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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
IP IB I ?0L. XIX. We were the first to show the new fall styles in Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Silks and Cloaks; and each week has added large consignments of the newest styles and best values of first-class merchandise to be found in the Eastern markets until now our shelving islairly crushed under the mighty weight of the mount tin of new, stylish and up to date goods now on sale at our store. Our Dress Goods stock was never half so attractive as now, all the newest, importations, the latest weaves, the richest colorings $ I) lift OiLlV ULl AK I CLOAKS Our hue of cloaks are too well advertimd ii this town to need comrneat. We handle U19 JOSEPH filEF'liIL.O Cloak of Chicago. If you have ever bought 000 of ibeBe cljttka you wll bav-i no .tfier now. Tbey are tho only cloak for style, fit and wear. Many of thoee cloaks are cheaper thin last year.J nnilOl I MO Get ur bolt prices. We can sell muslin for less money yJ'Ljata9 sale to day. we All we ank is that you give us a chance at your Fall Bill. We will sell rotten reniuants to offer at half price, but new, fresh, stylish gooda at less Buy your Dry Goods from us and we will sell you Boots and Shoes at Notice of Final Settlement. Sotlo U ereiy Riven to all creililnra, n l all other Uteroatetl la the estate ..l .laiur fl sitfrl, iMoael. thai I. Win M Camplxtll administra tor with will annexed of aald eatate. Intend to make anal aettlewent the next term of the Batea Connty Probate Court In Bates Conaty, Male of MIMirt, to be held at Bailer p.owmsnclng on the sth dnv or Novem ber. W. M tIAUPBKLL. a4t Administrator. Notice or Final Settlement. Notice U tierebv given to all creditor, and allalhera interested in the estate of William A Hall, deceased, that we, Liu n J Hall and William K Hall, eeoutorsorsaid estate, intend to make final settlement thereof, at the next term of tho Batea County Probate Court, in Batea I'ountv, state or Missouri, to lie held at Butler, rommeucliitr on tho fill day or Novem ber, lt;. 1.1..IK.1. HAM. and WII.MAM K. HAM,. 45-lt Executor. DUVALL & PERCIVAL, EUTLKK. MO AZARM IjO A3VS. Uovev to Iota on farm at rednced rate of 1emt. Your notes an parable at our office ad yoa tad tkaaa bero whea dna. Wa gua raaprlTilearatopayaBT time. Money rradj s 100a u paper art clrei . a i' 1$ wPlSaln Is BUTLER, " 1111 III til I w&Uinitthereisnotaebadowof a doubt. All the new styles in Dres Trimmings and findings; dou'i fail to se- our Hue before 30a buy; it wi'l save you tima and money.' Dougtit our muaun in juiy ueiuro tuo SI UN Vn Kml in Acquittal L'tou, Mo. Sjpl-tiber 2S. The defense in the Mis. Stills abduction cane was the order for" tlie day in tbe couit of Justice Nelson at this place to day. Tbe crowd in attendance was not one fourth that of yester day. Tbe introduction of tvideuce was euded at 4 o'clock, and the er gumeuts of counsel filled tbe time batweeu that hour and C o'clock. At that time the justice reodered bi ecisi( n, discharging tus defendants, James Hul', Wesley Jacksm and J lames McKeeban, from custody for tbe reason that it w.n ehon that Mrs. Stills had not bteu of gool It'haiacter. Tbe announcement of the lesult was greeted with a few cheer from friends of tbe accused and groans from the other factiens How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four bour$: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of tbe kid ueys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Thorn i niiifnrt in ihp IcnowIeHlire so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot, the prreat kidney reui-iall edy, fullills every wish in relieving pain the back, kidneys, Uver, blad - i n.l ererv i. art of the urinarv der and everv iart of tbe urinary passages. It corrects inability to bold urine ami scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of being compelled tr iof ur niariv tintp.. ilnrini th night to urinate! The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medi cine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. Yoa may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Butlkr Wkekly Times and send vouraddressto Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y. MISSOURI, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 80.1897. ft TO O T7Y LOWEST H than it is worth at wLole- buyout.. you. Our ptices are right, our goods money than the old war-time price Jess money than you can buy them WAS THE WRONG MAN. A Butler Merchant Arrested in Denver as a Fugitive. A Case of Mistaken Identity. lenver Times. If Jobn Caruthers, merchant and capitalist of Butler, Mo., ever comes visitiDg to Denver again he will doubtless first observe the precaa tion of doing one or tb.9 other of two things: He will either supply himself with an artificial front tooth, or he will loop up his lips in such a manner that the Denver detectives can explore tbe innermost recesses of bis mouth without a jimojv and a daik lantern to do it. Mr. Caruthers' strange and un pleasant esperieuce with the dettc tives occurred last night at the union depot, just ss he was boardiug n 1 utbouiid train for Kansas Citv. It was due cot so much to incompe tency on the part of the officers as to tbir zeal to catch a Seaitle. VTa?h , thief whom they have been on the lookout for. day zni night, week. j Sunday t iht a telearam reached , . .1, ' hj 1 f ! he l garters u am tre t uiei or po lice of Seattle, saKir jr the authori ties to auest cne A. E. Miles, alias E. G Spauliing, fcr obtaining mcney uDdcr false pretenses. Par