Newspaper Page Text
I I I rmmm I people pee are tn I I I I side of them and not I) I outside. No two I people sec iuc thing exactly alike. rn wnman tnav (look out at a beau tiful landscape and all the beautv I and restfulness and grandness that there i nn will lflolt OUt at ha aartip trciip and ,ee nothing. The man who is perfectly well and vigorous enjoys life to the full. ,Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery makes people well. There isn't anything ' miraculous about it it is the most natural thin in the world. It simply puts the di gestive organs, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, in perfect order and therebymake the blood pure and rich. All diseases live ,nd thrive on impure blood. Keep a stream of pure, rich, red blood flowing into a diseased pot, and the disease will not stay. A man lives on rich, pure blood, and disease dies on it Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, rich blood. The Bain Wagon, Best on earth, Deacon Bro'e. & Co. The Model Clothing store looks handsome in its new quarters north side of the square- Call. J. U. Bruner left Tuesday for an extended trip through Iowa on real estate business. Dr. Cox, the fin prize stallion of T. E. Lisle L Co., won first money of $500 at Holdea, Mo , last week. Mrs. W. H. Sherwood and children of St. Louis, are visiting her sister, lira. J. S. Fierce and other relatives, Ber. William Jones will return from his eastern trip the last cf the week and 11 his pulpit at the M. E. church Sunday morning. Butler Academy is going to have a large attendance this year. Scores of young men and women are mak ing arrangements to attend. Send for catalogue. 40 tf. W. O. Atkeeon and wife left for Virginia Monday. Thai r daughter, who haB been visiting relatives, is quite sick and they go to bring her home. In a stampede to make their exit fro m a burning church building near Sandy Hook, Kentucky, Sunday, nine persons were trampled to death and quite-a number injured. Dr. J. W. Morris contemplates changing his residence to Chicago. lie has been a substantial and valu able citizen to Butler and all will regret that he has decided to leave the city. The meeting which has. been ex tenBively advertised of the biennial convention of republican league clubs at Chillicothe this week, and which meeting was to be the opening of the republican state campaign, turned out to be almost a total fail ure, not more than a thousand peo pie being present. At the Arlington hotel, Meberly, aio., a lew days ago Jennie Berkley, of Monroe county, jumped from a second story window. One of her legs was broken in the fall. ' She was perfectly aude at the time. She had registered a few minutes before with a man who signed his name Milt Morris and wife. The woman said the man drew a pistol and she jumped to save her life. Sunday School primary and junior class teachers of city and country are earnestly invited to attend the teachers' meeting, which la held every Saturday afternoon at 4:30 at the Christian church. This union meeting was organized bv Mrs. Semelroth, of St. Louis, during the S. S. convention of June last for the benefit of the teachers of the chil dren. This work has progressed favorably. Reports of the meeting will be sent to the State Convention at Jefferson City Aug. 25 27, at which three of our teachers will be present. The music department of Butler Academy offers special inducements to those who desire a first-class mu sieal education. Send for catalogue and examine the excellent course in music. A teacher of unquestioned ability, up to date in methods of in struction, is in charge and will guar antee satisfaction. Give your son or daughter a definite course, and re ceive a diploma of graduation, that will be valuable. 4otf. The musical entertainment, given by the Golden Club, of this city, on last Friday evening at the M. E ehurch was well attended by our citizens and quite a number from our neighboring towns. Miss Emma Paxton, of Garnett, Kan., who so kindly assisted our people in carrying out their program so successfully, was the leading fea ture of the evening, her veiee bein clear, sweet and most charming while all of her songs were of the best and latest selections. Golden Herald. Miss Paxton has been employed as musical instructor at the Acade my. She ia a very fine musician and an excellent instructor. - A Bryan and Sewall club should be organized in Butler at an early date. Hon. W. W. Graves and A. W. Thurman went te Warsaw Monday as oDDOiincr counsel for Buchanan & K - WM Noah of the Backet store. Judg Lay appointed Walter M. Crabtree receiver for the firm with mstruc tions to sell the whole stock at th first opportunity. The general public will be glad to learn that George Miers has taken charge of the Laclede hotel. Mr. Miers is a splendid hotel man, un derstsnds the business thoroughly and he will make the Laelede hotel a first class house in every particu lar. He is having a splendid run of trade and under his management the Laclede will grow in popularity. The only argument the republican papers and statesmen give against free silver, is that it would lead to national dishonor and business ruin