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M'KINLEY ON SILVER. Taut Record Again I'onlunta the Nomi nee ot the Republican. AkroD, O., Oct 2. During the meeting addressed by Senator elect Teller here a seiuation was caused by a letter read by General E. B Finley of Eucyrus, which bad been written by Major McKinley to E. S. Perkins of Weimoutb, Medina coun ty, in the fall of 1-90. Mr. Perkins was at that time a representative in the Ohio Legisla lature. He had written to Major McKinley regarding his position on the silver question The Major's let ter iu reply was as follow: Hon. E. S. Perkins, Weimoutb, O. Committee on Ways and Meant", House of Representatives, Wasbiner ton, Sept 27, 1890. Dear Sir: I have been so busy for the past three weeks that it has been impossible for me to giro any attention to the matter in the district, which fact, I believe, my friends will appreciate. I bare been waiting for a moment's time that I might answer two or three letters heretofore received from gentlemen in Medina county in rela tion to my position on the silver and other questions. I have always been in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of the silver product of the United States, and have so voted on at least two occasions during the time I have been in public life. I was not will ing to extend this coinage to the silver of the world and open our mints to foreign countries without charge, as proposed by gentlemen on the floor of the House My pur pose was to secure immediately leg lation that would credit and dignify our silver coin. I believe the law which we enacted this session will accomplish that re suit. It utilizes every dollar's worth of the silver product of the United States, and even more. The value of that legislation has already been apparent in the enhanced value given to silver. You may remember, as indicating my position on this subject, that I voted to pass the silver bill in the Forty fifth and Forty-sixth Con grosses over fie vlo f President Hayes. I shall be very glad to wiite you at any time upon any subject ou may wish to be informed. With me economic questions are a conyiction, and while I may not always be right, I am always willing to let those whose suffrage I seek know exactly where they are. Very truly, William McKixlet, Jn Canton, O., Oct. 2 Major Mc Cinley was asked to explain the above letter. He refused to say any thing on the subjec. Labor Fur Br) an. Chicago, Sept. 30 The big daily papers here are all gold standand organs and are making claims that labor is opposed to Bryan and free silver. A poll of their printers and pressmen snows the result: , Bryan Tribune 63.. Record 62.. Chronicle 60. . Inter-Ocean 57. . Times Herald 55.. following Total, 317 44 . In one of the Armour Bhopsat the stock yards, an Australian ballot stood 675 for Bryan and 125 for Mc Kinley. In another the vote wa: Bryan 287; McKinley 17. A recent poll of Illinois made by the Tribune through its correspond ents, showed that Bryan would undoubtedly carry the state by 50,000. This report was suppressed by the Tribune after it bad been made at a great expense. Worthy Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in oonquering scrofula ia whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched for by thousands whe were severely afflicted by this prevaleut disease, but who now rejoice over a perma nent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neck or break out in dreadful running sores on the body or limbs. Attack ing the mucous membrane, it may develope into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consumption. Come as it may, a faithful course of treat ment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcame it, fer woking upon the foundation of all diseases, impure blood, the system is clarified and vitalized, and vigor, strength and health restored to the body. McKinley 12 5 10 13 4 Jadges ot Election. On Thursday last, the County court designated the following gentlemen as judges of election from their re spective township. The first two names are democrats, the second two republicans and the last two popu lists : MINGO. Estes Smith, W J Yates; JWWil hite, W C Carter; J A Douglass, Wm Shelton. SPKl'CK NORTH HALF. T Hoard, WD Beatty; John Logan, Win Wood; Lewis Crow.C C Poague. SPRUCE SOUTH HALF. Hick Ray, J W Choate; T E Strode, C Omstead ; E C Ogburn, O Callihan. UK EP WATER. J B Moberv, (i W Ludwick; TD Day. FX Drennan; ft W Bourland, W H Betz. HUDSON. .Tas