Vol. xix.
NO 35
Fear That the East Will Be
Ablaze Within a Week.
Kteeltes Deposit, Loans money, Issue Drafts and does a general Banking bnsineee.
We solicit the accounts of Farmers, Merchants and the pnbllo generally promlsinst a
safa Depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend
Uberal accommodation in the way of loans to our customer?.
Or T. C. Boulware Booker Powell Frank M Vorta
Scot Smith HHPiggott J M Christy
John Deerweater) C It Badiord R O West
J S Jenkins T J Wright Wm E Walton
Thanking tbe public for their confidence and liberal patronage daring thi past fifteen
Tears we solicit a continuance of the same proralrlng honest and conservative man
agement, with atriet attention always to the wants of our customers.
Cashier. President.
Hume News.
Mrs Gibson, of Houstonia, Mo, is
flatting her brother, Joseph Gregg,
of near town.
Mr W W EUIs has purchased the
produce commission establishment
from C 8 Bond and will conduct the
business at the old stand.
At a meeting of the school board
ra.AnaaiiLv nicht Miss Torbett. of
Jerico Springs, was elected to the
vacancy in our of teachers corps
caused by the resignation of Miss
Goocb. ii , ...
C A Shaw begun cutting oats with
a bran new self binder Thursday.
Married on Wednesday eve at the
residence of the bride's mother at the
Mitchell Hotel, Mr Elzie Epps and
Mies Bessie Adams, Rev Wagoner
officiating. Only a few relatives and
Intimate friends of the contracting
parties were present. After the cere-
mony all adjourned to the dining hall
where a magnificent supper of good
" things was served. Mr and Mrs Epps
l... Va Vioiit unxhpa of n. host of
friends for their continued happiness
and prosperity.
The Buckles building on the south
, .m tVi innarn iaheins1 re-nanered
and will shortly be occupied by Patsy
Powers' grocery store and restaurant.
Ht.t.ln son returned
Sunday from a month's sojourn with
-"latives in Colorado. -
w v v Af rro-n rtiirnd Thursdav
from Warsaw, where he has been for
the past month. He was called here
to make
adjustment in damages of the recent
Lawrence East returned Friday
from Illinois, where he has been at
' work for the past six months.
; DnIl.. UoM vnt trt ColuiubuS.
Kas, last week to accept a position in
: o)oi.nh nfflpA nf. on account
of the meager salary offered he did
" not accept ana returneu noiue a ues
Walter Hibler is now chief cook
and bottle washer at the creamery,
ia liia frt RSKlHtailt.
' . MCI ID A. VS - " -
Rev Potter occupied the pulpit at
the M E church Sunday.
Dr Standish transacted business in
Mr Hefley who recently bought the
; Uwinn drug stock leu mis ween
'.. ( famiiv ami inomhfLnd ise for some
point in Eastern Iowa not yet deter-
in no1
Grandma Jones left Saturday for
Illinois, where she will spend a few
weeR? visiting.
Tha iiianmraiiiont of the P & T
road have discontinued their mid-day
passenger trains, but their freight
; trains will carry a passenger coach
fniiAiniini)-itinn nf tlipir natrons.
Wo In. -r. that. Tr Vrnnk Slater, of
Rich Hill, has been honored by being
elected President of the Missouri
Dental Association. Dr Slater is one
nf Ua 1..1inrr A ani 1st a" nf the state.
and honor could not have been con
ferred upon a more worth y or capable
nan Tl. viaita IIlllllP whCTfi
he has an extensive practice, every
EM;f.. iv;.,ai tVia T?ih Hill
Enterprise, got things a little mixed
last weeK. tuite a coninuuwim ui
Hume news was credited to Butler
and vice versa.
We understand the Telephone will
unnri m ova Sr.a nffina down on the
square and will occupy the building
now occupied by P H Powers.
The ladies of the Christian church
gave an ice cream supper in the park
Saturday evening which was well at
tended. .TrA Thr.rnft went un to Kansas
City Tuesday on business, returning
'Inn rsriAA'
J J Tetty transacted Dusiness in
Kansas City Tuesday.
