Newspaper Page Text
5cocococccocccocccoccooo W () o BETWEEN SHOWERS We are doing a pretty fair business and if it would only "let up" raining long enough, there might be a return to something like old time prosperity. We are doing our beet this spring to bring this about by selling all kinds of merchandise clothing, hats, shoes, &c for lees profit than ever before. 'Don't believe it!' you saj? Then ees those men's ALL WOOL BLACK CHEVIOT SUITS We are selling at $4 (boys. $3 75; cbilds, $1.75) or those "iricot ljong uaseimere suns every fibre wool at $G.25 for sacks, and $G.75 for frocks. Youll wonder where the profit comes in, but it's there,although small. Notice too those 3IISSES KID OXFORDS "ALL SOLID" AT 50 CENTS And 65 cents or thos Misses genuine Don gola button shoso at 75 cents and 85 cents and, in fact our whole shoe stock and you wonder again, especially if you compare our prices with others. Notice, also, those 75c Mens overalls for 50c. 40c Mens overalls for 29c. Brownie overalls for 19c. Boys long pants at 50c. 50c work shirts for 38c. 25c work shirts for 19c. Mens $1.00 pants for 75c. Mens all Wool pants for $1.50. And you'll wonder still more, let us surpiie you. Come in and J. R. Harriman, one of our promi inent horticulturists siid he had made a careful examination in the past week and finds that tli9 pros pects for big fruit crop was never brighter io this county. He had made an espec'al ex-amination he said cf the apple and peach and the enly fear was ihat the trees would be over loaded. The berry crop is also in excellent conditon so far. said Mr. Harriman, and unless something unforseen should happen, everjbody would get their satisfy cf email fruits at a reasonable cost. The returns to the county clerk j from the different school district for county school commissioner were very imperfect, and under a s net interpretation of the Jaw should not have been counted For instance, the returns from Rockville were signed only by the secretary of the meeting, when the Jaw requires tuat thev shall be signed by both the nresident and Secretarv- Those . - . . . . . , from Adrain appeared to 1)3 eetihed to the school board of the town, and in turn the president and secretary of the school board certined tnem to the o.ountv clerk. In short there turns from almost every yoting place were imperiect. Our neoole are somewhat mysti fled bv a light which appears almost niffhtlv in the heavens and drifts from the southeast to the northwest. It has been seen bv a number of our citizens, and in view of the talk which has been going the rounds of air ships, it has created much com ment and speculation. Those who have seen it do not pretend to say what kind ot glass tnev were iook fsOrVVnrirnCSGOCCCjQO h.. .nrmRted the beer elass. but lOle IB UUl tu uecieuncu, ui i""' J nr j, tu t . .i when it is known that some of theRe Wendhng, the orator, at the opera ob(jerverB are prohibitioni6t9 We housa to night. hftVe an ;jeB that it i9 the individual f! A. Middleton.former editor of the in the moou who has been signaling ... tha nlannfc With flash lights for a nao Coiintv Democrat, was in toe - - , . c. 1 50c POCKET KNIVES I FREE WITH EVERY KNKK PANT SUIT H UUl II HIIU UlUtt. HUUIU HIIU uinu. I fttoim Moooo(ntoo yizxs alters jthtters 1 O C) () o o o () o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o C) o o 3 o o o 8 o o 8 o o o o o 8 o o o C) C) o o o C) o 8 C) The Rich Hill council Tuesday night gave certificates of election to the newly elected polica judge and city marchal, whose elegibility had been questioned because of failure to pay their city taxes prior to the election. W. O. Jackon represented the new officers and J. S. Francisso the old ones, who were turned down. President W. H. Buck, of the Baptist Female College, Lexington, Mo., spent Tuesday in the city and gave the Times a business call, leav iag an advertisement of the school which will appear in July and Au gust. The college he represents stands on a footing with the best schools in the state, and he informs ua that a diploma