Newspaper Page Text
tafius It Comis to the Preacher from Over Study 2nd Brain Tiro I! Gcrr.:: to Any Psrscn, tec, who Worries and Frets. From the Huron Tribune, Lad Air, Jfich. Ji "breaking down of the nervous system" i meat nor vegetable. I (!areJ not allow my t a modern expression. a inolrrri oimii- bare feet to :i. tm:cii ns touch the culd carpet f tolaint. It is induced by prolon-d wrain ! iho orertaxnr' ol the nervous ssn-m. I and is product m over nurry mii ihimh:. It aflects the preacher and the lawyer the direct result or brain tire. It efT'i-i people in any walk of life, too. who worry and lrt;t. It means a depleting of the nerve force. It is curable by complete rest and change of scene, also by the use of nerve restoratives anl nerve foods. A the first tn-thol is not within the reach of all, the lattir fillers the most universal a i1 nnciical imthml of treating the complaint. When it is de ter mi nl that medicine is to be used, se lect that one which contains the in v-t nerve nourishintf properties. lo not take nerve toni.lThey only stimulate, ami the rettfiioii ltaves you worse man yon were neiuro. Select the medicine t':iat is b the nerves what meat is to the Ixely one that us it builds up the nerves, also increases your weisrht. The best thins; f r the purpose is Dr. Williams' I'ink Piila for l'ale I'eople. iho ronntnf inn nf which is built tin bv Koliil I tmltannt ikln mrruP utwl urliinli u i-iitrn t niJ'J iu'iwk1"""" K,HV'! .,. ... ........ Win every hamlet in tlie country. As a proof of its merits in such cauies, read the, following letter of a clergyman : Db. Williams Med. Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. J)tar Sin: In April, WM, I was a Impe less case, owiti' to a complete breaking down of my nervous system and to a persistent stomach trouble. ' I had been treated by a weal many physicians but received no por- Imnnent benefit. I had been down four times 4wiUi nervous prostration and twice with gastritis, lhese attacks would come with noch violence as to throw me into .spasms. The time came when physicians said I must top preach i up or die. I would be so ex ha uated after the last service on Sunday that I could scarcely jet from the pulpit. Many a time I have had to Nit down and rest be fore I could leave the church in order to gain a little strength. 1 could cat neither 1 FknUmpkcfl REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a si Wei! Man lath vmj. PimfPp of Me. THE CREAT 30th Kay. FRENOH IIUMEDY pro-lnrr thf above results In 30 days. It a. ts nmverf uliv oac! niiirkly. Curi H when all others fail Young men will renal their lost luaiihooil.auU uKl men will recover their youtlitiii vitior by using iltKVIVO. It nulcklv and Hiireiv rentorei Nervous pr ftwi. fist Vitality, lmpoli ncj-. Nightly Emissions. lwt I'ower. hallinir Memory. Watinir Dixeases. and all rfli-rts ot tiflf aliimo or excels anil lniliscrction. which nnnts ono (or s nily. business or marriaiie. It not only euros by starting at the Feat of disease, but nairrrat nerve tonic and Monti builder, bring ing bark the p'nk glow to rule rheelin a-ii ro dtoting the (lr ff youth. It ward off Jtisanitj and Consumption. Insist on having RKVIYO, no other. It can be carried in vest rocket. By mail 9I.OO per pnekase, or six for 5.00. with a pot. I tlve written Kuxrnntee to rare or refund the money. Circular free. Ad'iroa CTAL HEDICDE CO., 271 Watorll Ave.. CHOfl VI for 9alo In Butler, by H. L. Tucker Druggist. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS rtT COPYRIGHTS ae. Anyone senillng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications Mrletly conthlentlal. Oldest agency forsecuring patents In America. We have a Washingtou office. Patents taken through Muun & Co. reeelye Dedal uotloe iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfnlly Illustrated, lnrjrest clrenlntion of lint scientific Jouruul, weekly, terms IsUiO s year ; H.ffJ six months. Hpeclmen copies and lU.vr Uoou ON l'ATKNTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 3(71 Broadway, Sew York. Bore, Prompt, Positive 1 Cur for Impotence, Lota UlUU M or Mannooa, aemwai Nervousness, Self Distrust, Lots of Mtmoru, Ac. Wilt make tou a STRONG, Vlqor ous Man. Price St. 00, 0 wr via -. i.i Apply Into the nostrils. It U quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Drncpists or by mail ; samples 10c 07 mail. XLt BKOT1IF.H3. 