Newspaper Page Text
t 3 3 WOULD SUIT US- Lamar Democrat. Some week ago the Democrat mentioned Hon D A DeArmond as a good man to succeed Governor Stephens. His name was suggested becaune the Democrat is anxious to have the party hunt out some man ! .... A mAl1 Amiinna frtf tVlA Th- Wkkkt.yTimks. oublUhed everv ,u e'c" "aJ "l"'"" Fttursday. will be sent to any address high position, as well as one who is one year, postage paid, for $ i. oo. Uomilar with lb people. Such a l- r . man is found in the person of Mr. DeArmond Now come the Bctler Times, the Pleasant Hill Local, tbe Belton Her aid, the Stockton Journal, and other good papers in Mr. DeArmond'e Congressional district, and protest against any ingestion which would take him out or tbe halls of Congress, where he is rendering such valuable service on behalf of his state and the people generally. Tbe Democrat is no stickler. It is satisfied tbat tbe democrats of Mr- DeArmond'e district should keep him in congress as long as he wants to stay and as long as they want him to stay. But we still say he would make good gubernatorial timber, and would like to see him governor. Well, how would Judge James B. Gantt suit you? He is a strong man 5 j TLER WEEKLY TIMES J. D. ALLEN Editor. J. D. Allek & Co., Ptoprletorf. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: TOE CIEOUIT JUDGE. Hon. W. W. Graves has decided to make the race for Judge of the C rcuit Court of this the 29th Judi C1 circuit before tbe next Demo era to convention, to be called for the lurpoe of nominating a candidate for that office. Mr. Graves is eminently well quil ifiod to fill that important office by education and experience. He is osaessed of a well trained, logical tid judicial mind of even temper tOHut, of keen discernment, with the dnity and ability to preside as Judge with credit to himself and justice to all who have business bt f urn the court Mr. Graves is one of the foremost wjera vi me aouiuwest uuu uui lia l such marked success in the prac SLAYER OF FOUR PERSONS Soper, Murderer of Wife and Children, on Trial. tin, hiifm-A Ihtk rnnrta oa t.r trivet him . . ... . .. t. in every sense of the term, is broad atate reputation. But recently the , JL. . , I...I.JL- ana popular. wn me Attorney General called him into the ciihh of the State againBt the great St Louis Trusts, thus recognizing LiK ability as a lawyer. The Times takes great pleasure in presemting for Bates county the bame of this able lawyer, profound 'udent,and eminent citizen to the vo'hts of the circuit, as a man wtll qualified, worthy and deserving of tbi high honor gauged, ana popular, wnai tne Democrat wants, and what it is going to insist on having, is a man fitted to be Missouri's Chief Executive, Hon D. A DeArmond and Judge James B. Gantt are fair samples of the kind of nun wanted Now, what have our ftiendly ex changes got to Bay about tbat? HORRIBLE MISSOURI TRAGEDY. HarriBOuvilIe, M . Nov 30 E Soper is on trial here f- r tie uiurd-r of his wife aid two cbiulrn at Arch:e, this ouutv, six etus be work of curing a jurj to try the case is g inj on. Tbe ba usual features S 'per not ou!y killed his wife and two childreu at Archie, but by bis own confs-aou killed his child by a second wife in Oregon, and meant to murder us mother, but failed to carry out his plans. S me time Tuesday night, April 22, 1891, this mo, a bu'cbpr by trade, turned bin hous- into a slaugb ter-house. With an ax he literally pound -d tbe lit.- -ur of his wife and two innocent childre-i, Maud aged 5 and Giilis. aged 2 years. Mud slept with her fatter in the north ro im of tbe little c rttage, Mrs. S per and Gillie in tne south room. Durrng tbe night the father and husband arose and s- iziner an ax went to his wife's bensde N one but Soper himself knows which o e of tbe sleeping ones met dentti first The mother's head was beateu to a pulp. One terrible blow fusl in thr- ace of tittle Giliis, ciu-h-d it out of ad semblance to buinamty and end ed bin life. Returning to bis own room the monster found Maud sleeping, with ber fif to the pillow. He struck Judge Liy has written an open letter to the democrats of the dis Politically he is a democrat from trict in which he disclaims any in ConviotioD, never voted any other I tention of becoming a candidate to ticket and has given that party tbe euccted himself It is a frank, open b ' services of his life Sine his avowal that be was unable to support jintj no campaign of importance tDe di8puted features'' of the Chi ja passed without bis means and