Newspaper Page Text
9 L Ml it 'I 'Si I r THE WALTON TRUST COMPANY. OF BUTLER MO. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL PAID UP CAPITAL SUPA'L US FUM I nrorporated under the law. of Missouri. Lend money on real estste on long or short time at low rate, of interest, allowing borrower lo pay back part or all at any time am! stop interest. Have a complete and reliable abstract of title to each tract of land and town lot in Bates Co. The preparation of then- abstracts wag begun by our Mr. Walton iTi years ago; are unto date and made Jrom the Itecorda daily Parties wishing to borrow money on real estate are invited to cull anil pet oar rates, terms. Ac. Have always on hand an.l for sale first farm Mortgages in amounts from "t M " Fersons bavin a few hundred dollars to loan can be accomodated with Interest paying mortgage that are safe as 17. S. bonds. DinucTons T J Wright, Win K Walton, II 11 I'igott, .1 Everingham, J It Jenkins, John Ueerwester, Allows interest on time deposit. Authorized by law to act as Executor, Curator, Receiver and Assignee, We eolicit your business. FRANK AU.ES, Sec'V., C. A. Al.LLN, Abstracter. J. B. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table. NOI'.Tll BOCSD, No. i 4:.oA. M. NO. 4 1 : P- M. No. 10 ' P. M. No al'2 Local Freight 1U:-.A. M. SOITII HOl'ND. No. ! 4:.Vi A . M. No. 5 . P M. Ko. 1 1:V;P M. No. 311 Local Freight 1 :M P. M. INTERSTATE DIVISION. No, 34' Depart 7 Ot) A. M. No. a.K) Arrive 11:5a A. M. W. C. Biiuius. Agent. K. C. Pittsburg k Gulf Time Table. Arrival and departure of trains at Worland. south liOL'NU. No. 7 Freight dally except Sunday 12:10 p. m. No. 5 Sat. )H:W). m. No. 1 Express daily lJ:-'7 p. iu. SOI'TII boisd. No. 2 Express daily 2:21 p. rn. No t Freight daily except Sunday 1 :(tu a. rn. No 8 " ' " ' 2:25 1. ru. Remember this Is the popular short line be tween Kansas City, Mo., and Pittsburg, Kan., Joplln, Mo , Neosho, Mo., Sulphur Springs, Ark., Siloam Springs, Ark., and the direct route from the south to St. Louis, Chicago, and points north and northeast and to Denver, Ogden, San Francisco, Portland and points west and northwest. No expense has been spared to make the passenger equipment of this line second to none in the west. Travel Yin the new line II. C. Oiih. Uen'l Pats. Agt., Kansas City, Mo. Plielan on Silver. The following paragrahf.each one puogent and convincing fact, were taken from the Western Watchman, a Cathelic paper of St. Louie, edited by Rev. Fr. Pkelae, formerly priest at Indian Creek, this- county, saja the Paris, Me., Mercury. Every Catholic and Protestant in the coun try should read them: We have plenty of monejjbut like . an apopletic body, , it is all is the head. What we wast is free circula tes. Every Catholie paper in the Uni ted States is now battling for free silver. The Catholic Church has her ear close to the great, pulsating heart of the people. It would seem that religion were the last refuge of the broken down politician. How beautiful the Gold Democrats can speak of the honor and honesty of the nation! The production of gold and silver has not kept pace with the growth of wealth. The paper money of modern governments barely and badly supplies the want of gold and silver coin. From all points of the country there come loud clamoring fcr gold ite literature. There is no goldite literature. The gold men of the country know nothing about litera ture. God very rarely gives money and brains to the same individual. The man who steals a dollar makes one man in the world a dollar poor er. The man who hoards a dollar keeps ten thousand men from pay ing their debts and as many more from taming a day's wages; and he ais ten thousand times more guilty than the first. One of the Irish novelists tells us of a rare dish the Irish had in fani ine tines. It was called "potatoes and points." It consisted of plenty of potatoes and a little butter in the center of the table, which the par taker was permitted to point hia po tato at but not to touch. The Odd ites want to serve us a like financial faro. They will provide "the best money in the world"' which the poor man can "point" to in the coffers of the trust companier, but may never hope to enjoy. Wo owe for our treasury notes We owe for our coin notes. We owe for our greenbacks. And if the goid itea tell the truth, we owe for the $700,000,000 in silver we have in cir culation. According to them all these must be redeemed with gold. If silver is not money, but a check or token redeemable at the gold counter, it is a nuisance, and should be pitched into the sea. It is heavy; it corrodes; it wears away,and makes holes ia the pockets. $110,000.00 $oo,000. 