Newspaper Page Text
w ,5 SMorar i Tale of Suffering Subsequent Relief. A From the Press, 'm at t!i many persona in Columbus, I rJaTwbo have been lienetited by the use of tWflljn' Pink l'illi for Pale People is tjM Jeruiha McKinney, of 50 South Centre Uiu MeKinnev 11 well and favorably i tassra. especially in educational circles, as wZbacbeen for a numlx-r of years m faithful I JfocressirescnootieicnT. fat some time she has been very ill and the gjtrfogs and tortures endured by her for MrifafMY been unusually severe, fta tale of her sufferings and the subse. sat relief and final cure which she derived Eta th use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Ma People, aroused considerable agitation mbC her many friends and others. A reporter was detailed to obtain a relia U account of this marvelous case, and when W called he found Miss McKinney at heroom ftrtsbleand cozy home where she cheerluily wplied with his request. Bhe said : i "The first indiratioiwthat I had that any At wsa radically wrong with me was ibsut three years a?o. I suffered the most (KrneiatinK pains in different parts of my lady and was almost orazed at times. My ateepwas disturbed by horrible dreams and l kul be pun to waste away to almost a aktdow. To add to my other afflictions the aalady assumed a catarrhal turn ami I wns am a victim to that horrible as well ns lis- KfUttng disease. I consulted the family rsician who pave me some kind of a noi m and I was foolish enough to imagine iksi it benefited me. I followed the advice . . i : I .. : 1 . ....nlll.l. approvement in my condition and was about ss deroair oi ever uccomuiir iiiuuk buu smII woman again. "fame of mv ladv friends were calling on m one afternoon and before them 1 hap- Moed to mention my troubles, when one of jB recommended that I try Dr. Williams' REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man 13th Day. lfW 0f Me. , TMB GREAT 30th bny. proilnce the above) results ln'30 days. It arts jpwertnliy and quickly. Cures when sll others fail a, .hr ,. n,.a iiuii muir iuki iusiiuikhi, iuu ijiu A awn will recover their youthful vior bjr using V'KVIVO. It quickly and suroly restore Nervou Mis. L0M Vltslltr, Impoteucy. Nightly Eruikslons, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and 111 effects of self abuse or excess and Indiscretion, which mints one for sriuly. biiHiness or marriage. II stonljr cures by Martins st the seat of diaraue. but at lire at nerv tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink rlow to pale cheeks and ro Horing tha fire of youth. It wards off Jnsaultj sad Consumption. Insist on having ather. It can be carried In vest pocket, by mail $1.00 per package, or sis for 0.OO, with a post Mo written guarantee to rare or refund N ffJLL HEDICISE CO., 271 WatjasH Ave.. CHOO, ILL jj y Sale in nutler, by II. li. Tucker Druggist. rsv4 60 YEARS' XPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, OESION8. . iV; rrf" OOPYRICHTS e. Aayono wntiiiiAT RKrrn ana ansrnpuon msy .cjalcklyaacertHln, free, whether an invention Is protmlily patentable. roniniunlcBtions strictly rSUentlal. Oldest scene? forsecurtn patents . America. We have a Washington ofHcn. Patents taken through Uunn a Co. receive SMoial notice lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, seatrtlfnlly lllnstrated, largest clrenlntion f any aolentlflo journal, weekly, terms txl.(XI a roar; SUUsiX months. Hpecinien copies and UAJiP , eooK OX l'ATKSTS tent free. AdUreas MUNN & CO., 381 Broadway, Kerv York Csre, Prompt, Fociavs Curt for Impotcnct, lo$i of Manhood, Seminal Emissions, Spermatorrhea, Nervousness, Self Distrust, loss of Memory, etc. Will make you a STRONO, Vigor' ous Man. Price $1.00, 0 Boxes, 9$ 00. Soflal DfrtHlons Malted -mm: with each Box, ACdress SaXUra SaoyUalasst Co., aoie luoas Avx. 8T.LOUI3, - MO. KLVS CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. , mppij ihh mo nosirua. 11 is qaicsiy ansornea. ov I , cents st Drntrclsts or by mail ; samples 10c by mail. xi iittuiiiuts, 60 Warren SL, New Yorlt City. Accmi r -AND- IIXCiVlTII THE FIDELITY MUTAL AID ASSOCIATION WILL TAY YOU If disabled bv accident STO to ino per month. If Job lose two limbs, to . (x . If yom lose your eve sight, ios to 3.0H, It yon lose one limb &-3 to $1,000, If jon are 111 $40. oo per month. If killed, will pay vour heTrs S.w to S.j.ooh, irioMireil. von cannot -lose all your income WhB yon sre'slck or disabled by Accident. Absolutely protection at a cott of $1 to 1 S3 per mon'. t. Tt : -Fidelity Mital Aid Association is pre em.f .ft 'v the lur.'e4 and s.rpiat Accident a .i' h Association la this United States K-:s,. , tj.tio