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SENATE CALLS A HALT. '"sEHAl Hpinit the Shooting of General Kivera. r D. C, 5. The Ben- New York Chamber of Commerce Protests Against Excessive Rates in th Dingley Measure. New York World. The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, who3e members, PREPARE 43 YOLR SYSTEM FOR THE DISEASES OF SUMMER l ft ...BY USLNQ... I . i hv unanimous vote. VKH ... individual v and cnlWr.ivW. wn. reauiunuu ieuiuug tbat General Ruis inmuea ouiand8 of dollars to the cause oi the republican parly in the last campaign and who distributed tons oi literature throughout the United States, yesterday raised its voice m Bolemn protest asraiast the lA a riports - . a tbe Cuban commander, is to be tried by drum -head Uirtial and thot, and exprees Ghi judgment ' be ti8nate that A'-norta are true, the presi- volce BOietm flli protest to the Spanish P1 Tariff bill. Uament against such a violation Aue iiamoer aec.area mat aom r. -i- a civilized warfare. PIete chanSe of tho revenue laws ot I . the country at thia limn. i.'.jiunntiTO to ue nouaa m Ijflli w"" n -iMcnUt-ivfK and become effective , measure of advice to the preei by its adoption tc-day. Al ii opposition wan withdrawn the final Tote there was spirited Logition in the early stages of the l:,h.ti and it was a test vote on the Separative strength of the Cuban anti-Cuban sentiment in the Ette. The test occurred on a mo- to refer the resolution to the taaitlee on for?"n relations Mr. '.!. ran of Maine, who has been jpmvT' u:n J . n : i..i:c.l :n. it. I DM la. It strengthens the kidneys, cleanses and regulates the liver, T tones up the stomach and purifies the bowels. Thus the body V ib lorunea m aavance to resist tne innuence of malaria, dysen- c" PRICKLY ASH aBITTERS.. ness is just about to recover from the depression of the past three year?, is fraught with disastrous consequences to commerce gcneially and will undoubtedly be followed by a reaction in favor of the fi a ic;al schemes of the fre3 silverits When the Chamber assembled at its regular monthly meeting Gustav H. Schwab, Cba'rmin of the Com mittee on Foreign Commerce and Revenue .Laws, submitted aieport and resolutions on the pending tariff Hi tery, cholera, liver disorders and nervous debilitv. Equally effective used as a preventive or cure. j3 PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. g-4 Prepared by Prickly Ash Bitters Co., St. Louis. Sold by all Druggist. ECHOES OF SILVER. Hundred Bryan Ciubs Organize for New f York Campaign. New Y. rk, April 5 Itej rvsenta-tivt-s of 100 c'ui'S that supported Bryau und Sywa'.l lass fall met to day uu J otaiiizd the Progressive Democratic League of New York city. It is estimated that aside from the single tax clubs and the labor L,mjneut!y identified with the op Pdition to Cuban reEOlutions, made I hrough Ueals in bugar and Wool the I arm orgauizawocs wmcu iook pan. in iue campaign, tnere were zuu lryan ana Stwall club3 organized. The leaders' claiming for these independent or ganizations the casting of the bulk of the yote for Bryan and Sawad, believe that the new movemeat will assume immense proportions, and that the independent vote cast next A first motion to refer, and it was Bill Will Pass apported by Mr. Hoar of Massa- Washington, D. C, April 8 lie iaietts, a prominent figure in the public in members of the Finance apposition to Cuban resolutions, committee expect to repcrt ih-i tar- fli debate was very spirited, and iff bill to the Senate by the 26th i times quit) personal, Mr. Allen inst. Many chaDges will ba made in (Nebraska, and Mr. Gallinger of the House measure. Some eched 1 Hampshire clashincr with Mr. ules will be entirely rearranged and jTaar. The hale motion to refer rates lowered, according to the best fall if political circumstances should ni Seated 21 to 27 and the iudcment of experts consulted. The mako ik necessary for such a vote to molution was adopted 40 to 0. probabilities ara that the wool and b9 cast. exeed tbe vote oast tor fcHoirand Mr. Hale refrained sugar schedules will be left ofea for ueary ueorge in ioou, uo.iuu fcM.Atinr, Urmlinir mr,s;8 when the bill is convention adopted a Ultua O I Another Cuban resolution comes considered in the Senate, gp to morrow, that of Mr. Morgan At pn sant regular Kepublicans (Alabama, declaring that a state are not certain of more than 42 votes, of wif exists in Cuba, and regnizing They hope to secure the requisite blth par tie i as belligerents. . Deafness Cannot be Cured. kr local applications, as they canno reach the diseased portion of the ear Thtre U only one way to cure deafness tod that ia by cot.stitutional remediee. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition ot the mucous ' lining of the euttachion tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound of Imperfect hetring, and when it is entire lj closed deafness is the result, and un lets the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube be restored to its noimal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine casas outoj ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give one hundred dollars for any case ot deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars tree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. IS-Sold by druggists, 75c. SOAP IN DANGER. number through deals with silver Re publicans and Populists. Wool and sugar, the leaders think, will fetch the necessary support. As to when the bill will Ice zonae a law.prominent Senators'cm not say. It depends upon the opposition and character of the debate. It is un derstood Gorman will conduct the Democratic fight. OASTOIIIA. The declaration of principle?, affirming allegiance to the national democratic platform of 18 It was announced that if the Greattr New York bill becomes a law tbe league will consolidate with the Brooklyn Democratic League. When the officers, are elected the league will apply for a charter from the State League of Democratic clubs. - ' !s ea The SJprlnjr Elections. Post-Dispatch. Locil elections in off years are not always indicative of popular opinion on broader questions of public policy, but when they show a marked revul sion against the party victorious at the last preceding general election, it 1? difficult to overestimate their significance and importance. And seldom has a revulsion been more marked than this year. It be gan in the Connecticut town elec tions, was emphasized in those o! New York and New Jersey,found an echo in Iowa, and on Monday of this week had its most significant expres sion in Ohio and Michigan. The great republican cities of Cincinnati and Detroit have reversed, with tre mendous democratic majorities, their verdiot of last year. Elsewhere in the two states the reaction is equally marked and equally significant. And there is nothing of sectional politics in this revolt against the party in power. As all sections have suffered alike from the continued business depression and the delayed prosperity wave,so all sections voice the protest against these conditions. And if republican latuity persists, as it is now persisting, in foreing upon the country a new Bill of Abomina tions for the protection of Trusts and the oppression of the people, and if the democrats make no mis takes and sacrifice nothing of con viction to supposed expediency, Mr. McKinley will find, in the last two years of his term, a Congress with one hundred democratic majority on his hands. GOOD PRICES FOR HORSES. HOLMAN ILL. our Days' Sale at the Crand Anue Market. Kansas City Times. S. The slump in the horse market oc casioned by the high water in the south, where most of the horses and mules that pass through Kansas City market are shipped, seems to have reversed. Beginning yesterday a four diys' sale of fine hors?s for domestic use ia goiDg oa at the Robertson stables on Grand avenue and Twenty third street, and the first dav's sale showed that good horses will still bring good money. There are to be 150 horses sold in the four days, and yesterday a third of the number were disposed cf, very few bringing le;s than $100, and one, Jesse, a black gelding, brought $430 from Major H. W. Saline n of Chntcn, Mo. Grover Cleveland, a chestnut geldinfr, brought $300 from W. II King of Marshall, Mo , and Gale, bay gelding trotter, was sold to F. H. Shields of Columbia, Mo., for $225. J. T. W. Auld ef Atchison bought Juvette, a saddler, for $225 A dozen other saddle and driving horses sold for sums rangirjg from $125 to 1S0. All this shows that the hcrse mar ket is improving The attendance at the sale numbers 300 or -100 peo pie, and among them are a dozen or more women The ' "Treasury Watchdog" in Very Feeble Condition. Washington, D. C , April S. Con. gressman William Molman, the "watchdog of the Treasury.'' is lTinc in a serious condition as a result of an accident Owing to his extreme age and feeble condition it is feared he will not reeover. Last week Hoi. man fell ia alighting from a street car near Lis residence and was taken home and placed in bed. Since then he has been growing worse and part of the time is unconscious. His cou- lition is slightly better this morn ing- i. tie lact