OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, February 21, 1901, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1901-02-21/ed-1/seq-5/

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Longer in which to buy those ikJ.5U and
15uitHfor $9.50 and those 8, $8.75 and $10
suits at $(i.f0, fcc, &c. Jn the lot are some
of the biggest money's worths ever offered.
IJetter snap at the chance to save from $.'.. 50
to $5.50. Still selling a good many over
coats and are willing to swap dollars with you
rather than carry them over.
Some big, big bargains in men's fine panta
loons still here and just at the time your be
ginning to need them.
Our Great
line of Goodyear AVelt Shoes are now in.
These shoes are made just like hand eewed
shoes and are, therefore, much easier on foot
and do not come loose from the sole like the
ordinary $2.50 shoes. Xo other house gives
vou a full line of " welts" in all leathers for
only $2.50.
Joe Jones, brother of Sam .Tone;,
is holding a revival meeting in Clin
As an energetic and efficient officer
Sherifl Smith's ree rI so far is above
criticism. In capturing criminal!.
and landing them behind the bars
his first month is a record breaker.
II A. Batchelor. a prominent
voung farmer and influential demo-
crat, of Deep Water, m in the city
Saturday attending the county con
vention and favored lis with a renew
ivUxs a ."Boys Q'j-f fitters j
Times' Telephone No. !7.
SeeJ.S. lierce, west side of square,
when wanting farm insurance. U-t f
Best 50c overalls in Butler, Ameri
can Clothing House.
Butler has a curiosity in the per
son of a red headed negro.
SDrinsr stvle hats now in at Ameri-
tantlothiug ilou.se.
Silas Levy left yesterday for Chi
cago to buy a st ock of spring goods
for the firm.
Men's overalls, cut in pant shape,
""teat American Clothing House.
Odds and ends of men's, boys and
ladies shoes at less than actual cost.
American t Iothmg House.
Mrs. Samuel hew left for St. Louis
Monday evening to spend a couple
of weeks with relatives and friends.
YaivU ,y p. ; if f..n a.wi't ee our
can Clothing House.
W, A. Vest, a substantial farmer
And influent in I .lenio.rat. of SprUCe.
favored us with a renewal.
Next &i tn rd.-iv mi to the noils and
to the right thing by easting your
Totefor the new court house
W. A. Cofer, of Rome, Kansas, is a
new subscriber.
The brick work on the ice plant,
with fair weather, will be completed
t las week.
Hemcmlier Saturday is the day we
vote on tiie new court house propo
Be sure and turn out .Saturday am
vote yes on the court house proposi
Our young farmer friend, 15. F.
Biggs has moved from Charlotte
township to a farm near Hume.
Which will be the banner township
voting yes on the court house prop
osition next Saturday, outside of
XI t. Pleasant,
The many friends of Miss M iry
Swift will be glad to welcome her
back to Butler. She has lieen living
at Metz, .Mo., forsome time.
The country people should stand
for a new court house and fireproof
vaults to a man. The titles to their
land demands this much.
John Carpenter, living southwest.
of the tit v, favored us with a. renewal
) He is an honest, honorable, industri
ous citizen and a good friend of The
We were favored with a remittance
for renewal from Frank Teeter, in
Holbrook. Nebraska. Mr. T.vterwas
The ladies of t he Christian Church
of this city will give a social at. Mrs.
Tom Silvers' on hio st reet Thursday
night of next week. F very body in
vited to be present. IIfn -shmeiits
will lie served and a good t ime ex
pected. Judge Lew and Max Weirier pur
chased a pair of Norman mares at
the Lindsay sale Saturday for t lo ir
farm soul heust of t ow n. They were
tine animals and would weigh about
l.f'iOO pound ea h.
E. P. Coster, a prominent farmer
and influential citizen of Mound
township, complimented us with a
deasant call on Tuesday and favor-
e.l ns substantially. He was fore
man of the last grand jury for Bates
count v under t he old law. notice of
which is made in another column.
CJeorge When Ion, who was assault
ed by a footpad one night last week.
w hile on his w ay home, and badly
hurt, by lieing struck in the head
with a stone or some blunt instru
ment, is at work again. A deep cut
was made in the top of his head and
he was laid up for two or three days
from pair, and loss of blood.
