Newspaper Page Text
lSvi OL. XIX. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY APRIL 15. 1897. NO 22 Ifl. ilV. IV . II Ill III Jl ssoun State Williams OF BUTLER, MO. oo-o!e-c LANE AND ADAIR ARE NOW PRE PARED TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN CAPITAL -SURPLUS FUND $55,000.00 2,500.00 tictiye Depoaita, I.oana money, Iesnea Drafta and does a general Banking business, fiwllcit the accounts of Farmers, Merchants and the public frenerallv promising a aft Depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend BMral accommodation in the way of loans to our customers, or T. C. Bonlware Booker Powell Frank M Vorla 6i L Smith 11 11 Flgftott J M Christy John Deerweater C K RaJford K G West . j g Jenalna TJ Wright Wm K Walton linking the public for their confidence and liberal patronage daring th past fifteen itart, we solicit a continuance of the same proroirlng honest and conservative msn jfement, with strict attention always to the wants of our customers. J. R. JENKINS, Wm. E. WALTON, Cashier. President. Virginia Items. riJ friend if you wish the Virginia newa mother year, fcf Aaron what he does for you, tell him all Be new ).. 'ijTuuJgoes to friends in other slates that -tup 'till eleven, pitad what happens you and what other folks to in 1987. Mrs Milburn Jackson of Denver, Col, li visiting Mr and Mrs Alfred Kekton and will remain for some iae; her husband will make a visit ill J. luDort says some oi mr zanders ilWren have the measles: thev live fiorth of Miami creek; also James B'uzick little girl south of Virginia. Mlu Douglass received 10 votes at uritoia. t Soah Nyhart, of Nyhart, was in eltv Tuesday of last week and feu at I hundred bushels of corn of Jn A J Park. Herman Hill has gone to Iowa to fork this summer. Mrs Geo Thompson is on the com plaining list. C H Morrison was elected director i the Nest lerode district, Geo Jen rjaj, Virginia; and W T Cowan Peter Crook district. Cal Brown of Auiorett, passed ikroaeh Virginia Saturday with a Wot maple trees. Some of our farmers planted corn ait week; they expect their corn will Wripe before the drouth comes in tfctiumnier. 8 T Brown of Vinton was at the IE church Sabbath to hear Rev Salbreath preach. Clifton Park was quite sick Satur- MitaLula Cowan commenced the Jiring term of school at Virginia ooday. Barnes of parties present at the re action at K F Harper's in honor of their new daughter-in-law, Thursday tf last week: Miss Anna Lyle, Miss Harper, Burord I) u vail and sister, Kiss Katie, of Butler; a cousin of the bride from Iowa, C W Wolfe and wife, uuwoireand wife, A W Simpson nd wife, Luther Judy and wife, Pleasant Hill and family. A sad accident happened at Albert Pilgrim's last Wednesday about 1 o'clock p. in. Mrs Pilgrim had been cleaning the upstairs. James Pilgrim boot two years ago had been digging well near the school house and had about a pint of blasting powder left which he wut ud stairs in a paper ck. She gashered it with other Bers and things and put all in a and brought them down stairs. After dinner she took the lid oil the stove and emptied the contents into i As soon as the powder got hot it Hashed up; her dress caught fire on her wast and sleeve, she ran out of the house. Her husband and John Hussey were near, and Mr Hnssey tore, her clothes oft. She was badly horned on her breast and arm. She lived till about 10 o'clock Thursday, after several hours of intense suffer- taj her spirit winged its way back 0 the one who cave it. one was i years of aee. Had been married 21 years and was the mother of 12 chil dren, seven of whom are living:. She eonfessed her faith in Christ in early life and has ever since lived to honor that confession. Amid her great ag ony, which is beyond pen to tell, she Makes the prices, we can not keep others from meetiner some of our piictb afier we bae ma;le them, but there is one tliutr sure, vou will - ' f r find any better prices than ours ou eume quality of coode. And to be scr.j you get the low price on i ever thing, you should cc me to us, for we intend lo make the lowest pricea oa everything we sell that can possib.y be made. Bemembtr our Cash Grocery JW (g00 Makes the prices, we can not keep II O' and. Smogs JUWB1SB11 still manifested that motherly love mam hold