OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, July 22, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1897-07-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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0! the Knife.
Mr Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo.,
JSl. "For six years I have been a
glnr from a scrofulous affection of
3ands of my neck, and all efforts
f&yiic'ans in Washington, D. C,
MSfieW. I"- and St' Louis failed to
Snce the enlargement. After six
Sloths' constant treatment here, my
J?" :cjan urged me to submit to a re
Kval of the gland. At this critical mo-
,nt a friend recommended S.S.S.,
2d laying aside a deep-rooted preju
dice azainst all patent medicines, 1 be
n its use. Before I had used one bot
fietbe enlargement began to disappear,
.nd now it is entirely gone, though I am
ot through with my second bottle yet.
id I only used your S.S.S. long ago,
fJJonldhave escaped years of misery
"Vhis experience is like that of all who
taffer with deep-seated blood troubles.
5 . 3 tsra ran rlo no frood. and even
their resorts to the knife, prove either
ferities or fatal. S.S.S. is the only
" i wnnrl remedv: it eets at the root of
the disease and forces it out perma-
""sS. guaranteed purely vegetable)
A Real Blood Remedy
. xaa mn1v for real blood troubles:
k cures the most obstinate cases ol
Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism,
... -,ViirVi nthpr so-called blood reme
dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the
mot of the disease and forces it out per-
maneniiy. v amaun. -
be sent iree
to any address
by the Swift
Specific Co., At
lanta, Ga.
Fiftr Clerks Counting Uncle Sam's
tveallu. Upward ot $uu,uuu,
000 in Cola and Paper.
Washington, D. C, July 14 For
the past 10 days in the great vaults
of the Ireasarv building 50 experts
hue been counting the contents of
Uncle Sana's strong boxes. As this
gentleman is said to have therein
Contest Over the House and Senate Sugar
Washington, July 13. Speaker
Heed has interposed his powerful
authority to stop the sugar scandal
in the tariff conference committee
room. He has eiven Ibe republican
conferees on the part of the house
to understand that if they yield to
.he senate on this ecbedule tbeir
report will ba rejected by the house,
even if such action might jeopardize
the passage of a tariff bill at tfcis
session of congress.
As a result, the coinpromisa agree
ment cn the sugar schedule, which
was practically reached yesterday, is
off, and it is impossible to predict
what the outcome will be.
It is now known that this compro
mise placed a duty of $1.90 ou mch
100 pounds of jsugar.
When Speaker Reed heard of th's
agreement to day he hurried over to
the senate tide of the Capital and,
going directly to the rooms of the
Finance Committee sent for Senator
Allison. The Iowa t enator appeared
in a moment and Mr. Heed brought
up the subject of the sugar t cbedule
He talked with vehemence and Sena
tor Allison responded with contider
able fire. The consultation lasted
several minutes and then the speaker
called out Mr. Diogley, t) whom he
TnrrnPfd in faicible terms his
opinion of the compromise.
Reel hss the House behind Litn
in his oppotitioa to the sugar com
promise. The members declare to
night that if the conference agrees
to aoythirg else than the Houee
rates on sugar they will reject the
report at oucj.
Wonderful Richness of the Alaekttn
Field. I tf
San Francisco, Cal., July 14 A
private letter from a miner who had
ust returned from the Klondike
mines to Circle City gives some new
facts in regard to the extraordinary Q
Alaska fit-Id, said to be the richest f
the world has ever known. Klondyke q
is a place where day laborers are not
The Bates So E
to ba had for the wages of a railroad
president, wheie thousand in gold
are tnl'f-n u n single day from be.ow
b??8 of trivel that never thaw be
neath tin mn's ray; wh're every
rxa'i in c-mp txpc s to be a million
aire in a sVi.Ht vLi'e and then return
home. The ht'er says:
"Circle (. ity is pi actually deserted.
k..iv t r.ji at Klondyke or
prepa i'ifj to f.o -nor. K'oidyke
Riy-r h v i '2 Vi lui'e up tbe Yukon
from here.
4 Ir, i tl e l io n s! district the world
has evr ki owe, and will produce
millions tbisytar. Fu-ur at Kloc-
dyke i worth $100 a eack of 50
pound, f.nd everything e'se it) pro
port iou. Live dogs are. worth from
$2 to $5 a pound.
