Newspaper Page Text
4 II fil TO IS?' Vol. xix. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY MAY 20, 1897. NO 27 or 0 Missouri State Hank OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL -SURPLUS FUND $55,000.00 2,500.00 sMWes Deposits, Loan money, Issues Draft and doe a general Banking business. Wssoliclt the accounts of Farmer. Merchant and the public generally promising a Zf Depository for all fund committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal accommodation in the way of loan to oar customer, n T C. Bonlware Booaer Powell Frank M Voria S5ot'8mlth HHPlggott J M Christy xJha Deerwester C R Badford R Q West jg Jenkins T J Wright Wm E Walton nankin the public for their confidence and liberal patronage daring th past fifteen J, e golicit a continuance of the same promising honest and conserv alive man scement, with strict attention always to the wants or our customers. J. R. JENKINS, Wm. E. WALTON, , Cashier. President. Jas Fiernian, of Wolfe, Mo. Rev Hig- gins preacneu irom iue iouowing text, lieb. 12:1-1. Follow peace with all men and Holiness without which nrt timn khull sup tliA T.oril Ha cavp a good talk on the above subject; it rnaae impresMosis uu many iiihl win not soon be forgot. At the close of tbe nieetintr MrsDisnev and daugrh tap Mia Aiiti nnrf Miwa V r n - cis H igjjins were taken in the church Ah we went Home we called to pee the aged mother at Mrs Coulter's. She informed us s-he was born in Beavt-r -ouiitv. Perm.. Jan ?th. 1807. and moved to NVavne county. Ohio when '.) cars of ar. She said she ' joint d r tie L tilted J'rei-byterian cnurh 75 ertrc ujro, and that hhe recollects rhe the time well; Mother Harriott is a good talker and loves to talk about the Christian life. Uncle Israel Nes tlerode was the next oldest in the meeting, he having passed his 82nd A TERRIFIC ARRAIGNMENT. Scathing Words of Warning From John Wanamaker. PROSPERITY NOT IN SIGHT. The Tide Will Tnrn Strongly Against tbe Republicans Uuless the Busi ness Deprension Is Altered. New York, May 15 John Wanv maker delivered a sensational speech before Ins BusmesB Mens League rXDKK STATK SUPERVISION. Hume News c f-fc Anlerv and Ed Scott, of the p tt bridge force, spent Sunday tith their iamiues uerc. i gr stone, Johnson county, visited Lions near this place this week, i bim.1i Ponnon was over to Pleasan- i Dr Allen, of Rich Hill, was in town . tnlna Tuptulftv mornin" ;J m v ( KIbr Ada Owinn visited in town I irr Sunday. r Kisses nevmo ri v. firry are visiting the family of Judge yuderwooa, ai Mrt Charles urowiner, wuoiu we loaf urnnk as havincr lost her fed. was taken to a private Sani- ttnuUl 1 BUU" "l" "'K"! MDDf Monday morning. We hope she may atedily regain her former health. HlMlieona Kooeris aim eir, of Rich Hill, visitea wuu juiss rowj Hsraesburg since our last. Mr Myers, who for the past six gonthshashad charge of the Mitchell But!, returned to his former home itAmoret Wednesday. On Tuesday our town wasimesieu WV. tiimnii inrl liecffars. who with a mAmnar arm nr other evidence of JvSSP v fatofortune, worked upon the aympa- Sral dimes. They finished their day's iJfork here by breaking inio mra LSeigler'a pantry and stealing all the f and cakes thev could find. Our r" ; : i n Uty Marshal promptly arresieu mem ttdgave tnem tniny miuuieu iu uuu Mrs Adams, formerly proprietor of tot Cottage nouse, on veuueouj nsnmed the management of the Llltehell Hotel. Mrs aaams is uu rpwienced hostess and we predict ior iM Hotel a most successiui mauaso-!nt Mrs J J Petty visited her sister, In Eueene Atlams, at Pittsburg, ihtoweek. Miss Mabel Thompson, of Kicb Mill, il visiting with the Misses Nantz this Uias Mattie Reed returned Monday (torn a visit with friends in Nevada. Judge Brooks was down to Rich Hill Monday. Tft XT 1 .1 f a wlin hftVA llAPTl pTititingin Kansas City for the past iree weeks, returned home Friday. ( Elder J 11 Jones, of Appleton City, j. ipending a few days with his nomer. Ray Ball, of Pleasanton. was in town Thursday. Ray finds it very kard to break away from Hume "people" so suddenly. . A Owinn was InHutier on uusmcso J Walker Bobbitt has received a in