Our esteemed friend L It. Hall, a
substantial farmer and popular etti-
izen of Plensant tiap township, fa
vored us pleasantly and substan-
tiHllvon Monday. He said at the
township convention last week a test
vote was taken on the court house
proposition, which resulted l:j for to
aTiinst, He lielieves this ratio
will very nearly prevail in his town
Our young farmer friend D. M
Jennings of Foster, called Monday
He recently returned from Colorado,
where he had leen in the mercantile
business with his brother-in-law, Ster
ling Tucker. He come back to take
charge of his father B. I-. Jennings
farm which he will operate the com-
in- year. Fester, hesanl,had bright
prospects forthe futureand land and
town lots were looking tip. Ihk
Tim ks returns thanks for a renewal
of subscription.
The official members of the Christ
ian church of this city have secured
the services of Flder Lotspei. h. o
Kansas Citv, to preach for the con
......riiw.o Hie iMiminsr year. Tla
.c .w.. r. .
new pastor was present and preahe
last Sundav. After next Sundav
there will be regular services in this
church. Our citizen in general an
very much gratified to know that
Elder Lotspeich has been induced to
return to Butler again.
Walter Crow, one of The Times
substantial young farmer friends,
residing near Ballard. called Monday
ami renewed his mother's subscription.
The i.-e atid cold storage plant at
Sedaliu. was damaged by tire to the
amount of s;5.ooo. The tin- was sup-:
posed to lie the work of an inen
diarv. i
Titer- ii..ud not U and we don't
bcl:ee there ! a vote ag;tint ,
the court hii!sH proposition in Mt.
I'leaant t ow n-hip i.ext Saturday.
The old town was lively lat Satur
day. Several hghtsand one man was
kicked dow n stair' out of a justice's
office. When Butler gs on a ram
page, the fur generally flies.
Dr. Boubvaiv. member and pliy
sii ian of t he county boarl of health
went over to Worland Cri day and
piaraiit ined a cast- of smallpox in
that plaee. e was aet-ompanieil on
the trip by Judge West
Wm I'a-kerville. ir of the w ealth-1
! I.'st fartri'Ts of eat I'ates. an mnu ,
.-ntialand highly respected citiz -n o!
Deep Water, favored us with a re
newal, as has been his cU-ioi!l for
manv vears.
Saturday was a busv dav in But
ler. Vehicles of different kinds were
about tl.Ti'e deep around the hit' h
rack and t he sidewalks were almost
black with people It was an excep
tionallv good day for the business
Our old friend Thomas Pierce, of
Lafayette, Iud., remembers us with
i renewal. Mr. Pierce has lieen a
subscrilfi-p. nee 1 and has hi
lates si t ahead into litog. Our old
citizens will rememlier him as a
highly respected citizen of this county
a few years ago.
Our old friend J. T. Butler came in.
to see us and renewed. Mr. Butler s
old friends throughout the county
will be sorry to learn that he is nearly
blind, being barely able to distinguish
objects and get around. He is an
old soldier and draws a small pen
sion, but nothingcommensurate with
his afflictions. We would U glad to
see such disabled old soldiers dealt
lilierally with by our government.
Prof. T. D Fnibree, of Ballard, was
a pleasant caller on Saturday. Prof
Kmbree is recognized as one of th
stronr and successful teachers of ti e
countv. His numerous friends urged
him to U'come a candidate liefore the
late convention for school commis
sioner but he declined. He is a strong
and active democrat, very influential
and will 1h? recognized in a substan
tial way in county politics
John Briden. formerly a citizen o!
Lone Oak township, this county, but
w ho has for several years hld an im
nortant position with a Kansas City
street car company, was in Butler
Saturday and favored us with a
pleasant call and had the dates on
his tiMTier set ahead. He was in the
i --i .
county on business and visiting rem
tives and friends.
AVe show a
( i l and collection
for -pring anl Minuner wear.
The "-tvlo at!l coloi'ino ;kl-t.
Lcautit'nl ami many ot the lt .
!hovn arc i c!uic novelties,
l'hc riie are ctnitu! low
for the nia!itics. !inU!i, licgiii
ing at ."c a anl :iih! going by
t :i.y steps up to "Joe jut arl.