ct lim illness has been kept from tbe public. He will b 75 ia September. He has been elected to Congress sixteen times. Last night he was unable to recoguize his two eon. He is slightly better today and is atU to take nourish ment. Mr. Uolmau has been grad ually breaking down ia health since tbe death of his wife a Year ego. He consented to run again for Congress to divert his mind. RETURNED A BIG FEE. Cannibalism in Mew Hebrides Victoria, B. C, April 8. Austra lian advices state that S. Duncan, a white trader, who reached Sydney from South Africa last year, met his death while trading with natives of New Hebrides. He was tie! up to one of the trees three days, being kept alive and forcibly Btuffed with He was then cut down, killed Commercial Warfare. New York, April 8. A Herald Washington special eays there is grave danger of commercial warfare between tbe United States and sev eral of tli9 most important commer cial nations cf Europe in the event of the enactment of the Diogley tatiff. Germany.Italy and the Nether lands have already made formal pro test to the administration. Baron o'clock this evening. Yon Thellman, German Ambassador. to his homs Ten Thousand Dollars Don't Burn Carlisle's Pockets Now. Washington, Apr. -i.-Ex Secretary Carlisle has returned the retainer that he accepted from the "scrip- pers-' in tbe Chicago Lake Front case, thus surrendering a fee of $10,000. He examined the case and decided that he did not care to have anything to do with it. This is a great disappointment to nis clients The fee they offered him was $2,000 more than he ever received for a year's salary, and involved compara tively little time and work, but from what Mr. Carlisle's friends eay $10,000 fees are a common thing with him now. They tell most astonishing stories about the extent of his professional engagements, and say that they will bring bun in at least $100,000 during the present year. He will look after all the legal fierpont The Manufacturer Who Fears Foreign and Back Yard Competition is Scared. . . 1 f IT? Washington, u. v., apm o. ur Will be waged to the bitter end on f d 1L. 1-11 .3 Jnunina DoVlOll 111 9 I . uio luiiow nuu (jijwi'u and eaten, women Of the.Dingley bill by tbe soap man oficturers cf the country. The fight wilt bo led by Proctor & Gamble, the millionaire "Ivorj" soap manu facturers of Cincinnati.through their attorneys, Warrington & Paxton, one of the biggest law firms of Ohio. John W. Warrington, W. C. Proc tor and Congresfmin Brcmwell ar rived here to day. All will appear before the Finance Committee and demand that the duty on gljcerine be lowered and placing taUow on the free list. These two articles are the chief iogr clients of soap, and the manu facturers maintain tbat if the sched ules on tallow and glycerine remain ai in the Dingly bill, tbe ccst of all kinda of soap will ba materially enhanced. Bromwell of Ohio, in a speech in the House the other day, spoke in favor of the above change. GroBve nor of Ohio attacked Bromwell's plea and a hot cro3S-fire ensued. The incident caused Champ Clark to make a sensational speech on the Bubject. Every effort is to be brought to bear to male Grosvenor quit his opposition and change the above schedules. Soap men main tain that if the present Dingley schedules go cripple the soap industry immeasur ably It will affect over 4,003 people in Cincinnati alone. fully in the cannibalistic feast. There was a great assemblage from the various groups of islands. Duncan it appears, waa a single man, about 33 year of age. He was a peaceable man and his friends at Sydney say tbat he would not draw his revolver on any account The Homeless at Helena. Helena, Ark., April 8. While the the water has fallen in South Helena, it is constantly rising in North was particularly forcible in his lan guage, amounting to almost a direct threat of retaliation by the Germaa Government against United States. Germany i affected by the Diogley even joining joy- , , . .. aKr;fl. Dtnve9. wines and sugar. It will increase the friction already existing, and lead Germany to discriminate still mere heavily agaicst American meats and other products. Lee Has Not Been Recalled. Washington, D. C , April 1. It is said at the State department that no successor has been selected to tako General Lee's place as Consul Gen eral at Havana; that he has not been cabled a leave of absence to take eftect on April 15, and finally that there has been no change in the status of the Ccnsul General. It is also intimated, but not stated so positively as above, that there is no intention of making any change in