R L Gwinn and wife Sundayed at
the home of the former's father, near
Cal Uiser has bougntanau interest
in E I Covert's blacksmith shop. Cal
is a good workman and will be well
Misses Maggie ana zinnia wuuu
visited with friends in Independence
since our last.
Dr Allen, of Rich Hill, came in on
the Arkansaw Traveler from the
south Thursday and went over to tne
Fred Lightner and Mrs P A Cobb
transacted business in the county
capital Thursday.
J G Holland threshed and shipped
a car of No 1 wheat this week.
Messrs Williams and Ricks were up
from the east end to attend a meeting
01 the township ooara a uesaay.
I. 1. WiiHIt.
" II Ik if SfS-SB
sw ' .
V ' butlee.;mo-
Culrer Neirs.
The weather last week was intense
ly hot. . .
Heat proved ratal 10 several norses
in and near Culver, there being five
oyer-heated, one of whicn aiea.
The ice cream supper was a suc
cess, there being a good attendance.
Miaa T.iii TArrv hurt . narrow es
cape from being seriously injured
last Thursday by being thrown un
der the horse's feet and run over by
the buggy. This is wnai comes iruui
bridges being unattended to.
An ice cream supper win oe given
at Mr Cicero Graham's Thursday
night, July 15, for the benefit of the
Walnut. IT IPhnmll.
Mr J M Graham has his corn laid
by and his hay up.
Dr Robinson has moved back into
the city limits.
No preaching at Bethel 3rd Sun
day, but a talk to the young men,
WI11CU wm ue ueueutioi.
Miss Mary Mosler, of Pass-aic, is
visiting in our midst.
Mrs I) G rneips was sick iurce
davs last week. '
M F Perrv is having trouble with
his machine. Prospkritt.
Summit Items
ThnreHnv and Vridav of last Week
were the hottest days we have had
this year, the heat being almost in
tolerable. . .
Oat cutting is over. 'Ihe chinch
bugs are leaving the oat and wheat
fields and going into tne com, uomg
onncifinrnltlA iiiiiiTf already.
Those who attended me oasivei,
....otin at A itTtnn. Sund&v under the
management of Bro Coffey, of Eliza
beth Chapel, report a nne time, n e
hope Bro C will arrange for another
meeting soon.
Several couples of young people
from Butler passed through Summit
Sunday enroute to Altona to attend
the basket dinner.
Mr Lawson has his new house aooui
Mrs Cooper and Miss Edna Doane
were the guests of W P Sevier's fam
ily last week. Dixie.
"Pisssor. Jrr.v 12. 1S9G.
ThA hpat of last week was telling in
; .ifTotu nnmnii hera. No UuUiail
beings were prostrated, but several
horses were Kiuea oy of nirauuj;,
and the comment is general that is it
. snmrise that more did not succumb
I to the scorching heat.
The township S convention on
last Sundav at 2:30 o'clock was well
attended. "Song service and speech
making made up tne program, bu.
while there was no eloquence like
Brvan's, nor logic like DeAruiond s,
vet all combined made it a pleasure
to be there. .uuojtoi.
lnteres.. Yonr notes are payable at otit omee
and yen find them here when ilne. 'e gtye
, joupriTllepetopay any time. Money ready
u soon as papers are slgnwl.-
Symptom ot Heat Prostration.
A leading New York pbyikin
tavatbo pnmoaitcry Pjmptoms cf
lit-ftt nrostration are geuer
ally a dizziaess, feeling cf slup lditv
and a gentril depressica. In ordi
narv iastaccea whea these symptcixis
becciua noiiceauis-, 11. 13 --
courso to ecc- ecme cool iid stady
not wlicie attendance is possible,
itter.n is necessary as the cbsl
icf of cccl vraUr upon ihe bead is
one cf the nost efficatious reciedxes.
50 ib SiiH;glit Patent flour at 1.00;
50 ' k. Fun.i y flour - 90;
50 lbs. lo giH.i flour at - - 55.
Ws wil sfil ih Waahburn &
C ' t-i'v'i. Got l Vlt-dal flour, which ia
lie llot.r t ite wor'd, and the
h'ghrfet mtHdt Hour ruade, at $2 35
per Luiidrn i Wh guaranlea Gold
Me la! flour to mk 15 moi loavea
of bi tad to tbe sick than bdj soft
wheat fliur made, which mikes tbe
flour reallj cost you about $1 per
sack, besides it stays rich and moist
for four or five djp, where lb.9 soft
wteit flour bread ia dry and taste
less in 24 boars after it i made.