Williams, John Baldwin; Henry Peipmier, E C Richie; J T Brown, L A Ames. B.OCKVILLK. Sam Finnimore, John Yobs; W W Cook, Jas Klustemier; J M Wells, Chan Schumaker. PRAIRIE. D O Bradlev, John Vogt; W II Mockbv, Jacob Herni; Enos Terry, L M Ralston. PLKASAST GAP. D M Burkhart, S L Starr; George Kingore, Lewis Hammer; C F Bear, Grant Gander. SUMMIT. WH Herrell, GB Parker; L Def fenbaugh, John Hukle; John Seeling er, A H Black. SHAWSEK. Geo Kirpey, S Combs; Jas Robin son, John Deerwester; W A Florence, F M Taylor. GRAND RIVER. W H H Duke, D W Cloud; H Ar genbrigkt, T Arick; H Adams, Wm Uoulton. DEER CREEK. J F Herrell, J F Cooper; A Enos, W 8 Mahan; C J Sartain, Geo Brun dage. HOUND. Ivan Reeder, A H Jenkins; M I) Dillon, J O Brown; W F Maddv, J I) Tathwell. MT. PI.KASANT. T D Rafter, G W Clardy; Geo Mor gan, F M Voris; D N Thompson, T J M erica. LONK OAK. H G Walton, Wm Carroll; J L Ghere, W M Gherkin; A M Thomas, W A Searf us. OSAGE NORTH HALF. J J Francisco, T G Ellis; D W C O'Xeil, J T Van Benthusen; J M Sproul, G B Pearson. OSAGK SOUTH HALF. J R White, J A Moreland ; J J War ren, B F Bales; Dan Cresop, C R Wolfe. SEW HOME NO. 1. 8 R McCowan, I H Botkin; L R Shalley, T P Morris; B L Exline, David Reece. NEW HOME NO. 2. Noah Nyhart, A Shulenberger; A Daniels, C C Daniels; 8 T Duncan, Edgar Williams. CHARLOTTE. J D Woody, I M Hinson; Peter Denning, Wm Simpson; C H Morri son, W T Cowan. ELKHART. F Langford, Webb Shelby; P L Wyatt, Ellis Hand; R Marshall, SC McKeo. EAST BOONK. Fred McNeil, A M Frazier; 8 Wil kinson, B F Boling; 8 C McDaniel, Taylor Nelson. WEST BOONE. D B Stewart, W B Witt; J R Smith, G M Rosier; G L Sayles, J W Cole mam. WEST POINT. F M Fouty, W H Crawford ; R S Graham, Ed Pattison ; J D Weller, J W Morris. HOMER. A L Graves, Sr.. B Haves: John More wood, W A Crawford; Pierce Hackett, H G Davis. WAL3TUT FOSTER. P F Moore, J R Lowrev; F M Cox, Matt Gray; A N Smith, W B Roland. WALNUT WORLAND. J S Franklin, C H Imal; M Harris, Jake Johnson; T S McHenrv, John Lee. HOWARD fPRAGUK. Homer Brand, J L Bell: Ike Petty! N Conger; Ben Larue, J M Sproul. " HOWARD HUME. Harvey wood, R B white; L Hibler, P A Shaw; w Trout, J M Olive. New Home Items. Conard Popp and his mother are having their kitchen remodeled and a new meat house built, also a cellar. Seth Cope is making speeches in favor of Bryan and free silver; let the good work go on. The Bryan free silver club met Tuesday night and elected officer wm Bell was elected president, J Q A Cope secretary; after the general order of business there were speeches made bv Judge Sullens, J Q A Cope. B P Caldwell and Seth Cope. The meeting adjourned to meet at Vir ginia school house next Tuesday night with some speakers booked from Butler. while blasting in a well on the Rol he Read farm George Boman had both his hands torn off. He put a stick of giant powder in and it failed to go, he went down to drill it out and the jarred it off; another man was hurt, but to what extent we fail ed to learn. Dr Haynes and wife are visiting at Grandma Miller's this week. John g Cope ha sold his walnut logs to M Murry at $17 per thousand in the tree. Little Lewis Bell fell from a horse Saturday and broke his arm. Mr Steele and family, Bill Porter and Jim Vaughn met at A Smith's Saturday nigbt and organized a Mc Kinley glee club. Chas Briscoe and familv, J R weden and family and Bart "Briscoe and wife weregnests of Grandma Mil- in Champion of the World, ECONOMY AND COMFORT. MOORE'S AIR TIGHT For coal , - Can Not be Beat. o Also a full line of sijpi:iiioii COOK STOVES Hardware, Groceries and Queensvvare. A. L. McBRIDE & CO. North side . ler's Sunday. A family named Murry has moved in Mrs Welch's house; they came from Kansas City. Ed Hix has gone to Oklahoma to teach this winter. R Goodrum and family visited at L w Jones' Sunday. Several of the young bloods were in the timber Sunday evening hunt ing pawpaws. There was a republican speaking at the school house Monday night. J N Bodkins shipped a car load of hogs to K C Monday. Seth Cope and a Mr Steele are to debate on the money question at the school house north of Noah "Nyhart's Wednesday night. Polk Taylor is putting in good time hunting squirrels now-a-days. Mrs JLon Jones is on the sick list. Jim. The soulless railroad corporations are deriving a handsome profit from the running ef excursion trains to Bryan's meetings -Globe Democrat. They must in some way make up for the loss in runniag free excur sion trains to Canton. Lively