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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, November 25, 1897, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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I i Remarkable Record
W W Grave received a tele- In giving short notices of the in
trram from the circuit clerk of Ben-1 tentions of gentlemen to become
ton county, tba the bar of Warsaw j candidates for county office,
had unanimously emoted him special j we disclaim any intention of express
iadsre to bold Dumber turn of i ing a preference. The Times does
curt at that place. It b yius ou j riot take part in the nominations of i
One of our salesmen reports that in the rush
of the last two Saturday's business, lie has
failed to sell only a pair of dollar shoes and a
pair of 25c gloves. On those two days he sold
nearly J0O. To miss selling only $1.25 out
of a possible $'100, speaks volumns for our
goods our prices and our business methods.
Our goods are all marked in plain figures
and that's the price no deviation one man's
money is as good asanothers. It clearly shows
we have won the confidence of the people
that our goods are right that our one price
is as low as the lowest price made by the "get
all you can" stores. AVe are hardly surprised,
however, at this showing. Xever before have
we shown such values as now. Our $7.50 all
wool Kersey and Melton overcoats are better
yes, better than our last years $10 coats.
Never have we shown such values as those $5 beaver
overcoats. Who else sells you the highest grade
Auburn meltons for $10V
Compare our $7.50 suits with those of same price
elsewhere. Note the difference in trimming and
making. Ours are lined with genuine farmers satin
faced to arm holes piped with best Skinner's
satin in fact, made like the usual $12 suits. Xo
other store in Bates county sells such high grades
as our "Fechheimer Fishel" clothes. They are
the very higest standard of tailoring hand made
button holes shoulder and lapel hand padded col
lar hand padded and filled. They'll wear They'll
hold their shape. Yet the price is no higher than
the ordinarv kind. Xo wander we miss so few sales.
See the Underwear we sell at .7 l-2c, 50 and (37 l-2c
I and you'll not wonder at onr Underwear sales.
the 14th of nexr m ntb and Judge
Graves will probably accept
O ' J J Beagles, while bujing hickory
Q nu'8 in tbe neighborhood of Rock
'O iile founl a ir-e -f English pt-eans
O ?rowiDK M ,D ,ne bottoms If is
J about twice the t-iz of the American
Q pecan, and colored mucu like a
Q hickory nut It is the n'v tree of
Q its kind known in this country and
f no m e k-'ws bow it cam there.
O Nevada Post.
J throwing ber ni th Missouri river
O near Kansas Citv, is ft breaking
O dovrn. Wh n permitted to see his
Tr .cnnricl 1 1. o t. Willi?) n llarr.
t. j j. w , t,. u gates of this Congressional distric
who murdered u s little dau. -titer by .
candidates. Is willing to trust the
party to pu. forward none but good
men, who can then be assured of
this pap rs hearty support
One of the important state meet
ings for the fuure is the coming
Good Roads and Public Improve
ments Convent en, to be held at St
Lou's Nov. 22 to 23. There is a
large field of iabr open to the dle
gates to this convention, and we are
gratified to know that Gov. Stephens
saw fit to appoint one of the dele-
from Bates county, in the person of
Mr J. D. Allen, editor of the Butler
Times. Review
G W Clardy informs us that he !
Soli tlzto Best
f "its If Hi
J wi ethev both cried bitterly, the
O first display of emotion exhibited by will b9 a candidate before the next
(J Carr He
O Rt Liberty
' Mrs Ella
Carr He will he bung on Dec 17, democratic county convention for
Recorder Mr Clardy is now serv
pg his second term as Mayor of
Butler and it is due that gentleman
to state that this city never had a
better executive He is one of the
foremost real ( state men in Eouth-
vet Missouri and has been directly
instrumental in bringing more men
to Bates county than any other
one man. He has been a citizen of I
Hates county for a long term of
years, is a life long democrat and is
Inthewoildfot 1 $5,$7.50&$10
We are doin some wonderful things in the way
of values when it conies to Clothinjjr. The brajrand
bluster of some folks dosen't cut any figure in our
business. AVe o right on giving- you better goods
for your money than ever. AVe are selling more
Good Clothing and Underwear than ever. Don't
fail to see us when you need anything.