60 Warren St., New Tork City. ACCIDENT -AND HEALTH THE FIDELITY MUTAL AID ASSOCIATION WILL PAY YOU If disabled bv accident ftfo to $1(W per month. iryou lose two limbs :"s to w i. If you lose your eve sight, $-.tS to $5.00t), H yoa lose one limb to j.ouo. l!'yen are ill .'. eo per month . 'Wktlled.will rav vour he-rs $20 to 5.tXW, If lBsiired. vmi caunot lose all vour income k ha von are sick or disabled by Accident. Absolutely protection at a cot of 1 lo i2 25 r month . ThsFldelilT Matal Aid Association Is pre . ninrntlv the large.t and strongest Accident Health Association in the United States. ; H has 8C,H).(H) cash deposits with the States 'California and Missouri, which, together. ft ample Reserve r'und and large assets. najsfs certitlcatean absolute guarantee or Vrsrrt nrrr it pa Ipj TAW, "I Soeclal Direeftons Malted L lSi"A 4 ( tme "Mi each Box. Aadress lliJlai3 BtUulSaovLlaiaastCo., f n I "1 J 0910 LuOASAve. --tT- ST. LOUIS, MO. - r- 1 ssUd'.ty of its protection to its members, lor particulars address I J. I. M.SHETTERLT, V - See. and Gen Manager, ; Saa Franectso. Cal or boor, to say Miming oMuki;iir a com t-ot l:::i. If I did 1 was in.Mii' diatelv seized v;tii cr:'tnjj. In this rui:iitio;t I corn menred to take lr. Williams' 1'itik !'i!ls Kr l':ile people. I one Ih.jc anil f. It no Inner in tact worse. I K'.id i would take no more, bin my wile urireit the mum r. ieel iir.; my lit"- i:e;f tried iifion the result, ai every thini; lie l.ud failed, and 1 ua.s "used up. I therefore continued to take jfn-m. then, and it has tit-en several months, 1 have I. ail br.! one Miu'l.t attack and i.ave enjoyed life. Have preached all summer ami heid re ival m-i-i for fiite" n weeks. During tin: time my wife was sick sevc:i weeks, ko that my rest was much broken. Some niiits 1 di i not Meco nt nil. f have had no tuiisctilar exercise lor years until re cently, when I have done pome work in my jrarden. ami my muscles stand the test re inarkablv well. 1 can rat anything I de sire, ami c:ui now enjoy a cold bath daily. Kvery Sabbath I preach three times, and now think I am L'ood for another twenty years if the Lord wills. I am surprised at myself and sometimes think it cannot be. possible that I have accomplished what I have. (SlLlied) "liEV. J. N. MfC'REAPY, Elkton, Mich." Find attached. the affidavit of Mr. Me f'ready. made before a notary public. State of Miciiiuax. I CorXTV OF i'l'W'DI.A. J. N. Mcf 'ready, beirr,' duly sworn, Ftsr.i that the asove and foregoing statements made by him are true. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 23rd day of July, lay". J. I. fJKOOKKS, Xotar'u Public. All the elements n"ceary to eive new lift and richness to the blood anil restore shattered nerves tire contained, in a condensed form, in Ir. Williams' Fink T'ills for I'ale People. They are for sale by all tlnitrsists. or mnv be had bv mail from !r. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady. X. Y., for lAi cents a box, or gix boxes for $2.50. THE II. J. Hill) LEY, LUMBER CO. -o- General Office at, Kansas City, Missouri. Tbis company, with E. J. Hurley, of Btiilf-r, Mo , as General Mengei, bus E'tfht Lumber Yards in this county at tl ofber id adjoining coun ties. The fflcf. that w oneratB nuinh'-r or j arils. f-iahleH us to bny ll kinds of btiiwiiny material mlHrtr-quifti'-ef and sell at LOWEST TRIPE. Cull and sew us. Trustee's Sale Whereas, John W Hannah, a single man, by his deed of triibt dated September IS, li, and reeorrted In the recorder's ollice within anil lor Fates county, Missouri in book No. l.'