Newspaper Page Text
y .M i M ill I-sL-' 1 &5 fOL. XVIII. BUTLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY AUGUST 13, 1890. no ;?o i rv i t-- . kj "in-" inonim JlddUUBS OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. TCAflSHClO L rtiriai uaiiniiiu uunjlir. f c m.vvuin.i . i'" c7 ....i.i:.. ii.. .1 Jffnnds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal itc mmoUation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand uTn on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all Ljiny UIBB ttlltl nvi' lu'ccoi ! t C. Boulware I I Rifcrilett IWnt 1 1.m Sro1 ll DUtElTOHF. Hoottpr Powell Frank M Votla HHPiKKOtt .J M Christy O K KiiltoM K G Weet T J Wrljrht Win K Walton Geo L Smith OTIIEIt HTOCKIBOI.OCUP. Brycer irn Cm Umber Co bChelf CMrtnoy Wn Clark fi8lColeman (Yaik Detrwester D A DeArmon'l John Evans Iir J Kveringham K'llth EverlnKham C & K Freeman G B Hickman I) B Heath Rf mnel Levy C 11 Morrison Dr W D Hannah Robert JlcCraeken A McCracken John Pharis J K KoaliT J W RelBnt-r I. B Starke Clem Slaybbck lohn H Sullen6. Peter Swartzemlruber Dr W K Tucker W B Tyler E Turner Wm W Trig Win Walls G P Wyatt Dr N L Whittle Max Weiner It G West J M Christy HILL V.11,1, UFA A IJKYAX. ! ica and ! Europe. The marvel is that the Uait Chairman .lorn Aornl That i lie Sen-led States hare not long ago seized ator Will Support The ('hicn;;o l it kef New Yoik Wuri t. Senator UaVid c. Kill wnl sup pott thv n'M;;i.,tb of the Chicago con vet tin i A lorsnai announce, ment of potit.wii will be made public witLiti a very lew das. Sea-. tor iMwitr.l Muiphy is cut iu the open or Brv u vA Sowall and c-cr:i':c etaie con ! '..c'.v;i:ia!ioa :I;Ge!d, who will do.'iioc: ntic candi will support the Virciniti Items biritingnews for the Timks tins yer 1 1 tt -ill h rhinsra we gee and hear. 111 W " " m . , ad if we get them wrong or mixed friends iorgive us iui im.-? m w- Inn Thornburir. of Aiu- mtain are drillinjj a well for Wash- fePTttira tlionlil liave faid last l-wht Mm A .1 Park had a hun- Itdwres of bottom grass for sale, f J I. nil it John Moore, or the oia senooi lutiit church, preached at the Con ad school house last Sabbath and ..n,1 thrA wninen. ii Aaron wai at camp meeting last iWth. Uev Matting preached at I in. The meeting win continue uxt Sabbath; Kev H .1 i'ear, oi .... ntv Kan. vrill be there tout the middle of the week and liremain until Sunday. The camp nbont SO rods from the Concord (bool house, 4 miles north and half lile east ef Virginia. Xrand Mm Spitsenburger, of Kan, rtthitinethe latter's mother, Mrs liohtbacker. , U UnKfl Ilnrcf una Vl'sitinir 111 Kall- h Uhiiv a iiiiv ------- yVlwt week and heard a bitf silver "iWph at. Plpfisniton. i Dr J J wucneu nas , ,)-jci-uiu Llf Jmwv nnw itist fresh, with ifte-fourth blood Jersey heifer for iiwe passed through rinchinn the .iter day w called on inris iuc- t and while returning home the team got irignteneci going uown nni ana she jumped out of the wagon and sprained her knee. Dr J J Mitchell was called to see Mrs CI W Park, who was taken very sick last Thursday morning. At this writing she i? able to be around the house. Virginia was well supplied with preaching Sundav, Kev Galbreth 11 a m at the fll k; bluer aimer, oi en, 11 a m at the ;nnstian cnurcn ana Elder Wilson at Miami Center Sun dav night. The political situation is about the same; some seem to think that Tree silver will bring lots of money, chinch bug?, dry weather, hog cholera, all combined. The match ball game that was play ed her Saturdav. between Lost Cor ner bovs ami V irginia. resunea in a victory for the Virginia boys. There is an eye kept on the boys that are playing craps, they may Viava n full tit trn to Kutler. Water iu srettinc scarce around here and traveling wells can be seen ni'prv i1n.v X'J.i Vtalnnnv. wlift has been at Clinton for sometime, returned home last week. lie has been all over the rl,l uiripo tin left Hates. While N M Nestlerode was at camp meeting Sunday the two mules that ii lpfr in the table irot tantrled in his buggy harness, ran out of the the stable and scattered uiem aiung Any one lmding any pieces will urg the vt- ntio., to et. John 3. S nrobi'.Iv l- ii. A ml date gov; 1 1; ticket Med iLe platform put in the fie!'