Eennett, whom out
imnnli u 1 1 .cf . m attifi IiiVh. write-
I us from Carthage that i hey could
w hardly keep bouse without the
W 1 Times Mrs K-nif-tt in prospering
( ! bus pka-ai.t urrouuiings, bu
V J ebe and her amiable dut;lrerw will
I never bave better friends tbHn those
in Butler
O. JhcUs who purchased the
r I flnUiiia n Qn.l i lAti 4iinAu PlhO .1 I T a t I
f I -"3 uuu u -r...i 1 i norou" my competent to per
strait last week, is making some La(, duties of the ffice.
decided iimiroVi-ments about th
plaCH The houne hi beu treatii
to a new roof, and the buildiug in
side and outi- b-ig painted It i-
ne of tb pre tiett rehidfrnces in
town, and Mr. Jackson bought it at
a big bargain.
The Nevada papers tell of a sen-
I sational assault upon a Butler lady
by the name of Mrs. Booth, in the
waiting room of the depot of that
city last week. A drunken wretch
by name of Lon Fraze, made an in
decent proposal and when the lady
Major Warner is badly disappoint repulsed him and endeavored to es
f -d because a court over in Jackson cape, caught br and threw her vio
v county gave a et-ntence of two yeats leutly down apon a seat. He was
fUm th penitentiary, to a thief who promptly arrested together with one
bwib iwu lumioii ifuimiB mo iuin nenry waiter, wno accompanied
who w sa bank president might him Both were jailed and after-
calm the Major's wrath by stealing wards a nominal fine assessed against
a couple of tbe Major's fine chickens them Investigation fails to locate a
and thus show crime fit for punish- lady in Butler answering to that
ment Bolton Herald nine.
JLzxs &33ors Outfitters
We Bie iu receipt of a cotnmuni- Darragh, who conjointly with
f cation f.oui Adrian bearing on the Sattley wrecked the Kansas City
- i. . i - . r i ... .
OC OC OOCuOOCwjCCwjCCCO Q lmoroguo some 01 tue citizens 01 Savings bank, has fceu righteouely
' ' - ' ' 1.1 i. . I 1. 11 I . . m -rr- -a
luat iuwu uave guncu mio. i convictea Dy a rvansaa city jury ana
positively refuse to be a party to given two yeas in the penitentiary
keeping alive the neighborhood Governor Stephens, who pardoned
quarrels by publishing communica- Sattley out of the penitentiary and
dura I li at rir r If anrtbn rofitra r 1 I
, T , , . . the contract sy. When quarrels cet fort from the assurance of Lawyer
into i he cU' g, if they evtr do, then John O'Grady that the people of
the Times will ive the facts as near Kansas City all approved the pardon,
as we can learn them without lean- can see from this how honest public
mg to either side. Iu the meantime sentiment stands. Tbe wise man can
parties ar wasiing their time and I profit himself more from an honest
Return thanks to-day. and if you material writing such stuff to us. I criticism than from ten thousand
The past week has been a record breaker.
Several reasons why we have the Overcoat Business.
We Are Showing More Styles,
Our Garments Are Well Tailored.
Prices Are Right.
$3.50 Buys a Good Serviceable Sack or Ulster
Don't Forget,.
BiJTLKk ml llAibs
Fob Rent: A pleasaDt furnished
room, one block from public square.
Enquire at this office
Dr. Geo. F. Riffle puts the tigureB
on bis paper up to July 1, '98.
The merchants are getting ready
and children are talking Christmas.
The president has appointed Cy
rus R Harteell postmaster at H ol
den, Mo.
H G. Wyatt is putting down a
splendid brick walk around his lum
ber yard property on Ohio street
AY. N. Ely, a prosperous farmer
and most excellent citizen living
near Butler, renews his subscription.
Lane & Adair are calling attention
to a reduction in the price of cloaks
and capes at their store. The stile
is on, go and see for yourself.
Our good fiiend J. C. Harrison, of
Adrian was in tbe city last wet k and
favored us with a pleasant and sub
stantial call. He is bujing stock.
The citizens of Sadalia are alarm
ed at the scarcity of their water sup
ply, there not baiug enough water
in the Btand pipes to fight a fire.
Rbv. J Roes Stevenson, formerly
pastor of the Broadway Presbyterian
church cf Sfdilia, Mo , has been
called to Detroit, Mich , at a salary
of $3,000 a year.
Governor Stepbtn has offered a
reward cf $200 for the arrest and
conviction of the unknown men who
assaulted Mrs. Jacob Rh, in Bar
tou county.
Ex Recorder R. G. West favored
us by a renewal of Ins subscription.