"Gravel is frozen 18 to 20 feet
deep to bed reck, but we burn a
shaft down and then drift, using fire
instead of powder. The gravel i ucs
in gold from 5 to 150 a pan, and
the young fellow on the cla m a'ove
me panned out $4,000 in two days.
'I was offered 250,000 cish for
my c'aitn. I still hold the ground,
and wi 1 be either a millionaire or a
pauper in the fill
"Men can not be hired for wag3P.
Every newcomer ia the camp is of-
o -
R TA7IIISlT handle the celebrated MeCormie, pure Meal ltf
I HH I IV B Every ball i guaranteed to run smooth and be free fr
I If lillai pound of McCormicks pure sisal twine will go as l0 p
i i ti r)i infai!rti ,M-irk
M k
uder Twiui. ;iw
from knots. 50:
pounds of the
cfSoiiiiicI' iJouer.
We carry the
largest stock of
repairs in the
If you need a mower, buy a McCormiek new foui
shaft,it is the slickest mowing machine on the mark
et. No chains to get loose,no Steele pitman to break.
Call and see these machines at the Bates county
Elevator Company, at the Butler depot.
1 1 t m i hit a inter tii. i i.varw iihwimiiiimi iii iiir? i iliii u ia vyft i m. m
About colds and coughs In the sum- ... a(J S5Q ----- rsriririryrx
geuutiuvu i di I rner time. You may nave a uikuuk " " i UUUWUvVwvVVVvVVvVVwl'WWMWWW w ww w wwm w w www
.1.; wnn nnn nnn a1.1 A..h nr i llttln mA or babv mav have Mnv. but. sfi'.dom will anv file work I
lomeiniuff uver i uv,uuu,uw iu w" ..v,v "
. .. . . . ... . the crouo and when it comes you ougni . , qi, ,
r1 10 r fnm tit of
and silrf r cam ana Bullion, noier, . . -.up.,i,.,ni,lrh!;vrv ia the """lu- t-"-
- I IV IkllUTV v.ib mmm v ft I - ' . I
. 1 J - V.: k.,).nW It. Snld bv H. L. Tucker afunda in nnr why to Ilia pea! OI
81,000,000 is grub. I have pr jvisioni
enough to last me till next Jute, and
onrlifioAtea and bonds, this Sime best cu'e tor It.
force of men and women, 50 in num-
Tim Worst Yet.
ber,willbe employed in counting Nw York world.
and piling up the publio hoard Jfc ig not a "frae trader" but an I am aa well fited as any man in the
through all the hot days of summer old.time Republican protection, country, n me ooaw uu noi. g, uF
i , -i i c . u j ik.:. I . . . ,i n m :-lfVA rirpr hi nxfc .Tntv we will be i?t
ana wm not navtj uuwueu unu characterizes tne osnaw inu ,
DOtonoug tub important taBk until aa he moet outrageous one nara Jine3.
tfiA onfnmn Iaavai are blowinsr and.n n;DAn fn ihm rtAnnle of this I
.r UMintr abautthe Darka i- T.nr wri voted UWt Arbitrate.
of the capital city. for the bill because he believed in New York, July 12.--A W ashiog
. . , Ij. n-n.l . . ... , i i 1U. f.nn onfpinl In t.llfl HPl'Ald BaVB:
inis laoorioua upemuuu I giving to tne repuuueau parfcjr moj -r
dered necewary by the transfer of fuU responsibility which Ehould ac Hawaii has offered to refer to arbi-
I tration the immigration Question
iuo cubiouj vi iiuo i company power, nays wu- i "
from the rotiring treasurer of the clare8 tLat k is a traveaty upon the pending batween herself and Japan
j v.;nV. tnnV I . , - I hnt thft Totio firovernment has eo far
new aaminiBirnoii, . principle oi proiecuon, a uituio
For Arrest of George Taylor or
Jeffeisau City, Mo., July 14 In
regard to the dispatch in the Chron
icle that Gcrge Taylor, orae of the
murderera of tha Meeks family at
Milan Mo., has been ieen recently in
the Indian Territory, Gov Stephen's
private eecre!ary, Moore, said to-day:
"I am satisfied that the governor
has not made any special effort to
place at the beginning of the fiscal
vear. July I
pend.ng batween Herself ana japan re mur(JereI.s who are fug
but the Tokio government has so far I r . i.,f;
H1UU1IJ10 lww., I lltlTCB KUUl luwvo.
