Newspaper Page Text
JEfiRY SIMPSON'S BETTING BOY. A CUTTING AFFRAY. Br-" 11 t i . AN ELEGANT BUTTON FREE wilh each package of i VEEJ CAP A AT4 OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GG&lCR9N ffl BUTTO& WITHOUT COST. 1 Wl ..! THE KANSAS CITY TIMES O the only metropolitan daily in this lection suppportiug the people's eudidatefl. It will be sent daily rom Sept 1st. 1896, mm i inn i inn? llil ML JHlii If 1091 FOR Only $1.00 Thk Twice-a-Week Times ia the BMt popular semi weekly in the feit Sent postpaid until Jan. 1st, 18)7, for 25 cents. 81 a year. The "Bryan Silver March," the ooit popular campaign song, will Intent free to each person subscribing- for the Daily and to each six Moths1 subscription to the Weekly Imes. Song has both words and one and will bo sent t- any ad dress for 25 cents providing you do ot want the paper. Address all Jtders to KANSAS' CITY 'HMES. Kansas City. M. H1NDERCORNS The only sure Cm. fcf Corn. Stops ll pain. Mtkin wslking fiif-l&c at Drurem. The Congressman-Elect's 16-Year-0!d Won Money on His Father. Wichita, Kaunas, Nov. 14. Con gressman Jerry Simpson has an only son whom he did riot see for several weeks liu just Dt-lore the election. Jerry told a reporter that on sitting at th table with the boy he opened a dialogue witb: 'My sou, what Las become of your watch?' "B;-t it ou the election.'' "And the riug I gave you last CLiriHtmtis? '' 'Up on the election, too."' '"And the pony?" 'I put him up to sav that Barber County would give Simpson a ma- j jority." "And the saddle what has be come of that!'' 'Ob, the saddle is all right if a certain man named Simpson carries Harper county by 200." And the shotgun?' 4"Up against. 8G that L')Dfr would not carry Sedgwick county." "Have you anything at all left?" "Tbe clothes I am wearing and an extra shirt " "What has becomo of your little bank account?" ''Staked on the political fortunes of uiy house. 1 wish I had some more money for two men down at the livery stable have a hundred to say that Long is elected." Jerry sipped his coffee meditative ly, and, rising from the table, took out his check book and gave the boy $100. In a short time the boy came back and said: "Pop, those livery stable fellowB say they would like to have another $100 of Simpson money." Jerry wrote another check, and in ten minutes the boy, having placed it. came back and eaid: "I have bet lem on a standstill. They want odds The East End the Scene of a Bloody Battle Saturday Night A Man Uses a Knife, Then Skips. Rich Hill Keview. Q nt- au exciting fit;hta'id cutting aS-av took p'acn in the Etst End Saturday nitjhr, au 1 as a result Chas O'Neil ia Wing at the h ine i f his father, Street Co'cmis-ioner O'X-d, with a fiuiub-r f very ugly gashes on different pmts of his tody The particulars ms we uet them are as follow: O'Neil, at a late hour wa9 on his hj home with some friends, when on reaching the viciu it of the Johnson livery t!ible ,n East Park Ave, they were stopped by on Monroe Lackey, a young farmer in the neighborhood of Stumptown, who wa- disposed to quarrel One word brought on an other until Laskey called O'Neil a verv vile name. O'Neil resented this, and a right endued. After scrambling about a few miuutes, in which Lis key was given the worst of it, O'Neil started on home He was again intercepted by the young I farmer, and they came to blows again. This time Laskey was ire pared for his antagonist and when the men were sepaiated a few hence, it was found that O'Neil was quite badly cut about the head, face and arms. His clothes were also cut in many places, where, if the knife had gone through, the result would have terminated in death The injured man was taken home by friends, and Dr. Noiaud called iu After making a thorough examina tion of the wounds the doctor pro nounced them not necessarily sen ous. Thfc cuts were dressed and sewed up Laskey escaped and has not yet been arrested. & Ac6ctab!c?rcnarattonfor As similating the Food and RcCufci ting the Stomachs and Dowels of SEE THAT THE 8FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE Promotes T)ig,estion.Chrci ful ness nndRest.COT. tains neither Opmm.Morphine nor Mineral. "Not Narcotic. I now PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanm