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S3 nnai i a ) Wiiat do yea oppose 0 It is that Las LrougLt thia store iis rapilly increisinpr trade? z la it the lact that tie needa of the community Lave been looked after and tLat everything wanted iu the line of drugs and medicines can bo bad here' Or is it because everything, furnished is invariable the best because you can feel absolutely certain the quality of everything we sell you? Or is it due to our system of fair prices and adoption of modern methods in conducting an up-to-date drug 3tore. Doubtles all these features are responsible. r-'i 1 Kb H, L, It El U I) I ATE THE PLATFORM. C'ousrpssinan Curtis of Kansas on the St. Louis Honey Plank. Topeka, Kan., July Congress man Charles Curtis returned from Washington to-day and will remain in the state during the campaign. In an interTiew he practically repu diated the St. Louis platform. He said he was surprised when he learn ed that the national convention had promised to maintain the gold stand ard until there should bo an interna tional agreement. "I believe," he said, 'that it would havo been better to have de clared for free and unlimited coinage at least until such time." Continu ing, he said, "I have not changed my position on the money question. On March 9, the republicans of the 4th Kansas district honored me with a third nomination at which time the convention declared in fav or of bimetalism. I explained my position to the people of the 4th in 1890. '92, '94 and '93 and have do reason to change. They know where I stand and I look to thp re publicans of this district for my in structions. Personally, I believa in honest bimetallism. In other words I am for a bimetallism that will guarantee the permanent use of both gold and silver and am against monometalism cf either metal, because I believe monometalism will decrease our circulation. For one, I shall adhere to the cause of bimetallism as enun ciated by the Republican party in the Stanley Matthews concurrent resolution which passed the Senate and House in 1878. This resolution was used in the Republican cam paigu book of 188S which was furnished Republican orators to fortify them with arguments for bimetallism. The resolution to which Mr. Curtis refers is: Resolved, That all the bonds of the United States is sued under the said acts of Con gress hereinbefore recited are pay able, principal and interest, at the option of the government of the United States, in silver dollars of the coinage of the United States containing 412J grains each of standard silver and that to restore to its coinage such silver coins as a legal tender in payment of said bonds, principal and interest, is not in violation of the public faith nor in derogation of the rights of the public creditor. The St. Louis Qlobe Democrat says that an "international agree ment for the larger use of silver is nothing but an irridescent dream," aud that Whitney "talks about it simply with a veiw to avert the itu pendeing suicide of his party." If the Globe-Democrat's statement is correct, that portion of the republi can platform declaring for "an inter aational agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to pio mote," is an irridescent piece of po litical chicanery, inserted in the republican platform for the purpose of deceiving and humbugging the masses. Saukim, July l.The Red Star packet Rahmauieh, bound for Sau kim for Suez. Woke her shaft yes terday and drifted upon a reef, where she f oundered. Sixty persons were drowned. Most of them were Greeks. C '-1 CI 7N Si TUCKER ."0 13 Prescription Druggist. 4 THE SA31E STORY FROM NEB. Omaha Republican Bimetallic League Starts Independent Movement. "Omaha, Neb., July 2. The Re publican Bimetallic league was or ganized a year ago. At a meeting held here recently the following res olution was adopted and has been signed by all members of the league who could be reached: The Republican Bimetallic league deems the time to have come when it should make the following declar ation: "Its organization was formed in the hope that the Republican party would, iu the future, as in the past be true to the behest and will of the people upon all the living issues, and especially in the demand for free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio cf 1G to 1. But that hope has been dispelled. In its national council at St. Louis the party de clared for gold and the single stand ard; that this great nation, dedicated in its birth to the highest develop ment of the human race, should en- gaga in tb.9 business of making railli onaires and paupers; that the classes should dominate the masses, and that the government of the people, for the people aud by the people should perish from the earth. "We, as a league, most heartly in dorse the stand taken by Hon. Henry M. Teller aud his associates in their patristic efforts to prevent this party betrayal of self, and alike commend their withdrawal from such convention when it ceasod to represent the party of Liuooln, Grant and Garfield. "We are further persuaded that our duty