ticulars of tbe crime were cot fur- j nished, but the telegram described i the fugitive as a man about 3'3 years of ajje, five fett ten inches high, and with a epaco between his upper front teeth. It added for tbe far ther guidance cf the of&cers that the man would probably apply at 9 o'clock on the followiocr day at Ed ward G Patterson's ticket brokerage office, 1213 Seventeenth street, where silt TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS BLANKETS 250 pairs all wool, and our DUCK COATS AND SANITARY AND COTTON are the bebt, our room the best lighted, our store is the newest in the town. gooda will cost you at half their originil price. in Southwest Missouri. and when he could be takm into custody. It was presumed by the local authorities that his object in calling at Patterson's office was to secure a rebate on bis railroad tictet. Deuctive Sam Howe assigned Detectives Sparhawk and McNeill to tbe case, instruc'iog them to go to Patterson's office and linger there uutil the fugitive Miles appeared He gave a description to the clerk and asked him to communicate with headquarters should Miles ap pear. ' Sparhawk had barely reached the station when tbe clerks called up over the teltphone. aud announced iu an excited voice that Miles bad jmt been in the office &n bought a ticket lor Aaasis City. itnt ut a mtment's delay. Detective Spar hawk Beized a dark lantern and hur ned out into the night. On th" way he m-t Detective McNeill, to whom he hastily impirted his impor tant news On arriving at the depot the first mau their eves fell upr n was a tall person, apparently about six feet h gh, who, with a grip ia each baud, was striding through tbe waitiag room toward th- train ga'es. "Ah, ha!" hissed Detective Spar hawk, "our man at last:" "Tis he. we have b'uz'. ' mutieiid Detective McNeil!. Just as the tall man i cached the fMts a heavv hand fell on either of his shoulders C ci3 with,"u3fa:d Deteciivfs McNeill and SparLawk in a brfa'li "What the devi! d've meat.?" de mit.ded the tall caan. indignantly. "It won't do. Miles,'' retorted th detectives; " we've got you and you miatt as well giye up gracefully." It was ia vais that the tail cua protested. He was Lamed away to the police Etaticn There he said Lis name was John Caruthers, that his home was at Butler, Mo , where he was a merchant, that he had been in Boalder visiting his wife in the STOGK IF II igiti HE LEI FrESJLCMZ sizes, kinds and qualities from tin prices will stand the test. Always OVERALLS Flannels we cannot be bsat on. They are positively the best values ever ehowD. No trouble to show yoa. "Tke a lwk at. them when in th bouse. sanitarium aud that be was just starting tor nome. "Open your mcuf.LT ordrd Dj tective Sparhawk. The tall man refused. He might as well have obeyed, however, for in an instant Detective McNeill bad popped a jimmy between his teeth and pried his jwa apart. Detec tive Sparhawk tln-hed the rajs r.f his dark lantern into the cavernous depths thin exposed. He starteJ rack with a crv of pleasure. 'Tis be, 'tis hT he ehouted to Detective McNeill. "There's th space between his tfeth, exactly as described in tbe telegram ' Iu another moment the tall man would have been m the fastcefses of the bull pec. Sweat was pourirg from his brow in a stream. But a sudden thought struck him. and he asked wbo it was li9 d-tectives were 1 oking far. In the exuberance of tleir triumph the detectives re plied that they were looking for A E Miles alias E. G. Spauld ng, of Seattle. Wash. Aud -we've got you. toi," they wd'.ed "You ought to hve bee. here last Monday, but we don't rtiind tbe delay, now. ' This was tbe tai man siiatatioi : See here," he said, "you don't bflieve I'm John Caruthf r?, and yoa eay your man Miles wa3 dee here on Monday. I wash-re ten days ago n J I registered at the Bi Jr. Pat ace hotel on my way to Boalder Ton can throve the ata'cmTt bv ex 1 amiemg tbe boM register. 1 Half s.n hour lattr Mr Ca:ulLeis ! was escorted to the union depot in a back wlreh tee crest r lea ceec tiv s pud for out of their orn pock eta Bis arger was partly mollified by the fact that hz errirci tbee in time to cateb. Lis tritlc Probibly he will not sue the city. The above refers to E. S Carrith era, the popular proprietor of the American Clothing House, whose friends are now congratulating him NO 46 11 All we ask is that you look through this line. Yon will ba convinced at a glance that such values has never been shown in linena in Butler. Bought direct from the importers. cheapest cotton to the best all look before you jump. We handle only the best, and the price is the same as you often pay for inferior good a. No old shelf.woro, moth-eatea, on his ab'lity to establish his iden tity. If Mr. Ctrritbers will call oa the Times and get a letter of good! character ami carry half a dozea copies of this paper in his pocket, he will have no trouble with futuij occurrences of this kind. Neglect AM Hi Fever. New Orleans, Li, Sept. 28. TLa yellow fever sHuation here contirju'ji eiasperatingly tha sana. A 'ai"jf average of e'ghteea to twenty caaa and two deaths bas kept up. Bufc while there is to "ga of an epidem ic visitation, the slow progress of the disease puts obstacles daily 3s the way of ihe fretful merc-hatl pi lie, who are auiious to agaia resurx:fli trade with tbe eurrounding C5un try. The record tc-day waa cot un like that cf many dye, in tlat- ii showed a dab t lire ugh f-Lecr ri'g lect of the paf.H.'0t Twenty-ona cases up to date hiv 1ml a fatal terminaticn. Royal make the food pare, bolcsotne ma3 (Jciicico. PS170IR Absolirtety Pure