Newspaper Page Text
J 4 if 10 i or il a- a. fOL. XVIII. BUTLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY NOVEMBER o, 18W5. NO " L of id bt it t P id to o i er )tl uo in ed in-; it or re- P 1 OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL -SURPLUS FUND 855,000.00 2,500.00 ELECTION IN DOUBT. j be couldse it constantly, and, going homo in the evening, he carried it earetuiJv with him. At !jiLt :t I !ii!ic;1 o:i Sio'.vover, Point to Frohnb"- Kleclion of Jl Kinlev. TWO S ! A I I S WILL I)K1'II)E. Mic!;i.i.i u I Indiana Set tie the iiiiinal (ontfst Beivet Deposits, Loans money, Issues Drafts and does a general Banking liusincss. W aollcit the account of Farmers, Merchants and the public generally promising a itfe Depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal accommodation in the way of loans to onr customer". Or. T. C. Iloalware Bootter Powell Geo L 6mlth II H PIggott John Ueerwester C R Radford J R Jenkins TJ Wright Thanking the puldic for their confidence and liberal patronage during th past fifteen years, we solicit a continuance of the time promising honest and conservative roan sgement, with strict attention always to the wants of our customers. FranU II VuriB J M Christy R G West Wrn E Walton J. E. JENKINS, Cashier. Wm. E WALTON, Presidut. Mitli f ii! i "i Indiana as t l!ie i:-;v itia iilnt tnt, but S- tni,Ud!i Nervous Alsti'H lIlH !Ittl The following summary of the A l. elect io;i leturus is taken iroin me K-tnaa-i City Times Thursday morn in and i-t the very latest, at time of !iii)- to urea- with the Times 1 i o o r - The indications at midnight were that McKinlev had curried Indiana stauts on a little t:i'o!e clone to Ms j bedside, where he cm fee it leadily whea he wakes i The. longer those who knew him j watched this performance the more j mysterious did it seem, and thu more lively was their curiosity. One day last spring tiome fallow laborers thought to play a joke ou Lsbr by removing the curium little can when its owner was not looking:! and hiding it When the usually quiet and received sunn discovered that the precious object was gODe it changed bi:u something like a madman. The two culprits, alarmed j by his excited state, eonftssed their j joke and returned the can. j If it had not been for the inter i ference of others Lihr might have gone to the gallows fur that day's . OFFici'ns I. N. THOM t'SON , Trco. K. A ISKNNr.Tr, V. fres. K. 1. KUt, Cashier. FARMERS BANK BUTLER. MO. Cnpital JStock $.".0,000 00 Siii')1iim Fuml $r..00(HH We Want Your Business. W. Newberry rrait Wau AMUtsnts. Virginia Item:?. In writing news for the Timks this yea- lt will be things we see and hear, ind if we get them wrong or mixed Frionds forgive us for this is 'DO. I 1 T e 1 1 i : i.i and West Virginia, both of which worn, ueiuiv ruip cum reaeii icem I 1 t 1 l r 1 1 . 1 I. at the school were essential for the success of owu iwiaa ov au irou Brvan. Unless later returns chauge bar thAt ou handy, and, as it was DinECTOHS- Ml. J. EVER1XGUAM. JNO E SHIT1T. V. G rt'lUOI. J J. McKKK. CLARK W1V. H M GAll.KY. JKO. S1KELK. JAS. M. McklBBEN. gy Sunday morning liouse. I'Olcoinl) spoKe nere Jiorw ay - ,r.Tr.t,. ...;n thouffht at th time, fatally iin'ared. n reiiKOIiHh V UUia ieHUIt Jll'lVilliev vvni unmuii i j ibey recoveied alter ward, but the niffht of this week to Wesley and Thomas Hensley of In jrpence', Mo., visited their father, imanzer Hensley, who has been s-iek orsoiue time. MrnS M Coulter, who has been vis iting relatives in Ohio for few weeks, returned home Friday. The Free Methodists will hold their district quarterly meeting at the Jes tlerode. school house commencing Thursday