Every sick of flour in our housa is
made of old wheat, bo lay in enough
to laat you fcr several montba and
avoid sticky and musty flour from
new wheat. We are Belling the best
galvatiized baib wire at $2 35: coffee
at 8c, 10c, 15c, 20s, and Mocha and
Java, 25c lb.; croquet sets at 75c,
85c, and $1.00 per sei; screen doors
at 65o; screen wire from 5s per jard
and up; jelly glasses at 30c per doz ;
anything in the genuine graniteware
at just half the former price; the
IXL grass siythe, which is the finest
made, at 65c; tbe beat four tit el hay
or ib mure fork at 50c; 1 gallon pure
augar ayrup at 30c gal.; pure rock
candy syrup at 50a gal.; 1 lb. can
Vision bakiag powder, 10c, or can
for 5c; Winner tobacco at 20c lb.;
pure maple syrup at 10c lb ; 2 bara
Doll soap for 5c; nice whole rice for
5c lb.; 6 lbs of Dwight'a soda 25c;
Best patent singletrees 20c eacb;
No 8 copper bottom wash boilers
85o; bfst tubular lantern laade 50c;
highly polished lead glaae hotel gob
let orly 35c set; pure lead 'glass
tumblers enly 25c set: ice etand
lamp complete fer 25c; shoemaker's
stacd with 3 lasts only 35c We have
a small amount of tbe best binder
twine left, which we will close out
at cost; we have a large stock of
macbioe oils, from tha cheapest 10
tha finest: will sell you the finest
grade of Eldorado Castor Oil at 35c
gallon, this oil is pronounced by
machinists, that know, to ba tbe
finest in Butler. We have been add
ing to our stock until now we have
most everything you can cU for; our
store house aud ware bouses are ait
full. We have several thou?aad
things, and we mike the aauie close
price cn everything we handle, that
ia whv our store is crowdel every
day. Our goods are always fresh,
for wa have them coming in every
day; another thing, there is never a
day passes that we do not caution
our clerks about being careful ia
their weights and measures We are
determined tbat nothing shall go out
of the atore short in weight or mea
i sure, we use the same caution in
weighing up your produce.
We are trying hard to gain the
confidence of the people of Bates
county, and from the way our trade
is growing, we feel that we are dc
inr it. We know of no reason why
any one should not trade with us
unless it would be because we do
not credit. We want to ask the
people, to please do not ack us to
credit you. We cannot do it, and
it only leaves roeni for 6ome one to
feel hurt when we tell them we can't
do it. We could not run a year and
credit at the price wo are selling
goods at, instead of 5c cn the dollar
we would have to charg from 30c
to 50c on the dollar profit. That is
why we have caused so much trou
ble among the credit stores of
Butler, it ia impossible for thm to
sell at our prices and credit, they
ate trying to hold trade, by cutting
on 8 or 10 staple articles, but the
people soon caught on to that when
f hv hepsn to nnce other articles.
Don't fcrjet we carry everything
in tbe feed lines, shorts, bran, chops,
corn and hay.
Our trade ia getting krger every
(Jay in granita ware, galvanized iron
wsre and tinware lice, a3 we are
making special prices oa that lice
3 well as eyery oth?r line we han
dle. :.
Come and trade with us, we ga&r
eatee you against loss on Ecythicg
you buy cf W Yours truly, .
Turkey Defies Europe Sultan Pro
poses to Dictate Uia Own Terms
London. Julv 8 Thfra is reason
to believe this morning that the East
will be ablaze agma within a fort
night. Ill 9 Porte has declared in set
plain terms that it can not accept
the neaa? Dioocsition of the nowera.
x ----- x
Instead the Sultan insists upon a
substantial cession or teintory irom
frreece as well aa a war indemnitv.
Orders have been prepared for the
Turkish troops to advance and will
be istued in a few days unless the
powers back down.
"I will dictate mv own terms in
Athens," the Sultan is reported to
have declared.