i iha K,n. declined the proposition, ana tne va rn orPCa
I UOIIeUBU CALiUoi f jr tui iuv " I - I XBa K:luw4 una uv.
fit of coroorations. with little regard Hawaiian authorities do not expect . , thi9 matterj
Thm wnrV nf cnuntiiicr the contents fm- ihm rfionle " that Japan will accept arbitration. -onspouenth has not had it
D IIC'JI iCIOUUUUuv. r r 1 . . . ..... I - . -
... t.3 li- tvAi .... i i.i It is Mia lmrrAPsion now tnat tne I u-.nnVif heforft rua notice
Ol IUO BOicu ui ine 1 Bl Ol one uuuuieu auu nuu.j I nn ion Qn
... . . I :ii i ur v, aol rn Tunc 9Q. 189n. Ciov. otone
personal supervision oi tte cn i, oi article enum6rated by Senator Vest .r w. 'TSZ Lffl V rwd of i300 for the ar-
-.i l i?. nf tha . . i i j i nTmrr,mpn nwfi. At ia me ceuerw u"wv- " - . ..
tne puDiio munej ""'" 0n wnicn tne auty nas Deen mcrtaowu - - of Noble Sheppard, and oa April ou,
a l i ....imn tVio cQprf. I. , , ii ii I einectation in administration circles! .
r-f V,a frpuMirv: the chief of the Lu-i aam hom a nut this whether the senate ratified the pend-
rvoat nf Georce Tavlor.
J v j I I liUHb UUUll uia v"-" " l . i o ,
i (nrmir . . n . i.t tj- t, I innr iinext,ion treatv or fails to finth nf these rewards were 10
toao aivmiou, icK'"cu"ub statement. ntu migun o - i -
j u: fl . . 3 U.t. ..;n .lnrlniT flia nrfKr t. cpb. stand irrol for OC6 Tear.
Treasurer Morg.P, ana cB8Ul. u. Whiteexolaim aa the meagre psea; 7 ' " " - J;u in At tb present time there is no
f & I. H n I hanL'D renr4MT, I - I . -r 1 .t .iil. f l nl niton I MII1M. Liiin L"irii liiTli u ' v 1 . . ...
uce u uuuua u-i vt nope ma me n lam, w reward for euber oi tueai
ing Treasurer Roberta. These men Stftte8 w;n now give the Chairman of settle the immigration qutsuon with
t li ... . i r ' I Tinin Tt ia rpcnwnizfid that SOH3e-l w:ci?nu
are tne aDDOiniees ui wo oico.j j.h Kftnubiican jNauonai uoumiiutD i - . i-""--
body baa cot to back down, not only .,, re seei9ontr
oi tne treasury. m ...v a receipt in iuu. . h - fc , annexatioa question,
sponsioie io uiui, I xne dui iuu r i and administration omcial eay tnat S'Vdttreimmawremoviu lot this condition
arenort oi tneir nnainRB wucu men in detaii ir puts me msueai, most assuredly it will not do
work is completed.
most assuredly it will
United States.
American Farmer Dictator This Ytar. The
World's Visible Supply is Small, but
Grain is Plenty in this Country.
New York, July 15. That the
TJoited States will be in a po ition
to dictate the pice of wheat this
year is Ibe confident prediction of
maiy of tbe closest obeervra of the
general crop lituaticn Tbe world's
visible supply at the presut time
probably is the amallest for years
and the demand from Europe fer
American wheat is the mum of the
recent advance. The English crop
will fall bhort two bushels to tbe
acre. Reports from Russia are du
bious, and a heavy shortage in
France is almost a certainty. Adtises
also indicate that the crops of Aus
tria, Hungary, Bulgaria aod portions
of Germany and Italy will fall below
the average. The American crop
will certainly be above normal.
The present strength of the mar
ket is attributed joiutly to English
buying and to a speculative move
ment for higher pricis in St. Louis
and Chicago.
Thomas D. Hastings Passes Away in Colo
rado.-He Was a Man of Note in
Missouri and Nebraska.
Glenwood Springs, Colo., July 14
duties on the commonest necessaries
of the people and essentials of man
ufacturinsr. It will not, unles? radi
cally amended in conference, meet
I . i T :n mrsnil a wVliVl WHS
IDS UUCituujr - I , . , .
the only excuee for legislation at wu,u a'!ar".
before it develops something more twWm
and difficult to cure. Prickly Ash B!fr 19
reliable cure for constipation and disorders or
SiulM character. It not only thoroughly emp
tewd pS tie bowels, tatswrpto
the bowel channels and regulates the Uverand
S hence it perforins a radical cure. Sold
by McClement & C.