from his school admits the pupil to Vassar, Cornell and the Wisconsin University, or any other first c'.ses college in the United States. J. S. Arbuckle, a prominent farm-! er and stockman, was in the city Tuesday,' and fayored us in a sub stantial manner. Mr. Arbuckle is a genial, wholesoul gentleman, with a cheerio! disposition and conse quently sets his share of this world's blessings. The Times' esteemed friend, 1 Hulen and wife, who have been spending several weeks visiting their children and many friends in north Missouri, have returned Lome. They bad a pleasant time and their friends here are glad to welcome them home again. Sheriff Mudd took Martin Kauf man to the Nevada asylum Saturday. Kaufman was brought up from his borne nar Rcckvilie a short time! fttro and put in iail. His mind was deranged from sickness. He became vicious and attempted to kill his wife and children- Prof. Arthur Boiron, county school commissioner elect was in the city Tuesday end received from County Clerk, Crawford, his ccm- mission. The vote for school com mis&ioner wae: Borron, 1,707; Miss Douglaes, 1,350; Robinson, 829. The vote in the country districts was very light. OCOOO O 8 O 8 O o cocoo ) I FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! t MHHHMM WBMMHA if We live aiJol a new feature to our Claim ing Department, that of kwjttcig onr cus tomer cleUnrs in gov! shape. Oa aaj after April 15th we will have pressej, snu-ty fre e try s'.vit cf fluihea above ia price, tor six mwnt frvmlf of yttT-fr. A " TV-it tnj w U . J U w it 2.Zi no c . U mm 4 v 5. ill r-joo,;-( f oil dag SATURDAYS. Qye: that SEE-0u Cla threa special offering cl Black Clotting. .area suits to iocs at. iss to see it it Air Air rr ?s McKIBBENS. ICCCO o IS !' 8 8 o 8 ccooo Wheat dropped Friday to 62 o. It has served its purpose in enrich ing its holders, and for campaign argument. Now it has dropped to rru t o t.1c1 zur.r,rj remain at a low price until alter me elected police judge of Rich Hill, coming harvest. and barred from holding the office Prof. W. W. Kenoly, principal ot i t i i,.-o the colored schools of this city tor personal tax for the year 1S9G, will test the matter ia the courts, on the Aurora was lost to the Republi cans Tuesday for the first tim in the history of tb town. The entire silver ticket, headed by CJ. Thomp. son for mayor was elected, the Re publicans failing to get a single man. ' the past five or six years and a regu lar subscriber and reader of the Ttups.renews. Prof. Kenolv grounds that he paid the tax before h8 we!l educated and his management fVia pnlWrnr liv.l made npttlfment of the schools has Given -rood satis- and turned over his books. A farmer living near Warrensburg has written to Sheriff Mudd, wanting information in regard to Silvey, one of the harness thieves in i ail. He claims that Silvey camped near bia desired to curtail it was bad faction both to board acd patrons. eeven instead of nice mouths of echoel. This is a bad break for the nonle cf enterorisiufr Nevada to make, and one which they will be sorry lor. It it was expense iufj policy house snd stole two sets of harness. two lap robas and a saddle from him. That is the way Silvey did business and no doubt ho got the poods The Johnson county farmer can have bim when prosecuting at torney Clark gets through entertain ing him here. tr berin ut the schooli. This is eometning the citizens cf Butler will Lmdiea, if you want to see some thing nice and nobby in the milli wyline, call at MUses Harper & VwCamp. 