and beautifies- the hi Promote a luxuriant ffrowth. Never Veil to Beatore Gray uii to ltm xoutniui voior. Clin scalp dimen k hair falling TMNACURE For Thin Poeple Are you thin? Rzepr caidik-s.siCiirnuiiR j'umJcut Set ' .4!x.Savut I'txJciU SJlx -Amtt Sctd Jpxrmuit -Jfi Gartana Safe fierm Scrd ClmAid Suirr . Aocrfcct Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms ,Con'ulsions ,r evensn ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW VORK. OF' IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERT BOTTLE OF1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Castoria is pt tj ia cno-siio bottles only. It is not sold ia bdk. Doa't allow anyone to tell yon anything else en tbe plea or promise taat it is "jest as god," and "trill answer every pn. pose." S- See that you get C-A-S-T-O-S-I-A. wn;pT. How much?" said Jerry They want rae to give 'em 1,000 majority." 'Oh, that's all right," said Jerry, ityotiareCOflSUMPTIVE or ban as he made out a check for another PABKEB-S DISBia TOmu. MMiy wno were uuyo- hllQClrea. The boy placed it, and alter tnat no more bets were offered. Jerry said that his boy was now wearing diamonds A drowning man would have little use for a method of rescue wnioh would require day.. A dyspeptic Floeh made with Thlnacnre Tablets by a ,joe8n't want to bother With a rem tton of every foTm of food, eecretioir the vain- edy that 18 going t take weeks to l0iSPBll,lTiu'B"""B m,t he show its beneficial eHects uitnre. Thev are the The Mount Lebanon Shakers are a,Auu ff product under the name of for leanness, containing no arsenic, and abB- gbater Digestive Cordial which . ' i. c I 1 j 1 L vavit frice, prepam. i per ' I yieiua iiuuieuinio iukii ,j Pimnhlat "hiiW Til It hi r At. iree. - . , , I- i. TIIETHINACURE CO., '.U3 Broadway. N . T. tirbt dose proves Denenciai in uiohi, cases: and it is owing to rneir un bounded confidence in it, that they have put 10 cent sample bottles on the market These mav be naa through any druggist and it will re pav the afflicted to invest the triflng . or a r. gum necessary to mate a iriai. Heiierieridiee.ieter. bri.rfi i The Shaker Uigeetive Uoraiai re tihterc4emicit.,MdiBuere' Heves bv restins the stomach and Internal Cancers . Clilclieiitrr'e EnslUll Dlamonil nrand. PtfiriYROYAL PILLS rc. lwy rrUftbte. uoics at Druffgin lor VhichtMitrm nw via-, imnji Brand In ftsl and Gold metftlHc jboxes, nealM with bin ribbon. 1 ake Other. Kefudmngrouantbtitw i.nmmA imitations. At DrascislS. OT M in tamp for particular, testimonials and Kellei lor laa ' i, vy rvmrn njgjt. JO.OOO TetimODaU. Same J'aptr. ir nni it i or Soil kr ul Lmi Urussiiu. aiding the digestion of food. WvndOIUiBeliaicittia nd MfepS "l ITTOUCHES iffi F "ta0tJie0s0a000BCOO3 rir . . The Bridge Broke. Pine Bluff, Ark., Nov. 18. 7e have numerous inquiries in re irard to S. S. S. in cases of internal cancers, such as cancer of the womb, stomach and bowel?. When the dis ease attacks these organs, the doctors Kencra'ly admit that it is incurable. We make no boast of what S. S. S. will do in such cases, as the following let ters we feel are worth more than vol umes of claims that we might make. Read them carefully : Norwich, Con-n Dec. 30, 1S95. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: Will you kindly mnil me vour book on blood poison, skin diseases and cancer? My mother, 70 to 75 years of age, has a cancer in the rectum, two oi our oesi uunurs unc have jmvpii her ui. and sav the sooner she dies the better lor herself, and if she lives lonsr she will die in agony. While I do not Know mat uiey are wrong in their opinions, I am not sat isfied with them, and believe your S. S. S., if it does not cure her, will at least relieve her so she will die peace fully. I got her started on your S. S S. yesterday, and what I want of your book is points as to bathing or injecting. Will be pleased to hear from you soon. Yours very truly, G. L. Crosgrove, Box 154, Norwich, Conn. Tiu-tee'n Sle I Wherras C F Pharis and Minnie E 1'liaris ; his wife and A C Edrington. a single man, bv ', their iletxi of truht dated November ind, li", and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates county, Missonr . in book No. 1 17. pg conveyed to the andersigned trustee