Gets a Wife and $40,000.
July 15
.: n tta ; uu3n .WIT'S "xtV.2z;1
i i 3 a 4V.0 Wilaon-Oorman , .l n f rtmonnn. X. Y.. ou vears oi age, re-
Glenwood Sprincrs, uoio., J uiy ii a u-.uuun u aes ana eniers me conuncs ui - -
ThoTs D Hastings of Chicago, bill a betrayal, she Senate bill is a With what care, there- cently was cured of a certain ailment
loomas na-suuj, &, unnW th Fxncctant Moth- k tPnr. medicine, and the medi-
who was spending the summer here
with his wife and two children, died
last night. He was a retired capital
ist and was born in 183G in New
YorW lie married Maud A. Baird
Of Kansas City and had two daugh
tars, Florence and Louise.
At the outbreak of the war he was
working in Nashville, TenD,, and en
listed in the Union array in Cincin-
all throush the
nan auvi . -- u
ij......r-i.itr itonnrtpd bv the Senate
Washincton, D.C, July 14. The
Senate Foreign Relation committee
has ordered a f ivcrable report made
to the senate on the Hawaiian an
nexation treaty. The committee
made no amendment to the conven-
HAITI 1111 . tt ikli nnai wiw, uii-i i v-cuv j
fore, should the Expectant Moth- by a patent medicine, and the medi-
r -1 i( i'i u lit u. rt l i v i iiv f i i lh. i - .a v meriii niv(-i l.
effort be toward off clanger and! . ictare
make her lite joyous and nappy. te6timoaial was an "ad"
allays all to be." He got a letter from a wo-
" V J I TTirtLI 111 A-' - ' " ' "
campaign. He was the first Northern ..
soldier to enter the city of Nashville Tne ote i,y which it was report
after lh Confederates evacuated. , oa rv-etically unanimous. Sen
Tha invert rt flastinrrs. Neb, was I . M rn;al and Turpio refrained
i- i i
a) i i mr m
When You Tate Your Vacation
The most neceiaary article to have with yon
(except your pockat omjfcj is
Foley's Colic Cnre. It la an absolute preven
tion or cure of all derangement of the bowels
caused by a change oi water. J. A. Trimble,
druggist, Butler, Mo.
She Wan Brave.
Troy, Mo, July 14 A burglar
entared tbe residence of William li.
Young, an attorney of this city,
Monday at midcight, and went to
tli9 second etory, where Miss Mary
Nahlor, 1G, Young's ward, was sleep
alone. She awoke and iaquired:
'Who is there?" The burglir re
plied, "Me." He then came in'o the
rcom where the girl was, using as a
mask a dreas skirt secured in an
worth 840,000, and was anxious j other rcom, acd levelmg a revolver
f -.nrrv him. The same aay an
other letter came from Wilkeebarre,
ness, re
lieves the
fl -I?S?.S' U. 'irSn.ivtr S10 to so there and
anu du- ii o -
. sea, and so see a woman, as she wanted him.
' ... I . - 1 - .3 4 a
tuliy pre- He weat there ana lrui
pares trie mftrry fcer if tha Dtnver woman coi
The town of Hastings, Neb, was atcr3 Danii and Turpio refrained g-?hat Cbfldbirth is made easy He wrote a letter to a Den
named alter mm. ne from voting, ahb uit and tne tItne or recovciy snuu- Herman to see if the wemar,
o. t i. r i,nnM - , t-. i i is r nricer. -,tri mnv ciu siranycr iii.cri'" . . n
bad tbe 5u,-
khvi ;n St .Tosenh. MO . ot. JjOUH
j " " r '
and Kansas City.
Washington, D. C, July 14.
Chaireaan Towne of the silver repub
lican organization has sent a tele
gram to the chairman of the commit
tee in Ohio advising agaicst putting
a separate state ticket in the field.
