Newspaper Page Text
rOL. XIX. BUTLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY APRIL 22. 1897. NO 23 Missouri Mate lank Williams lXOCCiXO- OF BUTLER, MO. LANE AND ADAIR ARE NOW PRE. PARED TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN CAPITAL -SURPLUS FUND $55,000.0 J ?,500.00 Iieelres Deposits, Loans money, Issues Drafts and does a general Banking business. f solicit the accounts of Farmers, Merchants and the pa blic generally promising a ife Depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend literal accommodation in the way of loans to oar customer?. Or T. C. Boulware Booker Powell Frank M VorU 6M I Smith H II Plggott J M Christy John Deerwester C E Radford KG West jg Jenkins T J Wright Wm K Walton nuking the public for their confidence and liberal patronage daring th pant fifteen .,in, we solicit a continuance of the same promising honest and conservative man iienient, with strict attention always to the wants or oar customers. J. K. JENKINS, Wm. E. WALTON, Cashier. President. Virginia Items. Pain-lends if yon wish the Virginia news pother year, . mf Aaron wnai nu uuca lur juu, umi ail " 9 swaews you hear. J ,tim goes to friends in other states that if, ntnp 'till eleven, to nsd what happens yon and what other folks f" stiaMW. John Bassett and family attended funeral of their grand-daughter IX Foster last Wednesday. jfts lawsuit before Justice Dudley Mnesday of last week wherein the 7 Joe Drug Co, plaintiff, and Dr noks, defendant, case decided in . Br of defendant Um k 117. ,.h number of persons this week living in different parts of the township, as to tne Happenings of their locality ana tney all report nothing or any note; the following are the names of some of the persons interviews: Prof Thornbrough, W J Cuzick, John real, Arthur Kape, J)r tl unman, rr. ,0 girl has prices, we can not keep from meeting some of our ) tr v. e Lave made them, but hue if iie fcure, vou will .evti Qu'i uuy better prices taau oura on f-aa-e quality of goods. And to be Htn vju get the low price cn -vcm thing, you should ccxna to up. for we intend to make the lowest prices oa everything we Bell that can possibiy be made. Remember our main hold is the best goods for the least money; that is why our store U crowded from morning till night. Just compare our 35a pails of sjrup with other's 35c pails and see Cash Grocery JW Qqq& Makes the prices, we can not keep If and. 1 FEraislii Chas Hensley, Will Cope, Joe Whin nery, Jr., Novie Hinson, Clifton Jack- the difference:our pails have one and a half callona of svrunin them and ny 3o. ley he ng m oa og iat of are ose ;er me rill Co. do iUt of at of tad for 11. i in in I of . 1 II in I oai i ia our can un to ink- f A Wright says that a pa to his house to stav. JalNestlerode, of Mcbonald coun- Mo., is visiting his father, Israel Werode. Joein Harper closed his school at aont last 1 rlday. lie neici an ex litton at night ia the Mt Cariuel ih. The building was packed the entertainment was a grand ft. rt iha S work in th r creek district, organized one Btbat place last Sabbath afternoon nkMr Waters as superintendent; ' Louie Cowan, secretary; Mrs it, treasurer. They meet every 1th afternoon at 8 o'clock. received a letter from Dr J J hell last week: he reports hhn- Jand wife as well, and that he has iwd froiuuroveland to l'eona. I number of the Virginia folks had Attend justice court at Butler Sat- Jay suit between John Foster and m Porter for work. jCorn planting is the order of the V:Dolitical talk has died out. ... . ..... i Jrs Alton 1'ark t nutier, visitea Wis round Virginia Saturday and iaay. .fill Bernhardt and wife, of But- t visited her mother Amanda mt Saturday and Sunday. In Campbell visited friends in in eounty, Kan., Saturday rtnd iv. I Julius Heckadon of Rich Hill, re- IJnfor the booming TIMES. Kjll Hinson brought a new corn inter nome wun mm irom uuuer, I week. W Hensley is buying hogs on the mug sraie. rank Watkins ana iamny nave i measles. Berry's family, Water i and Sanders also have the mea- ,W visited John Porter Sabbath urnoon; ne nas oeen sn-iv uer n Sk, he is not able to leave his bed I is very weak. LA good time reported at the egg on, IS t Biggs, W 1 Uowan. John Hedger. The