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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, September 23, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Rather Than Surrender to the
Rebels. Insurgents Gen
erally Get the Best of it.
Havana, Sept 15 Reports reach
ad here of another big battle fought
near the sugar estate of Pedro, in
pioar del Rio Province, between
Hij Moreno, of the government
troops, and Juan Mart'nez, who was
on the staff of Gen. Maceo.
From all details obtainable the
jibtU were defeated. They were
aDWB)ped on the estate, which is
owned by a loyalist, and through
him the troops were notified. The
state is almost surrounded by the
rim Cristobal.
The field pieces were used, and
the rebels who were surprised and
-n.llr between two nres, were
panic-stricken acd could not be con
or the. 300 men in the band there
were only 50 or 60 who escaped
ifsrlinez was among the wounded,
but bis mn carried him away.
Io other provinces the rebels were
in better luck. In the fight near
Guareiras, in Matanzas Province, the
Cubans, under Enrique Junco. were
victorious, and the troops command
ed by Gen. Molina were defeated.
The engagement lasted several
hourf, and the Spanish were forced
: (o retreat, the losses being fifty men,
mmnnff which wcra tnree commis
sioned officers.
.flan Wevler is heedless of the
eoudition of the desolated provinces.
InH'ad of trying to remedy the
situation he has issued orders to
destroy utterly many towns In Santa
CUra Province, all in the neighbor
hood of the City of Cienfuegos.
The only reason he gives for this
barbarity, which will leave homeless
thousands of people, is that the
Spanish troops can not defend those I sensational in the extreme,
places against the raids of the in
orgeats. It is the beginning of
Wejler's policy to reduce Cuba to
ashes before surrendering it to the
Cab ids
Hot Time Over the Kent nek v Legisla
tive Bribery Case.
Frankfort, Ky , Sept 16 Thos.
Tanner, indicted with Hunter, Wil
son and Franks for a'leged attempt
to bribe members of the Legislature,
spruog the first eeosation in the Dr.
Hunter indicments by engaging in
a street fight with James T. Larkro,
a Hunter detective
Larkin pointed out a man who he
said was Hunter's detective. Tan
ner expressed himself with great
contempt, insinuating that Larkin
was employed io such service Lar
kin replied that Tanner lied. Tan
oer reached ard, catching Larkin by
the head, proceeded to strike him
several blows in the tace. lu-y
were separated.
Judge Cantnll had the Hunt.r in
dictments called at 9 o'c'ock
The principal wi'nees-s are here
among them Senator Wm. J PeVe,
ex Senator J. C L. Black burf, Rtp
resentative Gn-en Garrett, W. H,
Lyons, J W Prewitt, J H Gilliam,
Curtis S. Dodson, Walker Wilkins
Serators Wm. Dingus and George
Ex Senator Blactbarn and Senator
Goebel have beau permitted to go
to their homes counsel for Dr
Hunter, stating that in the evfttt
the:r testimony is wanted they will
be notified.
It is not believe! Blackburn will
be asked to go on the stand. Both
sides insist that they are ready for
triel and the caee will go to the
There is a possibility of the indict
ments against Gaines aid Tacner,
on whose testimonv Hunter wis in
dicted, being dismissed and the par
ties being ueed as commonwealth
A large crowd of politician a from
all uarts of the State have come to
witness the trial. It promises to be
Wabash Passenger Crashed Info
a Freight.
BON. J. B.
Standing at a Switch at Kevtesville
Mo Postal Clerk Gains Met In
stant Death. Fireman Smith
Was Ilorribly Crashed.
Night pas-eDger No. 15 on the
Wabash, which left St. Louis at 9
p m. Wednesday, and freight tram
No. 98, which lei; Kansas City at
1:45 p. lii. Vdt eddT, met in a
tuadeiid ctliisoi at Keytcsville,
Mo, at 2:45 Ttusiay moriiing.
Two ui-xi woe kil-d, two tramps
oerini sy I- jmel, ami both engines,
be uiiil cr ml two boxcars wreck
TL Min i in. occurred at the west
iid i.f Oi- witch at Kejtfsville.
If f ti-ii! u-td orders to go
in'o lLa a vi c . Lt:e and await the
pi-s'-rgf r at 2:4"). It was a ruiouta
lat. and In. 1 stopped to enter the
ssvi'cu wh-n Hie pas-eDger came
dashing up and hit the engine of
tbe freight at almost full speed.