00 $11,000.00 Hooker Powell, C K Ka.lfor.l. C H Outcher, T C Boulware. F M Voris, W W Trigg. WM F. WALTON. Prest. T J WRIUUT. Vic Presl. WALTON, Bookkeeper. corr urn ox Is Oilicially Ciiarel lv reopiu'a Party. The People's party of Missouri officially charges that Iiepublicau money was offered to prevent elec toral fusion. The charge will be published Fri day in the Industrial Leader of La mar, of which M. V. Carroll, Secre tary of the State Coinimttee of the party, is publisher and editor. The editorial, under the head, "Hanna's Boodle in Missouri," will in part say: "We are not eiven to exploiting idle rumors or groundless gossip; and we deprecate all tendencies to ward sensationalism and scarecrow tactics in politic?; but we want the Populists and all honest free silver men in Missouri to know Mark Hnn na's agents did their utmost to de lay and defeat electoral fus'on in this State, and were willing to put up $10,0()0 to accomplish this end. This is not idle talk we have the proof and can pioduce it whtn occa casion requites." Chairman Rozeile will uot ditcuis the editorial further than to say that Secretiry Carroll is rot inclined to make charges which b can rot prove. A book on kidney trouble and its treatment will be mailed free to any one who will write for it, addressing the Buker Pill Co., Bangor Maine.or patient may enclose 56 cents In Postal Note or cash in a registered letter; and one box of Baker's Pills will be mailed together with the book, post paid to the address given. Buker's Kidney Pills ia a new and marvellous remedy assisting nature to relieve clogged and diseased kidneys; will also relieve bladder diseases, urinary troubles, backache and little aches and pains throughout the body. Back-ache and kidney-ache are very often the same and these pills will re" move the kidney trouble cure the aching back, and purity the blood. Safe ia all cases. Being a new dsscoverv, Buker's Kidney pills are not yet on sale at all drugstores. In enquiring, be sure you get Buker's (price SOcts) or ad dress Buker Pill Co., as above, and mention this paper. Southwestern trade supplied by Meyer Bros., Drug Co.. St. Louis, Mo. 4(j-5t Twitting .Storm New York, Oct. 1 Tugs towed in port last night the dismantled Norwegian bark Rosenberg, Capt. Thorsen, which left Pensacola for Rio de Janeiro. On September 23 she encountered a strong gale. The gale fulled about noon, the wind veering. Capt Thorsen was about to get under wav when the deadly calm known to precede a cy clone at sea, was upon him. He had not many minutes to wait before a furious, revolving nurricane surrounded him. Gigantic waves swept tho vessel fore and aft, cat Ty ing away her deck load of lumber and her foretopmast and topgallant mast. Next her rudder piu snapped and her starboard bulwarks were swept into the sea The bark was rendered unmanageable, and the crew were compelled to lash them selves to the rigging. The cyclone lasted three hours. Wilful .Murder. Sedalia, Mo , Sept 30 Coroner Quigg. of Boonvil.'e, hold aa inquest yesterday at Ottorville, on the body of John Dolsoc, who was shot and killed yesterday by Thomas'J. Saun ders. Ten eye witnesses to the kill ing, which was a sequal to a hot do bate between the men on the money question, were examined. Tho jury decided that Saunders deliberately and wilfully murdered Dolscn with out cause. Tnrn samerwanits in the Air. Rushville, Ind., Sept. 30. John W. Inness, Heronnut of this city, bad a thrilling experience in a balloon ascension at a republican rally at Manilla. At an elevation of 2,500 feet bis balloon burst and before he could dii-engftje his parachute he was dnswii downward by the fulling bal looo. Afttr falling 1 GOO fett tbe parachute opened and the balloon and parachute then turned a series of aerial soiueifnulls, through all of which Inness still clang tothereps. The horrilifd epec'a-ors stood aghast, fraring at any m.ituent to see Iuness mangled at their feet, but he alighted safely and without a scratch. The balloon he used has. it ia said, kilJe 1 four men and two women. t ' Remedy FOR JT ANDRAE'.l LIVER f ( Liver Pi llg UOIV PLAINT ('rtllll.)ll ill t lie Ail . Paola, Kan , Oetcber 1. At the Miami county fu:r here t day Geo. Audeisou, the aeronaut, who was shot from cannon suspended from a balloon,, missed the parachute and Wislilledia tie 1500 foot fall Anderson was employed by Prof Bozart, and St. Louie, Ho., was his home. Ten thousand people witness ed the awful accident. Anderson refused to put on the s&ftey belt with rope attachment, and relied on ly on a cottou clothes liue cord to his wrist for safety. After meals ysu should have sim ply a feeling of comfort aud satisfac tion. You ehould not feel any special indications that digestion i going on. It 3 ou do, you have iudigsntiou, which means not digestion. TftU may be the beginning of so man dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it in hand at one aud treat it with a dose of Shaker Digestive