is clear; we are called up on as men and citizens of the Repub lic to resist this proposed wrong; we therefore invite all Republicans to join with us in securing the unit ed action of all persons and parties who are, in belief and sympaty, with to make one united effort to establish the financial policy of this govern ment upon the true principles of bimetallism as it existed prior to 1S73. D. D. Gregcry, President. "R. F. Williams, Secretary.'' New York, July 1. A dispatch to the herald from Athens, says: Deputy Scouloudi, a friend cf the King and Linister of Marine under Tricoupis, has asked the Herald to express the wish of all Greeks that United States should scad a ship say the San Francisco to aid the starving fugitives, women axui child ren. There are 5,000 at Gonia and 7,000 at Point Plata. The wo meu are weakened by exposure and lack of food that they caanot suckle their children who are dying by the hundreds. M. Scouloudi says that Americans are the only people that cannot be suspected of having any ulterior motives, therefore, the only people who can undertake this great humanitarion work without exciting jealousy and disagreement. Fonnd a st or Tarantnia?. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 29 Aa adult taranutula and 200 yeung ones were captured in a bunch of bananas that arrived Saturday from the south. All were taken alive and given to the Natural History socie ty. Shippers say it is the first ir. statce of a nest of young reptiles being shipped north. XO LIFE IX THE PARTI. Kaunas liepubhcau League Con vention a Dull Affair. Outside cf Slmwn County I.e. Than 20O Were Present. Topeka, Kan , July 1. The annu al convention of the Kansas Repub lican league in this city today was a great disappointment to the man af-r. Ther3 were less than 200 delegates prest-tt, barring the at tendance from -Shawnee county. Last year four times that number were present. It is supposed that the dissatisfaction in the ranks of the party on account of the financial plank iu the national platform was responsible for tho falling off. The proceedings of the convention were uninteresting, and many spectators left the hall during the sessions Most of the epeeches were lifeless and the convention, taking it alto gether, was about the dullest affair of the kind ever given in this city. The object of the league is to create enthusiasm among Republicans, but the party will not be burdened with the enthusiasm created today. The actual work of the organization is to meet once a year and elect officers This was the tenth meeting. A Campaign of Dynamite. New York, June 30 Several Cu bans who arrived here last night from Havana, on the Saratogo, brought with them copies of a circu lar issued to the Cubans, informing them that during the summer there would be many explosions in the towns, of the island, caused by dyna mite. The circular advised all Cu bans to U-ave the threatened district while tti.a campaign of destruction was u progress. At tho Cuban Junta headquarters yesterday it was said that the de struction of Havana in this way had been under contemplation for a long time, and that private buildings and property owned by Spauiards oppos ed t; the independenca of Cuba, would bo sacraficed as well as the public edifices. Detroit Tribune Holts. Jefferson City Tribune is. The Detroit Tribune, one of the oldest daily newspapers in the west, and the leading republican paper of Michigan since the birth of the party has unequivically repudiated the action of the republicaa National convention at St. Louis in declaring for the single gold ntandard. The Tribune says that, while McKinley is all right, "tha platform on the only important issue before the country is damnably uapatrotic and unrepublican." It says "no one's republicanism can be impugned if he continues to stand squarely on the National aud State platforms of the past, and if he repudiates utterly the false and unamerican falmina- tion of the St. Louis conspiracy,' and advises active campaigning against "go'd monometallism by con gressional candidates.'' Riot In Oil lo. Weslview, O , July 1. Over 100 shot3 were exchanged by deputy sheriffs and strikers this morning at the Berea Stone Quarries. No one was kilied so far as known. One striker had his leg broken in two places, and many have sore heads as the result of a hand-to-hand con. flict. The strikers approached the nnr. ry through a woods, with the avoir. ed intention of driving out the non union men at work. Thev were met by the sheriff and forty dep- uiiea, v,uo commanded them to stop For an answer began firing auu me ngnt men became general. For a few moments the strikers were repulsed and fell back to the WOOds. The men in the quarries are quitting for fear and through the importunities of their wiyes. At noon fifty additional deputy sheriff were sworn in at Cleveland and started for Westview. Banker Mo n an Suicides. Batavia, N. Y. June 29. Jerome Rowan, a rich banker and father of Lansing Rowan, the California actress, who has challenged Corbett to meet her in a scientific