Both engineers aud the fireman of
the pesnger jumped, saving then
salves. Fireman W. B. Smith of the
freight waited too long, and was
crushed to death under his engiae.
Bth engines were smashed. Twc
of the freigat cars were splioteied
and derailed. The mail cer was
ciuihrjd and thrown from the track.
Mail clerk Edward Gaines and two
tra-ope, William Clark and Paul
Street, who had boarded the front
id ol toe mail car at Salisbury,
were caught in the wreck Gaines
was killed almost instantly. The
two tramps were seriously but not
fata'ly hurt.
At Trimble's drug; store, a marvelous enre
for all kidney complaints, nervous exhaustion
end female weakuess. It Is Foley's Kidney
oonneid. ill. , auk i, js5.
'I am subject to cramps and colic, and bave
used many remedies, but nnd rale; 'a Colic
Care beats tbem all." W. L. Teats.
At Trimble's drag store.
Current TsnlT Information.
From Cleveland, Ohio. "Presi
dsnt A, J. Moxham, of the Johnson
Steel Company, who ia now in Eng
land, has just received orders for
20,000 tons of steel rails for electric
roads in Ireland. This is probably
the larsrrst order of steel rails for
lectrio railway purposes ever ship
ped out of this country, and the fact
that they are sent to the very doors
of England is one of the notable fea
tores of the affairs. Moxham has
obtained a freight rate of $3 a ton
from the works to Ireland. The
Johnson company under -bil not
only other Americin mills nearer
the seaboard, but English mills as
Prom Vancouuer, B. C "Advices
from Tokio say that Japan is about
to place a coutract in America for
the rails and material required for
the 1,200 miles of railroad which is
to construct in Formosa."
From "An Act to provide revenue
for the Government and to encour
age the industries of the United
State," commonly known as the
Diogley law, it is learned that to
prevent the shipment of English
rails to the United States a protect
ive duty ef seven twentieths of one
cent per pound, or $7 84 a ton is
How curious a thing it is that the
only market in which American man
nfaoturers need protection is their
horns re arket. New York Journal
Revolution is Tearing Up the Government of
Guatemala City, Sept. 16. It is
stated that 3,000 rebels attacked the
city of Quezaltenango tbe morning
of September 13, since which time
fighting has been going on almost
continuously. The fall of the city
is inevitable unless tbe garrison,
which consists of lees thin 1.000
men, is speedily reinforced.
It is stated that Gen. Prospero
Morales, until a few niontcs ago
Minister of War in the present Cab
' bet, heads the revolution. With him
are Gen. Fuentes Barrios, a brother
in-law of President Barrios, and
Feliciano Aguilar. Thes9 three men
were candidates for president to
succeed Barrio3,and wbea the Presi
dent declared himself Dictator they
labelled. The rebel force ii now
Bryan Was There and Made a Speech, and
So Did Stone and Other Bright Lights.
Sedalia, Mo, Sept. 15. William
J. Bryan delivered an address this
afternoon at the Pettis County Fair,
which is now being held here.
There are six excursion trains over
the Missouri Pacific, five over the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and
two over the Sedslia, Warsaw and
Southwestern road.
The Missouri Pacific bad forward
ed 100 coaches to Kansas City, Rich
Hill, Versailles, Chamois, Lexington
and Marshall. Fully 100 persons
were crowded into each coach.
committee of 15 Sedalia demo
crats met Mr. Bryan at Warrens
burg. He was escorted from Kansas
City by the Bryaa Free Silver Club
of that city, 500 strong, and reached
here at 11:30 a. m. No less than
8.000 cheered as he came out on the
A procession was formed at the
Union Depot, and Mr. Bryan was
was driven to the residence of Sena
tor Yeater, where he dined and re
maincd until 3 p. m In the carriage
with Mr. Bryan were Senator F. M.
Cockrell, ex.Gov. W. J. Stone and
Dr. J. W. McClur. Secretary of the
Fur Association. In the second
carriage were uov. otepnens, sam
B Cook, Harvey W Salmon and
Senator Charles E. Yeater. Bryan
was driven by four black horses.
