v IFi
' t
A stroke that w ill prove what can be done in the lines of legitimate merchandise.
A stroke that means an actual cash saving to you, greater than is possible to
promise and do by any one in Urates County. We have no excuse to make for
such extraordinary selling, nobody has failed, no dissolution, no removal, neither
have we bought the entire production of the eastern factories for spot cash, these
offerings are merely the selling strength of the MODEL CLOTHING G0.9 Gutter, Mo.
A Bold Stroke;
Men's Suits at $3.50 at price
we are offering a good substantial wear
ing suit, such as you would have to
pay from 5.00 to SG.00.
? At $5.D0.
"We are offering a nobby
trimmed, such as competition
At "
At this price we are offering blue and
black cheviots, plaids, checks, mingled
effects, all the shades in round or
straight cut, sewed with silk thread.
A good substantial boot, well-made, all solid leather,
A real solid plow shoe, in lace, congress or buckle,
A real fine shoe, in all styles of toe, and fit for a king,
A 1 Ladies shoe, in calf or grain, satisfaction guaranteed,
Virginia Item.
Kind rrienda If yon witb tna Ylriiala aawa
another year.
Do for Aaron what he do., for yon, tell him all
tbe nrwa you hear.
The Tim as goes to friendi Id ether atatea that
act tip 'till eleven.
To read what happena yon and what other folke
do In 1817.
John Hedger lost
good bora
Monday of last week.
Ernest Judy was oat in Linn coun
ty, Kan., looking for a farm latt
Mrs Washington Park is visiting
her daughter, Mrs W T Pyle, at Car
terville. Mo.
Hes Williams' sale Tuesday ef last
week, was well attended. Cattle and
hogs old well. ,
G W Sybert got one of his fingers
broke last week which keeps hiua
close at home.
Supper at the Baptist church south
east of Mount Carmel Thursday
Nannie Neal, who has been quite
sick with the fever, is reported some
Rev Qalbreath closed his meeting
last Friday night. The meeting lasted
nearly three weeks, and the follow
ing persons united with the church:
Mist-es Blanche Cook, Maud Hackett,
Cjra and Ella Dugan and Mr tiny
8 G Adams informs us that some
parties are pajing their taxes.
Lord Scully is still buying land east
of Virginia. John Jackson sold 8
acres to him last week.
Geo and James Crooks and Peter
Denning dehorned their cattle at A
W 8inipson's Tuesday of last week.
The German Lutherans have
preaching every third Sunday in each
month at Capt Nickell's school bouse.
John Bratton of Pawnee City, Ne
braska, is visiting Mr Wyatt and
looking after h's farm.
Mr and Mrs Havelin of near Con
cord, attended the Christian Sabbath
James Cuzick has been on the sick
list the past week
Mrs Jap Pierce returned home
from Kansas City last week.
A merry crowd f young folks ram
bled over the John Brown mound
Saturday. They were Prof Parker,
W J Cuzick, Win and John Steele,
Fred Hill, Lewis McElroy, Lee Fos
ter and Joe Orear; Misses Myrtle as
well, Jessie and Carrie Steele, Kate
and Edna Foster, Ida Williams, Be
sie and Carrie MoEIroy and
Burke. They report a good time of town.
romping over the once camping) J L Shepherd is traveling in the in
ground of the old hero. John Brown, jterest of the Kitchen Calendar Clock
A Bold Stroke in Men's Underwear, Men's Furnishings.
i a i
Men's fleeced underwear, French neck, pearl buttons, well-made and good weight shirts or
drawers, - - - - - - - - 25c,
Men's scarlet all wool shirts and drawers, well-made and finished at - - 50c.
Fine negligee shirts in all the latest colors, fancy bosoms with or without collar attached 44o.
The Klondyke shirt, double front and back, body and sleeves made of one piece, you
cannot rip them, - - - - - - - - 50c.
A Bold Stroke ill Hats and Caps- A genuine fur hat in all shapes and colors and
wor up to $2.00, just to show you our selling strength for - - 98c.