!0 naire 417 eon veveil to the nntler- siirned trustee the following described real es tate lying anil being situate iu the county of uateg ana state or Missouri, to-wtt: The east half of lot number three (3) of the northeast quarter (except ten acres off of the east siue or said east nair or lot tnree (;d or me northeast quarter); and nine ('.) acres off of the south side of lot nntiiber lour (4) ot the north east quarter of section number two (2): and lot number six (tl) of the northwest quarter of section one (I); all in township number thirty-nine rs.n ranee thirty-tlirce west. whii h conveyance was made in trust to seenre the payment of one certain note fully de scribed in said deed of trust; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of said note and the same is now past due and unpaid. Now therefore, at the request of the lefral Dottier ol said note and pursuant to the conditions tf said deed of trust, I will proceed o sell the above described premises at public idtie, to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Monday November 22, 1897, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day for the purposes of satisfying said debt I . 1 . . , - , - 1 1 - T 'ft k V interest anu costs. ,.m.x.. n a i.i v.-, fi)-4t Trustee. Note J W Hannah sold the above property subject to this mortgage. Trustee's Sale. Whereas. John Patterson and Cora O Iat tersnn bis wife, by their certain deed of trust dated September 27, 1S98 and recorded in the oillce of the recoraer of deei's in Bates county. Missouri, in book No 13, at paire oli. convey el to the nndereigned trustee the following described rtal estate lving and being situate in Bates couuty, Missouri, to wit: Lots seventeen (17). eighteen (Its' and nine teen (10) except Ave (5) acres in southwest corner and lots twenty (20). twenty-one '21). and twenty two 142). also east half of lot six (ti) and lota four (4) and eight (8) and east half of lot nine C.);and lot ten (10) and west ball of lot twenty-four (24) lot twei ty-six 12b) an in section live (5), township thirty-nine ("!), range thirtv-two f32). also lots twenty five I2.'1 and twentT-lx 126 lo section six o township thirty-pine rl range thirty-two :S2 which conveyance was made in trust to secure we paymen' oi two certain notes iuiiv V described in said Ceed of trust ; and. wlwrru defanlt has been made IB the J navmeiit of said notes and the interest IHC1CVU ,UU ,IICJ D.IUH ID n pw. wwv andnnpaid. Now, there'ore, at the request of the legal holder or said note and in pursu ance to the terms and conditions of said deed of trust 1 will proceed to sell the above de scribed premises, r so much inereot as may be necessary, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court bouse in the city of liutle, Bates count; Missouri on Thursday, December UtU, UDT, between th- hours o nine o'clock in the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes orsatlsnmjr said debts . -T . . n iliurivuri interest anu costs. n. v. iiaamniiii, 1 Trustee. K. C. Pittsburg &. Gulf Time Table Arrival and departure of trains at norland NOKTII UOCXP So. 7 Freiaht daily except Sunday I2:1tp. m o 5 ' " Sat 10:p m No 1 F.xnress daily 12:2. p. m So. ! Freight, daily except Sunday. 12 :S0 j m No. 3 tort Arthur Kspress, daily,.. ti:2a a. m boctu r.ocsi. "n Eruress dailv 2:21 p m No ti Freight daily except Sunday l:wa ni No S " 2.-3 p m No 10 Frelffht. daily expect Sunday, 12 :.'p m. So 4 i'ort Arthur Express, dailv,.. fi t'l p. m Itemeiuoerttilsls the popular short line be tween Kansas Citv. Mo . and I't-lsbnrsr. Kan., Joplin. Mo , Neosho, 3do . Sulphur Sprlnss, Art , Siloam Sprinps, Ark , an 1 the direct -oute Irom the soutn to St lxmis. Chicapo, and points north and northeast and to IVnver, Osden San Francisco, Fortlanti and points west and northwest. So expense has been spared lo make the paerjrer tqoipment of tbis line second to none in the west Travel via the new line. H. O Our. Ge&'lPaea. Agt.,Eansaa City, Mo. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Thousand Attend the Seioii of the Mts- ..u . ;r,d Si-i;iN,rKi.i), M., Oct. -0. Spring- field is alivj with ds-lecratcs to the prand lodjfe of the Kniffhts of l'jthias. About 1,0)J visitors are in the city, UaiJwin theater was crowded when Mr. Hill, chairman of tiie committee oa arrangements, called the meet- injr to order. Mayor V. S. Hartlett welcomed the delegates to the hospi- talitv of the citv. Grand Chancellor V. T. r.alistoa responded briedy and Vice Chancellor J. V. ullinser, of Kin?City. spoke at more lenffth in ac- knowlt'dtrment of the prectmp of Sprintrfield. Mrs. L. A. Farley, of Kan- sas City, responded on behalf of the liath'orne Sisters. Vie ? Chancellor ,,. Jsu. linger appears to have an open bela for the office of grand chancellor. EXPERTS WILL INVESTIGATE. Tubercaloi at Kmis Atrriuitnr:l t'ol leee to lt Tented by N .te.l Men. Toi'F.ka, Kan., Oct. ti!). Dr. Law, i ill . i i r . I who holds the chair of veterinary sur peon in Cornell university, accompa nied by a povernment veterinary sur geon from Washington, will conduct experiments at the state agricultural collepe at Manhattan on the cattle infected with tuberculosis. They will be assisted by Dr. Charles Grcsswell, state veterinary surg-eon of Colorado, and representatives from ag ricultural colleges from various states. The cattlemen's association of Kansas will be largely represented, and the state will be represented by Gov. Leedy and the state sanitary commis sion. 1 he state board of apriculture will send Secretary l- D. Coburn to represent it. KANSAS ALIEN LAW.. First Salt to Teat It Legality Brought In f liemkee Cnuiity. Toi'EKA, Kan., Oct. UO. The first ac tion for the forfeiture of property held by aliens in Kansas has been com menced in Cherokee county and will be heard November 27 in the district ourt at Coin tubus. Charles Stevens, he county attorney, is the plaintiff. and the defendants are Kliza Uennett, Jessie Kerriman and Anna Bryant. The property involved consists of vari ous lots in Weir Citj-, formerly owned by Richard Uennett, deceased. The defendants are residents of Knglish territory and are subjects by law of Queen Victoria. MisKouri shooters Win l'rlzei. Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. tlO. Missouri men won nearly all the prizes at the southeast Kansas shooting tournament here. The first event, 10. W. A. Smith, Greenwood. Mo., 10; second event, 15, V. A. Smith, Greenwood, Mo., 15; third event, 1(5, V.' G. Sarg-eant, Joplin, 15; fourth event, 20, F. A. Hornaday, Fort Scott, 20; fifth event, 13, V. W. Mell hany, Galena, It. New Miss iiiri Itostd t bartered. Jeffebson Citv, Mo., Oct. 20. The secretary of state has chartered the Missouri & Iowa Southern Ilailway companj', of Sedalia, with a capital stock of S700.000. The purpose of this company is to construct and operate a railroad through adjoining counties from Sedalia, I'ettis county, north to Miami, Saline county, a distance of 50 miles. Tnrkio Itefeateil at Lincoln. Lincoln', Neb., Oct. 20. Wesleyan university yesterday defeated the Tar- kio (Mo.) college football team by a score of 0 to 0. The teams were well matched and the result was in doubt from beginning1 to end. A single touchdown and goal in the latter part of the second half decided the game in favor of the local players. I'lunced a Knife in Ilis Heart. Pittsburg, Kan., Oct. 20. Linda Hicks, a notorious colored woman at the Fleming mines, murdered William Kennedy, a colored man with whom she had been living, by plunging a butcher knife into his heart. The woman claims that she did the deed in uelf-defense. There were threats of lynching the woman. Aeeklent to a Clreti Train. Sr. Joseph, Mo.,Oc 20. A Missouri Pacific engine crashed into 11 cireas