By the ncoa hour upwards cf
15,000 visitors had been brought to
tbe city by frain. The surrounding
country had furnished 5,000 more,
and when Mr Bryan commenced his
Bpeech at Association Park be was
faced by between 25,000 and 35,0C0
people. Tbe opening races wtre
witnessed by probably 15,000 people
and absorbed attention from other
features of the Fair.
Senator J. B. Foraker will speak
Thursday, and as tho same excursion
trains will be tun, the repoblicani
predict es large an attendance at tbe
fair as on Bryan Day.
A Bride Tortured.
Lehigh, I. T , Sept. 15. At Coal
Gate two weeks ago Martin Boss
married a daughter of Nelsjn Win
ters. They had frequent quarrels in
which he beat her with his fists,
clubs and guns.
Que week ago he pounded her over
the head with a Winchester and
fractured her skull He then placed
a rope about her neck and hung her
up to a rafter in tbe house, placed a
m m . a t
can ot powder Deneatn cer ana
started a fuse. The powder failed to
explode. He then earried her to the
woods, where be kept her for several
days without anything to eat. Her
parents, discovering her absence,
summoned assistance and began a
search, which resulted in her discov
ery Monday. Boss was hurried off
to Atoka to prevent lynching. His
wife w 11 di-
Two Girls and a Peddier Foully Murdered.
Their Bodies Thrown Down a Shaft.
Joplin, Mo , Sept 15. The lynch
spirit, ao strong in Columbus, just
over the line in Kansas at tbe trial
yesterday at the Staffel backs, has
not yet broken out in deads.
The Staffelback family consists of
three sons, mother and step-father
and the wife of one of the sons.
They were tried for tbe murder of
Frank Galbreath list Juiy, whom
they killed and robbed, then threw
his bady into an old abandoael min
ing shaft near by. George Staffel
back broke down and confessed all
yesterday, and his wife directed tbe
officers to another old mining shaft,
where three other yictims cf this
murderous family were thrown. One
of these was a peddler, whom the
Staffel backs murdered and robbed
two years ago.
Two gith were inmates of the
Staffelback house at tbe time, and
witnessed the murder of the peddler.
Two weeks later Mike and Ed Staf
felback, their lovtrs, fell into a quar
rel with the ;e girls, and Mike choked
one to death. Tbe other girl tried
to defend her, whn Ed Staffelback
crushed her skull with a pistol.
The dead girls were then wrapped
in sheets and thrown under tha bed
until late at night, when the bodies
were thrown into the shaft with the
These ghattly sights were wit
nessed by George and Cora Staffel
back, and were told on the witness
stand. Pumps were at once put
into tbe old shaft preparatory to
making a search for the bodies. A
woman's waist, a man's vast and
drawers were fished out. Clinging
to thp drawers were particles of de
cayed flesh and 6kin.
Standing about these shafts watch
ing the work are several hundred
determined m?n who propose wreak
ing summay vengeance upoa these
murderers as soon as ' tbe moulder
ing remains prove tbe truth of
George and Cora Staftelback'a con
It is also said that other mysteri
oub disappearances will be traced to
the Staffeltacks, whose crimes are
supposed to have exceeded those of
tbe Benders.
Established Dec, 1ST0.
CAPITAL, $25,000. -3-
A General Banking
Business Transacted.
Bates County Investment Co.,
Capital, - - 950,000.
Money to loan on real estate, at low rates. Abstracts of
title to all lands and town lots in Bates county. Choice
securities always on hand and for sale. Abstracts of title
furnished, titles examined and all kinds of real estate
papers drawn.
T. J.Ttobd Hox. J. E. XEwsittT, J. C. Claik,
President. Vice-President. tv...
Jo. C. Haykb, Abstracter. s. F. Wauoci, Notary.
Z G. W. CLARDT. Mayor.
Saccesors to Cir.jT A BsrxiR,
Real Estate, Loans Abstracts.
We do a General Real Estate and Exchange
Business, and Make a Specialty of Abstracts.
We are now preparing a revised list of Lands, for sale or exchange
by us. Bring or send us complete description of your property. If
you are now listed with us, please give us new description and price.
Yours for business.
frM toooooosoooc
A Sound Liver Makes a Well Man
Are you Billious, constipated or trou
bled with Jaundice, Sick Headache, bad
taste in the mouth, toui Dream, coatea
toneue. dyspepsia, Indigestion, hot dry
skin, pain in the back and between the
shoulders, chills and tever, ac. it you
have any of thee symptoms, your liver
Is out ot order and your blood is slowly
being poisoned because your liver does
not act properly. Herbfne will cure all
disorder of the liver. Stomach or bowels
It has no equal as a liver medicine. Price
75 cents. Free trial bottles at H. L.
