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W Your Money. (JbbxofTutt's Pills will save Ly dollars in doctors' bills Cvvnllsurclycurcall diseases stomacn.-uver or novo!-.:. Reckless AssertSc:: L sick headache, u ;.:,.. : isJaris, constipation r.n i1 ". -tness. a million peovJo nuo finTS Liver PiLLS BITTEN BY BLOODHOUNDS. THE END. lias none win. Claim Tlie Author of Uncle Tom'rf lalmi. I Jirtford, Viet Bee Coud., July 1. Mrs. ('dock today. IwterJay afternoon she became Dscioua and did not rally. (fler illness was the culmination ; the mental derangement from f,iucb Mrs. Stowe Las suffered for (art, tenderly cared for by W L daughters. It is a long tiaie 'iaceibe has baen able to d any Jleiry work, aud for tho past two 'mil her condition has been such Writhe worst might bo expected it it J time. Of this, however, the licbaabeenin constant attend 'gee, god up to last Friday 6he was anion most every day walking tith her attendant through the iiigbboiiDg grounds of Mark Inin and Charles Dudley Warner 4 along the street in the vicinity. ' walked with vi??or. but her . PW r. - KB - ! nihil face gave no sign of intel ipne, even when old friends jjmted her. Occasionally, as when WThundav she repeated one of Jm own poems, there have been omenta when it seemed that her lUHect was still unclouded, and ihttit was only her power of speech that was affected. Then, too, she was iblt to guide a pen under direction & another ! person and not long uce completed the task of putting her autograph in 250 volumes of k workB to be brought out. ill in all, she has been a phys iological marvel, as Bhe lived in a house filled wih the mementoes of the days when she moved nations, aid people from every quarter of the globe paid tribute to her great- mt. with souvenirs of the most precious kind. Sunday, June 14, she was S5 years old. The cause &f Mrs. Stowe' s illness m congestion of the brain, with partial paralysis. Mrs. Stowe was tho third daugh ter and sixth child of Rev. Dr. Ly man Beecher. Hei'3 tirst literary fork w:s tbe "Mniilowt i," in 1810. tots upon "Uncle Tom's Cabin," prepared in 1850, while she was Bring at Brunswick, Me. The work nfirst published in the National Era, a Washington newspaper, and JiJ not receive wide attention. But 1852 "Uncle .Tom's Cabin" ap peared in book form and in the five jeare following half a million copies sold. It has been translated to almost every language, and r! in tbe remotest corners of the globe Tbe word has been passed around ud McKinley organs are doing tbeir best grinding to make the tar iff tbe issue. The St. Louis Con 'enticn itself relegated the tariff to Uwmr Not all the 6tump speak- and all the party organs in the od can set it up again in this topaign. There was but one way ' which to make the tariff the issue this campaign, and that was to fcake tbe Republican platform of Meitrong declaration for higher 'nff and nothing: else. Instead of aonijj this, the St. Louis Convention gtte its work and thought and dis ttasioa tn onld nlank and rnid Tr jjttlt attention indeed to the tariff. l&e tariff i a rooster that ha? done rne good fighting, but he isn't in pit this tune He may do Ule cro'vieg in his coop adjacent 10 toe scene of battle, but that s all A Little (Jul Attacked bv the Savage Brute. Xeva'la Mall. "I was out at my farm, in the southeast corner of Osage township yesterday," said John Greenup Smith, "where I learned of an exper ience that horrified me. "The gentlemen who lives on my farm, F. M. Rubey,and his two eons have a couple of blood hounds on the place. On Monday afternoon while Mr. Rubey was fixing a gate and the boys were at work on the porch of the house, the little daugh ter of Mrs. Hannah Williams, neigh bor, came to the house through a field. She walked right upon the blood hounds which were sleeping in the yard probably twenty feet from where the men were at work. "The sudden appearance of the child startled the ferocious Raima's and in twinkling of an eve ihey "-te upon her. She turned to run and the dogs seized her each by a slioul der, sinking their long fangs through the flssh and bearing her to tie ground. "The men rushed to her aid with clubs and finally succeeded iu beat ing the blood thirsty beast away. The child was naturally prostrated of fright and besides her flesh was considerably lacerated and her cloth ing torn almost entirely off. Had the men not been close at band they