only thing they could think of was that they were ready to plant corn, and asked the reporter if it was too early. Mrs G W Park has been on the sick list for several days with a se vere cold and gathering in her head. W J Park, after being elected jus tice of the peace concluded he must have the booming Timks to read and for the accommodation of persons attending his court. We are told that some of the early planted corn has rotted. AAltOX. Home News. Frank Brooks, farmer and stock feeder snipped a car load oi nogs Monday. Miss Rose Hornsburg of Rich Hill, has opened up a stock of millinery in with the Hume Mercantile Co. Her wares are handsomely displayed and are the center of attraction for femi nine eyes in this community Mayor V V Morgan has moved his real estate and insurance office to the Blaker building north of (iwinn's drug store. Joe Thorpe shipped two cars of fat hogs to the Kansas City market this week. Judge Brown, our popular public administrator was in town Tuesday and went out and conducted the sa! of OL Overman, deceased. Our public schools are holding ex animations this week, and are making promotions preparatory to closing next week. This has been a prosperous school year and the chil dren, almost without exception, have made rapid progress in their studies. Hank Beatty, of the P & (i bridge force, spent Sunday with his family The Christian Endeavor elected IMtat Mr llerrell's Saturday night. I1LM Browninc has fifty bushels of flt seed for sale. P Jenkins the village blacksmith wsy hammering plow shares. John Cone and wife of New Home, M hor fathar Potor Onnks. last tK -' On thousand dozen of eggs were SB from our city to Butler Mon fVby Ed Dudley. aiwute ucuuire ana sister, mr m Lathes of near Adrian, visited eo vhea and fjiniilvNutiirilav. Browning informs us that two Bia hogs died last week ; he thinks had the cholera. ! reporter interviewed quite a not all pails and no syrup. Also compare our 25c coffee with others and see the difference. We intend to sell for the next 10 days a pure Cey Ion Jay a coffee for 25a per pound; this will be a treat to lovers of fine coffee, as the regular price of this coffee was 35c per pound. 1 lb extra good broken Java coffee $ 1 ib eocd Rio coffee 1 b Crown Blend coffee ! 1 ft pure Ceylon Java coffee ! Any pkg. coffee, 15c or 7 for 1 I 1 pail 1 gallon syrup I 1 large pail jelly : 12 ft pure Northern be ins : 12 lb homioy flakes ! 2U lb pearl hominy : 8 lb bulk soda : C ft lump gloss starch ', 1 ft pkge soda 10 bars Doll soap, none better 1 good home broom 1 stand and 3 lasts 2 boxes Greenwich lye 7 boxes Greenwich lye 2 boxes Old Country wood ash lye 7 boxes Old Country woo 1 ash lye 1 quart bottles bluing Rope any size Best eiDgle trees made Cievices, each No. 1 pure steel garden hoe For less money than you every bought them before. We buy exclus ively of the largest easttrn manufacturf rs and jobrs and in large quantities enabling us to get the cheapest freight raUs to be had. We discount all bills end our menthly expense is f mailer than any house doing business in Butler, you will easily see why we can furnish you with the very best goods produced at a net saving to you of 10 per cent which is no small thing in a year. Our line of WOOLEN DRESS GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS la far superior to anything we have ever shown in Butler. Our line of summer Dress Goods ia the talk of the town they are the hanu. eomest production of both Domestic and Foreign manufacturers. Any thing you see in our line ot Dress Goods is the stjle beyond the shadow of a doubt. OUR SHOE LIE Is the largest we have ever shown and our prices the Lowest they cannot be beat in South West Missouri, it will cost you nothing to ete them and save you money if you buy them. Look at our 50 cent overalls and 50 cent Shirts, they are worth more money. Lame & Adlaii new uiutTia ittst- wren mine iiica i 3 - , 1 Nance was elected president, Aaron God garden rakes Henler. vice-president: Miss Lela Nails any size Jones, secretary. The Endeavor Best barb wire, smooth wire, nails gave an Easter entertainment Sun- b tte keg screen wire, or sateen 2S5 ffllMSBTlSeJ by iended' acors atour own price, almost. E H