cai deposits with the States orCallfornla and Missonrl. which, together, wltavample lienerve t'and and large assets. Bisks : rrti floats an absolute guarantee of to solidity of Its protection to its members . For parilcnlars address i ' , 3.X.. M. SHETTERLT, See. and Gen. Manager, CSV ml 1 1 1 w s. h Illl i rur rasa ... I I 1 II I V V Affc MdqtoisI and Columbus, Ohio. Pink Pills for Tale People. I lad never had any faith in medicines of that kind and paid but little attention to the suggestion. It was not long after this, however, that I again heard the pills highly recommended, by several persons, and then it was that I decided to give them a trial and purchased one box of the pills. I soon began to notice an improvement in my condition and before the whole box had been taken ray health was so much improved that I was about ready to begin singing the praises of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. "I was not yet thoroughly convinced and decided to wait a while before growing en. thusiastic over the results, and had begun on the second box before 1 was confident that I had at last found a medicine to meet the requirements of my case. I discontinued I I . - I I ' 1 1 my cans to me pnysicians anu nave irn them alone since. I am now as well and strong as I ever was in my life ; am entirely free from all pains and never felt better in my life. I eat regularly and sleep like a babe. No more are my slumbers haunted with fearful dreams and when I retire at niL'ht I co to sleeo at once. I regard Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People as my salvation, and would recommend them to all ladies troubled as I was. The pills are more than what is claimed for them and anyone giving them a trial will toon come to the same conclusion regarding their merits that I have." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shat tered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the down or hundred) at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all dnigtrists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Scheneo tady.N.Y. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table at Butler Station. soniu BOUND. No 6 4:2.1A. M No. 4 1:00 P. M No. 10 10:a.-iP. M. No Sl j Local Freight lU:iA. M. SOUTH HOUND. No. 5:05 A.M. No. 5 1J:11 V. M. No. I :52 P M No.SU Local Frelnht 1:36 P. M. 1NTKBSXATK DIVISION No. Sll Depart 7 no A. M. No, B.-iO Arrive 11:59 A. M. E. C. V NDinvooHT. Agent. WANTED! Ad agent in evtry town to eell the POST-DISPATCH The POST- DISPATCH contains from 8 to 14 pageo daily and from 38 to 50 Sun day The SuncUy POST DISPATCH is the bigg st "t d bcot Sundav paper outside of New York City Besides its 50,000 words of special tele giaph it contains a 12 to 1G page Magazine Section. This is a big budget of bright, interesting article arranged in a most artitic manner. It also ontaina a Colored Coyer, which is simply a marvel Write for f-amplfs Big money for agents Nearly 100 per c-nt profit. Don't think ycur town is too email, but write fcr particulars and try it Addreos nt ote Circulation Depart ment, POST DISPATCH, St. Louis, Mo. THE II. J. HURLEY, LUMBER CO. -o- General Office at Kansas City, Missouri. This company, with li J. Hurley, of Butler, Mo., as General Manager, has Eight Lumber Yards in this county aDd other in adjoining coun ties. The fact that we operate number or ards. erahlea us to b;iy all kicda of bui'diog material ;n large oumtities and sell at LOWEST PRICE. Call and see us. 1 V I This Busy ) Ulorld j S Rushes us Scadlon? Into all sorts of w cc acciocnts, encscs to, nana ua q. giving vs aches, pains and ailments of $ all kinds, so the only thing we can do V ft is to nuke the best of it, ana to provide jfe sometnicg to counteract auuese uusgs. Snti$cp!?c IHLxture 4 S has pro ilezl remedy fo? the ( home. It cures Sor; Throat and TcnsHItis, g never litis to turc Rhcumatisra accl W Sirin Dismiss. v i'J Try it aad fc cccvinccd. ( Ass yctiT eL-usist for it. OufLc-? cci scsi ircc U fisliscptic Vi.1 iV.t 'o-o?C:Ci;'-'-'fr tfgS'w'. FIND NEGROES EASY PREY. Sharpers in the Territory Bunco Them Out of Large Sums. J Jsiloam barings, Aik.Sept. 16 paws of a ride on a merry-go round tbat cost a nearer s mined Hudson $1,300 reached here to-day f rem flint, Uberokee Nation. . i Ihe Degrees bad just receive d her and her children's anare of the freed- mens money in new, crisp treasury notes, amounting to $1,300. She took the I oil and placed it under her belt, at the same time enteiiug a box with a stranger foraride on atuerty go round. When the run was finisti ed and btfote the sweet strains o the band organ had died