would have torn the child to piecep. Mr. Rubey tried to kill tbe dogs with the club, but they got away from him. He savs he will gladly give them to any one who will take them. I shall see if Sheriff Scrog- hem will take them off his hands." A. L Mc BRIDE & CO. Greeting to all Cash Buyers of Groceries, Hark?;. Stores, k We are here as we have been fur many years, and xpect to and will give you as many (or more) rooc!s for the same money as any other house in the City. We are not importers, but buy Jour goods as cheap as anyone in the City a-iul intend to keepnothing but STRICTLY FIRST CLASS GOODS aikl with our experience of twenty-live years in the grocery business and kuow that we know the best brands of goods, also know'what they are worth in tlie market and at the inside price, and the inside price is what we pay for them. It is not necessary to advertise'prices for other parties to duplicate, but we ask vouto come in with vonr CASH, CHICKENS, EGGS, BUTTER IMMORAL GOING DRY, fnl'.Tl.SiMi XfV YrkS:oo Must O.ise Their Doors. New Yokk, July 1 Today only j Bicycle Riding Denounced by! , Women's Rescue League. I Washington D. C. July 2 Fully j , r a !-.- ... - TZ Zli-, rf'H VV i " VW J:s .how ccr jduced by the formal declaration hv ! t0 sea iiliaor uaJr the Raines law. the omen s Rescue League that the bicycle is a promoter of imruoi alitv. The resolutions adopted by the League are as follows: "Whereas, the alarming increase of immorality among young women in me united States is most start- or inflict am thin:; that you have for sale and we will give you n much for t as the market will bear, in justice to ourselves as well as Vou. OUR LINE OF HARDWARE Is complete in everything, from u sewing awl to a cook stove. (Jar line of dried fruit were bought in Sanfrancisco, shipped direct to us and are strict ly fancy. Our colTees are the best in the City, come and try them and you will be convinced, wo tell the truth "so with all our lines." " Only try them and you will be satisl-cd. We Guarantee everything we sell to be as Represented Suffice it to say we will duplicate any legitimate price quoted. We do not blow our horn but will leave the matter with our customers to determined whether we do a legitimate business or not. Come in and be convinced. Verv respectfully vours, A. L. MeBRIDE h Co. North side square, Butler Missouri. All the old lieeu&eii issued by tie former Bard of Excise became worthless at midnight last night. Holders of the old licenses wlu did not apply for tax certificates will be entitled to a rebate ficta the city ling to those who have investigated aud the money will be paid to them me suoject oi diaeasre and vice. j collectively, and will amount to over W cereas, a great curse has been it , n.o ti r i i .vdi-i.i , , , .. . fclUQ,0b0. Thehquor dealers who inflicted upon the people of this!, , . ., , . , country because cf the present bi- . iauHl t0 for tihcatea cycle craze, and if a halt is not call-! before the close of yesterday will ed soon 75 per cent of tbe cvdists have to close up today, and if they 111 M . - wiu De an army ot invauda within j decide to make application for cer the next 10 years. .-,- . , , , . , ilWL,. ; j- tincates before the close up today, "Whereas, disease among young! , .. . , ., , 1 , J women is most appalinj? on account ! and 11 tbt declde to maSo PPlca- of the imprudent use of the bicvcle. by bringing on diseases peculiar to tiou for certificates later, their appli cations will be treated, not as re- POLICE MUST ACT. The Church Takes a Hand at Ft. !Scolt. Fort Scott, Kan., June 29. Pres. ident J. J. Stewart and Secretary F. A. Lyon, controlling the Board of Commissioners of this city and both members of the Methodist church here, were formally arraigned and criticised by the quarterly confer ence of the church tonight for fail ing to enforce the prohibitory law. Resolutions were passed declaring that failure on their part to do their duty has brought suffering and re proach to the church in this city and abroad. It is Btated by a church officer that they will be expelled from the church if they fail to close the now open saloons. The action of the conference, it is said, was insii gated by Presiding Elder J. E Brant. Florida Negroes Lynched. Savanah, Ga., July pi. Jake Williams, a negro, 20 years of age, was lynched early yesterday morning bv a inch of Ff-yontv fivo men. who took him from au officer