! nl Chicory i-.-J mnlie his own canvass ou these lines. The facta wrre learned by Sena tor Jamts K. Jonee, chairman of the democratic national CDajinittee, dur ing his vihit to Senator Hill at Nor- man die-by the sca,Vec:n &u;iy night. Seuator Jones returned to the city on the early Sandy Hook boat yes terday morDio. He was accom pauied by Lawrence Gardiner, secre tary of the democratic congressional campaign committee, who went down to Kormandie Wednesday night. Asia, to say nothing of the opportunity. It has been a piece of luck that it has never occurred to the Americana to scoop us out of the world's markets by going on a silver basis, aud it might serve us right if, irritated by the contemptible apathy of our government toward the silver problem, the Americans retaliate! by freezing out gold. It could be easilv dene.' LOX V. STEPHEN'S. TAXING WOKKIXUMKX. the rnnil .. ;n l. ;,-. Mi. "V lv return uj i. . . . - - - - I UL tllflll Will ' ' i i aji - -- Mre, who owns the east part of the 1 jnj, jie atne. '3tn. He is looking well and says i ftrnn received a letter from Dr S K Williams, of Winheld, Kan., last week. The Dr reports that Winfield is a place of 8,000 inhabitants and there are 20 doctors there. Dr Williams practiced at Va a long time and at Foster, from there he went west. He reports that his wife and daughter areen joving good health, and that the Timks Aaron sent him furnished a large amount of news from his old home. A Alto. iltnntin nnlitii- II is brother-in if, Oliver Standfield, says he will Uaell coal and take pay when Hry jn ii electad President, as lie does believe In gambling. uee Browning says he iounaa verj Jwtlonnta lottpr at the iron bridire this sidle of Kutler, addressed to Hy Shftckelford. The owner can Fmuie hy calling at his house. aesdames Win tiaruner ana v arr Mlev went to MoneL'aw last week tiit the former's daujrhter, JIrs iMlnincur Ttl..- Vnt II !!!!(! llOllie Lmlay and leiiori ihera uli.e lo lore again. Win ttafamnn'a u-ifa luff. ll()!lH Ollf JuM last. u-iik Rrul thev heard of f in Kansas. fcTUalbreth and wifeof Kutler, opped Fridav niirht with (Jeorge Ratlins. JWParkis having a well dug on 'Mrm on the river. Woon business in the matrimonial N, returned home Friday. He says Fwa rich widow. James Walker left lart week for his 'Heme in Kentucky, near Mount litlinir. to visit his need father, who fi pawed his 80 vear mark and is a lars Rapp was on the north side of "ni visiting one day lat week, ti-m-il lv h l'ii'. iJnugt:p,'i, N ' , Aaj V .'e rocious bull attacked ilrs Siui'l Young ou a farm near Dtertield. The cries of the woman brought her husband to the rescue nd both nearly lost their lives before the uni mal wan driven off- The bull pinned the woman to the ground, and when her husband approached the animal with a fence rail, it turned ou him and fcored htm until he was insensi ble. A number of farm hands came to the rescue of the imperiled cou ple, and succeeded iu driviog the animal away. It is ftared that both Young und bin wife will die. Mark Hanna Intend That. They Shall Put up $1 Each. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 8. The plu tocrats are evidently objecting to giviDg up their ill-gotten millions for the purpose of placing their tool, McKin!ey,in the WhiteHouse. The evidence lies in the fact that the pro prietor of the republican party, Hanna, has issued orders to hold up the workingmen of the countiy for SI a head to defray the rather heavy expenses of the campaign. This will be easy, for the plutocratic em ployers will receive instructions to diiseVmrrfi evcrv man wLo is not 0 - - - -j prompt with his ' voluntary coutri bution." Of course the threat cf dismissal will not be printed iu the demand, but it will bo made none the Ices plain for those for whom it is intend ed. The campaign of extortion was begun here yesterday at the Jones aud Laughliu plant at Hrownstown I where thij t otiiv wv.s posted: All thess in fnvcr of founl! money aud desiious of getting an honest dollar for their day's work will of their own accord subscribe SI to the campaign fund of tie re publican National Committee " The plant employs about 3,000 men. This is said to be the first move to assess the wage earners all over the country. The scheme of that kind originated with Mark Hanna, who thinks tlat every workiogman should be compelled to give 81 to the party of protection. Sketch of the Mti Placed at th- Head of the Democratic State Ticket. Lawrence Vest Stephens is a na tive of Cooper county. Mo , and was born December 21, 1857. He is of an old and well known Missouri family. His father, Col. Joseph L Stephens, and his mother, were also natives of Cooper County. He received the rudiments of an education in the public schools and Cooper institute, and prepared for college at the school of Prof F. T. Kemper. He graduated from the law department of Washington and Lee University, Virginia, in 187C. He then went to Europe and spent a year in foreign travel aud study Returning home to Boonville, he took editorial charge of the Adver tiser. He was married m 1SS0 to Miss Margaret Nelson, daughter of J. M. Nelson of Boonville. He and his wife are active members of tke M. E. Church, South. His first experience in banking was in his father's bank, the Central National Bank of Boonville. He commenced as collector and ii now Vice President of the Bank. In 1887 he was appointed receiver of the Fifth National Bank cf St. Louis, which failed with S2.OCO.000 liabilities. He developed a high or der of tiuancial ability in the settle ment cf the affairs of that bank, and was highly complimented by the Comptroller of the Currency, and also by Judge Thayer of the United State Court, for Eastern District of Missouri. When State Treasurer Noland de faulted in 1SS9, Mr. Stephens was appointed by Gov. Francis to fill out the unexpired term, and in 1592 he was noaiinated and elected for the. !.ew term by a 1-trge majority. . OFFICERS . 1. THOMPSON , Trr. K. V. ISKNNKIT. V. l't,. K. 1. Kiri', Catkin. FARMERS BANK BUTLER. MO. JaiUal Stock S.' rSurplii! I"iinl Sr.MMUM We Want Your Business. G . W. N'ewberry ) G. I'ta'.t Wvatt S Afrtl tam. DWECTOHS- DR. J. EVKKIXGIIAM. JNO. K. SHCTT. W. G. Wll.COX. .I.J. McKKK. CLARK WIX. H. M. GAII.KY. JSO. STKKLE. JAS. M. McKIBBEN. FROM THE EAST. EiRomasitig News Krouht to Candi date Bryan. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. G. Brjan had a call from Mr. Harrington of Boston, who is visiting his son, a Catholic priest, in this State. Har rington said the laboring and farm mg classes of New Lngland are comiDg over by thousands to Bryan and silver. Bryan is much pleased with the action of the Nebraska Pop ulista Convention Weduesday. But he is shy iu discussing the Nebras ka situation. Many leading Populists in section are quite positive the and file of that party in the will vote for Bryan and ignore son's demands. OASTOTIIA. this rauk West Wat Anna Coats " W M Crawford Co Clk fees Mary C Hall supt paup