Mr. West made a most excellent
official and rtt red with the esteem
of the perple, irresp? ctive of party.
J. M. Allison, wt-ll and favorably
known to cur o!d settUrJ, formerly
living east of Butltr, has his paper
changed from Sanger to Stockton
Cal.,and has the date eat up another
Notice to I. O O. F
On Monday evening Dec. 6th will
be held an election for pubordiua'e
Grai d Lodge and Grand Lodge
officers. Second degree will be con
ferred at the same time. All mem
bers are urged to attend
W. S. Abnold, Sec.
want a square meal go to the Lewis
building and the ladies cf the M. E.
1 I. , .
cuurcn, souin, wno are giving a
dinner will accommodate you.
I. Mams has returned bom
fiem Michigan, where he has been
spending a couple of weeks visiting
relatives. The uround was covered
with snow in Michigan when he left,
said Mr. Maios
Our old friend Carter Wallace
remembered uj last we-k. He has
one of the fiuest farms ia Bates
county and he doesn't want to sell.
He knows a good thing and will
hold on to it.
rSome People Will
Bite on Tricks-
fnwninrr sarvitnra nhn nraiao ia
jo r ,
s empty and misleading. Clinton
The Times job office is just com-
A. J. Yon s, one of the most sub
stantial citizens of Deepwater town
ship, end a constant subscriber of
the Timxs from the first issue, was
in the last cf the week and had his
date let forward to December, 1898.
Our rl,1 frion.l J V nhamhat-n I i
; "" i o u
living at Xenia, Kan , sends in his ft OOOOBft
remittance end instructs us to keep
up the good work. Jap is an excel
lent young gentleman and his many
friends fcere will be glad to know he
is prospering, aa he deserves.
They'll always do it, and they'll
always feel shocked when they find
that they have been sold, swear 'to never
get caught again, and when a real new
trick comes along will bite again. There
are tricks in the shoe business. We only
use one in our business, audit seems to be
the hardest trick of all for Shoe men to
learn. That's to do business without tricks
It isn't necessary for us to us any trick
ery to sell our lS-ineh leg tap sole boot for
S2, some merchants say they can't be sold
for less than Si. 50. We do it, and that's
all. It don't take any hoodoo work for ua
to sell our strictly hand made side boot for
$3 that others get $4 for. It don't take
any amount of hypnotism to get ylu to
pay us $-- for our ladies vici kid shoe in
stead of paying somebody else $2.50 for
them. It doesn't require a great amount
of science to get you to pay a quarter or so
LESS for your boys shoes than you'd have
to pay some other fellow for them. We
do these thing every day of our lives. and
if TOC knew it as well as some of your
neighbors do you'd be money ahead.
Drysdale & Keasling.
Some Indictments.
The grand jury adjourned last
Wednesday. Among others the fol
lowing indictments were found:
Chas. Bell, murder in the 2ad de-
cnitea m marriage on me lytn gree for k,niDg Vallw Driskill at
dy cf Nov. by Wm. M. Dalton, Rich Hi1. y,ctor Lee, accessory to
judge of probated. Mr. J. H. Akres tbe eamr. '
aud Miss Amanda Akius ; also on Fcr Ferjury, Frank V. Hamilton,
.ov zia. liooi. omim and Miss j jj CoI, j. D Simpson and N. S
t ranees Jones, and on .Nov. 23rd
J. T. Hopper acd Miss Lizzie Veca
ble, all cf Bates county.
Mr. Will Hannah, who is in the
city for a few days, informs us that
another tlsgant cab will be added
to the transfer line, and the bus will
be boused. The Times is proud to
say that the hotel facilities in Butler
are not equaled by any town of its
size in the state. The Ross is up to
date and still climbicg.
For selling liquor without license,
W. P. Hall, 9 CDuntf; W. J. Lacs
downe, 5 counts; Jno Sau'snan, 9
counts; W. A. Lansdowce, 3 ejunt?;
John Elkins, Wm. Cox, Fratik Lee,
all of Adrian; James Tonge and
Newt Martin, Hume; D. B. Hickey,
4 counts, Rich Hill."
For felonious assault, Geo. White,
Oralis BloMHom WVddinjc.