the shape of the post office at Sprague. The Misses Hoffses, of Benton, Mo, ar. visiting their uncle, A Hoffses, of war nere. . Children's lav exercises will be ob wved at all the" churches this year The Old Settlers' reunion to pe ueiu kjt,.niatr n'.li tr mind the tact that Mrs U B White of this place njoys the distinction oi oems tart; white child born in the city of Butler. She was Miss Bella Morgan, the daughter of a former representa tte of Bates county. Th iinmA i;oirs ana iue Metals, of Rich Hill, are matched to play ball Saturday. If the Colts pitcher don't sell the game it will be interesting. Died On Tuesday, the 11th inst, Mrs Stephen Sherman, after a linger ing illness with consumption extend ing over a period of the past 5 years. Mrs Sherman was an exemplary Christian and was beloved by a large t mm' f ill j circle oi menus in xuis vicinny in Philadelphia last night and little oIca Vina hfen In'iVod ahrmt in rvoliti Dirmaay lasi January. r Edward Dudley and Miss Laura Cal circles to day. It was a bold, Willard of Pasiac, were united in , . to hi, f.llow marriage on last saDDatn Dy ine k. minister. Mav peace and ioy eo I republicans that they must be hen- with them. Next week we will have t uff eTeilMliog defeftt. Juat something to say about another wed- vb Vl ou"C4 c"l"0"u,i ding, and later on another one. how greatly the former postmaster Tita fitianttiu'd yll i 1 PdTt II t'A 4 ll . . of a Pearl. A UUle irralo of saal liii lnlo the oystrt' shell. UU! by HUla the secretions surround It and tue pearl is ra&de So the 1UU mite deposited in the and inerusted with your weekly savings wilt become a pearl of value in the time of need. You can begin your deposit wiln a dollar or more. Deposit Valuable Papers in Fire Proof Vault Free of Charge. leaves several children to mourn her loss, who have the sympathy of the entire community. - I. T. Mizer. Virginia Items. wish the VIrgini Kind friends if yon another vear. Do for Aaron what he does for you, tell liim all me news you utr. The Times eoes to friends in other states that Peter Shaunty's children have the j . ,v a.a. ar .a uh 1 o u I i Mm Maxev closed her school at feat by nis ffflcoiu political Droiner, tn ha done except to euHer and wait. Plainview last Thursday night; we senat0r Matthew S. Quay, may be TnM nixtv Kven counties play a J I tried to get the particulars out ianea, i . - . - lf0 only heard that the house was filled seen m this speech, but politicians state convention, to make a platform . le and thV hftll ft POOd time. I l.w nira .Vorif aKla r, n.t mni Mr I -t i f r,fSn while all the time it is one man that constitutes himself the convention, adopts a platform, adopts resolu tions, nominates candidates himself and adjourns, it is a pitiable and discouraging spectacle; even if two generations of our people have be come accustomed to this coadition as the of things. The newspapers, with As we are writing tue natives nave come to Me at V lrsrinia; pens anu horns and yelling that Ed must get up and treat. 4AROK. i new Resolutions. to dy were charitable and gave Mr Wttnamaker full credit for what he said. Among the stirring para graphs in his speech these fhme out: 'The counttv is net prosperous. JOE BLACKBURN AND CARLISLE. tbe outset of the last presiden auuuieu. iiiio liuuyc icnwwj ... i - our brother. Charley B. Lewis, and tial campaign tbe party, press and . -. .. . . iin -T i.1 1 As J4- l,ni. I w The times eoes to menas in otner iaie mat wnereas, in me ios ui uium nolitical leaders general v fixed the aet up 'till eleven, Lewis this lodge mourns an exem- P0Ul,cai ieaaerB BeneraiO nieu To read what happens you and what other fol ka member, a tried and true Nctember election of 1896 as the IninlSBT. I v uiouiuc, , ; I ' " " - ' ' t uf WOAir Hnrxr F.Bwin was com- '"end, a compa,monable orotner, , d t ,h b j ff00j times. Uerv few exceptions, and these not XhnTndf nt9SlMi- A full half of the year has expired in the metropolitaa cities of this S?",?"!?-? ship, Love and Truth. Therefore be B;nft(l lh1 ill of the republican party state, have accepted the situation U1B irg 1II11H1 in vi.; - I ' I I ent. t..i.. Ti,. h dAa.t.h of was declared. Thu3 far but one of and are silent in tbe faca of the The Helmer boys are hauling corn .