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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
J THE HAYTI HERALD. VOL. I. HAYTI, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909. NO. 14. ANOTHER FIRE FIRE EXCITEMENT STREET LIGHTS V .1 1 Ha.vtl was visited by another right serious llro about ."J:.'J0 Saturday morn ing, destro.v inf two vacant store build ings and tho Sanders Bros, stores Tho origin of the lire is unknown; It was diseovoied in Sander Bros, store and liad gained such heudwa.v that only two or three show eases con taining goods and tho safe was io moved. The heaviest loser was, doubtless, J. T. Buckley, who onlj a few days before had bought the Brad Meatto store building. Sanders Bros, had $l,f00 insurance, 8400 boing on tho building, $100 on tho fixtures and Si, 000 on tho stock. The third -building was owned by Dr. J. G. Older. Tho wind was from tho south. Had the w ind been from the east the lire might have been much more serious. This is the fourth big lire in tho business part of Ha.vti in less than three jears, and as strange as it maj seem, the onlj fires over in the busi ness part of town. Teaster-Johnson Fred (Jack) Teaster and Miss Edna Johnson were quietly married at tho home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson, Sundaj evening at 5 :). Rev. Fallin olllciated. The guests of the joung couple were Misses Dul cia Brant, Viva Smith, Mr, rtle Fole. , Edgar Nunn, Arthur Allen, John Dor ris, Jr. and relatives of the familv. Tho Herald wishes thein a long and happy life. To those who lost in tho liio Fridav night there may bo a serious side. I There is also a serious side to Geno Popham, who was climbing upon aj house to help to save it and just as his head went above the roof a fire lighter mistook it for a bla.o and , soused it with a bucket of water. John Stephens dodged just in time to miss the second bucket and after that they kept their hats on. Ben Allen went tocall for water and was so excited lie called out"he-a-v-o tli-o 1-o-a-d- l-i-n-o" and Ol Dewow, wIid was handing up a bucket lost his liead and answered "ijua-r-t-o-r le-s-s-t-w-a-i-n ." Otis l'opham's legs were straight for three dajs after the lire. Some ono saw Bill Night pulling and tugging at a rope, and asking him what lie was ti ing to do, ho said, "tr. in' to blow this darned whistle." Arthur Allien called for "two more fans." Henry llanshurfih only had on ono leg of his pants, while John Dorris made a mistake and used his coat for pants. Charlie Pro vine hud his sox on over his shoes. Honrj Dortch took the handle oil of George Dorris' pump to keep from wearing out the sucker. Uncle Charlie Wells stai ted up the tune of "Dixie," w Idle Prof. Davison whistled "Sweet Bunch of Daisies," and theie was a bunch of them up the street. Verily, is tills old town going to wako ui)V It seems now Unit it is. Tho latest move is sheet lights. II. A. Dortch, representing tho Economy Gas Lamp Companj, is exhibiting a sti cot lamp and will ask the people, if the demonstrations are satisfactory, to give tills lamp their consideration. Tho eit needs street lights, and in the proper hands wo believe the gaso line lamp will answer evcrv purpose. TO THE GIT! ZENS OF HflYTI Tho Herald is now past three months old, and to show the people that it is still growing, here is our list of sub scribers for this week: Albeit Big ham, Lee W. Rood, .Aunt Bettio Me Farland, A. C. Tindlo, Peoples Fur niture Companp and Mack Stubble-' Held, Carutliersville. P. It. Smith, Capo Girardeau. E. C. Speer, Brag gadocio. J. J. Band. D. W. Davis, J. W. Horner, S.J. Jefhcss, Mrs. S. I j. Gettings, Mrs. Anna Durnall, C. W. Sullivant, Mrs. Euiil.v Ta.vlor, Mrs. Albert Caglo, Brack Gaskins, C. Shell, Ifavti. Now is the time to subscribe, while it is on v our mind. Sunday evening Chas. Stephens, liv ing about four miles out of town, struck Willie Jones on the head twice with tho barrel of a shot gun, in flicting two ugly wounds. Stephens is about 55 jeurs old, while ihobo is about 15. MarshajJud'-n went out to arrest'St 'ligftfL )i it two o'clock Monday morning found him in a corn crib and landed him in jail at Caru tliersville. Prosecuting Attornev Cosmi eume out Tuesdny to trv the case and Stephens w as fined ij"i. L. C. Averill has given over his entire advertising space to a special and stiong appeal for the improve ment of tho public square, and "Jack" does not only make this appeal, but lie comes down with 825 cash and promises to plant live trrees. This certainl.v ought to bring action on this long neglected matter, and we fully believe now that the squaie will bo taken care of. Ed Botvd, who haled fiom whence no one knowcth or caieth a continen tal, hove into town full of bug juice Mondav, and was not long in finding tho marshal, whose name aslo was Ed. So Ed invited Ed down to his private stall. Ed didn't want to go, and told Ed he'd "spile" his face, and as Ed made a pass to spile Ed's faco Ed bowed up like a sheep and landed on Ed's hi cad basket like a thousand brick, which made Ed's invition to Ed to bask in Ed's private stall rather forcible, and Ed accepted. The next morning Ed was given hours to get hence. Jamct. Argo was a business visitor at Carutliersville Tuesdav. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Morris cele brated their irolden weddinir Tuesdav, having married in 18-19, at Spring i i Creek, Tonn. Mr. and Mrs. Morns j came to Missouri in 77. Thev aie remarkably well preserved for their age, and we wiih them manv more liappv j ears. HIS space is mine, and supposed to bo used to advertise my goods and wares. However it will be used this time for the lioneut of the CITIZENS OF HAITI. Wo have a CITY HALL here that is by far the finest public building in the county, and tho squaie upon which the building is located appears as bad as anj property in the city or county. What should lie done is to fence this squaie, plant it in grass and set out native tiees (maple). Now, some people will say that tho grand should bo first graded, by taking off" the knoll on the southeast corner, and dirtributing it over the lower part. This will not help the matter, as theio is not enough of the knoll. Tho right wav would bo to fill in the low places and bring them up to a height to corre spond w itli the high. However, wo haven't the monej to do the filling in, so let us fence this square like it is, plant grass and ttees, and in a shott while it will bo a place of ornament and beauty instead of what it is today. Make the fence out of material suitable to the majority of people donating to tho enter prise. 1 will stait the list witli a donation of 515 and will plant iivo maple trees. Yours trulj, L. C. AVERILL I AJou caw x&. a I gm 1 BLANK BOOKS CUTLERY RUBBER GOODS "NtusvcaV SwsVfwmcwte ....SHAVE?.... A little shaver can't shave with our Razors, but a big one can, with ease. Just received a big line of KEEN-KUTTER Ra zors at $2, $2.25 and $2.50 each. We guarantee them. ou caw Y.xv4 a - pier's PERFUMES CLOCKS SMOKERS GOODS SUNDRIE SCHOOL SUPPLIES TRUSSES BRUSHES CHINAWARE 'M.usv.caV SwsVrvumewte GOING TO PAPER? If so, come in and see our new line of Wall Paper. Some of the latest and pret ties! designs at 5c, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c per single roll. WALL PAPER PAINTS VARNISHES WINDOW GLASS bril LEFLER'S DRUG STORE .--