the following described real estate lying and being situate in the county of Rates ati't state ut' Missouri vo-wii: Beginning sixteen rods west of the south east coruer of the southwest quarter of the' northeast uartr of section twenty-two '-12) in towiistdp forty (W) tf range thlrtj-on (SI) running thence west four rods, thence north ten rods, thence east four rods, thfnce south ten rods to tdaceof beginning, which convey ance was made in trust to sei-ure the payment t one certain note fullv descrihed In said deed of trnst; and whereas, default bas been made in the pament of said . note and the same is now past dun and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note and pnr-uant to the conditions of eaid deed of trust I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue to the highest bidder lor casn at tne east ironi door of the court house, in the city of Butler, connty of Bates and state of Missouri . on between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and Ove o'clock in the afternoon of that day. for the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest ana costs. a. Ai,Li,n, 1 4t Trustee Inm Life. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. CATARRH t. ELY'S Cream Balm k quickly ab- wbed. Cleanses Nasal Passa W, Allays Pain fodlnflaunnatiou 'the sores. fiotects the eiubrane from jwmional Cold tores the wLS. (''veXOLD'NHEAD wratonce and it will cure A particle is Nisd dintrtlr ln k. .n.l i. nu. "rice M cents at dmseiata or by mail. M-YBKOTHEUS. 5ti Warren Sreet, Y i Public Ad ministrfiror's Notice. X0tl(S U ....,.., Tl,.t vl.inn nf an , -w anivi- ' v iiaauv vans oi me Probate Court of Hates County, 27on, mmie on the Wth uay or IH-tober, jjji the niidcrigned. Public. Administrator for j-jMmmy, lias taken charge or the estate ot J t&UinAna liain.. A1.!n.. .n-alnofr aal.l .t.ta 5Uqnlred to exhibit them U me for allowance ?ione year after the date of said order, or 1"; niay be precluded from anv lienefit of such H: And .1.1.... I... n..t n-iti. . . . mm. v. i intuit r i . . v vii i . i i n.u. years from the date of this publication, "iu oe wrever oarreu. iwth day of October, lftw. 1). V. liBOWS. Public Administrator T.ornl ia ilia beat medicine for Jerry ci1jjtiren. Doctors recommend it in Dickswo, farmer, started to the city piace of Castor Oil. from his place below town this mornins with his four mule wagon. neepwaier nems. While uoon a bridae over a stream W. L. Kash and Jim Nickles have a. i on the road the structure gave way returned from a visit to Mr. Geo and nrecinitated driver, team and Nickles, living near Rich flill, who r -. .... ..... all into the stream. The man was is very ill with a paralytic etrone killed, two thousand pounds of cot- Mrs. Joe Lvle and Mrs. John ton seed was lost in the stream, and Prewitt were visitors in Daepwater three of the mules bo badly wounded one day last week as to be unfit for further service, Miss Mae Keller and Mr. Sam while the wagon was smashed all to Suflla were united in the holy bonds nipce. There is talk of bringing of matrimony last Sunday at 11 suit acrainst the county. o'clock a. m. Quarterly meeting at jonnstown It Will Surprise You. South Methodist church the 5th On receipt of ten cents, cash or urjav in this month. l a j. .- b BnMVA ny ill Via I Biampn, n geunuuo ... Protracted meeting commenced "Td 'r..m0n JT. ".Cr":Z ' 'be Bap.U. Co.., crk church. . . I 0 i"t -1 ... . . . x- ti y-v Vina rtflAn in Balm) sufficient to demonstrate its - "Ieuit"'- great merit. Full size 50c. poor health for sometime, is said to Ely JbKOTHEKS, u0 better. 56 Warren St., New York City. eoral nf ibo F.!m prove voudp Ely's Cream Balm has completely . rtt- rnr i. cured meof catarrh when everything peop ..u u lu? b else failed. Many acquaintances have ceum last rriaay mgui, uu itpu used it with excellent results Al- a spienoiu fred W. Stevens, Caldwell, Ohio. Will Beatty s h tie babe die! last Sunday night with the croup. TnfianTA onvs that every t)Rier I Uncle Dave warn ana Airs, uor -u-, k i,rnf. nom i- nella Clark, both of Montrose, were euuu.u - -- - ied on last Wednesday eure cure for hog cholera, ana men Wyatfc Hftrbetu 80n of Ed adds: "It was first discovered by Harbett, Johnstown, died