While they heap abuse on the silver cause not oae reasen is given for the present hard times under the gold standard or in what respect times will be better if McKinley is elected Maj. Thos. Hayes, of Lousville, Ky., with a party of friends camp ing pear Sail s raneh, Arizona, tells of a mighty meteor which struck the earth about two miles north of their camp Sunday night about 9 o'clock, The Maj. : says the concussion was terrible, the earth trembled and the noise was like that of many cannons fired simultaneously. The air for miles arcund was filled with sul phurous gas, and the meteor came down red hot and smoking. The decent of the meteor was the most brilliant, grand and awe inspiring sight I ever witnessed, said the Mai It was simply beyead the power of tongue or pen to accurately describe it. The heat from the meteor was so intense it will be several days before the place it struok can be examined The hole it made in the earth cevers about two acres and the meteor is embeded many hundreds of feet in the earth. A Mexican herder, his wife and three children te gether with 1,200 sheep in range of the meteor went down uoder the mighty mass and were buried. Our esteemed friend John. W. Duuean. Adrisn's efficient nostmaB ter, has been having dreams for sev eral years through the medium of wnicn ne nas been enabled to accu rately foretell the results of ereat political conflicts in this countrv. In 1884 he foretold the election of Mr. Cleveland months before the election, and in 18S8 his dream as accurately foreshadowed his defeat Again in 1892 a vision of his broth er, wno resides in a western state, appeared seated upon a white horse, Dearing a message oi great demo cratic viotory. Fifteen months ago Mr. Duncan bad a dream which augured well for democratic success this vear. The crosoectB were so gloomy at that time that John's iriends, wno swap stale jokes and tobacco with him ia the rear of the P. O , gave him the "horse laugh." cut alter Mr. Bryan s triumphal journey into the enemv's count, ha could afford to have another dream, and this time he is given respectful attention. The full aterv of Mr.Dun- can's marvelous powers as a sooth sayer tnrougn the medium of dreams isirraphicallv told in the Sunday R. public, illustrated by the dreamer's picture and voucned lor by C. L Mills and J. Scudder. Williams Cash Grocery 12 ft rolled oats $ 25 12 lb northern beans 25 5 ft fine green coffee 1 00 5 ft good brown " 1 00 4 ib Java blend " extra fine 1 CO 9 lb broken Java coffee 1 00 1 doz tin cans 30 1 doz Mason jars TO 7 lb Dwights soda 25 10 bars good soap 25 1 bbl salt l ns 3 ft finest tea dust 25 18 ft granulated sugar 1 00 1 ft best Japan tea 35 Remember we have in stock a fine line of hardware, such as the farmers use and are making a close price on it. When it comes to FLOUR, come and see our large stock on hand and the prices we are making on it Bought cheap for cash and will cell cheap. Come in and get our prices as now is a good time to lay in flour made from old wheat Our Joplin flour is the finest flour in town, no sacks returned, 652, S0c 90c, $1 per sack. Produce of all kinds wanted and at the highest prices as usual. Will give you a long list of prices soon. WILLIAMS BROS. A Disgruntled Bolter. Industrial Laadar, (PopalUt) Lamar, Mo. Ever since the meeting of the Pop ulist National Committee at St. Louis last January, when the place and date for the national convention were determined, certain Populist editors in this state have apparently felt it incumbent upon them to harshly criticise Chairman A Rozelle. Tak ing their cae from fake interviews they allowed their distorted imagi nations to run riot with their judg ment and have given utterance to statements absolutely false. Chief among them is one W. O. Atkeson, editor of the Butler Free Press, the fellow who led a solitary, single handed bolt from the Sedalia con vention. From the last issue of his paper the following drivel is taken: "Our resolutions tying the hands of our State committee so that they could not do other than therein provided were destroyed by the adop tion of the "harmonizer" and will betotall ig nored. As it turned out the whole matter of union of electors with the democrats was left in hands of Chairman Kozelle and his committee to do as they please. The party as such will have nothing whatever to do or say about it. Indeed, it appears from the proceedings of the committee as published in the Sedalia Capital that Chairman Rozelle is not bound to even call his committee together to arrange so trifling a matter. And he is the same Kozelle who stood before the Missouri delegation in St. Louis after convention had adjourned and expressed his dissatisfaction with the nomination of Mr. Bry an, and prated about being in the middle-of-the road, and whined about certain criticisms of his ante-convention conduct in the Missouri world. But let that pass. We maintained before Sedalia convention, and maintain now, that it would be fair and right for the democratic electors to support Watson if our electors support Bryan. That was the gen eral understanding at St. Louis as everyone knows who attended that convention. As