cago platfoim and that he voted for Voice upon the stump ably assisting Palmer and Buckner, that he recog Ler lust cause. Though a parry nize(, tbat h, ha(J UQ r:ht to asr. or worker, he is far from beiDg a poli- expect any honois at the hands o ticitn, bur. devotes his time to hi the dunocratic party. Judge Lay pr Cession. has the confidence and esteem of the M r. Graves is too well known to pe0ple of Bates county, and the lb bar and people of the district to members of the bar, without excep ived a further introduction from us FILLET AND THE "LEAD EES " tion, speak in the highest terms of his fairness and impartiality on the I bench. Ho is a bread minded, col tured gentleman and will retire frrim ACMM and common carelessness can make a combination strong enough to defy all the healing skill of the physician. Common carelessness lets the cold root and grow. Common carelessness says, between paroxysms of cough ing, " It will be all right in a day or two," and the common end is con firmed lung trouble, perhaps con sumption. The common-sense treat ment of a common cold is a prompt dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is the most efficient and reliable cure for colds and coughs, and is con stantly prescribed by physicians. S. Hayxes, M. D, Saranac, N. Y, says : "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my practice since 1853, and have always found it reliable for the cure of colds, coughs, and all lung diseases." Aprs d&trrg fecioral is now put up in half-size bottles, for half price 50 cents. one in the Willamette River. He had maie up bis mind to kill his second wife, but his plans for this murder miscarried. Our Uncle Filley is stirring the office after completing his term with Kerens-Hanna crowd up in a way the respect end confidence of the tbat is alarming to the pap suckers, bar and people ttu very amusing to all other citi zens, including the republicans who G-orae Wilson, writing in the ftr not permitted to get near the Lexington Intelligencer cf Bryan trough. He talks of the pie distribu- W- w a careful study of - i... . . tors as "leaders" and refers to them "8 lace and by comparing it with bis as "pledge breakere," "instruction face as I first Siw and so quickly b eakers," "Ihe ex convicts" and "in recognized it iu tne car last year, diced leaders." "The Sixth district that a great change had taken place republican press must be muzzled. t in the time that has passed for it is speaking out in meeting and 8,nce 1 eAW n,m nm- iDe Iace demanding that office brokering M'81 yer was almost a boyisb face: boodlers should be suppressed and especially as my first sight of it was ,.t. nnk nn mmrd in th future bt1 whils' lis sat in a chair and di 1 not r o I. . ........... .... 1'ie i.arty purified of them in that show bis full neignt and breadtn c district- Then what will become of "boulders, nod it was snch a gcoa tl.e eo called 'leaders!' Hanna and natured, benevolent face that it pu one in a good humor to look at it h.Q or ihe MenrlorB' tcil! b in tli Ba5 the dmneuc bMween it and bis p-nitentiary there, as some bave been recently indicted." In answer to the charge that hi course is hurting the party lie sue: "If I am hurting the party it will knock the stuffing out of me when it next ha the opportunity, won't it? B it say: the ex c mvicts, the indicted 'letders,' the statu and district in ctruction breakers and the individual pledge breakers are not qualified prosecutors nor jurors are they?" The old man is evidently pretty eecare in his position and is cot afraid to go before the republicaes of the state to have his case tried, bat he is determined not to have any "put up" jury on him Tbat trite old Baying "when rogues fall but honest men get their du?s," is applicable in this case. It is a republican fight, and they are giving out party 6ccretsin a startling taacner and it will be no great won der if more than one breaks into the penitentiary before it is through with. Cole ocuIh Wetlrtins Thanksgiving eye the beautiful her iu the back of the ntad with tbe home of Mrs. S. A Douglas was pole of tbe ax It was delivered with lighted to receive the few invited such fiiijhtful force tbat the little guests and relatives, to witness the head was pai ted in twaiu. marriage of J W Cole and Miss At G o'clock Weduesday morning Julia Douglas. Miss Warderman, Soper was at the M-uri Pacific at the piano, announced tbe approach depot. He bouyht a ticket f-r Kn- ff the bridal party, by rendering tbe sas Citv. wedding march in hsr