away, she Mt for her n 1', but it was gone. So was the etiaoger Numerous other similar instances whtrtit. smaller amounts have dUap ueared have betn leported. Moseb Whitemire, one of the most rr mi oent Cherokee ex slavee, wa9 bunko ed out cf $480 by a woman, wtu induced him to allow her to take the money and sleep on it so she coul i tell him where to go to find fabulous Aealtb. The deft nogered are fiudinj the negroes very easy prey.abd tbe ire working them one way and another for large sums of their pay meat money Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonder ful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positive ly on the kidney; , liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipatson and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C C. today; 10, 25, 60 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by ail aruggisis. Negro Teacher Lvm-iied. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 16. Th lifeless body of D. T. Watson, a col ored echool teacher, was found hang iDg to a tree in Hamilton township. Lonoke county, twenty miles from here, this morning, with this placard pincea on 11: "A warning to Dir- r' school teachers. We want none of this kind cf people in this coun try; others beware." Watt on was taken out an 1 severe' ly whipped by whitecappers while engaged in conducting a colored ucrmal at Lonoke last June, end the inference is tbat tli9 same parties who assailed him then had a hand in L : et l j- 1 1 i i i n uia uuai uibijohhi jast nigni. at- lived in Hamilton township, and had been teaching school there the last three months. He had a good rer - A. titation among all who knew him, and is said to have been one of the ab'est colored men in thit section of the Stats. Ballard s Snow Liniment. 1 This liniment is different in compo sition from any other liniment on the market. It is a scientific discovery which icsults in it being the most penetrating liniment ever known, ihere are num erous white imitation, which may be recommended because they pav the sel ler a greater profit. Bewaie ot these and I demand Ballard Snow Liniment. It pos sitively cures rheumatism, Inflammatory rneumatism, Duins, scalds, sore feet. 1 contracted muscles, stiff iiints, old sores pain in back, barb wire cuts, sore chest or throat, and especially benehcial in paralysis. Sold by II. L. Tucker. Eoodhouse, 111 , Sept 1G At aenme, ienn., oept 'Zi, t':e'e I Ml T 11 a -P SI will hi a happy reunion betweei. two brothers. Thmas A. and Wil !im B. Jacken, who have not se a .1 f . 1 eacn oiner iur iLirtvlour vears They were bcth Confederate soldiers and both went info the bittle of Cbickamauga. They never saw each other again and each thought the other dead. Thomas went to Geor gia airer ine war ana linam came to Illinois. They recently cot into communication and will soon see each other. What is a Guarantee. 1 It is this. If you have a cough or cold a tickling in the throat, which keeps vou constantly coughing.or it you are afflict ed with any chest, thro..t or lung trouble whooping cough, ice., and vou use Bal lard's llorehound Syrup ;as directed giving it a iair trial, ana no Denetit is experienced, we authorize our advertised agent to refund your money on return ot nottie. It never tails to fftve satisfaction It promntl relieves Bronchitis. Sold bv 11. u. I ucker. Why I lie Wink? Washington, D. C, Sept. 16. j Secretary Shermaa 6aid this after noon, in response to a direct inquiry that he wcu!d net go to Ohio until near the end of tbe month, and that he would probaVly not take any I active part in the State campaign "It is t ot customary, you know," he ic BsnkeJ, "for th Secretary of S'afe lo mskrt ic'itical epeeches-i" But whv did the Secretajv wibl ; : r : i u 9 ca vf U.e bowels. & no: ).t titJ fr ii.."n.e. lr.t Ic&w cii t:o 5e!:tui- diitssttva cr- I Egoism n perfect eouaiuon. irv i.ks. rent I i-je-i- cnij by C L liooi Co, Lowell. 3U gacism in perfect eotidition. Try i hem. E cents. Will SUE THE CITY OF WICHITA. Mrs. J. Hi Mason of Chattanooga Wants Oamages far False Arrest. FortScotr, Kan, Sept 16 Be fore taking the train for St. Louis to-rizht, Mrs. J. H. Mason, who was arrested here last night on authority of a telegram from the chief cf - police of Wichita, engaged an at-1 torney to bring suit against the city I of Wicbita and a Wichita hotel keep er for big dimagei. Mrs. Mason i the wife of a Chattanooga, Term. 1 ,a .jSXnAAAA man wno recently lost S3U.UUU it mining ventures at Cripple Creek She wa? on the way to Chattanooga aud stopped at Wicbita As she and her little daughter got off the train here to join Mr Mason, une was