Newspaper Page Text
3tme& yOL. XIX. BUTLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2,1897. NO 42 in II! Missouri Stale lank OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL SURPLUS FUND $55,000.00 2,500.00 Received Depoilti. Loam money, Isrnes Drafts and does a general Banking business. We solicit the accounts of Farmers, Merchants ami the public penerallv promising a safe Depository for all lauds committed to oar charge. We are prepared to extend liberal accommodation in the way of loans to oar customer. Or. T. C. Boulware Booner Powell Frank M Vorls Geo L Smith H H FlggoU J M Christy John Deerwesterl O R Badford B G West J B Jenkins T J Wright Wm E Walton Tnanklnc the public for their confidence and liberal patronage during thi past fifteen years, we solicit a continuance of the same promising honest and conserr alive man agement, with strict attention always to the wants of bur customers. J. R. JENKINS, Wm. E. WALTON, Cashier. Presideut. Virginia Items. wish the Virginia news glad friend if you . another year, Do for Aaron what he does for yon, tell him all . the news you bear. Tbe Turn goes to friends In other states that set up 'till eleven, To read what happens you and what other folks do in 1W7. ' Will Rraden of Mulburv and his cousin, Mt9 Leach of Chit-ago, took ) dinner with I) C Wolf Sunday. Mies Mary Wyuier who has been staying at Butler with her sinter, Mr John Eoxiua, spent Saturday and Sunday at her old home. The Township lioara met Satur day and appointed 1. J. Cowgil Roadoverseer in District 4 vice John O'Rourke resigned. The NP Council meets with the Concord Congregation at Mt. Caiuiel church September 7, 8, and 9. Mat Brown and Chas Combs of Clay county, paused through our city Tuesday of last week enroute for the Indian Territory. William Bateman and family are visiting relatives in Oklahoma. James McDole of Fontana, Kansas visited his sister Mrs Philip llecka don last week. : Mrs Smith and sister, Mrs Walker, pent Sunday with Mrs Wm McKib ben. The Free Methodists have pur chased a lot of lseral Nestlerode to bmld a new church house. The social at Philip Heckadon's last Friday night was well attended and a good time was had by all pres - ent. ; t John O'Rourke has rented the Cannon feed yard at Butler and will move there the first of October. His : farm is for rent. O C Simmons of Butler, has been taking farm views around Virginia for some time. Nearly every farmer has had a view of his house taken. Mr Simmons is the best photograph er that has hit this section of Missou ri. He is a social and eleven gentle man, and it he has not taken a view of your residence you should not fail ' to give him a call as he will do you justice. A populist, democrat and a repub lican, each took a load of flax to But ler Monday. The populist got 83 cents for his flax, and the democrat and republican only 77 cents'. Last Thursday Ben Comiford and son John were hauling hay from the river bottom, John was Ahead going down the hill at T S Harper's, when about half way down Mr Comiford's ' team started to run. Ho could not hold theui and thev struck the rear end of John's wagon and upset both loads in the ditch, broke both coup ling Dloes and tore the hay frames . - . . a a r 4 1 on bud v. but as irootl iuck. Air jvm Mord and John was not hurt. Mr Comiford will be a reader of the Timks for a vear. The new "Post office building is 'completed and the ofllce will be mov- fT VI IUIO w7va ' Chas Emerson a brother-in-law Sir Clark of Amsterdam, passed through our citv Monday. Mrs Qenval of Illinois, is visiting aer sister Mrs Steve Cook Bert Orear left for Kansas City 8undav morning. - Miss "Daisy Denning was married last Sunday by Rev fiilbraitb. Aaron and Alton Park were to ee Wesley Park, northeast of Butler Sunday. He has been sick for a number of years but is getting along nicely at present MissZick Harper is visiting her cousin Mrs W W Park. A A BOX. I'Hscaic Items. Mrs Eichler went on a visit to friends and relatives last week to Fayette county, and will stay several weeks, hence it was not surprising to see uncle