Foreigners in Constantinople are
in terror of a central massacre in
which Englishmen, Armenians, and
Greeks will ba marked f or indiscrin:
inate slaughter. It is remembered
- - o
tbat at the first firic? of the salute
in honor of the Queeu') jubilee arm
ed Mohammedans rufhea into the
street and a?ked if it was a signal fcr
the kiiline' la beein.
Events in the East urge England
to take nromnt and vigorous action
- 1 1 -
The Sultan's emissaries in India have
been stirring up a revolt and the
restless Islamic population there
wilt be emboldened tbe more tbe
Sultan is allowed to defy the Chris
tian powers of Europe. It may be
found tbat tbe preservation of the
British Empire depends upoa the
overthrow cf tbe uttoman liiinpire.
The London Standard's corre
SDondent at Constantinople quotes
the Sultan as siving that he has
nothinar to fear from the powers.
That the Sultan has been straining
every nerve to put tbe whole Turkish
rmv on a war footing1 is well known.
He has 700,000 troops at command
and the stroncr Islamic party is urg
fighting combined Europe. ice
faniiiflai Turks believe that all
Christians could be driven as they
rirnvA t,h lirnAks.
All the foreign Ambassadors have
informed tbe Sultan that they will
stand no further temporizing.
Tbia bant: oOrs the buinr
public a reliable (M'rataneut corner a
tive aud aecouijuiKlaling banking io
atitiUioB .
We solicit yonr liaeiness with the
assurance of honorable treatment
and appreciation of your patronage.
Hue can serve you at any lime,
we shall be glad to bave you call and
see os.
I. X. THOMPSON'. Pres.
E. A. RKKNRTT, V. Pres
E. 1. K1PP, Cashier.
Under State Supervision.
Fuli Pardon Kocotu mended tor Willie
Topeka, Kan., July 9 Willie
Sellp, the boy who was convicted
and tentenced te life imprisonment
eleven .years ago for the murder of
his father, mother, brother and sis
ter. near Erie. Kan., under most
brutal circumstancas. has been to
day recommtrnded for patdau ucaai
mously by tbe btate Hoard ol rai
dons, who express belief in bis inno
cence. The evidence under which
the boy was convicted was purely
circumstantial. Gov. Leedy may
not act on the case for a fortnight.
The report of the Board of Pardons
"This board, after thorough in
vestigation and mature deliberation,
in f oninion that Willie Sells is in
nocent of the crime of which he is
charged and convicted, and for
which he has suffered elevea years'
imprisonment. We believe justice
justice pure and simple would
onlv ba meted out by saying to Wil
lit Sells. 'Go out into the world with
the charge of murder, under which
you bave re3ted so long, entirely
wiped out.
Therefore, we most respectfully
and earnestly recommend that Your
Excellency grant ta'd Willie Sells
an unconditional pardon.
Condition of Winter Wheat.
WftEtioeton. July 11. The fol
lowing are the percentages of condi
tion of winter wheat on July lin lhs
principal winter wheat producing
states as shown by the mommy re
port cf the statistician of the depart
ment of agriculture:
Kansas. 89; Missouri, 52; Penn
RYlvar.i. 101: Tennessee, 110; Ken
tucky.101; Ohio, 88; Michigan, 78
Indians. : 95: Illinois, 40: California.
78; Maryland, 111; Virginia, 110;
Washington, lUo; Oregon, vz.
119 Years Old-
Fort Worth, Tex , July 9. Texas
claims one of tbe -oldest women ia
th Tierson of Grandma Hawthorne,
trT Uvea at Bonham. She is nsw
119 years f ge and is hale and
hearty. 5 oh9 waiKS iwo muea eaca
day, to attend church, and takes an
' acute part iu we rei cj.
Finds Anthrax.
Columbia. Mo.. July 12 Deaths
anions Randoloh county cattle have
o l v
been so many and so sudden during
the last month teat ur. iscotn 01
Moberly, sant the stomachs of some
of the dead animals to Columbia for
investigation. Dr. T. E. White,
atate veterinarian, altera microscop
ic inspection, has pronounced the
disease anthrax. Dr. White states
that so long as the corpses ere not
destroyed by fira the geims will
work out of the ground and iniect
cattle, horee, sheep and bogs.