easy, graceful Tt e bodies . f Mr S -per and the styl; t its sweet strains tbe attfnd children re not found until three ante. It E D iu!as and Miss Ger days Hft-r death. trude Anbury the bride and groom Sopr left in tna home after the entered the parlor. In an impressive murder a letter in which he explained ruann-r Rev. Iulow proceeded with that he whh laip.lid to tb- deed by the marriage ceremony, during th- fchadow of a previous cnni. wnicn tne low notes ot tue piano Eight yeats bef r- he had been con- seemed an invocation of peace and vtcted of ti'iitn t hip -i a had happiness Aftr congratulations srvei a term n tie penitentiary all entered the dniog room, where Since that time hi life had beu a the table with its flower3 and fruits failure He clat.-n.-d tbat a man in awaited the coming of guests to Clay county had betrtd bun and partake of 6upper prepared by those added that be was ijoiutf ov.-r tntre proficient in the culinary art. The so "kill ihe devil" gro m is a gemleman of integrity S aer'B father was killnl some and honor, his parents, one of the yearn ho and he was tsuspcie 1 of first families of Lafayette county tht murder The bride, a cultured lady, true to From Kansas City Soper went to her friends and a pleasure to her Oregcu, wher.. In was arreted at family. A host of friends wish her Portlanl n- Ju. f last year. He happiness. The presents received had m-rrel a w -man at Portland were useful and beautiful. wha knew i.othn g ..t his paft. After The evening passed rapidly with hi nrrf ht Prim, i lit 5 .. A i tr.i nev social pleasantry and music. With Lowt. wh. hid t. ,ied Lua ? oni weI! wishe., fnends bade hostess and Mi?-c ui", lie cotfS'd tnt be had killed hit. 2 vear old child bv his sec ond wiff. He bd separated from tb. wimt af,d t k fir- eh 1 1 with bini H- snd In- thii'v llie little fimilv adieu. M. N V IU HK1U U HI nwffBonctic UNTIL THE LAST DAY TO BUY YOUK CHRISTMAS GOODS, Come early while we have a full assortment. Ou.i line is the Most Complete of any in Town and ori;- IPrices Can not be IrBeat. Onr Line of Ohildrens Books, was bought direct from the publishers, they are all new designs, and the prices are away down. BOLLS See our line and vou are sure to buy 9 Our line of Christmas Novelties, Books, ' Bibles in fact anything that vou want to make a nice present can be found at our store. Wo guar antee our goods to be of the best quality, and our prices the low est. Lmmk Leading Druggist, West Side Square, Hutler, Mo. -- -5 6 ft0 Gn. Prief'a Swnl. Post-Dispatch. The sword of Gen. Sterling Price, with its beautifully-wrought gold seabbird, has ken prsnted to Mrs. Leroy B. Valliant of St Loirs by tbe General's eon. Col E M Price of K-yte&ville, Mo Mrw Va liant is tbe regent f or Missouri of he Confedi-rate Museum at. Rich mond, Va., and the b'smrtc weapon will b placed in the Richmond d -pository. face uo-v reminds m? much in tt liffrrence o1 tbe face cf Stonewa Jp.e!iPon as a lientenant and as in the days of hi prime, when 'Lee's right arm.' v A deputy t-ht-tiff fumi Cole county went to Oarthnge S iturday night and placed John U Fiannigan under sr rest, based upon the action of the grand jury, which indicted him for bribery in the matter of the civic federation bill before the legislature last winter. Fiannigan is a promi nent republican politician, and wan called -fire alarm Fiannigan"' when in the legislature a few years ego. Child murderf r Carr attempted to cb pat the gallows cf its just dues Sunday evening in the Liberty jail, l j swallowing a quantity of crushed glass. He refused to take an emetic tod had to be choked into submig. .-n. Tbe date of his execution is Csed for December 17th. Kelloss Sore to Get it. Washington, D. C, Nov. 30. F. E Kellogg or Rich Hill, who is to be appointed collector of internal revenue at Kansas City probably next week, is here to wait for his commission. He has been out in Ohio and returns with the assurance that he is to receive his appointment at sn early date The friends cf Major Warner have reached the conclusion that there is no political 6en3e in trying to change tie Presi dent's mind and all e Sorts along that line have been abandoned. Rear Admiral Manterola arrived in Havana and took chsrge of the Admiralty office. Circuit Court Actions. Matt'.e Lewi? vs Mrs Z Clay Piummer, dismissed. Geo Rya:i vs Mettie Ryan, dis missed. Lillie Youngs vs W M Youngs, application of plain iff for change jf it-uua ogrte cn, J b t raneiso spe ci-.l jiKlgr. NtrJkt-Majm:m Co vs W S L jomis et a!, dismissed by plaintiff Walker Bros vs Mo Pac Ry Co, fa O &'d P R Funk Intervenor.