Vou hoiili coitic au! sec tlani
ami make our .-eli-ctit n now as
the as-ottmeut can not he h-
taincl late in the faon. O
Strong Ticket Na ned.
t t he liri'n.i rv elect ion held in this
itv Sat urda v atternoou t o nominate
candidates for towns!, ip ottnvs. the
Following n.im.-.I gentlemen were
elected: J. S. Pierce, trustee; 1. D.
l!;ift.T. colle. tr: Henrv (ioodwia.
constable; J. W. II olio a ay . assessor: !
Justices. 1'. F. Jeter, D. . Brown,
on) W. F. Hemstr. et; meinl-ers
township boards. Charley D.xoii
and Henry Donovan." The ticket
named is a strong one and will com
mand the heart v and unanimous
support of the party.
Accidentally Shot.
iinp.l i v- iitidiit noon, while out
shooting at a mark with tt pistol, in
the north part oi town, neorge
Armond, youngest sou of Cngres
inan DeArmoiid, aciidetitally shot
and wounded I'slie, t lie 1 1' year-old
son of D. L. Edringtoti. 1 lie ball
truck the lad in the right arm. about
halt-way lietwi-en the wrist hii1 el
how, passed Irctweell the two bones,
through the tail of his coat and
made a flesh wound in his hip. Dr.
liouiwnre was called and dressed the
wound and the boy is get ting along
tiieelv The doctor t hillks t here W ill
te no trouble in his speedy recovery.
It is purely a case ot "ii. in i kiiow ii
n-us 1, ei, led " Thelo s were so b id-
Iv frightened neither of them could
ivi'iin intelligent account oi iut
how the acc ident haj'ened.
Rural Del'nery for Butler.
Deul. lc cddini.
C iri Is li i e 1 hi -n issued annout'cirpc
a double wedding to tak place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs J. V. Di k
, erson. four or ti miles nort h west oX
! !,,-. ..it.- .it l.i.rl. ti..,.ll W.ltlM.fil V
Feb. '2. The contracting parties
are Miss N-ft ie Jane Di, kerson ami
Mr. I'lmer I'. Voris. and Miss Myrtle
Mary Di' kers.ui and Mr. Arthur I.
Join. As the contracting pa I tie
ar, prominent young jieople f this
co utuunity t he affair promises to
ju te a so -i d event of which Tut
Ti.irs w;ll mike more particular
mention later.
Every man in Bates county should
have a pride in his county seat.
Don't forg"t to go to the election
Saturday and vote for the court
The UefleX MIVS HltiallpOX tlMM Iliad
its appearance in Bock ville, that Chri
Simmons h is a well develoM-d -m.
You are directly interested in build
ing a new court house, go to the elec
tion Saturday February 'J'.Wtl aid
vote yes on t !.e proposition.
. B. Stapl' ton, formerly a pron i
nent business man and citizen f
Dates count t, writes us from irnn
ite. Oregon, reiiewingforanotherand
assuring us t hat he taken great in-ter.-st
in the hai'iiings in Bute
county as noted in Tin: Timkh. '
A writer in the Columbia Stat-
man telN of a Christian preacher in
Boone countv fifty year ago nattie!
Wells who baptized his father mid
. :.i i.:.. I .ii... ,x l.u
I rnot iier. marii'u ins i.tim-i i -
IlOllUOOiv, .inililn.i. .i.i.
Our esteemed lady friend. .Mrs. A. formerly a prominent citizen of Bates
J-l'ark, of Virginia, favors us with J county.
renewal through -Aaron. (s1tVIUt.d farmer friend H. If.
ixneu City has a pretty gooa oose Wyse, of tiramt taver, one oi o to-s
oUtnallnov e;ise but nil are doing i e.ioitv'r most influential citizens, fa-
wUnd no new cases in the past j Vored us with a renewal while in the
- i ..itv the last of the week.
The Wearv Willies who happen to I There is no man in the county Tin
!itdown in Clinton are furnished a Timks holds in higher regard than
tnieal and a rock pile all at the j its old friend Newton Allison, of Lone
wInseof theeltv. i Oak. w ho places us under renewed.