it stand9 Watson will get only three or four votes and Sewall will get thirteen or four teen in Missouri unless Chairman Rozelle gen erously concedes the whole seventeen to Sew all." The course pursued by Chairman Rozelle needs no further vindieation than that given by the new State central committee which unanimously re elected him as chairman. For per aenal censure we care nothing if men will alow malice to warp their veracity their own actions will con dean them. But whan censure takes the form of wilful niarepre aentatious relative to the aotieu of the state committee we think it time to call a halt. Who is this mac, At keson, who presumes to set himself up as an oracle of political piety and censor of the actions of all who do not fellow his beck and call? He is a netorious fusionist who came to this state from West Virginia, about sixteen years age, running for office, and has been a standing candidate ever since. Away from home, when ever he aspired to be considered a leader, he has posed as a straight, unswerving middle of the-roader at home when bis own personal inter ests were at stake he has neve.- hesi tated to grasp any fusion deal or scheme which favored his own elec tion. The most notable instance of his fusien propensities was in 1892 when, by very smooth manipulation, he succeeded in having his name placed en the republican ticket as a candidate for circuit judge against Lay. When defeated at tke polls, by the aid of Populist who coatiih uted money to pay the expense (some of whom he has since insulted aad villified) he carried his case to the supreme court and was beaten again. This same saint posed as boss of the ultras in the Missouri delegation at the national conven tion and suoceeded in making him self ridiculous. At the state con vention at Sedalia he undertook to carry out the role of bess and was iagloriously sat upon; then, like a spoiled boy, he led a bolt which no one fallowed. He refused to place Bryan a name on the national ticket until compelled to do so by the di rectors of the Free Press. By his contemptible bossism and domineer ing he has practicaliy disrupted the party in Bates the heretofore ban ner county of the state. We are not actuated by personal feeling in presenting the above facts we want the honest, intelligent Popalist of the state to know the manner of man who presumes te set himself up as dictator. What can be expected from such a creature? What credence sheuld attach to the utterances of a bolter, a man who publicly repudi ated the action of an overwhelming majority of the state convention? As such he is no longer to be con sidered a member of the party. It is a fact notorious throughout the state that his officiousness at St. Louis and Sedalia was prompted by purely selfish motives he wanted te be elected chairman of the state committee. Failing in that he al lowed his true character to manifest itself and he would . williocly nave disrupted the party. , To Cleanse the System Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel head aches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs. J. M. Catterlin is verv antinna trr some good farm loa3 for this month. Loans closed at once, money ready. 1 tr. Call and see the Model Clothing. Co., at their new quarters on the north side of the square SHOT BT THE ROADSIDE. Passengers on Conductor Conner's Train Witness a Tragedy. C'inton Democrat. Maj. R. II Melton, of Clinton, was a passenger on Conductor Conner's train south on the Memphis road Tuesday night and witnessed a mur der tragedy. The train stopped at Mastin's switch to let a north bound freight pass. This is near the Missouri Kansas line, just on the Missouri side. A wagon road crosses the track at the switch, and a party of movers was camped in the road less than a hundred yards from the track. In their wagon wtre several women and children. Three or four men were standing in the road. As the freight train passed, the passengers heard the report of a gun and heard Con ductor Connere, who was on the rear platform, say a man had been shot. Maj. Melton joined the Con ductor and saw one of the men hold' ing a smoking rifle while another one lay prone on the ground dead. Conner called to the conductor on the freight to report the murder at the next town and then pulled out It transpired however that the man who did the shooting was a constable named Frank Hodges The man he shot was accused of stealing harness and had resisted arrest and steod the officer oft with a revolver. Hodges got a rifle and going to the camp, shot the thief dead when he resisted arrest. Great sales prove the great merit of Hood s Sarsaparilla, and great merit enables it to accomplish won derful cures Ballard J tews- A much needed ra;n fell in this lo cality Sunday and Monday, but it came too late to do the corn much good. Ji'dge Patrick, wife and daughters Ruey and Virgie, and nieces, Maud Patrick and MertieCenoiare visiting friends at Monegaw Springs. eo Teeter is canvassing the neigh borhood for a new edition of the Kew Testameat, which is gotten up in a ve.