-, app of jud;ion vs yarniehee pet aidn J J Ryu. vs J R Eskee, judgment for plaint.ff $229.60. C W Hannah vs J W Hannah, appeal dismissed for want of prose cur cn. G ore W Miers vs B F Porter, diMni-sed Disease makes a man just as helpless Tho T?aoa Pn Hank a -p T as if he were tied with ropes. Weary , , , , lassitude makes his muscles useless-slug- et dtemissed. gisn circulation 01 impure uioou mis nis i - icci.c, u brain with useless clogging matter. Ef-1 missed. fort is distasteful and brings scant results. JHmes L tTrabue vs T E Grider u i.Lir, JZ-a dismissed by plaintiff. blood from stomach to head and retards u Aj Jcinugtoo et al vs b h, the stomach's work. The body is not Grider, dismissed at defendant fed. The nerves rebel. Sleep becomes costs. tJSJ-LW:LlZ7t O F Renick vs J N Hurdpetition the right me-Iicine at the right time. Dr. and application for attachment ap Pierce's Golden Medical Iiscoery is for plied of non residencf; bond filed the man who is losing flesh and vitality. Und approved, order of publication help and whose ner-es and brain are I tt- ol. . T . T. . . oveV-orfced. Tt is the trreatpst of all m A bheets vs J A Patterson tonics. No matter whet seems to be your petition for revival of judgment trouble, the "tiolden jledical Discovery " scire faeias, ordered. wail carte it. it cures ty mating the G W Baldwin vs Green Boulware, blood pare, rich and plenty, arid by 'fur- t ra.A;i f,, i nor. nishin? food for nerves and brain. ing has ever been found to equal it, but ! aisuonest crnggists sometimes try to make you believe that something more profitable to them is ' just as good." Do not be deceived. Get what you ask for. Constipation if neglected brings with it a train of maladies that unfit the sufferer for either the duties or oleascres of life. Sick and bilious bead aches anf a multitude of other ills are due to con stipation. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation promptiv and permanenttv. Druggist! sell thefa. Kothicg else is 'just the same." Jctn W Hubart vs Rich Hill Coal Mining Co, motion to dieciss U3- taired. State of Mo vs Ctas Eel!, m fcr special jury. State of Mo ve J as Tonge, recog Stats of Mo tb Cqz Doe, rcco $100 ' Ib what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla its great popularity, its constantly increasing sales, and enables it to aceomplitsh its wonderful and unequalled cures. The combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's SarsapariHa are unknown to other medicines, and make Hood's Sarsaparilla Peculiar to Itself It cures a wide range of diseases because of its power as a blood purifier. It cets directly and positively upon the blood, acd the blood reaches every nook and cornerof the htrman nystem. Thus all the iitrvt-s, muscles, bones and tissue come uedcrthe beneficent itsfiueiice of 0l Sarsaparilla The rim? True IsiiHMl Purifier, (t per bottle. j, , 1 . 1 r1"- l-'ver Ills; easy to nOOU S Pi HS take.easj tool rate. 25c Order of Publicati n , STATE OK MISSOL'IU, ) County of Bates, Be It remtmiuered that luTi'torore, at regular ttrm of the circuit court or Uab-R county ,MU souri, begun and hem at the court houae. la the city of Butler, on thfl llrt Tuesday ifW the second Monday in November, ltftrV, ao4 arternard on the 23d day of November, 187, the same being the thirteenth judicial day Of said term anituir other, the follow in ir nn eedinK were had, to-wit: L Bradford plain tiff, va- George Clarey. Sarah Hale and Burt Hale, her husband, defendants. Now at thin day comes the plaintiff herein by ' his attorney W O Jaekfton and files herin bis -aftldavlt, allejrlnjr among other things thatde- 1 : fendant, George C'larey, is not a resident of tha : state of Missouri. W hereupon it is ordered by the court tbat said dsfendant be noUBed by publication tbat plaintiff has commenced a ault -against him in thiscourt the object and general nature or wbh-h is to partition and divlda among tbe parties hereto the foUowing describ ed real estate In Bates couuty, Missouri, to wit: Lot four (4) in block three (3) In Warner' -addition to tho city of Butler, and that unless the said George Clarey, be ' and appear at tins conrt, at the next term thereof, to bo begun and bolden at the court house in the city or Butler, In said county, on the 15th day of Febrnary. next, and on or be fore the third day or said term, if the term shall so long continue and If not, then on or hefor the last day of said term answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken aa confused, and judgment will be rendered accordingly. And be it further ordered that a copy hersof he published, according to law, in the Bitlib 0 Wf.ekly Time, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, 4lo., for four week succe?i velv, the last insertion to be at l"st fifteen days before the Brat day of the nt-st tTio of the circuit court. A true copy of the record. Witness -ieai.J my hand and the seal of the circuit ' court of Br let '-onntv, tiiisw.ltdayof Xove3bcr. 1&7. JsitWAUT'ATCIlKsoS. 