Enthusiasm at Njiiaif. The Bryan Free Silver Club met at Nyhart school house Oct. 3d, with a very large attendance to listen to a stirring speech from Seth Cope, a prominent and highly respected citi zen of our township. OwiDg to the eagerness of the people to hear Mr Cope's attack on the destroying evils of this, the greatest commonwealth that has ever been known to a civil ized people, the business of the club was dispensed with and the speaker at once introduced. The trend of Mr Cope's argument was misrepresenta tion and cruel oppression of mono metal lists. Mr Cope has been a giant oak in the forest of republican poli tics, and from early boyhood he has spent his untiring energy in the ranks of that party. He repeatedly gave his support to the immoratalized Abraham Lincoln, and cast a ballot for James A Garfield, the ideal states man. He rallied with the great party that boomed the emancipation of slavery, and was always an ardent admirer of American finance. And now he holds it the grossest injustice to the memory of our ancestry and to the history of our country that this idealized republican party should lead a peace and liberty loving people back into the most cruel slavery that has ever been inflicted upon our country. He openly denounced the republican party for riding high cam paign dodging hobbies and allow the masses to follow after in clanking chains of financial oppression, and condemned the gold standard's erro neous idea of patriotism. Is it patriot ism that says "we, as a nation, are wholly unable to maintain and defend free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 without the consent and assistance of England?" No, he who fosters such an idea is a traitor to the sacred cause of patriot ism and is likely to become a destroy ing element in the good moral of civil government. Mr Cope's home way of presenting his argument touched "the hearts of his hearers with such mag netic force that a few of our gold bug friends were subject to the spell. John Cope then in a few words told the club how necessarv it was that the farmer and laborer should be protected, and that the needed pro tection would only surely and speedily come through the election of Wm j Bryan. The people applauded and cheered heartily for Bryan. Chas. Shclexbergkr, Sec'y. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a special execu tion for delinquent taxes issued froni the offic of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county returnable at the November term, I!, of said court to me directed in favor of S II Fisher ex officio collector otrevenue of Bates county and against Lncinda Ferretl. I have levied and seiz ed upon ail the right, title, interest and claim of dr fendant. Lucinda Ferrell, in and to the fol lowing: described real estate situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot one U and two (21. in block fifty-eight S?. in the city of Rich Hill, Bates county, Mis souri, I will on Friday, November 27, 1S96, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day. at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, ell the same or so much thereof as mav be re quired at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, u satisfy said execution and costs. D. A. CULVER, is-4t Sheriff of Bates County, Mo. III HEATER' fctrong and durable. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a special execution for delinquent taxes issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county returnable at the Sovemljer term, lsiw, of said court to me directed in favor of S II Fisher ex-otBcio collector of the revenue of Bates county and against I-ouisa Stewart and the unknown heirsof Michael Stewart, deceas ed, 1 have levied and seized upon all right, title, interest and claim of defendants, luisa Stewart and the unknown heirs of Michael Stewart, deceased, in and to the following; de scribed real estate situated in Bales county, Missouri, to-wit: The west half of the southeast quarter of sec tion three (S) of township thirty-eight (."