-'Z7::il. ... . - u nti uroiuer iieww, ui iuugrBBouv.u tDe most important issues oi iue rrrave3t issues tuai. ubvb toButier. Ud a nreat loss. That as a token of . . . ... T . , . lirk last Thursday who respect and esteem for the memory campa.grn is neanng settlement ana irontea tne people f ee l8aa A IZ"'??,?. of our dear brother, the hall be aP- hardIv ftny noticeable improvement It will be no c a has been down with rheumatism for thna wookH. li IS KlSteT Pioaher of Butler, was also out the same day to see him. W D Orear, who has been on the sick list, was able to be down town Saturday. , C H Morrison wishes us to tell the people that the cut worms, mice, .ni.a rrnwi and the people in his neighborhood are all busy at work. Eli Clark and H B Francis of Mul berry, was in our midst Saturday. Geo Jenkins and Geo Ruble attend ed the M E qnarterly meeting at Butler Sunday. . The crops are in need of ram. Mrs Gus Rape was worse last week than she has been for some time. B F Jenkins was at Kansas City last week to see his son, George, and brother, josnua rsdav who respect ana esteem ior mo x c- umatism for of our dear brother, the hall be ap- hardly any noticeable improvement ..M PPiilLJrTWS of the wretched times is manifest. ISO OUt IUB 1 . " ... . . l lhs tide will scon set in sirongiy badg niniirninir for 3ft davs. S&Xit3& ? tt r.public.n ptr . . t s 4uAl.i r 1 : n .it oi the loage, ana a copy ue given mc i iDe aepresBion ut uusiueeo ia siieiou offliotarl niilfiw who has the SVmPa-I - , . , j i: fhv of all the brothers. W. S. Arxold, ) J. D. Allks, S. F. Warkock,) Com. Idleness and want breed a bitter dis content, which will never te over cjme until there arev ample employ-meDt. Train In Texas field Up San Antonio, Tex , May 15. The west bound Southern Pacific passen ger tra:.n was held up by masked mart nn d robbed, about 250 miles Tt will b no fa?y task to undo tbA shackles which have crown uioa us with the crrowth of years. There is no short cut across the field to victorv. As next winter's barns are . l.a fild rmlv hv nlowiuff in the winter, sowing in tbe spring and reaping in the summer, so must the plowing and planting be done for a crop of better methods in public affairs. NO CAUSE TO MURDER. The foes America has to fear are 1 It. .nlln amttmrrm Tllrbfl. nOr t UUb Ui luuou, o.-0- 1 I , ,,. the insurrectionists of Cuba, nor Slayer ot lour Ui.iflren nasontesseu- the teiritory erasping British, but Came on Me Like as a Dream, He Says west of here early yesterday. As they are our own patient and heart and Wielded His Knift on the Babes. rTTn Vussev. Morton Jenkins and the train pulled out of the little town tired people, our own suffering, Crookstcn, Mmn., May 14 -Au- John Foster killed 20 squirrels Sat 0f Lozier threa men jumped oa the much promised people, who, betray gust Normand, the brutal muraerer "ERhornbrough spent last week platform and pointing pistol at the ed and disheartened, no longer have of th four HiMad children at urn- with his parents near Amsterdam. enoiQeer and fireman, compelled the faith in their party, and will turn to more, N. D., has been captures, ana T.h,hildrerday Snd former to stop the tr.iu about one an leaderBhiP that offers promise has confessed. He said: "I am the K5d.Vl- jiST audhalf miles west of the town ofybett unbelieving that wot se man who cut the threats of the Virgil Jenkins and wife went to After forcing the doors of the ex- cometbaQ those now Hiletad children. The first that I Pleasanton, Kan., Thursday after preP8 car in, one of the robbers en- nm.B can ueci v-u tt,- it oame on me irT- Vr.rtinAnd Miss Kettle of f . ., ...a n, .xi-r Tt is a terrible thin" to remember wan tnat it came on mo .... . i I lr l nil iue LAL cauva vv umm a i 1 . " I - m . 