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FINDS A LOST SISTER. Student Faints Mt m Chicago Hospital Pot. Mortem? Id the dissecting ; room cf the county hospital yesterday morniDg vra witnessed aa dramatic a scene 68 BVtr cam witbin the rmg of fic lion, eajs the Cbietgo Tribune. The Lappmicgf wan sn sudden and start lint; and to surcharged with a Trow tbat the phjeicians aod attendants were overcome, though their poetic find work bave steeled them bejond moat pereoDS. Dr. W. T Kirby, one of the bos rvtal physician, ws about to perform an autopsy ou the body of Minnie Haib, a young girl who weary of lh sorrow aod horror of her life, titct taken carbolic acid to end it After her body passed through the Coroner's hai da it was takeu to the county morgue Four weeks ago Dr. Kirby received a letter from a brother physician, a epecialist prasticiog iu Cbicago. The letter said a young man bad just Come from Louisville. Ky., to plac Limself under the care of the spe cialist for a slight though stubborn ailment The young nmn was a nodical student, just enterifg on Li9 studies and the specialist asked Lis friend, Dr En by to allow him Co visit the hospital and see the in stitution under intelligent guidance Dr. Krby wrote to his friend to oend the yow g K-ntuckian over and be would do all be could for him The visit was paid one week ago jes trday. The student showed a dt-p interest in all that pertained to his future profession. Aa he parted from Dr Kirbv he Baid: . I suppose I must accustom my Cejf to everything with wbicb a pby flician has to deal. I t-ll you frank ly I should like much to attend a post mortem examination." . Dr. Eirby told him whn next he was to hold an autopsy he would gend for the student. Oo Friday night Dr. Eirby callfd up bis friend end asked bim to tell his young Kentucky patient tb-re would be an autopsy at the hospital the next morning on the body of a girl sui cide Promptly at 9 a. m. ilia stu dent was at the County Hospita' physician's door. Together they went to the dissecting room There Dr. Eirby ti Id bis visitor that post tnortemswtre not plnasnt things to the uninitiated and he jokingly p.dded: - "Now don't faint." Tbe student laughed and said be was horror proof Then the at tendants brought out a sheet-shroud Cd body and placed it on tbe table. The featiires of the dead were cover cd. There was only a half-light in the1 place. The medical student stood at th9 head of the covered form One of the attendants drew the sheet dowo, disclosing th face. Dr Kirby heard a balf-stinVd ex clnmation. He h oked towards bii vi-itor. The student's face was as white as the sheet which shrouded the dead. Tbe doctor went toward Lini but before be could rtacu nie eide the student had fallen to the floorinsehsiblo. The attendaots dashed water in LU face and Dr. Kirbv ft reed brandy b ttveen his closed lips, but it was longer than usual before conscious nets came back. ' When tbe student came outof the faint, he passed bis hand before h;s eyee, staggered to his feet, looked Again at tbe face of the dead, and Cried: "My Gol, my istf rf .They led him from tbe room snd in broken wor Is he told Dr Kirby bis ci9ter had left the Louisville home five years before and from that day neither parents, nor brothers nor, sister?, ever had beard one word from her. They long bad believed her dead. Last night. the body of the suicide in a costly casket was taken to the childhood heme in Kentucky. Dr. Kirby will not disclosa the name of the girl's family, saying ouly that it is one" which, in Louis ville, is eynonvmcus with wealth and the highest social stsndirs: Is Your Tonjrue . coatea, your tnrosi err, your eve dull and inflaffied and do you teel mean generally wnen you eet up in the morn ing. Your liver and Kidney are net doing their work. Why don't you Uxe rarks smra.cure. . it it tioea not make yoa feel better it costs you nothing &oix ay n. a. i ucaei . Remember this sign whereby it Conquers Pain, 3iiers ram- fcj THE WALTON TRUST COMPANY, Of Otitlei-, ;lixoviri, Has on hand a large amount of money, to be loaned on Bates County farms at low rates of intetest, and on long or short time. We invite every Real Estate owner in Bates County that desires a new loan er t renew an old one, to cm e ai'd see u. Rates lower and terms more reasonable than ever before given in Bates county. FRANK ALLEN, Secretary. FOUND DEAD IN A FIELD. Young Farmer Near Lee's Summit Dies While Herding Cattle. K. C. Times, 19. Walter Smith. 