M L Orr -Mary C Hall " " G W Christlieb bridee work Yantreea Bros ' G W Pollock llettlng on the Election. Shelbyvilie, Iud., Aug. 8. The notice of a bet in a Cincinnati paper wherein John Eugan offers to bet 820,000 to $10,000 that McKinley will carry every northern and west ern state", S10.000 to 5,000 that McKinley will carry Indiana by G0,000 and $",000 to $300 that Bey iui nnt fTfct. as iQftDv votes as it vv- -" ' - . Greeley got, has caused excitement in political circles here. William Sherman Punshe. who Paste 'this iu Your Hat The following is an editorial from the London Financial News (gold bug-.) 'There is a plain moral in the re mark the t if the United States would venture to cut herself adrift from Europe and take outright to silver she would have all America and Asia at btr back aud the command of the markets of both countries. The barrier of gold would be more fatal than any baiiier of a custom house. The bond cf silver would be strong- Lr than anv bond of free traue I I represents a syndicate of capitalists, j Ti-ere cau ie , doubt about it that by telegraph takes ail the foregoing bets and eff.-rs to bet 30,000 to 10,000 that McKin!ey does not entry one s'.ute west of the Alleghe if the United Ssaies were to adopt a silver b.-:id to-morrow British trade would be niiued before the year was i nut i-.verv American woum oe pro n v luour.Uiua or south of the Obio j , t d not OI1jv at home but iu every other market jIVALL & PERCIVAL.. BCTLEG. MO- A-ELLfl: IjOAINTS. Vtoloanoi farms at retnced rate cf "w. l our notes are payable at onr omce ami them hero when dne. We plve '"tier to jay any time. Money reaily ,papeh aieitigncd. sstfj ! river, aud 20.000 to 810,000 that McKinley dees not carry five states in the Union Tammany, the real democratic party of New York, has endorsed Brv&u aud Scwail and will go hearti ly to work to carry the Empire state for tue national and state ticket. Of course, the United States would suffer to a cer tain extent through having to pay her obligations abroad in gold, but the loss of exchange under this head would be a mere drop in the bucket as compared to the profit to be reap ed from the markets of South Amer- Hainan! Evidence. The Republican politicians seem to be singularly blind to the effect upon their canvass of Mark Hanna's prominence and the affiliations which he naturally seeks here in New York. This mushroom millionaire boss is organizing the McKinley campaign as he would organize an iron trust. He gees to Pierpont Morgan for aid and advice as to cheeking the silver movement which that eminent finan cier did more thau any ether man to create. He has installed Matt Quay aud Powell Clayton as lieutenants and appointed an executive commit tee of rich and experienced fat friers. All this renders unnecessarily absurd the claim that the Republican party represents iu this election all the honesty, patriotism and moral eenti ment of the country. Have the Republican leaders for gotten the millionaire banquet the "Belshazzar feaaf" that defeated Blaine in 18S4 at the last moment. They retired Payne from their Ex ecutive Committee this year because he was obnoxious to the labor unions. Do thev lack the discretion or the power to keep Hanna, with his inoa ey bags, his fat friers and his pro fessiocal corruptioniste, out of sight as an cfiknse to the moral sentiment and the political sense of the com munity. The combination that is directing the McKinley cainpaija i. .