cars loaUeit witti animals belonging to the Forepangh Sells show, a short distance south of the city.. The engine was running at high speed. As it was Several cages and two cars were badly wrecked. No Honda for f'arthase. Cakth u;e. Mo , Oct. 20. The elec tion held to decide the question of the city issuing S.POO bonds to build and equip an electric light ng plant result ed in the defeat of the issue by failure to secure a two-thirds majority. The vote was 70S with only 21 majority for it. St. Louis Horse Show. St. Louis. Oct. 20. The programme for the horse show, which opens up in the new Colisenm next Monday, has been decided upon. Sixty classes were originaliv announced. One has since been added and four dropped, so that there will be 57 competitions in the ring. Fcabotly Win Them All. Clixtox, Mo., Oct. 20. The finest field of amateur riders that ever faced a starter in southwest Missouri partic ipated in the bicycle races here yester day. The honors were carried oft by Earl W. Peabody, who won all open events, several being closely contested WSN in Japan Kbtin. Washixgtox, Oct. 20. Consul Sharp, at Hiogo, Japan, sends to the state de partment a clipping from the Kobe Herald, showing that the rate of wagejjki Japan is 30 per cent, higher I this rntrtmia in 1Si5. Hold-Seeker Driven tint. C r ff-r,- V "f f'k-t T received from tlse Yaiui: cms rs try htate ! that the Yaqui Indians reseat the en-j cro&chment of white men in starch of gol.l. and that the Indians are driving ' all the white men out of the country, i Than!iciv!e5 Hay In t anadt. Ottawa. Oat., Oct. 2). The cabinet has decided to appoint November i5 a day of general thanksgiving through- out the Dominion. Hypnotism Md P.hnd to Sf. 3 Catudfn.Noverabfr 23 Thfodore Litchfnbury, a carpt-ntfr of ihs , , . , , ,. , PldCe' haS . beeu cure1 of WnlUeP8 by bjpLOtisni. Whether the cure is to jje permanetit rematDS to lw seen T , , ,. . . Lttcbetiburv iives at No b49 Line street. He fcuQ"reJ pHrtial paralysis nf tbe lnfi corj 1f.f February "on Le '"et be Mybt i f out. -ye. in Mrch th hioht of the Otlw. The bf,Ht ocl)lists of ph, told ' iul 1)6 WHS hopelessly b'ind Last Fridny tiigh a oihu. hi iu . ij l;.. " it r t it j t'Oducea htius-If bs Dr. Bfilard, of New York, culled upon Liteh-tibury jarid f ffered 'o curt- him He put tb blind mm ihto a hypnotic s'eep ; itti I 1 1- .. i l-Cll lie awOKS OjtlCbeDDUry CrteQ for toy. - Oue eye was still blind, and Dt Ballard each day since Friday bas !ut Litchenbury in t a trance. Now h can see plait ly with one eye, anrt iudistirjctly with the o'lier What Do Hit- Children Driol? Don't give them tea or coffee Have you tried the new food drink called CiRIN O? ltlsde llcous and nourishing and taaes the place of coffee. The more Grain O vou give the chil dren the more health you distribute through their eytenn Graln-O Is made of pure grains and w hen properly prepared tastes like the choice grades or coffee but costs about l-t as much Ail grocers sell it. 15c and 23c. People Want if. Washington, D. C, Nov 23. Postmaster General Gary, in distu-4 sing the question of postal savnjf batiks, which he expects to come up in the next term of Congress, su'1 "It is agreed ou all sides that, if practicable, a postal eavioga gy&tni wonli be most desirable. Thi- means a great deal toward the due cets tf the project. It ia bsins.