!S of range twenty-nine () in Bates cuuulv, Mis souri, I will on Tuesday, December 1, 1896, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as mav be re quired at public vendue to the highest" bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. !. A. COI.YEK. 45-lt Sheriffof Bates Comity, Mo. Order of Publicatior. STATK OF MISSOURI, ) County of Hates. v In the Circuit Court of Bates county. Missouri, in vacation. September 2i;th, "istM. Frank Allen and Maude A Allen, plaintiffs, vs. Ben jamin Dye, or the unkimw n heirs of Benjamin Dye, deceased, i'riscilla Dve, or the unknow n heirs of Priscilla Dye. deceased, and Marian Dye, or the unknown' heirs of Mariah live, del-eased, defendants. -Now at this day come the plaintiffs herein bv their attorneys, Graves t Clark, l-lore the undersigned clerk of the circuit court of Bales county, Missouri, in vacation and file their petition and affidavit, alleging among other things, that defendants each and all are not res idents of the stale of Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation that said de fendants be notified by publication that plaintiffs have commenced a suit against them in this court the general nature of which is fully set forth in their petition which said petition as tiled herein is in the the following words and figures: STATE OF MISSOURI, i t County of Bates. s In Circuit Court. November term, IsiX;. Frank Allen and Maude A Allen, 'Plaintiffs. Vs. Benjamin Dye, or the. unknown "heirs of Benjamin Dye. deceased, I'ris cilla Dye or the unknown heirs of Priscilla Dye, deceased, Mariah Dve or the unknown heirs of Mariah Dve deceased. Dependents. Plaintiffs for their cause of action state that they ow n and hold title to the following describ ed real estate in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the" northeast quarter of section eight ts in tow nship thirtv-nine (39) of range thirty-one (31), and that thev" hold the possession of the same. That the title to the same has vested in them and those under whom they claim by the statute of limitation under the provisions of section r770 of chapter 103 of the Rev. Stats, or Missouri (lsxyi. That the equitable title emanated from the government or the United States more than ten vears prior hereto, and more than thirtv-one vears prior to the bringing of this action. That these plaintiffs and their grantors have had the iiossession of and paid the taxes on said lands for more than thirty-one years prior to this date. Plaintiffs aver that one Vincent Dve acquired title to said land by conveyance made to him in the year 1K0 and has never made conveyance in legal form to any one since said time," and of record appears to have and hold an interest in said lands. That the said Vincent Dve depart ed this life in the year lsfii, and said lands have been held adversely to him and the defendants herein since said date. That the defendants Benjamin Dye, Priscilla Dve and Mariah Dve are children ot said Vincent Dye ami if living would have an interest in the subject matter of this suit, Thatir they are dead, then their heirs would be likewise interested in the sub ject matter of this action, in the same wav and for the same reasons. That the said defendant are not residents of this state, and if the said Benjamin, Priscilla and Mariah Dve are dead their legal heirs are unknown to these plaintiffs and for that reason their names can not be in serted herein and their respective interests more definitely set forth. That their said un known heirs are not residents of this state That the line or grantors through w hom these plain tiffs claim have had the open and notorious pos session of said land for more than thirty-one years as against the said Vincent Dve aforesaid and the defendants herein, and have paid the taxes thereon during said period. Wherefore plaintiffs prav that this court make and enter its decree declaring the title to the land aforesaid to be vested in these plaintiffs bv limitations under the provisions of the statnte aforesaid, and for all other and further relier GRAVES A CI.ARK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Frank Allen being duly sworn, upon his oath for himself.and his co-plaintiff, savs that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true and correct. That the said defendants, Benja min Dye, Priscilla Dye and Mariah Dve are not residents of Missouri, and that ir thev are dead their legal heirs are unknown to plaintiffs, and for that reason their names and exact interest can not be set out definitely herein. . v . , FRANK AIXEX, Subscribed and sworn to before me this th uay oi yepiemoer, ts. C. P. CATRON, st-l Notary Public. My term expires Jan'v 30. i-sti. and that unless the said defendants lie and ap pear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the court house in the city of Butler, in said county, n the loth dav of November next, and on or before the 3d dav of said term, if