is the best goods for the which was so characteristic of her, io0tf ,nnt. that ;Q v, mot : J arul aaL-ofl tin fn'anla tliot -tVtaxr 1 f J would render what assistance thev crowded trom morning till night. couiu in caring ior ner little ones. .T,1Rr. ,.mtini-. rmr ss i.oila I She bade her companion an affec- , - ., , tionate good-bye and requested the jrup wun oiner s jic pans ana see She especially devoted the difference ;our pails have one and i a half gallons of svrupin them and not all pails and no syrup. Also compare our 25c coffee with others and see the difference. We intend to sell lor the ntxt 10 days a pure Cey Ion Jay a coffee for 25s per pound; this will be a treat to lovers of line coffee, as the regular price of this lb extra good broken Java coffee 1 lb good Bio coffee 1 lb Crown Blend coffee 1 lb pure Ceylon Java coffee same ot him to ner nome wont ana ramiiy, never too tired at the hour of midnight to minister to their wants. The children and father know what home is with a mother; never again will you see the dear form of the loving mother who cared for you so tenderly, and while it is hard to give her up ve can only commend you to the Father above who comforts all our sorrow and takes away our grief. May the children live to emulate the example their mother left them. Not only does coffee was 35c per pound iurj an Lai ii y wut i uvig a uvuu suffer an irreparable loss, and the church too, may know it has a rep resentative in Heaven. We are lone some, but onlv waiting until the shadows are a little longer grown. The funeral services were held at the M E church Friday at one o'clock p. 1 .i i r : i.' i : -i rv... -noon. She snent about half an hour Any Pkg- coffee' 15c or 7 for in song service at the house, which 1 1 pail 1 J gallon syrup was solemn ana impressive; ner buo- , iaa ;i .--ii-ipp.t at the church was. Isaiah 38th A 19r6e PaU J6"? chapter and a part of the first verse vz Id pure rsormern ceins ."S!. i1;" rae '"u Z 12 lb horniay flakes DtiOiii uif nub live -a uo vuiu v." i . was filled. A large number of the 20 lb pearl homjny neighbors followed her body to the g bulk soda rain, 6 lb lump gloes starch Miss Alice Crooks is visitm If 1U lluucOf ileal Auuniii I , . .a i ii Peter Uenning's new barn is near- 10 o&ra Doll soap, none better mg a linish. 1 1 good home broom airs uus tvape is sunering wuu , ii i Q i ffl..tiam "1 stand and 3 lasts Some will have to sow their oats the second time. Masters Walter Wolfe and Claude Biggs celebrated their birthday to get her Monday. John Heal informed us that every thing was quiet at Miami Center and the people were enjoying very gooa health. AAROK. For less money than you every bought thtm bafore. We buy exclus ively of the largest eastern manufacturers and jobers and in large quantities enabling us to get the cheapest freight rates to be had. We discount all bills and our nicntbly expense is auilier than any house doing business in Butler, you will easily see why we caa furnish you with the very best goods produced at a cot saving to you of 10 per cent which is no smell thing in u year. Our line of $ 10 15 20 25 00 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 05 25 15 35 15 50 WOOLEN DRESS GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS Is far superior to anything we have ever shown in Butler. Our line of summer Dress Goods is the talk of the town they are the hand eomest production of both Domestic and Foreign manufacturers Any thiDg you see in our line ot Dress Goods is the style beyond the shadow of a doubt. OUR SHOE LIE Is the largest we bave ever shown and our prices the Lowest they cannot be belt in South West Missouri, it will cost you nothing to eea them and save you money if you buy them. VOTES WERE AT A PREMIUM. DTJVAL.L. & PERCIVAL, butler,;mo? I"A,n 3Vt IjO A.NS, JjhatT to loan on farms 'at re1ned rates of "rest. Your notes are pa j able at onr oflice aayouflntl them nero when dne. e trira Haprlvnefcetopaynny time. Money; ready mm at papers ara algnM, Kentucky Has a Big Bribery Sensation Frankfort, Ky., April 10. Indict mente charging bntery and ecn epiracv to bribe have b ea prepared by the Franklin county grand jury against three of tb.9 most prenvnent republicans in the state and true bills will