- demonstrated, too, dai'y, that th'- people want it; and it has been my experience that what the people biit very much ia usually pretty neatly right, and is hUo very likely o be realized sooner or later. A Sure Thing for Ynu. A transaction in which you cannot lose Is a sure tning. niiiousness, sick headache, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other us are caused oy constipation and sluirirish v r. Casearets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are bv all druggists guaranteed to cure or money re lunneu. u. u. are a sure tliinir. Try a box today; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sample and booklet free. See our big ad. i:ny Can' Sinter Finds Friend. Kaoea City, Mo , Nov. 25. May Carr, eistf r of Belle Carr, the thld thrown into the river and drowned y her father, Win. Carr, now utidr s-nteree of death for the ciime, baa been adopted by the CbtldnnV flcme pectety cf tbis cily May waf 5 on May 2. Carr will be hanged on Decnaber 17, and Mrs. Carr will Btand trial on lanuary 10 as accessory to the mar der Is Your Tongue Coated, vour throat dry, your eye dull and inflamed and do you teel mean generally when you get up in the morn ng. Your liver and Kianej are not Jome their work. Why don't you taKe Parks Sure cure. If it does not make vou feel better it costs vou nothing' Sold ay II. I Tucket After a ten years' struggle Duluth has finally acqu'ied possession of itt- water works It ways 1J million dollars, while the price heretofore iemanded was $2,100,000. The water company spent nearly one htlf million dollars duiing the lirrn- in elections and litigation. Th propppet cf Duluth building a niu nic:pal plant at once brought it to time. I ea Beer is going up in Vienna. In most American cities it going dow very fist. For Pneumonia Dr J C Bishop, of Angew, Mich, savs: ! have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three cafes of pneumonia the past month, with good results, At J A Trimble's drugstore. All the miners employed in the Scuth mine at Trenton, III., wen cut on a f tribe Wedmsday. The buildings of the t egro u&i lersity at Touga'oo, Miss, were de si roved bv fire Pardons have been granted by Blanco to f9 perous "guilty of for cible resistance " Kear Adiuirhl Mantfrola a? rived i ia Havana ao l tt ok clurje of the Admiralty cfSce. tor Infants and Children. gigMtsf cf tTSTf 7 ... egc tabic Preparation ror As similating ilKrixxlandRcuLi ling the Stomachs andiiowcLs cT PromotesDigcstion.Chccrrul ness ard rtestContatns neitner Cmm.Moipbirtc oorlfmcral. Not Naucotic. r-lJkm Sml MxSennm jlninSfd Jifptrmimt . ftirmSctd- ilsWjsMn runr Atwrfed Remedy f or Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF Sleep. 'facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT copy of wrapper. A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." APOL1 IS THE PROPER THING THE KING OF JUVENILES . . No book hac ever been rftaite for ynan? viic-iti-...! i:ic iu;e SIX HANDSCrvE COLORED PLATES ADDED I'.f 7 .AT 1T?' "r MOttE THAN HALF A MILLION OF THEM HAVE BEEN SOLO. 4 tical, j peed J . , , .. MISS PARLOA'S lay of th sbore snt ptilpail epB rs':pt t frirt, Crsr frBi jtr lwtielltr ertf 8. ESTES d LAURIAT, Publishers . . . EOSTON. Trustee' f?ale. Whereas Frank W MasMe and Mary Masmc hit wife, by their deed of trust dated May SI, lJi, and recorded in the recorder's ot5 with in and for Bates county, Missouri, in book No. 105 pace conveyed to the nndersipned trua tee the followinK described real estate lyinp and beinjr situate te the county of Bates and state of Miaonri, to-wit: South half of lot two 2) or sooth fractional one-half or section thirty-one (!) township forty-one (41) ranire thirty-three (33 which con veyance waa made in trust to secure the pay ment or one certain note fully described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of one of the interest notes now past due and unpaid. Now therefore at the request of the legal holder of said note and pursuant to the conditions of said deed or trust, 1 will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue to the hitchf st bidder Tor cash, at the east Iront door of the court house, in the city of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Monday December 13, 15C, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore i..n .nil five o'clock in the afternoon of that dav, for the purposes of natifyinir aid debt, tnteret and cost. K. V. llAKTWEXU. 