20 3t The Bungenstock Furniture Co., of Si. Joseph, has failed. At the opera house to night, the orator Wendling. Patrick Norton, one of the Times best friends and patrons called and renewed. The city council will meet Monday light when ths new members will be sworn io. The farmeis would much prefer tome cf the rains we are having held back for July and August. Clyde McFarland is home from Kinsas City on a visit to his parents He will remain a week or bo. Tn the niunicinal election at Har lisonville last week, the republican were completely Hid out by tne iree Oliver democratic ticket. JoVin V Jamison was re elected Major of Rich Hill without oppoi tinn Tmn ol.lormon find 0, T)OllC3 VUt A W aau --- A judge, democrats, were also electel. J. TT Rrnnr. of the real estate firm of Clardy & Bruner, who has been tpending the past week in Iowa on bus'ness for the firm, haa returned heme. The sheriff of Cass County was in thft r-itv vonfordav. and took hems ...J J J , Joe White a prisoner, who bad com pleted a fix months jail f entence on the charge of having stolen a hoisa. He is wanted in Cass county for the une offense. There are six or seven candidates among our colored, citizens for pound master of the city. Among the list the most prcminent of the candidates appeared to be Ma j. Craig Mills and Col. Dan Crouch, attorneys praves & CUrk's pi ivate secretary city Tuesday and favored the Times with a call. long time and not being satisfied, Vina nme down to investieate why his neighborly intprest in our world . i j - j .1 w n n Yinr r u u a u u uar m r n in i r linn . . i i . r i linn liuu uuo n va "--" One of the handsomest lines 01 ... . ... -ocrvoi:nria tn peB ;ii;awor nn Tl.ihition in But "V.UB . . f i( a Mffltn and. TUB 1IMES V1U let has been opened at the store oi ke boroac0pe trained on the Misses Harper &anCamp. intruder and if he threatens nny Among our new subscribsis this trouble to our people we will give week will be found the naineH of W. prompt warning M. Steffen, Clarence and G. C. Car I YOU MUST RF 2 muni t A Point To Remember. If you wish to purify your blood vou should take a medicine which cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla proves that this is the bast medicine for the blood ever produced Hood's Sarsa narilla cures the most stubborn cases j and it i the medicine for you to take ooeco penter. Warrants have been issued for the arrest cf the officers of the Globe Savings bank, which institution failed in Chicago, last weak. J. W. (jluyton, democratic can- didate in the 3d ward for alder a an, beat his oppenent Gus Bennett, more j if your blood is impure. il o 4. 1 TV. -wirrl utrill'l I luuu a w . TT.-r. T):n nuuu riua mo iuo dinner pill: assist Wo ova olnd In welcome back to headache, ocems . . D our list and to the democratic party that worthy gentlemaD, W. M. Stef fen, who went after false gois a few years ago but who has been con viuced of his error and returned home no more to wander. Chas. Clardy, son of Mayor G. W. Clardy, has gone to Nashville Tenn- essee, where he has accepted a posi tion in one of the finest bands in the state as trombone player. The band has a three months engage ment in that city at the centennial. Charles is a first class musician. Thtt nriannpra in the iail SIX Cr - - W eight have been put to work re moving the rock fecce along the nnnnKrv rtaature lust SClith Oil UUluu..; j 4 The rock will be brought to ivnu w town, broke and used for imcide mising the streets. Deputy sbenfi n..iua ii irniriliniT the men. .The 6 D tovin foots the expens?. best after- digestioD, cure If you want to buy pret ty millinery at one half regular prices. Only a snort time longer in which to buy. 52 heau trimmed hats put- on sale Saturday and they are moving right out. Buy quickly. CUT RATE ILLINERY STORE never do. Thfl v.roncsd Kcbool lew of 70 r-nts oa the 100 valuation was de ftd at Nevada, in the election held Tuesday cf last week. The ident of the board of education the defeat of the levy cuts off 3.f00 of the current reveuue for ,the schorls and $1,000 additions off of the back taxes for next year In short the failure of the levy means The funeral of Mus Lizzie Boxley aged 23 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Boxlev oi this city, iook place at i o'clock yestt rdny evening . . . 