Newspaper Page Text
7 fOL. XVIII, BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1890. NO 45 & in it & lit ai v -v r i"n x w is 6 lildet favor ise it th of i tne ipitol oteU, nts it not, lollar. Of, after hair yer's satis have !ress lonly ippli- keep g00, - Snnte :c,pole ustiloM. arth. plao Missouri State lank OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL - SURPLUS FUND S 55,000. 00 2,500.00 fcive Deionlts, Loans money. Issues Drafts and does a general Banking business, fftioliclt the accounts of Farmers, Merchant and the public generally pronminir a nf Depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend lib1 accommodation in the way of loans to our customer?. 9t. T. C. Boulware Booker Powell Frank M Vorts fleoL Smith II H I'iggott JMChiiBty John Deerwester C R Radford R G West JE Jenkins T J Wright Wm E Walton Thinking the public for their confidence and liberal patronage daring th past fifteen yri, we solicit a continuance of the same promising honest and conservative man agement, with strict attention always to the wants of onr customers. J. K. JENKINS, Wm. E WALTON, Cashier. President. The OMilt So Far. What ibe fall -leetiuns show. Re publican have carried electoral votes. 5aine Vermoat -4 Tot J 10 De ioe a have carried electoral Vt.l . A!..t"'iu 11 A. 8 l'r ::iiff-; i- 12 31 PLAIN ROBBERY. lib L dies. Th,- , rt-r.i.l effect and perfect -fet with wliu'ii ladies may use Sjruu ot Figti. under all conditions, ruakt-8 it their favorite rtniedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the r.auae of the California Fig Svrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. Vfrsinia Items. In writing news for the Timks this It will be things we see and hear, And if we pet them wrong or mixed Friends forgive us for this is '. uwVnhia nf fiockville. is visitinsr kr step-children, (ieorge Ruble and InOeoJenwins. Alton Park and sister, Mrs Virgil Jenkins, attended court at Clinton iMtweeK. Dr Mitchell nan r-u I'auiris v plowing up a hedge fence with their threshing engine last Thursday. Miss Kuima oru, oi nuuer, is is-iting- Miss Viola Harris. Davis urear, wne aim vu j mi. Sterling, Ky, is visiting his brother, IDOrear. Amanzar Hensley has returned Kldorado Surinirs. with hit health but little improved. He band his horse tnat was sioien irom him last spring. nit. unit : ... .. .. . 1 U. 1 1 n trail r.nri ci T Butler, passed through our city Wednesday of last week. Allan Kenneuy, oi i-asic, uiu onr city Wednesday of last week. p.u Mtfitt. threshin? comimnv broke a concave while threshing at Aaron's Friday, ami nau to senu to aUfor repairs. Kth birthday last Friday by a quilt ing. Those present were: niesuniurs nvpk n n Wr.liP .Ino Orourick. David Bean, Joe T Whinnary, Jack Ramr V, lnl If.lm Nherrick. 11 wvi a j i mx r IaIp Proctor. u icruti w .. c . ' j j v the three latter from liutler, Mother r t'ntlg, Urandma urysuai, Aurs isaac rut and daughter, miss imify, vims uensiey and wile. - Jonn Huffman returneu nome last week from a trip through some of the awn ctalnki II x W at C nt St Tnl awCDUCiJ U Diairi A M V " Ml. nd Minneapolis, Minn, Shanadoo inotaraget, lowa, tena, iseu, uuu r rt -r ii n 1 n.itV V, iUU, lit" Wtt Wtll " the looks of the country. Mrs Alton died Tuesday of last week ami wis hnriptl in the Virginia f paveyard Wednesday. ui wone ana w J iarK went iu of lnd, speak. They got storm stayed uuine wav nome ana nau xo iut up tor the night at Mr Shobe's. H P JJickells delivered a tine lot of hy on the car at Amsterdam last WMfr T 1 . T . . Af tiio i uanos Dadly burned uy tne expioumg, t 1it;i ...... ? n r nil i if crwiQ w iisoii VB. uimimus bede Saturday, his ax glanced and ui ine utxie toe oi nis rignt toot. visited his parents, W D Orear and ana sisters, airs J J juiicnm uuairs.i i' pus i'v. a lewuavs i wra. TA Wright struck a 10-inch vein ofooal on his farm while digging in well last week. Frof Allison and wife, of lintler, -a r l 1 l l . tt IIIll ana juage iiucKeuy, oi .u:u mu, spent Saturday night nt the home of Joe T Whinnery. Steve Cook, who has been sick for some time, is improving slowly. I)r Mitchell expects to leave this week for his new home in 111 J 1) Campbell, of Mound City, Kan, was in Virginia Monday. Walter Wrlf i nn th sick list. Virginia was blessed with a good rain Friday night. No change to note about the politi cs.! uitiintinfi. Mr If uckebv. of R H. 