3-4t Circuit Clerk. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, Mary S. Kinder, a sintrle woman. by her deed of trust dated November rth. Ml. and recorded intbe recorder's office within and for Bates county Hisscnn, ia book 107 page v& Order of Publication STATE OF MliSOt'CIJ Cousu or r; . Be it remembered .that heretofore, at a regular term of the Circuit Court of Bates county. Mtssonri. began and held at the court house, to the cltv of Butler, oa tha first Tuesday after tbe second Monday In Mo vember,l97. and afterwards, on the 11th day of .November, 1897 tbe same being the third judicial day of said term, among other tbe following proceedings were had. to wit: Ida li Keeder, plaintiff, t Lnnle Vf Bewler, Claude Keeder. James U White guardian an earator or aaid konnie W lieeder a ad Claude Eeeder. minors, defendants Now at tola day eomea tue plaintiff btreia by her attorneys and It appearing to the court from the retarn ot tbe sheriff herein that the deiendant, Claude teeder. cannot be found ia tola county and that sai l defendant cannot be served with process in this state Whereono It 1-ordered oy te court that aald defendaat conveyed to th undersigned trustee the follows bVawlYed br DnblatloS , thit il-VTS K2 irnrdfirihd rf al efitau I vinir and lMiny i tnt noiiuea oy poblieallOB tfiat plaintiff baa ll tbTcounty of Eas arid state of HiH ur- in him intbis wart the iLwft Miswnri, ofcjec. ,n,i nerti '.ott ot which Is to pertl- tO-WTt: The southwest quarter of tbe northwest Quar ter of section fifteen 151 except si x acres out of northwest corner that lies north and west of Walnut creek, leaving 34 acres conveyed, also all that part of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section fif teen ( L;i that lies south ana f-a-t 01 W ainut creek containing 13 acrnmore or less, all in town ship tturty-mne 3Ui or range tmrty-three tXQ and cootaining in all forty-seven (47) acres more or lts, which conveyance we made In trust to secure tbe payment of one certain note fully described in aaid deed of trust: and whereas has been made in tbe payment of said note and the accrued interest thereon all of which is now pat daeand unpaid. the request ol the lejral bolder of said note md pursuant t the condivioa of said deed of trust i wiil pro ceed to m-U the above described premises at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash , at tbe eat front door of the court boose in the city of Butler, eoactj of Bate and state of sis oori, on ; Monday, Ireeeniber 27th. between tbe boors of nine o'clock in the fore noon and ve o'clock in the afternoon of tbat dav. for the riTirmw of ati"fvijir mu) riolt Iiatereet and coats. J. b. ALLEX," 4-4t Tnutee tion tbe following real estate in Bates county, Toe east baif of the south west quarter of sec tion niae s) In township forty-one f 4 1 j of raose iniriy ana t.'; east sixty acres ol north ball of tne outa-at quarter of aectioa twecty-nlne lia) in township forty-two til of range twesty-nlne fAl and tnat lets the aald Claudn Eeeder be and nnear at thia court at tbe next term thereof lobe begun and holden at the e;ert boaso !n tbe city of Bntlei . in aaid county, on toe 15th day of February next It-H. and on or before tae third day of said term lf the term shall so long continue, aad if not then on or before the iset day of said term) answer or piead to toe petition 1n said cause, the same wiil be taken as confessed and Jadgment will be ren dered aeftordtegly. And belt Is iariiier ordered that a copy here of be published accor iiogtulaw. la me ki th a Hti.Ki.r TiKKs, a weetly newtpa&er printed and published ia Bates counir, iitsiouri, for lour week occ7sively. the last ts8ertioa te b at least fifteen data before the first day of the next term of the circuit eourt. A true copy of the record. Witness my band aad the seal of the circuit court of Bates county, ittAt this 12Va day of November. 17 ' . bXEWAET ATCUfON. - Cireolt Clerk.