Incase the records of the county 1 obligations for renewal.
destroyed by tire, then the man : Our two brag lines of sLo.s the
Totinrni-:ii?isr i he eonri house would ! ' W.ilL-over" at S-'!..in and 1 the
Krry of his m t ion in the matter. ; -rH-k of liie Walk" at O atv j
G Rohlkaa.a substantial farmer j ' 'vor fhown for
fif rv. i i i - - tiie-nonev -Xmertcan V loth'.ng iiot.se ,
,H Charlotte, renews through tr-.tui an .u.t ,
?mia's pretty an ! popular post-; A new .store i going into the room i
trws, Miss I.-y Jenkins. j on the west side recently vacated by j
A dollar buvs here as good and as j ln Wyard. Canvtttersare at work ,
hahatasmost people sell for I saving the room. wb:c wt.l l o-.j
U0. See tluua in our show window j cupied. we are informe.,, :y rt ra-.et ,
w American Clothing House. store. i
J. J. McKissick. one of cur best
known cit izens, lies at his home in a
precarious condition from thetn'eets
... . 1 1 1. :
if a jiaralvtie siiokc, which t.uue
unon him Friday of last week. The
entire right side of his body is effect
ed and he is scarcely able to talk m-
o,n;.nt!v. Mr. M Kissick lias not
been in good health for several weeks.
suffering from an attack of the grip.
but it is not known what brought on
the stroke of paralysis. He was no
better Monday and fears are enter
tertaincd for hi recowry.
According to the Times. '-Wh-ui
Joe Smith took possession of the
sheriff's office on the 1st of January
he had two prisoners in jail. Now he
has eleven, four of the numlier lieing
quite desperate characters" Judge
March tells the Review that Sheriff
Smith is putting forth every eiiej-gy
to make Bates county as good
a sheriff as she ever h id.
He is untiring in las activity
and ever watchful, and expetsto
merit the confidence of his friends in
the administration of las official
duties. loch Hill Keview.
Ihn Clifford, the Ib'ch Hill pugilist,
wSio has U-en serving a iaii -:ite;i.-e
sin.-e the pohti-al rally at Bi-k
Hill. U-fore the national election on
the charge of lighting, resisting ar
rest ami assaulting an otiitvr, was
released from tail Tuesday. Gaining
his litiertv h" immediately san to
tank up and get ugly, and inside of
an hour Marsaai iiorris tui-i ..sm
locked iu the cooler. Yester-i iv he
was released again and given m:nure
toieavethe city, iiaa tnis ruumn
bvii nut on a rock pile, instead of in
jail, he could have ponnd-d r.-k
enough to tna. adannze tJie roa-i to
the cemetery.
Our highly esteemed lady subscrib
er Mrs. C. F. Dorter, of this city, ha
her subscription renewed. Her
.harming daughter. Miss Porter, fa
vored us with the report of Washing
ton's burial, taken from an old paper
whi h her mother had preserved and
valued highly. It can b fouu 1 it:
another column and is very interest
At the Modern Woodmen State
convention at Mexico last w.-ek. Dr.
Lockwood. of our city, was eie-t--d
delegate to the national convention
at Minneapolis, next May. Ir. -L K
Boyd. of Springfield, formerly of
Butler was elected head physician
for the order in thestate. Thisottice,
we understand from some of the
memlters. pays U-tween four and live
thousand dollars ir year. We con
gratulate Dr. Boyd, and think the
convention m ole a wise selection.
The Times joins with th" many
friends of ex-h-'ril'f Mudd in expr--sioas
of profound sympathy in th
deep arfliction whi ii has overrakeu
iiini and his cia.er.e, m the loss o. aj
trne loving an 1 devoted wi'e at d j
mother. Mrs. Mudd departed rhisj
life on Monday la-', at l.er country
h.nne in K-i-'t Boone township, aftvr j
a protracted i!!n's-. of a eomp!:.-a !
I-'p.mi l'ostniaster Welt oil we learn
that free rural postal delivery has
lieen established 111 I .Hies coum.