arrested charged with steal ing a whclesile lot of Jiaens from a Wichita hotel. She was held at t hotel under guard for 18 hours, and finally convinced the officers of her lunocenca Shake in Your Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease, a nowder for the feet, it cores paiDrai, swollen, smarting feet and in stantly takes the sting ont of corns and bun ions. It's the greatest eomlort discovery ol I the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy . It is a sure core for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggiote and shoe stores By mall for i cents In stamps. Trial package FUEE. Address, Al ien a. uimstea, lAt uoy, x y . Will Uive Prod nee. Columbia, Mo, Sept. 15 The missionary board or Liutle lODoe tvemme Baptist Association com posed of Central Misrouri churches, in session in Columbia to day, adopt ed a novel method of securing fuad- for church purpose. At an agreed date the members cf each church will be asked to con tribute a certain proportion of the produca of the farms or gardens, vegetables, stock, grain, etc- Cone. mutees win oe appointed to rate . Ml I A m t a charge of and sell this produce. The Baptists siy that this is the Bible method of raiding church fundp. Snitke Charmer Bitten. Lima, O., Sept. 16 El Corn stock the snake charmer wi h a traveling show at the fair ground?, was bitten by the big rattler at this afternoouV performance. Tha snake is 8 yeai old and dangerous Comstock wae taken to the Myers hospital and if viDg like mad tonight. Physi cians derltra he wiil not live the night out. His home U in Eureka, Mich Wheat Crop in tbe Northwest Minneapol s. Mi in , Sept 15 it is rapidly becoming apparent that ths estimate of 150,000,000 bushels a3 the wheat crop of Minnesota and the Dakotas male recently is too great by at least 20,000,000 bushels Farms tbat ware tV ought to be gcod for fifteen bushels an acre are show- us tut ten, aud in rrany cises less than 1ht. Two Millions a Tear. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a rear and it will be three million before New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for evervbody the year round. AH druggist loc, 2jc. wjc a box, cure guaranteed. Dropped Lsnin, Kan, Sept. 15 A bad accident at the penitentiary coal shaft occurred this morning While the convict tracers were b:in lowered into the mine Eag - nter Flint, as tb cae was near the bof.oai. pu'Ie.i tee leverse ltver wrong, letting tna cige drop ax of thttu were seriously injured. The men are being cared fcr in tbe prison hospital A man who would not think of passing the winter in an ice house oii the banks of Lake Ca;mat finds something pecu!i-r!y attractive about the prospect of passing a rather colder and lonescmer winter in lh valls-v of tbe Yukon river. Txo Ttxa?:s wh; disputed oter a lacd deal yteidey with revolver feet of grcucd jem. Tt ey paid a big vl to - ' r eiosti a j ace m a State f vLtra 18 s-) mucii cheap land. Lcuiev: d 100 reas t n. lie hi ihemioine? shade nve Our Kentucky friencta should LCt Euiir when tbe great be bo suaiHier rescit, St. Louig. can easi'v reachel AN OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD ' C ASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the facsimile signature of This is the original - PITCHER'S used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years, luuk vjAKtrULLY at the hind you have always bought and has the signature of t t 1 1 f r per. jso one nas auinoruy jrom me w use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is March's, 1S97. z d--. ,p. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he docs not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAO-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. ,HC CiaTAUM COMPANY. TT TH1. KID CITV. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES APOL1 Or-f Publication STATE OF MISSOURI) County of Bates. ( In the Circuit Court of Bates county, Missouri, m vacation septmbera.itMi.ine stateor Mis souri at the relation and to tbe use of A H Owen, ex-offlcio collector or tho revenue or Bates oountv, in the State or Missouri, plain tiff, vs. Thomas H. Wis, defendant. Civil action Tor delinquent taxes. Sow at this dav comes the plaintiff herein bv her attorney before the undersigned clerk of the Circuit Court of Bates county in tbe state of Missouri in vacation and flies her petition, stating among other thing that the above named defendant, Thomas II Wlx.isa non-resident of the state of Missouri. W'bereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation, that said de fendant be no tinea ny publication mat planum has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the state of Mis souri for the delinquent taxes of the year Inaft, together with interest., costs, commission and fees, neon the following described tracts following aesonwa tracu or land situated in Uatescountv, Missouri, to-wit Lot eight (8) and the east half of lot seven (7) of the northwest quarter of section one (I) township thirty-nine 3y) of range thirty (30) and that unless the said defendant be and appear at the next term of this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates county, Mis souri, on the 9th day of November. 