Tuckers druotore. 41
Knit Goods Soar.
New York, Sept. 16. Three hun
dred members of the wool knit goods
trade, from all parts of the country,
the National Association of Knit
Goods Manufacturers, were present
at tbe meeting here to advance man
ufactured goods 33 to 50 per cent
A. B. Valentine, president of the
association, was in the chair.
Resolutions were adopted that
tbe selling price be based on the
cost and figured on the price of raw
material or yarn at the time of sale;
that, according to the relative
amount cf wool and cotton used, an
immediate advance is necessary from
15 to 40 per cent to recover the in
creased cost of knit goods, and that,
if necessary to carry out the above
resolutions, "we will curtail produe
lion even to the stoppage our mills."
Ladies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Toot
Ease, a powder to be shaken Into tbe shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy: gives
Instant relief t corns and bunions. It's the
neatest comfort discovery of the a;e. Cores
, , r ,. , . . , I and prevent swollen feet blisters, cslions ant
Each Indian brings one bUSb-1 (org spots. Allen's Foot-Ease la a certain
cure tor sweating, ao. sen ma .
drngtrists ard shoe stores, 25c. Trial package
FEEEbymaU. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted
LeEoy, N.V.
Indians Poinn Finli.
Siloatn Springe, Ark., Sept. 15
Indians from all parta of the Chero
kee strip have been gathering for
several days on the Illinois river at
a point west of here for their annusl
fish poisoning which occurs to mor
el of buckeye roots, wmch experi
enced Cberokeas take and at early
dawn commence pulverizing, putting
in gunny-sacks and placing in the
river. A juice is formed bv tbe
water washing through the roots,
which kills or intoxicates thousands
of fish for miles below, after which
they are easily taken with gigs,
spars and by band, being thrown
into cances and then taken by the
squaws, cleaned and cooked. The
feast lasts as long as the fish hold
out, and the Indiacs make merry
with their queer games and plays,
which are always witnessed by large
crowds of white citizens.
Whole Villages Swept Off By Floods-Many
Lives Lost.
Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 15. The
Northern Pacific line steamer Ta
coma ai lived to day, bringing Ori
ental advices up to August 27.
Heavy floods are reported from
Takata, Naoyetzen. At Naoyetzen
nine persons were carried out to sea
on the roofs of houses They were
picked up by the steamer Taiwan
The drouth at Matsu is reported
to be sa serious that persons along
the coast there are using salt water
for cooking purposes.
By the recent floods in Nyligata
Prefecture over 100 houses bave
been destroved and 56 lives lost in
the NiBhima district of the prefec
Over 40 houses were swept away
and 40 lives were lost in the village
f Matsugasaki, Sao district.
By the swelling of the Agono
River, 1,300 bouses in San Jose
Machi and 700 houses in the village
of Ichinokido were submerged.
At Izumozaki one 6hnn?, four
temples and half a score of dwell
ings have been crushed by landslides
from the mountains, five lives have
been lost aDd 10 persons Bevere'y
4 0undei.
For Infants and Children.
' to i
Beauty is Blood Deep.
riin blood means a clean skin.' No beauty
without it. Cacarets, Candy Cathartic clean
toot blood and keep it clean, t? etimnjr up
the lazv liver and driving ill lmpurtues from
the bodv. lWsrin today to bavlsh punnles
boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cases rets, -beauty
for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction
guaranteed 10c, 23c. 50c.
$5.15 to St. Loots.
Tickets on sale SepL 9, It, 16, 21,
23, 28 and 30, and Ocr 5, 7, 12, 14,
. C Yaxdztoobt.
All for Silver.
Akron (O ) Dem.
Tb annual reunion of the Frey-
man family was held at tbe L ji cf
Bniamia Fredericks, on Sherbondy
hill, laBt Thursday The grounds
were covered with tents and tables,
where 122 members of the family
wtre treated to all kinds of eatable',
'lb. 9 reunion was attended by
members of the family from both
Ohio and Illinois. The oldest mem
ber rjre3ent was Joel Freyman of
Homer, O. He was 93 years old,
and as lively as any. Entertain
ment was furnished by music and
recitations volunteered by those
Before the company disbanded a
Btraw vote was taken by Henry
Mueller, with the following result:
Going Down Hill.
from Kid
ney Diseases
feel a gradual
but steady loss of
strength and vital
ity They should
lose no time In trying
Foley's Kidney Cure, a
Guaranteed Preparation.