Men's Boy's and Children's Golf and Eaton caps in corduroy and strictly all wool
patterns, the 50c kind for ------- 25c
well-made and
ask you
WT Cowan has opened a coal
bank on his land.
Virgil Jenkins' blacksmith tools ar
rived last week;he will soon be ready
to fix your plow.
F Bradsbaw of near Ossawatouiie,
Kan , was in onr city last week.
Miss Maud Goldsmith of Filly. Ce
dar county, is visiting at Virginia.
Aaron aud Mrs Aaron and Aaron's
uncle, Washington Park, spent Sun
day and part of Monday with Wesley
Park, living northeast of Butler. He
is looking much better than be did.
He is is cheerful, but his mind has
failed him. A person may talk with
him and go away and return in an
hour the old man has no recollection
of bis being there before. Ta!k with
him about what happened in his
younger day and his recollection is
clear and he will talk for hours.
Carter Wallace will ship a car load
of hogs to K C Thursday.
Mrs Jefferson Park, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs Dr Riaing,
in Cowley county, Kau., for some
time, i "turned home last Saturday.
O M Lrysdale, wife and son Fred,
visited James Drysdale and family
in Butler Sunday.
Frank MoEIroy went to Drexel
Clifton Jackson, who has been at
Denver, Col., for sometime, returned
home Satuaday.
Mrs Geo Ruble has John Bosnia's
little girl, and is taking care of her
at present.
Mrs Wiu Oldham,
visiting relatives in
Iowa for some time,
last week.
who has been
Nebraska and
returned heuie
Home If mis.
C C Duke of Butler, is holding a
position of assistant cashier in the
Hume bank.
Rev Potter has been conducting a
protracted meeting at Foster with
good success. We understand be
will begin a meeting at this place in
the near future.
The Border Telephone has moved
its office into the old hotel building
ou the north side of the Square.
C E Morton, Jeff Herudon, Ollie
Herndon, Geo Armstrong, Will Mc
Connell aud Dan Pitts transacted
business In Butler Weduesday.
Dikd Oue Tuesday, of typhoid
fever, the fifteen year old daughter
,f Charlie Briscoe, living northeast
and Safe Co.
Mrs John Gasaway is visiting her
pirents at Ash Grove, Mo.
Joe Gr-gg returned this week from
Oklahoma, where he went after stock
W C Foster bought a car load of
stock cattle in Oklahoma, this week.
Tegarden & Williams are re-paper-iug
and re-painting their atore room.
Manville & Stebbius of the Kansas
City Coal Co, who are operating a
mine here, have put in a line of gen
eral merchandise into the Gwinn
building on the northwest corner of
the square.
Will Murray was held np Monday
night near the lumber yard by some
unknown night hawk. The would
be robber turned him loose with the
remark that be was not the man be
Miss Clara Coulter visited in Kan
sas City since our last.
Rer Coffey of Altooa, began a pro
tracted meeting at the Christian
church Saturday night.
Presiding elder Clark preached at
the M E church, south, Suuday.
Lovenstein Bros, shipped a car
load of horses from here this week.
J R Lyle had a flue bay mare stolen
from bis stable three miles east of
town Sunday night. No trace of her
has been discovered.
Chris Sehoeber and Miss Pierce
were married at the residence of the
bride's parents south of town Tues
day evening.
I. T. MlZER.
Peepwater Hems
Several of our neighbors went to
Montrose on business Saturday.
Miss Oua Jasper of Foster, in viait-
ing in Deepwater tbn week.
Messrs John and Sam Jackson
started to Elm Grove Monday.
Prof H O Maxey's wife and little
daughter are visiting at his home in
Johnstown this week.
Miss Nannie Maxer spent Monday
and Tuesday night with Mrs Sue
W L Kash is attending court at
Butler this week.
Ed Freeman, of Kansas, is visiting
at his uncle James OSBil's.
iirs S L Coleman virited with her
, daughter, who is attending school at
Clinton last week.