22 years cf age, whos hjne was iu Lee's Summit, wa found dead on tbe farm of John R B'aok well, six mi'es east of Lee's Summit, ht 2 o'clock yesterday after noon The indications seem to be thnt, he h id had his neck broken by a fU from bin pony while he was herding cuttle, but there were other brui.tB on the body which might ave resulted from o her ciuses Smith whs in the employ of Black wll Tbe two men were rounding p ca't'e in a pasture. Both rode nor-3, Muitu being astrine a pony which whs not known to ba wild or whs a n vicious uiacKwwi sava ne urove a bunch of cattle to the corral, think ing Smith was following him When the latter did not appear B!ackw-ll says he siartci back to the pasture, accompanied by another man 0 the way they met Smith's pony, riderless Proceeding further they came upon bin b dy. Tbe neck wan broken and there was no sign ot ife about tbe bady. The jw was a'ro found to b- broken, the vertebrae some distance from the neck were dislocated and theie were bruises on the left fide mt below the heart The body was taken to L?e's Sum mit, where a widowed mother of the Ucpaeed resides Deputy Coroner McNeil left last night for Lee' Summit, and will hold , an inqueet to day. J I. I f ll .ftha hAllv lopendi on tboso small Dut Important organs. Thy extract nricacld from the blool which it allowed to remain In tbe system would caa dropsy and Bright's Disease Pric-ly 'Ash Bitters is a snccessiai amoey tunic. n u and strengthens the kidneys, regulates the liver, stimulates the stomach and digestion. cleanses the bowels. It will prevent or cure Briglit's Disease Sold by McClement U In a Xutxliel). V. World. New York, New Jersey and K-n tucky ca-f. fifty eih"; electoral votes for McKialey, one cf Kentucky's vots go ng to Bryaa Nw York, Nw Jet say and Keu tucky ail went democratis last weik Had UoKnley bfea a candidate Ust week in-jtfrai of la3i year the p p ilar vote in these three demo cratic stitea would certainly have been cat against bim. Now, dedust 5S electoral votes from tie 271 which Mr. McKialty reaeived and there are left 213 Add these 58 votes to the 176 of Mr. Bryan and he would have 231 That is a majority cf 21 in the electoral college The dtm-crats H.3 cot need to gain another (rtat?. They need only re'.aia these three New York, Naw Jersey and Kentucky and they will elect the president! You Can't Afford to Chance it A heavy cold may lead to pneumonia or con sumption Foley's Honey and Tar taken in time affords perfect security from serious re sults. At J A Trimble, tlrnggist. A Duel With Pistol. Cincinnati, O, Nov 17. A. Bir bourTille (Ky ) special to the Times Star sijs: Reports reach here of a fighi which took place rine miles from this plac?, at the eda cf Knox and Clay counties, between John Saiith acd Fred Harfehr.: over a debt. Both parties drew revolvers at the same time. They tired icstan - tinec!iv- and tte two men were J dead in an hour. George Franklex, while trying to part them, received a eerious wocnl MWWWWWWWWU VJO Innolm fill oiijauuuo uii Cunts Rmcumatism Ncualcia. Sciatic. Lumbaoo. Snimi. BnUISCS, SOMCHCSS, STlfTMtM, no Burns. ;wewwweeweeewwMW President. 