night, Nov. 5, and contin uing over Sabbath. The Sabbath 1 arvice will be at 10 o clock. .1 II Hiesins, district elder of bpringheld, will be present. John llusbey, the city carpenter built a fine hen house for MrsMcNutt list week. The quilting at Mrs J W Me Fad den's a pleasant affair; those present wre Mesdames W 1 Orear, li F Jen kin?, 11 0 Wilson, (ieo Jenkins, John Husaey, Dr Lamb and Miss Icy Jen kins. John Nance built a flue for Win Oldham and other repair work on his houne last week. Ernest Judy and wife, who have been visiting "her folks at Warrens burg for a week, returned home Sab bath. 0 rand pa Kinney went to Kansas City last week to visit his daughter, Mrs Smith. Mr Campbell of Lynn county, Kan., jpent Sunday night in our city. I'Mlq. Mediation, son win, aim his grandson, Ed Hones of Rich Hill, visited his brother in-law, James aic- Dale, at Fontanna, Kan., last weeK. John Classen and wife of near Bar nard, Kan., visited Henry Kswien Saturday ami Sunday. Kev Corkell ana wiie ami sou oi Butler, brought Presiding Elder Hunt out Satardav. Rev (ialbreth tot him to take charge of the quar terly meeting in bis place. Elder II . " . r- . I 1.4. 1 nunt preacneu aturuay iugni nnu Sabbath at eleven; the meeting was well attended. Sam Dobbins, who has been sick, is op and around again, while Frank Smith, who was taken sick about the me time is improving slowly. P M Faniuliner was somewhat ex- fited Sabbath morning when he went to the buggv shed to get his buggy and could not find it. He was about tosret mi a searching party when wine one told him that last night was Hallowe'en and bis buggy was standing in front of V C Henderson's house. Mrs (' F Sehad of Hutler, who has been visiting her stater Mrs W r Coulter returned hotne Fridav. The Hallowe'eners visited our quiet little city Saturday night, and one of our townsmen found his bug- good crowd of democrats, on the sil- have 239 votes in th electoral col N-ey recovered ver question He read Mr Mnton s neeessarv incident showed more clearly than letter of withdrawal from the can- lege, or lo more tban are necestary J PAl!,vit,ir ;rn i ho ever me inieusiiv oi ijeui s ieeuiis vafs. it ma not jjotiown wun aiitne u0 elect mm !!.r..?rf: J:i,!,H;r.tlJirf S"? States which have certainly gone for about the mysterious cm UtM II IIIT-ll liu.-r."' , iniiir; a nuiuuci " It. . ,i ' 1 I I r a -.! I n t t I. A in n f rr sav that they were sold out, and now McK n ev: iU " ai'b"ca "' : J thev will not have any home except ,.,,.,.,..,,, tained the ashes of Lis dead wife. At WZ;neSlZ if X I"-'3 f, her aeath .h. had requested that democrats elect the majority in con- , her body be cremated. Lthr carried gressthey get free silver coin- Mla8a(.hll80tu is out hfr wish 6nj heartbroken at aw. Whether thev cet more silver . ... il or not thev can live on the consola- ' . .. ...... 10 br Jcatb, deterti)ined never to be tion they get of having democrats in N Y :w S(,(j frr)U. htr ttSi,,c This ac roniiltlienriu rtnt. ft c oak . . . I 1 a. in .Tuesday as we send to press. ..1 c mntB for his constant euro of the we can see the fincies rolling in from ,,,, ,M,n(, 4 rftn ft. lirn HS has moved to be. . i . t .1 l .. 