1 I I . I mm m d f CnmO HFII safes of the Well Fargo Express observe public sentiment adnlt ana as a aieim. x . . i j it. . ... i A:MeM-frk mo nnii i v it ui v. a Kansas City, who are visiting them for a few days, nuira a. number of Mrs Jonn safes ot the w e;is ' argu ipreaa ooserve puDiicseuiiuieui. Bi - . . ,r,or,-ir Rnih th throueh and the t... on,! th nnnl sweep- was eoius to do me bodily lojury IjVUI W - V w - - n III I-MI)LB1UCU MM V wa w ... - w AAuww. - - -i " . i r i . . j r J Woody's friends spent Thursday oi iocai 8afe3 were opened ana tne con . aw ff0m tbeir &ffecti0n to the went to HUstad s nouse ana iouuu tents were secured, xne iocai eaie . - nr Wi'c.d nd tbe cailaren. 1 jk har Mn Woodv had an elezant dinner prepared for theiu. K.,kSOfinn nr S3.000 ld party- Those present were Mesdames Jas tai"" I , , Th mnnv mn are erowine up i j w fpFadden Joe Whin-1 me amount nccuieu hwlu i o " I o woTi.L vi nd Pierce, ihrnnoh safe is unkown. but it U be- indifferent to republican principles, throats of Virginia and Mrs Jenkins and Mrs hjeved it will not fall below $7,000 or I witlj no re9Dect for partie3 of broken liked the c Hardin of Passaic. UsnnO. The express cir was badly ),.. . 0flrtnol rA avainst ths C A Wallace was at Kansas uuv . ... 'ftkra nf thft MI,n Plllu,ra wuu -?- Thursday of last week with a load of cattle and hogs. Emanuel Nestlerode lost a fine cow on clover last week. tv.. Nooiirwt fifina fillev last week. Everett Drysdaie ana wne, oi dui- wrecked by tne ierce oi me eipiu . - . . ,i eion of the dynamite. The top was "ate patronage w .-. nr Wi'crl and tbe caiiaren. x outraged her. I cut tha children'a I don't knew why for I childrea. I had nothing sdi or Hilstid. He bad always used me right. To my wife t 1 - 1 i I i ( liiiii? 'I ' it n m I K I I I ultaiKl ar -r eion of the dynamite. The top was - r , . . T Bt brieve for me. I will blown off and the sidjs ar-d floor tton contracts i e '"" rn; in heaven.' To my mother were badly shattered. The mail was 0f the ration is lallicg iow(r ana College View I say, Do greatly damaged by force of the ex- Invar under insults to intelligence, , . s.uiuui- d --i : .. not irneve iut j"- ler. visited his grandpa, Wm Drys- plosion oi tne ajmmiie v iolatioa of law, reckless danng of enoUrh worry over me already lo dale and his uncle, O M Drysdaie are ,n pursuit ot tne ropofrs, wuo There are im- 145 relates, my seven brctbers o...ja. i a. a i r i a n Qiman i ntv hth i r i w . i . ouiiuay. ... , euiuu.Ku. TV... - .i. fi s Ur 1 a7. 'Uite me a mcs The Christian . wm u . . that canQe into tms measuraoie uepma ui - ------ nart of a eans that came 11 section recently from New Mexico. I . 17 thia nation and state if the contin- cunau ued use of corporation and public You or iocbtnvar Outdone mr-nsva &nd the disposition of fed" I c.n Arvlnnio. Texas. May 16. J " - I UBU - . a I vi T J ... a m i A ma t AO n Fill a bottle or common gi wiiu ry-- , ,, "r19r MonelOTa.Mex urine and let it stana twemy-iour 0 be controlled m tne interest ot "wc""" ;-- How to Find Out. have Chil dren's Day the first Sunday in June. Frank ana neuie accjiroj ff"" c...i.r n. s,mdv at Drexel with their sister, Mrs John Hendrixson. Quiteanumoer oi me xuuucwi members attended the social and a T-VirJiiv nicrht OI upper at au.w. j urine anu iet it .irmivy- xo De conirouea m 4UvCSo. --- o r last week. A . hours; a sediment or settling indicates I ... . . -.fft- them- ico, arrived here today with news oi Pleasant Hill, presiaenx oi k.xt- an unhealthy condition of the kid- qoadruple tragedy just enacted on 1UUD UU wv. 1 IIHVT. II UCI1 -v 1 Hill CS UU. W w-w w I ikn UaAlAiiflK CI Hi liHUlV. UCA1 UIB auested each 88 to. Mod a tive evidence of covernrnent contracts Z Macedonia Frausta. a 17- to V lrgmia oaiurutsy l" ",v" " Too frequent aesireiourmaie or piu i ' . , . !" , , , . - t . Anwhftts o'clock to ar-1 . A , i .,. .isn .nnvininir nrnnf L. ns.rticnlar protections 1 .r nld bov of that neieaDorDOca, ..... . nrninnim ana set a time .... u,, i.un.ra anil bladder are out I . . . .. v t.:u ;n inva with Anita Mens, tne i.j .. r-B----- in th l"c throuen tne monev ut wu,u u,c r. - , ' m 5??- oforaer' . LwS:. . decided. There WU1 Ptty daughter oi a rancumau xu. There is DUVALL, &KPERCIVAL, butlek,;mo- aa ' " .xo-ib. 