Petty iltaking a lay-off and Don t buy any until you see us, for will spend a month or two in Chicago, our wire house is full of sll euch Dr Williams and his brother, Joe, 00(J8, and we are unloading it. were uut iisumg v Cuu,. j l jjon best p m uatler finnv tribe in Indian crSek. Friday. Pure Red river seed potatoes The Scott building at the north- Pure Iowa eating potatoes west corner of the square is at last 3 cans Cal peaches 1 .1 e I . T 1 1 compieieu, niiu rrauv iur wiuuu. o .QB s,jl1(l naCKed tomatoes XI lb unu urru uuhi ui unviv it nvum be quite an improvement. Miss Clara Hughes of Blue Spring?, Mo., is visiting her annt, Mrs P A Cobb. Foster and Cunningham shipped a mixed car load of hogs and cattle to Kansas Citv Thursday. F J Wiseman, of the Western En terprise, was in town Thursday. u JUL 1 M JVALL & PERCIVAL, I BUTLER.IMO: ACT I on- olanon farms at r1ucd rates or 1 Your notes are payable t onr ofliee Dd them here when 1ne. w g) aniens to nv iht time.BMoneT. ready 6 cans best standard corn 8 can3 oil sardines 2. 1 can large mustard sardines 05 Don't buv anv screan doorB or ssreen wire until you get our prices. We have a big stock of tinware and graniteware, and our prices now are aluso3t half what thev were. We How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with . -i i A A t urine and let it stana iweuiyiour hours; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kid neys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire tourinateor pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out . of order. I WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney rem edy, fulfills every wisn in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, blad der and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to noid urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, t . 1 - j u . . . . j wini or hf pr. anu overcomes iui uu Te ner fn t bank h sold airea.y over ,UU noes ana aeCeSSity of being compelled . 1 vn ina ami riTrr nriPMU h in 1 un iimii of rakes, and ovr prices and the best , - a soods have done it. nagement of Miss I.udr cheap we are selling gliss ware and 8n reall"a;f f " sjsss,satrtffi 11 t. tubs- syasast'ir inursaay IllgUI. 1U lu. .-l r.mik nu nr 5i 1.1 position of book-keepe made vacant by the resignation Miss Cora Robinson. The Rich Hill Comedy Company, under the niana wig. save an Ooera House Thursday house was crowded with theatre inin neonle. nuite a number beiii; or: -1 . . " , ... , . from Kicn Jiill. rne periormance 1 mile money to Duy laem m us the actors acquitting themselves with UQW fuX FloUf! ! ! creuii. luemusiivus uj muc ui nest Truax was exceptionally good. The little fellow did his part like an old stager. He certainly has consid erable elocutionary talent. I. 1. JUIZER. to get up many night to urinate. times during the The mild and the -r 1 3 : okm( 1 r,m oTtranrd inarv effect of Swamp l.oot iVHrvuuuv 10 feaiAiuK nwvuw i - ... , j is soon realized. It stands the highest cures of the most you need a niedi- elottus boilers, washing machines or cine TOu should have the best. Sold .Ki,eo nn-lnra Jf. nnlv tnVa very hv dnirTfrists. rice fifty cents and one vivvuca imuj,'"! J --rf "V? " , 1 uonar. ion may uave n iuijc and pamphlet both sent free by pail- Mention hctlkb mni-i iumsouu send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, Y. GOODLOE. This celeoratea siauion wm nmu iuc c-i . , sob of 18: at tha bsrn of H. P. Mckeli. in penal 1 AO pr Baca, Hot reaponaible for accidents. Description ami p41ree: Bay stall lou ired by John T. ood- fmKlS.p of croquet set,, at ls than you ever stallions. IstdamKUty o D auiy. h n them. th. .lAfii 01 more njicn unccu uu.v QBIU --. ---------- :l A.m I horses toan any m - " .h.f.mouaHaceard mare. Bine Jeans sired . PhllllDs' Black Harae. be ay Oen. laylor. 1st dam by Gray Easrle Jr. . he by urey fcagie. Our 110 hard wheat flour is the best flour in Butler for the money; it is a straight grade, and the only straight grade sold in Butler for $1.10. We will give our customers a treat for short time, and sell them Gold Medal, the best flour in the world, for $1.20 per sack, and Im Come to m .or millet seed; we have a big stocu Z. a Un. a oS t. ciemmie Ki. 2.u. Jivsterv 17... 