Louis out to churc.i last Sunday with a white shirt on that had been laid away for years and togged out in his best. The brethren of the Methodist .church South held their quarterly meeting at Passaic last Sunday. A large crowd was in attendance and a good meeting was enjoyed, (juite a number partook of the sacrament, one of the most beautiful rites of the church. Bev. Cayton of Butler offi ciated in his usual way. Some S10 was taken up for the church. The I. O. W. C, Independent Or der of Watermelon Carousers, held their weekly meeting last Sunday evening at the Walls-Finley patch on the irrounds. Ouite an interesting nrocrramme was in store for those present. The discussions were loud, varied and at times highly exciting. Col. Sharp was given a few pointers on the scriptures which he will not likelv foraret soon. Meet strain next Sunday. All invited. Of course we are all proud to know that Miss Klva Church's grace and elegance as a horseback rider has been so well proven by her taking the premium at tbe Rich Hill iair. Miss Elva is one of our best young ladies ami we congratulate her upon her success. Uncle Jesse Chureh has cut up ouite a lot of corn. Bv the way, all corn must be cut right away, if the farmers would save it. Last luurs dav's heat and wind did the work. We are sorry to know that Mr R v Williams and estimable family are soou to leave these parts. "Velvet as a neighbor and friend can't be beat and we wish him and his family happiness. They go a few miles west of Adrian. Mrs Barbara Lockard is entertain- inir a cousin from Chicago. She will stav for sometime. "Pa" Kennedy and Oreenwalt Lockard took a trip down to the asy :um at Nevada a few days ago. Don't know whether they were looking out tk. location or not. The drv weather has run riot with pasture and stock water. People will have to commence feeding their stock soon if the drouth continue. Coi,. S Deepwater Items. People in this section are waiting for a shower of rain so they can sow their wheat. There are quite anuui ber of our farmers that will sow this fall. Several of the Elm Grove people attended the (.how at Appleton City the 21th of this month. A number of the young people of Johnstown will leave the lirst of September to attend the Appleton City Academy. Miss Leiia Jackson of Harrisonville is vi-ithig her fister Mr? Dr Choate of J!inrown this week, also Miss Veo.ler of Appleton is visiting Miss Nannie Vuxey at Johnstown. Preuchiiisr at Jolmt-towii next Sun day, September 5, bv I?ev Boague. Dr 11 A White, one ol Johnstown s first class druggists moved to Rock vil!e last week and will put in a stock of drugs at that place. We are sor ry to loose Mr White, but our loss is Hockville's gain. I see that W H Shelton is at his old stand again and is ready to make sorghum. Protracted meeting commenced at Oak Hill church last Monday night. It is to be conducted by Rev Barett and others. Mr Jess Blizzard and family was in our community Sunday visitins. Mrs Morrison who is on the sick list is no better. There was a party at Everet Man pinsMonday eve. Bosrc. MIL PACED IN 1:59 1-4. r Star; Pointer Easily Wipes Out the Two Minute t Mark. BREAKS ALL TRACK RECORDS. Culver News. Previous Time Beaten With Almost a Second ti Spare. Rsrdville, Maes , August 28 Star Pointer, the Chicago pacer, owned by James A- Murphy, toJay wiptd out tlia two niicuta mark and ended the controversy wbieh has been go ing on for years as to the spe?d qualities of the light names? horse. Accompanied by a runner, the big bay Tennessee-bred stallion wiped outthemaik, and had three-quar iers of a second to spare when le went uadtr tbe wire. This wonderful Dtiformance was Titne6Std by 8,000 people. It wa8 the more wonderful, for on Friday Joa Patchen made a ehcoi at the mirk unde by John R Gentry last Farmers Bank V CASH CAPITAL SC KILL'S A UKNESAL BANKING BUS1XE5 i RANSACTKU. Ibis lank offers the businrn public a reliable permanent conserva tive anU arcommodaung biasing In stitution. We solicit your business with the assurance of honorable treatment anil appreciation of jour patronage. If we can serve you at auy time, we shall be glad to have yoa call and see ob. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CL'SXOilKUS. D. X. THOMPSON. Vte. K. A. RKNSETT, V. Pre. E. l. KIPP, Cashier. Under State Supervision. LOOT A BANK AT NIGHT. Three Daring Robbers Raid an Elmdale, Kan., Concern. When the drouth is over and the wells are tilled up there will be a seneral rejoicing. nn,v, v,.l tc,;a Una or.r1 We will inform our readers that v"-'1"". Prosperity is still alive, although 1 have not written for some time. A Sunday School rally will be giv AltOLSE THE KNTI11K TOWN. and a half. Jieeausa ot this it was not thought that his greatest rival in the rac3 line would get down be low the even time mark. The day was perfect for leeord breaking. Not a breath of air was en in the maple grove one mile east of Culver September 11. Our State convention will be heard troni. ev erybody invited. Dr KODinwm lias given up rue thoughts of going to Alaska as he can nick up money in bin travels. A line boy n reported at Isaac An derson s. Mr. Uower'8 little girl is quite tack. Delia Hall was heard inquiring at the 1. U. it tnere was a jeiier mere . . iri,w anA tnr W from Montrose, and when iwj innuoman told there was none she turned away Vir worfepd th hcrae wav down hz- with a sad face. Citizens Awakened by Explosions. Charge the Bank, and Yet the Robbers Escape. and escaped in eafty. Tha tirst explosion broke the docra of th9 vault. The second blew the doors of the inner safe clear out through the door of the vault and up against the bank counter. The third exf l .ision blew open the money drawer. A Urge hole in the floes- of the vault waa also burrowed by the explosion. About an hour after the escape Kansas City Times. Elmdale. Kan., Auc- 29 Three stirring when, at 4 o'clock, the horse Jaring robbera broke into the Peo ple's Exchange bank at an early came cut with a runniuc horse to make a trial for a world's record Thi first two scores were not eati9- Mr. Phelps is wearing a broad smile since he sold his flax for $1.10, Edna Oraham is making prepara tions to attend the Butler Academy this winter, also Lois fclhott Peachv liradlev wilt attend the Cottv College of Nevada, The farmers are most an cutting some corn. The Harmonv and Fair Play schools will commence September b, Leslie Billings has gone to Nevada and intends to snend the winter in St. Louis. A. J. Hushes and family have gone to Moneeaw to spend a week or ten davs. , . ,, . Messers Ogburn and Uhandier nave hour this niomiog, blew optn the Bafe. after three loud txploBicns, and though the fcuildiog waa surrounded bv hastily awakened citizens fully The second score was lrmedeBCaped witu neary $2.000 cash in their possession. The cracksmen used nitro glycer ine in Gainiocr entrance to th vault. low tb.9 turn even worse than the first, for while moving at scarcely a three-minute clip, he went to a break right under th wire. This mv3e the fnenda of the horbe more than a trifle nervous. The boisa waa acting as if a little sore, and as though not up to the task. But the third time down there was no hesitancy. McClary noJded for the word and off the pacer went. The first quarter was at aa and blew open the ssfa and the money drawer within it. There were three distipct explosions aa the robbr3 forced their way to the bank's treasure. Although they were heard by hundred of people and the bank wa? socn turrounded by, an xcited throng, the safe even I i, r,ar,r.nA ,n,i . ctil! a f lih tLaiatri r cdvacu nun n&w -- - - Tha third charge was explod cap Oklahoma, where they intend to two minute gait, in 30 seconds, and eft thresh wheat. A number of fanners then ss McClarv Cillei cn his pacer j ,ua Dtroai :n t.t was t 1 I w - 1 C 4 LIEU ,T UIIG Dfc&VV " v to move the second quarter, there was a great cheer, for he was beat ins two minutes all to pieces and ot to the half in :599, with the sec- ond onarter in :29? seconds. The from their neighborhood accompani ed theiru some to so with the uia chiue and some to plow for wheat Lukie Bradley, the Spruce town- shin delegate to the St. Louis