the Consulate General in the near future at least. General Lee may be assisted in the task of watching the investiga tion in the Ruiz case by John R. Day of Canton, O . provided counsel is believed to be eeeeutiul to the de velopment of the facts, but the po sition of Mr. Day in such case would be purely advisory. Supreme Tolerably Substantial Fables. Becbesier Herald. In his speech for the Dingley bill Mr. Dolliver of Iowa asserted that tbe farmers ef the United States are not solicitous about the "fabled mar kets of the world." but are longiDg Helena. There are not over a nail fco hefir the mugic o the factory bill. dozen houses oat ot uu or juu Mf Doniver indulges his passion for which are inhabited. phrasemaking a, the expense of Never before in the history of this hi9 common 8eESa. The "fabled mar town have so many people sought ketg of the worid toot OTer $100, sbelter and aid. The numbers are 000,000 worth of our products dur increasing to a startling extent, and -no, the caien(jar Tear 1897, and it. O tbe problem 01 caring ior mese un- AmencaQ farmer3 furnished two fortunate people is worrying our people. The resources of the local committee are entirely inadequate, notwithstanding that a magnanimous and heroic effort baa been made to relieve all tbe unfortunates. CASTOniA. thirds of the exports. 1 Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for a.iy season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted teeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need ot a tonic and alterative is telt. A prompt use of this medicine has prevented long and perhaps tatal bilioub fevers. No mod- cine Will act more SUreiV counteracting and freeing the system from the malari al poison. Headache, indigestion, con stioation. dizziness yields to Electric , -..-, iii 11 Davton, C, Apr. 8 -Fred Bender, . v 1 t: m .... 1 Riitrs. coc and Si per bottle at aianon, uuio, Diew uiuiwj uP m.u - -- - - cdcuu iua'j I . .. , ... , T-.!: - I " e ... 1 rivnamif a last nicnL Decause x suiiub through tbat it will " . west reiuseu iu uiij mtu. - lower part of bis body was blown to pieces, and his flesh scattered a hun dred feet Miss West once received the attentions of Alonzo Welling, Pearl Bryan's murderer. Ballard's Snow jjinimeut. o Mrs. Hamilton, Cambridge. Ills., says: I had the rheuma'ism so bad I could not raise mv hand to my head. Ballard s Snow Liniment has entirely cured me. 1 take pleasure in intorming mv neigh bors and friends what it has done fer me Chas HanJley, clerk tor Lay layman. Kewanee. IU.. advises us cured him of rheumatism, nor iw .uj mBtecd to give pe-tect satlsf action it? It wilUurely do you goo. It cures J 6tfandd. gic2c . per box iiSi- ' ' FoMle b HL. Tucker drugt, Backlen's Arnica Salve, Th Rent Salye in the world for Cut R5.s9ores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Teiter.Chapped Hands, Chlblains r uay - . su Eruptions, and posi n. V &T not trj ts . ntect satisfaction Conk Dissnsted With St. Lonis. Mexico, Mo., April 7. Chairman ' Cook of the State Democratic com mittee is disgusted with the St. Louis democracy. He says Kanaaa City is getting along fine. Mr. Cook has the following m bis paper, tne Intelligencer, thia morning: To the St. Louis Democracy: Get together, and quit your monkey and parrot business. The State Demo cracy is heartily sick of your bicker ing and strife." Marshal Hill Dies Suddenlr. Nevad, Mo , April 7. City Mar shal W. W. Hill was stricken with apoplexy oa U19 street here at He was taken and om plained of severe pains in his head A physician was hastily summoned. but he died about an hour after. He waa about 57 veara old. He served in the Confederate army under Gen. Jo O. Shelby. He was twice elected sheriff of Vernon county, and served as deputy cnueu oiaies ujursuai under Shelby and several terms as city marshal of Nevada, in which ca pacity he was acting at tbe time of his death. He was a brave and fear less man. He leaves a wife and several children. Result of tbe Dingley Bill. Tariff agitation is already effecting the trade of local dealers and causing expenee to coneumers, says the Post Dispatch. Jobbers and retailers of hardware have received notice from importers that after June 1 the price of cutlery, tableware, etc., will prob- ablv advance. If the Dingley bill paesea the in crease cn cutlery will probably be 100 ner cent. Jobbers of woolen goods and silk dress coods have also been notified to prepare ier an aavance 11 iue u passes Manufacturers in some lines have already raised their prices in antici pation of high tariff legislation. They Wast