sparring contest, committed euicide to day by shooting himself through the heart. By his side lay a copy of the Batavia Daily News, containing a dispatch that his daughter had chal lenged Corbett Mr. Rowan left a letter addressed to kis wife, the con tents of which she declined to make public. Mr. Rowan was 63 years old. eacuii Bros. & Co. Heavy anl Shc'T HarJwt.iv, Cutlery aai Guns Tinware snl Stovea, FitUl and lianUn Seiis, Ei'-irc-icf , Wagons, ami Farm Machinery, wajron, wood-work. Iron, Sieel, Nails, bait. Barb Wire, Uj:(ry Paints, Machine ;Oil. brOCeneS and farm rrOaUCe -o- Peoples' Ticket, -O- For P,idect. DEE RING PONY BINDER. For Vice President, DEEEING IDEAL MOWER, cf Illinois. For Secretary of State. PORTER'S HAY CARRIER. For Secretary of War, DEERING STEEL HAY RAKE. For Secretary cf the Interior, CHASE .V SANBORN'S COFFEE. For Governor, MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE. For Sheriff, AMERICAN ROUND WASHER. For Recorder, ANCHOR BUGGIES. -O- PLATFORM: Machine oil, oil cans, binder twine, punches, cold chisels, wrenches, rivets, Fections,square head machine bolts, tin fruit cans, glass fruit jars, ice cream freezers, refrigerators, pre serving find stew kettles of all kind?, croquet sets, grass, bush and weed scythes and snaths, rubber hns. serocn wire., ecreen doors, buggy paint, corn and hedge knives, grind stones, axle gree6e, large line of pitch forks, pumps, Sec. DEACON BROS. & CO. Low Price Hardware ' and Grocery House. Wo are for frte and unlimited purchases at ourjstore. tkllkk ox thk situation. Denver. Col., July 2. Senator Henry M. Teller will go to his mountain homa at Central City, Col., for a week or two to recuper ate. During the cainrairn hft will w 1 o . - deliver a number of speeches in the interestof the silver ticket in Illinois aud Indiana, and probably also in Ohio and several other Eastern Statea and in California. 'Just now it looks as if Bland or Boies were in the lead, with Bland a little ahead if anything," Senator Teller said today, when asked re garding the situation at Chicago. 'T believe that the Democratic par ty will declare for silver at 16 to 1. The silver pecpl9 are too much in earnest to allow a straddle. I do not think the gold Democrats will bolt the convention, but Jthey will knife the ticket at the polls. The gold forces of the country will be a unit in November.'' 'What would you advise, should the Democratic party declare un equivocally for eilvei f' he was ask ed. 'I would advise all the silver forces to support it, for that is tee omy way we can win," he ans wered. "We must meet the enemy with a solid front. I believe that if the silver forces unite, and there is a genuine silver ticket in the field on a straight silver platform, we will succeed this November. Silver is gaining strength with amazing rapidity in all parts of the cm-irv and I am sure it will continue to grow from now cn. It is the oulv subject discussed, and the more it is discussed the more adherents it will gain. The tariff has been relega ted, and the battle will be on the financial question.1" Did You Ever 33 4t Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, gat a bottle cow and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, eierting a won derful direct influence ia givin strength and tone to the organs. 5 you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, steeple-?, excitablf-, melan choly or troubled with dizzv BnoUa Electric Bitters is the medicine tou need. Healtn and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fiftv cent and 1 .f n i tv,w.' j . i and SI at H li Tucker s drug store. I KAUTHQUAKK IN THK PACIFIC. flutiilreiis of Lives Lost on the Coast of Aia. Vancouver, B. C July l.The Empress of Chiua anived last night with Yokohama news to June IS. RtCftri1!?t tha rver.t narik.Mtol'n wave the Yokohama Mail says It will be some time doubtless be fore the full particulars reach Tokio of the cruel disaster that has over taken thepeople living along the coast of Rikuzen and Rikuchu. Between 8 and 8:20 p. m. on the 15, a violent seismic disturbance occurred in the ocean that bathes the northeastern coast of the main laud. Accounts thus far received place the center of disturbance in the vicinity of the celebtuted island, Kinkwa Ziu. .Fol lowing the coast line northward from Kinkwa Zin, we find these reports from the various places on the beach: Onagawa, Fatahama Many lives lost, animals destroyed anel houses inundated, but no definite number stated. Washinghami Forty houses eles troyed, several deaths. Okatsuda Fifty persons killed, thirty houses washed away. Prison doers thrown open an several pris oners supposed to be lost, as well as some cf the wardens; quantities cf mail matter swept away. Mctoyeski (or Shiqua) Eighty houses swept away. Seventy three corpses recovered up to 1 p. m, on 10th. Kamaishi Over half the town swept away; many persons and animals killed; telegraph office wash ed away. Miyako Much injury to life and property. Kuji The same fate as above. Hachinoye Minato Eleven per sons killed; two missing; school building destroyed; bridges swept away. Stephens Well Ahead -Jefferson City, Mo., June 20. The instructed votes for Lon V. Stephens for the democratic nomina tion for governor number 72 so far and include: Bollinger, 3; Bnt!er,2; Cape Girardeau,. 