1-4S Trustee. Trostte Sale. Wheres" Frank W Massie and Mary Maeie, hi- wife, bv their deed of trat datl May 27, in.. anil reojniti m wr ..r ........ and for Bates county, Missouri, in ock No Mb pare if3, eon veyel i the undiirsfJtn'''d traote the following di.-ivribed real etat lyinjr and iieintr situate in Hi- tunty of Bat and btmta of Misfari. v-wit: Jtt one'Us .uth fracttoasl half of section thirtv-on 'Jl township forty-one Cl ranire thirty-tiirei3S. which conveyaac was made iatronwwsre the payment of one curtata uoie tiiilT destrribed in said del of trust: and wberea flefaoH ba t-a liiift in the payment of one of the Interest notes bow ast due and nutiait. X.w therefore, at the. rwa t ff the - . . . 1 r ...,t;-. r.A r.(irci!bllt tl t fit' j Seiial Bolter oi i' "MJ": ' r - , - ", eonditsons f said deed of trust. I wiU pl i t-M t.v de-ribl wmSrsat paMi vendue, to the h:ehet bidder fircasU at the 't frunt dow of "the cw-rt hon. is thewsy o ,m Monlsy. -Iiecember 13. ia the art.,n'B of that day. fr the purl of satising fid debt, intrt and T T a: SEE THAT THE FAC-SiMiLE SIGNATURE CF IS ON THE WRAPPER of msi BOTTLE OF Castorla Is pet r.p ia (ms-slxs lettlss only. It ia not sold ia bclk, Doat allow anrons to ssll yoa anything e'.ss on the plea or pro mist that it ia "jest m good" and "will answer otwy jnt pose." S- See that yoa get C A-S-T-O-WVi. TisfiO- stmus . srrst . si. lies ef wrpp. FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. mm MTEBI0M897 people which compares la value, fr I oi i::i great aonual. Over 400 Pages. 200 Full Pago Illustrations. Several new Stories, each a book in Itself, end hundred! ot Short Stfries, Anecdote, la. zlea, etc. The c-t possible CliPISIMAS rt'v i l r t'jyj (snj (fiiis ! of t!S e-e.. L'v.-v HtaXt? csrrieifi U. !.,w;- COOK BOOKS. Miss Partoa's Yoang Housekeeper. D;gnri especially to aid beginners. 7 ells licw to Ivr pjsh the kitchen sensibly i the right vray to buy food and to care for it etc A plain book tor plain people. A book that farmers wives and daughters will be glad to cwa. One frcr -which any house-wise may obtain an immense s.Y.ouct cl -viiuable aid - ' SIC0 frllss Psrlca's m Cock Book. The mc thorough C&sk Book pubitihed. "i he directions arc c!c2r aad cr.ebt. !t '-, thcrotiRhly prC' perfectly reliable end is marked by strong sense Ccr.:ur.s 172 1 receipts, etc SL5U Kiss Psrlca's Kllshss Csapsics. a cempku ectneendwm cf cookery. Marrellously corn prehensivc and copiously illustrated 12.50 The Dreaded Cob sumption T. A. Slocaiu, M. C, the Chemist mud Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Afflicted, three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Reiiie dies to Care Consump tion ' Lang Trouble. NothiBB- eoold b lairer, more philanthropic or carrr more joy to the afflicted, than tfie oSerofT.A niocum, M. ., of 13 Pearl street, Sew York tity Confident that he has discovered an absolute cure for coos nmption and all pulmonary com -piaiats, and to make Its a-reat merit knows De will send, free, three bottles or aoedictne to any reader of the Wimr Timbs. who Is suflenisit from chest. Iir'isehlsl, threat t.D-1 inn ft iron oles or eoap amputs. Already tbis "new acieolioc toon of medi cine" has perroaneeUy card tboasands of apttirently hopeless cases. 1 he loctor cooalders it bis relijrioss dnty adtitT which heawes ls bosaacity to d&nst I hts infaiiifaie cure. I iiZ-tr-X freely, )s enough Xt eomsnend It, ! and more so is if1 rwrfr:t WAbfJt of the i gre-it ciiea-i? mn the protionitioa. lie has provel the Jrea'ied consomptioa to I be a corah' ditesse Ue.oad say doubt. I Tcerw.i!be iuitke ia sen-iioit th? mitsse will tie ts veriooiuo me gern iaritaUnn liehssoa fi'so ia hi American sod Karon livrst triir tstimontsis of e perieace ! liw cr4 la all partsoltte world. Iwo't 1!ay catii K'ti lste. Ad trss T. a. feio-nm. M. C. 'J Pise street. 'ew York, and whB writing the OoetfW, please trtte tX.T an 1 postoSre a-1dres. ad mention reading tids article ia V-te BtTti Wssi.niM.I-JjT