be returned against Con greesmau W. Godfrey Hunter of the third distnct,the republican nominee for the United States senate; Con- crre3sman John H. Wihoa cf the seventh d strict, one of Dr. Hunter's closest advisers, and Hon. F. T, Frauks, one of the leading republi can politicians of the second district Thu indictments were prepared last night upon the testimony of Capt Noel Gaines, Capt. Thomas Tanner, his brother in law and Fred Gordon all of this city. How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twentv-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kid neys. When urine stains linen it is Too frequent desire to urinate or pain" little money to buy them of na. in the back, is also convincing proof . ... that the kidneys and bladder are out NOW AbOUl HOUn ! I 2 boxes Greenwich he 7 boxes Greenwich he 2 boxes Old Country wood ash lye 15 7 boxes Old Country wool ash lye 50 quart bottles bluing 10 Rope any size 07 Best single trees male 20 Clevices, each 05 No. 1 pure steel garden hoe 20 Good garden rakes 25 Nails any size 02$ Beit barb wire, smooth wire, nails by the keg, screen wire, or screen dcors, at your own price, almost. Don't buy any until you see us, for our ware house is full of all such goods, and we aro unloading it. 1 gallon best syrup in Butler Pure Red river seed "potatoes Pure Iowa eating potatoes 3 cans Cal peaches 3 cans solid packed tomatoes 6 cans best standard ccrn 8 cans oil sardines 1 can large mustard sardines Don t buy any screen doors Look at our 50 cent overalls and 50 cent Shirts, they are worth more money. Lame & Adair. SETTLEMENT DOCKET. Probate Court, May Term. 30 20 25 25 25 05 or screen wire until you get our prices We have a big stock of tinware and graniteware. and our pricea now are aim 03 1 half what they were. We have sold already over 200 hoes aod rakes, and ovr prices and th9 best goods have done it. Everybody is talking about now heap we are selling glassware and dishes. If you want wash tubs, clothes boilers, washing machines or clothes wriDgers, it only takes rery of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney rem edy, fulfills everv wish in relieving pain m the back, Rianeys, nver, oiaa- der and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad eTects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of being compelled tn ppt ur manr times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary enect 01 swamp rooi is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medi- eine you should have the best. Sold Vv drnrf?ists. price fifty cents and one dbllarYou may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Butler Wkekxy Timbs and send vour address to ur. runner uo., Uingnauipion, . Mat !th. 1st dat. Irene Calvin. J A Ford G C. Mary J Kiel J. Jno 11 smiens txecuior. R p Shennanl. Anna ESbeppanl Adm'rx J P Stanley, f J Tyeard and J C Mark Cura'r Mary M Cheatham, w I jacsson Aamr. 2HD DAT. Weaver Miller. J F Brooks G A t . HarrT Steele. J Clark Curator. on Albert Daffy, Geo F Alspaoph 64 C. du T.e Forrest Caldwell. Jno Hornback G 4 C. 45 Barge Price. George Price curator. 3d DAT Lyda Hnlse et al, John K Hulse Git. Mark Lutsenhizer, F M Steele Eiecutor. Lula Hanffnsan et al. Wm M Minnlck G C. Tommle Chambers et al, Mary E Chambers Cnrator. . . Jas Whinnery. Thoa Lackey ana w c .Brown Adm'ra. 4th DAT. Hiram Johnson, Oakley C Johnson Admr. Thoi F Hndsoa. Wm F Hudson Admr. Jas L Casalty. L Cassity Admr. Geo A Heath, 8 r wirnoci aumr. Maggie Kewell, S F Warnock Admr. 5th DAT. Ear Holloway et al, Frelin Holloway G A C. Ange M Smith. Annetlie Smith G C. Joel Zinn. John 7.inn Admr. Wm F Ra7.ej et al. Gilbert N Razey G C. Geo G Xickell, W O Atkeaon Curator. CTH DAT. Ffairv Hill. Mamie E Hill Admr. Wm Morrel et al. J E Williams Curator. Adam Kriger, Kathenne Kriarer Admr. Abraham Krister et al.Katherine Kriger G C X Lisle Standish. C E Horton Admr. Tra DAT. J S Brooks. Henry ?pe" Admr Jas S Smith. AnnetUe V Smith Admrx. Margaret Bomine, J B Chowning Admr. Joel Ferguson. P S Farguaon G 4 C. Delia Coppage et al. C B DaTia G C. Wm A Darla. H G Daria Curator. STU DAT. Morris Meera. Joseph Schmedding Admr. J A Pullman. Perry Haekl Admr Wiley C Cumiford, Anna M Cnmirord Admr Alexander Bomar. L?"J??mr.Aim.' WiUard B Morton, Wm