'spoke on tariff and free silver to a good audience, though not all of one mind, Wednesday night. W HGault and Mr Laughlin were with him. The Prohibitionists are still standing nn nn foot, looking on and waiting to see wnat tne outcome win oe. While returning from liutler last Friday Grandpa and Grandma Hurk's horse got frightened near McKibben Run. The horse turned around on the bank, got loose from the. buggy and ran to John Orourick's. Grand ma did some tall yelling, ana it was not for Bryan either. Neither one was hurt. F U Crowell and wife, of Butler, visited John Wilson Sabbath. W A McElroy, wife and daughter, Miss Blanche, spent Saturday and Sunday at Drexei. Mort Jenkins and wife moved to her father's, Ben Comiford, Monday. A A RON'. Special llatrs. Home seekers excursion tickets on . .. i a 111 .1 t'4- Ofifli ' sale iaept avin auuvwiuiuauu various points. For rates and any VI L 11 C I 1111 VI 1 IL1C.L1" v.. v. . . the undersigned. TioUwta trill bi on sale bent btn to Oct 2nd, limited for return to Oct 3d, 181)0, to Lee's Summit, Mo., at $2 for the round trip on account of the fair. On account of the Priests of Pallas Parade, Karnival Krewe and Kansas City Inter-State iair, rvansasiiv, Mo, Oct 5th to 10th. The Mo Pac Ry nn will sll tieketsto Kansas City and return at one fare for the round trip. - .... i i.ii . . i i.i. T'inlrot.a will he onsaieMCt luiuiu, limited for return to Oct 11th. For the same occasion, on Oct (5th, 7th and 8th tickets will be sold at 2 for the rouud trip, limited for return un til Oct 5)th, 181)6. Tickets on sale to St Louis on ac count of the St Louis Exposition on Sept , 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 21)th, Oct 1st, (5, 8, 13, 15, 20 and 22d, limited for re turn passage to five days from date of sale atone and one-third fares for For the Annual Convention Y P S C E of Missouri at Sedalia, Mo., Oct 15th to 18th, 1806. The Mo Pac Ry Co will well tickets on Oct 14th to 18th inclusive, with limit for return to Oct 20th to Sedalia, Mo, at rate of one fare for tne rounu trip. T;.Loti on snl to Ft Scott. Kan., account of Bourbon County Fail Sent 20th to Oct 3d inclusive, nmueu for return to Oct 3d at $1.G0 for round i iwn onAAiinT. ni I fit w" L IjVUI? A an Oct 5th to 10th, 1S5M5, the Mo Pao Ry Co will sell tickets to St Louis and return at one fare lor tnerouna in p. Tickets will be on sale Oct 4th to 9th, limited for return to Oct 12th; 1800. On account of Herman day celebra tion at Sedalia, Mo, Oct 1st, 1896, the Mo Pac Rv Co will sell tickets to Se dalia and return at one and one-third fares for the round trip, l icKets w in iio nn sl Sent 30th and Oct 1st, lim ited for return to Oct 2d, 1800. W. J. iLKlti-r, Butler, Mo. Ticket Agent. Will pay you cash for chickens, eggs, ducks, turkeys, geese, apples, potatoes, corn, cabbage, tomatoes or anything that is raised on a farm and will sell you groceries of all kinds cheaper than they were ever sold be fore in Butler. We are now selling drvisalt meat and breakfast bacon two thousand pounds per week. Just think of one store BelliDg two thousand pounds in one week. Nev ertheless we are selling it, if you will coma in aud see the fine meats we are handling, and the low prices we are selling at you can readily see why we are selling more meat than all the rest of the stores in Butler Wot kin -men ot Homestead, Pa.. Forc ed t Cuy Tickets to Visit Mc Kin ley Oat of Scant Earnings. bedaha, Mo., Sept. 21. A young man who works in the Homestead, Pa , mills, writes to his father in this oi tt : j I suppose the absorbing topic is tne silver question and tne pending issues of tne present national cam paign. How is the cause of silver progressing? Up here they are al most moving heaven and earth, usmg divers threats aod coercive measures without f-nd. "They are even going eo far here iu and about tne mills as to tureaten men if they vote for Bryan they will be discharged. It is notcing more than monarchical rule. Last oatur day there was an excursion from here to Canton, O. They paid off the men the Friday previous, something unknown before, as they tiled out from th