4 o 1.4 and mis? other first ones ?;.. d.rnhi Rn:nn Uiomeile. 2d dam by ?Jinlf. son of iodock,Sddain by by Blackbnrn'a Whip, he by Imported waip Jilrrvvliii i. m snlT a fashionable bred sdd la horse, nas one .u.. eooeted with some of :the best and fastest trotterV. This horse formerly belonged to G. D. Arnold, of Summit township. H. P. NICKELL. Hti vi st erotten m a lare stock machine oils; from the chearwst to the finest; come to us for a cheap nrice in Oi'S- We pay cash for all kind a of pra dure, and we keep our prices on fa'iners produce at the top rotsb, sn others have no chance to overbid WILLIAMS BROS. MURDERED BY BANK ROBBERS. Cashier Joseph A. Stickney Meets the Death of a Hero. Somfriwortb. N. H-, April 16. While resistiug the entry of two desperate and determined robbers, and during a heroic struggle to pro tect 15.000 cr mote in money and owrritis i the cooirartmeijtt of the oten vault ct the Great Falls National bawk of Sornersworth this af cernooc, Cashier Joseph A. auct nev was struck dowa and brutally murdered near the desk which he baj occupied for jeirs. After kultog Stickney th murderers ransacked the vault asd 3ed with all the cash w th the exception of a few gold pieces. As near as can ba estimated 56,000 was taken, bat it is poseibthat the loss will considerably exceed this ! sum, as none but the dead cashier koew the exact amount that was in the institution at the time. The ro'obere, ef;er kaocking Stickney down with a "black jick," cut his throat. The most remarkable feature of the robbery is that $10,000 in bond? of the United States, which were kept in one of the drawers of the biz vault, and which the robbsrs examined hastily, were not tatn. Neither was any of tha negotiable paper and securities of the bank ia fact, nothing n missing except toe cash. It hai always b?en custornnry for Cashier Stickney and the bnk clerk. Mrs. Parker Swazey, to close the bank at 12 o'clock an! reopen it at 2 o'clock. Today Mrs. Swazey lsft her desk at noon. The cashier, bow ever, remained looking over the bank s accounts, and it is thought he was preparing to go out when the robbers entered. The first suspicion that th bank had been robbed was at 2 o'clock, whf n Frank P. Reel went up the staircase of the b ink building and found that thq thick plate glass in the hall door of the bank had been completely shattered. He notified City Marshal Eaton, and they broke in the door and found evidenses of a desperate struggle. Oa the floor in a great pool of blood, was the lifeless body of Stickney. His heal had bean nearly severed from the body, the robbers having cut bis throat. The head was marked with several de?p gashes made by a heavy "black jack," ani the skull was frac tured. The body was covered with blood and tre walls ani furniture j bore additional evidence of the terri ! We deed. Stickney had died fighting d?eperately. Governor of Michigan, issued an ad drees to the citizens of that state on the 7th, declaring that the defeat of Captain Stewart, republican miyor of Detroit, is uot a defeat for th? Governor. Mr. Pingree asserts that Mayor elect Maybury is pledged to carry on the old fi?bt against the street railway combine and will have mu (PiograeB's) timid lified assistance. In the course of his scHress Gov. Pingree states tha '-there his baen a reaction ia pontics all over the country. Iowa and Ohio and othsr states and cities that gave enormous republican ma j Slides liat fall have elected democrat officers this spring. "I predict ?d after the fall election . . . l 1 : . 7 tnac tne repuo.icau pany wquix never win another victory for the single gold standard, and I am to day firmer thn ever in my belief. There it a reaction in favor of bimet allism which all part-es wiH ba com pelled to recognize." In conclusion the Governor says he seel nothing in the situation to discourage fiiends of popular rights. PINGREE ON THE RESULT. Democrat" Gains Move Him To Declare, "1 Told You Sa." Governor Pingree, the republican I Absolutely Pure. Celebrated fori lu rreaS Saei? streiwrta o t beaJtfalsess. Aow is rcod iisi eieua so4 aU foTSkt of aloi tmttoa omm'WJ U bre4?. BOTAli 8 A&IStt Kri3 CO. X . I. 6I 1 -aaapapertare aifcrnct