F Duall Admr. Srrn dat. Our S1.10 hard wheat flour is the best flour in Butler for the money; it is a straight grade, and the oily straight grade sold tn Butler for SI 10 We will Hve our customers a treat for ehort time, and sell them ?i r.ifSLV.c-T f J vTard Adm Gold Medal, the b St flour in the I Archie and Ameiia M Hamilton, miners, F J fr 1 00 r Back, and Im . TrACnr?r. al SI 1!5wr pack Come to u f A - aV f for mtUet Seed: we nave a Dig StOCK Walter Shielda, Tbo Shields G4C ror..1a We also have a bir stock state OF MISSOURI, VM c.' . rtt- 4 I berebr certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the settlement docket for the term ot the Probate Court eom- mencinff on the i-sn osj Wiines mr hand ana seal Ibis John O'Dea. John H O'Dea Admr John Krim and Walter Davis, Hi en M Davis move back to her farm soon. Mrs Harden Carmon of Butler county, Kan., niece of Uncle Henry Brooks, is here visiting relatives. Emery Bennett and wife visited relatives in Urich, Sunday. Miss Jessie Owsley of Spruce town ship and Mr GeoMetzof Mingo, were married Wednesday evening Esq. Staley officiating. J Li Shaw, who is agent for a pat ent fence company is putting up some fence for Mr Ricketts near Al tona. J W White and Riley Davis will start as soon as the roads will permit to St Clair county with a herd of young cattle for pasture. The democrats and populists mix ed things considerable at Tuesday's election. Estes Smith, democrat, was elected treasurer; J W Stay ton, populist, constable and collector; W J Yates, dem. clerk, and L Staley, populist, justice; Jake Green, dem. was also elected justice. Uncle Henry Brooks is in very fee ble health. He attributes his trouble to old age; he is in his 78th year. Uncle Jimmy Sloan, an old resident of Cass county, died last week. His son Sam, who" was a heavy loser in the Farmers and Merchants Bank failure of Creighton, has lost hi mind and is a raving maniac on ac count of the loss of his father and financial disasters. The proposition to build a new school house at Peter Creek was voted at the annual school meeting bv a vote of IT to 16. "Miss Bertha Gilbert is visiting friends in Linn county, Kan. James Atwood and family visited J M White's Sunday. The continued rains will reduce the acreage of oats and flax, at least one-haif in Mingo this year; a great many think it 13 getting too late to sow will put the ground in corn. Felix. Opening The Urant Casket, New York, April O.The work of opening the steel casket containing the remains of the late General U.S. Grant was begun today. The outer case which incloses the casket is fast ened by 150 bolts, the beads of which are nearly ose inch in diameter. The heads must be diilled through and pounded down before the case can La opened. It was estimated by the men iu charge that the work would take three days, but one of the work men experienced in that line of work said that he thought that by work ing overtime tha task mi?bt 19 con cluded by tomorrow night. Tfce public will not be given an opporto city to view the removal of the cas ket. That will be done undercover of eight and at an hour that will not be made public. of croquet sets, at less than you ever bousht them. We pay cash for all kinds of pro duce, and we keep our prices on farmers produce at the top notch, so others have do chance to overbid us. Tours truly, WILLIAMS BROS. 8th r. r ' .lav of ADIiS. 1 l" i - M -4t M. DALTOJT. Judge cf Probate. Aaron Items. Uncle Peter Ewing has 20 acres of corn planted. Mrs Annie Ross and family will Bimetallism Board Named. Washington, D. C . Aptil 12 The jrres-idnt to-night arnsunced the fallowing appointments of ccmims eioaers for the promotion of an in ternitional agreement for bimetal lifCi: Senator Edward O. Wolcott of Colorado, Chafes J. Paine of Mas sachusetts and ex-vics president Adhi E. Stevenson of Illinois. The farmer's fneods are the Ply mouth Bock chickens. We have them both in the barred and white; best all purpose fowl in the world. Eggs for batching at Golden Rale prices. Come and see us. Mes. W. H. Hollow t, 18 6t Butler, Mo. plural Absolutely Pure. Celebrated far It area Utrmlag aireegta as j beaitfalseaa. Amok t food aMlaat aJoxa asd ail foobatf teraUoa ommoo V Wbaj taaaM., EOTAL BAKISG FOIVDE CO, T,