S W Gitiaud is gathering corn this
Wonder who the two young ladies
were that visited Johnstown Satur
day eve that Willie Sneiton aud Ed
Chambers fell in love with.
A real fine shoe and nice enough for any lady in the land, - - $1.00
Young America school shoes, kick as hard as you want, but you cannot
wear it out soon, - - - - - - - 75c to $1.W
These hard times you cannot well afford to overlook the above bargains.
Uncle Chas Tyler is visiting his
daughter, Mrs Jas Offlll, this week.
The Oak Grove literary is progress
ing nicely and was largely attended
last Friday night by Johnstown and
Elm Grove young people.
Grandma Wilker and granddaugh
ter, Mi-s Effle Allison, spent last
week at Pleasant Gap visiting the
family of Jesse Blizzard.
Several of Appletou Citv's students
attended the Oak Grove literary Fri
day night.
The protracted meeting held by
the Latter Day Saints in the Chris
church at Johnstown, closed Sunday
Jas OfBIl and wife went to Mont
rose Thursday
Geo Allison is hauling corn to the
feed lot this week.
The Johnstown S S hour has been
changed form 9:45 a ui to 3 p in.
Rev A u Id preaches at the M E
church, south, the 1st Sunday in each
Elm Grove school, which has been
closed for the past two weeks on ac
count of scarlet fever, opened up
Miss Nannie Maxey and Mignon
Coleman spent Saturday aud Sunday
at Amsterdam.
Messrs S L Coleman, D L Kash,
lieurv Morebead, W LKah, James
Offlll and Arthur Chambers had their
cattle dehorned at I N Smith's last
Saturday morniug.
Jas Blizzard, one of Apple ton City's
studeuts, visited at his uncles near
Johnstown, Satutday.
Will McCool aud wife left Monday
for Belton, mo., where they will go
to keeping house soon.
Heurj Zimmers is hauling corn to
the feed lot.
A crowd of young people visited at
the home of atiss Delia Offlll Wednes
day night. RoSK.
Old People.
O d peojls who requite nsediciti
to letfulate the bowels aud knlti-j
M fi d the true remedy in E'eeio
Bitur. Tuts uvdicme does in.
-tin u te and ro twins no wbi-k
r o hfi in oxicitg hu"- set a
t i; ' d a -rativ- It acts uu Id
on tbe t mtrh ai d buw al-tii
-tienatbtd Rising tone to th
n thereby aid nature in ib
, e formaiiC of tbe function : E'c
iic Bteg an x -l'tjt e -z
tit l 's d e-tion Ol 1 pniI- 6i d
i' ja-t .xac 1 hat tbey n-d Pmp
50ct- an t SI per bo'tle a. H L
Tu -kr drug store.
In M III !,
Maggie, the daughter of Mr and
Mrs Charley Briscoe departed this
life on Tuesday November 10, after
an illness of three weeks, with
typhoid fever. Maggie was in her
fourteenth year She leaves father,
mother, brothers and sisters to
mourn their loss, but what is their
loss is her gain aud she is now with
the redeemed of God's saints. She
leaves many fiiends who extend their
heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved
family. Her teacher aud school
mates especially join in sympath)
with them, aud may we all be able to
say from the depth of our hearts,
"I'by will, O Lord, be done" "Bless
ed be He that gives, and thrice bless
ed be He that taketh away." She
will be missed from her accustomed
place and we will bear her voice no
Her funeral was preached at Salem
church, where her body was laid to
rest. May heaveii seem dearer to
the bereaved ones aud ever see her
beckoning hand caning them to joiu
her in that "Beau iful home."
Hkr, Tkachkr.