r.hile on the way to jail. Williams wa3 given employment ast Junuary by William Wood a re spectable white farmer. Last Sun day night while the familv were asleep, Williams entered the room of his employer's daughter and at- empted to assault her, but was frightened by the screams of tbe young lady. He was captured by the father and turned over to the county authorities. It was while the prisoner was being taken to jail for safe keeping that the mob over powered the officers and strung the negro to a treelimb and riddled him with bullets. The man confessed his guilt and said he couldn't tell why he did it, and that he was meeting with his just reward. Williams had formerly traveled with gypsies and came from Houston Countv, Ga. Nun-ConilMtanta Killed by Ike Spxninli Soldiers. Havana, June 26. Correspond ence of the United Press. Serafin Slorona, a grocery clerk, 29 years old, and Emalino Pulde, a baker, 28 years old, residents of Jarnce, Havana Province, were taken from their homes recently to the outskirts of the town and killed by the Spanish civil guards. No reasons were assigned for the action. Col. Aldeat' men have burned the houses on the stock farm of llr. Francisco Martia Fefnandez, near Bolondron, Mataczas Province. Mr. Fernandtz is an American doc tor, and formerly lived iu Brooklyn, N. Y. At suniise yesterday morning an unknown schooner was seen oil Copimar, near Havaua She was fired upon from the shore, but suc ceeded in making a landing further down the coast. She was under the protection of an insurgent force, be lieved to be part of Agnirruoa' com- imaud. She was then !-t Are you Billious, conszipated or trou "Mwlth Jaundice, Sick Headache, bad jte in the mouth, foul breath, coated "oeue. tlvsnensia. Indisrestion. hot drv "J", pain in the back and between the guldens, chills and tever, &c. If vou I any of these symptoms, ivour liver out ot order and your blood is slowly Wog poisoned because your liver does t ct properlv. Herbine will cure ; ali order ot the liver. Stomach or bowels lOUnoeoiialas a liver medicine. Price 3nts. Free trial bottle atlI. L "cksrs drugst re. 4S ly I'iUTCflEKKD. 1 Madam Znleyeli Tr.ipnri. Kansas City, Mo., June 30. United States Marshal Haider man arrested a shrewd woman today at Joplin, Mo., on a charge of using the United States mails to defraud. The woman has been operating chiefly under the name of Madame Zuleyeb, but had a number of aliases She Eent letters to men in all parts of the country describing in extrav agant terms mining lands which she claimed to own. In many instances the property had no existence, it is said, and most of the land which she really owned is declared worthless for mining puposes. Her plausible stories found many wnJinsr eaie, however, and she is said to have obtained thousands of dollars. She was daring in her methods and is now contesting several eiisesi in the circuit court of Jasper county against persoas who refused to abide by their contracts. .1.9 Madame Zuleyeh she passed an astrologer and medium. She wrote to an old Michisran farmer and told him that, in a dream, valu able deposits of mineral on land j which bhe owned had beeu disclosed Havana despite the vigilance of tho ftt her. The Michigan man was a Knaniph authorities. ! dfcT spiritualist and believed the is s.iiu tL- sch' bicyliDg by young women is to deplored because cf all evil associa ciations and opportunities ciTered by ciclyiug sports. "Whereas, bicycling by youag women ha9 helped more than any other medium to sell the ranks of reckless girls, who finally drift into the standing army of outcast women of the United States. Resolved, That the Women's Res cue League denounces bicycle riding by young women, because of pro ducing immoral suggestions and im prudent associations, both in lan guage and dress, which have a tendency to make women not only unwomanly,but immodest as well. "Resolved, That married women should not resort to riding the wheal, unless they wigh to prevent motherhood. And be it further Resolved, That the Women's Res cue League petitions all true women and clergymen to aid m denouncing the present bicycle craze by women as indecent and vulgar. And be it further, "Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent where they will do the most effective good for the cause of purity and morality. Chablotti Smith, President Women's Rescue League. Washington, D. C." The Women's Rescue League in tends to begin an' active crusade against the use of the bicycle by women women. 