1 I i " Ilie iimuereu cuuiiirv, ituti mai Vermont makes me feel easy that the finance Uyisconsin . .. .. . a question win ue seriieti mis tiay, diu M . , 8 we are not sure tnat w e win an oe made millionaires. ToM u It will be sad news to many to hear In addition to these certain states ber l. flir nrown sertieti in uaies ximes at. miunigci, muiuaiu iuo m also carried county in i?W5 ne oougm my aure ui ....ui:--,,,, 1,,4 hlf-,.iil east of Viririnia. He P'caL9 uava 4 Cyclone" Davis Rappetl tin the Mead. Pittsbari?, Tex . Nov. 2 J. II ("CycloBe") Davis addressed a large audience on a street comer to day, and was anawer d bv Senator Cran- ford. In Davis' rejoinder he assail THE CABINET DIVIDER. ! Negr..f-s Amtmlutl. j Birmingham, Ala , N.iv. 3. Whilo Some Members tif .Mr. ClevfUntl's : Jeff Jackson, John Aditus, William Household Failed ta Vote. j Taylor aud Robert Allison, negro Washington. D. C.Nov. 3 .An ! borers, were working at a sugar C3 ' by maiorities for following ou u"""l.T ana 6taiea tnac in me ueiuw moved from here in 1881 to Christian reduced county, where he has since lived. He I Bjatef . servea iwu lerms t presiuiuK juuc. i He leaves a wife and four children. m-' Aaron. P10"""""11" Michigan Ilaanwatai' llaniw. I West Virginia.. " I - i ' I . I r T - 1 1 .. I . r n . . . . . r. n n t I f. H inuiana - u. aeb siaica luai it ncoauj 4 crats seated 0Neil, of Cass County, 3 in the State Lerislature,when Frost, ii i j t ... , . , t 6 ropuhat, ot UaBs was t-iecteo. d. 1T!vn In V.s-y m fitiAoL'in of Trwriuf nu'ti last Monday night. Total prouawe jueKiuu-y " uie uooest oi luat uouy uy eajiu Preaching at the Methodist cnurcii umcial returns may cuauge me there waa fraud, that Davis was a SUAlita',U,,nd "i8ht by figures in Michigan, West Virginia H wWeupon Daws struck at Mr K Kash sold his farm last week and Indiana, and Chairman Jones K Someone at. the same time to Mr McKlwane for $25 P m and eii,, to concede the election Bt.rnek Davis over the head with a w i i nor rfit'a iinwuuuuin i iiiiiii m hi i it' i i - - - Thft Oak crove iterarv is prorress- ro;iowm is usi ui biuico iui ing nicely and have large attendance rjetj y Bryac a ueuuuuruci. !i.i.,. 11 S j stick, inflicting an ugly wound, that bled profusely. Mr rlali .Tneksnn and wife of El- j i .. ot- v.:., rtl.i-'u 1 Arkansas ,.L- W T..Ueksnn. near Johns. Colorado v I California r.'t it Vowli ,nn.I n flvino- trin to I "'orida Hutler one day last week on business. , " c . o i :n: .. v;i ,a siiii. i il t SSlS Ocilll llllllfllltlliv 11 iiiir uin ton attended the " Oak grove lyceum Fridav nicrht. Hoiiowe'en night was observed by the Johnstown boys, (eonre Wells will occupv the John Bowden farm in the spring, and Mr Howden and family will move to lid dorado. Protracted meeting will commence at the Christian church at Johns Kansas ... Kentucky . Louisiana Mississippi Missouri .. Montana . . Nevada Nebraska.- North Carolina South Hit. Hoy Is Lost. Nevada Post. Edwin Wood is a little boy only 9 years o!o- He wsr firm Jopnn and 10 watt adopted nbout a jear ago bv J I . i, i i tt- it IT, A., vxoraon, Ol aiKei. jjlo no ou H interesting little fellow end seemed ' ' I i. i l :il 1 1. .. well pieasea wun uis uuuie, s On Sunday last he lelt tne name h tr flnnlon. einfe wVlieh time DO 1 1 . . . , Carolina o tiding of him has heard The unusual proportion of government officials in the higher offices remain ed in Washington and did not vote. The list iucluded Presideut Cleve laud and Private Secretary Thurber, who were at the White House most of the daj; Secretaries Olney, Car lisle (who lost his vote by a techui cality of the Itw), and Mortot; Solic itor General Holmes, Conrad of Vir ginia, Assistant Attorney Geieral Thomas, Assistant Secretaries Itock hill, Dabney and Sims, and a numbtr cf bureau chiefs, some of whom, however, have lost their votes by reason of long resideLCiu Washing ton. Among those who did vote were Secretaries Francis, lleibert and Lamont, Pes! master Genual Wilson, Attorney General ilarmou, Assistant Attorney General Whituey of New York, Assistant Attorney General W. W Baldwin of the