last Thurs- burniug a pile of corn belonging to jaT and was buried Friday evening a distillers. It was thrown out to at o'clock in tne jonnstown ceme the bos and eaten by them. Before IfllH'PH Sh1, Whereas James II. Steele and Nancy K. Steele, his wife, by their deed or trust dated November 1st, liJ4, and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book No. 117 page 534 conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate lying and being situate in thecounty of Rates and state, of Missouri, to-wit: The south half or the southwest quarter of section eighteen (IS) township thirty-nine (3s) range thirtv-two (3J), which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of a cer tain note rully described in said deed of trust; and whereas derault has been made in the pavment of the annual interest which default caused the principal of said note to become due anil pavanle. ow therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note and pursuant to the conditions of said deed or trust I w ill proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue to the hiehest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, on I u Dp b-r 15th. 1896, hetween the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that dav for the purposes of sattsrying saia aein, interest and cost. W. A. EPHLAND, l-4t trustee. Made a ISthDay.lf Wm of Me THE GREAT 30th Day. pnENon HEMEDT proilnres the aliove results In 30 alava. It act imwrrf ully and Quickly. t:iire when all other fall VmniB nifu will regain their lokt manhood. and old nu-u will recover thrir youtliful iiror by using l:i;VI (). It quickly and surely restores Ncrvoun Boss. Lokt Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, I.t Power, tailing Meraorj-, Wasting Diseases. and all effects of self abuK or ejeehs and indiscretion, w inch unfits one tor cudy. business or marriage. II not only cures by starting at the seat ot disease, bu is a crt-at nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing bark tlie pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off fnnaoity and Consumption. Insist on bavins It: VIVO, no other. It ran be carried in vest iocket. By mail, 1.00 per package, or six tor SS.OO, with post tlva written guarantee tc tors or rafoad the money. Circular free. Ad-lreaa fJYAL 1EDICIHE CO., 271 WaDasI ATC, CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Butler Mo., by II L Tucker drngftat Trostw'- Sa'e Whereas Morgan W. Bird, a single man, bv Ms deed of trut dated .lone 3d, 195, and reconled in the recorder's of tiiv uithin sml for Rates county. Missouri, in book No. 127 page4U7 conveyed "to the under siirned trnstee the fullowine described real es tate ljing and being situate in the county of Bates ana siaie oi aiiwun, mj-kiv. The east half of lot three (3) in the northwest ouarter of section live (5) except tiiree acres on i the rimitn siae OI sam IO luree: oil urm in Nop.wich, Conn., Feb. 6, 1S08. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : When I wrote you the latter nart of December, my mother was. accordinsr to the honest ' . . : l i M ?'iuin nmr vi -ci a ' ' t --r- belief of three physicians, On ner j township thirtv-nine (3t of range twenty-nine deathbed' she could not retain either : (, containing thirty-seven acres more or less ,i " ' i;.! he stomach, and which conveyance was made in trust to secure the jiavment of one certain note rnlly aescnoea in KHid deed of trust: and whereas, de fault bas been made in the payment of said note now past due ana food or medicine on her stomach, and it did not seem reasonable to think there was anything but death tore- lieve ner. me waiui. u,u,u' if V,w therefore, at the reouest or the she had a cancer in the lower bowel , h ,d of taiA mte and pUreuant to the and there was no cure for ner. fcne I conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed showed SUCh Vitality for a person to ! tosell the above described premises at public 1-i.nii n io tne niirnesi uiuiier lur iasn, : east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, county ot jsaiesanusiaie oi aiiwun, Thursdav. u- ce- ber a '. lyo huiiHin the hours of nine o'clock in the fore norm and five o'clock in the afternoon oi mai dav for the purposes