meeting to Decrease Cap .
td S ock.
OSce of MlssonH Stat Bank
BntStrr, Mo ,-JulT2nJ, 1-;; i
Notice is hero by givpihata mmSnt'cfth
toctfcoMerrtbe Mia.oari State Bt kT(
Butler. Missonrt. will be bel t in the Iir?ctOT
Eoomsof said Bank, in the city of BaM.r
county or Bate, etate ot Musoari. on TuLif
the eighteenth lay of Aojrcst, l-r; t
o' elect u. m. for the pnrpo- of voilo? u'n
.be proposition tnen and tbtretobe aoomitw
to decrease the Capital Stock of eaio Corpora
tion from . miM One Hundred aat Ten
Tfioasan.1 Hollars, jt pwent car,:'.! u the
lara, to which -lecrease oi Capita! istoct thV
TEAKK Axfsary?"'
Dibxctobs: J E Jenkins, CREi-ifnTfl &
Powell, TC Bonlware. Wm E Walton T J
Wright. Frank it Vorii. K (i Wett.JMciiSiJ
commission. Write Geo. p v
Springfield, Ohio. '
Clinton Win The s,i
Clinton. Mo , July 1 ji
has filed his decision for tlisLlJ
daut in the $8,000 macadam .J
J. J Thornton of Kan81
against the city of Clinic
suit was based on an atimi : wU
lect from the city a Parl of th
of macadamizing the cuMi ... t
after tax bills against the cou2
owner of the court house gqutt
been decided illegal bvtheSnm-
court , J
Change in Oranij4tjOB,
A meeting of the Stockholding
Directors of the Missouri Ktit.nr:
was held on Julv 2nd.-iso. i
per cent semi-annual divided J T
paid to stockholders and S2.ju Ir '
added to the surplus fund 5i
The Missouri State Bank,
tion to being a regular bank oft' k
posit and discount, has carried
large business of loaning moo, .V"3
real estate liy the newkw aU2(
banks in Missouri are under th iT .TL
pervision of the Secretary of 8t t$
and are examined annuallv byia "
State Bank Examiner, fta SmJI
tary of State now holds that a l21
should not engage in any ki&H rti
business other than banking J Or
requires that the "Real Estate
gage" business and "Abstract W Jiy
ness heretofore owned andopeitk' iCb
by the bank be owned and uumu iCoi
by a Trust Company.to be ornX Wt
under State law governing Tik fls
Companies. . udt
To comply with this ruling of feT'
Secretary of State the propoatioaVi
separate tlie two institutions nukii
the capital stock of the Bank ia I
000.00 and organize the Walton ftS-l
Company with $110,000 anthonW Iwr
caiiiai, cjo.uuu oi wnicn WiUbeMi
up, was unanimously carried. TV it
banking business will be car.tiay ciii
by the Missouri State Bank witklt Itit
same Stockholder, Director! MfC
Otlicers as heretofore. The fea rn
capital will be (full paid) $55,000; J
Company Stockholders will be g
same as the Stockholders in thefts
The Trust Company will havettr
ital of $110,000 of which $53,000 v
be full paid, with a surplus food
911,000, and will hereafter coofc
the business of lending money t
Heal Estate, certifying abttrteiif
etc. Wm E Walton t:
oe president oi rue Trust uompar
e preside
J Wriirht, vice-presideat: Put
Allen secretary; Dr T C Bo a Ivan ( C,
H Dutcher, Dr J Everingbam.il
Jenkins, Booker Powell, CBL! C
ford, Wm E Walton, John Deem fj?
ter, Frank Vorie, Wm W Trigg, 1J t?
v liui, imrrjr 11 jt-jgun, uirWNK.
The change will be made in Anger
Mr Win E Walton still remain! wr
ident of the bank with Mr 1 1
Jenkins as cashier and the NT
Board of Directors and Stockhokk
as before. )
Mrs. JP. Bell, Oasa icatfmU,tX
wife of the editor cf The Graphic, tiiel,
ing local paper of Miami county,
"I wan troubled with heart
for tii years, severe palpitations, att
ness of breath, together with waA
treme nervousness, that, at time I
walk the floor nearly all nlgfet
consulted the test medical talent.
They maid there teas no help ft"
that I bad organic disease of the btelt
which there wa3 no remedy. I tod,
your advertisement In The GranM
a year ao, as a last resort, tried onebtrtR
Dr. SZUett' Keu Cure, for the
which convinced mo that there
merit In it. I took three bottle eacarf
Heart Cure and Restorative SerriM
It completely cured me '
well at night, my heart beats rezvi'-t)
I have no more emotherinjf spell' f
to eay to vho arc suffering
there's relief untold for them if
only give yoar retacdlo Juet cue
Dr. Miles TTart Ctjn? 13 sold oaf 9"
pnarantee that the lirst bottle
Alldrugsists sell it at 41, 6 bottleaMJJ
Jt will Ije sent, prepaid, on receipt
by the iir. AUiu Medical Co,
Dr. Miles' Heart Cc
Restores Hc
i if
-SOLD et -
F. M. SKAG&. ij
First door south of P
Butler, ifo. 5