4; Cole. 4. Cooper, 5; Douglas, 1; Dunklin, 4; Holt, 3; Howard, 5; Lewie, 4; Maries, 2; Mer cer, 2; Mississippi.2; Scott, 3; Miller, 2; Taney, 1; Saline, 10; Ozark, 1. Six of the seven Macon county votes are for him, as are the thret of Linn, the seven of Chariton, two of Atchi son, two cf Iron, three cf Montgom ery, one of Gasconade, one of War ren and two of St. Ciair. David A. Ball has the seven of Pike, his own home, while Judge Hockaday and Major James Waddiil have no in structed votes. S.tvntmiigi;nnU Iiolmrry. Portland. Ore, June 29. John McGinner and John O'Brien, both men of many aliases and both notor ious bank robbers, were captured in Vancouver late yesterday afternoon by detective Joseph Day of this city, and are now eafelv housed in the Clark county jail. A man giving his name as Fred Martin, who was with the pair was also arrested. When captured the trio was found to be equipped with pistols, dark lanterns sticks of dynamite, fuses and caps, a big buuch of skeleton keva and sev eral pairs of new oarlocks It is be iieved that they intended to rob a Vancouver bank last night, steal a boat and b off down the river ba fore daybreak this morning. O'Brien is wanted iu Sayanab. Mo., where with two accomplices, he looted a bank safe of $11,000 worth of bonds. (iavel With a History. Oisin Gathrie, of Chicago, will present to the National Democratic Convention a gavel with a peculiar history. The head is made from b piece of cak timber taken from tie corner of th old block house Fort Dearborn, ia 1856, by Fernando Jones. The handle is constructed from the trunk of a tree found 20 feet below the surface of the ground and below the glacial drift, at the corner Thirty-ninth street and Cot tage Grove avenue. This wood is believed to be 7,000 years old. Backlen's Arnica Salve,' The Best Salve in the world for Cut Bruises.Sore, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores. Tetter.Chaooed Hands. r.hiut-'. Corns, tnd all Skin Emotions. ! tively cures Files, or no pay required. I i Is guaranteed to give pe'tect satisfaction I or money rerantled. Fnctjccts per hex For sa-e by H. L. acker druU C I Jlk"The Foot sivs an eminent English doctor, w carry j?ncuch poison to intect k ' ho,-:. la summrr-tun?, mcrj . . . . - "WW. ....... ........... Ul- g:r m(i ta,: .ir.- u-.tscicj. u. J:e. mulB ;u'.e capc. 1 lies; nicsssng $ niiich:-: Jo not exist tor millions, not ? lkvauc thev are healthy snd strari protected as a crocodile is against j, shot. It is the w:4k. the wasted a. have no resistive power so that a sudj., couh or cold dcve!om mr We hear ot e-atchin disii . 1 !.L If .v iuui4ti.ii iicaiin r v e can do a by always maintaining our health. weir it. s unuiswm. of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nourislu ment; food tor the building BpoftU system to resist the attacks ot disease, h should be taken in reasonable doscj a!! summer long by all those who weight is below the standard of heal'4 It" you are losing ground, try a bo now. Tor a'.e by alt tfruscists at and : THE, Bales County Bank, BUTLER, MO. Successor, to- Bates Co. National Bank. Established in 1870. Paid up capital 1125,009 A general banking business tram, acted. F. J. TVGARD, --. President HON. J. B. NEWBEKm.J Vke-Prei I.C.CLARK - CuMer . R. WOODS. Real Etate and Life In. urance Agent. ADRIAN - - - MISSOURI I have a lare number of farm for nale, raiij;injr from 40 acres up. Thin land is located in Hates county and is choice real estate. Call and mi tut before buying. QRAVES & CLARK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office over the Missouri ;State Bank North side square. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over McKibbew store. All callanswered at office day night. Special attention given to female dl eases. DR. J. T. HULL ; DENTIST. Newly Fitted up Iioouip, Over Jeter's Jewelry Store. Entrance, same that leads; to Hafrda' ; Studio, north eWe square , Bailer, Mo. 5- T. J. Sjiitii. SIVI1TH THURMAN. LAWYERS, Office over Bates Countv Natn'l Bnk. Butler, Missouri I)R. Fred R. Jones, Tli3rfsieia.n, chnrch parsonage, corner Ohio 4 Havana! TC. BOULWARE, PhysJcian U Surgeon. Office norto side sqaart Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chfr en a specialtv. DB. T. F LOCK WOOD. S!ecial attention givne Surgerr. CbToni Nervous ilist-aes. l)o- a (ft-nfril lresj u.u in me cuy ana country. .ali aBswri at all times. Office ovtr -I'm Meveri OB B" i'le . lf"siJfenc" -Jri'l house North of ii iurt, on uavana street. The Old ItfcJiable c. mm. PHOTOGRAPH EH North Side Squan-. Han th b.t equipx-l gallery South wt n!ourL All Styles of Photogrphmg executed in the highest tyle oft& art, and at reasonable prices, j . Crayon Work A Specialty. All work in my line is guaranteed give galisf action. Call and samples of work. . C. HAGEDORE.