At 3 A. Trimble's drug store.
Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 16. H.
L Farrian, formerly of this city,
died at Fort Smith, last night, after
having lived a month with his neck
We tase pleasure in announcing that
after this date Parks iure cure will re-
riiove all traces Ot ineumiusm, aianey
muhlesind liver complaint from the
t. !. .V. a A.I. tnrt!rinn that tc
Voters present, lony-nine; lor stiver -..-ntced to cure these diseases or no
m l :-. - ma- UnnYtitnl 15 ..-i . ... I. u14 It. H IT.
doubtful, I a parV, sore cure is sold by H. L.
Row in a Lunatic Asylum.
Nevada, Mo., Sept 16 Judge D
P St r t ton to-dav granted a tem
porary order of restraint against tbe
board of managers of State Lunatic
Asylum No 3 and Superintendent
J. F. Robinson and Steward u. a.
Grosshart The petition was filed
by L L Scott, attorney fcr tax
payer and in bond, upon the allega
uon that the contract awarded to
Miller & Young of St Louis for a
light plant at $ 69,000 was in exc?es
of the sum appropriated by the State
Legislature for the purchase and
operation of the plant The tempor
ary order requires the defendants to
appear before Judge Strattou at
Lamar on September 24, to show
Mnu whv the temporary orier
ehoald not be made permanent.
Vv h-t's the Use ot Talking
About colds and coughs in the sam
time. You may have a tickliuR
,rh or a little cold or baby may have
the croup and when it comes you ought
that Karn coaen on ut m
best cure for it. Sold by H. L-Tucker
Chicago, IBico!s, Sept 16 Mre.
Nellie Baird, 44 North Clark, eom
mitted suicide this morning by leap
ing from the fourth-story balcony of
the building to tbe street below.
Her husband is being held pending
the inquest.
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Parts of Ohio
Chicago, 111, Sept. 15 Illinois,
Indiana and Iowa are parched. Un
til last evening Kttnuas was in the
same condition, but rain came
Weather Bureau men say grateful
showers are due in the other Suite
in a few days.
In Southern Illinois the tempera
ture has averaged 90 degrees for
fourteen days. Northern Illinois
and Chicago are having an unusual
ly hot period for so late in the sea
son. Corn is being destroyed in all
the Egyptian country and no such
record his been made in heat and
drought since the September of
Tbe Sangamon, Mackinaw and.
Vermillion rivers are nesily dry and
the cattle on a thousand hills are;
dying for want of water.
In Indiana no drop Of moisture
has fallen for two month?, the earn
is being buraed to deatb, tbe pas
tures are as inflammable as powder
and prairie Srts are ragiog. All
over Northern and Eastern Indiana,
prayers for rain are being offered..
Jowa has averaged nearly 90 de
grees fcr ten days and never in the
State's history has there been so
much suffering in September. Pub
lic schools are closed in many towns,,
workmen ate fore ad to quit toil aud
prayers for rain are coin? up on
evtry hand.
In Ohio also public schools were
forced to close during yesterday on
account of tbe eitrenaely hot-
Michigan, tco, is scanning the-
ekies acd watching every newspsper
and weather bulletin for tbe promise
of a downpour. Farmers are anx
tous, fruit raisers are downcast and
i be people cf the cities ere discouraged.
Wheat Crop Moving Seaward.
Portland, Ore, Sept. 1G.- The
wheat crop of 1897 is movicg sea
ward at a rate that is breaking all
previous euoiti. iidiu me past
seven days five cargoes, totalling
481,737 bushels, valued at $331,512
ha ye cleared from Portland and are
now on tbe way to England. A
cargo of flour cleared for tho Orient
included 19,188 barrels, valued at
$87,830, bnnging the value of wheat
and wheat products for the week up
to over 500,000.
Reports have been coming from.
the irrain districts north of Snake
river this week have been of a very
discouraging nature. Many tracts
of sclesdid heat bare been a total
tCOO and U growing.
19 and 21.

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