1) j i5si A BOLD CATTLE THIEF. Succeeds in Disarming a Deputy Sheriff, Detective and a Policeman. Eropiria. Kaunas, Nv. 19. A deputy sheriff, a Sant Fe detecive and a policeman, wbi'e at'emp'ing to rrest a catila thief in he Pot Office late tbi evei in?, were all three diHarmed b tbe pwitjie man wboseaped Sheriff Gaugban this evening received Ulpgram asbii g that ft man named Kooken be ar- rested; that he would t e likely to ct'l t Empnna post office for mm jepu'y ouerm i-reu iinjjun, qu.o Fe Detective Laws and r.Iiceroan Al Raudolph went to the pos. office and watch-d. Kock n appeared, called for and received his mtil Whtln reading a letter Warner plHcel hi hand on his shonller and tildlnnto considfr himself under arrest "AU right,'' said Kooken. ' I'll go with you in a minute." and com- menced pltcing his letter in his pocket Like a flfsi tie pulled out a revolver i i each lund, shoved one into the faea of Wagner and coo'ly stid 'Cough up your pun, ai d almost in tbe eaooe breath covered the other two with the remark, "You had b-Ufr do the same." In a'most a moment the three men were disarmed, bboving tne pistols in hia overcoat pockets he rushed for the door, turned the corner went down the al'ey and disappeared, Since his disappearance another dis- patch has been received irom tne Newton Sheriff urging, his capture at all hazards A posse of deputy sheriffs and the entire police force are now out hunting for bim. An Opportunity You Now Have of testing' the curative eaeais of Elv'e Cream Bilm, the most posi tive cure for cartarrh knotfn. Ask your druggi9 for a 10 csut trial bot- tie, cr.eead 10. cents and we will mail it. Full size 50 cents. Ely Bros , 56 Warren St , N Y. City My son' was aficted with catarrh I induced him to try Ely's Cream Blm and tbe disagreeable catarrhal tmell all left him. He appears well as aov one. J. G. Olmstead, Ar cola, Illirjois. DAEY WITNESS Clenitd Her Father cf a StTions Charge- New York, Nov. 17 Bemard Blumenthal, who kept a little toy store in the uptown district, has been acquitted cf tbe crime of arson, through tbe testimony cf his little T year-o'.d daughter Bessie. Blumenthal's store was burned on September 28. The Fire Marshal found several cigar bcxs with pieces of candle ia them sni jumped to the conclusion tha the plac? had beca fired. Blumenthal was indicted for arson and "his trial took placa yesterday. The prosccaticn made out a good case, but the defense's first witnes?, Bessie, shattered it to fragments. She told how she had made jack o' lantcrn3 out cf cigar boxes, paper and candles in plav, acd that the had accidentally set the etore on lire. She Jellly made one cf the laa- t3rns jp cocrl, exactly like the boxe3 &6 Marshal had found ia the store, 1 jfae jury was -out , only 10 minutes i How to Prevent a Cold. a rter &n exposure, or whea TooTeelacoW eomiBif oa , tke a f' Uofce t FoleyJ Honey a4 Tar. It never faiia . As J A 'irimble, Crac- gist. LYNCH LAW IN LIBERTY. S. I Fargo Wounded, Probably Fatally, by Visllautes He Was Suspected of Arson. K. C Times, 19 Wary of long waiting on the lag gidg footsteps of tardy justice, tbe p-ople of Clay county undertook Wednesday iiiuht to mete out to Sl D Fargo, who was recently acquittei oa tbe charge of arson, tha' p nsbment wfcuh they felt tbe courts nhou'd bav iinpo-d. About 11:10 o'clock twei tv five or tbirtv mai-ked men rod rspi ly north on Miller etrett. Libeitv to the re-idtnce 'f William Yatee, Far go's father in ltw, in ''Happy Hoi I 'w " Th- hoises ere left in charge of five of tbetr number. The others n erel the bouse and p-oceeded up ? argo aud bis wite ana caud wre sleeping, lhe intruders hred four shotp, one of which to k effect in Firgo's breast, n flicting a seriouo, jpronbly fatal, wound The bullet, la 3S-cliber, passed ent rly through tbe body, penetrating the left lu aad gom out jaett beiov the left shoulder b'adw It was picked up i n j,,e flr f tbe room Anothtr ,jlt,t jzed the right side of Ftrgo's neck and burifd itself in the cing Fargo was struck two blows over th head with the butt of a pistol aL.j jeft for deeLfi jH revived, and was still alive at a laie hour last night. His recovery , doubtful ltJe attfcrDpt upon tne Hie o prr , i, considered bv the cin'zens Df L-bt-rty an evidence