orsatiMying saia opdi ini'i.pi..t .,.! eoAts. KEA.NK AU-KN, v-it Trustee Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditors vnd ail others interested in the estate ot G W Cowlev.deceaied, that I, J N Cham bers, administrator of said estate, in tend to make final settlement thereof, at the next term ot the Bates countv pro b.ite court, in Bates countv, state of Missouri, to be ne!d at Butlei. or. the mh dav ot November, iS. J. N- Chambers. Administrator. be so near death we thought mere must be something to help her, and reading of others being saved by the use of your S. S. S., we thought it would do no harm, if not some good, to try it, so we informed her of her condition, just as the doctors had in formed us, and left it with her to try your remedy or not, as she saw fit. She concluded to try it and from the first dose or two, she began to brighten np, and improve; she can now get up, dress and help berlf, and can eat everything or anything she wants and no distress from it. We all feel quite hopeful that the cancer will pass away in due time bv the use of your S. S. S., which she will now gladly take. You may make this letter as public as you choose, and the more so tbe better, as too much praise can not be given your valuable remedy. Yours truly, Geo. L. Cbosgrove. Floor i! cloth, liuolfum, sove Thhnvo Uhutasarnpieo'themany f iiit8nfid n.-tl rot; bf.-idmg at letters we receive daily in regard to 5 j jj Drunimond'i. various deep-seated blood aisease3 ; s ort ..1rw.d..w yVs. which other remedies co not toucn. i . - ....- li Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, Ec- " V ! 1 w f Pa" zerrSvfceumatism, and Tetter, are ob- 1 1 er -! -Ude-. hi U.K. Drum- stinate blood diseases, and only a real ; lu(lLii . bloodreraedywill haveany effect what-, 2 .ictu'- frame and ever upon them. S. 5. fi. tooi-n-j f.,.(,..fpl(r H p W. Drummond'a vurelv z'i'table is a real blood remedy . -i-' t- - "l frfd never'fails to cure any disease hav-Sf P,r k-m,. hoo ineits orijnn in tne oiooa, n iuaiiera s 5 filiJ iiJrius oi UK-ura.oe r7r .Vioi- treatment has tailed. 1I1VL. II llllk w " I Valuable books can be obtained by ad THE YORK WORLD THRICE A WEEK EDITION. lb' pnges a vieek. 156 papers a year Is larcer than any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and is the only important democratic "weekly" published in New York City. Three times as large as tVie leading republi can weekly 01 JNew York city, it will be of special advantage to yon during 4he PRESIDENTIAL CAM PAIGN, as it is pubiishea every other day, except Sunday, and ha all the freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long list of interesting depart ments, unique features, cartoons and graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. All these improvements nave oeen made without any increase in the cost, which remains at one dollar per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Butler Wekkly Times togeth er one year for 81 50. The regular subscription price fo the two papers is 82 00. mm 1 81m. ProsiBt, FoUtta Curt for ImpottiK. Lot ef Manhood. 8mlmul 1 EmltMlon. Sptrmatorrhta, Htrooutnttt, Btlf Dittmit, Lou of Mtmorti, Ac. Will mak you a STROMO. Vigor ous Man. frit 91.00. 0 Bon, 95 00. 8Klal Oirtrfhin HatlH with ac Bo. AMrtu BiliaidCasrlJslasst C., oats LuoaaAvc MO. ST. LOUIS, D.W.Drimimoiidi C. B. LEWIS & CO. Proprietor of Elk Horn Stables Having purchased the E1k Horn barn and Livey outfit otj. W Smith, and having added to the same a number ot first-class Buggies, and horses, I can sav to the public that I now have the tery. T W PKnafo rf .Tnhnsr own. that large numbers had been dying n ; , . EfiW iaD0 each day,but the disease immediately Anyone wanting neat catting and ; dressin Tne swift Specific Co., Atlaa- disappeared.' It is so simple a rem- fitting done, call on Mrs. Albme, ot ta.Ga. edy that it can be easily tried. Johnstown. Rose. ing nfat'v executed at very reaa oaable prices by D. W. Drum rnond. m Best Liver Barn In southwest Mo. Hordes' and mules bought and o!c!, or stock handled on commission, Stock bearded b the dav week or month. With xft year exper ience Mr Lewis tee Is able to compete with anv Livery barn in this section. Cad and him C B LEWIS ic CO