the term shall so long continue", and if not, then on or before the last dav of said term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and judgment wili be rendered ai-cordinglv. And be it further ordered that a copv hereof he published according to law. in the" Bitleb Weekly Tims, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county. Mo., for fonr weeks successively the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the erst dav or the next term of the circuit court. STEWART ATCHESON. Circuit Clerk. A true copy of the record. Witness my hand and the seal of the circuit court of seal Bates county, this th dav of Septem ber, lst. STEWART ATCHESOJf, ! Circuit Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue and authority of a special execution for delinquent taxes issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county returnable at the November term, ls-m. of said court to me directed in favor of SMI Fisher ex officio collector of the revenue of Bales count v and against Addie .1 Berry and husband, .1 s Berrv, David MeKibben. Rich Hill Town Co. and W T Marsh, trustee, 1 have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of defendants. Addie J Berry and husband J S Berry. David MeKibben, Rich Hill Town Co. ami VV T Marsh, trustee, iu and to the fid lowing described real estate situated iu Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: South half of Mock one hundred and eighty three (I-si) Town Conipanj "s .'ml addition to the city of Rich Hill, Bales county, Missouri, 1 will on Friday November 27, 1S96, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day . at the east front door of the court house, in ilie city of Butler, Bates county. Missouri, sell the same or to much thereof as may In- re quired at public vendue to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfv said execution ami costs. 1. A. t Ol.l El!, 4.-4t Sheriff of Bates County, Mo. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a specaal execution for delinquent taxes issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county returnable at the November term. 1M', of said court to me directed in favor of S 11 Fisher cx otlieio collector of the revenue of liates county and against John F Son. Daniel Mckinic and T keency. I have ley ied and seized un all the right, title, interest and claim of defendants, .lohn F Son. Daniel Mckinzie and T Keeney, in and to the follow ing described real estate situ atii in Rates county, Missouri, to-w it: The north half of the northeast quarter, frac tional of section twenty-live " of township thirty-eight i:s) of range thirty (SO) in Bates county, Missouri, I will on Thursday, November 12. 189i, between Hie hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day. at the east front dHr of the court house, in "the city or Butler. Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be re required at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution ami costs. D. A. COLYKK. 15-4 1 Sheriffof Bates County, Mo. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue and authority of a transcript exe cution issued from the office of the clerk ol the circuit court ot Bates county returnable at the November term, IS!ti. of said court to me di rected In favor of W E Walton and against J B Harris, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of defend ant. J R Harris, in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: South half of the northeast qnarte'rof section nineteen (lit) an 1 seven and one-half (7 l-'J) acres of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section nineteen UM) lying north of Osage river and the west halt of the northwest quarter of section twenty ( o) and west thirty eight (3S) acres of that pxrt of the eat half of the northwe-t quarter or section twenty (JO) lying north of Osage river, all in township thirty- ight (.'(S) range twenty-nine '-".). two hundred and thirteen (21") acres in all, more or less, all in Bates county Missouri, I will on TutsJay November 17, 1890, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day , at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be re quired at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. D. A. COLYKK, 4G 4t Sheriffof Bates County, Mo. Ordtr of Publication STATE OF MISSOURI ) County or Bates. $ ss- In the circuit court of Bates county, Missonri, In vacation November, term lxuti.'tieo C Miller plaintiff, vs. .lames Dunn, Jr., ami the un known heirs of James Dunn, Jr., deceased, John Barnes, and the unknow n heirs of John Barnes, deceased, William H Daniel and the unknow n heirs of William II Daniel, deceas ed, defendants. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by his attorneys, tifaves t Clark, before the un dersigned clerk of said court in vacation and files his petition and affidavit, alleging among other things that defendants are non-residents of the state of Missouri, ami which petition ami affidavit are as follows: STATE OF MISSOURI, ) County of Bates. i ss. In Circuit Court, November term, lnyti. George C Miller, Plaintiff, vs. James Dunn, Jr. , and the unknown heirs ol James Dunn, Jr., deceased, John Barnes and the unknown heirs of John Barnes, deceased, William II Daniel, and the unknown heirs of William H Daniel, deceased. Defendants. Plaintiff for his cause of action says that he owns in fee simple, and holds title and posses sion of and to the following described lands in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot seven" (7) and the east one-halt (1-2) of lot eight (S) of the northeast quarter of sec tion two el) in township thirty-nine (3'J) of range thirty-one (31). That the same has vested in him and those unner whom he claims by the statute of limitations under the provisions of section ,0 of Chapter 103 Rev Stat of Missouri (ISfKj). That the equitable title emenated from the government of the United States more than ten years prior hereto, and more than thirtv-one years prior to the bringing of this action. "That this plaintiff and his immediate grantors have had the possession or and paid the taxes on said lands for mote than thirty-one years prior to this date. Plaintiff further avers that more than thirty one years ago James Dunn, Jr., John Barnes and William II Daniels appear to have acquired some title or interest in said lands of which they have made no valid conveyance in legal form, although they have had no"possession or control thereof for more than thirty-one years, amino one for them have had or claimed' anv right in and to said landsduring said period. That their said interests appear by conveyances from the general government so far as the first two are concerned, and by virtue of a deed of trust so rar as the last men tinned derendant isconcemed. That if the said defendants are dead their said heirs, which are unknown, would have a like interest in and to said lands, in the same way and for the same reasons as the said defendants. Plaintiff further says that said defendants are not residents or Missouri, and it -aid defendants are dead, their legal heirs are unknown to this plaintiff and tor that reason their names can not lie inserted herein, and their respective inter ests more definitely set out. That said unknown heirs are not residents of this state. Wherefore plaintiff prays that thiscourt make and enter its judgment and decree declaring the title to the land aforesaid to be vested in this plaintiff by limitations nnder the provisions of said statute and Tor all proper relier. GRAVES A CLARK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. W W Graves being duly sworn savs that he is agent and attorney for the plaintiff in the fore going petition, and that the facts set forth there in are true and correct. That the defendants named therein are not residents " or Missouri, and if dead that their legal heirs are unknown to the plaintiff or his attorneys, and for that reason their names and respective interests can not be more fuliv set out. W. W. GRAVES. Subscribed and sworn to lierore me this 2trd dav of September, ;). (sr.ALj STEWART ATCHESOV, Clerk or the Urcuit Court. Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vaca tion that said derendants be notified by publica tion that plaintiff has commenced a suit against them in thiscourt, theobjectand general na tnre of which is fully set rorth in the petition or the plaintiff above given, that is to sav that plaintiff asks this court to decree title in plain tiff to the lands set forth in said petition, and that unless the said defendants be and ft iiid-m v at this Court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the Court House in the citv of Butler, in said county, on the loth dav ot .wntrautr aexi, nisu on or oeiore tne tbira day of said term, if the term shall so long continue and if not. then or before the last day of aii term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed an(i judgement will be rendered accordinirlv