Cordial. For you know that indt gestion makes poison, which cauaa pain and sickness And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps digeslio. and cures indigestion. Shikr Di gestivo Cordh! do?e tbv by p .via iug the digestive uuieiiald ic which the sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up and strengthens the diges tive organs and makes them perfectly healthy This is tho ratioual of its method of cure,as the doctor would say. Sold bv druggists, price 10c to l per bottle. liujing Miiios. New York, Oct. 1. Private cable dispatches received htre say that Hamilton Smith, agent of the Ex ploration Comp.ioy of London, which within the last 18 mouths has paid $15,000,000 for 500,000 shares in the Anaconda Mining Copper Couipauy, whose proprietois are in Montana, is ou his way to this country again. Mr. Smith's mission is said to be to close a deal whereby the Explora tion Company (really the Roths childe), is to acquire the remaining stock, 500,000 sharesi of the Ana couda Company, upon which there was given an option for the net sum of $18,060,000. CASTOniA. ' ts cs every VliJJEI. Denver, Colo, Sept. 30 The Denver Pharmaceutic il AHsociatioD, including all the druggists of the city last night adopted i t solutions practically deelariog a boycott ou certain Eastern wholesale and nmuu facturiuj firms, whom thv accus of trying to coerce their employes in pontical matteis. It is claimed that this action will be taken b druggistB all the Wst London, Oct. 1. The Evening News puolishec a news agency dis patch asserting that Great Britain has notified thw powers that unless immediate and fuergetic action is taken by them to efiect a settlement of th Turkish situation, England will act alone. No confirmatitn of this statement is obtainable. No CompromU. Leadville, Celo , Oer.. 1. At the meeting of the miner's Union last night co action was taken on the proposition working to a com pro mise and the miners and miu own ers are tody as fir apart a evr. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tnsjp Growing Children One-third of all the children die before they are five years old. Most of them die of some wasting disease. They grow very slowly ; keep thin in flesh ; are fretful; food does not do them much good- You can't say they have any disease, yet they never prosper. A slight cold, or some stomach and bowel troutle takes them away C"SOOTT'S EMULSION of God-liver Oil with Hypopho phites is just the remedy for growing children. It makes hard flesh; sound flesh; not soft, flabby fat. It makes strong bones, healthy nerves. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity. Book about it free for trie asking. No substitute for Scott's Emul sion will do fcr the children what we know Scott's EniuLioa will do. Get the genuine For sale by ill druggists at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Order of Publication. STATK OF MISSOURI Connty of Bale. In the circuit Court of Bates county, Missouri, in vacatio-i September 23, iwnj, Catharine Brown. tWi'lium Stewart. Andrew Stewart, Sarah .1 ll tiler, Mary- A Harper, Andrew I) Gwynue. N'ora Eailer, Charlotte McKeaver John P Gwynne. MaryC Gwvnne. Samuel H Gwynne. Charles! V Gwynne, Carrie Gwynne anil William K Sproule, Executor el tiie e-tate of Jane 1 Gwynne, ileceased. plaintiffs, vs. Slinnie Stewart, William G Stewart, Preston 11 Stewart. James Stewart John Stewa t. Joseph II Stewart, David W Stewart, Sarah J Stewari, Marr J Stewart and William A Stewart defendants. Now at this day come the plaintiffs herein or their attorneys Dvjiton A Silvers, before the undersigned clerk of the circuit conrt of Bates conntv. Missouri, in vacation and tile their pe tition alleging anion? other things that defend ants are al! non-residentB of the state ot Missouri. Whereupon It is ordered by tht clerk in vacation, that said Defendant be noti tied by publication that plaintiffs have com menced a suit against theiu in this conrt bv petition the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree in partition ot the tollowing described lands in Bites county. Missouri, to-wit: The northwest quarter of the northeast quarther of section thirty-one L'il , township forty K of range thirty-one .II l and for a tale of the same and division of the proceeds of such sale among the parties according to their respective interest in said land as serTorlh in the petition in this cause and that unless the said defendants be and appear at this court at the next term thereof to be begun and hidden at the court house in the city of Bntler, in said county, on the loth dav ot November, next and on or betore the third day of said term. If the term shall so long con tinue, and if not then on or before the last day of said term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as con-feep-'' judgment will be rendered accord ingly. And be it further orJett'l ihut a copy herocf be published according to law, in the Bi'TLEK Wkkkly Timics, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county. Mo, lor four weeks successively the last insertion to be 6t least tll'teen days before the llrst day of the next term of t he circuit court. STEWART ATC11ESON. CircHit Clerk. A trne copy of the record. Witness my hand and the seal ol ibe circuit conrt of Bates sk al connty, this 2.ld day of September, STEWART ATUHKSOS. 