Ttereare t hree routes leading from
Kiit ler in contemplation and will ls
in oiieration short I v. The routees-
..' : I t f 1. 1
tabhshe-1, wh.cn w... ieg,.. !l,.,,,llfI,,r1,U
with Yan- v . l onitm. as carrier, wia
start from Butler and follow the -of j.js fath-r, mother and step-
r -a 1 lea li.-g to Spruce to what is
known a- Vetlis eon er, s.uo u
t wo miles, then east one mile, then
hack to Butler on the Butl-r and Ap-
P'.eton road. Ttie le.,g t h of the rout
is -JijKj miles and em'-iac-'s U- ia:
miles. Families s.'l ed on lotlte. l.",g
Four public mail boxes at the mo-i
convenient places will I- e-tab':i-he.l
alo.ig nr.it-by t 't.egovernni' tit. Ka h
; u :ner on t ite r oii'e can put up a
rivitP b of hi' o.'.'l. Ti e gf.-wni-
'nent recommends that far.u-rs put-
;i!,:MWiliriVii!i' !liiX'!i lis- Hital itl-
t.....l . .? wo' id. The ni;
be provided with stamp- and money
order blanks ior the , .eiveniet-ce of
the public. The roa'ecarrierdi-tnb-utes
and take.- up the mail.
William Smith, junior partner of
Frank Smi'h & Mil. a prominent,
u, ,-.-sful and popular young hnsi-ne-s
man oi our sty. was married on
j TlJesdaV evening to Miss Lou Ha
i Kndres. a pretty, popular and auda-
o'.tig !a !v ot Bntl
It was fv
i .
i Tie
' V'-rv '.'ii--' w-l-Uuj, tiiKing Hi" ii em
j i, -rs of tl - fa ta'.ae-a rid closest ft i. n '
I II,. ci-'.er tlieir lin.t fif
- ;..ia 'Y.u: Timi s in lt wishes
- 'or ' .-.r re-1.- H, i"i ' i
1. The mail carrier will ! parity.
Mrs D. A. I'eArrnoi ,1 and daugh
j t.-r. Mr. II. C. tark. -?iiTtiir el
; tie ir lady friends to ii St.Val. rdii 'n
I oart v at the lonner's elegant home.
North D.-ia .va rest rt. Tie-home
j - b.'H'ltifaMy de-o-.te. "i'!' HJ-
j propria'- rernitidei - . i .''
' tion. tie s .irir I m.irtvt. The
i co-'u;nes f tie ladi'-s were varied,
elegant, gre' -;!' at.d gorgeous, as
?;.' f iTM-v d; 'a'ed. An attempt at
, a ,j, . r!'U ion v. oiid -'jbj--t t lie editor
To as, at for h1--'. if not something
-v'.rse. Ti. - i,o-Tess served an ele
"a'. r- ' -r and n delightful tim
. was h:.d bv a!!
tion of disuses. S!ie was a gnat:
suffen-r. t-:iT bore up with christian i
fartitu le. M.- bad Uuh 'T-i'-n I
t-.. ..f t-.e Baptist '.I'ln.-ii nr
was 4'. years of a---. '
ui'-iii'er '
vears. S
-i . tl,j i- ';cr I
twoof whon. s-,rviv
now at the ag
t .)-.-! 1 vears t '
vi.-es w T-k '
at Burdett
Death of Mother DoMans.
The h'-arts o! The people of I ha r
lotte. were saddened on la.-t Thurs
day when it was annoutic.il in at
Mother Dobbins was no more. !.e
was known and loved by ail tl.e o-J
settlers of the county. With her has
nand. long since de.s-a 1. she . .u.ie
ro Bate- county in 1 and wit n
ed the development of the co'lldV
it-om the verv Is-girndng. Si..- saw
its .jvastation during tie .nil war
and lived to see a.l of tic-e at nio-'t-ti"set;getjere.i
by that f. nrfu! -true.
le.iri-K never t ' r ur -t-d. D is
-tl to see alt tiie old landmark-,
who bore the brunt of the h.irdsh p
at:d trials to w;.s. h t:e t : ;.-r- of a
new countrv ar- su'.;- t-:. ia-t pa
us aw:,y. p: " ; r" "
to ctil.-ct that pas: iHtiith-i'---'!-but
ti eir m -ic rv i- lever o. ; :;
Ann Dobbins de-i e.t the h--r f -
fs-iov-.i -.a- Sat )-! Yr
v.-ar Sf.e was :t grin ''' :''"'
ar.d did h"r - ""' :
: v.- ' . - '
t loa i
I:. . i' . t '-!'. ore- of our
.t a? d tdv re-"c-d
,.. ij- a v. rv p (sariT
'a v it '. 1 re;ie.-d for Tar;
t .v.-r.f v f .!-' h iff--.
i ;. p-.t :-- ; a'.d ha
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