of the feeling ,,f mdiguaiion which prevails in tbe c uimuuity over the large puuiber of ci,ug wnich have b-eo c immitted U ere recently, aod tt e small number Qf convictions which have ben se cured On the night of October 1 igg tDe large carnage r-pos tory and b'ackfm th shop of John J. Gaw jD Liberty ws burned to th graind The next day Silas D Fargo, a blacksmith who had formerlv been j lbe mp!oy of Gaw, and had been discharged bf cause of drunkenn-sP. rnissing Fargo wan tiaced to Washington thence to Llaho, and finally to F. nd Lju lk Wis, his heme Tbre he gav himself up to the Luthoritiesf and said be was gui'ty au1 ,i,e(j 0f fleeing from ju-tice. He dictated a telegram to Gaw and Sheriff Hymer of Clay county, ac snowaing the crime This was in the iatter part 0 junf the pifsnt I year. Frgo was brought bftck to Liber ty, but cn bis arrival there repudi ated bis confession, aud eaid he made it simp'y to secure transporta tion for himself and family back to Liberty He wa9 indicted by the recent grand jury, and bis trial took pjace before Judge Broaldus of the Circuit court of Clay county last ffk Th9 3lirv "turned a verdict of acquittal last Fridav night. The verdict was a complete sur prise to every peisca familiar with the case The b-lief in Faro'a guift was univtreal, and the action of iie jury was generally condemned The members of the jury explained their vtrdtct by,eayiag that they under stood that the confession. f Fargo iu cot admitted in evidecca against him by Judge Broaddu, although, ,n his instructions to the jury, tbe judge hid stated the confession might ba taken into consident'on by tbe jury in arriving at a te diet Frgo had borne a bad reputation in Liberty. He was cojsidfrrd desperate man. He bad served two years in the Wisconsin penttentiiry far burglary. He was believed to have set fire to Gaw's property, and the feeling tbat he should b? pur- ished was strong. 100 Reward $100- The re aders ot this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there i at least one dreaded disexse that science ha been able to cure in ali its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i the only positive cure known to the medical raiernity. Catarrh bein? a constitution al disease, requires, a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cstarrh Cure is taiten internally, acting directlv upon the biooa ana mucous stnaces ot sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation 01 the disease, and giving tne patient strengta by bunding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work xns proprietors nave so mucn raitn m its curatire powrers, that thej offer One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it tails to cure. send tor list or testimon ials. Address F. T. Chexey & Co. Toledo, O. f-aTSold by druesist 75c. r f "A rrfrct tvrte nf th ti?e;t fcg Walter Baker & Co.'s Absotutc;-j Pure Costs Less than genuine a. tictc, maJo at WALTER CASTOniA. Uhs- sr !i a SOUGHT '10 MUX UK KOZKLLE. MONEY OFFERED BY REPUBLICANS. Chairman ot the Missouri Populist Commit tee Makes Counter-Charges-$t,000 Tendered as an 'Inducement." St Louis, Mo., Nov. 19. Labor Commissi juer Arthur Rozlle, chair- mau of tbe populist state committee, has made a statement in regard to the withdrawal of tbe name of Judge North, candidate for the St. Louis Court of Appeal, durttg the latt campaign Judga North witt drew from the pepu'ist ticket, aud the name of Judge Bland, democratic nominee for the same ofHce, vaa substituted by a uuanim us vote of tbe pi pulist 6tate committee. An attempt has recently b-en made to provH tbat there was moaey used to bring this about. Chairmau Rozelle says the ouly offr-rs of money which ever came to him as chairman of the pouhst committee came from repullicau?, and tbat there was an attempt made to keep Judge North upon the ticket by the use of money. la an interview Mr. Rozelle said: "As chairman of the populist state committee the only offer, of money I