Max Smart Released. Austin, Tex., April 7. Thia after noon the House of the Texas Legis lature adopted a resolution instruct ing the Texas members in Congres to demand of the Federal authorities an investigation of the case of Max Stewart, a Texan, and a Confederate veteran, wba ha been in jail for two Mexico, who. it ia claimed This language of the Court in regard to trusts should be kept before the people: "It is not material that the price of an article may be lowered. It ia in the power of the combination to raise it, and the result in any event is unfortunate for the country by depriving it of the Hervices of a large number of dealers who were familiar with the business and who had spect their lives in it, atd His friends say wi0 supported themselves and their MftiKa finntham States and I Btnall but indepembmt WUt JiUU U VNW Brw w wh w -- has an engagement with tbe South ern Railway Company to serve it in a similar capacity tbat be will be compelled to employ familieB fjo3 the small profits real several assistants nuu maiuinm w . ... t wu: Vo ized therein. UCcd uuiu a b fiaouiugiuu auu .ivv York. A Good Riddance. Springfield (Mo.) Leader-Democrat. In the summary dismissal of Lo- Mr. Bryan is Happy. . , w 1 can Carlisle, son of the late exisec- Bryan is happy over the result of b , t, . . , , city elections ia Chicago and else where. He said: The result io Chicago. Cincinnati. Detroit and other cities in the West is very gratifying. Democratic gains in one or two cities might be explain ed by local conditions, but such greater gains indicate a radical change in public sentiment 6ince November. "It is impossible to eay how the future conduct of the Republican party will impress the country, put it is evident that thus far Republi can success has been a disappoint ment. "The Republican party ia evident retary, from the office of Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department, Secre tary Gage h to be complimented. Logan, it will be remembered, was quite pernicious during the last cam paign. His spleen against the silver democrats of Kentucky extended even to the women who had been given Government positions upon their recommendation MOTHER! There is no word so full of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother she who watched over our helpless infancy andgmd- first totterms? step, xet A mir first tnttermer ally in the minority at this time, and the j;fe cf every Expectant Motb- whether the party will probt by the er js beset with danger and all et rebuke administered or excits indig nation remains to be seen." years in Winer denied a fair trial and has been sentenced unjustly t3 be bang' ed. The friends of btewart som6 time ago petitioned President Cleve land to intercede m his behaii, out nothing was done, and the Legisla- ! tare demoralized the Texas members in Congre33 and urged them to demand an immediate investigation looking to Stewart's release. He was arrested for shooting a Mexican policeman. Mas sb4 Wife Die Together. Chicago, III, AprU 7 W. H. Gage and his wife were found dead in bed today at 253 South Western avenue From a note found in the room ad dressed to the Coroner it was evi dently a case of suicide. Gage was a mechanic. An empty 2 ounce bot tie labeled laudanum waa found Ijiog on the floor near the bed. From the appearance of the bodies the coa pie had been deal two daya. In a letter sent to a friend, and which led to the discovery of the remains,Gag announced he atd his wife's mtea tion of commiting euicide, but gave no reason for the deed. He also re quested that their bodies be ere mated, and the ashes scattered ! THpt were each about 70 years old. Whit's the Us.e ot Talting About caHs and coughs in Uie sum mer time. You maj have a tickiiug cough or a IItIe cold or baby may have the croup and when it come you ought to know that Park cough Svruy ia the seat or-a for It. Sold ay H. L.Tucker Plnthnr'o hiUMUi o i Friend fort should be made to avoid it. so assists nature in the change tak- nff place that the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour henshc experiences the joy of lfterfcood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but 1 MOTHER'S FRIEND "5Iy wife soffered more in ten min ntes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with ht lat- bavins previously ue4 faar how ttes of Mother's Friend. 1$ 1 to anyone expecus MOTHER," Mja customer. irvnr.nsox Dits. ..arn;, hlessiu; co cn a Of PfCr?it t tl . or met ty ?F?J d;'S?ffn for book 'r!t? iai taibVe in4onattoo tot aU Mother, Ire. lis BraifleM HyUUr C,lUaU,Cm. piaini c iv.. wvu -