'v to loan on farm at rertoced rateaof -v' . r. rt.v.KI. at nllf OlIIOO Ijon flnd them here when doe. Vfa glya IprtviletretooavanT time. Money reaay Sensational Scene Between the Two Ken tuckians. New York, May 15 Alfred Henry Lewie, writing to the Journal from- Washington, thus descants upon sensational meeting between Joe Blackburn and John G. Carlisle: And now it would appear that it- time may come when we shall have- blood on the moon." It will be Kentucky moon. Blackburn is in town. So also is that ex Secretary of boneless policies, John O. Carlisle-. They were not looking for one an other, but this is a small town. Blackburn not only considers Car lisle as a general traitor to his party,, but holds him to be even a more pregnant form of political criminal' Ktill. Blackburn credits Carlisle with beioc the first creat oause of his (Blackburn's) defeat for Senats re election. As I stated, the two men were not looking for fach other. But they met. It was on tbe public causeway. Blackburn was with Senator Shoupv Carlisle was with Senator Lindsay. As they approached Blacburn's ej began to blaze. Carlisle did Dot note those hate lamps burning in the- Blackburn eyes. As Carlisle came up be extended his hand to Black burn. Carlisle had a purpose to lei bygones be bygone. This Christian chanty is popular snd easy with such as Carlisle, who have deeply and traitorously wronged a friend, and fail of heart to meet the brunt, of the stern cot Bquecc?p. Thoee- who have been wronged, and ejpe ... . . . . . dally when tney possess a natural courage and an inborn instinct ior war, as does Blackburn, are not . prone to forgive and forget. As come out, Carlisle s inenaiy nanc went vainly groping. snnmar! it. an it Wf-TP ViBLftVUlu " f-' " . J - -. - - and in vivid, iaibing phrase, gave . . . . . ... U ticoo it CarllklA will 1U11U v. ring alarms in that statesman's ears for many a day I o come, iiiactourn . drove Carlis'e frcm bim with words - of vitriol. Beyond the verbal point. however, violence did cot go. Car lisle is tol recorded as making any retort. Later Blackburn talked ou pistols, and declared that a day would com when he "would make Carlisle publicly admit that he (Car lisle) was a coward, a liar and: n rojrue " It is the kind of promise Black burn will make a livfly effort to keep, and expectation is therefore on a wire edge in consequence. WHAT TO DO.- 'm VT&eiZoVli. comfort in the knowledge most assuredly come a day when an(i jfraagu determined to get pressed, that Dr. Kilmer's . a mighty revolt and re ,.:an Gf her by force He arm- We saw James Nestlerode the other . a erirAS sa r it 1 day wno T., irtrtta ort rtftn nxnresfed. that Dr. Kilmer's Li :ii . miohtv revolt and re i,Kfftrii. Ha arm- "imhitKritle voice. Swamp Root, the great , kidnev rem- " " , - ' revolution Vim.-lf with a rife and startad Hehasbeenaway f-m here about edj, fuh Lr h7r home. On the road he ,t Wt"lrda,hter is liTng dTrad "every part of the urinary B. Jwa eon tinually despised Manual SoUs, manager of the Ha- on thrfarm per Pineville, McDow- psages. lX legislation ccneiv cienda. accompanied by one o P?totrnhome soon as eer, Fa deliberately shot and killed siSTersrsi- -1 1 n munv times durme tne - - MetnoOlSlS ueiu luru . 10 tri "1' . " - -, , .i. , xuv. . ... x-,.us.l. I tr. nriiiaTP. I lie muu nuu liitr quarterly meeting : a "Vrdina7y effect of Swamp. Root sciiooi nouv t cnVinr.. I 0T, ,-H7ed. It stands the highest for itl wonderful cures of the most fove'feittffiastbouL It re- distressing case js. If yoaneed la medi- ?her she hS jSSd h7 Mih MenPn WhWeet Times and b ftSdly M"nisTBPRey F B Webb ndyouraddresstoDr.KUmer&Co.. ..t onn VI In OI - I o .iu "".V.Y:,.: --At v,.m Wh. Another brother of the ni nt her notDtiu uiiaio ucuiu, , the people from their party ana aasu h uf-j ---- --- --- -- "V tion to substitute almost any wuu 01 uwu; TJTw.Vnr Her d untried, leadership with .the up .and -JjJ hope Of poiDie reu. - - - . he . r hom t - - From some points of view it might seem that there was not much snd the two eloped and MTe not yet been captured. SJ Absolutely Pure. relebratM for iU crtat levajr ,tr.nrtt acd itfaleM. Assrs t feod axatost aiam 1 ail fonasas aW tTt:cB ecnimoa to fceep Jtew. Soy it, baciss rowPEs co. 5. t. a paper ai sign