4"- Circuit Clerk. Order of Publication. STATE OF . MISSOURI County ol Bates In the circuit court of Bates county. Miesonii. in vacation September 4tn. lSSW, the State of Mleso-iri at the relation and to the use of S II Fisher, ex-otticio collector of the revenue of Bates county in the state of Missouri, plain tiff, vs. Victoria S Prater and Angus C Av ery, defendants. Civil action for delinquent taxes. Sow at this dav comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney ueiore the undersigned clerk ot the circnit court or Bates county in the state of Missouri, in vacation aud files her petition and a Hi lavit stating among other inings mat tiie aDove nameu defendant ictona S Trater, is a non-resident of the stale of Missouri Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation that said de- lennant be notifled by publication that plain tiff has commenced a suit against her in this court bv petition the obiectand eeneml na ture of which is to enforce the lien of the stale of Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the years j ana ittu, amounting in the aggre gate some sum oi i po, logetner nun interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the follow ing debcri bed tracts of land situated in Bates county Missouri, to-wit The north iour- teen . (14) acres of the southwest quar ter oi me nonneasr riuarteroi sect on twt-niv- four i iu township thirty-nine of range thirty-one (:;1) and that unless the sain defendant be and appear at the next term ot this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates county. 5Iissouri. on the nrsl luestiay alter the second Monday in No vember. I.-.;. an. 1 on or before the third iIkv thereof (il the lerm shall so long continue, and if not then before the end cl the term j and plead to said petition according to law the same will be taken as confessed and judg ment rendered according to the prayer or said petition, and the above described real estate B'iia i.) eausty the same. And it is lurfier ordered by the cletk afore son tnai a copy hereof be pooliBlted in the ouwer v eesiy J lines, a weeUly newspaper (iiiiifioNuiiuunButnin iiait-s coutiiy. Mis souri lor four weeks sncceesiielv the last in sertion to be at least fifteen dava before the first day of the next term of t:iis court true copy from the record. W itne-a my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal or said 1ealJ court hereunto affixed. uone at office in Butler on this h 4'h dav of September, Isfti STEWAET ATCUESt. Circuit Clerk. Order of l'ubl cition. STATE OF MISSOURI County of Mates. ) M In the I'rohate Court for the County of Kates Au'u.-t term, lrt, Kuth fcomar. adminis tratrix of Alexander Homar, deceased Order of I'uWication. RntU Bomar, administratrix of Alexander Eoniar, deccaW, present-s to the court her petition, prayinir for an order for the sale of so much or the real estate of said deceased as will pay and satisfy the remaining dehts due bv said estate, and yet unpaid for want of sufficient as sets, accompanied by the account. lits and inventories required by law ia such case- on made, and unless the contrary be shown on or ujciua ui me nest term of this court to 1 held beKinninp on the second Monday or November next, an order will be made for the sale of the whole, or so much of the Keal hstate of said deceased as will be safl eient for the payment of said debt- and it "is further ordered, that this notice lie published in some newspaper in this state, for four weeks before the next term of this court and that a copy of this notice be served on ea-h or the heirs residing in Hates county at least ten davg'prior tounty of Bates. es I, Wro Ji. Ialton, Judfre of the Probate court, held in and for said countT, hereby cer tify that the foregroinp is a true copv of the original order or publication therein referred to, as the same appears or record ia mv office W itness my hand and sal" or 'a'd ltAt. court. Done a: office in Butler 'the lSti day of September, !;. .... W'M. M. DALTOX. " Judge of Probate. Such ills as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, MM j "Old Country "r! I -Soap In ,l rCTil QUANTITY AXD QUALITY. ' McFARLAND BROS. Is rness a Jink's Leather Tree Saddle single steel full bugpy your new ness ness - PATENTED 3 MAY 262 I 183 S I McFARLAND BROS Order of