Married Edwin S Austin and M a
Alpha Coljer, at tbe Christian
Church Wednesday eveoiog, at 7
o'clock. Elder C B Lotspeicb
officiated in the imprecBive riog
At the Christian church yesterday
evening a beautiful wedding cere
mony was solemniz-d, when one of
Butlers beautiful and cultured young
ladies became the happy bride of
the handsome, dashing and talented
young editor of the Springfield (Mo)
Promptly at 7 o'clock, to the
pleting one of the finest pieces of Lohengrin march, played by Miss
work ever turned out by an office m Gertrude Silvers the wedding party
Butler. It is a hand book on Bank came in in the following older: The
ing, prepared by E. D. Kipp, two brides maids, Misses NelhV
cashier, and issued by the Farmers Austin and Regina Rosser, escorted
Bank The little book is full of by Dr T. W Arnold, J W. Taylor,
pointers on practical backing and j Hollenbeck and Jas. A. De Ar
suggestions to those opening an ac- mond, came up the cast and weet
count and doing business with a ailep; the maid of honor, Miss Kate
bank. It ia both interesting and Colyer, followed by the bride leaning
instructive and will repay a careful on tDe arm cf her fathtr. came ui
and thoughtful readm- It is printed Une center aUle, and tbe groom and
in colors upon enameled book paper. 0iB pest man, C P Catron, came
with a beautiful cream and primrose fr0m the east and all met at the
cover. Tbe bank will mail these Litar, where the beautiful and im
books to its friends and patrons preseive ring eeivics was conducted
throughout the county. D- Elder Lotapeich, while the organ
ist played Aonie Laurie in subdued
For Nervous Mothers.
I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla After the service the wedding
excellent for nervous an run down parly retired in tbe eame order in
wan foi mM t d tor t the Jeff ron
Oit daily Courier and ia now editor
iu chief of the daly R public- at
8prt'gfi"ld He t n bright and
wi"y wir, a bard rntfr and ti ts
already wom 'aar-ln by bis works
and has a bright funr- before him.
mothers It has also relieved me of
a liarl vxoin in mw aft ui fa T jrm14
hardly turn mjself in bed, but after j tifal etrains of Mendelsohn s march
which they had entered to the beau
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla tbe sore
ness was all gone and has never
returned." Mrs. Nora Enhcff, 998
Springfield, Mo.
Hood's Pills act promptly and
easily on the liver and bowels. Cure
sick htaiache.
Three llornen for 8625.
C. H. Fox is over from Appleton
City. He informs u that Le ins
sold three Artist Montrose horses
recently for $625, the animals going
to Council Bluff?, Iowa. One of
them brought $300. enlfaer $200
and tbe rfmainirjj one 125. The
Review is always pleased to cote
the success abroad of Southwest
Missouri products. Mr Fox had a
fine saddle mare of this same stock
in town to day. Review.
They went directly to tbe borne of
the bride's parents where a light
luncheon was served and the happy
couple took tbe eveoiog train for
Upper Alton, Ills., where they wDl
vigit a few days, and after December
1st will be at home to their friends
in Spriogfiel J, Mo.
The bride wore white brocade
Eatin- The maid of honor, white
organdy over pink taffetta; the
bride's taai If, white orsandiea
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Colyer; is a
beautiful and cu'tured young lady;
was educated at the seminaries in
the east and in muic at tit New
England Conservatory of Music ia
Boston, Mass.
The groom is the son of O. D.
Austin, of tbe Bates County Record,
H. Kiel',
Columbia. Mo , Nv. 23 William
J. Br an. lte Premdent Candidate,
a . pea-ed in Columbia yesterday in
an altogether new r ! Mr Br n
participated in his first game of
football ( lad in a striped g Id aid
black sweater, the ers while resi
dential CHiididt'e appeared on tbe
athlt-t'o field of the Miaouri TJ"tv -r
sity and ''kicked off" Then be
retired to tbe aide hues and watcbed
the -crimuoage.
is indicated By its condition. When
the natural secretions decrease tvhm
the hair becomes dry, splits ai the
ends and comes oat in combing t when
the gloss disappears and the hair be
comes gray or faded, the ill health of
the hair is indicated. The success of
the fad that it restores the hair-producing
organs to their natural vigor.
It encourages and promotes the secre
tions of ike hair follicles, and thus
gray or faded hair regains Us original
color, new grown
begins, and lost lus
tre is restored.
"I fcjrra wed
forf:fte3 jreaf. Itcf
t he hair o knxp.il 1 1 I ara;
coior and saoitiv cure
fcr feaHse."- 'T. K.
V;Z?AST, Weyaot, I5 a.

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