-eaUy working effectivtly fr Bryuu Re publicans who know what is opera ting cn tie minds of tha people must be conscious of this fact New York World. i County Court Proceeding. Settlement of S H Fisher, Treaa urer. approved. Mt Pleasant R R Bonds Nos 1 to S inclusive 8,000) cancelled; other warrants cancelled. Contract to buiid cess pool at jail awarded to G W Pollock at 19- Virginia Tabor's school fund mort face ordered foreclosed. Treasurer ordered to pay Mt Pleasant R R Bonds Nos. 20, 27, 40, 47, 4S, 49 and 53 and interest on 6ame from April 1, 1S91 to July let, 1891. Bridge Commissioner ordered to locate aud mike estimate on abut ments to bridge in see 24 twp 12 30. Order of foreclosure school loan to J B H McDmi"! txtendl PKys fioai August -4 ill. fi ''!! r. i'l.oi f. tLitli.:tUt fC& approved. New voting precinct established at Ballard, in Spruce township divid ing line established on line between sections 13 to 24 12 1263 163 15 8 65 1 365 at k at ---j- J T Moon " " 342 W fl Ioau work 1 Mary Elledge sup paup 22 Nancy West " " 'Z'J R Y Bellomy " " 10 C C Catterlin oil for jail W F Rosser printing for shff 2 Pierce Hackett paup fund 20 J P Revis " " 8 Review, printing 4 McKibben Mer Co mds 21 Asylum No 1 acct 141 N A Wade, printing lor Co t Jno Pago work ou bridge 4 G W Allen, lumber " 1 S H Fisher, Int on Mt Pleasant R R Bonds 112 S Levy k. Co mdse Co 3 Frank Potter team to poor farm 1 C C Catterlin, oil for jail Bennett-Wheeler Mer Co mdse 8 Miller A; Son, til for Co F M Oldaker.rep shoes for pria 2 Jno Starr, work on bridge 6 Butler WuUr Co, water acct 42 W M Dalton express & poBtage 1 G D Barnard &, Co mdse Co 1 C W Porter, supt paup 10 P fTnohea " " 20 J II William Chris Miller J F Tcdford J L Turner John Kearney " R U Lotspeich sta for county Hurler Lum Co lum for brdg 20 10 10 20 15 1 6 1 1 Warrant of $140.95 issued to Vr . , . . non Co to pay on rjriage acroeo Osage river. Dram shop license refused George Henry. Dram shop license granted to jio Allister it Co, Obendorf k Co., Elgert Bros. Bridge commissioner ordered to have abutments to briJge between Deep Water and Pleasant Gip and one east of Butler repaired. Contract for 2800 bushels of coal for county use awarded to W ft ar der at 63 per bushel. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED. E A Porter, assessing Graal River G T Wolf assessing Elkhart .S-mdeifcOu & ihihr c flin pau H H Wyse, wolf scalp D A Colyer, eterifi fees 119 Asylum No. 2 211 Sheriff oxpense capturing Orr and White escaped prison's 145 D af & Dumb school Alsom Margaret Boney sup paup P H Holcomb quarter sal J Duffield work on levee W C Brown coffiu paup Stewart Atcheaon elks fees Lane & Adair mdse pricn's C B Lea is team to bridge J D Allen & Co printing C S Ewic, mds Co Deacon Bros- St Co, mas i Stewart Atcheson, crim costs 408 8 10 225 10 4 29 7 1 25 1 2 Henry Fishsr 4 J G (Jdctreli " W C Brown S S Carroll W C Cohenour O Gipson sup E A Hill G G Jones W H Iogu work jail W F Rosser printing sbff Casper Stammeo ice Cir Crt State Industrial Home Hauseman J H Su'.lens work on bridgo L Stoll sup pauper 25 85 58 41 Hudson Shawnee Homer Lone Oak 33 Deer Creek 72 nauD 13 D A Ccher, feed pris j I Z Graves, per diem ! roiloftfe i W T Kemper, per diem an 1 I mi'eige ! D C Fuller, per j miieage Wire Br Cn, Br fa-.d VM 7 r.lmfna of lirsS . v - t i - ! T T M .-!- (ana ,'irn U 11 illlllUt - - diem and 30 30 85 211 730 10 10 10 i 9 or Kate 19 31 92 56 00 00 00 50 50 20 80 00 W M Crt vfard, fctamp SCHOOL LOAXK. R D HeLrj, E G Sarets, renewal Andrew Hagebasch. reriewhl I Jno W Vogl. I C H Hensley. I J J Ramey, renewal A R Keeser, Sarah Scott, renewal 40 00 M F Graves $600 149 600 450 700 600 400 150 793 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report i 00 42 (50 00 34 00 10 60 50 87 50 50 50 25 00 60 50 00 00 50 58 40 50 50 60 95 50 50 60 40 25 80 50 52 50 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 52 65 75 60 IS 30 30 00 00 00 58 85 25 00 00 10 32 45 00 27 00 27 00 26 40 00 70 50 00 20 00 0'J 00 00 00 00