Publication. STATK OK MISSOURI, i ,, l.ounty ol Hates. S In the Circuit Court of P.ates county, Missouri, in oiaiiiru, p.iiriiiinTiMJ, irv.. Hie tate Ol Missouri at the relation and to the use of 8 II Fisher, ex-ofiicio collector of the revenue of Hates county in the State of Missouri, plain tiff, vs. Newton Montgomery, defendant. Civil action for delinquent taxes. Now at this dav comes the ulaintitT herein bv her attorney before the undersigned clerk of the circnit court of Bates county, in the state of Missouri, in vacation and files her petition and affidavit, stating amonjr other things that the above named defendant, Newton Montgomery, is a non-resident of the state of Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered bv the clerk in vaca tion that said defendant be notified by publica tion that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri for the delin quent taxes of the year 1WM, amounting in the aggregate to the sum or $4. 17, together with in terest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following described tracts of land situated in Hates county, Missouri, to-wit: Thirty-six (.) acres, the west part of the north half of lot two (X) of the northwest quarter of section nineteen (l!) in township thirty-nine (n of range thirtv (30, and that unless tiie said defendant be and appear at the next term of this court to be be gun and holden in the city of Hutler, Bates county, Missouri, on the first Tuesdav after the second Monday in November, Is;!, and on or before the third day thereof (if the term stiall so long continue, and if not then Iwfore the end of the term) and plead to said petition according to law, the same wiil be taken as confessed, and judgment rendered according to the prayer of said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered bv the clerk afore said that a copy hereof be published, in the Hitler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates conntv, Mis souri, for lour weeks sucressivelv, the last insertion to be at least fifteen davs before the first day ot the next term or said court. A true copy from the record. Witness mv hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal of said court hereunto affixed. at office in seal Hutler. on Uiss the 3d day of Septem ber. 1-W. STEWART ATCHESON, 5-t Circuit Clerk. Ordr of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI County or Bates i BB- In the c rcnit conrt or Bates connty, Missouri, in vacation September 3 !!;. Toe State of MiBsonri at the relation and to the age of S H JUher, ex-oflicio collector or tho revenue or Bit's county, in the Mate of Missouri. plaintiff. v M L Chandler and J M Chan dler, defendants Civil action for delinquent taxed. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney before the undersigned clerk or the circntt court of Kates conntv ii, the state or Missouri, in vacation fcnd files her petition and affidavit, stating amoi.g other things that the above Darned defendant, M I. Chandler, is a non-resident or the state or Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered by the cierb in vacation that said defendant be noti fied by publication that plaintiff bas com menced a suit against him in this court by l-ttition and affidavit the object and gen eral rature of which is to enforc the lien of the ttate or Missouri for the sourl for the delinquent taxes of th year l-4 amounting in the aggregate to the sum or 12 r,;. together witii interest, costs, commis sion and fees, upon the following described tracts of iand situated in Hates connty. Mi ouri, to-wit: ihe south hair f jot two 2) or the northwest querter of B-clion nineteen tllij township forty-tww (-) orrarige thirty-two (32) and that unless the said defendant be and appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates county. Missouri, on the first Tue-day after the second Mondsv in November. i.-sr,. and on or before the third day thereof, (if the term shall so long eon tinusj. and if not tnen before tbe end of the terra.) and plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to tbe prayer of said petition and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered by tbe clerk afore said that a copy hereof be published in the Butler Weekly Tinses, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bate connty, Mlt, eouri. for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fifteen days before the first day of the next term or aaid conrt A true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seai er&Li or said conrt hereunto affixed Done at office in Butler on this the 3d'day of September, 139S. STEWART ATCHEsSojf 3-t Circnit Clerk. pcooccocooccooexsoc ST. JACOBS Oil WIPES OUT Promptly and Effects, pooooooooaooooooQcS South Side Square Butler Mo. Read and See What vre Keep in S(o We keep everjthicg that hcree owneriDCtd Double wagon harness from S10 to f30 harness, 7.50 to 25: second hud harness from 3 to $15. Saddled of iS etjlesaud prices, fioui the cheapest toUV fork cow boy and tele leather spring seat saddle. Lap robes, home Llanteti dusters and ily nets. Harness oil and soap liiifl of mens and boys gloves. Tria tops new and repair old ones. BriM old harness and saddles and trade for ones. We have the largest retail hu store in the Southwest and our bar are all made at home. Butler CVlissouri. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, ) County or Hates, j In the Circuit Court or Hates county, MiMMltL in aiauni r.iiriiiurr t, inyo, ivtiaa zua and A C Huh, her husband plaintiff), n I.ouisa .lane llanielson and J A lanlelsos n husband, Antonette Molderman aud Artstf JS liolderman, defendants. Now at this day come the plaintiff berets! their attorney. .1 W Suddath, before the nndtr signcd clerk of tin-circuit court ol Hates euentj, Missouri, in vacation, and tile their ameaM pel i tion and affidavit, alleging among ottit things, that defendants, Ixmisa Jane DuM son and ! A llanielson. her husband and if thur It liolderman arc not residents of the it of Missouri: Whereupon it is ordered by it clerk in vacation that said defendant be uotiM bv nublication that ulalntiffa have commotsl a suit against them in this court, alleging M ' the plaintiffs are the sole owners of and teniatV in common in the following described real! tate situate in the county of Bates iu tbe or Missouri, to-wit: The east half or lots tm section No. four 4) of township No. fortyi range No. thirty-three (33) or which Gikte Holderiiian died seized, and the sooth nllf the southeast quarter of section No. tbirtr three (33) in township forty-one (II) of mf No. thirty-three (33) and the east half of I one and two (1 and ii) of the northwest qasris' or section No. four and the west halt or low one and two (1 & '-') or the northeast uuartw section No. four (4) all in township So. ftrt (40) or range No. thirty-three or which StraH liolderman died seized, and entitled to port or tiie same and praying that partition of m said real estate be decreed and that all said Ml estate be sold and the proceeds tnereor dirtw. the nuriKise of which suit la Ut sell all of St real estate for the purpose of partition of proceeds arising therefrom, and that Bat the said luisa .fane Daniclson, J A Daniel and Arthur B liolderman, be and appsf this court at the next term thereof, to be be0 and holden at the conrt house in the city of Ba ler, in said conntv. on th Huh riav of KftTflS- her next, anil on'or before the 'third-diy fiftiil thrift ir tht. tuom .d.ll c, l,nr vmtiR3C and ir not, then on or betore the last dayefl term, answer or plead to the petition i canse, the same will be taken as contessed, illftfrmnr u'ill It.. Pi.niln .nlinlrlT. And lie it further onli n- l thst a i-oof ! 1e published, according to law, in the Bp1 weekly livF.s, a weekly newspaper pi1"-" and published in Hates county, Mo., t weeks successively, the last insertion to least fifteen lays before the first day of the term of the circnit court. . it iTr nt-cov f1.rk. A true coy of the record. Witnef toy k, nil llio u-al .r tho fin-nit tOBTt i seal Hates countv. this 7th dayofWTH ber, IK;. STEWART ATCTIKM", 43-4t CirctutClrrU Trustee's Sale. Whereas John Henderson and Henderson, bl wife . by their deI t trjji dated May 4, lwl. and xeeorded IJJ1 order's otSice within and ror Bates M""-' Missouri, in book 107. page 89. cot'Yttsdp the undersigned trustee the following deeW ei real estate lying and being situate JT, connty of Bates and state of Missouri, lhe north half of the southwest saarwrj section ten (Ho except nine and tbres JPr acres off nortn part, laid out in tow) of f berry; also all of the northwest qnsrtstwj southeast quarter of section ten (lu) acres off of the east side of tne "J east quarter of tbe southeast quarter section nine (S). said ten flO er.. lng six and one-fonrth (G 1-4) chain wW" north end, three and tbree-foarta tf J chains wide at the south end, all in forty 140) of range thirty-three S3J fZ taining In all one nandred and twenty I acre more or leas, which convey V.. made tn trnst to seenre the payment J5 ' tsia note folly described In said deed 0'."T aud whereas, default has been n,df,i?-S payment or the principal and accrued IMJJ thereon, now past doe and unpaid. therefore, at the request of tbe lesl ('' " said note and pursuant to tbe eon said deed or trust, I will proceed to above described premise at public e5r th. huki v,;hu. tth east 1 door of the court bouse, in the city of J""" connty of Bates and state of Missouri, .- Friday October 9th, 1896, between the hour of nine o'clock In noon and five o'clock in the a ft"rao0,i m! day. for the pm poses of satisrying fl, interest and costs . i . I.