1897, and on or before the third day thereof, (if the term shall so long continue, ana u not men oeiore the end of the term,) and plead to said petition mAnlinir tn lAvr. the name will be taken as I confessed and judgment rendered according to scribed'real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered by the clerk afore said that a copy hereof by published in the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, Mis souri, for four weeks successively, the last inser tion to be at least fifteen days before tbe first dav or the next term or said court. A trne copy from the record. Witness my band as clerk aforesaid with the seal of said court seal hereunto affixed. Done at office in Butler on this the 3d day of Septem ber, 1S97. STEWART AT HESON, 43-4t Circuit Clerk. Order of Publrcation STATE OF MISSOURI t County orBates, ) In the Circuit Court of Bates County, Missouri, in vacation, September 3rd. lwaT, The state of Missouri at the relation and to the use of A B Owen, ex-offieio collector of the revenue of Bates county, Missouri, plaintiff, vs. J A Hcderman," Byron Holderman, If Adams, John Holderman, Alexander Holdemian, Artie Holderman, Addie liolderiuan, I) Hol derman. Alfred M Erwin. heirs of Barton Holdf mian, defendants. Civil action for delinquent taxes. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney before tbe undersigned clerk of the circuit eourt of Bates county in the state of Missouri, in vacation and files her petition, stating among other things tbat tbe above named dt-fendants, except Alfred M Erwin. are non-residents of the state of Missouri. Where upon it is ordered by the Clerk in vacation that said defendants tie notified by publication tbat plaintiff has commenced a suit against them in this court, by petition the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the State of Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the vears 1, lwra. l and amounting in the aeirres-'ate to the snm of $1.57 together with interest, costs, commission ana ices, upon ine following described tracts or land situated in Rates countv. Missouri to-wit: l ne soumwesi quarter of the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of section twenty-one (Jl town ship fortv-tw) 4i). ranee thirty-two, and that unless tne fcaitl ueienuauia, oe ami appeox at the next term of this court, to be began and bulden in the city of Butler, nates county, Mis souri, on thelnb day of Xoveinber,lTandon or before the third day thereof, If tbe term shall so long continue and if not, then before the end of the t-rm-plead to said petition accord ing to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer of said petition, and the abo-e described real etate sold to satisfy the same. nd it is farther ordered by tbe clerk afore said that a copv hereof be published, ia tbe Bctler Wezklv T:f., a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bats county. Mis souri, for four weeks successively, the last in sertion to be at least fifteen days before the Crst dav of the next term of said court. A true copy from tbe record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with these! of said seal court hereunto affixed. Done at office in Butler on this the 3rd day of ep- temb?r. - STEWART ATCHESOX, 43.t Circuit Clerk. I'se-utor's Notice. ; 'ier-hv ffiven. that letters tta- ! mer.taty on"ttie eita'e ot Kecrr I Kroots . de- I c-&ed were cransea to tae tu irmsD-i vn I ueioii dv f fwpteber, 1-97. by the probate 1 .ursof Bates county. J5!-socrl AH persoca hav:- claims assure a-i wtat rJTn'TSit to exbr.;it iaeto for . ssc f .'