We r ei j jing a good t ad - f r
which we ate very grateful to ih
cinzei s of Butler and Bites c uity
Oar stock is larger than ever befoie
and we are tuakixg large prpxr
lion- for t BIG HO 1.1.
tr-de Will bve m bj
tie trt of Detemb-r the larisi
ne of Cnrirt mm Candif-s evr
broQgbt to Bu 1-r I want to s
that my tuff, candy m wade of pur
agr, and wilt not hurt tbe m e
dvbeate to eat it, don't s uflf voui
t bil r-n w th cheap John g off such
a some are onVting for sale. I s Ad
a-t ye r two thou said poun b i
'affy caodv and I xject to sell du
r e ttat m ut)t this y-ar Wi I
bare enough to tupply B-t-s eU"t
t xtrm-ly low price; o c m t
ae for oor randies, b u ana, itts,
umnee, ce ery, cranberries, oyster-,
crackers, fancy p'a 8are, far ct
lecrs'e 1 china plates, a'ad ,
cap and sua -era for meo, womer
and children. Iu fact, jcu can get
A Jold Stroke in
S2 50.
At these prices we are offering a good,
substantial, well-maae coat in ulsters,
sacks or water proof with long capes.
At $5.00.
AVe are offering a real, good all wool
beaver black, blue, brown or gray, in
sacks or ulsters, well-made and trim
med 4up to date." It must be seen to
be appreciated.
At $7.50.
We are showing at this price all the
latest designs for this season's wear in
brown, black or blue, kerseys, cheviots,
beavers, well lined, silk velvet collars'
the price for those garments in other
stores, is $10 to $12.
anything ju want for a btndrcma
Cbr'gttiifts present. We are kuoek
ing the bottom out of price on gro
c res N'ti h-iai.diDg I be big
II w tl a others e nuiling I in
quui'y underselling them nBbt
along. Below ji-u will fin. some
hot irics: Ood fl ur f r 90o pr
sack; gtikijtit i. ride fur $1 16; high '
patent fl-ur $125 pr sick; 1' lb
hoin-nj flile 25' ;9ft)Divy bm25r;
2Hft ri-e tl; 8 bars Sdk' t-,d CUir
. tte aoap 25c; gO' d brooms 15J to '
25 1 ea b; a'iy liod package coff. e
f i r 1 5c oi 2 ff r well come and see
f r jours- f; 5 feel Ppin chewing
KUin for Oc Well, oja, don't joa
think Womack i gelling 5 feet of
thewtog gain far 5-; lei's stop aid
get some the next time we go to
town. Dii-d pear-re 7 pr fl);
evapi r-tU-d apricots 10c a fl; R fi t
flake 25-; 2 lbs Java b'end coffee
25c, who can beat thai? Nobody.
6 boxes mustard adioe 25-; rope
7; axle greeee 5; good taHin pna
d-r 10c a ft; Star t bscco 45;
SleHg- 30c; Bt'n axe 2;c; No 1
jfHly.ntzed tub 50. No. 2 6()v No. 3
70c: heat well bucket 30 ; well
heels 2" ; glasswate at your own
pne ; cream pi'cher 5 ; spoon bold
er 5 ; butter dih 10; sugar bowl
10c; 1 ge fiut stitd 15 , g 1 glass
p 'cber 10c aud 15 a h; never bid
ibii gs so cbeip befoie We have
everything that you want iu our
liu ; fi ie B nnbam. golden sngtf
'np 3)j a k allot-; limt beans 5 Ibl
or 25; krsu 20c to 25c a gaUo ;
iiiwr of all kinds I er than tjtt
before. I b i? bay, cot, oats, p0
atoes. apiles, pumpkins, tunipa'ck-ns, ducks, ge se, tuky,
eeswax, featheia. boner, batter I
m funking v-ty eloe prices on po
toe in 5 and 10 bushel lotj get
-y price before you bu; bran 60e
md hots 7(c pr bunlied weight
I' re? cream fl ur p-r s ck $1 20
bit- 8 ar $1.15. Dou'i forget to
uy your Christina- candy from m a
1 handle to'bing rut pure sugar
nods, 1 set 8-lvr kn?vea and fotkf
f rt2 00;sn S l er table spoons $1;
t Stiver U-as d-'On 50.