1 urttermore immoderafeirowsla ,w am,i;iinr f. places. They, therefore, will be obliged to get the consent of two thirds of the owners of dwelling :?cs witliu '200 feet of their saloons before their Applications can Le granted. It is estimated that over 1,500 sa loons in the city will have to close today. Most of the liquor dealers who have failed to apply for certifi cates under the Raines law are keep ers of small beer shops, and they have felt that they could not afford to j.ay the 600 tax. Arm livqueatlied hy lvos. Chicago, III. June 30. Frank Ives the billiard champion, has made a will in which he bequeaths his right arm to his physician for dissection, that it may be determined why he has been able to strike a billiard ball harder than Corbett, Fitzaiin- mone, Sandaw or any of his contem poraries with whom he has compet ed with a single tap of hie cue he has made a ball strike eleven cush ions. Riddled with Bullet. Washington, Ga , July 1. News has just reached here of a sensation al lynching which occurred yester day in Lincoln county, which is on tbe South Carolina line. An un known negro tramp, passing the home of Mr. Heary B- Mercier, a prominent young farmer, saw Mre. Mercier alone, caught her, choked her into insensibility and raped her. Several hours after the hueband re turned from the field, and found his wife unconscious The news spread rnridlv. and room half the county Buckingham's Dye fcr the Whis kerc does its work thoroughly, coloring a uniform brown or black, which, when dry, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen. story, and his credulity is said to have cost him several thousand dollars. On Wh-els. Noblesville, Ind., July . Miss Caddie Hollett, 16, daughter of B. P. Hollett, a wealthy and leading ijittie tiocK, xrK., ouiy. xn ue-. ... , i.- ir..i. from excessive bicvcse riding, fche gro wile muraerer, v,nanes jhuc. who escaped from the officers after his arrest s.t his home, two miles often rode to Indianapolis on her wheel to visit relatives. These fre quent ridts so worked upon herner- i n insane from this city. Monday night, was . , -r,- , am ' tous svstem as to cause roKontnrorl liter I'ino Kllllt liisr . Tllfrht J Deputy Constables Cnenault and Tei ii ii t lie ior ite was er nero. A negro wus urrested on C7 w suspicion and lodged in jail. Liter, a posse came upon a strange negro, who was making his way toward South Carolina. He was stopped, and ordered to give an account o himself. The negro broke dawn and confessed the crime. That crowd di l not wait for a rop , bu poured volley after volley of bullets into the negro s body. The lady assaulted belongs to one of tbe most prominent families in Georgia. Hutchinson, Minn., June 30. Two Hobart, the republican nominee for vice president, is 6aid to receive a salaryof $50,000 per annum as OU6 of tbe arbiters of the national railroad pool. The New York World characterizes this pool as "a con spiracy agaiust the people, every member of which would now be in state's prison if the present attorney general and his predecessor had doue their duty.'' Sau Francisco, Cal , July 1. It has been discovered that the late ex Senator James G. Fair made a will four years ago at Victoria, B. C., disposing of his 820.000,000. The will was made while Fair was domiciled at Victoria for a few weeks. Should the will be probated there it i3 not subject to review by the-Cali-fornia courts, but mast be accepted as Fair's last will. , 'prostration. J : He was marched through the street to the jail here this morning, j tramps attempted to make a farmer shackled and guarded. named Austin cook them a meal yes- He admits have killed Lis wife.but j teidy. One who was drunk hit claims self defense. The woman, he j Austin and was promptly knocked says, struck him with a knife. j down. Because of tbe recent mur- Mack and the woman, Delia Smith der of Sheriff Rogers by tramps, the because of who affections Mack kill- j citizens decided to make an example ed his wife, will be examined tomor- j of these two. and tarred and feath row. ! ered them thoroughly. Lawrence, Kan., July 2. P- A. j To prevent pale and delicate Dolby, for twenty-live years a itad- j children from lapsing into chronic irg Republican in this county, was j invalids later in life, they should in from his stock farm today and j tate