Cam Needed tor WhfHt,
Terrv. Ok.. July 11. For mora
than a month farmers of Oklahoma
have been harvesting nearly day and
night, Sunday included Wheat is
about all in stack and hundreds of
threshers are ruuning. The wheat
tield for the territory will be far
. ... ...
greater than first expected oy me
most enthusiastic, mere is a ueariu
of ears to haul the wheat. lne
Santa Fe railroad has put in 1,000
new cars to help take cue 01 me
wheat, and many towns can hardly
get enough cars to remove the crop.
Th oroD vield will not fall less than
30,000.000 bushels. Io mmy ihces
' a at . .
farmers report buy buBheis per
acre. Tbe price paid by lecil buyers
is 55 cents a bushel To remove
the Oklahoma crop will take 50,000
rars cf 40.000 ccucds capacity. At
50 cents a bushel it wilt gire every
man, woman and child in the lerri
tory $50. All crops are very prom-
Tramp Pest.
Topeka, Kas , July 12. Tramps
in great swarms are beating their
way across Kansas Word has been
passed along throughout the wheat
belt to decline to give food ta
tramps. The people have decided
upon this course becausa the travel
ing band9 of tramps refuse to work
in the harvest fields for $2 a day.
Farmers are working night and day,
including Sunday?, trying to save
their wheit, and appeals to tramps
for help at good wages fall on deaf
ears. When tramps ask for food
now they are refused and told to go
into the fields and earn their bread
or starve. An average cf 100 men
to the county in 50 counties in Kan
sas could Becure work at from $1.50
to $2 a day.
is ng.
Electric Ditten,
Electric Bitters ia a medicina suit
ed for any seaeoo, but perhaps more
onfirllv nesded when the languid,
exhausted feel ng prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and tne
need of a tonic aEd alterative is felt.
A nromot use 1 f this niediCine Las
often averted lenz and perhaps fatal
billious fevers. No medicine will
act more surely ia counteracting and
repiner the svstem from the malarial
noison. Headache, indigestion,
constipation, dizziness yield to Elec
tric Bitters. 50c and 1 per bo't.e
at H. L- Tucker s Drug btore.
How to Find Out.
Witt m KttttA or rmiimnn flu, 8 witk
lr. it tiul twentv-four
hours: a sediment or fettling indicates
. ... i . . ai.. i. j .1
an unheaitny conauion 01 iuo iu-
neys. When urine utaius unenitu
positive evidence 01 aiuney iroauie.
Too frequent desire to urinate or pai
In the bacK, is aiso convincing yrwi
that tbe kidneys and bladder are out
or order.
ia nnuifnrt in the knowledge
so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney rem
edy, fulfills every wish in relieving
pain in the bacK, aiareys, iiver, wil
der and every part of the urinary
passages. It corrects inability to hold
urine ana scaiamg ih.iu m jniuS .
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that un
pleasant necessity of being compelled
to get up many times during the
night to urinate. 1 ne iuuu u m?
extraordinary effect of 8wamp Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
.J .nAi
for its wonderiui cures 01 iu uim,
distressing cases. If you need a niedr
cine you should have the best. Sold
bv druggists, price hity cents anu vim
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet botn eennree uy mui.
Mention Bctlkr Weekly TiMESand
send your address tour, nuuierauu.,
Bmghampton, 1.
Double Suicide.
Bowline Green. O.. July 9. The
ittle village of Moliue is ia a fever
of excitemant over the shocking bui-
cide of Miss Nellie Lusher and her
over, Edward Cowles.
W dnesdav evecinff they attend
ed aliwn fete and failed to return.
This mornioff an old stone quarry
pool was dragged. Tbe remains of
the couple were brought to the sur
face. The young maa had hi arms
about bis eweetheiris waisv. and they
were clinched in such a macner that
it was with diScuUy that they wera
Absclutelx Pure.
C'elctratsd far its grtiA lfiSVsJt5j
etrei?t,i aadheaitfoSaM. &?.zr- Xiif
lcoi aaiali tiam tS'l ajl loraofs'ld
1) .
s s s s
fcOMPET iTOIl 'v.
111 . ii 1
. m. r
aw - s -. .1
E'JXAL tJLklSO.PO iES CO. N . y .
Their Hciadc.
deal iatili;?sy featl se tiT