State department, Assistant Secretaries Hamlin, Curtis and Wike of the Treasury department, Comptroller Eckels,Assistant Secretary Reynolds and Assistant Attorney General Iiionberger and Land Commissioner Lamoreaux of the Interior depart ment. Assistant Postmaster Generals Jones, Craig and Maxwell. Assist ant Secretary McAdoo of the Navy department went to New Jersey, but may And his right to vote has been lost. Civil Service Commissioner Proctor paired with a Kentucky free eilver friend, and Commissioners Rice and Harlow voted in Albany aud St. Louis, respectively. cane mill, near Wild Fork. Monroe county, last night, they were fired upon from the darkness by unknown persons. All but Taylor were in stantly killed. He will die. It is supposed to have been done by a gang of Whiteeaps who have been engaged in running all negroes out of that section. John Middle ton, employer of the victims, bad been ordered to discharge them, but he did not heed the warning. Jut-kMott Ami Walling. Covington, Ky., Nov. 2 Sign are pointing to a confession by Jack son and Walling or at least to a get- ing at the truth of (he murder of Pearl Bryan. For two weeks Jack son and Walling have been kept iu separate cells aud a bitterness ia growing up between them. Yesterday Walling said to Turnkey Maurer: "Why should I be bauished for a crime I did not. commit I did not murder Pearl Bryan. JackBon is the man who cut her head off." Maurer asked why he had not so testified, but Walling declined to answer. town Nov. 10, and is to be untier the South Dakota . control of of Rev Lemon: The triple wedding at the Catholic oimreli hist Tuestiav was largely at tended. James Ofti'il has nearly completed his cellar. Jesse Blizzard and wife of Pleasant Gap. were visitors in IVepwater townshin Sunday. Eldrid.-e Kash has the largest bog in the count v weighing between and 7 hundred pounds. Rosk. Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington .. Wyoming 4 IS 15 4 Total HER ASHES IN A CAN. Pitched Catt'.s. Guthrie, Okla , Nov. 2 Urited States Deputy Marshal Thomas and Widower l.elir Carries the remains of Ilis Wife Wherever He Goes. For several years Louis Lehr, a laboring man of Memphis, Tenn. has carried with him as his constant closest inquiry has failed to learn 1 any clue to his whereabouts. Mr Gordon and family are very anxious about his whereabouts and any ir formation It-adiug to the discovery of the boy left with the Evening Post cr communicated to Mr. Gcr don will be very thankfully received Eiwin is an average sized boy of that age and is a blonde. Shot, Tliem ISoth. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 2. Jeal- llold Hanna Pott-Dlspatch, Ten days ago the Post Dispatch warned the Chicago p Jice to pre vent the escape of Mark Hanna from Chicago at the end of the campaign. KnowiDg the woik Hanca was en gaged in, it foresaw that it would be necessary to have him where the Grand jaries can reach him. The first Grand jury indictment against Hanna has been found at Dallas. Tex. But there will bo oth- m i jni,ii posse came in lruiu me ut vuu . , , . ,-k ' , . companion a cau looking much like try, having been in search of -'Dyna- ria ousy caused a terrible tragedy three j (rfi No CDe who La, tljG 8!jfcte6t miles west of this city, all the par- ! fcnowiedge of Hanna's campaign ties being from Wheeling. Scott j hods doubts for a moment that Linton shot "Dot"' Gray, who is said h8 La9 Bent plenty of other tele to have been his wife, aud also Wil- ( grarna nke thceo for which he has Iiam Metzger, with whom be found j been indicted in Texiif. A campaigt her. With both lying at his feet he j q boojjH arjij bribery