Ayer's Sarsaparilla together announced that Le could not sup- j with plenty of wholesome food tnd port McKinley for President He i out-door exercise What they need will unite with tb I opposition on! to build up the system " g red the financial question. Mr. Dolby j blood- is weil known iu Republican politics j hy i u, all over the State, and Lis defection j I' catarrh is a constitutional affection a i tr.anv claim nao nac a ionic iu ell that physicians, in extreme cases, treauentlv advise a is causing much comment. What's the Use ot T-ikisg About colds and coughs in the sum mer time. Yo i may have a tickliug cough or a little cold or baby may have the croup and;when it comes you oush to know that Parks cough Syrvy is tha best cu'e tor it. Sold by H. LTucker- change o: air and climate to those sucenng trora it? Ca tarrh is a climatic disease and nothing will Cure it- Ely's Cream Balm in ail cases ot catarjh is so efficient as to do awav with the necessity of leaving home or friend, causing instant relier and a perfect curs after a short continuance. Sia Francisco, Cal., July 2. Miss Lillian Ashley of Boston, whose case against E. J. (Lucky) Baldwin, the pirominent capitalist and horseman for betrayal of marriage.has been on ttiiil in the Superior 'court here for several weeks, created a seiuiation in the court room this morning by walking cve-r to Baldwin, drawing a revolver and firing at his head. A bystander knocked tbe weapon aside in time to save his life, and the only injury was a plight grazing of the salp. The woman was removed to the city prison and it is believed her mind i6 unbalanced. A Household Trtasure. D W Fuller of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr King's New Discovery m the nouse and his family has always found tbe very best results folio- its use; that he would not be without it, if proeura ble. G A Dykemaa Druggist, Cats kill, N Y sa s that Dr King's New Discovery 5 nodnnbtedly the best coui'j rtiurtii ; teas te nas used it in his family tor eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why cot try a rem edy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at H. L. Tucker's drug store Regular size 50c and 81. St. Joseph, Mo., July 1. The remainder of the gang of bank rob bers that looted the Savannah Bank several months ago has been captured. James O'Brien, alias "Red"' O'Brien, and Jake Weber, known as "Dutch Jake," have been arrested in Washington State. When the bank was robbed 14 $1,000 Government bonds were ta ken, thu property of Mrs. Eliza Breckinbridge. Stveral cf these bonds were captured at St. Louis shortly after, where an attempt was made to sell them. These bonds have served to run the gang down. Children Cry for Pitcher'3 Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorsa. Children Cry for 9 itctierg Castoria. Fall River, Mass., July 1. John Connely, a spinner, cut his 1-year old child's throat, and immediately afterward cut his own throat. Both were found dead in the Connelys tenement by Mrs. Conntly. He in duced his wife to leave the house, and during her absence killed his babe and himself. The cause of the deed is supposed to have been des pondency over poor prospects of obtaining work. Montreal, Quebec, July 1 The London correspondent cf the Star cables that despite Mr. Laurier's tentative acceptance of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's zollvtrein proposal, the first act of the next Canadian Liberal Ministry will be to send a commisson to Washington to cegoti ate a treaty of reciprocity, and aUo that it will petition the Home Gov ernment for permission to appoint a Canadian agent at Washington. Sn Francisco, Cal.. July 1. Daniel Dfefore. tbe young sailor who claimed to bt a lineal descendant cf Daniel Defas the co?e!ift, i deal Young Defoe had wealthy and in fluential relatives living" in Lcndon. MM"Ih Ifmisftt Scrantoo, P., July 1 Crzeszo Merola, who shot aiil killed Eman uel Loso, a Urber, at Oi l Forge, this county, on Sun lay, June 17, 1894, because Loro asked Merola for 15 cents which he owed him, was hanged here for the crime short ly after 10 o'clock this morning.- Renccvai. We tase pleasure in announcing after this date I'srks Sure cure will re move ali traces c rheunwtUm, kidney troubles and iiver complaint from ike uer. It is the only medictea that guaranteed to cure these diseases dar. Parvs stire care is told by H. Tn'ckcr,- V .. .