11 rft A. from th Ohio street 31. & v;nuica, rir .Tnnps officiatini?. She died o'clock yesterday morning. The deceased has been an invalid all her lifo. heinp Bfflictsd with curvature of the spine and for the pafct few years cVi has been almost helpless anu a great sufferer, and to her, death was w.vainlv N. welcome Visitor. Xh6 v.. . j - - . Times with other friends extenas deepest sjmpathies to the bereaved family. RhctifT Mudd has started in to clean up the court yard and put the lawu in frhape. tie will sow grass I .. . a 1 Md and ditcsntlBUe ins pam throueh the yard. He will stretch wire about the wslks and prevent people from trespassing on the Lrrna Hpi will olsnt monthly roses, and otherwise beautify the grounds and make them attactive to iooa ai Viv our citizens and the stranger ittirhinour cates. This action of countv Danlurv. Connecticut, which gave McKinley and the Republican ticket 800 maloiity in November, was car ried by the Democrats on Tuesday. The election gives the Democrats complete control of the city. The people in the Nutmeg State are tired waiting for "prosperity, ana find no encouragement to vote me Republican ticket Ex. Anna Moss, a colored woman aged 65 years, fell dead on the streets of Sedalia the other day from fright. She was caught a mile from home in a thunder storm and ran along the streets bhouting, 'Oh Lord, save me." A hundred yards from her home she fell on tho sidewalk and expired in a few minutes. Thorough bred white Plymouth 21.1m. Mns.E. F. Rocks exclusively; eggs 50c per lo Chabtuee, Butler, Mo. Generous Approval I I the sheriff backed by the 2d Door SOUTH Postofflce. S L S'Sfi 1 ilayian nr rfir. I X O CCCOQ Miss Molhe Dimmitt, who has i There are several standing candi- v.n onendintr the winter in the city j . , l a wx. m r- o -i dates in the populist 'party, that for -lC vr si8ter. Mrs. J. R. Davis, a. Si 1 T mmm nnmiLitv s sake ought to oe turnea , t or T home m ivacsas tiiy oa pasture fcr a season. The party pr; jav. She was aceompanied by i haa entered them so often on the r nar'.a and her two children traol- 1,oTT .Inn'k fvtit nmft under I Ruli and Nadenia, who will visit H..t,l. f - in nn-rlr cb relatives in the city for a couple of . . i. lit a tnn.ncltfn nnntoat. I "I"'' GIVEN AWAY FREE A BEAUTIFUL BRONZE Hat and Coat Rack srith French Plate Mirror. Call and get a card and uhen your pur- j chases have aggregated 520 e present j i yoTi nith this handsome present. j Ifa. Boy s. Cliiika: Gktk Better made, nicer litters 1 and lower in price than any house in Bates Co. 8 8 O O occco o be he democrat, rppub!ican or pop- nliat We know of but one person who enters a protest sgamst the sheriff beautifying the grounds and fnrKul .liner trespass on the grass. i and that man is W. O. Atkfseon, of thm Vtem Pres?. He wants the court S I yard to look like ths play ground at la school hous?, and takes the sheriff i to task for acnouncmg that permis tn naa the v.ird for a lcuoeing place will not be permitted longer Mr Sanbis Vosrel. ased 30 years, croeriog the river on a ferry boat at St. Louis Saturday, as ine ooai .arcrl tViA bank on the at. Liauis side, threw her tw children, aged 3 and 5 years overboard ana men irriwl intn the water after them. The children were rescued by a fish erman, who was preparing to p fishing with hia skiff, but the poor man wr.t down uoaer tne waier nrl n(Tr rot e a?ain As the woman grabbed the second child to toss it into the wat?r, two dogs which she bad with hr. one a missive St. Ber nard, the othr atpaniel, appeared to take in the situation, growieu fiercely and sprang at her, one Re-.z v'a vnmftn'fi arm and the other tikiDg hold of the child She atrug-o-'ed with the dogs and finally threw them off. Then sh tosd bo child a. water and iumDed in after TUr PI nTUIlTB Oh It is said the woman had been 1 fit LLU I nltn. Q unfortunate in her marriage and her Lr.jk.-iunmo rtprarcpd brood :r!7 0rr-ll IUU1U uwu'"" -n UwwJW0TEr j,er family troubles. Has been given fcy the purchasing pub lic of cur enterprise in placing before them a large and high quality stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES. We shall continue. We shall even do better. Better opportunit ies were neier open to would-be pur chasers of cause our assert nent is now uaus ualiu large and trices are very 1 V a !! MAX WE1NEB. MEYER V I I