cannot Le car- fired a bullet into Lis own Drain, and j i otl jrj any State without corn- " 7'-3 ifnj mm duvall. &i;per:ival, eutler,:mo ''"PAIIM LOAN'S. taevtoloan on farms at reduced rates of "jreat. Your notes are payable at onr office IjooAnd them hers when dne. We fttve privilege to pay any time.EMoneySrfddy fr&n at papers ara signM, S"!tf mito Dick' and his gang of outlaws, who looted Carney and the Sao and Fox agency. They brought with them a team of mules loaded with plunder ani a saddle horse which they captured They came upon three of the out laws as thev were leading their boisea up a ravine and a pitched battle ensued. It was getting dark and over a hundred shots were fired. Nobody was hurt, the outlaws es caped iu lb dark.abacdoning mules baggage and one horse. There is DO ClOUDi HWUli men uc-iujj iud ney gang leal by "Dynamite Dick. ' A cyclone at South McAllister, I T. FriJay blow down several houses and one man was picked up by wind aad carried 150 yards. an ordinary paint or oil receptacle, with a top which screws on, but which, so fr as anyone knows ha never been removed. If ho had beeu stea with the can only once or twice, or a dozen times it might not have attracted attention, but wheu those wEo know Lfhr found that this commonplace object was the constant companion of his life, t:igh: and day, they began to wonder what it contained. Some of them asked him about it, now jok ingly and again eeriously, but he never bad anv satisfactory answer to give. The first thing when he got up in the morning Lehr got the can. He carried it to the various points about the city where his duties called him. He stood it, while he worked, where Jefferson City, Mo , Nov. 2 Lon V. Stephens, the Democratatic can d date for Governor, was r.ot able to vote. Although Mr. Stephens built a fine residence in this city, he has retained his citizenship at Boou- ville, and up to a week ago expected to go there to vote. Some days ago Some days ago his right eye, which had escaped the disease that attacked the left, becime very painful and swollen, and tday Mr. Stephens was couCoed to his bei in a d oA rnnm. under strict orders u: t.:.;un to rpmain thereat least 1 McKiney. uia uc'-'-" a week. The disease is not danger- ouf, but it is extremely painful and makes Mr Stephens very feverish. Mrs. Stephens is also sick, having sufferel a severe atteck of rheuma turn- -; -11 tisrn Mr. and iira. atepnens win probably go to Hot Springs after Mr. Stephens recovers sufSciently to transact some important business demanding hia attention. disclosures where the died almost instantly. ibe woman . igi , J ) Grand janes are vigslaiit. 1,1,1 " Hann-i in t-triped clothee would Vje a fitting "object lesion" for the dose of the Wall Street campaign. Seymour, Ind., Nov. J A i The penitentiary yawns for him and Itefiised to Lse Hf Vote, Ind., Nov. 2 Gray, residing near Chestnut Rvle, ; j3 e0Cfi Jiale. his county, was dea t to ol! appear ances, and' his friends made prepay i ;0tice of Final Settlement, tions for the funeral. 1 or boars he ; lay apparently without breathing. nto?X tS when he suddenly startled the , G w cow'.ev,fJeceaed, that I, J N Cham mourners by rising from bin bed j bers, admini'trator of aid estate, in- He informed them thit be had heard tend to make final settlement thereof, at i all they had ea d, though unable to nei1 lcr.,u " u'c " v I arken move, and that he did not propese j Missourii 0 be ne;d at Butfei, or. the from i to be buried until Le n&l vatea icr j mh day ot November, is. J. N., Administrator. - - . Highest of all in Leaversm mm " Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report