pay window the men were accosted by the supperintendents of their resDective departments and re i nnested to nurchase ticket, and if K . .. i ... they declined, as some ot tnern aia, the superintendent would say: "You bad better.' Where is the boasted freedom of our country? The cost of the tickets was $1 50, and a great many of the men, I migut say tne majority of them, were only earning 1 32 per day, and the mills nave not been working more than nine or ten davs in a mouth, and I know from mv own personal obser- ration where the childreu were un able to attend school for the want of shoes and clothing. Any person not hvincr in close proximity to large nnhlie works would hardlv credit the statement, but nevertheless they are facts, gleaned from my own ob servations, and do not come from a prejudiced mind, or from what has happened in the past. . OFFICIOS . I. N. THOMPSON . Vr . K. A. UK S TT. V. rr, i k. i). Kirr. tMiiiM. FARMERS BANK BUTLER. MO. Capital Stock $.-,0,000.00 Surplus; Fuml $5.000 00 We Want Your Business. G . W. Newberry G. Tratt Wyatt S Assistants. DIRECTOliS- o PE. J. EVFRINGHAM. J NO K SHl'TT. V. G. WILCOX. J .1. MpKKK. CLARK WIS. H M G All. FY. JKO. STKKLK. JAS. M. McSlBBKS. FAIRLY BOOMING. LOOK AT OUR PRICES. SO 04 20 30 15 25 25 20 (JO 80 05 45 70 25 30 10 10 2o 25 &UVALL & ;PERCIVAU BUTLER. MO- S v o on farms at reduced rates of JJfeat. Your notes are payable at onr office J Jon Bnd them here -when dne. We give "Privilege to far any time. Money, ready (OaDai)pT are eiffnt. tStf Elkhart Items. Several of our people attended the Brvan speaking at Kausas City. Uncle Jav Page is on the sick list. Owing to his advanced age, S5 years, it is thought he can not recover. Tom Fugate got his leg broken while at the city. Grandpa Tathwell, of Amsterdam, visited his daughter, Yrs McClure, Mrs Krundiee. of Adrian, spent ith her sister. Mrs Compton Protracted meeting is going on at ti... n.i Vi Vimlt a new norcn on his house, which helps the looks oi ii ') . . -ir . t-- jixn Henson and Charles attended the ball at Burdett e. Perry Wright has been threshing for some of our farmers last week. Mollis Gazoo. Dry salt meat, per pound Any pkge coffee " " Good well bucket Good broom Any size rope, per pound Fairbank's soap, 10 bars for Old Countrv " 6 " " ' Grand pa wonder soap 6 bars Java Blend coffee, per pound Good family flour, 50 Straight Patent - 50 No 1 salt, per barrel Two pounds Battle Ax tobacco Galvanized iron tub Three pounds good tea Golden drip sugar syrup, 1 gal. One quart bottle blueing Good salmon, 1 can Three cans good corn Three cans good beans Three cans good tomatoes Six boxes of axelgreese These are only a few things we are giving you prices on W e do not advertise a few things cheap then rob vou on something we have not advertised, but everything we have in onr store is marked m plain j figures and we sell to everybody alike. We handle the largest amount of flour in Bates Co. We can suit you on flour if prices and quality will 6uit you. The dif ferent brands of flour we Bell are: Minneapolis hard wheat Power Bros. H. T- flenton & Son- Rich Hill Milling Co. Pitsburg Kansas flour. We have just received a car of fine flour from Pitsburg, Kan., which we are telling cheaper than flour was ever sold in Butler before and parties wanting 500 pounds or more we will eive them hard time prices and every sack guaranteed. Give us a call and bring your chickens and eTr8 and get the highest market price and do not forgt the place I FISK BROS. The Bryan Free Silver Club and its Rich Hill Eeyiew, mh. There was a packed house at Bry an headquarters last night to hear Hon. W. W. Graves, of Butler, ex pound free silver doctrine. The club room was packed to ovarii o win sr. There was not even standing room for those who came, and many were turned away. But talking about eninusiasmi Wp11. it was out in full force last nisht, and as for Mr. Graves' speech, it was a logical and convincing argu ment from start to finish. The speaker presented many good points which were all received with strained attention and endorsed by vocifer ous applause, notwithstanding air. Graves was half sick ana eunermg frnm a. rmiuful headache. But the roundness and fulness of his voice did not indicate it, and