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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
THE HAYTI HERALD p fl VOL. T. TIAYTI, MISSOUHIrHUJKSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1900. NO. 16. 1 I V f- i V W S 3J1 1 ' TELEPHONE CENTRAL Contemptible Littleness Becoming Nausiating to the People and Change Must be Demanded When you monkey with the business end of a live newHpaperyou aie liable to get the bitter end. The llerulil is n peai-uful p:ijnr junt ho fur a discretion will win runt, but we lire unnnuzled and untiainmelled. Mist lit present the centtal opera tor or operatois of the telephone h.vh tem at thin place demand oui atten tion. For a long time we have hcaid eoni plaintH about the pool heivire ten dered and in many iiibtaneeH gieut annoyance, ineouveuience and !ohs of tiiuu Iiuh been occasioned by the glaring incompetence and cuntempti ble insolence bometitnes displayed. It is lor this reason, principally, that the Herald has not yet inMailed n phone, and from what we can leain a gieat ileal inoie phone-, would be Uhed it the proper servive could be hceured. We expect to touch upon these inat teis more fully next week, or at home future time, but the pat tieulnrgi ieviance we have at thih time is an occurrance of yesterday, in which the eential at this place icfused to permit an at tache of the Herald olliee answer a VERY IMPORTANT call from an at tache of the Demoeiat ofliee at Caru thersville, without "tilling out a check," and as the message was rela tive to a berious case of sickness, the business men to whose phone the party was culled inteiceded in hei be half and fully explained to eential the nature of the call, to no avail. The attache of the Democrat has full authority to use that phone, ami the heartless, inhuman and undcliled cussedness cr the Hayti operator in denying this message t be delivcied deberves a speedy dismissal, and we will see to it that the telephone com pany has no excuse foi continuing the service of the guilty party. The Frisco restaurant ha-, Kennett Democrat: Last week the Campbell Citizen discovered 1.400 town hog.s and the Mime number of country hogs, 2,800 in all, rootingup sidewalks, gardens and lawns. The, were boring down in the earth, and onl their tails .stickin out. Wo had just read in the papers that .(eft Davis had made a speech in the Senate, predicting a treasury deficit of $15'I,000,000 and stating- that in a few cars this countrx would be deluged in blood and cver -thing go to the how wows. Then we thought how sad it would be. if. in addition to these woes, that during this cold weather, all those '2.K00 hogs should get their tails froen off level with the ground. (ronton Register: Francis D. Uun der. former cashier of the St. Louis postotlice. wasbroughtto Ironton Mon day evening b deputv I. S. Marshal Williams to serve six months in the Iron eountx jail for embe..ling about W.000 from the postal funds. The punishment no doubt is just, but it looks strange to an outsider that Hun dor who is a democrat should hae to serve six months for stealing fH,(XW) while no one has been punished for stealing that (!,. "00 from the St. Louis subtreasur. Fsthisthe boasted American justice? The senate passed the joint resolution which has already been passed on b, the house to enable the state of Tenn essee and Arkan.sUs to agree upon a bound r. line to determine the jurisdic tion of crime committed on the Mississ-1 ippi river and adjacent territory, j The object of the icsolution it, to con cede to each stale such tracts of land of the territory of each sate as man have before seperatci! from the main bod, of chunges in the course orehan nel of the Mississippi river, and also to adjudge and settle the jurisdiction ot the two states. Mi. and Mrs. Claience Mayes aie rejoicing over the arilval of a fine bo, baby at their home Friday morning. So many jokes are told on Clarence that we cannot tell them all, but Len Leller caught Claience with his head fast in a barrel out back of the stole and had some difficulty in releasing him, and asking how he come to be fast, Clarence stared at Len in a bland, bewildered way and kept on lepeating to himself "dad-dad-dad," which he was evidently saying in the barrel to hear how it sounded. hr i; i i',ul,.nii ,.r i) : i.. ..,. . . v luanitiii, wi I, l.iw.) has decided to locute in Hayti for the practice of dentistry. He has tented I he office ovei the Knlm store, and as soon as his chair and othei fixtures anivehe will be ready to receive pa tients. Dr. (Jiesswell is a nice anneal ing young man, and we are glad towel come him to Hayti, and hope the pat Milage of our people will be such that I... ,. Ill ,.,..... I.:.. ..,...:.... r... .. M location. Misses Kva Allen, Mabel Hodgers. Letitia McFarland. Lorn Kllinghoiise, Cora DeLisle, Hael Miller and Messrs Arch Mussel!. Charlie Wells, Walter A lien and Dr. Cresswell, enjoy ed a pleasant visit to tho.Ufalta Farm Sunda, all except Charlie Wells, as a rent in his wearing uppearel caused him much hesitancy . Klsie Drown, "the Miowme Oirl,' versatileentertainer in cleverotl'erings, will be at the city hull on the evening of Fob V2. This will be a rare treat foreverv lover of the refined and the good, and no one should be.absent. The proceed are to go to the public school library, to hu books. Don't forget the date or W. P. Townsend's celebrated lecture, '( hip.s and Bark," Feb. 20. This lecture is a gift from the M. W. A. Lodge ot this town. The, bear all the expenses and make the lecture free. Ladies aie especially invited. J. A. Johnson this week planked down two dollais for the Heiald to j.o to Euiu Wilson, at Blonievtr, and Jack Welch at Blodgett. BLANK BOOKS Ledgers, double and single entry, 100 to 500 pages. Day Books, Journals, Counter Books, Book keeping Blanks, Receipts, Notes, Drafts, Memorandas, Time Books, Tally Books. The CHICAGO Letter File 25c each. "4 m RAZOR STRAPS- We have an as sortment that will please the most careful and exacting person, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. CHINAWARE ir mh p u GUITARS These guitars have a "mathematically" cor rect finger board. They are graceful in model and have a far carrying musical tone. $5 to 10 instruments, each in wood box. MANDOLINS Our Mandolins are selected with great care and are guaranteed to be the besl in struments for the price to be found in the county. BANJOS 8 bracket, nickle plate stretcher, $3.00 each. 1 6 bracket, nickle plated stretcher, $4 each. I PLOWTIME IS HERE AGAIN 1 AT7T7TDTTT I i Tp m I T5 T Si TT "Tt m ? ri I I -O .U V- U 1M X II PLOWS I 'II I I I L. C. AVERILL I 1 We have some odds and ends of chinaware that we have placed on the bargain counter and have named a price that will make you buy. Come in and take a look at this department; you will find something that will interest you. SCISSORS Keen-Kutter and A. J. Jordan brands, full line. Guaranteed. &a$gM3 WtiSM POCKET KNIVES In fancy pearl, stag and wood handles. Keen-Kutter and Jordan goods. Guaranteed. SSfeSS RAZORS i -- i ir-tftiffTlMfFiiiBirl i- uuar ! anteed to give perfect satisfaction at $2, 2,25 and 2.50. They are Keen-Kutters. Keen-Kutter safe ty razors in leather case $3.50. CLOCKS I day alarm, $ 1 .00 each. I day lumionous, alarm, $ I . Repeating alarm, extra heavy and durable, $2.00 each. Ingersoll Watches, $1.00 each. 18 S8 VIOLINS Our violins are selected with care as to their fine tone and musical qualities. We furnish bow and rosin with each violin. LEFLER'S DRUG STORE