tver received from any source oud from the republicans. No ni .mey was usd ta get Mr North's name oft the ticket, but there was an attempt made to keep it ou. Frank E Ritcbey, populist candidate for Attorney General, met rue on the tttreet and said: Now, Bozelle, I am going to telr you eomethiug: Two friends of Judge R'Mubauer, oue an attorney worth $250,000, and the other quite wealthy, came to me a d requested me to say that if it was campaign funds you wanted, they would place $1,000 in bis bauds to be pud to you fr the committee, and to be used by you 8,9 yt.u pleased, but with the distinct pledge that Bland w 11 not be placed on tit populist ticket us its nominee I to d them tbat this was a nxsty business, but they Baid they were ready to p'atik down the moaey. I am not advi-ei a9 to whether Judge Rombiuer knows of this cr not." "I told Mr Rttchev that I didn't propose to have anything to do with such a proposition, although I had uo ohjectioa to receiving cimpaign contribu'io-is from the proper source. The whole matter, I le nested to him va in the hinds o' the populist state Central co zmiVe-'. This ecdsd the negotiations, aad at the meeting of the c m nittee a little later Judge North's resignation wa r-cfived, accepted and Judge Blend was unanimus'y named to fill the vacancy." Best to take ai'u-r dinner;' nay prevent distress, aid dices- I Q all af Won, cure Constipation. IjlllSJ Jurely y egetaUle : do not prip; , 01 Clone pain. Sold tr tt dniKKitts. eenta. Prepared only by C L Hood A Co., Lowell. Xaaa. BOSTON MEAT MARKET, C. W. PROCTOR, Peop e. Soecetsor to 3. F. Henutreet. This shop from now on will he run in liret -class style. Wilt keep none but the best meats on band for sale, (jive me a call and I guarantee satis faction. Chas. W. Pr.ocTon. Southeast corner of the square, first door ea-t of the Grange tore. To Cure Constipation Forever. Tate CawareU Canly Catiartie. lfte or 5Se. If C C. C. fail to cure, dro??ist refund money. &m-: ; -i'll Established 17S0. rer of excellence tn mannfacrare." Jf" DcHcious K One Cent a Cup. DORCtmSTHR. MAS5 1 ....Uy... BAKUR & CO. Ltd. T W. LECC For all repairs, or part of Boggles. Surrles. road waftot.a, farm wapons. phaetons Ao,ole, halts, neckyokes, wheels, uaahos, euauloa. top. I sell tbe beat Bugav Paint on Earth. I 0 -; We reset Urea and DO NOT RUIN THE WHEELS. Win furnish you a buggy HIGH OR LOW GRADE for very few dollar I am thankful to all who have patronized me ami hope yon will eontlna to do so, and If yoa have never tried me. come and be convinced that thia ia tbe right place -tt. W O, JACKSON, LAWYER, BUTLER, - - MO. Will practice in all the courts. Smith & Francisco, LAWYERS, Office over Bates Countv Bank. Butler, Missouri. Tbos. W. Silver. Butler. Mo Office In rear of farmers Bank. J. A. 811 vers. lUch am, m Silvers & Silvers, ATTORSETS : AT LAW Will practice In all tbe conrts. A. W. THURMAN, ATTOUNET-AT-L A W , Will practice In alt the conrts. Office OTer Bates County Bank. Butler, Mo. (tf) QRAVES & CLARK, ATTORN ciYS AT LAW. Office over the Missouri State Bank North side square DR. J. M. CHRISTY. HOMOEOPATH l' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, front room over McKlbbcni store. All callanswered at office da01 night. Special attention given to female dlt eases. TC. BOULWARE, Phjslclan and Surgeon. Office nortn side square Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chll en a specialty. DR. J. T. HULL DENTIST. Newly Fitted up Rooms, Over Jetera Jewelry Store. - Entrance, tame that leads to flaffedorn's v Studio, north aide square , Butler, Mo. 1 i HArai The Old Reliable PHOTOGRAPHER North Side Square. lias the befit equipped gallery to Southwest Ifiesouri. All Styles of Photogrphing executjd in the highent style of the art, aud at reasonable prices. Crayon Work A Specialty. All work in my line la jruavranteed to give eatuf action. - Call and see ' samples of work. C. HACEDORH. I BjeUadciiiva PNEUMONIA. 4 iu. -s'-Ji.,