con- ventionted. has returned reporting a splendid time. 1'ROSI'ERITY thronged with people bent on tuncg the daring men within. The loss is $1,800 in money and $700 in drafts. The vault and safe are a total wreck. Following the Nnmniit Items third quarter was tbe fastest of the custom Gf em& banks, the institu tion bai deposited moit of ita cash in a larger and more secure bank. patronizing one at Ensporia in this instance, and only a lew days ago second, but McClary had him light several thousand dollars were taken see it, ana EmDoria for dencsit. The rob- eeemed to wftvtr. the smallest fraction ot a GOOD ENOUGH. ' One of our competitors hrs beeD "GOOD ENOUGH"' to be KIND ENOUGH to assist us in advertia ing the GOOD ENOUGH sulky plow, which now has and wid con funis to have the lead in Sulky Plow society in Bates county. A few farmers, deluded by the smooth tilk of silver tongued deal era into purcuasiuj imei'ui. jnuno, even at a greater cost, have learned that their came is Dennis, and that had they bought a Good Enough in the first Dlac?. it would have been many dollars in tlnir pockets. They find it a "Deere" experience. The GOOD ENOUGH sulky plow mile. Th6 distance w. covered in The dry wather still continues 99 seconds, a 1:57 irait. Uev aicBrkae ana wue 01 .evaaa, were visiting Mr and Mrs Chas Grant last week There will be an ice cream supper J o.lmot before one could ot- tha lUrrul! ti'hnnl rulllfl I nfsnav I - - ..... . . 1 aAt .7 ti, nrrniMHi to ro to the they straightened into ttie stretcn, berB ovtri0oked S12S on a top theif Sunday school. Miss Marv JNorton and brother Frank returned Saturday after a two weeks visit to relatives and friends in Cass countv. Chas ( rant is on the skk list this week. The work on the Herrell school house is completed which makes the building as good as new. Marv C. Halt left Monday for Polk countv to visit several weeks. We wish her a pleasant time. IJIXIE. How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass urine ana let 11 stana iwenrv-iour hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition or the Kia nevs. when urine stains linen it is positive evidence ot Kianev trouoie Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the baek, is also convincing proof the runner moving up closer. Both pacer and runner were asked to step along. McCarthy laid the whip on the runner, but McClary spoke only a tvord of encouragement to his horse. At the draw gate Star Point er was reefed a little, and coming etroner from the distance, the great pacing stallion appeared to freetun in the last few strides, gathering fresh strength and courage as he neared the wire, and finished like a with lion in the record breaking time of l:59f blJVALL. & PERCIVAL, PCTLEE.IUO: S to loan cn farms at reduced ratea'of mat. Your notes are payable at our orace lun I11H thm here v hen dne. We aive mileite to pay any time. Money, ready that tl L- Uitt-o a fi r rnt ia made by tbe Moline riQv co. ana of oruer. sold and warranted by Deacon Bros Co A LONG TIME AGO, The Bain wagon had a competitor, a waoon that approached it, but ei - - never cquealled it, but that was be fnr old Peter died. To day the Bain knows no competition, ia work manship, material, hnieb, painting and light rucnicg qualities. Bain wagon is the best wagon on earth Bain has always made the best wheel, which is really the foundation of a good wagon. The one and only .bain wagon is made at Kenosha, Wis., and ia sold onlj by Deacon Bbos. Co. Killed the Disposer of His Home. Glascow, Ky., Aug. 2S. Last night about 8 o'clock Newton Wil coxson, a noted desporado of thia section, was thot and instantly kill WHAT TO DO. .n nftan ,,i that n.. vrn.iBp'u ed bv n nnkcosvn assailant. lwo Swamp Root, the great kidney rem- edv. fuliills everv wish in relieving! pain in the back, kiuneys, uver, biaa- der and everv part ot the unnarv i passages. It corrects inability to hold j urine ana scakiing pain m passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine ir beer, and overcomes that un pleasant neeessitv of being compelled I to get up many times during the nisht to urinate! The mild and the months ajo Wuccxjcn eloped w:ta the wife of Ed Ennse. Last Liht Wi'ciN3cn visited tbe home of Ben Lively, va miles from this placa, where a quilting bee was in progress Danog the height of tli3 festirities, some ore, supposedly the iujurei Tte extraordinary effect of Swamp Root bus&and, pced a douUa barreled is soon realized. It stands the highest I shot gUE through th9 window ana for its wonderful cures ol the moft fi..