the sledge Viammer hlows he dealt the gold standard folks as well as his clear reasoning in favor of free coinage of both gold and silver made tne auai ence think he was in perfect trim. . i 1l1A A 1 Tt wa trreatlv regretted inai uie hall was inadequate to the size of the crowd, and we are assured by ih lnh efficera that tnis win not. happen again as they will get the opera bouse when any large crowd is expected in the future DEACON BROS. & CO. Heavy aud shelf Hardware, Cutlery and Guns Tinware and Stoves, Field and Garden seeds, Buggies, Wagons and Farm machinery. Wagon wood work, Iron, Steel, Nails, Salt, Barbwire, Buggy paints, Machine oil, Glass &c. , H. O O ES JELH ES S. ORIGINAL ROUND OAK Best heater in the world. KEEPS FIRE : : : with wood or coal, : : TRIUMPANT over all othera. Give you references from 1000 BateB County People. i The Starling with cast top and bottom. The best air tight wood heater in America. Call and see our line of wood and coal heaters. Why suffer with Coughs, Cold and LaGrippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money re funded. Price, 25 Cents. For sale by W. H. McClement. 33 6 m FR-4ZIER BRLGLER. Peter's A XoUble Weddins in St. Church. Pnrt rvioctpr. N. T. Journal 17th. TerhaDS one of the finest and aborat8 church weddings ever celebated in St. Peter's Parish, this village was that of Miss bara j Duff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Kmnev Brugler and sister of Pharlca F. Bruerler. Rector of the parish, and Mr. Edgar Dachields ... . 1 A J -- Frazser, which tooK piace yesieruaj afternoon at four o'clock. At the chancel steps the coupie plighted their troth, the bride being given away by her father, the eplen did choir singing Barnby's grand chorus, "O! Perfect Love ine con tracting parties then advanced to the altar steps, wnere me ueueuivr Unn oraa nronounced. The bride looked beautiful in a gown of white Gregorian silk, en train, tnmmeu m TWhi4 lace and orange blossoms. The long white veil she wore was fastened with a diamond crescent, nrnamect worn ot the bnae. . i 1 . A. t She carried an elegant oouque ui urttifa rnaA buds. . ... ., The Times together witn me many friends of Miss Sallie Brugler extends to her best wishes for future happiness. Srdalia the Place. Sedalia has mt.ny reasons to offer why she should have the capital. Among them are thest: She has better railroad facilities and is there fore much easier to reach. It takes people from this vicinity a night and a day to go or come from Jefferson, while only half the time is consumed rrattirxy tA or returLioz irom no- dalia; and the cost is therefore about twice as much. The reason appeals very etronglv to the people of north east Missouri. Thn Sedalia is. a much larger and better place. It is iu fact, a tine city and is marching j ahead with wonderful etria It1 has an excellent evstem of water or..1 Htreet carp, finn drives, elegant churches, palatial homes and is altogether an interesting, aad at tractive citv of wuu lnaau,... Pmn in these dull times it is doing a wonderful amount of improving; building better business nouses, erecting elegant residence?, putting in a system o modern sewerage, auu pavin" the streets with vitrified brick and asphalt. Sbelbina Demo crat. Kentucky Get? in Line. Louisville, Kv . Sept 22 Major P. P Johnson, chairman of the sil ver Democratic State central com- ' mittee, and Jo A. Parker, chairman of the Populist State executive com. mittee, met this afternoon, and sign ed an agreement whereby fusion of presidential electors is to be effected, the populists withdrawing their tic ket in return for two places on th democratic ticket. The democratic candidate for congress will be sup ported by the populists wherever such an agreement can be made, th object, as expressed in the agree ment being "to secure the election of W. J. Bryan for President, and & Congress in harmony with Lis view on the financial question." Major I Johnfon says this makes Kentucky sure for Bryan. ! T. W, LECC- i abaft, iiw.kvoke. wfceels, daishe. cntUlonfc. j top. f tbe Buggy Earth. Paint on We reet iirts an-1 DO NOT RUIN THE WHEELS. Will furnish yoa a huggj HIGH OR LOW GRADE T-U. t. t i-t U S. Gov't Report Highest of an in Leavening Power. La.est L . 5. MM I