Tn an interyiew he slates that no
tickei will be placed in the field and
tw the sUver republicans of Ohio
will support the party declaring for
the time or recovery Mion- ;f
ed by Secators uavis, rorar, enea many say wn i a -Clark
Cullom and Morgan, and the than before confinement. ' It in- Mrs. Jennie N- Hul,
proxy of Senator I ry was mso cas, " AU who have Used roteari22 at one 3, he concluded
in the afhrmative. Motws Friend sav thev will nev- k .,.-' vtif to the Wilkes
Senators Lodge, Mills and Gray . without it asrain. No other P p v UitP!
were absent.
er be without it again, other r wheQ he got a letter
remedy robs confinement of its pain bare German sayinR
TCoBV.mJTton. July ! FrCSldett Uavstliat U sha tadto go titrourfi the ordeal tkt ,e paaver
at her head, commanded her to be
quiet or he would kill her
In moving around the room his
ill-fitticg dier-uife became disarracg
ed and he Hid his pistel down to
adjust it. Miss Nehlor grabbed the
pistcL A sec Sle ensued but the girl j
made her way down etairs with the
pistci into Y'cung's rcom. The
burglar jumped from the portico
and escaped.
It is a question as to wemer ma
manrs purpose was theft or aseault-
woman had . the
vashmorton, o uj v x. xicmutu a,juut u sou nu w s """Hi" "f" I tnat me xc
"BU1 o ' , acisn. and there were but four bottles to be I , ,t.3. V.o
.Tr:to- has issued an order bub- iSSed. and the cost -as mM per bottfe.be U,n nnn ftllO-K, and jes.eraay ne
... , 1,T Wocld have them.- GS0.LAXT03, Dayton, oaw ,.. - , W ;nftl-
pending tne cperauou w j receitea
dent aerelands order consolidating I -JgS1 f 75 advising him to Bthrof
.'..: t 4)ia ortnnfvw I fM. nnnn aiwilicariop- containing ral- 1 . J nm V fast train. WCICu
the pension nu- "inioniuiiion and Toluntarj tesumoniala. Sieepir u v -
, : Via!v niiTnVm from I j:j
Old Colored Woman With Mysterious Powirs
Strange Situation in a Rich California
Home. "Mammy" Pleasant Con
trols the Purse Strings.
San Francisco, Cal, July 14
Few people are so unsophisticated
as to suppose that wealthy people
do not have their trouble?, but hun
ger is cot often one of them. In this
city, however, the children of a dead
millionaire bate complained in court
that they do not get enough to cat
or enough to wear The complaint
is made by Fred IiH, who is trying
to secure the removal cf bis mother
as guardian oi the persons and es
tates of her cbildnn. Incidentally
he asks tbat he be substituted in his
mother's place.
Mrs. Bell is the widow of Thomas
Bell, a millionair-swbo met his death
in October, 1892.
Young Bell, though tbe eldest
HDa of a man who left an estate ap
praised at over $1,000,00.0 and be
lieved to bs worth three times that
sum, could not, eo h) alleges obtain
food sufficient to satisfy his hunger
nor clothes fit to wear. Mere than.
i thaa this, though the family allow
ance set apart by the court is f 1500
a month, he could not obtain, so he
declares, even car fare without beg
ging from an old colored woman
knowo as "Mammy" Pleasant, who
Mr. Bell claims dominates the entire
household. She wields some mya
terious influence over the widow
Here is tha son's story:
"There are 14 in our family, yet
'Mammy" wiil not allow over 0
cents a day to be spent for meat.
She keeps tbe grocery book, and no
one can get the s mallet t article with
out her Eancticn. For oyer a year
we have had no vegetables; thick of
it. Per the past two months I have
been doing the cooking for myself
and my brothers and sisters. The
rcoat Luna'.iaiiEg thing cf all has
bsen the going tj this woman for
money. I am given bo allowance.
and tbiofe of my Laving to ask
"Mammy Pleasant for money and
have doled out to me in 5 and 10
cent pieces what is my own by the
law of inheritance
in minm? favor ratmiir.
Bnstness men and travel
lers carry them ta vest
i ... i.csa -'tw thrn
cloaca, fclasda mtwuiiesa tbesa to Intuit. Sic
What is a Guarantee. 1
It i this. It tou bare a cough or cold
.:yVtinr in the throat, which keeos tou
conitantly coughingr.or it you are afflict
ed with any cnett, tnroator lung trouDie
whooping cough, iic., and you use Bal
lord's Horehound Syrup Jas directed
giving it a lair trial, aad bo benefit it
experienced, we authorize our adrntlced
agent to reload your monej on return ct
bottle. It never tails to rive tatiafacttoa
It prompt! re'iere Broscblris, .Sold by
H. L. Tucter.

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