And be it further ordered that a copy hereof i; puwusneu, aeroruinjr to jaw, in the Butler jmK- a weesiy newspaper printed and published in Bates county. Mo., for four weeks successively the last insertion to be at leat fif teen days before the first day of the next term of the circuit conrt. STEWART ATCIIESO.V.Circuit Clerk A tree copy of the record. Witness m k.V, and the seal of the circuit court or ber in. Don at office in Butler Mn STEWART ATCHESO.'," ' Circuit Clerk,' Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authorin of a pecia. ;" for delinquent taxes issllisl tr',. U,'J the clerk .if the ... ; .." returnable at the NovemtH r "term it I?"1 I court to me dinvW in favor ol S TkJL'11' f .......... .-..v. .... ,rt m,- letriuic ol KatM jL-T and against Mary Hmhu r, 1 lutv lrfS? seiied upon all the nghi. mU; iBiM?1 c aim ol defendant. Mary 1 1 udm'r, UuJLft the following desenbed real estate sitalSSfr r ) situate J Hates con lit v , Missouri to-wit Lots sovciu. and eight (S i Moek .J three in the cilv or Kid, Hjii 15S?t'h couutv. Missoi it, I WiU on ' Wednesday November 25, 189ft lh-tueesi the hours of nine o'clock in its. ' noon and liye o cl.vk in the tXUrnJS day, ai the ea-l trout door ot the court k ill the city of Butler. Bates counts u, sell the same or so much thereof as mv kUU quired at public vendue to ihe highest Lnl? tor cash, to satisfy ?aid execution ud D. A. COI.YKH : 4.-4t Sheriffof Bates Cmntv i. Sheriffs Sale. t vniiie mm auiiioruv ol a special extent' for delinquent taxes issued from the om2 the clerk ol the circuit court of Bales uT returnable at the Novemtn r term, lssw , court to me directed in favor of s filhrJTf officio collector or the revenue of bau-a niUl and against John Helm ami Kcbewa Klin!? signed. I hav e levied and seized upon ill Ji right title, interest and clam, ,f aead'aa? John Helm and Uclxvca Kline iitj to the follow inn described rel ..i... "I in Bates county, Missouri to-wit: JUm Lots twociliiiid three (,'.) in block twelwite in the city of Rich Hill, iu Bates wmtv UiJ souri. 1 w ill ou ' Wednesday November 25, 1S96, between the hours of nine oVi.i.t i- .1.. . in Kin and five o'clock in Hip nw.,. J? lav. at the east front d.Hir .r ti... ........ . ill the ctiv of Butler. Rales eo.i.,t- mi..." sell the same or so much thereof as'niiiv hT quired at public vendue to the highest bul.l- iorcasti, to saiisty said execution and cost D. A. CULVER ! l-'-4t Sheriff or Bates dniii, u". Sheriff s Sale By virtue and authority or a special execntln for delinquent taxes issued from the office tlu." clerk of the circuit court or Bates coutr ret tltllb1e t Thti V.iviiitilu.. t.!.nI i L. .. .. :t court to me directed in favor or S 11 Fisher m officio collector of the revenue of Bates count! Ami uir.iti.'l Willi ,. C II..... . J " .mam minimi, voiumonWHUIa' jan A Trust Company of Boston. Massackiw setts, George A Washbiirne aud Robert F Rv mond. Trs., I have levied and seiied upon all the right, title, interest and claim of defendaBtt William S Hinnian Commonwealth Loan Trust Company, cieorge A Washburne, Room dosrnlMHl real estate ttituattHl m Bates couatr North thrw-fotUhs or blof tn nm in tr.t ley's addition to the fit v of Rntler in com,. milt ii iiifinn nn may w pp quirtnt at public vendue to the highwat bidder fur i'Hh tn mttiMV kuiiI tiviuMitlah 1.1 D. A. CULVER, '-H Sheriffof Bates County, Mo, . Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a special exerntloa for delinquent taxes issued from the offioaof the clerk of the circuit court of Halo xnmo. returnable at the November term, lwtH, otaaif ; court to me directed In favor or S II Fisher, w'f officio collector or the revenitn of ll.ta. m.m. ..... . . . - - - .......... ... ...... wumi and against Jane atson, John A Wilson, Bttlit i ii.-i.jii .m .-tuna . iinvii, i Itlie levlCU aUg - upon all the right, title, interest an eluiiii ill" iliifikiiilniiltf l.n.U'.lu.i l..k U'li I son Belle Wilson and Anna Wilson, tn and t'; the following described real estate aituaUxita ' Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: " lxt nine (il) in block thirty-six (3ii) In thedtj4 or Itich Hill, in Bates county, Missouri, I willo! Monday, November 30, 1896, t between the hours or nine o'clock in the fore- " noon and live o'clock In the afternoon of that? day, at the east front door of the court honae, ; in the city of Htttler, Batea county, Mluonrl, sell the same or so much thereof as mav lie I., quired at public vendue, to the highest bidder t for cash, to satisty said execution and cotts. I). A. CULVER, i 45-4t SherilTof Hate County .Mo. ' .Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a special execatiot for delinquent taxes issued from the office f the clerk or the circuit court of Bate county returnable at the November term, HW, of tali court to me directed In favor or S II Fiaberex ottlcio collector of the revenue of Bate eooaty and against Mary A Williams, J W William. Iouis N Anthony and A T Ixiwry, 1 have lerlM and seized upon all the right, title, interests claim of defendants, Mary A William, i W. Williams, Louis N Anthony and A T lxiwry, I and to the following described real estate dil ated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: I-jOts seven (7), eight (H), nine (U) and elenr (11) block thirteen (13) in the town of Kockvilto, in Bates county, Missouri, I will on Thursday, November 12, 1896, between the hours of nine o'clock In the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of tfett day at the east front door of the court hOBM, in the city of Bntler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be tf quired at public vendue to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said execution and eoU. 1). A. CULVER, 45-4t Sheriff or Bates County, II. Sheriff's Sale. ; ; By virtue and authority of a special execotl for delinquent taxes issued from the office of tk clerk of circuit court of Bates county returnaW at the November term, lm, or said court to directed in favor of S H Fisher ex-ofllcio col lector of the revenue of Bates county A against Robert !S Stevens, I have levied 4 seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of defendant, Robert S Stevens, in and I the following described real estate situated I Bates county, Missonri, to-wit: - ; The southwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section twenty-three (24) township thirty eight) of range twenty-nine (y) in Bate county, Missouri. I will on Monday November 30, 1896, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and ave o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house, in the city oLButler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereor as may be re quired at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. D. A. CULVLR. 4-V4 Sheriff of Bates County, Mo. Sheriff's Sale. By irtue and authority of a special execution for delinquent taxes issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court or Bates county re turnable at the November term, Jau, or said court to me directed in favor of S II Fish er ex-offieio collector of the revenue of Bate county and against John Shrives and Kraatt H Foster, 1 have levied aud seiied upon all the right, title, interest and claim or de fendants, John Shrives and Frank 11 Foster, in and to the following described real estate situ ated in Bates count v Missouri, to-wit: Lot four 4i block thirteen (Vi) in the dtyof Rich Hill, in Bates county, Missouri, I will on Thursdav, November 12, 1896. between the hours or nine o'clock in the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door or the court how, in the city or Butler, Bates county, Missouri sell the same or so much thereof' as may le re quired at public vendue to the highest bidder ror cash, to satisrv said execution and cost. D. A. COLYEK, 43-t Sheriff of Bates County, Mo. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority ofa special execution for delinquent taxes issued rrom the office tit the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county re turnable at the November term, ot said court to me directed in favor s II Usher ex offieio collector or the revenue or Bate county and asrai net Joseph M Price, sil W Dooley and Elizabeth A Stahamahom, 1 have levied and seized upon BU the right, title, interest and claim of defendants, Joseph M Price, Silas W Dooley and Elizabeth A Stihamahorn, Id and to the following described real estate situated In Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot six in block twenty-nine f2S) in the city of Rich Hill, Bates couutv, Missouri, Iwiiiou Monday, NoTmbf r 23, 1S96, between the boors of nine o'clock in the fore noon ami Ave o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house, in the city or Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so mnch thereof as may be re quired at qablic vendue t the highest bidder for cash, lt satisfy said execution and costs. I. A. CULVER, 4-4t Sheriffof BatCooBt. Mo.