-y interesting and instructive man ner. There will be services at Fair View church next Sunday as follows: Sun day school at 10 a. 111. xreaching 11 o'clock, and a'so at 7:'50p. in. by Rev Victor. Bible class at 5 p. 111. Mr At water, son and son-in-law, Sam Hays have gone to Howell county to look at the country with a view of locating there. John B Hayes' mother from Ar kansas expects to spend the winter with her son and family. One of our bei-t teachers, Miss Julia Douglass, will teach the Griggs school this winter. Miss Mary Miller will teach in Texas this winter. Mrs Barton who has been visiting relatives and friends near here, has returned to her home in (irape Vine, Texas. Miss Josephine Harris of Los An geles, Cal., is visiting her cousin, Mrs Geo Crow, this week. Threshing is about over in 1 his vi cinity and farmers are now making preparations to cut corn. Aaron Bell sold forty-two head of hogs to Marioa Woods and Will Yan cy. The Ballard base ball club will play the Altona team at Ballard, Saturday. Some of our young men take great pleasure in calling at Mr Kersey'a to see the "dears," (deer.) Wolves are still seen in this locality and unless greater care is taken may become quite a pest. Ed Young, our blacksmith, is hav ing a well dug. Mr Knaus and daughter have re turned from Henry county, and re port the county very div'and crops suffering for rain. The interment of Saul Fahnnestalk who suicided by blowing out his brains with a shot gun at Altona, took place at the France cemeterr last Tuesday. The case for this rash act is not known. Pekah. Weil Satisfied wit! Ayer's Hair Vigor. "Nearly forty years ao, after soil!,' weeks of sickness, my hair t.irns .l -ray. I began using Ayer's Ilaiv Vigor, and was so well satis fii.i with the results that I have 4v-rjried any other kind of dress---.?i5SK ing. Jtreauiresonlv Saii occasional appli- AYER'S Hair Vigor to keep my hair of erood , color, to remove dandruff, to 1.1 itching humors, r.nd prevent ths I. n : jt - ironi out. I never liesi t te to recommend Aver's medicines to n;r friend." Mrs. il.M. IIaigiit, Avoc: Xcbr. mj Hair Vigor rrepreiby Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lc-R-eU, if Take Ai8fs Samparilla isr the Ctastecioa, f . aw a K ji wt; ALWAYS LEADING JS THE Lane & Adair WE ARE THE NEW FALL GOODS 1 EVERYTHING COMPLETE UP TO DATE IN STYLES We extend to all a cordial invitation to call in and in spect this magnificent stock of goods, which is Far Superior to Anything We have ever shown in Butler. We guarantee our prices to be as LOW AS THE LOWEST Price made by any House in southwest Mo., on the same quality of goods. Don't buy OLD SHELF-WORN GOODS when you can buy new ones for less money. 16 TO 1 YOU WHEN IN MONTROSE DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON E. E. WILSON & CO., and examine our goods and compare prices with the hard times. We have just traded for a ten thousand dollar stock of Buggies, Carriages, Surries, Phaetons, Farm Machinery ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS AND SADDLERY which we are selling at less than the cost of manufacture. Oar entire stock of goods are of the best, oar buggies, carriages, &c, were manufactured by the Columbus Buggy Co. We have the . CAPITAL, BAIN AND BIRDSELL WAGONS Monarch scales, Windmills, Wheat drill?, Plows, Harrows, Mow ers, Hay rakes, and Hay press, at prices that can not be met bv any merchant in southwest Missouri as long as these goods !; hold out as we are Selling These Goods Regardless of Cost. Our Harness are all hand made and of the bett material and warranted to give satisfaction. We are well aware of the fact that times are hard, and that the price of the farm products are low and to show you that we realize the financial condition of the farmer, we quote you prices below that are in keeping with . the hard times. Don t forget that these are standard goods: Baggies that (told lor $135 for Bupgies that sold tor 125 for Baggies that sold for $100 Tor Buggies that sold for 5 for Wagons that sold for 3 for $ 80.00 platform scale for $135.00 corn crasher for 18.00 barrow for - $85 75 50 35 f) 85 8 rwwln the Odd Fellows building, second door west of the Mot iZt riSL ?g,!i? k Whe,rterwe lnTlte y call and examine or good and Tf. yQ r1" be.cnel that we are selling better good ff leSS mOneV than inr hnnu ir. . w,?g0tllb,ffarS,lm and we are doiD by the farmer aa we m ?n tVe be don by we were farming, vo.i can bay fro litJertJ9n9BVW,MM before.' We also buy all kinds of gram and pay the highest market price in cash. Flax Seed a Specialty. eoYntv -y n ffiU th HenF7 eOUnty farmer but trota ihe for flr S Tr8 wel1' and paid as much as 17 ct more per bobel whera vl hanWalere4Jtor the me seed at Bntler. Alwayi got wnere von o.slti do ths k r : .. - twr,I-;ii! , mm won i jo twenty nines ! sa twenty dollars on a fifty dollar purchase. Remember the place. E. E. Wilson & Co., MONTROSE, Henry Co.,My NEVER FOLLOWING MOTTO OF -o- FIRST TO SHOW -AND- Lane & Adair. CAN'! BEAT H 42plow(nikyJ $22 7 24 14 10 8 4 12 plow ... 35 Mft double barne fc set double barni-sn S st ningle harnew 18 8et 'nrle harness 15 act single harness 51 r r 4 70 hr J 1 0? at.T hi J itrgi UK rl Jit ae JSl It Am F C fcav 001 J G to! wit 1 An 1 101 rW on fcx IS p u 6! d u tl