. . --n r- sri:h:a o - iesr t'ter ;iie dale oi I (5ti i i-tw. or t.i-y may fe eisdd tt cot eihi!;t-! wittia two year from the ds o this pnbLcatica. they shall be foreTer S -rred TUis 4ti3 , das oi Septemlwr. Executor. LETTER on, every (zx 7&ZcMte wrapper. CASTORIA,' which has been ine wrapper ana see inai u is on the C&fffieucA4M wrap- A Trustee's Salo Whereas, Jac Graham and Alice M. Gra ham, by their deed of trust dated . I une I'.'tb, l!J5, and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book 137, page 183, conveyed to the undersigned trustee, the following described real estate lying and being situate In the county of Bates and stale or Missouri, to-wit: Tbe southwest quarter of the north west quar ter of section twelve (12), and ten (10) acres off the north side of the northeast quarter or tho southwest quarter of section twelve (12) lu township forty-two (42), of range thirty-one (31). Also seven (7) acres beginning at tbe southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twelve (12), in township forty-two (42), or range thirty-one (81), running thence north to the middle of Grind River, thence up said river to tbe crossing of west line of the southeast quarter of the north west quarter of said seetio. twelve (12) thence south to the place of beginning, containing In ?"y.:e.(r ' T","?" ,rJr" which conveyance was made In trust to secure the fiayment of one certain note fully described n said deed of trust; and whereas default has been made in the payment of the annual interest on said note, and the same is now past dueand unpaid. Now therefore at the request of the legal holder of said note and pursuant to tbe conditions of said deed of trust, 1 will pro ceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court bouse In the city of Butler, county or Bates and state of Mis souri, on Friday October 8, 18ST. between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of tbat day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt. Interest and costs. C. A. AI.I.EN, 4-4t Trustee. Ex-rU '' Sl-. Notice is hereby given that I, W. M. Camp bell, executor of the estate of James II. Steele, deceased, by virtue of authority of an order of the Probate Court of Bates County, Mo., will sell at public vendue to tbe highest bidder, for cash, at the east front door of the court bouae in the City or Butler. Bates County, Missouri, on Saturday, the inth day of October, 1W7, the following described real estate, to-wit: Tbe northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and tbe east one-fourth of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section eighteen ( W, township thirty-nine (39), range thirty-two (32), in Bates County, Missouri, subject to 4be homestead of Mrs. Xancy E. Steele and minor children, as set off by the I'robate Court. W. M. Campbell, Executor of 41 James H. Steele, Dec'd. Trustee's Sale Whereas C G Lockwoodand Ella L Lock wood, his wife, by their deed of trust dated July , 1!", and recorde.1 in the recorder's office within and for Bates county, Missouri In book So. 137 page 224 conveyed to the under signed trustee the following described real es tate lying and being situate in the county of Bates' and state of Missouri, to-wit: Thirty acres off of the east side of the south west quarter of tbe northwest quarter of sec tion twenty (20 in township forty-two (42) of range thirty-two (32) which convey ance was made in trust to secure the payment of one certain note fully described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default bas been made in tbe payment of the annual interest on said note and the same is now past due and unpaid. Sow therefore, at tbereqnestof the legal holder of said note and pursuant to the conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed to seU the above described premises at public vendue, to tbe highest bidder for ca-h, at the east frout door of the court bouse, In tbe city of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Friday October 1, 1S7, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that dav for tha pnrooses of tat'fvlng said debt Interest and costs. C. ALLEX, 43-4t Trustee. Administrators Notice- Notice Is hereby given, tbat letters of adminis tration witQ tbe wilt annexed on the estate of Jobs D. Yes'.es deceased, were granted to the nnderigned on tne It day of Aosnet, 1S'7, by the probate court of Bates county. Missouri. Ail persons having clt mi against tall estate, are required to exhibit tbeot for allowance to tbe administrator within one year after tbe date of said letters, or they may be preeloded from any benefit of said -stale ; and If soci laim be not exhibited within two years from tbe date of ta r-ablicatloa. tEy shall be for ever barri. 1 his 31st day of August 197. WILLI 4 1 sKATLS. 42 tt AdmsaUtrator. t . , J'ei th,p cf Dissolution. tt:t '.he co-part'er-.i'ltf eutfBir betwees Misses Har- s Pr and "r.m rr,r in the millinery u: in eutler, X' . aw las -:sv twen fS;soiTet by ma; ein5t. M SBL.nin r-unnz fro tM S "S Th basiaci will be cojstinaed by Misa Harper. ' SaTTie V 5Lmr. Bn:er, Ho.. St:- l'-5. ls;'"- &anrancciio. cai r V