-.i TTiWrn distressing cases. If you need a medi-1 . cine you should have the best. Sold instantly tilled, ard J5en .Lively se bv drusrgists, price fifty cents and one l- -f .1 Fn r tint Ko dollar. You may have a sample bottle J , , . and pamphlet both sent free by mail. lousa ax sua usam uuuu, auu , ia Mention Bitlkr Wkekt,t Times and f. ha fled the coimtrr. send vour address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. , , . Binghampton, N. Y. Wileoxon waa a desperate character. in the bank and $25 in gold which the force of the explosion threw "upon the floor, where they did not see it. Tbe first explosion stepped tbe clock at exactly 1:05 a m A woman across the street heard the explosion and awakened her husband. While he was busy discrediting what she thought of the matter the second explosion occurred. The husband then put on his shoes and trousers and ran to the house of Cashier E. N. Jeffreys, a block away. While Mr. Jeffreys was dressing, other neighbars were awakened, and all cf them armed with what guns could be gathered, ran down to the depot and aroased the agent, who had ia his pose:sIon a revolver enl shot gun. They tbea surrounded the bank, and just as 'hy did fo, the third txplos'.on occurred. This alirraed the good citizens acd l bey all ran out oa the street and coaansenced shooting wildly, greatly endangering the lives of each other. In tbe darkness all turned toward what they thought was the bank and began firing at it. The building proved io be the hoass next to the bank. It was occupied by a family but luckily no one was injured. The robbers ran oat the bask door ol the bank in the excitement, three men in a buggy who had their horses on a dead run, passed a camp eight miles west, and they are sup posed to le the robbers Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle nowaodget relief. This medicino has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence ia givingr ttreugth and tone lo tbe organs If you have loss of appetite, coni4ipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless-, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the edk- cine you need He lit h and strength ere guarantee 1 by its use.- Fifty centi and $1, at H. I. Tucker V diu store School Books. Jeffercou City Tribune. The school biok commission will meet on Saturday next to complete the work of eiguiog the contracts and other work incidental to getting: the adopted books in the hands o dealers for the schools, which opera on September G All tbe companies have notified President John 1 Kirk that they will have the coa tree s returned by tbatlime, signed, and file ihe'r bond Theee bonds are for $10,000 each, and must be approved by the e&tn mission. No books except taose. contracted for ehall be sold foa 'aav in the public schools after Septem ber 1, but the old books now in ueo may be used until September 1, 189$ As it will be impossible for th dox tracting conipaaie to get their books in tbe bands of the dealers in sufficient quantities to sajpl the schools by September 1, -it is przhs ble that many echo' Is wi'l use tne" books cow in the schools this school year If the old books are not ex changed by September I, 1898, so exchanges can be maie for tbo adopted books. This allows tho books now in use to bt used nntiV the ecbocb close next June and tbea exchange them f n the new books, thus saviog cacsilerab'e money to. tbe pirects. ramie? Absolutely Pure. Celebrated tar ita grest leaveaJa trenfth aal hettfalaea. A8xe tba feo4 ajralsst alaa u4 ail (eraor4al tritioo HmaM to Urebajr tendi. K'jrAi E.1KI5S.POTTPEBCO. S. Y . i it 11 it Jm. aa papers are sign raw